May 1991 Vol. XVI No. 5

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U.S. Department of the Interior Technical Bulletin Fish and Wildlife Service Ten Species Proposed During April for Listing Protection

of the U.S. Department of Com- merce, initiated a status review of the Snake River sockeye salmon stock. NMFS has Endangered Species Act re- sponsibihty for most marine life, in- cluding salmon. Soon after initiating the review, NMFS received a petition from the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hail Indian Reservation to list the Snake River sockeye salmon as Endan- gered. After reviewing all available scientific information, NMFS pub- lished a notice in the April 5, 1991, Federal Register proposing that the Snake River sockeye salmon be listed as Endangered. In making the pro- posal, NMFS found that this stock is a distinct population and thus quali- Sockeye salmon, once found in abundance in Idaho's Redfish , have virtually disap- fies as a "species" as defined by the peared. These sockeye are spawning in Alaska's Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. Endangered Species Act. Two fishes and seven plants were journey, these fish travel almost 900 The Snake River sockeye salmon is proposed by the Fish and Wildlife Ser- miles (1,550 kilometers) to an eleva- one of three remaining stocks of sock- vice during April 1991 for listing as tion of 6,500 feet (1,200 meters) eye salmon in the Columbia River sys- Threatened or Endangered species. above sea level. No other sockeye tem. Historically, Snake River sockeye The National Marine Fisheries Service salmon stock in the wodd swims as far salmon spawned in Idaho's Sawtooth also proposed one salmon population or reaches such heights. At one time, Range in a region known as the for listing as Endangered. If the list- the sockeye were so abundant that Na- Stanley Basin, which included Alturas, ings are made final. Endangered Spe- tive Americans and early miners de- Pettit, Redfish, Yellowbelly and cies Act protection will be available to pended on them for food. Redfish Stanley , and perhaps several the following: Lake derives its name from the spawn- other lakes. In 1881, prospectors at ing colors of these fish. Alturas Lake, near Redfish Lake, were But now the Snake River sockeye able to catch 2,600 pounds (1,180 ki- Snake River Sockeye Salmon salmon, like many of the Columbia lograms) of sockeye salmon. How- (Oncorhynchus nerka) River salmon stocks, is in serious ever, the construction of dams, diver- For millennia, sockeye salmon have trouble. Last year, no Snake River sions of water for agricultural use, use returned in the spring from the Pacific sockeye salmon were known to have of piscicides (chemicals used to kill Ocean to the Columbia River, swum succeeded in reaching the spawning fish), and operation of migration bar- upstream to the Snake River, and areas, and in the preceding 2 years riers (i.e., weirs) prevented salmon made their way up to Redfish Lake only two redds (salmon nests) were from spawning in or near these lakes and small tributaries in Idaho's Rocky found. In 1990, the National Marine by the late 1960s. Only Redfish Lake Mountains to spawn. On their epic Fisheries Service (NMFS), an agency (continued on page 6)

1 ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. XVI No. 5 (1991) ited by Federal and State law. A red- tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) found dead near the grain was positively di- agnosed as strychnine-poisoned. The Fish and Wildlife Service's Gardena, California, law enforcement office is currently investigating the case. * * * In April, the Fish and Wildlife Ser- vice released new guidelines for areas in which proposed activities may af- fect the Threatened northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina). These guidelines had extensive peer-review Regional endangered species staffers (Dipodomys stephensi) by Fish by biologists, other scientists, manag- have reported the following news: and Wildlife Service personnel veri- ers from Federal and State agencies, Region 1 - Recent analyses of grain fied the presence of strychnine. Sur- and private interests who work on collected in Stephens' kangaroo rat face use of this rodenticide is prohib- various issues pertinent to the ecology and management of northern spotted U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region 3, Federal BIdg., Fort Snelling, Tw/in owls. Washington, D.C. 20240 Cities, MN 55111 (612-725-3500); James C. Gritman, Regional Director;Mn Blankenship, The Service recommends that owl John Turner, Director Assistant Regional Director; William F. (202-208-4717) surveys in areas slated for timber har- Harrison, Acting Endangered Species Spe- Ralph O. Morgenweck cialist. vest or other activities be undertaken Assistant Director for Fish between March 15 and August 31, and Wildlife Enhancement Region 4, Richard B. Russell Federal BIdg., 75 when spotted owls are more active in (202-208-4646) Spring Street, S.W., Atlanta, GA 30303 (404- Larry R. Shannon, Chief, 331-3580); James W. Pulliam, Regional Di- defending their established territories Division of Endangered Species rector; Tom Olds, Assistant Regional Direc- during the nesting season and can be (703-358-2171) tor; David Flemming, Endangered Species William E. Knapp, Chief, Specialist. counted. The guidelines oudine pro- Division of Habitat Conservation cedures by which owls can be "called" (703-358-2161) Region 5, One Gateway Center, Suite 700 Marshall P. Jones, Chief, Newton Corner, MA 02158 (617-965-5100) to determine whether or not they are Office of tvlanagement Authority Ronald E. Lambertson, Regional Director present in particular areas, and they (703-358-2093) Ralph Pisapia, Assistant Regional Director, recommend procedures for determin- John J. Doggett, Chief, Paul Nickerson, Endangered Species Spe- Division of Law Enforcement cialist. ing whether owl pairs are actively (703-358-1949) nesting and rearing young. The TECHNICAL BULLETIN Region 6, P.O. Box 25486, Denver Federal Michael Bender, Editor Center; Denver, CO 80225 (303-236-7920); guidelines should not only assist land- Michael Rees, Assistant Editor Galen Buterbaugh, Regional Director; Robert E. owners in adequately assessing their Jacobsen, Assistant Regional Director; Larry (703-358-2166) areas for the presence of spotted owls, Regional Offices Shanks, Endangered Species Specialist. Region 1, Eastside Federal Complex, 911 but also ensure a high probability of N.S.I 1th Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-4181 Region 7, 1011 E. Tudor Rd., Anchorage, AK 99503 (907-786-3542); Walter O. Stieglitz, identifying spotted owls and owl terri- (503-231-6118); Marvin Plenerl, Regional Di- Regional Director; Rowan Gould, Assistant rector; Dale Hall, Assistant Regional Director: tories that may be affected by pro- Regional Director; Ron Garrett, Endangered Bob Ruesink, Endangered Species Specialist. posed activities. Species Specialist. Copies of "Guidelines for Surveying Region 2, P.O. Box 1306, Albuquerque, NM Region 8, (FWS Research and Development 87103 (505-766-2321); Michael J. Spear, nationwide), Washington, D.C. 20240; John Proposed Management Activities That Regional Director, James A. Young, Assistant D. Buffington, Regional Director; Al Sherk, May Impact Northern Spotted Owls" Regional Director; George Divine, Acting En- Endangered Species Specialist (703-358- are available from the Service's Port- dangered Species Specialist. 1710). land, Oregon (503/231-6179), Olym- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Regions pia, Washington (206/753-9440), and

Region 1: California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Sacramento, California (916/978- Islands. Guam, and the Pacific Trust Territories. Region 2: Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. Region 3: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa. Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Region 4: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, 4866), offices. Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Puerto Rlcoand the U.S. Virgin Islands. Region 5: Connecticut, Delaware, * * * District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland. Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia. Region 6: Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and In March, staff from the Service's Wyoming. Region 7: Alaska. Region 8: Research and Development nationwide. Region 9: Washington, D C., Office. Published on recyclable paper with at least 50% recycled wastepaper content. If Olympia Field Office supported the you do not keep back issues, please recycle the paper, pass them along to an Washington Department of Wildlife interested person, or donate them to a local school or library. (continued on page 11)

2 ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. XVI No. 5 (1991) Federal and State Endangered Species Expenditures in Fiscal Year 1990 The Fish and Wildhfe Service has var. leei). Fifty-eight species (10 per- amounts reported for many species published its second annual report for cent of the list) accounted for 90 per- and appear to constitute about one- Congress summarizing "reasonably cent of all reported expenditures. quarter of the total amount. Many of identifiable" species-by-species expen- Twenty-four species had reported ex- the significant changes in spending ditures by Federal agencies and States. penditures exceeding $1 million each, rank between 1989 and 1990 are a re- Under Section 18 of the Endangered accounting for over half of the total. sult of land acquisitions (e.g., jagua- Species Act, Congress requested infor- The 10 species with the highest re- rundi and ocelot). mation on expenditures to assess ported expenditures in fiscal year Like the 1989 report, the informa- claims that a disproportionate effort is 1990 were: northern spotted owl tion presented in the 1990 report does being made to conserve a few, highly ($9.7 million); least Bell's vireo (Vireo not reflect the total National effort to visible species at the expense of nu- bellii pusillus; $9.2 million); grizzly conserve Threatened and Endangered merous, less well-known species that bear (Ursus arctos; $5.9 million); red- species. A significant portion of may have greater need for protection. cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borea- Threatened and Endangered species As with the 1989 report, which was lis; $5.2 million); Florida panther conservation activities includes law summarized in Bulletin Vol. XV, No. (Felis concolor coryi; $4.1 million); enforcement, consultation, recovery 4, many Federal agencies assisted in Mojave population of the desert tor- coordination, and other actions that providing expenditures data for the toise (Gopherus agassizii; $4.1 million); cannot be easily or reasonably identi- 1990 report. The International Asso- (Haliaeetus leucocephalus; fied by species. Accounting proce- ciation of Fish and Wildlife Agencies $3.5 million); ocelot (Felis pardalis; $3 dures by all agencies for most staff again compiled the data on total State million); jaguarundi (Felis yagoua- salaries, operations, maintenance, and expenditures. roundi; $2.9 million); and American other support services are not re- peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus corded by species. Also, there is sig- Federal and State Expenditures anatum; $2.9 million). The Threat- nificant variability among the various in 1990 ened valley elderberry longhorn beetle Federal and State agency reports. Fi- (Desmocerus califomicus dimorphus) was More than $102.3 million was re- nally, the 1990 expenditures report the highest ranked invertebrate in re- ported as being spent in fiscal year does not include the extensive mon- ported expenditures (#26 at $952,000) 1990 by Federal and State agencies etary contributions and time that in- and the Threatened northern wild specifically for the conservation of dividuals, corporations, and private monkshood (Aconitum noveboracens^ 477 Threatened and Endangered spe- groups have provided for conserving was the highest ranked plant (#57 at cies - about 81 percent of all the listed species. $226,000). listed animals and plants in the It should also be noted that annual United States. The Fish and Wildlife variations in the amounts reported on Service accounted for $35 million of Report Limitations individual species may reflect high the total expenditures, while 12 other The 1990 report benefited greatly cost expenditures that are not nor- Federal agencies (e.g., Bureau of Land from better accounting and reporting mally a part of ongoing conservation Management, U.S. Forest Service, Na- from the agencies compared to the efforts. For example, the Bureau of tional Park Service, National Marine 1989 report. Thus, it cannot be di- Reclamation undertook a major land Fisheries Service) accounted for over rectly compared with the 1989 report. acquisition effort in 1989 to conserve $61 million. State agency expendi- Although it appears that expenditures the Endangered Tumamoc globe-berry tures are included in the report be- more than doubled between 1989 and (Tumamoca macdougalii). As a result, cause those that have cooperative 1990, the Service estimates that al- in 1989 this species was ranked ninth agreements with the Fish and Wildlife most all of the increase is from better out of 554 species in expenditures Service are eligible for Federal funds reporting by the various agencies and ($1,167,300). In the 1990 report, under Section 6 of the Act. The not from any significant increase in however, the plant had a rank of 60th States reported a total of about $6 spending on Endangered and Threat- out of 591 species, with a total of million. ened species. This year's report in- $214,440. The range of expenditures varied cludes land acquisitions that were Copies of the 1990 expenditures re- from a high of over $9 million for the made to protect listed species; such port are available from the Publica- northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis purchases were not always included in tions Unit, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- caurina) to a low of $100 for the Lee the previous report. These Federal ex- vice, Room 130-ARLSQ, Washington, pincushion cactus (Coryphantha sneedii penditures greatly inflated the D.C. 20240.

3 ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. XVI No. 5 (1991) Research Center Analyzes Health Problems of Endangered Species Ron Windingstad National Wildlife Health Research Center

Each year, wildlife managers across Health Problems in Endangered ease in birds that can be fatal. It is the United States are confronted with Species caused by the bacterium Mycobacte- animals that are sick or dead from a As part of its mission, the Center rium avium, which can persist for at variety of causes. Such health prob- monitors the causes of illness and least 2 years in soils contaminated by lems assume a special importance death in Threatened and Endangered infected birds. Avian tuberculosis has when the species are already Threat- species and responds to early warnings been confirmed in 5 (and suspected in ened or Endangered. Diseases, in- of health problems. The staff special- 2) of 22 whooping cranes carcasses cluding environmental contaminant ists identify recurring causes of mor- sent to the Center from the Gray's poisoning, can reduce the health, ge- tality, new and emerging diseases, and Lake foster parent flock (16) and the netic variability, and reproductive po- potential catastrophic losses from es- Wood Buffalo/Aransas population (6). tential of animal populations, and tablished pathogens. From October The prevalence of avian tuberculosis even push rare species over the edge 1988 through 1990, Center personnel in these birds was much higher than into extinction. Minimizing such examined more than 1,900 specimens the reported 0.3 to 0.7 percent typical wildlife losses requires immediate and of a wide variety of Endangered and for free-living birds. Researchers at effective technical support to field Threatened wildlife throughout the the Center are seeking an understand- personnel who find sick and dead ani- country (see table). The Center's di- ing of the epizootiology, or natural mals; timely and accurate diagnoses of agnostic findings are directly appli- history, of avian tuberculosis in these the causes; research on ways to control cable to the protection and manage- flocks. With this information, the and treat diseases; and the cooperation ment of rare species. crane populations can be managed to and coordination of experts working One example of the Center's work control losses. throughout the country on the science involves the study of avian tuberculo- Tumors of unknown etiology, or of wildlife diseases. sis in whooping cranes (Grus cause, have been found in carcasses of Established in 1975, the Fish and americana) and tumors in Mississippi 5 of 18 Mississippi sandhill cranes Wildlife Service's National Wildlife sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis pulla). from the Mississippi Health Research Center in Madison, Avian tuberculosis is an infectious dis- National Wildlife Refuge in southern Wisconsin, has been working on a va- riety of wildlife health problems. The Center's staff of over 50 scientists and support personnel offer a variety of services, ranging from diagnostic ex- aminations to training of senior vet- erinary students, wildlife biologists, and foreign scientists interested in wildlife diseases. The Center's physi- cal facilities, including necropsy facili- ties and bacteriology, chemistry, mi- crobiology, virology, and parasitology labs, are the most advanced in the world for the study of wildlife disease. A "tight" isolation wing in the Center's research building is available for working on highly contagious dis- eases. In addition to its primary role in preventing and controlling wildlife diseases, since 1983 the Center has been restoring 15 acres (6 hectares) of Dr. Nancy Thomas, Endangered Species Disease Specialist, begins a necropsy on a red tall-grass prairie on the Center's 23- wolf (Canis rufus). She is assisted by technician Mike Coffey. acre (9-ha) site. (continued on next page)

4 ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. XVI No. 5 (1991) Research Center Endangered and Threatened species from which carcasses (755) or (continued from previous page) tissue samples (1216)** were submitted for diagnostic work at the Mississippi. This prevalence is also in National Wildlife Health Research Center from October 1988 through excess of the normal rate of less than December 1990. one percent for birds in the wild. Vi- ruses, mycotoxins (toxins produced by BIRDS mold), parasites, and a wide array of Aleutian (Branta canadensis leucopareia) environmental contaminants cause tu- Andean condor (Vultur gryphus) mors and are being evaluated for their Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) role in the high incidence of tumors Black-necked crane (Grus nigricollis) among birds from the Mississippi Brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) Sandhill Crane Refuge. California least (Sterna antillarum browni) The Service's decision to capture Hawaiian coot (Fulica americana alai) and confine the remaining California Hawaiian crow (Corvus haivaiiensis) condors (Gymnogyps califomianus) in a Hawaiian dark-rumpled petrel (Pterodroma phaeopygia sandwichensis) protected environment was greatly in- Hawaiian duck (Anas wyvilliana) fluenced by the diagnosis of lead poi- Hawaiian goose (Nesochen sandvicensis) soning in the carcasses of the last three Hawaiian stilt (Himantopus mexicanus knudseni) free-flying condors. Elevated levels of Hooded crane (Grus monacha) lead in (Aquila chrysaetos) Interior least tern (Sterna antillarum athalassos) carcasses in the California condor's Japanese crane (Grus japonensis) habitat confirmed the potential dan- Kirtland's warbler (Dendroica kirtLtndii) ger of lead poisoning from a prey Laysan duck (Anas laysanensis) population similar to that of the re- Laysan finch (Telespyza cantans) maining condors. Masked bobwhite (Colinus virginianus ridgwayi) Efforts to restore Threatened and Mississippi sandhill crane (Grus canadensis pulla) Endangered species often involve the Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) reintroduction of captive-reared ani- Piping plover (Charadrius melodus) mals into parts of their historical Puerto Rican parrot (Amazona vittata) range. For such efforts to be success- Northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) ful, healthy captive animals must sur- Red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) vive in the wild at least until they have Siberian white crane (Grus leucogeranus) produced viable young. After the White-naped crane (Grus vipio) reintroduction of the red wolf (Canis Whooping crane (Grus americana) rufus) to a portion of its former range Wood stork (Mycteria americana) in eastern North Carolina, Dr. Nancy Thomas, the Center's endangered spe- cies pathologist, conducted meticulous MAMMALS necropsies of individuals that died after Delmarva Peninsula fox squirrel (Sciurus niger cinereus) release. She and her colleagues in virol- Gray wolf (Canis lupus) ogy, microbiology, parasitology, and Hawaiian hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus) analytical chemistry sought to identify Mount Graham red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis) the causes of death and contributing Red wolf (Canis rufus) factors to help guide managers in the San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica) recovery of this species. Southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis)

The Resource Health Team ** tissue samples and organs other than intact carcasses Investigations of mortality in en- dangered species are usually carried out by the Center's Resource Health (Pelecanus occidentalis) were found nia Fish and Wildlife Investigations Team. For example, between October scattered around Monterey Bay and Laboratory in Rancho Cordova and and December 1987, an estimated San Luis Obispo Bay. The team, the University of California-Davis, in- 350 dead California brown pelicans along with biologists from the Califor- (continued on page 6)

5 ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. XVI No. 5 (1991) Research Center cies and other wildlife. Rapid, accu- evidence was obtained from the ranch (continued from page 5) rate determination of perpetrators can where the carcasses had been found. vestigated the deaths. With support reduce additional losses of Endan- The Patuxent Analytical Control Fa- from the Center's diagnostic section, gered species. For example, in early cility, part of the Patuxent Wildlife the disease erysipelas, caused by the 1990, a bald eagle (Haliaeetus Research Center in Laurel, Maryland, bacterium Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, leucocephalus), three golden eagles, and identified carbofuran, a carbamate was identified as the cause of death. a (Canis latrans) were found pesticide, in stomach contents of the Pelicans were feeding on parts of fish dead from poisoning in New Mexico. birds, confirming the diagnosis of car- that were discarded by restaurants and In order to obtain a warrant to search bamate poisoning. The evidence ob- commercial fisherman near the the ranch where the alleged poisoning tained with the search warrant was wharfs. This bacterium is common in occurred, the Service's special agent used to prosecute the rancher who dead fish. Live pelicans infected with investigating the case needed justifica- poisoned the animals. * * * the bacterium were treated with anti- tion. biotics, dead birds were collected and The bald and golden eagles were For more information on the incinerated, and the practice of dis- submitted to the Center on February Center's activities and specific ques- carding fish remains where pelicans 7, 1990, and within 2 days the car- tions on the mortality of Threatened fed was halted. casses were necropsied, assays of ap- or Endangered species, contact Ron Cooperation among Center person- propriate brain enzyme activity were Windingstad or Dr. Nancy Thomas at nel, scientists from other agencies, and completed, and a provisional diagnosis the National Wildlife Health Research law enforcement agents is paramount of carbamate poisoning was relayed to Center, 6006 Schroeder Rd., Madi- in conducting investigations into the law enforcement agents. On February son, Wisconsin 5371 1 (telephone: intentional killing of endangered spe- 12, the search warrant was served and 608/271-4640 or FTS 364-5411).

Listing Proposals The construction and operation of spillway operations, and reduced wa- (continued from page I) dams is the primary cause for the de- ter flows can delay the salmon. Be- continued to support a run—the cline of the Snake River sockeye cause sockeye salmon do not feed dur- world's southernmost natural sockeye salmon. The first dam that seriously ing their upstream migration, delays salmon population. However, the vi- impeded access of salmon to the during migration may deplete the ability of this stock is now uncertain Stanley Basin lakes, the Sunbeam salmon's limited energy reserves and due to the apparent lack of fish re- Dam, was built in 1910. Between increase pre-spawning mortality. turning from the ocean for the past 1938 and 1975, eight major Federal The hydroelectric dams primarily several years. Because of the sockeye's hydroelectric dams were built on the affect the Snake River juvenile sockeye 4- to 5-year spawning cycle, biologists Columbia and Snake Rivers, including salmon. The juvenile fish are killed, will not know until 1994 if the Snake the Bonneville, McNary, and Lower injured, lost, and delayed as they pass River sockeye still exists. Granite Dams. Although the specific through reservoirs, turbines, spillways, Historically, Snake River sockeye effects of the dams on the Snake River sluiceways, and bypass systems. While salmon entered the Columbia River sockeye salmon run are not quanti- the fish are in the reservoirs they are primarily during June and July. The fied, the Northwest Power Planning subjected to increased predation by peak of the run used to reach Redfish Council estimates that the hy- such species as the northern squawfish Lake in August, and spawning oc- dropower dams reduced overall annual (Ptychocheilus oregonensis), a native curred near shoals along the lake's salmon and steelhead {Oncorhynchus fish, and the non-native walleye shoreline, primarily in October. After gairdneri) production in the Columbia (Stizostedion vitreum). Some salmon hatching the following spring, the ju- River Basin by 8 million fish—a 50 also lose the urge to migrate and re- venile fish remained in the lake up to percent decline. Approximately half main in the reservoirs, while others 2 years before migrating to the ocean. of the losses were due to the blockage are delayed and arrive at the ocean un- The fish usually spent 2 years in the of habitat by the Chief Joseph Dam able to undergo the physiological ocean and returned to spawn in their on the upper Columbia River and the changes necessary to adapt to salt wa- fourth or fifth year of life. Only Hells Canyon Dam on the Snake ter. Although no studies have been about 1 percent of the salmon that River. The other losses are attributed conducted specifically on sockeye migrated from the lake survived natu- to the eight mainstem dams below the salmon, an estimated 93 percent of ju- ral forces (e.g., predators, disease) and Chief Joseph and Hells Canyon venile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus human-caused environmental changes, Dams. In addition, the dams' fish tshaivytscha) and steelhead are lost an- and made it back to spawn. passage facilities, powerhouse and (continued on next page)

6 ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. XVI No. 5 (1991) Listing Proposals irrigation, flood control, and naviga- sockeye; and controlling predators and (continued from previous page) tion could be affected. In particular, competing species in the Stanley Basin nually due to the eight mainstem flows in the rivers could be modified lakes. dams. This percentage can approach to improve the passage of migrating 100 percent in low flow years. juvenile sockeye. Other Federal ac- Goldline Darter and Blue Shiner Water diversion from the Columbia tions that could be affected include These two fish species may have River and Salmon River for agricul- permits issued by the Army Corps of once occupied most of the Cahaba tural irrigation has contributed to the Engineers under Section 404 of the River system in Alabama and the up- salmon's decline. Agricultural diver- Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the per Coosa and Alabama River systems sions have removed all of the water Rivers and Harbors Act, and Federal in Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee. from Alturas Lake Creek, preventing Energy Regulatory Commission li- The goldline darter (Percina the salmon from entering the lake censes for non-Federal development aurolineata) is a slender fish, about 3 they once used. Other unscreened and operation of hydropower dams. inches (8 centimeters) long, with water diversions allow juvenile fish to NMFS and the other involved Fed- brownish-red and amber stripes along move into irrigation systems and be- eral and State agencies could take sev- its upper back. It historically occurred come lost. Water withdrawals from eral measures to help conserve the spe- in 49 miles (79 kilometers) of the the Columbia River Basin also reduce cies. These include: capturing adult Cahaba River, almost 7 miles (11 km) the flows during the time the juvenile sockeye returning to Redfish Lake to of the Little Cahaba River, and in the salmon are migrating to the ocean, spawn and using their offspring to re- Coosawattee River system (part of the which in turn decreases the survival of build the population; improving adult upper Coosa River system). Today, it the fish. fish passage facilities at dams; elimi- survives in fragmented populations in nating the catch of sockeye salmon in Several other factors have contrib- the Coosawattee River, in about 7 all Columbia River fisheries; placing uted to the decline of the salmon run. miles of the Litrie Cahaba River, and Commercial fisheries have been har- screens across all water diversions to vesting the Snake River sockeye prevent the loss of migrating juvenile (continued on page 8) salmon since 1889. In 1898, more than 4.5 million pounds (2.05 million kilograms) of sockeye salmon, includ- ing Snake River fish, was taken from the lower Columbia River. From 1960 to 1973, commercial and tribal sockeye salmon fisheries in the Co- lumbia River downstream from the Snake River averaged 35,956 fish. These fisheries may have harvested a disproportionately high number of Redfish Lake sockeye because the Redfish Lake sockeye are relatively large compared to the Columbia River The goldline darter (Percina aurolineata) seems to have declined throughout the Cahaba sockeye salmon. The stocking of River system. It continues to survive in about 7 miles of the Little Cahaba River, Alabama, freshwater gamefish in the reservoirs where this specimen was found. and at the spawning grounds has re- sulted in increased predation of the sockeye's eggs, fry, and smolt. The Snake River Basin also has been expe- riencing drought conditions. This has resulted in lower flows, which in turn delay the return of juvenile fish down- stream and may preclude fish from moving through the dams. If Endangered Species Act protec- tion is extended to the Snake River sockeye salmon, the operation of the This male blue sh/ner (Cyprinella caerulea) was found in the Little River, a tributary of the mainstem dams for power generation, Coosa River, in Alabama.

7 ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. XVI No. 5 (1991) Listing Proposals lations in the Cahaba River system All known populations of S. arg- (continued from page 7) from the upper Coosa River tributary illaceae are on Federal lands in south- in 27 miles (43 km) of the Cahaba populations. Because these frag- western Uintah County that are leased River. mented populations are apparently re- for oil and gas reserves. In addition, The blue shiner (Cyprinelk caerulea) producing, the Fish and Wildlife Ser- the species' entire range is underlain is a medium-sized minnow that may vice has proposed that the goldline by oil shale, which could be mined grow up to 4 inches (10 cm) long and darter and blue shiner be listed as when economic conditions favor it. often appears to be dusky blue with Threatened rather than Endangered The Bureau of Land Management pale yellow fins. This fish historically (F.R. 4/19/91). (BLM) is responsible for administer- occurred in the Cahaba River in Ala- ing energy development in this area. bama and the upper Coosa River sys- A total of approximately 2,000 indi- tem in Alabama, Georgia, and Ten- viduals of S. argillaceae are known to nessee. It has been extirpated from exist at seven sites. the Cahaba River, but continues to About the same number of S. survive in fragmented populations in bamebyi are known to remain in two the upper Coosa River system. small populations. One is within The ranges of both fishes have de- Capitol Reef National Park in central clined due to water pollution and the Wayne County. The other is on construction of reservoirs. Water pol- BLM-administered land on the San lution is responsible for eliminating Rafael Swell, a large anticline or geo- the blue shiner and reducing the logical upwarp, in southern Emery goldline darter populations in the County. This population is threat- Cahaba River system. In this basin, ened by habitat damage associated there are 10 municipal wastewater with the potential for uranium min- treatment plants, 35 surface mining ing. The single hillside where it oc- areas, and 67 other permitted dis- curs already has been bisected by an charges. During low flows, virtually access road leading to nearby mining all of the water in some stretches of claims. Even before a mine is devel- the river is treated sewage effluent. oped, the annual assessment work re- Although some of the wastewater quired to maintain the claims could treatment plants have been upgraded, degrade the habitat. nutrients in the sewage are still con- If the proposal to list S. argillaceae tributing to eutrophication of the and S. barneby is approved. Federal river, which adversely affects the fish agencies will be required to ensure by removing oxygen from the water. that none of their activities (including Increased siltation that results from mineral leasing) are likely to jeopar- The Barneby reed-mustard (Schoenocrambe dize the survival of these species. surface mining, the operation of lime- argillaceae) grows up to 12 inches (30 cm) stone quarries and cement plants, road from a woody root crown. Its inflorescence construction, and site preparation for contains as many as 20 small flowers that are whitish to pale lavender in color with Five Puerto Rico Plants gas drilling operations also has de- prominent purple veins. Five species of rare evergreen trees graded water quality and affected both and shrubs endemic to the island of species. Methane gas extraction in the Two Utah Plants Puerto Rico were proposed April 19 basin also could occur in the future, The (Schoen- clay reed-mustard for listing as Endangered: which has the potential to affect water ocrambe argillaceae) and Barneby • Callicarpa ampla, or quality and the fish. (Schoenocrambe barne- capa rosa — reed-mustard A species in the family Verbenaceae, byi), small perennial herbs in the fam- Impoundments for hydropower, this tree grows up to 50 feet (15 ily Brassicaceae, were proposed for navigation, and flood control prob- meters) tall. Its branched inflores- listing in the April 12 Federal Register ably wiped out all of the goldline cence bears numerous small, whitish Both species are endemic to desert darter and blue shiner populations in flowers. Only seven trees at four sites shrub-lands, and each has specific soil the upper Alabama and Coosa Rivers, are known. requirements. Their low numbers and along with isolated populations in the • Styrax portoricensis, or de restricted distribution make them par- palo tributaries of the upper Coosa River. — A taller tree, this member These reservoirs also have fragmented ticularly vulnerable to extinction as a jazmin and isolated the goldline darter popu- result of habitat disturbance. (continued on page 10)

8 ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. XVI No. 5 (1991) Callicarpa ampla Styrax portoricensis

Ternstroemia luquillensis Ternstroemia subsessilis

9 ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. XVI No. 5 (1991) Listing Proposals populations are within the Caribbean to further the purposes of the Act by (continued from page 8) National Forest, road construction, carrying out conservation programs of the family Styracaceae can reach 66 expansion of communication facilities, for listed species. It also requires these feet (20 m) in height. The inflores- and certain forestry management ac- agencies to ensure that any actions cence is a 3- to 6-flowered raceme, tivities could threaten some of the they fund, authorize, or carry out are each flower being borne on a curved plants. Because these species are so not likely to jeopardize the survival of pedicel. Only one individual tree is extremely rare, the loss of any one in- any Endangered or Threatened spe- known, and it was damaged in 1989 dividual could be critical. If the list- cies. If an agency finds that one of its by Hurricane Hugo. ing proposal is approved, the U.S. activities may affect a listed species, it Forest Service will be responsible un- • Ternstroemia luquillensis or pale is required to consult with the Service der the Act for ensuring that these Colorado — The third tree in this list- on ways to avoid jeopardy. For species plants and their habitat are protected. ing package, T. luquillensis, belongs to that are proposed for listing and for the tea family (Theaceae^. It grows as which jeopardy is found, Federal tall as 60 feet (18 m) and produces agencies are required to "confer" with showy, white or cream-colored flow- Available Conservation Measures the Service, although the results of such a conference are not legally bind- ers. Only two trees of this species Among the conservation benefits ing. have been reported in recent years. authorized for Threatened and En- • Ternstroemia subsessilis — A re- dangered plants and animals under Additional protection is authorized lated species, this plant is a shrub or the Endangered Species Act are: pro- by Section 9 of the Act, which makes small tree that grows to about 17 feet tection from adverse effects of Federal it illegal to take or to engage in inter- (5 m) in height. Its small, white flow- activities; restrictions on take and traf- state or international trafficking in ers are solitary and borne at the ends ficking; the requirement for the Ser- listed animals except by permit for of the branches. A total of 24 indi- vice to develop and carry out recovery certain conservation purposes. For viduals in 3 populations are known. plans; the authorization to seek land plants, the rules regarding "take" are • Ilex sintenisii — The fifth spe- purchases or exchanges for important difi-erent. It is unlawful to collect or cies, I. sintenisii, is a shrub or small habitat; and Federal aid to State and maliciously damage any Endangered tree in the holly family (Aqui- Commonwealth conservation depart- plant on lands under Federal jurisdic- foliaceaej. No specimens taller than ments that have approved cooperative tion. Removing or damaging listed 15 feet (4.5 m) tall have been re- agreements with the Service. Listing plants on State and private lands in corded. It is restricted to the dwarf or also lends greater recognition to a spe- knowing violation of State law or in elfin forest of the Luquillo Moun- cies' precarious status, which encour- the course of violating a State criminal tains. ages other conservation efforts by trespass law also is illegal under the All five of these species have been State and local agencies, independent Act. In addition, some States have reduced in range and numbers, and organizations, and concerned indi- more restrictive laws of their own spe- are now believed to occur only in the viduals. cifically against the take of State or federally listed plants and animals. Luquillo Mountains of northeastern Section 7 of the Act directs Federal Puerto Rico. Although the surviving agencies to use their legal authorities

Final Listing Rules Published for Three Species

During April 1991, the Fish and to 20 feet (6 meters) tall and may have reported in the Rio Abajo Common- Wildlife Service published final rules several trunks up to 4 inches (10 cen- wealth Forest in 1985, and the species listing three taxa—a plant, a bird, and timeters) in diameter. Urban, indus- may also exist in the Tortuguero La- a mammal—as Threatened or Endan- trial, and tourist development has ex- goon Natural Reserve. Residential de- gered species. Endangered Species Act tirpated the species from most of its velopment threatens the population protection is now available to the fol- range. Today, this plant is known to near the Pinones Commonwealth For- lowing: occur in the Isabela area (about 100 est. One landowner in Isabela re- individuals), on private land near the cently proposed to donate the cliffs on Schoepfia arenaria Pinones Commonwealth Forest which some trees grow to the Puerto This small evergreen tree, a member (about 30 mature plants and numer- Rico Department of Natural Re- of the family Olacaceae, is endemic to ous saplings and seedlings), and on sources. The other populations, how- the coastal forests and limestone hills limestone hills in Fajardo (an esti- ever, are under intense development of northern Puerto Rico. It grows up mated 50 individuals). One tree was (continued on next page)

10 ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. XVI No. 5 (1991) Final Listings the island of Hispaniola. However, population and therefore are eligible (continued from previous page) the bird's remaining forest habitat is for Endangered Species Act protec- being cleared for agriculture, housing, tion. pressure. The Fish and Wildhfe Ser- and tourist development. It is esti- The silver rice rat requires undevel- vice proposed that Schoepfia arenaria mated that less than 7 percent of Haiti oped mangrove forests and salt marsh be listed as Threatened in the Septem- and less than 15 percent of the Do- habitat, unlike the common rats ber 17, 1990, Federal Register (see Bul- minican Republic remains forested. (Rattus spp.j found in urban areas. letin Vol. XV, No. 10), and the final In addition, the crow continues to be Most of this natural habitat in the rule was published April 19, 1991. hunted in the Dominican Republic. lower Florida Keys has been lost dur- The Service proposed that the white- ing the past few decades because of White-necked Crow necked crow be listed as Endangered commercial and residential develop- (Corvus in the December 27, 1989, Federal ment. The silver rice rat is currently leucognaphalus) Register (see Bulletin Vol. XV, No. 1), known to occur at very low densities This bird resembles the crows of the and the final rule was published April on eight keys. It is believed extirpated mainland United States but is distin- 3, 1991. from one key and possibly from two guished by the pure white base of the others. The silver rice rat's remaining feathers of the hind neck. It originally habitat continues to be threatened by occurred in the Dominican Republic, Silver Rice Rat (Oryzomys residential and commercial develop- Haiti, Puerto Rico, and St. Croix in palustris natator) ment. In addition, predation by rac- the U.S. Virgin Islands. The white- The Lower Keys population of the coons (Procyon lotor) and competition necked crow seems to thrive only rice rat, or the silver rice rat, is a small with introduced black rats (Rattus where there are extensive stands of rodent endemic to the of rattus) threaten the survival of the sil- natural forest. With the clearing of Florida's Lower Keys. Rice rats occur ver rice rat. The Service proposed in the forests and extensive hunting of from the southeastern United States the October 20, 1990, Federal Register the bird for its meat, the crow has dis- and Mexico to northern South that the lower Florida Keys popula- appeared from St. Croix and Puerto America. There are varying interpre- tion of the rice rat be listed as Endan- Rico. tations regarding the taxonomic status gered (see Bulletin Vol. XV, No. 11), of those in the Lower Keys. However, Today, the white-necked crow only and the final rule was published April the Service has determined that they occurs in limited parts of the Domini- 30, 1991. can Republic and Haiti, which share do constitute a distinct vertebrate

Regional News recently killed in Idaho's upper St. Joe in April, when the species is most eas- (continued from page 2) River drainage. The area is about 7 ily captured. Tentative arrangements miles (11 kilometers) from the Mon- have been made to move the fish to in recommending that areas known to tana-Idaho line and has had frequent Dexter National Fish Hatchery, New be used by breeding gray wolves (Ca- gray wolf sightings for the past 10 Mexico, where they will be tempo- ms lupus) be closed to coyote (Canis years. This reconfirms that wolves are rarily held until conditions improve in latrans) hunting during the big game present in this portion of Idaho. . hunting season, and that baiting and * * * * * * the use of hounds to hunt black bear The Threatened Warner sucker Since 1980, the Institute for (Ursus americanus) in the Selkirk Griz- (Catostomus wamerensis) occurs only in Widlife Studies in Areata, California, zly Bear Recovery Zone be prohibited. a few lakes and streams in Oregon's in cooperation with the California The Service supported the recommen- Warner Valley. The survival of this Department of Fish and Game, has dation to temporarily restrict coyote fish may now be imperiled as water been conducting a program to reintro- hunting becaiise it believes there is the conditions in the valley decline due to duce bald eagles (Haliaeetus leu- potential for hunters to mistake young a continuing drought. A recent fish cocephalus) on Santa Catalina Island, wolves for . The Washington kill in Crump Lake included nearly California. However, the reintro- Department of Wildlife will imple- 100 Warner suckers. This summer. duced eagles' eggs have not been suc- ment the recommendations in the is expected to dry up. In cessfully hatching due to residual State's regulations for the next three light of these conditions, personnel DDE contamination. hunting seasons. from the Oregon Department of Fish To help increase the Santa Catalina * * * and Wildlife, the Bureau of Land Island population, biologists from the On March 20, a Service biologist Management, The Nature Conser- Service's Sacramento Field Office and found tracks of two wolves and an vancy, and the Service began to cap- the California Department of Fish and (Cervus elaphus) carcass the wolves had ture the remaining lake-dwelling fish (continued on page 12)

11 ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. XVI No. 5 (1991) Regional News including the California least tern between the spring of 1990, when the (continued from page 11) (Sterna antillarum browni), light- birds departed for Canada's Wood Game removed two bald eagle eggs footed clapper rail (Rallus longirostris Buffalo National Park, and the fall, from a mainland nest at Frenchman levipes), brown pelican (Pelecanus when they arrived back at Aransas. Reservoir (Plumas County) and es- occidentalis californicus), peregrine fal- With only 13 juvenile whoopers corted the eggs on a commercial flight con (Fako peregrinus), and bald eagle. reaching the refuge in 1991, the from Reno, Nevada, to Long Beach. The study area consists of approxi- Aransas/Wood Buffalo population's The following day, the eggs were mately 2,500 acres (1,000 ha) owned total losses exceeded production in placed into two nests on Santa by the Port of San Diego, State of 1990—the first time since 1981 that Catalina Island. They successfully California, San Diego Gas and Elec- the population has declined. hatched in mid-April. tric, and Western Salt Company. Six of this winter's losses likely oc- The California Department of Fish Over 80 percent of the original tidal curred in a 4-mile (6-km) stretch of and Game intends to treat Frenchman wetlands of this bay have already been the refuge in late December and early Reservoir with a fish poison to destroy lost to development, and commercial January. Although the remnants of an illegally introduced population of and recreational development is a only one carcass have been found, pre- northern pike (Esox lucius), which threat to the remaining habitat. Nu- dation is suspected in some of the poses a serious threat to the entire merous environmental organizations losses. Three of the juveniles had Sacramento/San Joaquin Valley fishery and public agencies have indicated winter territories adjacent to the 4- should the pike escape or be trans- support for the refiige. mile stretch and all five juveniles fed ported from the reservoir. Translocat- * * * in the area. The female parent of one ing the bald eagle eggs prevented pos- Region 2 - The Calgary Zoo in of the juveniles is also among those sible mortality of juvenile eagles due Alberta, Canada, is completing plans presumed dead. to loss of their food supply, while for its whooping crane (Grus Two other subadults are also miss- helping restore the Santa Catalina Is- americana) rearing facility. The zoo, ing. Subadults move about more fre- land eagle population. which is scheduled to receive its first quently than adults during the winter • * • whooping crane eggs in 1992, is even- months and do not maintain a terri- The Service released a draft envi- tually expected to contain up to 10 tory. The two cranes were last seen ronmental assessment on April 15 for breeding pairs of whoopers. Young together in February and may have proposed additions to the Julia Buder birds that are produced and reared at moved outside of the area being sur- Hansen National Wildlife Refuge in the Calgary Zoo will be used to help veyed. the Westport, Oregon, area. This ref- establish new populations in the wild. As the 1991 spring migration be- uge protects important habitat for two To help ensure successful propagation gan, a whooper was shot and killed subpopulations of the Endangered of the cranes, two zoo employees will near Bend, Texas. A suspect signed a Columbian white-tailed deer receive one month of special confession and charges are pending. (Odocoileus virginianus leucurus). Se- avicultural training at the Interna- The maximum population in the curing habitat to protect a third viable tional Crane Foundation in Baraboo, Wood Buffalo/Aransas flock is now population in the Westport area is one Wisconsin. Later, they will visit the 136 birds, compared to 142 birds at of the key remaining steps in the spe- Service's Patuxent Wildlife Research this time in 1990. * * * cies' recovery plan. In the draft envi- Center in Laurel, Maryland, for fur- ronmental assessment, the Service is ther orientation. The zoo also expects Region 3 - Since 1980, the Service proposing to purchase title to approxi- to raise other crane species this year in has been providing Endangered Spe- mately 1,600 acres (650 hectares) of order to gain experience in caring for cies Act grants for surveys, land acqui- key habitat and obtain conservation and breeding cranes. sition, and other conservation activi- easements and cooperative agreements Nine whooping cranes — five juve- ties intended to protect "algific talus for an additional 2,900 acres (1,200 niles, one subadult, two adult females, slopes" in the Drift:less Area of Iowa, ha). and an adult male — disappeared Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois. * * * from the Aransas National Wildlife This area was not glaciated during the The Service also has begun prepar- Refuge in Texas this winter and are last ice age, unlike the surrounding re- ing a draft environmental assessment presumed dead. The loss of nine gion where glacial deposits (drift) are to establish a refiige in the southern- birds represents 6.1 percent of the common, and it has unique topo- most end of San Diego Bay, Califor- population and is the worst winter graphic and biological features such as nia. The San Diego Bay National loss since 1962 when 12.5 percent of the algific talus slopes. These steep Wildlife Refiige would protect habitat the population was lost. Nine other slopes, underlain with fissures and for a variety of endangered wildlife. adult and subadult birds disappeared (continued on next page)

12 ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. XVI No. 5 (1991) Regional News studies. Eventually, the Service hopes Citico Creek may have declined sig- (continued from previous page) to expand this monitoring program nificantly because of droughts and caves, are covered with talus or rock into all important algific slopes floods in recent years. Fortunately, rubble. Cold, moist air flows out of however, no decline in the smoky throughout the *Driftles * *s Area. the fissures and percolates through madtom population has been evident. the rubble, providing unique habitat Region 4 - For 5 years, Aquatic The U.S. Forest Service is funding a conditions. The Endangered Iowa Specialists, a private company in survey to assess the population levels Pleistocene snail (Discus macclintocki) , Knoxville, Tennessee, that breeds and of both species before any additional the Threatened northern wild monks- rears tropical fishes, has been conduct- eggs or larvae are taken. Abrams hood (Aconitum noveboracense), and at ing a captive-rearing project for the Creek also will be surveyed this spring least eight plant and invertebrate list- Endangered smoky madtom (Noturus for spawning madtoms. In addition, ing candidate species are found on baileyi) and Threatened yellowfin the Forest Service is seeking funding these slopes. madtom (Noturus flavipinnis) in coop- to survey other streams for potential The Service has been working eration with the University of reintroduction sites, primarily in the closely with the four States, The Na- Tennessee's Department of Zoology. Little Tennessee drainage. ture Conservancy, several Iowa The Tennessee Wildlife Resources * * * County conservation boards, numer- Agency has funded the project using Region 5 - The Nature Conser- ous biologists, and cooperative land- Endangered Species Act grants from vancy, the town of Brookhaven, New owners to identify and protect these the Service. The project involves col- York, and the Service have set up a fragile areas and their rare species. As lecting e^s and larvae of both species cooperative agreement for the protec- a result of the exceptional cooperative from Citico Creek in the Cherokee tion and management of a sandplain efforts of these organizations and in- National Forest, Tennessee, rearing gerardia (Agalinis acuta) population on dividuals, a substantial number of im- them in captivity, returning captive- Long Island. This highly vulnerable portant algific slopes are now owned reared juveniles to Citico Creek to site has been threatened by a road and protected by The Nature Conser- augment that population, and reintro- widening project and was disturbed vancy, the States of Minnesota, Iowa, ducing fish into Abrams Creek in during the installation of a pipeline. and Wisconsin, and the Service. Great Smoky Mountains National With support from the Service's New To monitor the rare species' popula- Park. Captive populations of the York Field Office, the town has fenced tions and habitat conditions on the fishes have also been established for the area where the plants are located algific slopes in Iowa, including some breeding purposes. to protect them from further distur- still in private ownership, the Service's To date, 1,191 smoky madtom and bance. Region 3 biologists are developing a 1,288 yellowfin madtom eggs and lar- • * * cooperative monitoring program. vae have been collected. Some mor- For the past several months, the Funding for this effort is being pro- tality has occurred, but 535 smoky Service's Virginia Field Office has vided by The Nature Conservancy, madtom and 378 yellowfin madtom been sponsoring meetings with local, the Iowa Department of Natural Re- juveniles have been reintroduced into State, and Federal agencies, along with sources, and the Service (using both Abrams Creek; 37 smoky madtoms private interests, to increase the un- Section 6 grants and plant recovery and 80 yellowfin madtoms have been derstanding and protection of jeopar- ftmding). Each of the organizations returned to Citico Creek; and 37 dized mussel and fish species occur- will contribute one or more individu- smoky madtoms and 12 yellowfin ring in the Upper Tennessee River als to the monitoring team to ensure madtoms have been kept for captive Basin of southwestern Virginia. Sev- that data are collected consistently. breeding. Last spring, an adult smoky eral ad hoc interagency work groups, The team will be trained by experi- madtom was seen guarding a nest cav- comprised of 16 private groups and enced algific slope researchers in the ity in Abrams Creek—the first sign governmental agencies, are now devel- proper techniques to safely sample that the madtom reintroduction effort oping mechanisms to protect the these species. After the team works as may be succeeding. Fish in the cap- listed species and improve water qual- a unit to sample a few algific slopes, it tive population are healthy, but breed- ity in the river basin. will separate and its members will ing has not yet occurred. * * * monitor several areas spread across a In April, the University of Over 60 volunteers participated in seven-county region in northeastern Tennessee's Zoology Department West Virginia CliflWatch 1991, an ef Iowa. Some sites will be simply hosted the annual recovery meeting fort to monitor returning peregrine monitored using photographs, while for the two listed fishes. Some at- falcons in the State. Two breeding others will undergo detailed demo- tendees expressed concern that the pairs were located in 1991, both in graphic analysis or mark-recapture yellowfin madtom population in (continued on page 14)

13 ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. XVI No. 5 (1991) Regional News Great Plains. The barren to sparsely * * * (continued from page 13) vegetated sand and gravel pits closely The Utah Division of Wildlife Re- the Monongahela National Forest. resemble the river sandbars where the sources has stocked Endangered June Additional peregrines have been ob- birds nest and raise their young. suckers (Chasmistes liorus) in Camp served, but no other pairs have been However, much of the birds' breeding Creek Reservoir. Recently, 15 to 20 confirmed. As of April 16, one of the habitat has been eliminated through immature June suckers were found, two pairs appeared to be incubating the damming, channelization, and di- indicating that there may be natural eggs. This is the first documented version of the Platte River. Efforts are reproduction and some recruitment nesting of peregrine falcons in West now under way to protect the remain- occurring in the reservoir. Virginia since 1949. ing riverine habitat and to curtail hu- In addition to the Camp Creek Res- * * * man disturbance during the breeding ervoir project, the State is planning to Region 6 - Ten new nesting islands season. launch a major effort to breed June for the Endangered interior least tern Through its donation, the Lyman- suckers from Utah Lake. There is no (Sterna antillarum) and the Threat- Richey Corporation hopes to serve as documented recent survival of young ened piping plover (Charadrius a catalyst for conservation elsewhere suckers in the lake because it is full of melodus) are being created in the Platte along the two rivers. The company introduced, predacious fish. Adult River in Nebraska. The Platte River plans to work closely with other sand fish will be taken out of the Provo Whooping Crane Habitat Mainte- and gravel operations through the Ne- River, which they enter to spawn, be- nance Trust, the National Audubon braska Concrete Aggregates Associa- tween mid-May and mid-June. Prog- Society's Lillian Annette Rowe Sanc- tion, a nonprofit organization of the eny from these fish will be maintained tuary, and the Fish and Wildlife Ser- sand and gravel industries, to promote at the Utah Division of Wildlife Re- sources' Fisheries Experimental Sta- vice cooperated to construct two of conservation of *tern *s an* d plovers. the islands last summer. These islands tion at Logan and the Fish and Wild- will be available for shorebirds return- The Utah Division of Wildlife Re- life Service's Ouray National Wildlife ing to nest in 1991. Another eight sources has succeeded in breeding Refuge. These fish will be maintained nesting islands will be built in the Lahontan cutthroat trout (Oncorhyn- as broodstock for future research and river this summer by the Nebraska chus clarki henshawi J in a small reser- reintroduction programs. Public Power District. The utility is voir in Utah's Pilot Mountains. The To provide an alternative food doing this work to satisfy a Federal Threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout source for the large population of Energy Regulatory Commission con- is native to the Humboldt River predatory fish in Utah Lake, the State dition in its annual license to operate drainage in Nevada. Water diversions is considering the possibility of intro- Kingsley Dam. are primarily responsible for the de- ducing gizzard shad (Dorosoma The Lyman-Richey Corporation of cline of the species and its habitat. cepedianum). However, the State first Omaha, Nebraska, also announced a To propagate the species, State and will study the potential for competi- $24,000 donation to the Nebraska Service biologists captured Lahontan tion between the gizzard shad and the Game and Parks Commission's cutthroat trout in a small stream June sucker before introducing any nongame and endangered wildlife north of Wendover, Utah, and re- shad into the lake. conservation fund to increase efforts leased the trout into the reservoir in * * * to protect the least tern and piping the Pilot Mountains in 1986 and Lhe fate of four "orphaned" gray plover. The National Fish and Wild- 1987. The fish have exhibited phe- wolf pups in the Nine-mile Valley in life Foundation will provide addi- nomenal growth in this reservoir. Montana continues to be of special in- tional funds to match the company's This spring, two ripe females and one terest to many people (see Bulletin donation. The contributions will be male weighing between 5 and 6 Vol. XVI, No. 3). The Service had used by the State to hire personnel to pounds (2.3 - 2.7 kilograms) were hoped that the pups would stay away monitor the birds while they are nest- caught and artificially spawned. from livestock. Ranchers in the area ing at the company's sand and gravel Seven thousand eggs from the females cooperated with the Service and wrote mining sites along the Loup and are being incubated. The fry will be a letter to all livestock producers re- Platte Rivers, to increase public aware- placed in a small nursery pond to op- questing that they properly dispose of ness, and to provide advice to the sand timize their growth and development. livestock carcasses in order to avoid and gravel operators to protect the Some of the juvenile fish will then be wolf depredations. birds. put back into the reservoir to augment However, in late March the wolves Historically, interior least and that population, while others may be left the Nine-mile Valley and killed piping plovers were common breeding released into other suitable habitat in two yearling steers. Due to the likeli- birds along the rivers of the northern Utah. (continued on next page)

14 ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. XVI No. 5 (1991) Regional News taken to the Luquillo Aviary where it EPA's pesticide registration activities (continued from previous page) subsequently died. The other chick into compliance with the environmen- hood for continued depredation on fledged prematurely, injured itself, tal protection provisions of the Federal livestock, Service biologists believed it and was taken to the aviary. This Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenti- was necessary to capture the wolves chick is now doing well with the cap- cide Act (FIFRA). A National Con- and transfer them to Glacier National tive flock. sultation Team, comprised of biolo- Park. The biologists were successful A fourth pair of parrots nested in a gists from each of the Service's seven in capturing only three of the pups, new area and is believed to have one regions, is handling the consultation. one male and two females, because chick. This nesting area had been A final biological opinion is antici- one of the pups recovered from the modified by the Forest Service to at- pated by mid-December. tranquilizer before it could be re- tract Puerto Rican parrots. The fifth * * * strained. This pup has not returned nesting site has 3 eggs, of which at Staff from the Service's Office of to the Nine-mile area. However, an- least one has hatched (at last report) Management Authority represented other unrelated female wolf moved and is believed to be doing well. The the United States at the April 8-11 from Glacier National Park into the sixth nesting area, which is also a new meeting of the Standing Committee Nine-mile Valley in March. nest area, is believed to have a female of the Convention on International The three pups were temporarily incubating eggs. Trade in Endangered Species of Wild held at a veterinary clinic in Kalispell, If these parrots are successful in Fauna and Flora (CITES). The Montana. One of the captured fe- fledging their young, significant Standing Committee is CITES' gov- males was confirmed as being preg- progress will have been made in the erning body between biennial meet- nant. This is the first documented recovery effort. The presence of two ings of the Conference of the Parties. pregnancy of an 11-month-old wolf in new nesting areas in the wild is of spe- It is composed of representatives of the wild. cial significance. Biologists from the North America, Latin America and On April 13, the pups were released Fish and Wildlife Service and the For- the Caribbean, Asia, Oceania, Africa, into Glacier National Park. The pups est Service have been trying to estab- and Europe, along with Switzerland did not stay together after they were lish new nesting areas for over 10 (where the CITES Secretariat is lo- released. The non-pregnant female years. There are now at least 20 par- cated) and Japan (the host of the next left the park, and on May 25 killed rots in the wild and 56 in captivity. CITES meeting in 1992). Canada is two sheep in the adjacent Blackfoot * * * the current North American represen- Indian Reservation. She was recap- Intensive trapping this past winter tative to the Standing Committee; the tured that same day and will be trans- at Buenos Aires National Wildlife Ref- United States attended the meeting as ferred to the Wolf Haven in Tenino, uge in Arizona documented the pres- an observer. Washington, which will permanently ence of 28 coveys of Endangered The Standing Committee discussed care for her. The male pup remains masked bobwhites (Colinus virginianus several issues at the April meeting. near the release site. The pregnant ridgivayi), totaling more than 200 South Africa requested that its African wolf has left the park and is now in birds. Biologists actually trapped elephant (Loxodonta africana) popula- the Bob Marshall Wilderness Area. As about 90 of the birds, of which 9 per- tion be transferred from Appendix I to of May 30, there was no indication cent were estimated to have been pro- Appendix II of CITES. (Appendix I that she had setded at a den site or duced on the refuge based on the ab- prohibits trade tor primarily commer- given birth. The Service will continue sence of leg bands. cial purposes, while Appendix II al- to monitor the status of the two * * * lows for regulated trade.) At the sev- wolves. Region 9 - On April 15, the Envi- enth meeting of the CITES * * * ronmental Protection Agency re- Conference of Parties in 1989, the Region 8 - Six pairs of Endangered quested formal consultation with the Parties agreed to a special mechanism Puerto Rican parrots (Amazona Service on the effects of 31 pesticides for transferring some populations of vittata) have nested at five sites in the (15 wildlife control agents, 15 insecti- the African elephant back to Appendix wild this year—a record. Two nests in cides, 1 herbicide) on listed species, as II if a series of criteria are satisfied (see one area have two young each, which required under section 7 of the En- Bulletin Vol. XV, No.5). In response at last report were ready to fledge. A dangered Species Act. The pesticides to South Africa's request, the CITES third pair of parrots in the same valley will be reviewed for possible impacts Standing Committee established a successfiilly hatched two eggs but the to every potentially affected Threat- panel of six experts to review the pro- chicks subsequently developed health ened and Endangered species in the posal, including its biological, trade, problems. One of the chicks became United States (approximately 600). and law enforcement implications. sick with an unknown illness and was This program is designed to bring (continued on page 16)


(continued from page 15) BOX SCORE LISTINGS AND RECOVERY PLANS The panel's report will be considered ENDANGERED 1 THREATENED 1 LISTED SPECIES at the March 1992 Conference of Par- Category Foreign Foreign i SPECIES WITH ties in Kyoto, Japan. U.S. Only 1 U.S. Only 1 TOTAL PLANS Another topic the CITES Standing Mammals 55 249 1 ^ 22 1 334 31 Committee addressed was Thailand's Birds 73 153 1 12 0 1 238 67 trade in fauna and flora. There is Reptiles 16 58 1 14 1 106 25 Amphibians 6 8 r 5 19 6 concern that Thailand is involved in a Fishes 53 11 1 33 0 1 97 49 Snails 4 1 11 7 significant amount of illegal trade, 1 6 ° 1 Clams 38 2 2 42 30 which is undermining CITES and Crustaceans 8 0 1 2 0 1 10 5 Insects 11 1 21 12 posing a serious threat to many en- 1 9 ° 1 dangered species. The Standing Arachnids 3 0 0 3 0 Plants 190 1 1 60 2 253 126 Committee subsequently decided to recommend that the CITES Parties TOTAL 457 484 ' 155 38 1 1134* 358" 1 prohibit any trade with Thailand in Total U.S. Endangered 457 (267 animals, 190 plants) fauna and flora covered by CITES. Total U.S. Threatened 155 (95 animals, 60 plants) The Service is evaluating options for Total U.S. Listed 612 (362 animals, 250 plants) addressing this Standing Committee Separate populations of a species that are listed both as Endangered and Threatened are recommendation. tallied twice. Those species are the leopard, gray wolf, grizzly bear, bald eagle, piping plover, roseate tern, Nile crocodile, green sea turtle, and olive ridley sea turtle. For the purposes The Standing Committee also ex- of the Endangered Species Act, the term "species" can mean a species, subspecies, or amined a report on illegal trade from distinct vertebrate population. Several entries also represent entire genera or even families. Grenada, particularly its trade in There are 286 approved recovery plans. Some recovery plans cover more than one species, psittacine birds from Guyana and Bra- and a few species have seperate plans covering different parts of their ranges. Recovery zil. The Standing Committee will plans are drawn up only for listed species that occur in the United States. monitor the situation in Grenada, Number of Cooperative Agreements signed with States and Territories: 53 fish & wildlife which is not a CITES Party, before 39 plants making any additional recommenda- Number of Cooperative Grant Agreements signed for the African Elephant Conservation Act: 7 tions. The Service has offered to as- Number of CITES Party Nations: 110 sist the CITES Secretariat in provid- ing assistance to Grenada so it can May 31, 1991 join and implement the treaty. In addition, the Standing Commit- vice, to place the issues of trade in sea sional agenda for the 1992 CITES tee agreed, at the request of the Ser- turtles and wild birds on the provi- meeting.


Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service Technical Bulletin Washington, D. C. 20240