The Quality of Service is Remembered Long after the Price is Forgotten


‘00’ GAUGE PULLMAN MODELS - 2005 to 2019.

Pullman Car Services-Archive - Special Edition No. 16 - - ‘00’ Gauge Pullman Models 2005 to 2019 - Issue 1 - March 2019 “Information is for sharing and not gathering dust” Page 1 of 48


Page: Details: 1 Cover 2 Contents 3 Acknowledgements & Publication Sources 4 - 8 History of Bachmann Branchline UK - By Paul Lumsden 8 Bachmann Collectors Club 9 Bachmann Era Classifications 10 The History of the BR Mk1 Pullman Cars 11 - 13 Type B Kitchen First 14 - 16 Type D Parlour First 17 - 19 Type C Kitchen Second 20 - 22 Type E Parlour Second 23 - 25 Type F Bar Second 26 - 28 Train Pack - Vintage Trains “Shakespeare Express” - 99335 Unbranded & 99353 Unbranded 29 Coach Pack - WREN LABORATORY 14 RDB975427 30 - 31 Coach Pack - BR Open First E347E & E353E 32 - 33 Coach Pack - 99347 & 99352 34 - 37 Class 251 - Blue Pullman 37 The difference between the Midland Blue Pullman and the Western Blue Pullman sets 38 - 40Pullman Brake Parlour Provision 40 - 4Pullm4 an East Coast Main Line Pullman Car Allocations 45 Pullman BR Mk 1 Pullman Cars Allocated to the Western Region 46 Acknowledgements & Publication Sources 47 Pullman 2019 Bachmann Branchline ’00’ Gauge & 2019 Graham Farish by Bachmann ‘N’ Gauge Catalogues

For further information on all the products available visit the web site


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9.History of Bachmann Branchline UK - By Paul Lumsden.

When I was first asked to write a short article charting the history of Bachmann Branchline in the UK, my initial thoughts were that this should be straightforward enough. After all it was only in 1989 that Graham Hubbard and his wife Ros set up the UK arm of the already established US company Bachmann Industries. A combination of hard work, innovative design and effective marketing, touched with a smattering of good luck has seen the company grow to become a major name in British railway modelling and part of a Global company.

However, following a conversation with Bachmann Europe’s PR Manager Dennis Lovett (now retired), I began to see another story emerging and certainly one worth further investigation. The story of what lead to the creation of Bachmann in the UK is actually a fascinating and complex web of events and decisions involving some great names from the UK toy industry as well as global toy businesses. Its roots also begin almost two centuries ago. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin - at the beginning…..

In the beginning.

Henry Carlisle founded the company that became Bachmann way back in 1833. At this time the business produced vanity items such walking cane handles, combs and hair ornaments from horn, tortoise shell and ivory. In 1899, Carlisle merged the business with that of a competitor company run by a German immigrant and master carver, Henry G. Bachmann, and his son, Walter J. Bachmann. The newly merged business was soon renamed Bachmann Bros. In the early 1900s Bachmann Bros began to use celluloid in their products and produced celluloid optical frames. This lead to experimentation with plastics and they became the first American company to produce prescription sunglasses. Called ‘Solarex’ they became a worldwide success and were even purchased by the US Army and the US Army Air Force for use by troops during World War 2. After the war the business further diversified and began to make ‘Birds of the World’ model kits, shooting glasses, and ski goggles. The company also used its expertise in injection-moulded plastic to enter the model train field with ‘Plasticville U.S.A’. These were snap-together kits of buildings and they were hugely successful.

By the early 1950s Bachmann began to actively look for a cheaper production base and they found that Hong Kong was able to offer stability and quality as well as being cheap. Bachmann eventually partnered with a company called Kader who began production for them in 1952.

During the 1960s and 1970s Bachmann continued to diversify and produced everything from slot cars to toy airplanes, plastic animal sets, robots, and even cassette cases. However, it was the growth of model railroading that proved the most lucrative and the company began producing everything from to scenery. In 1969 they turned to their Hong Kong partners, Kader Industrial Ltd, for manufacturing support with the model railroad products.

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Kader was formed in Hong Kong by Mr Ting Hsiung-chao in 1948. Before World War 2, Ting had bought and successfully run a battery and light bulb business in Shanghai. However, during the instability of the immediate post war period, the Chinese communists rounded up known capitalists, Ting was imprisoned, and his business collapsed. Upon his release he fled to the British colony of Hong Kong and set up his new business. Kader became a major manufacturer of household goods and also produced models and toys for export. Kader became known for its fair pricing and fine products and won several prestigious awards in the USA. In the 70s and 80s, business from overseas clients continued to expand, leading the Company to produce such famous products as the original Star Wars figurines, Teddy Ruxpin and Cabbage Patch Kids. From 1969 Kader and Bachmann worked hand in hand to create quality model railroading products for the discerning hobbyist. Eventually in 1987 Kader acquired Bachmann Bros, renamed it Bachmann Industries and has since become the world's largest manufacturer, by volume, of model railroads.

PICTURED Left Mr Ting, founder of Kader and Right Graham Hubbard (MD) and the late Merl Evans (Head of Research and Development) of Bachmann Europe.

How does all of this link to the UK model railway scene?

Well, Airfix first introduced ‘OO’ gauge railway related items to their plastic kit range in 1957. By the 1970s this was a fairly comprehensive range including trackside items as well as wagons and static models. The range was very successful and could be seen on many layouts and some even converted the rolling stock and locos to run on their track. The UK ready to run market at this time, was all but dominated by Hornby but the products had become rather dull and the market stagnant - not unlike the economy during those dark days of the early 1970s.

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Airfix however saw an opportunity to introduce well-designed, high quality, detailed ready to run ‘OO’ models into the UK market, by taking advantage of the modern moulding technology and low costs that were available from far eastern factories. The Airfix team set about designing a new UK ‘OO’ rail system, which was to be tooled and manufactured by another Chinese company called Sanda Kan. The gap in the market that Airfix had spotted, had also been identified by another British company: Palitoy. They were already manufacturing well-known toys like Action Man in China and Kader Industries produced them. When they decided to introduce a new model railway range in the mid-1970s they turned to Kader, who offered them the choice of marketing the Bachmann US range in the UK or tooling a new range of British outline models. They chose the latter option and again decided that the opportunity lay with higher quality and better accuracy than the Hornby offering. The range was to be called ‘Mainline’ and, significantly the agreement with Kader was that the cost price of each item would include a contribution toward the tooling cost - Palitoy never owned the ‘Mainline’ tooling.

By complete coincidence both Airfix and Palitoy were ready to launch their new railway ranges at the same time and it was in January 1976 at the Brighton and Harrogate Toy Fairs that the model railway world got their first sight of both as they went head-to-head. Although both ranges were successful to a degree it was generally acknowledged that the ‘Mainline ‘ range was the superior of the two. The partnership with Kader worked well and the resultant product was so good that Hornby was forced to react and make changes in order to compete. Sadly, for Airfix the parent company was struggling financially and in 1981 the receivers were called in. Most of the Airfix GMR (Great Model Railway) tooling was sold to Palitoy and was immediately absorbed into the ‘Mainline’ range. However, just two years later in 1983 the story took yet another twist, when General Mills, the American owners of Palitoy, decided to pull out of the UK Railway market altogether. The reason is not 100% certain but it is widely believed that the board of directors wanted to focus on global opportunities and ‘OO’ gauge was seen as to parochially British. The Palitoy UK offices in Coalville were closed and the design team, headed up by the late Merl Evans were made redundant. Just one year later General Mills announced that its entire European toy operation was to be wound up and Palitoy itself was to be closed down.

At this point we introduce two more famous names from the UK railway modelling world into the fray: Replica Railways and Dapol Model Railways. Both Godfrey Hayes of Replica and David Boyle of Dapol were interested in the ‘Mainline’ assets. When Hayes arranged a meeting with the Financial Director of Palitoy, he was advised that the intention was to sell all the remaining ‘Mainline’ stock and any tooling that had been acquired by Palitoy on the acquisition of ‘Airfix’ to Dapol. The tools for all the original ‘Mainline’ models remained in China so Hayes then changed tack and approached Kader about getting access to the tooling. After several months of chasing, he was eventually invited to meet with Kader representatives, firstly at the Nuremberg Toy Fair in February 1985, and then in Hong Kong later in the year. An agreement was reached, and Replica drew up plans to re-launch some of the ‘Mainline’ tools in their name, and also to develop new products.

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In September 1986 the range was ready to launch and was advertised as ‘Replica Railways’. This immediately landed Godfrey Hayes in trouble. David Boyle of Dapol had believed that, by virtue of the fact that he had purchased the ‘Mainline’ name, he had also acquired the rights to the use of the tooling. As a result of the court case Replica had to acknowledge with certain models that Dapol had granted them the right to market these models. Replica Railways proceeded with the range and by the time their 1987 catalogue was launched they had included their first all- new locomotive, the LNER Class B1.

Now you will recall that 1987 was also the year that Kader Industries took over Bachmann Bros. They now owned not only a leading railway brand but also all the development and marketing resources that went with it. Wishing to expand the operation and still having ownership of the former ‘Palitoy’ Mainline’ tooling the obvious place to start was the UK, which would then be a springboard for an assault on the huge European market. In 1989 Kader informed Replica Railways of their plans to develop a UK branch of Bachmann using initially the ‘Mainline’ tooling. Godfrey Hayes was considered for the role of MD of the new UK business, but it is thought he refused on the basis that he wanted to retain the independent status of Replica Railways, which he had built from nothing.

Kader turned instead to their British importer of Bachmann US products, a company called Eastern Models, based in Hinckley, Leicestershire. The business was owned and run by Graham Hubbard and his wife Ros. Kader agreed to purchase Eastern Models from the Hubbard’s and then formed Bachmann Europe Ltd in June 1989. Hubbard was installed as MD and new premises were found in the small Leicestershire town of Barwell. The distribution of the US Bachmann lines continued alongside the development of a new ‘OO’ range to be called ‘Bachmann Branch- Line’. Initially this was to use the old ‘Mainline’ tools, but Hubbard was also working on a brand new improved chassis for the fledgling range.

For 1990 and 1991 the Bachmann Branchline releases continued with the old ‘Mainline’ tooling, but it was becoming very apparent that in order to properly develop a UK range, the business would need to put together a dedicated design team of its own. In 1992 the late Merl Evans, the former chief designer of ‘Mainline’ Railways, joined the Bachmann team as head of research and development.

1993 saw the acquisition by Bachmann Industries Europe Ltd of the well-known German model manufacturer, Lilliput. This was the first move to establish a real presence in mainland Europe, and in particular in the key German model rail market. The next acquisition was in 2000 and was of real significance to the UK market. Graham Farish had developed and produced a successful ‘N’ gauge rail system since 1970. When Peter Graham Farish decided to retire he sought a purchaser and Bachmann were quick to complete the deal. As with Liliput, production was immediately switched to China to take advantage of the reduced costs. Bachmann now had a second scale offering in the UK and the opportunity to replicate the 4mm scale models in 2mm scale under the Graham Farish banner.

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The rapid growth of Bachmann Industries Europe necessitated the expansion of the team at Barwell. Key management positions were created with Colin Albright joining, initially to develop the ‘N’ gauge market, and David Haarhaus taking control of the sales operation. Ros Hubbard (now retired) took over the Bachmann Collectors Club, which in 2000 was brought in-house, and Dennis Lovett (now retired) was brought in to look after Public Relations.

Although the foundations of the Bachmann Branchline range were built upon the former ‘Mainline’ tools, they were quickly improved upon and added to with brand new offerings and with each new model Bachmann have endeavored to set new standards in ready to run ‘OO’ scale models. Leading from the front they have proudly introduced new features such as RP25 wheel profiles, blackened wheels and valve gear, sprung buffers, NEM coupling pockets and Digital Command Control (DCC) decoder sockets. The introduction of DCC in 2003 was probably the biggest innovation in Railway modelling since clockwork gave way to electric and continues to offer opportunities for further innovation such as sound, which was first introduced in 2006.

What do I get as part of my membership? Over the course of your 12-month membership you will receive: Four copies of the 'Bachmann Times' magazine A Bachmann Branchline or Graham Farish catalogue* A personalised membership card An annual club wagon (in your chosen scale) A specially commissioned calendar* The chance to attend our annual free 'Members Day' 5. Why should I become a member of the club? As a club member you will be kept up to date with the latest news and How much is membership?

views from the world of Bachmann model railways, including exclusive Prices for membership are as follows: access to our latest “Works Reports” which details the current stage of £32 for UK single scale membership development for forthcoming models. £44 for UK double scale membership You will also get the opportunity to purchase limited edition models – £41 for non-UK single scale membership available only to our club members. £57 for non-UK double scale membership

For further information visit www.bachmann -collectorsclub.co.uk Write to Bachmann Collectors Club, PO Box 7820, Barwell, Leicestershire, LE9 8WZ. Telephone 01455 245565.

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4. Bachmann Era Classifications.

ERA DESCRIPTION DATE RANGE 1 Pioneering 1804 to 1875 2 Pre-Grouping 1875 to 1922 3 The Big Four 1923 to 1947 LMS, GWR, LNER & SR 4 British Railways Early Emblem 1948 to 1956 5 British Railways Late Crest 1957 to 1966 6 Pre-Total Operations Processing System (TOPS) 1967 to 1971 7 British Rail Blue TOPS 1971 to 1982 8 British Rail Sectorisation 1982 to 1994 9 Post Privatisation 1995 Onwards

1. 39-310 - 2005 - CAR No.347 - Parlour Second. Pullman Car Services-Archive - Special Edition No. 16 - Bachmann Branchline - ‘00’ Gauge Pullman Models 2005 to 2019 - Issue 1 - March 2019 “Information is for sharing and not gathering dust” Page 8 of 48

2. The History of the BR Mk1 Pullman Cars.

In late August 1957 the Pullman Car Company sent out a preliminary enquiry entitled “Pullman Car Replacement Programme 44 New Loco Hauled Pullman cars”. The enquiry was forwarded to the following Carriage Builders: -

1. Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage & Wagon Company of Saltley, Birmingham. 2. Birmingham Carriage & Wagon Company Limited of Smethwick, Birmingham. 3. Gloucester Carriage & Wagon Company of Gloucester. 4. Messrs. Cravens Limited. 5. Pressed Steel Company Limited. 6. Messrs. Charles Roberts & Company Limited. A copy was also forwarded to MR A.E.Robson Chief Carriage & Wagon Engineering Officer, British Transport Commission.

The order was eventually given to Metropolitan-Cammell works at Saltley for the 8 x Parlour First, 13 x Kitchen First, 7 x Parlour Seconds, 15 x Kitchen Seconds and 1 x Bar Car Second making up the total of forty-four cars at a reported cost an approximately £17,000 each. The delivery rate was to be nine or ten cars a month from Metropolitan-Cammell to British Railways Eastern Region Works at Doncaster.

The ‘Type Classification’ for the new cars originated by the car builder Metropolitan-Cammell: -

Type B - First Class Kitchen cars. Type C - Second Class Kitchen cars. Type D - First Class Parlour cars. Type E - Second Class Parlour cars. Type F - Second Class Bar car.

First cars delivered being EAGLE, FALCON, AMBER & CAR No.332, and entered service within the formation of the “” on September 28th, 1961. The final cars being delivered on April 10th, 1961 and entered service within the formation of the “Queen of Scots Pullman”.

The beneficiaries of the introduction of the new cars being both the Eastern and Southern Regions of British Railways. The Eastern Region released a number of the 1928/29 All Steel “K” type Parlour and Kitchen cars to the Southern Region, which allowed the Southern Region to withdraw even older cars of nearly 50 years vintage of both 8 and 12-wheel types. A number of these withdrawn cars were then sold to British Railways and converted to Camping Coaches. None of the 1928 All Steel Brake Parlours were transferred to the Southern Region; all these were refurbished for service with the new Mark 1 cars.

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1.39-280 - EAGLE - Type B - Kitchen First.

6.©British Railways Mark 1 Coaches - Keith Parkin THMRS.

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1.39-281 - E315E - Type B - Kitchen First.

6.©British Railways Mark 1 Coaches - Keith Parkin THMRS. Pullman Car Services-Archive - Special Edition No. 16 - Bachmann Branchline - ‘00’ Gauge Pullman Models 2005 to 2019 - Issue 1 - March 2019 “Information is for sharing and not gathering dust” Page 11 of 48

Number: Year of Allocated Name Livery: Roof Colour: Additional Notes: Introduction: or Number: 1.39-280 2005 EAGLE Umber & Cream White ERA 5 1.39-281 2007 E315E Grey & Blue Light Grey ERA 6/7 39-280A 2008 MAGPIE Umber & Cream ? ERA 5 39-280B 2010 FALCON Umber & Cream Dark Grey ERA 5 39-281A 2011 E313E Grey & Blue Dark Grey ERA 6/7 39-281A 2012 E325E Grey & Blue Dark Grey ERA 6/7 39-282 2016 ROBIN Umber & Cream White ERA 5 3.39-282 2017 ROBIN Umber & Cream White ERA 5 BBL RRP £69.95 4.39-282 2018 ROBIN Umber & Cream White ERA 5 BBL RRP £69.95 4.39-282 2019 ROBIN Umber & Cream White ERA 5 BBL RRP £74.95

1.39-281 - E315E - Type B - Kitchen First.

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1.39-290 - EMERALD - Type D - Parlour First.

6.©British Railways Mark 1 Coaches - Keith Parkin THMRS.

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1.39-291 - E326E - Type D - Parlour First.

6.©British Railways Mark 1 Coaches - Keith Parkin THMRS.

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Number: Year of Allocated Name Livery: Roof Colour: Additional Notes: Introduction: or Number: 1.39-290 2005 EMERALD Umber & Cream White ERA 5 1.39-291 2007 E326E Grey & Blue Light Grey ERA 6/7 39-290A 2008 AMBER Umber & Cream ? ERA 5 39-290B 2010 AMETHYST Umber & Cream Dark Grey ERA 5 39-291A 2012 E327E Grey & Blue Dark Grey ERA 6/7 39-292 2016 PEARL Umber & Cream White ERA 5 3.39-292 2017 PEARL Umber & Cream White ERA 5 BBL RRP £69.95 4.39-292 2018 PEARL Umber & Cream White ERA 5 BBL RRP £69.95 4.39-292 2019 PEARL Umber & Cream White ERA 5 BBL RRP £74.95

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1.39-300 - CAR No.332 - Type C - Kitchen Second.

6.©British Railways Mark 1 Coaches - Keith Parkin THMRS.

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1.39-301 - E334E - Type C - Kitchen Second.

6.©British Railways Mark 1 Coaches - Keith Parkin THMRS.

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Number: Year of Allocated Name Livery: Roof Colour: Additional Notes: Introduction: or Number: 1.39-300 2005 CAR No.332 Umber & Cream White ERA 5 1.39-301 2006 E334E Grey & Blue Light Grey ERA 6/7 39-300A 2008 CAR No.333 Umber & Cream ? ERA 5 39-300B 2010 CAR No.334 Umber & Cream Dark Grey ERA 5 39-300C 2012 CAR No.335 Umber & Cream Dark Grey ERA 5 39-301A 2012 E332E Grey & Blue Dark Grey ERA 6/7

1.39-301 - E334E - Type C - Kitchen Second.

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1.39-310 - CAR No.347 - Type E - Parlour Second.

6.©British Railways Mark 1 Coaches - Keith Parkin THMRS.

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1.39-311 - E352E - Type E - Parlour Second.

6.©British Railways Mark 1 Coaches - Keith Parkin THMRS.

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Number: Year of Allocated Name Livery: Roof Colour: Additional Notes: Introduction: or Number: 1.39-310 2005 CAR No.347 Umber & Cream White ERA 5 1.39-311 2007 E352E Grey & Blue Light Grey ERA 6/7 39-310A 2008 CAR No.348 Umber & Cream ? ERA 5 39-310B 2010 CAR No.349 Umber & Cream Dark Grey ERA 5 39-311A 2012 E347E Grey & Blue Dark Grey ERA 6/7 39-310C 2015 CAR No.350 Umber & Cream Dark Grey ERA 5 39-312 2015 E352E Blue & Grey Dark Grey Ex-Parlour Second Re-designated as Open First 3.39-310C 2017 CAR No.350 Umber & Cream Dark Grey ERA 5 BBL RRP £69.95 3.39-312 2017 E352E Blue & Grey Dark Grey ERA 6/7 Ex-Parlour Second Re-designated as Open First BBL RRP £69.95 4.39-310C 2018 CAR No.350 Umber & Cream Dark Grey ERA 5 BBL RRP £69.95 4.39-312 2018 E352E Blue & Grey Dark Grey ERA 6/7 Ex-Parlour Second Re-designated as Open First BBL RRP £69.95 4.39-310C 2019 CAR No.350 Umber & Cream White ERA 5 BBL RRP £74.95 4.39-312 2019 E352E Blue & Grey Dark Grey ERA 6/7 Ex-Parlour Second Re-designated as Open First BBL RRP £74.95

1.39-311 - E352E - Type E - Parlour Second.

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1.39-320 - THE HADRIAN BAR - Type F - Bar Second.

6.©British Railways Mark 1 Coaches - Keith Parkin THMRS.

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1.39-321 - NIGHTCAP BAR - Type F - Bar Second.

6.©British Railways Mark 1 Coaches - Keith Parkin THMRS.

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Number: Year of Allocated Name Livery: Roof Colour: Additional Information: Introduction: or Number: 1.39-320 2005 THE HADRIAN BAR Umber & Cream White ERA 5 - 1961 to 1969 - Tees Tyne Pullman service 1.39-321 2007 NIGHTCAP BAR Blur & Grey Light Grey ERA 6/7 - 1969 to 1980 - Relocated to Midland Region for Euston to Glasgow & Glasgow to Euston Night Sleeper Service 39-320A 2010 THE HARIAN BAR Umber & Cream Dark Grey ERA 5/9

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1.39-320 - THE HADRIAN BAR - Type F - Bar Second.

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Train Packs.

Availability: Catalogue Number: Train Set or Pack Identity: Locomotive: Pack Contents:

2015 30-525 Train Pack 4965 ROOD ASHTON HALL ERA 9 Vintage Trains Kitchen Second No.99335 ‘The Shakespeare Express’ Parlour Second No.99349 BR Mk1 BSK No.W35470 Stratford upon Avon open top tour bus

7.©Hattons - www.hattons.co.uk 8.©Olivias Trains - www.oliviastrains.com

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1.99335 - CAR No.335 - Type C - Kitchen Second.

1.99353 - (CAR No.353) - Type E - Parlour Second.

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Catalogue Year of Allocated Name Livery: Type of Car: Additional Notes: Number: Introduction: or Number: 1.30-525 2015 99335 Umber & Cream - Light Grey Roof Kitchen Second ERA 9 - Vintage Trains ‘The Shakespeare Express’ Train Pack 2015 99353 Umber & Cream - Light Grey Roof Parlour Second ERA 9 - Vintage Trains ‘The Shakespeare Express’ Train Pack

1.Left to Right - 99353 - (CAR No.353) - Type E - Parlour Second & 99335 - CAR No.335 - Type C - Kitchen Second. Pullman Car Services-Archive - Special Edition No. 16 - Bachmann Branchline - ‘00’ Gauge Pullman Models 2005 to 2019 - Issue 1 - March 2019 “Information is for sharing and not gathering dust” Page 28 of 48

Car Packs.

1.39-280Z - WREN - Laboratory 14 - RDB 975427.

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Number: Year of Allocated Name Livery: Type of Car: Additional Notes: Introduction: or Number: 1.39-280Z 2009 Laboratory 14 RTC Blue & Red - Dark Grey Roof Ex-Kitchen First ERA 8 - Exclusively Model Zone RDB 975427 Accoustics Group Limited edition of 504 WREN Research & Development Not numbered (No table lamps) Division Derby

1.39-280Z - WREN - Laboratory 14 - RDB 975427.

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Car Packs Continued.

1.39-001Z - British Rail Liveried E347E & E353E - First Open.

Number: Year of Allocated Name Livery: Type of Car: Additional Notes: Introduction: or Number: 39-001Z 2011 E347E Blue & Grey - Dark Grey Roof Ex-Parlour Second ERA 9 - Exclusively Model Zone Twin Pack Re-designated as Limited edition of 512 First Open Not numbered 2011 E353E Blue & Grey - Dark Grey Roof Ex-Parlour Second ERA 9 - Exclusively Model Zone Re-designated as Limited edition of 512 First Open Not numbered

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1.39-001Z - British Rail Liveried E353E - First Open.

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Car Packs Continued.

1.39-002K - West Coast Railways Liveried No.99347 & 99352 - Parlour Second.

Number: Year of Allocated Name Livery: Type of Car: Additional Notes: Introduction: or Number: 1.39-002K 2016 99347 Maroon - Dark Grey Roof Parlour Second ERA 9 - Exclusively Bachmann Twin Pack Collectors Club Certificated Limited Edition of 504 2016 99347 Maroon - Dark Grey Roof Parlour Second ERA 9 - Exclusively Bachmann Collectors Club Certificated Limited Edition of 504

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1.39-002K - West Coast Railways Liveried No.99347 - Parlour Second.

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Class 251 Blue Pullman Six Car DMU.

1.30-425 BR Midland Pullman. Pullman Car Services-Archive - Special Edition No. 16 - Bachmann Branchline - ‘00’ Gauge Pullman Models 2005 to 2019 - Issue 1 - March 2019 “Information is for sharing and not gathering dust” Page 35 of 48

Bachmann Branchline ’00’ Gauge Class 251 Blue Pullman Six Car DMU.

Number: Year of Allocated Name Livery: Type of Car: Additional Notes: Introduction: or Number: BR MIDLAND PULLMAN 31-255C 2012 M60090 Nanking Blue & White DMBFL DCC Chipped M60730 Nanking Blue & White MFLRK M60740 Nanking Blue & White TPFL M60741 Nanking Blue & White TPFL M60731 Nanking Blue & White MFLRK M60091 Nanking Blue & White DMBFL

Number: Year of Allocated Name Livery: Type of Car: Additional Notes: Introduction: or Number: BR WESTERN REGION BLUE PULLMAN 31-256C 2012 W60092 Nanking Blue & White Yellow End DMBFL DCC Chipped W60732 Nanking Blue & White MFLRK W60742 Nanking Blue & White TPFL W60743 Nanking Blue & White TPFL W60733 Nanking Blue & White MFLRK W60093 Nanking Blue & White Yellow End DMBFL

Number: Year of Allocated Name Livery: Type of Car: Additional Notes: Introduction: or Number: BR MIDLAND PULLMAN 1.30-425 2016 M60092 Nanking Blue & White DMBFL Special Collector’s Edition M60732 Nanking Blue & White MFLRK 36-240 Midland Pullman Stewards & Train Crew M60742 Nanking Blue & White TPFL Pack No.0301 M60743 Nanking Blue & White TPFL M60733 Nanking Blue & White MFLRK M60093 Nanking Blue & White DMBFL

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Class 251 Blue Pullman Six Car DMU.

30-420 - British Rail Western Region - Class 251 Blue Pullman Six Car DMU.

©Bachmann Branchline.

©Bachmann Branchline.

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30-420 - British Rail Western Region - Class 251 Blue Pullman Six Car DMU.

Number: Year of Allocated Name Livery: Type of Car: Additional Notes: Introduction: or Number: BR WESTERN REGION GREY & BLUE PULLMAN 30-420 2019 Car ‘A’ W60090 BR Grey & Blue Yellow End DMBFL ERA 6 Train Set Car ‘B’ W60730 BR Grey & Blue MFLRK DCC Chipped Car ‘C’ W60740 BR Grey & Blue TPFL Digital Sound Car ‘D’ W60741 BR Grey & Blue TPFL Dynamis Ultima DCC System Car ‘E’ W60731 BR Grey & Blue MFLRK Oval of track Car ‘F’ W60091 BR Grey & Blue Yellow End DMBFL BBL RRP £949.95

2. The Difference Between the Midland Blue Pullman Sets and the Western Region Blue Pullman Sets.

I am aware that Bachmann have been asked on numerous occasions why have they not produced a Western Region eight car set. I detail the difference between the two types of Blue Pullman units: - The Three Western Pullman Sets. The Two Midland Pullman Sets. Car Ty p e : Type of Car: Seating: Class:

Car Type: Car Build: Seating: Class: 2 Driving Motor Brake 18 2nd

1 Driving Motor Brake 12 1st 3 Parlour Car with Auxiliary Engine 42 2nd

4 Kitchen Car with Auxiliary Engine 18 1st Generator set, below floor

Generator set, below floor 5 Trailer Kitchen 18 1st

6 Trailer Parlour 36 1st 6 Trailer Parlour 36 1st

6 Trailer Parlour 36 1st 6 Trailer Parlour 36 1st

4 Kitchen Car with Auxiliary Engine 18 1st st 5 Trailer Kitchen 18 1 Generator set, below floor 3 Parlour Car with Auxiliary Engine 42 2nd st 1 Driving Motor Brake 12 1 Generator set, below floor nd 2 Driving Motor Brake 18 2 Throughout the two types of Blue Pullman sets the seating within all cars being in the configuration of 2 x 1. The second-class parlour cars have additional seating and this affects the number and size of the car windows and underframe and difference. Only the Type 6 Trailer Parlour First Class being the same in both sets. The Western Motor Brake Parlour windows differ from the Midland sets, also the Western Motor Brake Parlours have destination/service roller blinds fitted on both body sides of the guard’s compartment. To produce an authentic Western Eight Car set will require three completely new car models (Type 2 x 2 cars, Type 3 x 2 cars & Type 5 x 2 cars). Pullman Car Services-Archive - Special Edition No. 16 - Bachmann Branchline - ‘00’ Gauge Pullman Models 2005 to 2019 - Issue 1 - March 2019 “Information is for sharing and not gathering dust” Page 38 of 48

2. East Coast Main Line Pullman Brake Parlour Provision.

A question that arises from modellers when discussing the Bachmann models of the British Railways Mark 1 Pullman cars, why was a Brake Parlour not produced to operate as a complete train consist.

‘Type Classification’ as applied to the new forty-four cars: -

Type B - First Class Kitchen cars. Type C - Second Class Kitchen cars. Type D - First Class Parlour cars. Type E - Second Class Parlour cars. Type F - Second Class Bar car.

Mystery surrounds the non-use of classification ‘Type A’, would this have been the allocated classification for the matching brake seconds of British Railways 1964 carriage-building programme that never materialised (Ref: AN 160/558 and MT 124/889). No Brake Parlour cars had been included in the original order for the forty-four Mark 1 cars, the continued use of the older Pullman Brake Parlour cars, which were eventually replaced by British Railways Mark 1 Full Brake (BG). The 1964 carriage-building programme included the following new Pullman second-class builds, six Brake Parlour and six Parlour cars for the East Coast Pullman services. Although approved by the Ministry of Transport in November 1963, the British Railways Board never placed the order for their construction. The proposal to construct twelve new Pullman cars to replace twelve pre-war second-class parlour/brake cars that were retained to work with the forty-four new cars. The estimated cost for the twelve new cars being identified as £237,600.00. The design of the new twelve cars was anticipated to follow that of the forty-four cars and the internal layout of the brake-end cars being similar to that of the pre-war cars.

©PCS-Archive. 1.The above plan is my interpretation of the possible layout plan of the proposed ‘Type A’ 30 seat Brake Parlour.

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The 1959 & 1960 conversions from Kitchen to Brake Parlour cars.

The following cars were taken through overhaul and the post 1960 coat of arms applied to the bodysides to operate with the forty-four new Mk1 Pullman cars. The all steel cars were converted from Kitchen second class cars to Brake Parlour second class cars.

CAR No: Type of Car: Year Introduced: Builder: Conversion to Brake Parlour Second: 67. Kitchen. 1928. Metro Cammell. - 1960. 68. Kitchen. 1928. Metro Cammell. May 1959. 69. Kitchen. 1928. Metro Cammell. May/June 1960. 70. Kitchen. 1928. Metro Cammell. May 1960. 71. Kitchen. 1928. Metro Cammell. May 1960. 72. Kitchen. 1928. Metro Cammell. - 1960.

The following cars were of wooden construction and converted from Kitchen second cars to Brake Parlour second class cars.

CAR No: Type of Car: Year Introduced: Builder: Conversion to Brake Parlour Second: 81. Kitchen. 1931. BRC&W Co Ltd. June 1959. 82. Kitchen. 1931. BRC&W Co Ltd. September 1959.

The following all steel 1928 Brake Parlour second class were refurbished for continued service with the new forty-four cars.

CAR No: Type of Car: Year Introduced: Builder: 77. Brake Parlour. 1928. Metro Cammell. 78. Brake Parlour. 1928. Metro Cammell. 79. Brake Parlour. 1928. Metro Cammell. 80. Brake Parlour. 1928. Metro Cammell.

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Conversion, withdrawal and disposal details known.

CAR No: Conversion to Brake Parlour Second: Withdrawal: Disposal: 67. 1960. April 1966. King & Son, Norwich. - June 4th, 1965. 68. May 1959. March 1965. Slag Reduction, Rotherham. - May 19th, 1965. 69. May/June 1960. March 1966. King & Son, Norwich. - June 4th, 1965. 70. May 1960. February 1965. Slag Reduction, Rotherham. - April 24th, 1965. 71. May 1960. April 1966. King & Son, Norwich. - June 11th, 1965. 72. 1960. April 1966. King & Son, Norwich. - April 22nd, 1967. 77. - October 1966. Slag Reduction, Rotherham. - January 16th, 1965. 78. - September 1965. Slag Reduction, Rotherham. - November 6th, 1965. 79. - February 1965. Slag Reduction, Rotherham. - April 24th, 1965. 80. - April 1966. King & Son, Norwich. - May 16th, 1967. 81. June 1959. Circa 1967. - - - 82. September 1959. Circa 1967. - - -

2. East Coast Main Line Pullman Car Allocations.

I have included the following Pullman car allocations to assist modellers who wish to re-create train formations: - (When introduced in September 1960 the Mk 1 cars had white roofs, this did not last and in 1961 black roofed cars were to be seen).

September 28th, 1960. Inaugural of the four new Mark1 Pullman cars in the formation of the “Master Cutler”. Cars EAGLE, FALCON, AMBER and CAR No.332.

January 9th, 1961. New Mark1 cars enter service on the “Yorkshire Pullman”.

January 16th, 1961. New Mk1 cars enter service on the “Tees Tyne Pullman”.

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April 10th, 1961. New Mk1 cars enter service on the “Queen of Scots”.

September 16th, 1963. Re-introduction of the “Harrogate Sunday Pullman” service.


Train: 1st Class Covers: 2nd Class Covers: Total 1st: 2nd:

Yorkshire Pullman. 108. 234.

Master Cutler. 64. 132.

Tees Tyne Pullman. 108. 144.

*White Rose. 64. 162.

**Talisman. 88. - 432. 672.

* The “White Rose” was inaugurated on June 15th Kings Cross to Leeds, being extended to both Bradford and Harrogate on September 7th. On the withdrawal of the Queen Scots Pullman following its final departures on June 12th, 1964.

** The “Talisman” service was allocated 1st Class Pullman cars following the withdrawal of the “Queen of Scots” service. Allocated 2 x 1st Kitchens and 2 x 1st Parlour cars.

The allocation of Pullman cars to the “Talisman” service ceased on June 12th, 1965.

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April 12th, 1965.

Train: 1st K: 1st P: Bke: 2nd K: 2nd P: Bke: Bar: Totals:

Yorkshire Pullman. 3. 2. - 3. 1. 2. - 11.

Master Cutler. 2. 1. - 1. - 2. - 6.

Tees Tyne Pullman. 3. 2. - 2. - 2. 1. 10.

White Rose. 2. 1. - 2. 1. 2. - 8.

Spares/Maintenance. 9. 5. - 5. 5. - - 24.

Operating Stock. 19. 11. - 13. 7. 8. 1. 59.

June 12th, 1965.

Yorkshire Pullman.

A. CAR No.71 Brake B. CAR No.339 Kitchen Trailing C. FALCON SX Kitchen Leading D. SNIPE Kitchen Trailing E. CAR No.351 Parlour Second F. GARNET Parlour First G. CAR No.343 Kitchen Leading H. CAR No.345 Kitchen Trailing J. OPAL SX Parlour First K. MAGPIE Kitchen Leading L. CAR No.348 Parlour Second

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Tees Tyne Pullman.

A. CAR No.346 Kitchen B. EMERALD FX Parlour First C. CAR No.349 Parlour Second D. STORK FO Kitchen Leading E. HADRIAN BAR F. HERON Kitchen Trailing G. TOPAZ Parlour First H. RAVEN Kitchen Leading J. CAR No.336 Kitchen Trailing K. CAR No.72 Brake

Master Cutler.

F. CAR No.347 Parlour Second E. CAR No.332 Kitchen Leading D. AMETHYST Parlour First C. EAGLE Kitchen Leading B. WREN Kitchen Trailing A. CAR No.67 Brake

White Rose Pullman.

A. CAR No.350 Parlour Second B. CAR No.337 Kitchen Trailing C. HERCULES Parlour First (‘U’ Type car ex-Golden Arrow car of 1951). D. HAWK Kitchen Trailing E. SWIFT Kitchen Leading F. PEARL Parlour G. CAR No.342 Kitchen Trailing H. CAR No. 80 Brake

Train also formed the “Harrogate Sunday Pullman”.

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Peterborough North - June 24th, 1963. Train unknown CAR No.77, CAR No.335, CAR No.348, Pearl, Hawk, Thrush, CAR No.352, CAR No.82.

Peterborough North - August 14th, 1963. ‘Master Cutler’ Engine D6743, CAR No.78, Wren, Falcon, Opal, CAR No.332, CAR No.81.

Peterborough North - Date and Month Unknown 1963. ‘Yorkshire Pullman’ Engine D207, CAR No.68, CAR No.340, Swift, Stork, CAR No.349, Emerald, CAR No.339, CAR No.336, Ruby, Heron, CAR No.81,

‘Master Cutler’ Engine D6818, CAR No.80, Belinda, Falcon, Opal, CAR No.332, CAR No.69.

Peterborough North - November 26th, 1965. ‘Tees Tyne Pullman’ Engine D9005, CAR No.67, CAR No.337, Raven, Opal, Heron, Hadrian Bar, Robin.

Peterborough North - December 12th, 1965. ‘Harrogate Sunday Pullman’ Engine D9007, CAR No.82, CAR No.345, Ruby, Hawk, Stork, CAR No.335, CAR No.350, E80026.

Peterborough North December 19th, 1965. Train unknown CAR No.345, Ruby, Hawk, Stork, CAR No.335, CAR No.350, E9342

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2.BR Mk 1 Pullman Cars Allocated to the Western Region.

The following Pullman cars were transferred from the Eastern Region to the Western Region in 1962 as direct substitutes to cover failures and works visits of the 'Blue Pullman' services, these cars were also to be used on Charter services.

Second Class Kitchen CAR No. 340, 341, 342, 343 & 344. Second Class Parlour CAR No. 348, 349, 350, 351 & 352.

The Western Region ‘Birmingham Pullman’ locomotive hauled set was formed of: -

Parlour Brake Second CAR No.65 Built 1920. Pullman Kitchen Second CAR No.106 Built 1927. Mk1 Pullman Kitchen Second CAR No.340 Built 1960. Mk1 Pullman Parlour Second CAR No.352 Built 1960. Mk1 Pullman Kitchen Second CAR No.344 Built 1960. Pullman Kitchen Second CAR No.105 Built 1927. Parlour Brake Second CAR No.55 Built 1923.

Spare locomotive hauled cars: -

Parlour Brake Second CAR No. 27 Built 1923. Kitchen Second CAR No. 249 Built 1925. Kitchen Second CAR No. 169 Built 1924. Parlour Brake Second CAR No. 54 Built 1923. Kitchen First CECELIA Built 1927.

In addition, the two BR Mk1 First Opens No.W3093 & W3094, in Western Region Chocolate & Cream livery.

October 17th, 1965. Pullman Charter 10.25am Paddington to Falmouth. S.S.Nevasa (Converted Troopship to Educational Cruise Ship). Motive power D854 ‘Tiger’ Paddington to Plymouth North Road then D858 ‘Valorous’ onwards to Falmouth. Pullman cars CAR No.100, CAR No.154, CAR No.155, CAR No.156, CAR No.340, CAR No.352 & CAR No.354.

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I take this opportunity to acknowledge the help and assistance of the following named individuals and publications, for without their efforts and information this ‘Special Edition’ would not have been collated and published.

I have to personally thank Pat Hammond who has been most helpful in the supply of up to date information relating to each Pullman car model . Pat’s wealth of knowledge relating to the history of model railways is second to none and can clearly be seen within publications. The tables as detailed being up-to-date to January 14th, 2019.

In addition, my thanks to the following Staff at Bachmann Europe PLC. Karen Richardson, Megan Pickard, Stephen Tooley, Richard Proudman www.bachmann.co.uk

Finally, special thanks to both Dennis Lovett and Paul Lumsden.

Publication Sources.

The following publications have been most helpful in collating this document.

1. My Personal Collection. 2. Pullman Car Services-Archive. 3. Ramsay’s British Model Trains Catalogue 9th Edition - Publisher BRM 2015 - ISBN 978-1907292-90-3. 4. Bachmann Branchline Catalogues - Bachmann Europe Plc. 5. Bachmann Collectors Club - Bachmann Times. 6. British Railways Mark 1 Coaches - Keith Parkin. 7. Hattons www.hattons.co.uk 8. Olivias Trains - www.oliviastrains.com 9. Warners Collectors Club of Great Britain - https://www.collectors-club-of-great-britain.co.uk/model-railways/articles/history-of-bachmann-branchline-uk

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Both 2019 catalogues available from your local Bachmann Stockists.

Branchline: 36-2019 (RRP £8.95) Graham Farish: 379-019 (RRP £8.95)

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