Every Line Are Buying
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rs:. & . .. v j n i u i V.- - r "- ot - 7 k r f J9 l EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEIt-PHILADEL- IHli, THURSpAT, MAY 15, 1019 i i .HJ71 DEMOBILIZED MEMORIAL TO DEAD IS ONLY :m wl SAD NOTE IN DATS PROGRAM f ,li PARADE SPECTATORS Scrv ice at Statin; of Victory Precedes Parade Model of Tablet 7 Business Houses in IA niWtiiit Casuals Stationed at Second Homo Dofonso Resorves, Marine o r rpHK dead ot the Twenty-eight- h Dlyl- - victory or some stubborn belief that Regiment Armory Join they right; nor for n sel- and Provost Guard Forces ston the 2S.11 valiant men who lie alone were in March fish purpose did they fight, but for the Mobilized buried Iu France, many of them where crowded millions still to come." II - n&l they fell in battle were honored by The "Ode of Welcome," sung Every Line Rev. LUNCH SERVED BY LADIES the city today during memorial services at the stntue, was written by the TROLLEY CARS DIVERTED are William S. Murphy, of St. Patrick's that preceded the parade. Church. The words ot the verses fol- the Second Regiment Armory, The memorial exercises around low : The regular police force, home defense At the Victory Snunrc Statue In South l'enti reserves, marine guard, Ilroad street and Susquehanna nwnuc, struck probably the only tone of Hail, hail, Pcnnsiilvanin't heroes! guards, provost Iron tcarrior mighty and tlronp. where the citMials were asked to report, sndness In the day's events save the detectives and even the park guards Facet flunheii with joy of vict'ry, played of the early ot more than 400 men sighs and tears of women in mourning their part in the handling arrival Hearts all xinaintj peaceful sonff. Buying who to witness the spectacle the crowds bnnkipg the streets along indication tlio demobilized stncd upon Cave that followed the tribute to their Heaven smiles uour palhiray, which '! that you the Iron Division parade moved. units were well represented iu the pa- boys who failed to return with the con- Grateful prayers where'er roam. 6 To you tec dive a nation's tribute: Traffic was stopped within n square rade. querors. of the marching doughboys during the These are some of the concerns have bought Autocar minutes before the soldiers Hail, ye heroes, welcome home! that Motor The J 11th and 112th Infantry and the Fifteen parnde. No of the Iron Division started their march vehicle was permitted lOSlh and 100th Machine Gun Com- in the two weeks i from Ilroad mid Wharton streets a Hail, hail. Pennsylvania's heroes! within a ratlins of a block of the route Trucks past their increasing business demands panies wcw all central and western solemn funeral enrtrg preceded up Valiant hosts of justice ami right. and the lines nt no time were broken flay to permit any traffic. Trolley cars I'cnnsylvnnia unit., and were de- South Ilroad street to the Victory Freedom's doth ware in triumph, greater transportation facilities. ' Freedom's torch is flaminy bright, were diverted so they did not interfere lit. mobilized before she parade plans were Statute. Here it model of the bronre with the marching plan, lllooil-staine- d Fiance can forget men. The - tablet to be .set up in City Hnll was ne'er however, permitted on i- completed. That fai't did not deter you, their operating Star indicates Repeat Order 5 dedicated. something approaching the usual () - their members fioiu coming to this city Grave of glory from Hrcst to Home, lt-5- Fifteen Minnies schedules. Albert Woodworking Co. Harnberkamp, John L., Building Mate- ?s yesterday, however, n large num- Services Lasts Anyrls culled your fallen comrades; Pottidente, Vito Trucking Co. i and Crates, boxes, baskets, chnirs and 'American Agricultural Chemical Co. rial Providence .a: The services lnsted for fifteen min- Hail, yc heroes, welcome home! one-uin- n by Dyeing, Bleaching & Cat ber of men from all four of the outfits other stands were barred Armour & Co., Meat'Packert Harburger & Son, H., utes, and were arranged iu order to following poem by the police kept un- Provitiont endering Co. i registered. The Franklin The streets were Arveriie Produce Company Harritburg Coal Co. Aftir escorting the 107th Artillery allow the funeral corteg to fall iu line Crispin was rend at the statue : obstructed from curb to curb. Ralph, C. Coat Captain of Detectives Souder and "00 Batemnn, L. V., Hendriekton, Albert E., Exprets O. Co. t.Fry-- ' IScgiment from Market street ferry to with the general parade as it rounded Ice Hintzke, John, Teaming Contractor Ray F. Nugent, Exprett Ilroad and Chestnut streets. THE MARCHERS men mingled in the crowds nml en- Beacon Coal Company their barracks at Queen .street pier, the deavor to protect spectators from the Hippie & Son, C. Coal Remberg, J. C, Farmer night soldiers, each of whom to nt Pennsyl- the Benepe, W. L., Transfer & Hauling C, Old Guard organization of th Second was Dedicated the Iron !lvlnlou - Red Oil vania. operations of pickpockets. All suspi- "Bentham, Coal Hortlmaii, Chat. B., Truckman "C" Co., The Itcginient marched to the armory, at awarded the Distinguished Service cious persons were arrested and held Fred, & Hauling Rhodes, John L., - March on, O victorious army. Bertrand, Teamer 1- Cross, acted as a guard of honor for Chat. B., Contractors I. & I. Produce Co. Ilroad street and Susquehanna avenue, Mid until after the parade. Richmond Produce Co., Produce conquering bnnnets flung wide. .17-1- 'Bird & Son, Inc., Roofing and there joined in welcoming the the memorial tloat. The entire police body of men Independent Electric Supply Robitzek, G. & Bro., Inc., Coal The banners of France and of llelgium i Bohemian Cocktail & Supply casuals a.s they arrived. The guard consisted of the follow remained on duty during the hours of Co., Inc. Independent Oil Co. Roman, A., Wholesale Which the legions of death have defied; parnde. assisted by Botton & Braintree Auto Express Frank Fruit As eacli man arrived he was taken in ing: the They were Indian Refining Co., Oil Romich, W. G Contractor Captain lOPth The banner of Ilritain, the mighty, 2.'t00 home defense reserves and were "Boston, Lowell Bottling Co. charge bj Colonel A. II. Warding, re- Karl Patterson, Field Iriberry, Leon J., Exprett Rosen & Kalothin, Butter & Eggs Artillery. Ever set in the path of the for; further augmented by the marine police Bowcn, C, Trucking tired National (iuard officer. Colonel provost guard. of the Jertey City Trantfer Co. Rutter, H., Contractor Captain I'Yanh .1. Cohen, 107th In-- ; The banner of Italy, streaming and the Members Breminslool Co., The, Paints Hartung then registered the new ar- Parkway. Johnson, fantry. Through the sun and the Alpine snow; park guard policed the Brown, Wm. M., Trucking C. B., Contractor Samuel Hayward, Whx rivals and gae each of them tun Dr. llnbley 11. Owen had cliarge Johnson, Wm. Paper rrip Sergeant Robert .Jeffrey, Our own Stun and Stripes, hallowed Bumm Salt Co. M., Coal Sanwald, Rtl ?1 bills, the gift of the The !'. 110th of the police surgeons stationed along Geo. M., Produce eil. Infantry. banner. Burnt & Russell Co., Brick Mfn. Karlsruher Brot. Inc., Paper & Twine Robt., B money, explained the colonel, was to the route of march for emergency duty. Saundert, Exprett Corporal Morris In- Illumined with liberty's light, Twenty-on- e ambu- Kaufman, J., Saven be used In bujing meals. F. Lewis, 107th patrds and sixteen "Cadman, C. N., Lime and Cement Fruit Supply Co., Hardware fantry. Whrie it leads the world follows gladly, lances were posted along the route to Campbell, Kelley, Wm. V., Farmer Scanlen, Ice. None of the men who registered at Phil J., Coal Chat., Sfrgeaut .John .1. Dean. 110th In- Triumphant for justice and right. carry injured or fainting spectators to Cannito, Antonio, Kennedy & Co., Butter & Eggt Schroeder, Henry, Wholesale Paper the Second Regiment Armory was forced hospital. Contractor - fantry. the nearest Canton King't Coal & Supply Co. Schwarzwaelder to use tin- city's money relieve Heel Co. ' Co., The, Cloth to his Sergeant James O'Neill, 103d Sani- March on with the blare of your trum- In addition to the hospitals, thre Kitchell, W. S. & Co., Butter & Eggt Spongers Jiuuger, for a while, at least, however, six emergency .stations iu charge Carttein Coal Co. No. 2 tary Train. pets! were Cattani, Kroute, Geo., Bratt Foundry Schwiera, F.' M., Coal for forty women of the Ladies" Aux- of the Fmergeney Aid and the police Giuteppe, Ath Hauling , Jr., Corporal Arthur Dieter, lO.ld Engi- March on with the boom of your guns! Kurtz & Mayer, Wholesale Grocers Scuddert-Cat- e iliary of the Oh) Guard served coffee station. These were at 2 IS South ltroad Chattolanee Spring Water Co. Grocery Co. and sandwiches neers. March on, 0 victorious army! street. Sits Chestnut street, (!0S Chest- Chelsea Laundry Landon Cartage Co., Cartage. Security Storage & Trutt Co. ' nt the armory. These Kfi- Sergeant .Joseph Fuller, 100th Field March mi, Pennsylvania's brave sons! 71(1 street, 1001 Chester Shipbuilding Selig Brot., A., 'j women, under the leadership of Mis. nut street. Market Co. Liberty Candy Mfg. Co. Hardware Artiller March on as the crowds line your path- .Market street and 2IU North Ilroad Chrittie, P. H. Co., Ice Shapiro & Lighting i It. A. (!. Cranston anil Mis. A. Cream Linde, J. E., Paper Co. Aron, Fixtures II. Judge John M. Patterson made an way! street. City Coal Co. Sherman, ' Hartung, were on ,uty at the nrmorv Littauer, N. C, Committion Merchant Jot., Trucking J address at the stntue. March on. Iron so strong! City of Baltimore Silz & Mutter, Inc., Hotel Supplies all day; and the coffee ami umif- - Dirir'n, Lock, Y.