Mencan Rock Garden Society
Bulletin of the mencan Rock Garden Society VOL. 42 50th Anniversary Issue NO. 5 THE BULLETIN Editor Laura Louise Foster, Falls Village, Conn. 06031 Assistant Editor Harry Dewey, 4605 Brandon Lane, Beltsville, MD. 20705 Contributing Editors Roy Davidson, Anita Kistler, H. Lincoln Foster, Owen Pearce, H.N. Porter Layout Designer Buffy Parker Advertising Manager . .Anita Kistler, 1421 Ship Rd., West Chester, Pa. 19380 ANNIVERSARY ISSUE CONTENTS VOL. 42 NO. 5 1984 The Anniversary Celebration —L.L. Foster 1 The Pre-Conference Tour—Judy Glattstein 12 The Post-Conference Tour—Nickolas Nickou 18 As It Was in the Beginning—F.H. Cabot 22 The ARGS Hymn 51 Illustrations—Laura Louise Foster Published quarterly by the AMERICAN ROCK GARDEN SOCIETY, a tax-exempt, non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the state of New Jersey. You are invited to join. Annual dues (Bulletin included), to be submitted in U.S. Funds or International Money Order, are: General Membership, $15.00 (includes domestic or foreign, single or joint—2 at same address to receive 1 Bulletin, 1 Seed List); Patron, $50.00; Life Member, $250.00. Membership inquiries and dues should be sent to Norman Singer, Secretary, SR 66 Box 114, Norfolk Rd., Sandisfield, Mass. 01255. The office of publication is located at Norfolk Rd., Sandisfield, Mass. 01255. Address editorial matters per• taining to the Bulletin to the Editor, Laura Louise Foster. Falls Village, Conn. 06031. Address advertising matters to Anita Kistler, 1421 Ship Rd., West Chester, Pa. 19380. Second Class Postage paid in Sandisfield, Mass. and additional offices. Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society (ISSN 0003-0864).
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