The October 2013 Vol. 29, No. 10 Carousel $7.95 News & Trader ANNUAL BAND ORGAN issue Carousel News & Trader, October 2013 1 A ntiqueC SOME GREAT NEW LISTIngs WITH MORE TO COME. CHECK OUR WEBSITE Dentzel Asbury Park PTC Looff Looff PTC #87 Jumper. Pam Hessey restoration. $CALL ca. 1900 Jewelled Stander with Mermaid Cantle Carving ca. 1910 Armored Jumper PTC #21 $21,500 $19,500 1924 Dentzel Ostrich. Lise Liepman paint. John M. C. Illions Hughes restoration. $22,500 $13,500 Motivated Seller ca. 1915 Illions Outer Row Seaside Heights Jumper. $21,500 ca. 1911 PTC #21 Jumper from ca. 1890 from Goddard Park, RI. Magic Mountain. $6,500 Mexican Muller $15,500 $11,500 OBO 1905 “Leaf Eater” from the E. Joy Morris Mexican Muller - $42,500 Ca. 1905 Muller Jumper ca. 1920 Lise Liepman paint. Rare E. Joy Morris Zebra. From the Mexican Muller ca. 1895 Harvey’s Dept. Store in $9,500 $6,500 OBO Outside Row - $10,000 $11,500 Nashville, TN - $6,900 Looking for a figure? Let us find it for you. Selling a figure? Let us sell it for you. 626-639-0313 •
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