Allied Invasion Troops 8 X Leaflets Urge
TOBBDilT,'Al MancKesier Evening tierald Average Dally Circulation The Waather Fag tha MaaUi at dnly. 1M4 Feraeaat #C C. 8. Weather Bm eae chester children. Alt of them had Sergeant Alphonse J. gained tn health. Jpt Elder, chair Fair and Mttla atamga ta tom-. The Senior'and Junior tiUther General Welfara OenUr, Ka. M, will have a meeting tomorroir eve of Mra. Sarah Klrka, 118 Oak Kiwanis Camp man of the Kiwanis Camp commit 8,728 peratnry toalght; Thaiaday eon- Ucagues of: the Emanuel Luiheran ning at 8 o’clock at tiM School street, is an aircraft mechanic at tee was pleaaed with the reaulta Member af tha Aadit tinned hot aad humid with eeat- church will have a hat a aub-depot the children had gained through tored afteraooB tauaderahawara. mt Town Street Recreation Center. Tha Bfffaaff a( Ctranlattoaa Tueadav Aug. 22, at 6i30 at the n e a t spanker wUrbe Seaman Ben- wrhere battle^maged ^17 Fly 'Guests Pleased the camp life. The boys and glrla HALE’S home of Mr. and Mra.' Herman ecal, whose subject will be ‘‘^ llg- ing Fortresses of the VIII Air are provided with good health Manchester-—A City o f Village Charm , TtndrtUo, Jr/, Johneon of 51 Kensington street Idus Propbeoy' on the Post-War Force are repaired “somewhere In building. fobd, plenty of reat and Members who wash to attend W x«. Stive Vemlrlllo, of Alton World.” Ehigland.” Sergeant Klrka was 50 Kiddies from This entertainment which is educa Wed. Morning Specials wee Sve year* old Sunday, aaked to oalj Vivian Anoeaeon, nRduated from th« MEnchc*tcr tional.
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