THE AUSTRALASIAN CARNIVOROUS PLANTS SOCIETY INC. CARNIFLORA NEWS A.B.N. 65 467 893 226 February 2020 Aldrovanda vesiculosa in flower. Photographed by David Colbourn Drosera petiolaris. Photographed by Robert Gibson Welcome to Carniflora News, a newsletter produced by the Australasian Carnivorous CALENDAR Plants Society Inc. that documents the meetings, news and events of the Society. FEBRUARY The current committee of the Australasian Carnivorous Plant Society Inc. comprises: 7th February 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Canberra featuring a Venus Fly Trap workshop 9th February 2020 - Old Bus Depot Markets - Canberra 14th February 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Sydney Utricularia, Aldrovanda & Genlisea COMMITTEE MARCH 6th March 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Canberra featuring Carnivorous Plants 101 President - Wesley Fairhall 13th March 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Sydney Byblis, Drosophyllum & Roridula
[email protected] 15th March 2020 - Old Bus Depot Markets - Canberra 28-29th March - Collectors’ Plant Fair, Clarendon, N.S.W. Vice President - Barry Bradshaw APRIL
[email protected] 3rd April 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Canberra Utricularia, Aldrovanda & Genlisea 10th April 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Sydney Nepenthes & carnivorous bromeliads Treasurer - David Colbourn 13th April 2020 - Royal Easter Show - Carnivorous Plant Competition
[email protected] MAY 1st May 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Canberra Cephalotus, Heliamphora and Pinguicula Secretary - Kirk ‘Füzzy’ Hirsch 8th May 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Sydney featuring Cephalotus and Heliamphora
[email protected] JUNE General Committee Member - Sean Polivnick 5th June 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Canberra Pygmy Drosera, perennial Byblis &
[email protected] Roridula 12th June 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Sydney featuring Carnivorous bromeliads JULY 3rd July 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Canberra featuring a Sarracenia and Darlingtonia DELEGATES 10th July 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Sydney (AGM) featuring Winter growing Drosera AUGUST Journal Editor - Dr.