Rem: Revista Escola de Minas ISSN: 0370-4467 [email protected] Escola de Minas Brasil

Motoki, Akihisa; Ferreira da Costa Campos, Thomas; Pereira da Fonseca, Vanildo; Freire Motoki, Kenji Subvolcanic neck of Cabugi Peak, state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, and origin of its landform Rem: Revista Escola de Minas, vol. 65, núm. 2, abril-junio, 2012, pp. 195-206 Escola de Minas Ouro Preto, Brasil

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GeociênciasGeosciences Subvolcanic neck of Cabugi Peak, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, and origin of its landform

Neck subvulcânico de Pico do Cabugi, RN, e origem do seu relevo

Akihisa Motoki Resumo Departamento de Mineralogia e Petrologia Ígnea, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Esse artigo apresenta as observações geológicas, petrográficas e geomorfológicas [email protected] do neck subvulcânico de rocha alcalina máfica do Pico do Cabugi, RN. Esse maciço tem 370 m de altura relativa e cerca de 0.4 km3 de volume total. É constituído, princi- Thomas Ferreira da Costa Campos palmente, pelo Ortognaisse Caicó. O neck está exposto no topo do maciço formando Departamento de Geologia, uma saliência cônica de 160 m de altura relativa e 500 m de diâmetro. O volume Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte da rocha alcalina máfica é 0,056 km3, ocupando 14% do maciço. A forma geral do [email protected] maciço é fortemente convexa com o MCI (Índice de Macro Concavidade) de -2.3. O neck é constituído por álcali microgabro rico em olivina no centro e por álcali dolerito Vanildo Pereira da Fonseca na zona de contato. Observam-se disjunções colunares bem desenvolvidas com diâ- Departamento de Geologia, metro típico de 60 cm. As disjunções colunares são de alto ângulo no centro do neck Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte e sub-horizontais na zona de contato. Na Planície Sertaneja, não foram observados [email protected] afloramentos de vala de rochas alcalinas máficas, outros depósitos eruptivos ou debrís de rochas vulcânicas. Essas observações permitem concluir que o edifício vulcânico e Kenji Freire Motoki os depósitos eruptivos do final do Oligoceno foram removidos completamente pelo so- Departamento de Geologia, erguimento posterior e consequente denudação regional e que a superfície atual é, sig- Universidade Federal Fluminense nificativamente, mais baixa do que aquela da época da erupção. Os afloramentos do [email protected] Pico do Cabugi exibem a estrutura geológica subterrânea do vulcão do Oligoceno. A morfologia original do vulcão não é mais preservada e a saliência morfológica atual é atribuída à erosão diferencial do neck subvulcânico. Conforme a definição vulcanoló- gica, a morfologia atual do Pico do Cabugi não é classificada como um vulcão extinto.

Palavras-chave: Pico do Cabugi, Rio Grande do Norte, olivina microgabro, neck subvulcânico, magmatismo alcalino de Macau, erosão diferencial.


This article reports geologic, petrographic, and geomorphological observations of the mafic alkaline subvolcanic neckof the Cabugi Peak, located in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The massif is 370 m high and has 0.4 km3 of total volume. It is constituted mainly by Caicó orthogneiss. The neck is exposed on the top of the massif forming a conical morphologic protrusion with relative height of 160 m and diameter of 500 m. The volume of the mafic alkaline is 0.056 km3 occupying 14% of the whole massif. The general form of the massif is strongly convex with the MCI (Macro Concavity Index) of -2.3. The neck is constituted by olivine-rich alkaline micro-gabbro in the centre and alkaline dolerite at the contact zone. There are well-developed cooling columnar joints with typical diameter of 60 cm. They REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 65(2), 195-206, abr. jun. | 2012 195 Subvolcanic neck of Cabugi Peak, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, and origin os its landform

are steep at the centre of the neck and sub-horizontal at the contact zone. On the foothill surface, called Sertaneja surface, no outcrops of mafic alkaline lava, other eruptive deposits, or volcanic rock debris have been observed. These observations allow a conclusion that the volcanic edifice and eruptive deposits of the late Oligocene were completely removed by later uplift and consequent regional denudation and that the present-day surface is significantly lower than that of the eruption time. The outcrops of the Cabugi Peak exhibit the underground geologic structure of the late Oligocene volcano. The original volcano form is not preserved anymore and the present morphologic elevation is attributed to differential of the subvolcanic neck. According to the volcanological definition, the present-day morphology of the Cabugi Peak is not classified as an extinct volcano.

Keywords: Cabugi Peak, Rio Grande do Norte, olivine micro-gabbro, subvolcanic neck, Macau alkaline magmatism, differential erosion.

1. Introduction

The Cabugi Peak (Pico do Cabugi) and high accuracy whole-rock Ar-Ar age is still unclear. There are two possible is located in the central region of the State of 24.6 ± 0.8 Ma (Souza et al., 2003). hypotheses: 1) The present morphologi- of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, at the Recent Ar-Ar datings show late Oligocene cal elevation is attributed directly to the coordinates of N05°42.3’, W36º19.3’, ages, 24.6 ± 0.8, 24.8 ± 0.3, 25.5 ± 0.4Ma, volcanic edifice; 2) The original volcanic about 7 km to the west of Lages city and and 25.5 ± 0.6 (Silveira, 2006). The edifice was completely removed by later 120 km to the west of Natal city (Figure rocks of the Cabugi Peak have normative regional uplift and consequent deep denu-

1). This massif has 370 m of relative nepheline, SiO2 varying from 39% to dation and the present-day morphology height and its top exposes a neck of mafic 45%, and are characterised by enrichment is originated from differential erosion of alkaline rocks (Sial, 1978; Silveira et al., of Ti, K, Sr, and Ba (Souza et al., 2003). subvolcanic neck, that is, underground 2002). It is a member of the Cenozoic The Sr isotope ratio varies from 0.7039 to geologic structure beneath the late Oli- Macau mafic alkaline magma province 0.7044 (Sial et al., 1981), which indicates gocene volcano. (Mizusaki, 1989; Souza et al., 2007), their origin from enriched mantle. This article presents geologic, litho- which is attributed to a hot-spot track The peculiar landform of the Cabugi logic, and geomorphological observations (Sial, 1978). These mafic rocks were Peak (Figure 2) seems to be of an extinct of the Cabugi Peak, State of Rio Grande studied either in terms of geochemistry volcano. This idea was transmitted mainly do Norte, Brazil, and petrographic de- or geochronology (e.g. Sial, 1976; 1978; by non-academic sources. However, no scription of its constituent mafic alkaline Silveira et al., 2002), having a K-Ar age of revised scientific article with volcanologi- rocks. Based on the data, the authors 19.7 Ma, whole-rock Ar-Ar age of 23.7 ± cal discussions has been published, and discuss its geologic emplacement mode 1.2 Ma (Archanjo & Brito Neves, 2001), therefore, its geologic mode of occurrence and the origin of the present landform.

N Açu RN Angicos 5°40' Brazil Lajes

2000 km 5°50' Santana do Matos Cabugi Peak

State of Rio Grande do Norte Latitude (S ) 6°00' Lagoa Nova Figure 1 Macau Locality map of the Cabugi Peak, State 6°10' of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, based on Lages 10 km Natal Shuttle Radar Topographic Map (SRTM) 37°00' 36°40' 36°20' 36°00' 100 km Longitude (W) processed by GeoMapApp™.

Figure 2 General view of the Cabugi Peak from the BR-304 national freeway. The relative height is about 370 m. 196 REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 65(2), 195-206, abr. jun. | 2012 Akihisa Motoki et al.

2. Geomorphological analyses

For the geomorphological analy- performed by the original software ic high-grade migmatitic orthogneiss ses, the authors have adopted digital system BAZ (Basic Applications of Ze- of the basement, called Caicó Com- elevation model of ASTER sensor nith geomorphological tools) ver. 1.0, plex (Souza et al., 1996; Jardim de Sá component of the TERRA satellite, build 72 (Motoki & Motoki, 2011). et al., 1995). called GDEM (Global Digital Eleva- The ASTER GDEM shows that The Cabugi Peak has a circular tion Map), with horizontal resolu- the Cabugi Peak is a small mountain, truncated cone-like general form, so- tion of 30 m. In order to express the about 370 m high, standing up on called “Shoulder” (Figure 4). The di- morphology in a better manner, the the regional peneplane-like surface ameter of the base circle is 2.0 km and drainages narrower than 60 m wide with altitude of 180 m, called locally that of the top circle is 1.0 km. The are virtually filled using summit Sertaneja surface (Planície Sertaneja). Shoulder is constituted by migmatitic level technique (Motoki et al., 2008a; The highest point is 551 m above sea orthogneiss of the Caicó Complex. On 2009a; Fortes et al., 2010). The above- level (Figure 3). The Sertaneja surface the top of the Shoulder with altitude mentioned operations have been exposes Archaean�rchaean to Palaeoproterozo�Palaeoproterozo-���������������- of 400 m, a conical morphologic pro-

A Topographic map B Simplified model 5.69 0 0 1

Alkaline mafic rocks 5.70 Head, 551 m

Loc 1

0 0 Loc 2 2 Shoulder, 400 m 0 00 0 Figure 3 5 3 1 km

Longitude (°S) 0 Landform of the Cabugi Peak and adjacent 5.71 N 40 Loc 3 neck

area based on the ASTER GDEM: 220 m A) Topographic map. 600 m Foot, 180m B) Simplified morphologic model. 1 km 2 km The drainages narrower than 60 m are filled 5.72 Caicó orthogneiss 36.34 36.33 36.32 36.31 virtually by the summit level technique. Latitude (°W)


Figure 4 Orthogneiss of the Caicó Metamorphic Complex, the basement of the Cabugi Peak mafic alkaline subvolcanic neck: A) Field occurrence. B) Photomicrography. trusion occurs, called “Head”. The slightly funnel-shaped form, the According to the Figure 5B, Head is 500 m in diameter and 160 volume would be smaller. The small the active and young volcanoes have m in relative height, and is made up distribution area of mafic alkaline slightly positive MCI because of the of mafic alkaline rocks. rocks is comparable with the other original stratovolcano landform. According to the pixel counting intrusive rock bodies of the Macau When they are eroded, the mountain method (Motoki et al., 2007a), magmatic province. slope will be more concave and the using the original software Wilbur The geomorphological analyses MCI will be higher. (Motoki et al., 2006), the volume show that the erosion effects of the On the other hand, felsic alkaline of the Shoulder above the Sertaneja drainages are small, either on the rocks are mechanically very firm surface is about 0.40 km3 and that Shoulder or on the Head. On the (Petrakis et al., 2009) and form of the Head is 0.012 km 3. T he Shoulder, the largest drainage is 30 m convex-form massifs with remarkably distribution area for the mafic deep (Figure 3, arrow). On the Head, negative MCI. The MCI value of the alkaline rocks is 0.20 km2. The mafic no drainage is recognised. Cabugi Peak, -2.3, is minor than that alkaline neck has approximately The Macro Concavity Index of the alkaline massifs, suggesting cylindrical form and it is intrusive (MCI; Motoki & Motoki, 2011) for that the massif is of high erosive into the basement gneiss. The neck the Cabugi Peak is strongly negative, resistance. This strongly negative volume is 0.056 km3, corresponding being -2.3, indicating that the massif MCI is favourable to differential to only 14% of the whole massif is remarkably convex in three-dimen- erosion hypothesis, but unsuitable to (Figure 3B). In case the neck is of sional form (Figure 5A). an eroded extinct volcano. REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 65(2), 195-206, abr. jun. | 2012 197 Subvolcanic neck of Cabugi Peak, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, and origin os its landform

A Cabugi Peak B Comparison 400 MCI = -2.3 N Y 200 P 300 D R N V S Figure 5 M N O D The MCI diagram for the Cabugi Peak S J M 200 according to the method of Motoki & M 100 D N Motoki (2011): A) Projection of summit level vs. the difference between summit 100 Sertaneja surface Relief amount (m) level and base level of grid interval of 480 -0.0023x2 +2.0334x-261.59 R2 =0.899 Cabugi, MCI = -2.3 m; B) MCI for the Cabugi Peak compared 0 0 with young volcanoes and nepheline 0 200 400 600 0 500 1000 1500 Summit level hight (m) Relative summit level height (m) syenite intrusive massifs. OSR - Osorno nepheline syenit massif Volcano, ; PYN - Payún Liso Volcano, Macro Concavity Index (MCI) = a x 1000 (y = ax 2+ bx + c) young volcano ; DMN - Cerro de Diamante Relief amount (Kifukuryo) = summit level (seppomen) - base level (sekkokumen) Volcano, Argentina; NVD - Nevado Young volcanoes: Volcano, Argentina; MDN - Mendanha PYN: Payun Liso, MCI = 0.04 nepheline syenite massif, Brazil; MSJ - Nephelie syenite massif OSR: Osorno, MCI = 0.02 MSJ: Morro de São João, MCI = -1.2 NVD: Nevado, MCI = 0.03 Morro de São João nepheline syenite MDN: Mendanha, MCI = -0.7 DMN: Diamante, MCI = -0.03 massif, Brazil.

3. Field observations

The Head is constituted by mafic dondo, Santa Cruz, Argentina (Schilling Tower but that for the Cabugi Peak is alkaline rocks and covered by its blocks et al., 2005). Vertical columnar joints of less expressive. In this sense, the Cabugi with representative size of 60 cm. The lava flows indicate that the magma cooled Peak subvolcanic neck could have been slope of the Head is of high angle, about by surface thermal irradiation. emplaced at a site deeper than the Devil’s 30º, corresponding to the maximum On the other hand, early Cretaceous Tower, but not as deep as tholeiite dykes stability angle for dry solid objects. At tholeiitic dykes of the State of Rio de with horizontal columnar joints. some localities, there are outcrops, which Janeiro, Brazil, related to the magmatism The block layer on the Head is 5 to are characterised by hexagonal columnar of the Paraná basaltic province, have 10 m thick and it is composed of angular joints, because of removal of the blocks well-developed horizontal columnar joints mafic alkaline rocks. They are originated by surface collapse. The largest outcrop, (Motoki et al., 2009b). They were em- from the columnar joints and have hex- about 60 m long and 30 m wide, is located placed at a depth of about 5 km (Motoki agonal column form (Figure 8A). Many at the northwest slope (Loc. 1, Figure 3A). & Sichel, 2008; Motoki et al., 2008b) blocks have fresh fragmentation surfaces. The columnar joints of the central part and cooled by thermal conduction to the The Shoulder top generally exposes or- of the neck are of high-angle (Figure 6A, dyke wall. Similar Cretaceous tholeiite thogneiss of the Caicó Complex, but is arrow H), and these of the border zone dykes are exposed on the Sertaneja sur- covered by mafic alkaline blocks at few are of low-angle (Figure 6A, arrow L). face (Angelim et al., 2006), also showing localities (Figure 8B). The blocks on the The columnar joints close to the contact horizontal columnar joints. Shoulder tend to be slightly rounded (Fig- are sub-horizontal (Loc. 2, Figure 3; 6B). The Devil’s Tower is an intrusive ure 8C), showing node rounding. How����- Lava flows and shallow subsurface body of cylindrical form with��������������� highly de- ever, hexagonal edges are often preserved. intrusive bodies, such as sill, generally have veloped vertical columnar joints. On the These observations indicate that the block sub-vertical columnar joints, for example: other hand, the Cabugi Peak has oblique tumbling is still very active and the Head Columbia River Basalt (e.g. Spry, 1962; to sub-horizontal columnar joints (Figure is in on-going surface collapse process. Long & Wood, 1986); Devil’s Tower, 6; 8A). The angle of the columnar joints The neck was exposed at the surface in a Wyoming (Robinson, 1956); Sheepeater indicates thermal flow direction dur- recent geologic time. Cliff, Yellowstone National Park (Harris ing the magma cooling (Jiang & Chen, On the other hand, no outcrops of & Kiver, 1985); Palisades Sill, New Jersey 2004; Figure 7B). The columnar joint mafic alkaline lava, pyroclastic eruptive (Spry, 1962); Shiprock, New Mexico, USA direction indicates that the cooling effect deposits or volcanic rock debris have been (Delaney & Pollard, 1981); Cerro Re- of the Earth’s surface is strong for Devil’s observed. The foothill of the Sertaneja


Figure 6 Columnar joints of the mafic alkaline rock at the Head of the Cabugi Peak, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil: A) Transition from high-angle joint at the central part of the neck (arrow H) to low angle ones at the border (arrow L). B) Horizontal columnar joints close to the contact. 198 REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 65(2), 195-206, abr. jun. | 2012 Akihisa Motoki et al.

A Cabugi Peak neck B Lütao dyke-lava system, Taiwan Hydrothermal ophitic gabbro Lava surface

Alkaline micro-gabbro Figure 7 lava lava Direction change of columnar joints: A) The Cabugi Peak neck, State of Rio E xtrusive body

Grande do Norte, Brazil, schematic t


a illustration of the authors. t



B) Lütao dyke-lava system, Pengfu c

l Islands, Taiwan (Jiang & Chen, 2004). a c i

t Note the similarity between the r dyke e 1 m

v Intrusive body columnar joint of the Cabugi Peak and Caicó - b Columnar joint neck u dyke part of the Lütao intrusive body. orthogneiss S Isothermal curva


Figure 8 Mafic alkaline rock blocks covering the Head: A) High-angle slope of the Head covered by hexagonal and C D fragmented angular blocks. B) View from the top of the Head showing the surface of the Shoulder covered partially by the blocks. C) Slightly rounded blocks on the Shoulder. D) Linear and polygonal cooling cracks (black arrows). surface exposes the Caicó Complex or- are tilted largely or slightly to the centre arrows). Some of them are apparently thogneiss and tholeiitic dykes intruded of the neck. This observation suggests similar to bread-crust bomb (Figure 9B). in a deep site. If the Cabugi Peak were that the contact plane is of slightly funnel- These fractures occur only on lateral an extinct volcano, the above-mentioned shaped three-dimensional form, that is, surfaces of the columnar joints and origi- volcanic materials must be abundantly the neck could be open upward. If so, the nated from surface volume contraction by present on the Sertaneja surface, especially abundance of the mafic alkaline blocks on rapid cooling along columnar joint planes at the localities close to the Cabugi Peak. the Head is easily explained. (Figure 10). The contact plane between the neck Macroscopically, the mafic alkaline Bread-crust bombs are character- and its country body is a most important rocks are relatively coarse-grained, with ised by: 1) Volume expansion; 2) Porous subject to be observed, but during the grain-size of about 1 mm, and contain texture by vesicular formation; 3) Elliptic fieldwork no adequate outcrop has been olivine-rich mantle xenoliths less than 2 form (e.g. MacDonald, 1972); 4) Vitric; found. Sub-horizontal columnar joints at cm in size (Figure 9A). There are blocks 5) Andesite do dacite composition. The the contact zone suggest that the contact with linear cracks and curved polygonal blocs of the Cabugi Peak are featured by: is sub-vertical. All of the columnar joints crack like turtle’s carapace (Figure 8D, 1) Volume contraction; 2) Massive texture


Figure 9 Peculiar fabrics of the mafic alkaline rock blocks: A) Olivine-rich xenoliths (red arrows). B) Polygonal cooling crack on the lateral surfaces of a hexagonal columnar joint. REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 65(2), 195-206, abr. jun. | 2012 199 Subvolcanic neck of Cabugi Peak, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, and origin os its landform

without vesicles (Figure 9A); 3) Hexagonal to ultramafic composition. Therefore, (Figure 9B) are not considered to be bread- column form; 4) Holocrystalline; 5) Mafic the above-mentioned mafic rock blocks crust bombs. Columnar joint Rapid cooling

Figure 10 Schematic illustration for the polygonal Volume contraction cooling crack of columnar joint of the Cooling fracture Head of the Cabugi Peak.

4. Petrographic observations

The mafic alkaline rocks of the Head the contact zone. The sample of the centre of alteration. The texture is sometimes not are made up of olivine, clinopyroxene, is relatively coarse-grained (Figure 11A). typically porphyritic. It is characterised by plagioclase, opaque minerals, and apatite The plagioclase crystals are 1.5 mm x 0.4 intermediate-sized olivine and clinopyrox- (Figure 11). According to Sial et al. (1981), mm in size, and the rock is classified to ene crystals. The plagioclase microliths are

the SiO2 contents are 39~45wt%, which be olivine-rich micro-gabbro. Alteration 0.08 mm x 0.4 mm (Figure 11C). correspond to picritic alkaline gabbro of of large plagioclase crystals and partial Some of the olivine crystals show ultrabasic category. In spite of ultrabasic decomposition of the mafic minerals into sign of remelting (Figure 11D) but most of composition, there rocks are not ultramafic. opaque ones are notable. These features them are idiomorphic without remelting. Olivine occurs either as phenocrysts suggest metasomatic or hydrothermal This observation suggests two different of 1.0 mm in diameter, or in the ground- alteration, which is commonly observed origins. Considering the existence of mass. Some large olivine crystals show in the central part of alkaline rock dykes olivine-rich mantle xenoliths (Figure 9A), resorption texture (Figure 11D). The (Motoki et al., 2008b). the re-melted olivine could be originated clinopyroxene is titanoaugite and 0.2 mm The sample of the contact zone is from the xenolith. On the other hand, the to 0.4 mm in size (Figure 11B). Plagioclase holocrystalline and relatively fine-grained idiomorphic ones are phenocrysts. takes place as large tabular crystals (Figure (Figure 11B). According to the crystallinity These observations confirm basi- 11A) and microliths (Figure 11B, C). and grain size, it is classified to be olivine- cally the previous description (e.g. Sial et There is a notable textural contrast rich dolerite. In contrast to the central part al., 1981; Ferreira & Sial, 1999), but no between the central part of the neck and of the neck, the rock is fresh without signs volcanic glass is recognised.



Figure 11 Photomicrography of the Cabugi Peak mafic alkaline rocks: A) Central part of the neck. B) Contact zone of the neck. C) Tabular plagioclase of the sample B. D) Olivine with resorption texture. Ol – olivine; Pl – plagioclase.

5. Extinct volcano or shallow intrusive body?

The idea of the Cabugi Peak as an (1924). He considered that the present the volcanic edifice without notable ero- extinct volcano was proposed by Moraes morphology is originated directly from sive effects (Figure 12A). That is, the late 200 REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 65(2), 195-206, abr. jun. | 2012 Akihisa Motoki et al.

Oligocene volcanic landform is almost was deeply eroded remaining the central volcanic edifice” for the former (Figure perfectly preserved up to the present. conduit filled by magma, that is, neck 12B) and “subvolcanic neck” for the latter Most of the non-academic sources (e.g. (Figure 12B). The original volcanic land- (Figure 12C). Rocha & Nascimento, 2007; Barros, form is no more preserved. These authors The models A and B of Figure 12 2009; Jornal do Turismo, 2011) adopted used the term “neck” as the conduit filled consider that the Cabugi Peak is an ex- this opinion and call it as “the only one by consolidated magma at the centre of trusive volcanic rock body. In addition, Brazilian extinct volcano with preserved the volcanic edifice, that is, cylindrical the surface of the Oligocene was the same original form”. magma feeder above the surface level of of the present, without regional denuda- Souza et al. (2002), Paiva et al. the eruption time. However, the geologic tion. Therefore, the present position of (2004), and Nascimento et al. (2006) term “neck” corresponds to the cylindrical the Cabugi Peak is above the surface of accepted the volcano model, but with magma feeder either above or under the the eruption time. Rolff (1965) and Sial some modifications. There was a volcanic original surface (MacDonald, 1972). In (1978) described it as a neck or plug. But edifice larger than present morphology order to distinguish the both types, the no clear model for the geologic emplace- of the Cabugi Peak and its lateral slope authors adopt the expression “neck in the ment was expressed.

A Volcano Without erosion, without denudation

Oligocene landform = present landform Head Shoulder Foot early Oligocene surface = present surface

B Eroded volcano With erosion, without denudation

original vonlcano (extrusive body) present landform erosion

early Oligocene surface = present surface

C Subvolcanic neck Deep denudation Figure 12 volcano Comparative illustration of the models erosion for geologic emplacement mode of the Oligocene surface Cabugi Peak mafic alkaline rock body: A) Preserved extinct volcano (Moraes, 1924). subvolcanic neck B) Eroded volcanic edifice (e.g. Souza et al., 2002; (intrusive body) Paiva et al., 2004; Nascimento et al., 2006). de nudation C) Subvolcanic neck, proposal of the present paper. present surface

The present study has clarified that The models of volcano and eroded in the volcano, that is, the neck in the vol- the Cabugi Peak neck is characterised by: volcano (Figure 12A, B) have incompat- canic edifice, the Shoulder must be a part 1) Cylindrical or slightly funnel-shaped ibilities with the present observations. The of the volcanic edifice (Figure 12B). How- three-dimensional rock body form; 2) magma of the Cabugi Peak is of ultrabasic ever, the Shoulder is made up of the Caicó High-angle columnar joints at the centre composition and has low viscosity and orthogneiss. If the mafic alkaline rocks of the neck and sub-horizontal ones, at high fluidity. If the Cabugi Peak were an were constituent of an extrusive body, the the contact zone; 3) Centre of the neck extinct volcano, the eruptive materials, rocks should be vitric or very fine-grained constituted by olivine-rich micro-gabbro such as lava flow and pyroclastic depos- and porous, and the columnar joints and the border, by olivine-rich dolerite; its, should be present extendedly on the should be vertical. However, the rocks are 4) Distribution of the mafic alkaline rock Sertaneja surface. In addition, the blocks holocrystalline massive micro-gabbro or in very restrict, in an area of 0.20 km2; 5) originated from the eroded part of the vol- dolerite and the joints are sub-horizontal Absence of mafic alkaline lava, eruptive canic edifice should be present abundantly. at the contact zone. deposits, and volcanic rock debris on the However, in fact, no such materials have If the Cabugi Peak were eroded Foot plane of the Sertaneja surface; 6) The been observed. The strictly limited distri- volcanic edifice and not a morphological three-dimensional form of the massif is bution area is unfavourable to an extinct elevation originated from differential ero- strongly convex, with strongly negative volcano hypothesis. sion of a subvolcanic intrusive body, the MCI of -2.3. If the Head were the central conduit general massive form should be concave REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 65(2), 195-206, abr. jun. | 2012 201 Subvolcanic neck of Cabugi Peak, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, and origin os its landform

and the MCI should be positive. However, neck model for the Cabugi Peak. The has been removed by later uplift and con- its three-dimensional form is convex, with Earth’s surface of eruption time of the sequent regional denudation. The magma a strongly negative MCI, of -2.3. These late Oligocene was not the same height chambers and subvolcanic conduits 3 km facts indicate that the Cabugi Peak neck of the present regional level of the Ser- below the prior surface are exposed at the is not an extrusive body at the surface, taneja surface, but it was much higher. present-day surface (e.g. Motoki & Sichel, but an intrusive one emplaced at an un- The volcanic edifice was emplaced on this 2006; Motoki et al., 2008d). derground site. previous surface. However, later regional The geologic expressions “volca- Ferreira & Sial (1999) interpreted uplift and consequent deep denudation no” and “volcanic edifice” are defined as the blocks with polygonal cooling frac- removed completely the volcanic edifice a morphologic elevation formed directly tures on the lateral surfaces of the colum- and eruptive deposits. At the present, by eruptions and consequent accumula- nar joint (Figure 8D, 10B) as bread-crust only the underground conduit is left as a tion of eruptive materials on the Earth’s bombs. Such bombs are formed by volume subvolcanic neck (Figure 12C). surface (e.g. MacDonald, 1972; Bates expansion by vesiculation of vitric essen- The Sertaneja surface has wide & Jacson, 1987). The positive relieves tial fragments, that is, the magma drops and shallow morphologic depressions originated from differential erosion of ejected from the crater in consolidation originated from lateral river erosion. intrusive bodies, such as dyke and sub- process. However, the blocks in ques- The surface is close to be an elevated volcanic neck, are not classified to be tion are holocrystalline and massive, and peneplane but it is not completely in ero- extinct volcanoes. not, vitric and porous. Bread-crust bomb sive equilibrium. In this sense, the regional For example, the Chachahuén Vol- occurs in the eruption of high viscosity denudation is still active in spite that it is cano and the Plateado Volcano, Mendoza magmas, such as andesitic, dacitic, and not so strong. Province, Argentina are deeply eroded trachytic ones, represented by Vulcanian The model of the Figure 12C is stratovolcanoes (Bermudez et al., 1993). eruption (MacDonald, 1972). However, similar to that of the alkaline intrusive In spite of the strong erosion effects, the the blocks of the Cabugi peak are consti- complexes with pyroclastic bodies of the denudation is null. The surface of the erup- tuted by holocrystalline olivine-rich alka- State of Rio de Janeiro, such as Mendanha tion time is the same of the present. The line micro-gabbro or dolerite of ultrabasic (Motoki et al., 2007b), Itaúna (Motoki et present-day topographic elevations are composition, and therefore, such magma al., 2008c), Tanguá, Rio Bonito, Soarinho directly delivered from volcanic edifices cannot generate bread-crust bomb. (Motoki et al., 2010), Morro dos Gatos and not because of differential erosion. Considering the previous discus- (Motoki et al., 2011), and Cabo Frio Island Therefore, they are classified to be eroded sions, the authors propose a subvolcanic (Sichel et al., 2008). The original surface extinct volcanoes.

6. Interpretation of eruption mode

Low viscosity magmas, such as of al- and it causes explosive eruption forming tuff present erosion base level is situated at kaline olivine gabbro, rise up in the upper volcano and upward opened funnel-shaped the Sertaneja surface and it is much lower crust by means of dyke intrusion. When conduits called diatreme (Figure 13A). When than the old surface. The outcrops of the the magmas arrive at the surface, a fissure a large amount of magma is provided just Cabugi Peak correspond to the subvolca- eruption takes place. In this case, large after the explosive eruption, the diatreme nic structure of the eruption time and the cylindrical conduits, such as the Cabugi vent space is filled by magma (Figure 13B). subvolcanic neck is an intrusive body. The subvolcanic neck, are unnecessary. After the eruption, deep regional morphological relief of the Head is formed Cylindrical or slightly funnel-shaped denudation occurred. The volcanic by differential erosion of the subvolcanic subvolcanic conduits are formed by explo- edifice, eruptive deposits, and the surface neck (Figure 13C). This is a possible inter- sive eruptions. Some mafic to ultramafic of eruption time have been removed, re- pretation without contradiction with the alkaline magmas have high fluid contents maining only the subvolcanic neck. The field evidences.

7. Conclusion

The Cabugi Peak was reported as the m of relative height and 500 m of The sub-horizontal columnar joints only one Brazilian extinct volcano with diameter. The volume of the mafic suggest that this neck is not an ex- preserved original form. However, the alkaline rock is 0.056 km3 �occupyccupy-- trusive body, but a shallow intrusive present study leads to a different conclu- ing 14% of the whole massif. The one. The fragments originated from sion. �Fieldield observations, geomorphologi-geomorphologi- massif has remarkably convex gen- the columnar joints cover the surface cal analyses, petrographic descriptions, eral form and the MIC is -2.3. This of the neck. The fractures similar to and volcanological consideration of the strongly negative MCI is favourable those of bread-crust bomb are formed Pico do Cabugi indicate the following to differential erosion hypothesis, by rapid cooling on the hexagonal conclusions: but unfavourable to eroded extinct planes of columnar joints. 1. The Cabugi Peak is 370 m high, has volcano one. 3. The neck is constituted by olivine- a volume of 0.4 m3, and is made 2. The neck is characterised by well- rich micro-gabbro of 1.5 mm in grain up mainly of basement orthogneiss developed columnar joints with size at the central part and olivine- of the Caicó Complex. The neck is typical diameter of 60 cm. They are rich dolerite of 0.4 mm at the border. exposed on its top forming a coni- steep at the centre of the neck and The rock is holocrystalline and mas- cal morphologic protrusion of 160 sub-horizontal at the contact zone. sive, without porous structure. 202 REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 65(2), 195-206, abr. jun. | 2012 Akihisa Motoki et al.

4. No outcrop of lava flow of the mafic landform of volcanic edifice is not edifice and eruptive deposits. alkaline rocks, eruptive deposits, or preserved any more. 6. Geologic setting of the Cabugi Peak volcanic debris is observed on the 5. The present-day exposure of the suggests the following eruption his- Foot plane of the Sertaneja surface. Cabugi Peak corresponds to a subvol- tory; 1) Explosive eruption took place The mafic alkaline rock occurs only canic neck, being a shallow intrusive forming tuff-ring and diatreme; B) on the Head in an area of 0.2 km2. body, and not a neck in the volcanic Diatreme vent was filled by mafic This limited distribution is favour- edifice. The topographic high is at- alkaline magma forming a cylin- able to subvolcanic neck model. The tributed to differential erosion. Ac- drical intrusive body; C) Regional volcanic edifice and eruptive deposits cording to the geologic definition, the denudation exposed the underground of the late Oligocene were completely Cabugi Peak is not classified to be an structure and differential erosion removed by later denudation caused extinct volcano because of the total made the morphologic elevation of by regional uplift and the original elimination of the original volcanic the subvolcanic neck.

A Diatreme explosion

Tuff ring

Early Oligocene surface

B Lava eruption Pyroclastic cone

lava Early Oligocene surface

Lava filling the vent

C Regional denudation Figure 13 Schematic illustration of the model for the erosion formation process of the Cabugi Peak: lava A) Explosive eruption and formation Early Oligocene surface of tuff-ring and diatreme. B) Diatreme vent filled by magma. Cabugi Peak C) Regional denudation exposing de nudation the subvolcanic structure. present surface

8. Acknowledgement

The vehicle and fuel for the field- instruments of the informatics are sup- State Government. The ASTER GDEM work are provided by the Universidade ported by the FAPERJ, Carlos Chagas data are offered by ERSDAC, Japan. The Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. The Filho Foundation, of the Rio de Janeiro authors are grateful to these institutions.

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Artigo recebido em 21 de maio de 2011. Aprovado em 20 de janeiro de 2012.

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