Reai Estate This Week
1977 CHEVROLET 1974 CHEVELLE MA MONZA — 4 cylinder, LIBU CLASSIC — 8 cv automatic, 2 door hatch Imder. Regular gas. Best Knicks top back. 73,000 m iles. sTiOO. o tte r. Call 649-7625. 1973 Buick, sport coupe, 8 1976 RABBIT — 4 door, cylinder outomatic, SUBARU GL WAGON, standard, dependable, Celtics 100-92 74,000 m iles. $1200. Call 1983 — Automatic, 5 year am,tm radio. Coll Lee, 649-9731 otte r 5pm. warranty, rust proot, 643-6237, o tte r 6pm. ... page 15 root rack, 22,000 miles. Asking $7600. Excellent * FASTER! ★ 1978 CAPRICE — 4 door,, * FASTEST! * nicely equipped. Alwvoys condition. Call ater 6pm, 1971 CADILLAC EL DO garaged. $3895. Call 423- 646-4923. RADO — Very good con * GPZ's. Turbo s * KAWASAKI, 1980 KZ440 5133. d itio n . $850. Call 647-9272 * - and Ninia’s — Like new. 800 miles. between 7pm and 9pm. * ’ THE SUPEBBlwfe ■ $800 or best otter. Call CHAMPIONS . INVITATION TO BID 1973 PINTO — Automatic ^ A > $ tn sloc^ ^ between Ham and 4pm. OLDSM«eiLE OMEGA, The Manchelster Public transmission. Running 1 Midtown « Schools solicits bids for 8TU' 1976 — 4 door, low mi 1974 MERCURY MON- 872-3602.________;_______ INVITATION TO BIO Windy today; conditign. $400 or best DENT INSURANCE for the The Manchester Public Manchester, Conn. otter. Coll 646-4842 leage, automatic. $1500. T EGO — Power steering, * ★ MOTORCYCLE INSU 19S4-198S tchool year. Sealed Schools solicits bids for £ . d .>4 o*t 1-91 b id s w iit be received u n til May cloudy Saturday Call 646-2783. power brakes, auto PHYSICAL EDUCATION Saturday, May 5, 1984 RANCE SPECIALIST — 22, 1884.
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