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Sociology 2011 Sociology 2011 contents 1 new 20 historical sociology 8 economic & organizational sociology 22 science 13 princeton studies in cultural sociology 24 education 14 politics 26 general interest 18 religion 29 index/order form A Message from the Editor It is with great pleasure that, on behalf of my col- leagues at Princeton University Press, I introduce the sociology catalog for 2011. The books in this catalog exemplify the quality of scholarship that we prize and they reflect the interdisciplinary approach that we take to publishing. This is an exciting time for the field of sociology. Established figures familiar to the field continue to contribute important work while a new generation of emergent voices begins to make itself heard for the first time. Our list features exciting new books by Viviana A. Zelizer, Robert Wuthnow, Nina Eliasoph, Gail Kligman and Kath- erine Verdery, Federico Varese, and Lawrence A. Scaff alongside initial contributions by Shamus Rahman Khan, Jennifer C. Lena, Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, Vincent Antonin Lépinay, Elizabeth Popp Berman, and Shehzad Nadeem. The contents of this catalog also reflect our desire to foster the bourgeoning connection between sociology and cognitive science, an interdisciplinary field whose cutting-edge is now turning its attention toward the complexity of our social relationships. To that end I suggest you engage new books by some of today’s leading cognitive scientists, such as Robert Kurzban, Patricia S. Churchland, and Max H. Bazerman and Ann E. Tenbrunsel. We look forward to continuing to share this intel- lectually engaging journey with you. Thank you for your support. Eric I. Schwartz, Ph.D. Editor, Sociology & Cognitive Science New New Blind Spots Economic Lives Why We Fail to Do What’s Right and What How Culture Shapes the Economy to Do about It Viviana A. Zelizer Max H. Bazerman & Ann E. Tenbrunsel “Economic Lives is an outstanding collection by “Peppered with compelling examples, one of the most original thinkers in economic Bazerman and Tenbrunsel’s lively book sociology. In addition to bringing together deserves the broadest possible audience. some of her most brilliant papers, Viviana Zelizer Showing that the human mind sometimes provides an integrative analysis of her work leads us to behave in ways that are inconsistent and how it relates to the thinking of others who with our own ethical standards, Blind Spots want to understand the fundamental nature of introduces behavioral ethics and reveals how the economy. I know of no one else who can this emerging field has important implications so thoughtfully describe everything from the for wise decision making in our personal and beginnings of the cultural turn in economic professional lives. This is a must-read for those sociology to leading-edge interpretations of responsible for shaping regulatory policies in what is happening in capitalism today. No organizations and government.” serious student of economic sociology will want —Robert H. Mnookin, Harvard University to neglect this book.” —Rakesh Khurana, Harvard Business School Suggesting innovative individual and group tactics for improving human judgment, Blind Providing an important perspective on the Spots shows us how to secure a place for ethics in recent past and possible futures of a growing our workplaces, institutions, and daily lives. field, Economic Lives promises to be widely read and discussed. Max H. Bazerman is the Jesse Isidor Straus Profes- sor of Business Administration at Harvard Business Viviana A. Zelizer is the Lloyd Cotsen ‘50 Professor School. Ann E. Tenbrunsel is the Rex and Alice A. of Sociology at Princeton University. Martin Professor of Business Ethics at the Mendoza 2010. 496 pages. College of Business, University of Notre Dame. Cl: 978-0-691-13936-4 $35.00 | £24.95 2011. 208 pages. 10 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-14750-5 $24.95 | £16.95 To receive notices about new books, subscribe for email at: new • 1 forthcoming Also by Robert Wuthnow Red State Religion New Faith and Politics in America’s Heartland Remaking the Heartland Robert Wuthnow Middle America since the 1950s “Red State Religion is an impressive work. In “One of America’s most prolific scholars of contrast to the simple headline-grabbing culture and change now turns his attention to arguments that something is the matter with his native Midwest. Robert Wuthnow paints a Kansas, Robert Wuthnow starts from the compelling portrait of the enduring vitality of beginning to understand the current confluence this special part of America and offers a provoca- of religion and politics in his home state. tive narrative of how it is changing. Wuthnow’s Drawing on an enormous range of sources many fans—especially those with Midwestern and data, he uses his nearly unrivaled ability to ties—will enjoy his spirited, graceful, and explore important debates and to set them in well-evidenced argument that the heart of the the context of compelling stories of the lives of American heartland still beats strong.” ordinary people.” —Robert D. Putnam, author of Bowling Alone and —Paul A. Djupe, Denison University American Grace This is an important book for anyone who wants Robert Wuthnow teaches sociology and directs to understand the role of religion in American the Center for the Study of Religion at Princeton political conservatism. University. December 2011. 488 pages. 13 line illus. 2011. 376 pages. 23 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-15055-0 $35.00 | £24.95 Cl: 978-0-691-14611-9 $35.00 | £24.95 New Privilege The Making of an Adolescent Elite at St. Paul’s School Shamus Rahman Khan “Privilege is superb. Khan skillfully narrates from the perspective of both teacher and researcher, and the personal portraits are very well-rounded. This important book is a masterly look at a disturbing current in the formation of elite American society.” —Richard Sennett, author of The Corrosion of Character Shamus Rahman Khan is assistant professor of sociology at Columbia University. Princeton Studies in Cultural Sociology 2011. 248 pages. Cl: 978-0-691-14528-0 $29.95 | £20.95 2 • new Forthcoming Forthcoming Banding Together Ground Wars How Communities Create Genres in Personalized Communication in Popular Music Political Campaigns Jennifer C. Lena Rasmus Kleis Nielsen “With a considerable command of musical and “Nielsen presents a very compelling analysis historical materials, this engaging book finds of an often-neglected aspect of modern commonalities in how musical genres operate presidential campaigns. He challenges the idea and evolve. It shows how genres are shaped tre- that political communication must be tightly mendously by the context in which they are based controlled and scripted, correctly arguing that and describes their impressive range in the United personalized, labor-intensive communication States and beyond.” prone to individual inflection and enthusiasm —Timothy J. Dowd, Emory University represents American democracy in action. Ground Wars is an important and timely book.” Why do some music styles gain mass popularity —Dennis W. Johnson, author of No Place for while others thrive in small niches? Banding Amateurs: How Political Consultants Are Reshaping Together explores this question and reveals the American Democracy attributes that together explain the growth of twentieth-century American popular music. Rasmus Kleis Nielsen is research fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Jennifer C. Lena is assistant professor of sociol- the University of Oxford and assistant professor ogy at Vanderbilt University. at Roskilde University in Denmark. March 2012. 256 pages. 4 tables. March 2012. 248 pages. 12 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-15076-5 $35.00 | £24.95 Pa: 978-0-691-15305-6 $24.95 | £16.95 Cl: 978-0-691-15304-9 $80.00 | £55.00 New Codes of Finance Engineering Derivatives in a Global Bank Vincent Antonin Lépinay “In this rich and fascinating ethnography, Vincent Lépinay takes the reader through the front and back offices of derivatives trading. Lépinay understands the codes—the secrets, the software, and the silent frames—of finance. This is must reading for economic sociologists as well as for anyone interested in the forefront of new research on organizations and technology. A wonderful book.” —David Stark, author of The Sense of Dissonance: Accounts of Worth in Economic Life Vincent Antonin Lépinay is assistant professor in the Program in Science, Technology, and Society at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2011. 304 pages. 25 line illus. 1 table. Cl: 978-0-691-15150-2 $39.50 | £27.95 Connect with us on Twitter @ princetonupress & Facebook @ PrincetonUniversityPress new • 3 New Making Volunteers Civic Life after Welfare’s End Nina Eliasoph “This clear and engaging book shows how community organizations really work. Nina Eliasoph tackles tensions that run through well- meaning organizations and lives, and she illustrates how people struggle with inequality, differences, having to be nice, and wanting to promote community but accomplishing much less than they desire or realize.” —Robert Wuthnow, Princeton University Based on participant research inside civic and community organiza- tions, Making Volunteers illustrates what these programs can and cannot achieve, and how to make them more effective. Nina Eliasoph is associate professor of sociology at the University of Southern California. Princeton Studies in Cultural Sociology 2011. 336 pages. Cl: 978-0-691-14709-3 $39.50 | £27.95 New Peasants under Siege Forthcoming The Collectivization of Romanian Creating the Market University Agriculture, 1949–1962 How Academic Science Became an Gail Kligman & Katherine Verdery Economic Engine Elizabeth Popp Berman “Peasants under Siege is the most nuanced and multifaceted analysis of this topic to date. It “Much of the scholarship on university-industry will become an instant classic in East European relations, or more broadly the commercialization studies. Kligman and Verdery never take the of the university, is ahistorical.
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