Louis Kahn: the Power of Architecture Synagogue (1961-1972, Unbuilt, Philadelphia, USA)
NEWS Louis Kahn: The Power of Architecture Synagogue (1961-1972, unbuilt, Philadelphia, USA). Kahn’s clever use of concrete in each of Exhibition at London Design Museum his projects is well represented in this section through the use of different materials in London, UK, 9 July – 12 October 2014 models and drawings. Apart from the aesthetics of the building, Kahn was also concerned with the elements Louis Kahn: The Power of Architecture is a conse- studies relating the structure of the building that surround every construction, which led quent review and historic summary of Louis to science, with the ultimate result being the us to the “Grounding. Earth, water, wind, I. Kahn’s life, 20 years after the last exhibition project (unbuilt) of the City Tower (designed light” part, where we can find the best rep- about him1. This exhibition, compiling the in collaboration with Anne Tyng, 1952-1957, resentative projects designed by him, related main works and research projects of Kahn, is Philadelphia, USA) whose structure directly to nature. This is seen through his utilization a full experience that allows the public to get evokes the DNA formula. This part ends with of colorful expressive sketches of projects: to know the life of one of the most important the comparison between drawings and the The General Motors Exhibit at the 1964 American architects of the 20th century2. timber models of the Alfred Newton Rich- World’s Fair (1960-1961), the Salk Institute for The starting point of the exhibition is a ards Medical Research and Biology Buildings Biological Studies (1959-1965, La Jolla, USA) chronological list of projects (1926-1974) of (1957-1965, Philadelphia, USA), the Library and the Kimbell Art Museum (1966-1972, Fort Kahn, entailing his works as a design consul- and Dining Hall at Phillips Exeter Academy Worth, USA).
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