Next-Generation DNA Sequencing Informatics, 2Nd Edition
This is a free sample of content from Next-Generation DNA Sequencing Informatics, 2nd edition. Click here for more information on how to buy the book. Index Page references followed by f denote figures. Page references followed by t denote tables. A Needleman–Wunsch (NW) algorithm, 49, 54, 110–113 overview, 109–110 Abeel, Thomas, 103 – – – ABI. See Applied Biosystems Inc. Smith Waterman (SW) algorithm, 38, 49, 62 63, 111 113 Ab initio genome annotation, 172, 178, 180t–181t Splign, 182 – TopHat, 43, 182 ab1PeakReporter software, 52 53 – A-Bruijn graph, 133–134 Alignment score, FASTA, 64 65 ABySS (Assembly by Short Sequencing), 134, 142, 147–153 Allele, 52, 354 Allele frequency, 76, 94, 193 effect of k-mer size and minimum pair number on assembly, fi 148–149, 149f Allele-speci c expression, 155, 298 overview of, 147–148 ALLPATHS, 134 quality of assembly, 149–153, 150t, 151f–152f ALN format, 92 α transcriptome assembly (Trans-ABySS), 158t, 160–161, 166 -diversity indices, 319 – – AceView database, 294, 295f Alternative splicing, 182, 293 296, 294f 295f Acrylamide gels Altschul, Stephen, 65 capillary tube, 4 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), 43, 254, 300, 315, – Sanger sequencing and, 2, 3–4 362 364, 366, 369 – ACT, 179t Amino acids, pairwise comparisons, 48 49 Adapter removal, 37–39, 39f, 43 Amplicons, 8, 30, 89, 204, 309, 312 Adapter Removal program, 38 Amplicon Variant Analyzer, 101 Affine gaps, 42, 110, 111–112 AmpliSeq Cancer Panel (Ion Torrent), 206 Algorithms Annotation, 75. See also Genome annotation – – – alignment, 49, 109–124, 129, 223, 338, 344 ChIP-seq peak, 240 242, 255, 259, 262 263, 262f 263f – assembly, 59, 127–129, 133–134, 338 proteogenomics and, 327 328, 328f – database searching, 113–115 of variants, 208 212 development, 364 ANNOVAR, 211 DNA fragment/genome assembly, 127–129, 133–134, 142 Anthrax, 141 dynamic programming, 110–124 Anti-sense RNA, 281 file compression, 79 Application programming interface (API), 368 Golay error-correcting, 31 Applied Biosystems Inc.
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