2 3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT WELCOME TO HOLY NAME OF MARY STAFFED BY THE CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTS OF JESUS AND MARY THE PARISH 724 E. Bonita Avenue • San Dimas, CA. 91773 Phone (909) 599-1243 Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC. Fr. Chris Santangelo, SS.CC. Fax (909) 599-4230 Office Hours Sunday…………...9:00 am—2:30 pm Monday-Friday ….9:00 am—7:00 pm DEACON COUPLES Saturday…………9:00 am—12:00 pm Al & Rita Austin ...... x.178 [email protected] Marv Estey ...... x.177 [email protected] Jose & Maria Guadamuz .. x.110 [email protected] Mario & Irene Lopez ...... x.110 [email protected] Amante & Christina Pulido x.172 [email protected] WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE STAFF Saturday at 5:00 Pm, and 1st Saturday at 8:30 am. Pastor ...... Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC. Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:30 pm (español) & 5:00 pm [email protected] ...... x. 114 Associate Pastor ...... Fr. Chris Santangelo, SS.CC. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE [email protected] ...... x. 118 Receptionist ..……………………Claude Bahouth Monday-Friday 8:30 am (English) [email protected] ...... x. 110 Saturday 8:30 am (communion service) Director of Administration ...... Pat Joyce

[email protected] ...... x. 112 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Director of Pastoral Ministry ...... Charlie Martinez Saturday at 3:30 pm (English) [email protected] ...... x. 140 Director of Music ...... Trevor Thomson ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT [email protected] ...... x. 135 First Friday until 6:00 pm Bereavement & Marriage ...... Brenda Luna

[email protected] ...... x. 137 Staff Accountant ...... Salah Bahouth EARLY MORNING ADORATION

[email protected] ...... x. 198 Weekday Mornings 6:00 am—8:30 am Administrative Assistant ...... Michele Cote (Sign-up sheet in the narthex of the church)

[email protected] ...... x. 199 Volunteer Coordinator ...... Lani Galvan LITURGY OF THE HOURS [email protected] ...... x. 111 Monday-Saturday after Adoration Exposition Communications Coordinator ...... Gabby Pedrego [email protected] ...... x. 136 Catechetical Programs Coord...... Melanie Bailey MISAS Y SERVICIOS EN ESPAÑOL Domingo 12:30 pm y Cada Miercoles a las 6:30 pm [email protected] ...... x. 232 Confirmation Coord...... Jamie Alarcon El Primer Miercoles hay Misa y la Uncion de los Enfermos. el Segundo Miercoles hay un Servicio de comunion. [email protected] ...... x. 220 Youth Ministry Coord...... Candice Mora El tercer miercoleS hay misa y confesiones. El Cuarto miercoles hay Servicio de Comunion [email protected] ...... x. 234 Rel. ED. Admin. Assistant ...... Erika Montenegro el Quinto miercoles hay servicio de comunion

[email protected] ...... x. 280 Receptionist ...... Maria Triska [email protected] ...... x. 110 Marriage Annulments .... MaryAnn Brewer-Nolan

...... (626)484-1355 St. Vincent de Paul Society ...... x. 138 Gathered with Mary

Holy Name of Mary School as one family in the Eucharist, 124 S. San Dimas Canyon Road, San Dimas, CA 91773 Principal ...... Debbie Marquez We are called to live the love of Jesus. [email protected] ...... x. 226 Holy Name of Mary Mission Statement Phone: (909) 542-0449

FROM THE PASTOR December 15, 2019 3

My dear sisters and brothers, O you who showered sacred stars on the tiny town of Bethlehem, I thank you for guiding artists’ brushes to The problem with Advent is that you know what create cards of beauty, bursting with blessings and you get on Christmas – the baby in the manger scene, filled with love and greetings from friends. picture perfect, and all participants in the scene knowing who the Child is, Emmanuel, God-with-us. I lift up my heart in gratitude for these beautiful yearly bridges that bind us together in love, we who Real life is not like that. We aren’t sure the child are often too busy for keeping up with friendship’s will be born healthy and whole. We make a commitment needs. to the child’s future with little clue of the demands, joys, and fears we will experience through the years. We My cards of Christmas past are now precious relics, learn quickly that this new gift does not conform well to and like the bones of saints they hold great power, our preconceived plans and schedule. We need to learn and so I hate to bury them or see them burn. Opened to adapt to its needs. We celebrate the small steps and Christmas cards bring to me the hymn of love and day-to-day growth. We are surprised by the many teach me the sacrament of correspondence. Tie changes that become an integral part of our lives. about the finger of my mind, Beloved One, a remind- er that without reminders friendship fades from the Advent is the season of surprises. It reminds us failure to express words of love and appreciation to that God comes into lives in unexpected ways and that one another. the birth of Christ in our lives is messy and unpredictable. Traditions, as well as our personal experience, tells us May these twelve magical days of Christmas inspire that God’s coming is painful and exhilarating. The me to celebrate the un-holidays of the year, the Incarnation is far less a scene of sterile tranquility than feasts of no-occasions, with love notes to friends who a radical breaking into our world by God. We are are far away. forever changed. We can’t go back to life before the birth. Rather we enter into a world where there will be Sacred season of the twelve days of Christmas, gift even more surprises. Advent celebrates the moments this me with the magic power to stop the clock, so as to happens in our personal and communal life. In this keep God alive within the world. season we remember and celebrate expectation, anticipation, waiting and awe. For if God is love, then God may be found in the mystery of love exchanged. May I be a holy And so as we send our Christmas cards, let us messenger of that mystery. give a little more meaning to what we are doing, why and to whom, we are sending. Remembering you with love, Fr. Rich

Christmas Eve Masses 3:00 PM—Children’s Mass 5:00 PM—Contemplative “Quiet” Mass 7:00 PM—Mass 12 Midnight—Mass

Christmas Day 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:30 PM *Español, 5:00 PM


Y así mientras enviamos nuestras tarjetas de Navidad , vamos a darle un poco más de sentido a lo que estamos haciendo, por qué y para quién, lo estamos haciendo.

¡Oh tu que colmaste de estrellas sagradas a la pequeña ciudad de Belén, te doy las gracias por guiar pinceles para crear tarjetas bellas, llenas de bendiciones y llenas de amor y saludos de nuestros amigos.

Elevo mi corazón en gratitud por estos Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas, hermosos puentes anuales que nos unen en el amor, somos nosotros los que estamos a El problema de el Adviento es que tu sabes lo menudo demasiado ocupados para que se obtiene en Navidad - el bebé en la escena del mantenernos al día con las necesidades pesebre, imagen perfecta, y todos los participantes en de la amistad. la escena sabiendo quién es el niño, Emmanuel, Dios-con - nosotros. Mis tarjetas de las Navidades pasadas ahora son reliquias preciosas, y al igual que los La vida real no es así. No estamos seguros de huesos de los santos que tienen un gran poder, y por eso odio el enterrarlas o ver cómo se que el niño nazca sano y completo. Hacemos un com- queman. promiso con el futuro del niño con poca idea de las exi- gencias, alegrías y temores que vamos a experimentar Las tarjetas de Navidad abiertas traen a mí un a través de los años. Aprendemos rápidamente que este himno de amor y me enseñan el sacramento de nuevo regalo no se ajusta bien a nuestros planes pre- la correspondencia. Atadas sobre el dedo de mi concebidos y horarios. Tenemos que aprender a mente , Amado mio, un recordatorio de que con adaptarnos a sus necesidades. Celebramos los pequeñ- esos recuerdos de amistad, se desvanece la os pasos y su crecimiento día a día. Estamos sorprendi- incapacidad de expresar palabras de amor y dos por los muchos cambios que se convierten en una aprecio el uno al otro. parte integral de nuestras vidas. Que estos doce días mágicos de la Navidad me Adviento es el tiempo de sorpresas. Nos recuer- inspiren a celebrar los dias no de fiestas del da que Dios entra en lnuestras vidas de maneras año , las fiestas de no- ocasiones, con notas inesperadas y que el nacimiento de Cristo en nuestra de amor a los amigos que están lejos. vida es desordenado e impredecible. Tradiciones, así como nuestra experiencia personal, nos dicen que la La temporada Sagrada de los doce días de la venida de Dios es dolorosa y estimulante. La Encar- Navidad, me regalan el poder mágico de nación esta mas lejos de ser una escena de tranquilidad detener el reloj , con el fin de mantener a Dios estéril que una ruptura radical en nuestro mundo por vivo en el mundo. Dios. Somos cambiados para siempre. No podemos volver a la vida de antes del nacimiento. En vez entra- Porque si Dios es amor, entonces Dios mos en un mundo en el que habrá más sorpresas. Ad- puede encontrarse en el misterio del amor viento celebra los momentos en que esto sucede en nues- intercambiado. Que pueda ser un tra vida personal y comunitaria. En esta temporada que mensajero santo de este misterio. recordamos y celebramos la expectativa, la antici- pación, la espera y el temor. Recordandote con amor, Padre Rich


Grace Gonzalez, Mateo Vazquez, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14TH Genaro Martinez, Ned Jones, Jo Adele Richardson, Genesis– Liam Maldonado, Carmelita Lim Flores, 5:00 pm R Int. of People of the Parish Dorothy Ruelas, Mario Yelp, Juan Armes, Dean Stone, Antonio Galvan, Manuela Mares, Christina Ledesma, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15TH Diana Macis, Amanda Caballero, Eva Shebondy, Juan Noriega, Margaret Felicitas Espiritu, Int. Glen Le Master, Int. Carol Marquez, Nicholas Oppliger, Dorothy Molina, Carolyn 8:00 Am D Medel, Bruce Carter, Int. Luciano Antonio, Florence Pinto, Salvador Marquez, Dolores Gonzales, Eleanor Magallanes Marshall, Garrett Arnett, Arnett Family, Rosie Andreu, Juan Noriega, Anita Platania, Salvatore Vasta, Necola and Carmine Oddis, Int. Benigna Landaverri, Richard Waite, 10:00 Am D Marilyn Velarde Family, Olimpia Eguia, Julius Dutkowsky, Karim Francisco Vigil, Carol Durban, Maxine Gedeon, Int. Henry Solis, Int. Lani Galvan, Int. Lanny and Harry Ho, Turner, Josie Klimas, Margarita Rios, C. Joseph, Kamala Joseph, Hannah Kumar Brian Santamaria, Lorraine Roche, Estela Perez, Teresa Soto, Maria Luisa Moreno, Elisa Marquez, Mari- Deborah Williams, Johnny Macis, 12:30 pm S na De Leon, Int. Spease Family, Int. Enedina Ambriz Guadalupe Garcia, Karin Robison, William Walker, Rose Lahmo, Patricia Harriman, Shirley and Nate 5:00 pm S Dora and Alfonso Rodriguez Hardman, Marta Hanna, Lani Rigdly Pedrini, Alice Arroyo, David Prescott, Eva Sherbondy, Sonny Acosta, Reyna MONDAY, DECEMBER 16TH Ventura, Gaston Anaya.

Gabriella Bojalil Garber, Int. Cyndee Yatco, St. Anthony, Int. Pinky 8:30 Am WM Soriano, Int. Gladys Cadar, Int. David Gonzales, Kevin Mollahan, Int. Prayer is the best gift of love Jane DeHerrera you can give anyone you love. - St. Teresa of Kolkata TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17TH

Int. Maria Martinez, Frank Moreno, Fr. Michael Brooks, SS.CC., IN MEMORIAM 8:30 AM D Int. Fr. Peter Dennis, SS.CC., Int. Edith Orozco  Florencia Basa Enriquez  Belia Mojarro WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18TH  Mary Ellish  Maria Lucia Padilla

Lupita Victoria, Anne Disselhorst, Int. Richard Mones, Luis Zara, Leah 8:30 am S Belen Cabibil, Int. Balvina Jimenez, Int. Rogember Sosa Week of December 15, 2019:

6:30 PM CP Int. Jorge Robledo Sunday: Is 35:1-6a, 10/ Ps 146:6-7, 8-9, 9 -10 [Is 35:4]/Jas 5:7-10/Mt 11:2-11 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19TH Monday: Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a/Ps 25:4-5ab, 6 and 7bc, 8-9 [4]/Mt 21:23-27 Suzette Cabibil Heck, Jose Garcia, Jose Garzon, Int. Luis Orozco, Tuesday: Gn 49:2, 8-10/Ps 72:1-2, 3-4ab, 8:30 am C Int. People of Daily Mass 7-8, 17 [cf. 7]/Mt 1:1-17 Wednesday: Jer 23:5-8/Ps 72:1-2, 12 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20TH -13, 18-19 [cf. 7]/Mt 1:18-25 Int. Bianca B. Katherman, Martin “doc” Hart, Joseph Erml Logranco, Thursday: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a/Ps 8:30 am S Int. Emma Miller, Int. Maribel Sosa 71:3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17 [cf. 8]/Lk 1:5-25 NEXT WEEKEND: 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Friday: Is 7:10-14/Ps 24:1-2, 3- UPCOMING SCHEDULE: SAT. 5:00 PM—S, 4ab, 5-6 [cf. 7c and 10b]/Lk 1:26-38 SUN. 8:00 AM—Z, 10:00 AM—S, 12:30 PM—CP, 5:00 PM—D Saturday: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14- 18a/Ps 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21 [1a; 3a]/Lk PRESIDER KEY* D=Rich Danyluk S=Chris santangelo WM=Bill Moore 1:39-45 CP=Comboni Priest Z=Paul Zaccone R=John Roche C=Peadar Cronin


WE APPRECIATE YOU! More than 30 percent of all charitable donations are made in the month of December. We’re honored that you’re considering a gift to Holy Name of Mary.

DID WE MENTION HOW MUCH WE APPRECIATE YOU? Because we really do. Your gifts help our parish to live out the call of Jesus by caring for the poor and needy and ministering to those who are suffering. Your gifts also help us do practical things like keep the church clean, mow the lawn, and pay our staff. CHRISTMAS OFFICE HOURS Our office will be remain open to receive any gifts (financial, YOU CAN DONATE ONLINE, RIGHT UP UNTIL THE BALL fruitcakes, or other) until noon on DROPS! Tuesday, December 24- Christmas The Internet isn’t just for sharing cute pictures of cats and grandkids Eve. anymore. Now, you can make a donation to Holy Name of Mary online at You can donate right up until 11:59pm on December 31 and have it applied to your 2019 tax year.

DOWNLOAD OUR PARISH APP! Our new Holy Name of Mary app is now available to CUSTOMERS SHOP, AMAZON download for iPhone and Android smart phones. Stay GIVES connected with our parish throughout the week with instant AmazonSmile is a website operated notifications, an easy-to-access event calendar, and the ability by Amazon that lets customers enjoy to quickly reply to or share messages via Facebook. Also the same wide selection of products, enjoy a variety of additional features like prayers, daily low prices, and convenient shopping readings, helpful reminders to silence your phone before Mass or features as on Confession, and much more.

The difference is that when custom- Help foster a stronger parish life at Holy Name of Mary and better ers shop on AmazonSmile engage the New Evangelization. Text APP to phone number 88202 to (, the download. AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organizations selected by customers. Support Holy Name of Mary this holiday season and select us as your favorite charity at no extra cost December 7 and 8, 2019 when you shop at Fiscal YTD vs. Last Weekly Year-to-date Year

Offertory at $28,278 Masses

Online Giving $6,175 Total Offertory $34,453 $767,763 -$14,530 –1.9% Average Weekly $33,381 FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP: Offering this year Thank you for your generosity to Average Weekly $34,012 Holy Name of Mary Parish Offering last year Our fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30

December 15, 2019 7

A Christmas Pledge I believe that Christmas is the joyful celebration of the birth of Christ. Therefore, I commit myself to celebrate it in a way that is faithful to its meaning. Jesus is a radically free person; he came to liberate others. Therefore: I will examine my motives for celebrating Christmas. I will not spend money to impress others. I will avoid doing anything to obligate others to spend on me. I will not engage in excess of eating, drinking, partying or anything that will reduce the freedom of myself or others. I will include alternatives to alcohol and cholesterol when I entertain. Jesus respects all life: he came that we might have life in its fullness, Therefore: I will give gifts and do activities only if they enhance life – for myself and for others. I will avoid gifts that are gadgets, made by complicated energy-consuming processes that excessively pollute the environment. I will choose gifts that rely on the involvement, energy and ingenuity of the recipient. I will avoid buying items made by exploited workers whose land and labor are sacrificed to tempt my consumer goods before I buy. I will question the source of consumer goods before I buy. Jesus cares about all people; he came to involve himself with others. Therefore: I will celebrate Christmas by sharing of myself more than of my property. I will give gifts of service which involve my time, my work, and my spoken and written words, my art, my song, my Due to so many funerals presence – and other things that are not objects – whenever possible. and Sacraments here at I will use some of my time to visit family, friends, and those Holy Name of Mary, who have less, hurt more and have been forgotten. I will chose gifts that involve me and/or the recipient in their we had a second Paschal creation and use. Candle made by Fr. Bill.

Signed for Christmas by______

8 3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT RELIGIOUS GIVE THANKS. “‘Thank you’ hardly seems adequate to convey what it means to us,” says a Catholic sister of the financial assistance her community received from the Retirement Fund for Religious. Prayer-filled thanks for your dona- tion to last week’s second collection.

LOS RELIGIOSOS EXPRESAN SU GRATITUD. “‘Gracias’ casi no parece suficiente para expresar lo que significa para nosotros”, dice una hermana católica acer- ca del apoyo financiero que su comunidad recibió del Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos. En oración, le doy las gracias por su donativo a la segunda colecta de la semana pasada.


JOIN US FOR FRESH PANCAKES, BACCON, Join Holy Name of Mary Amazing Greys EGGS, for a visit to Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Exhibition JUICE, Christ Cathedral, Garden Grove

& COFFEE. January 14, 2020 Bus boards 8:45 a.m. SUNDAY, Departure 9:00 a.m. Return Approximately 3:00 p.m. DECEMBER 29TH Please bring a sack lunch

All inclusive cost of $27.00 Make checks payable to: Holy Name of Mary Parish Write: “AG-Sistine Chapel” in memo section

Drop off in Parish Office before December 20, 2019. Attention: Deacon Amante For further information Call: (909) 599-1243

DISCOVER Bible Study for Kids Sign up for Winter Session now! Our next session of DISCOVER Bible Study will begin in December. DISCOVER is designed for children in Gr. 3-5 who have made First Communion to continue to grow in their knowledge and love of God’s Word! Winter session class options are Mondays 4:15-5:30 pm OR Tuesdays 5:30-6:45 pm for Decem- ber & January. Cost is $25 (additional $15 for Children’s Bible or you can use one from home.) Stop by the Faith Formation office to enroll or contact Melanie Bailey at 909-599-1243 x232 or [email protected] for more

MINISTRY NEWS December 15, 2019 9 OFFICE MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED XLT If you have a couple of hours a week to spare and are looking for volun- ALL ARE WELCOME TO HNM’S XLT! teer opportunities, please consider joining Holy Name of Mary Office Minis- Tuesday, December 17th at 7:00 PM try. There are opportunities for you to serve during the day, evenings, and weekends: Come and pray together as a family! Days/Times: Dinner will be provided after the Monday through Friday 5pm Mass in the Hall. Worship led 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 or 2:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. by our Life Teen Band. Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. XLT stands for exalt and is an event that provides opportunities for our Tasks: Answer phone calls; provide general information to callers and teens, their families, and our walk-in parishioners; and light clerical work. If you are interested in parishioners to engage with one volunteering in this capacity and are 18 years old or older, please contact another and enter into prayer Claude at 09.599.1243 Ext. 110, or by email at [email protected]. through the Blessed Sacrament. After eating and socializing we head into the church to listen to our guest WINTER SHELTER DECEMBER DRIVE speaker for the night. We then Jeans, men and women, and men’s of belts all sizes, blankets, sleeping transition into a time of Eucharistic bags and tarps. Jeans are the perfect item to donate. Putting on clean, Adoration accompanied by our Life dry jeans in the morning is something that most of us take for granted. It’s Teen band playing praise and easy to forget the tremendous number of homeless people living in the worship music. This is open to the U.S. who cannot enjoy the same simple privilege; jeans can be worn multi- entire parish so please invite anyone ple times between washes, can be dressed up or dressed down, and pro- and everyone! vide a sense of normalcy to the person wearing them.

Blanket Drive: blankets, sleeping bags and tarps. DRIVERS NEEDED Share the Warmth St. Vincent de Paul is requesting drivers to help deliver Christmas Blankets can become a lifeline for our homeless. They offer a final boxes of food & toys to families in attempt to provide some semblance of relief and peace for the our community. men and women who need a warm, thick and comfortable option for having to spend the night on the streets. Distribution begins at 9 am on Saturday, December 21. Sock and Underwear Drive begins on the 14th/15th Hope to see you there. Men and women all sizes, boxers and briefs needed. Regards, Hayden & the Vincentians

JOYS OF CHRISTMAS WITH PUERI CANTORES HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM CUB SAN GABRIEL VALLEY SCOUT PACK 423! Join the young choristers of Pueri Cantores San Gabriel Valley to celebrate

the season at their 26th Annual Christmas concert. This musical gift will Pack 423 would like to thank Holy feature Seven Joys of Christmas by California composer Kirke Mechem Name of Mary for their continued and the Messe de Minuit pour Noël by Marc Antoine Charpentier. The support each year and through the highly acclaimed choir of children and youth from throughout the San next year! The support goes that ex- Gabriel Valley, under the direction of Patrick Flahive, will perform with tra mile in helping our youth learn orchestra on Sunday, December 15, at 7:30pm in Sacred Heart new life skills, develop their duty of Church 344 W Workman St. Covina, CA 91723 along with pianist Hee service to others, as well as continue Jeong Kim. their spiritual growth. Thank

you! Have a very Merry Christmas The suggested donation for tickets is $20 at the door ($15 for seniors and a Happy New Year! and children under 12). Suggested donation is $15 if reserved in advance. Call (626) 918-3994 to reserve tickets by phone.


Our annual Blue Christmas Service will be on Friday the 20th of December at 7:00 p.m. the church. This unique evening is meant to provide a quiet, contemplative service as an alternative to the more traditional gatherings as a way to provide validation and care for those who are sad or struggling while all those around them are caught up in happy celebrating. This is also known as the Longest Night Service.

Many in our congregation are struggling with different kinds of pain and loss at the moment and are ‘not feeling very Christmassy’ this year. We gather together this evening in the midst of the mess and pain we know in our own everyday lives and the lives of those around us to lean on and become shelter for one another’s hearts.

SIMBANG GABI MASS My memories of Simbang Gabi… By Deacon Amante Pulido My fondness of the season of advent always recalls my childhood celebrations of it. To me, then, the real "Christmas" season began when we trekked back to our country home to meet up with three or four other families and stay at the huge family home for the duration of the season, which always ended, it seems, after the Feast of the Three Kings. We would always arrive the eve of the first of the novena (nine) of dawn Masses we know as Simbang Gabi, so that we can be rested for the offering of attending these nine Masses. We would all have to get up even before the crack of dawn, trying to beat the town , including ours, before they crowed. This is also why each of these Masses is called "Misa de Gallo" - "Mass of the Rooster." First to wake up became a game and an obsession, in addition to trying to have the first dibs at the bathrooms. When ready, we would all just walk to the Church, luckily just across the street, and across the field that made up the back of the church property. Just we kids, our parents, and our grown up cousins and uncles and aunts. I remember the old baroque church constructed during the early years of Spanish influence, about four hundred or so years ago - and its unheated, cold, uncovered, stone walls and floors, and about a mile long of aisle to the altar - and the adults preferring to sit as close as possible to the altar. I don't remember much of anything between the beginning and end of Mass, of course, except that I caught up with some lost sleep leaned against the arm of whoever was next to me. It was always the "after-Mass" that I remember fondly. Lined up along the walkway and courtyard were rows of food vendors that served the many different delicacies of the season. We would always get our fill BE- FORE feasting at breakfast (how's that for dessert first). This of course went on for nine days, but on that last day we would then go from house to house to share and break bread with those who lived there.

Come and join us for our celebration of Simbang Gabi. Saturday, December 21, at 5:00pm, and break bread with us afterwards.

CHRISTMAS ART AND ENVIRONMENT Every Christmas our sanctuary is filled with fragrant trees, handmade decorations and poinsettias. We invite you to take part in the decor of our Church. Now through December 20th you may donate in honor of or memory of a loved one. This is a beautiful way to remember and/or give thanks for the special people in your life.

The names of those being honored or memorialized will appear throughout the church décor throughout the Christmas Season.

Please Print Name(s): (indicate living or deceased ______

Donation From and Telephone Number: ______

December 15, 2019 11

Holy Name of Mary Preschool

and Kindergarten 2020-2021 The Three-year-old program does not screen. To be placed on Enrollment Process is Open the waitlist for the Three-year-old program, please also call Mrs. Beth Venegas at the number above. Please call Mrs. Beth Venegas, our school secre- tary, at (909)542-0449, x224 to arrange for a The Three-year-old program’s placement it based on the screening appointment for Pre-K or for Kinder- following criteria: garten placement. Screening date for Pre-K 1. Children whose parents are registered parishioners at HNM and Kindergarten is on Saturday, February 8, Parish, actively involved, and have a currently 2020, from 8:00a.m.-12:00p.m. enrolled child at HNM School or a child who graduated from HNM School Pre-K and Kindergarten placement is based on 2. Children whose parents are registered parishioners at HNM the following criteria: Parish and actively involved 1. Screening results showing readiness for our 3. Children whose siblings attend HNM School program 4. Children of new parishioners to HNM who have been 2. Children whose parents are registered pa- actively involved in their former parish rishioners at HNM Parish, actively involved, and 5. Children whose parents are actively involved in another have a currently parish enrolled child at HNM School or a child who graduated from HNM School Please join us at our annual Open House on Sunday, 3. Children whose parents are registered parishioners at January 26, 2020 from 11a.m.-1:00p.m. HNM Parish and actively involved For questions regarding our K-8 school please contact Mrs. 4. Children whose siblings attend HNM School Deborah Marquez, School Principal at 5. Children of new parishioners to HNM who have been [email protected] or x226. For questions about our actively involved in their former parish preschool or to arrange a tour (preschool state license 6. Children whose parents are actively involved in another #198005306), please contact Mrs. Elvia Montanez, Director parish at [email protected] or x116.

MONDAY December 16 TUESDAY December 17 WEDNESDAY December 18 6:00 AM Adoration CHURCH 6:00 AM Adoration CHURCH 6:00 AM Adoration CHURCH 8:30 AM Mass CHURCH 9:00 AM Morning Compassion Damien 8:30 AM Mass CHURCH 9:00 AM Rosary Group Chapel Circle Room 9:00 AM Rosary Group Chapel 8:30 AM Mass CHURCH 10:00 AM Tuesday Rosary Group Chapel 10:00 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry FF 206 5:00 PM Spanish Children's Choir CHURCH 9:00 AM Rosary Group Chapel 3:45 PM Children's Parish Choir Music Office 6:30 PM Spanish Mass CHURCH Practice 1:00 PM Soulmate Grief Support Damien 5:30 PM Girl Scouts Daisy Troop Science Room 7:00 PM Spanish Reconciliation Chapel Meeting 6:00 PM Miracle Monday Rosary CHURCH 6:00 PM St Vincent de Paul HALL 7:00 PM Spanish Choir Practice CHURCH Christmas Gathering 6:30 PM Soulmate Grief Support HALL 6:00 PM Lectores (Ensayo) Library 7:00 PM Barbara's Blankets OLG 6:30 PM Festival Meeting Faculty Room 7:00 PM Alcoholic Anonymous Faculty 7:15 PM R.C.I.A. Weekly Meeting Damien Meeting Room 6:30 PM Finance Council Meeting OLG Room 7:00 PM Vessels Of Mary Practice Kindergarten 7:00 PM Life Teen XLT CHURCH 7:15 PM Boy Scout Board of Review FF 203 7:00 PM Choir Practice Music Office 7:15 PM Vessels of Mary Practice FF 205 7:00 PM Spanish Adult Faith Formation Library 7:15 PM English Prayer Group Meeting FF 202 7:15 PM Maravillas Coordination FF 207 meeting 7:15 PM Vessels of Mary Practice FF 203 7:15 PM Shield Men's Ministry Meeting FF 204 7:30 PM Adult English Confirmation FF 202 THURSDAY December 19 FRIDAY December 20 SATURDAY December 21 6:00 AM Adoration CHURCH 6:00 AM Adoration CHURCH 6:00 AM Adoration CHURCH 8:30 AM Mass CHURCH 8:30 AM Mass CHURCH 8:30 AM Communion Service CHURCH

9:00 AM Rosary Group Chapel 9:00 AM Rosary Group Chapel 9:00 AM Christmas Décor CHURCH 3:30 PM Reconciliation CHURCH 9:30 AM Morning Bible Study Damien 10:00 AM A&E Christmas CHURCH Decorations 5:00 PM Mass CHURCH 9:30 AM Morning Bible Study OLG 7:00 PM Blue Christmas Service CHURCH 7:00 PM School Christmas Program CHURCH 6:00 PM Simbang Gabi Reception HALL 7:00 PM Maravillas Reunion of FF 203-205 Prayer Group 7:00 PM School Christmas Program Chapel 7:00 PM Grupo de Oracion FF 206 7:00 PM Evening Bible Study OLG

7:00 PM Prayer Shawl Ministry Workroom 7:15 PM SIRF Support Group FF 203 7:15 PM Vessels of Mary Practice FF 205 7:30 PM Spanish Adult Confirmation FF 206

SUNDAY December 22

8:00 AM Mass CHURCH DID YOU KNOW? 10:00 AM Mass CHURCH Protect young people from cyberbullying

12:30 PM Spanish Mass CHURCH Cyberbullying can happen at any time, on any online platform. It can take many forms – cruel direct messag-

4:00 PM Life Teen Music CHURCH es, threatening emails, mean texts, shared photos, and Rehearsal more. Victims of cyber-bullying often suffer from anxie- 5:00 PM Mass CHURCH ty and depression, and their self-esteem can be dimin- ished. They may be reluctant to talk about bullying, so parents need to be on top of all their children’s online activities. Asking questions and getting information about popular apps and sites will help, too. For more information, get a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Cyber- Bullying: Protecting Young People from Technology Dangers” visit protecting/Pages/VIRTUS-Current-Online-Articles.aspx. B r o o k d a l e SAN DIMAS Your Source for Senior Solutions 1740 S. San Dimas Ave. San Dimas 909.394.0304 RCFE# 198601907 • SNF# 950000124

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