•Israel Fair •Eiiat: a home to SA dancers •Israel in Lebanon; RELIOION: an intennew with Yossi Beilin •New insights on the Vilna Gaon

PEOPLE: NUPTIALS, •Avraham Infeld: a trip for every youngster COMMUNITY NEWS

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Dear Friends,

They talk about a mitim (depression), but as I sit here in my office, I'm battling to get seats on aircraft for our regular passengers. It looks like there will be many people left at home this year - mainly those who didn't book in advance.

After the great success of last year, we are proud to announce that we are again operating 2 special tours for music lovers which will be led by Brenda Miller. ^ - 19/5 - 2/6 ^Prague - 19/6 - 26/6 We have a few seats left on these tours (not many). Please call Ifat or Ilanit for a detailed Itinerary and registration form.

In February, Carol and I went for the 2nd year running to the Cape, absolutely beautiful - Hog-Hollow outside Plettenberg. The Tides - a bed and breakfast in Plettenberg - 40 dollars per night! Leisure Island in Knysna - The Lanzerac in Paarl - wow! What a place and then we discovered a beautiful new B/B in Cape Town on the sea - a real find. Magnificent scenery, great food (and reasonable!!!) Interesting events - we even saw the opera Tosca a the Spiers Summer Festival performed at an outdoor Amphi in their Stellenbosch Wine Estate!!

Just to remind those of you looking for something "different" for the summer, don't forget the great trip that I mentioned on the waterways (canals) of that we did last August, it is really a must.

Once again, my thanks for your past support and of course your future bookings. Arthur Judes and my whole staff will be happy to assist you as always.

Terry Kessel Managing Director CONTENTS PASSOVER AT HAR SINAI

nor scrutinize the opposite gender, but INTHEMAIL 1 It'strue, strangelyyou are enough,not supposed 1 had the feelingto talk atin theshul. of 50TH FUN 6 ficial opening ceremony of the new mainly Anglo- Saxon shul in Ra'anana, that I could get away P E O P L E 8 with both.

A R T S C E N E 1 8 Naughty? No. not really. It is just that there was a mood of such merriment and mirth — great ex KEREN TELFED 20 citement. This community of predominantely South Africans waited eight years for this day. F E A T U R E 2 2 I followed the service, listened to the choir, T E L F E D T I D I N C S 2 6 and joined in the old embracing tunes. But, I also het ook lekker gesels with my neighbours, catch RELICION 33 ing here and there a sneak peek at the upper gal lery — looking only at my spouse, mind you! Like N O T I C E B O A R D 3 6 many of the guests there that night, we felt we TRAVEL IN ISRAEL... 38 could have been in any one of a number of shuls from our South African past. Although new in N U P T I A L S 4 0 design and structure, the synagogue exuded old world familiarity. From our primitive ancestral N E W A R R I V A L S 4 3 shtiblach of the shtetls, through the modern vari C O N D O L E N C E S 4 4 ations in the cities and towns throughout South ern Africa to Rehov Har Sinai in Ra'anana. there CLASSIFIED 47 is a common thread. Apart from being a house of prayer, it is the glue that binds the community and defines its Jewish character. Opening its doors in time for Purim, the jubi lant congregation will now celebrate Pesach. While PRODUCTION the new shul has been on everyone's lips, the loss Editor: Becky Rowe of Channel 16 — no rugby, no cricket, will be Correspondents: David Kaplan. Becky Rowe now on everyone's minds. For the downstairs Editorial Committee Chairman: David Kaplan crowd — hey guys — something to pray for. Design and Layout: Becky Rowe Chag Sameach, Business Manager: Lena Nulman David Kaplan BO-year Logo Design: Mark Blumberg Chairman of the Editorial Board Editorial Committee: Sharon Bernstein, David Couzin. Janine Gelley, Hilary Kaplan, Mark Kedem, Rossie Klug, Narda Korakin, Liana Koton, Jonathan ADDRESSES Osrin. Frances Ran. Sidney Shapiro, Debbie Zabow Cover and Artwork: David Kaplan South African Zionist Federation (Israel) Beit Clal, 5 Druyanov Street, 61110 Advertising: Lena Nulman Proofreading: Marvyn Hatchuel, Frances Ran P.O. Box 11556, Tel Aviv 61114 Tel.:{03)6290131, Fax: (03)6295099 Extra or back copies of Telfed Magazine are email: [email protected], available at NISIO per magazine. Contact Lena. Regional Offices To advertise in Telfed Magazine, Beersheva: (07)6737111 phone Lena; (03)6290131 : (02)5618135. (02)5634822 The views and comments expre.ssed in .irticies in this Ra'anana Merkaz Klita:(Wed. aft., call TAoffice for app't) publication are not necessarily those of the South African Zionist South Africa Federation (Israel) or of the Editorial Board. The organisation is not Tel. 011 -4851020, Fax: 011 -646-1325 responsible for the advertisers and the insertions in this magazine.


SWAZI COMMUNITY ing. The only thing different about the service is that men / Dear Editor, and women sit together. We I have often wondered how many one-time have many bar and hat mitzvah^s, residents of that beautiful little country, Swaziland, but are not 'allowed' to have weddings. It is a are here in Israel. I don't think the Jewish com close, caring and warm congregation. munity of Swaziland ever exceeded more than Netta Friendlander about 150 families (1939-40). I lived in this small African kingdom for 33 years, and my late par ents, both of whom died here in Israel, for 36 years. My three children were bom there, and ST. ELSEWHERE!! immigrated to Israel as Swazi citizens. I think in that respect, they must be unique. Dear Editor, If you have any information regarding the I was very disturbed by parts of the cover story on the Maccabiah (Telfed October 1997). I found above, or any ex-Swazilander would like to con it a slap in the face that you have the chutzpah tact me, I would be very pleased to hear from and the gall to laud the ex-South Africans who him or her. made to the USA, Canada, Australia and Robert Lax many other countries. They should be given all [23/130 Rehov Oren] due respect for their achievements in sport, but do you, as the editorial board need to make them heroes for competing against their ex-kinsmen CONSERVATIVE in Israel. In my opinion, the problem is that too CAMARADERIE many immigrated to other countries and never Dear Editor, gave Israel a thought. I feel that the article pro moted the right royal cock up of the SAZF in Regarding Dr, Ben Novis's letter (December promoting Israel and aliyah. 1997), I am writing to tell you that I am proud to be part of the Conservative Movement. In South R o b b y A b r a m s Jerusalem Africa, I was Orthodox, and upon coming to Netanya, I decided to become a member of the Ed. - The editorial board does not view fellow Conservative congregation. Our Rabbi, Esra South Africans who have emigrated to places other Birnbaum, is a wonderful, knowledgeable man. than Israel as forgotten brethren. To negate the His religious and educational approach is outstand- existence of their growing communities abroad would be to ignore reality. Maintaining ties with Quality Tourist Apartments them is the surest way of their continued attach ment to Israel, and by attending the Maccabi On Holiday or Business Games, they clearly demonstrated their sentiments. Tel Aviv: Frug St., Dizengoff St., Ben Yehuda St. Jerusalem: Bezalel St., Emek Refaim St., Jaffa St. MIRTH IN PERTH Spring Special Per night/apartment 7 nights minimum stay Dear Editor, Please allow me to impose on you from the $68 Fully furnished/Equipped far away city of Perth in Western Australia where Subject to company policy terms and conditions I am visiting to celebrate the 80th birthday of a Tel: 972-3-5105342 Fax: 972-3-5163276 good friend, mentor and alter-ego, Norman Friends International Apartment Service continued on next page


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Rothschild Bank in Zurich, founded in 1968 and Rothschild Trust Switzerland are members of the Rothschild Group I N THE MAIL Sandler, who had been the Headmaster of King exception to your article on "Birds ' J David High School in Johannesburg. Sandler's of Prey..."Telfed vol.23, no.4, page association with the South African Board of Jewish 6. To the best of my knowledge Education spaned three decades including a tenure there are no cities called East Jerusalem or West as its director. Jerusalem. There is a city called Jerusalem, the In his tribute, a former teacher at King David, capital of Israel. There is a broad consensus on Elliott Wolf, recounts being lured away from this issue across almost the whole political spec teaching at a government school by Norman trum in Israel. It is incumbent on a magazine like Sandler. "He was the innovator of so much that Telfed, which supposedly represents all South Af we take for granted in our schools today among rican Olim, and is a Zionist Federation publica them the open exchange and rapport between pupil tion, to support and strengthen the status of Jeru and teacher, bold experimentation in new teach salem as the sole and undivided capital of the State ing methodology, the Standard 8 Ulpan scheme, of Israel. the occa.sional half-holiday when Linksfield tri I hope that the editor will be more selective umphed in rugby or South Africa played a cricket and critical of articles which do great harm to test at the Wanderers! Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, while purport 'The success of the Jewish Day School in South ing to support peace and cooperation. Africa, particularly in the case of your own be D r . J o n a t h a n B a i k i n loved King David Schools must be of tremen Alon Shvut [Gush Etzion] dous satisfaction and Jewish education in South Africa would not have been what it is without Eel. - Our article quoted Paul Smith as describ your dedication." ing the Lesser Kestrel nesting in "... Palestinian H a r r y K a l l m a n n areas — Jericho and East Jerusalem." There is Tel Aviv nothing inaccurate or non-Zionist about this de- jicription, simply realistic. There is an area, East Jerusalem, which is populated primarily by Pal A "CAPITAL" OFFENCE? estinians. D e a r E d i t o r I have no objection to co-operation between Israelis and . However, I take strong J E W S I N WA N D E R L A N D

D e a r E d i t o r, Please note that we receive many letters, I found the feature article in the recent issue but due to the constraints of time and space, of Telfed, "Dem bones,dem dry bones" about we reserve the right to edit these. continued on page 26

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SPORT SPECTACLE fundraising performance in May. Details are be Telfed and the Ra'anana Bowling Club will be ing ironed out and tickets will soon be on sale. sponsoring a party honouring 50 years of South Watch the press for further details. ern African contributions to . Indi CALA viduals in various sports will be honoured and A must for the entire community! Join us for there will be a photo exhibition highlighting dec a pageant chronicling in song, dance and theatre ades of acheivement. Braaied meat and other de the saga of our community from Eastern Europe, lights will be on sale. Admission is free. through Southern Africa, to Israel. Date: May 28 Date: October 29, 1998 Time: from 4:30 pm Venue: Cultural Centre Venue: Ra'anana Bowling Club For further details, contact David Kaplan For more information, contact Ivor Wolf (09)7672404. (09)7715534, Teddy Edelstein (09)7742269, Janine SPECIAL EDITION Gelley (09)7657725. or watch the press for fur A special 50th anniversary Telfed Magazine ther details. edition will be coming out this Fall. It will in TANCOWITH TELFED clude the programme for the gala, and the public In honour of Telfed's 50th, the Bat-Dor Dance is invited to send messages to friends and rela Company under the direction of former South tives the world over. Space will be allotted at a African Jeanette Ordman will put on a special minimum of N1S25 per message. Please send your message together with a cheque to Frances at Telfed.

LEARNING LOADS ON RHODES who teaches a course using a novel method of Do you think of a lecture on Cecil John Rhodes understanding history and politics through film, as too esoteric? Not so, thought the crowd in the gave a riveting critique of the recent BBC series packed lecture hall at Tel Aviv University. They on Rhodes. recently came to hear a symposium on this great proponent of imperialism sponsored by Telfed in honour of its 50th anniversary. The occasion also marked the publication of Professor Mordechai Tamarkln's book: "Cecil Rhodes and the Cape Afrikaners." Chaired by David Kaplan, vice-chair man of Telfed and Professor Yekutiel Gershoni of Tel Aviv University, the panel featuring Tamarkin, Professor Herman Giliome of UCT, and former South Afri can Paul Liptz of Tel Aviv University, of Wise Guvs, l-r: Paul Lipiz. Prof. Mordechai Tamarkin. Prof. fered new insights into the complicated, but Hcniiun Giliome. and Prof Yektiliel Gershoni fascinating character of Rhodes. Paul Liptz,

1 People - FEATURE


by David Kaplan

opened the small siddur and Heleaned tallis cabinetforward affixedand to thecarefully seat in front of him. Straining his eyes, he painstak been eight years in the making. ingly examined the finely chiseled wooden han One may be excused for asking, "w/iy a new dles and joints and allowed his fingers to deli shul?" in a town that already boasts one for ap cately trace the edges of the brass hinges and lock. proximately every one thousand residents. But Looking up, he feasted his eyes on the familiar this is not merely another shul, and this is no or light oak pulpit from which the Mayor of Ra'anana, dinary community. Largely South African, the Ze'ev Bielski had just begun his address with Shivtei Yisrael keliila has for years been crying Goeieaand, and his mind drifted back to the pul out for its own place of worship. Designed by pit's original occupant. Rabbi Lipsbitz. A short Cape Town-based architect Louis Karol, the style man with a goatee beard, he radiated a warmth and decor of the synagogue's i nterior encapsulates to a community of mainly Litvaks in the burgeon the community's Eastern European roots fused and ing town of Parow in the northern suburbs of enriched by its Southern African sojourn. Cape Town. Solly Kaplan's eyes then settled on HOW DID IT ALL BEGIN? the bima occupying center stage and recalled his By 1990, the primarily South African kehila, elder son, Sidney, now living on Manof known as the Minyan HaKatan, had outgrown and his two nephews, Mendel and Robert, sit its facilities. "A decision was made to build our ting in front of him, proudly standing for their own Beit Knesset/Community Centre to accom bar mitzvahs many years ago and so many miles modate the growth of our community. We also away. Lost in his thoughts, the past fusing with changed our name to Shivtei Yisrael to reflect the present, he turned and whispered in my ear, our many members who come from countries other "I wonder which was my seat." than South Africa — Great Britain, U.S.A. Mexico, France, Denmark, Canada and Australia," explains It is over forty years since Solly relinquished Sol Cohen, master of ceremony and former chair his place in the front row of the Parow shul. To man of the kehila. night at the official opening of the Shivtei Yisrael Although construction began in 1994, it was Synagogue on Rchov Har Sinai in Ra'anana, there halted the following year due to lack of funds. was not a seat to be had. Interspersed among the Fortuitously, the Nathan and Reuben speeches and tributes, congregants and guests sat Mowszowskl families had made aliyah from South enraptured by the harmonious arrangements of Africa in 1992 and joined the kehila. Their ar the shul choir and its lead soloists - Ralph Levitan rival changed everything. Nathan was the cata and Colin Schachat. Mingling at the cocktail party lyst that stoked the fire and maintained the heat earlier, it was evident that the community was for the job on hand. He oversaw, on a day-to-day exuberant on this long-awaited day. This shul had basis, the construction of the shul dealing with

8 the architects, the builders, the subcontractors, the Parow Jewish community, which had closed the gardeners and I guess Hashem. Those were its shul in 1993, was looking for a new home for days of perseverance, persistence and perspira the shul's interior furnishings. And so a marriage tion. What motivated him? Apart from a burning w a s m a d e i n h e a v e n . " desire to dedicate something special in Israel to Mendel Kaplan takes up the story — "when honour his beloved parents, Haiin and Chaja, he we deconsecrated the Parow Synagogue in 1993, confides that "coming from South Africa we did I thought it would be appropriate to reconsecrate not foresee the emptiness which we would expe the Shul in Israel using as much as possible of rience when it came to the issue of a shul and the Parow interior, in honour of over 90 years of related facilities. Although we immediately slot continuous service maintained by the members ted into Kehilat Shivtei Yisrael, we nevertheless felt that the physical facilities at the synagogue did not inspire us to maintain the enthusiasm that we had enjoyed at the Sandton Shul." In 1995, Nathan proposed that the Mowszowski fami lies would finance the com pletion of the building, while each member would pay a levy and so feel integrally part of the project. The land had been made available by the Ra'anana Municipality, how ever there remained the ques tion of interior furnishings. Back: L Lerer. T. Glass. S. Kaplan. Dr. E. Sacks, Dr. LM. Mendehohn, IV! Leiy. H.M. Jqffe After all, although one stands Front Row: J. Sagel. M Slander. Rahbi 8. Lipshitz. J.L Goodman, A. Levitt, Ik Freedberg, for so much of the service, M. Cohen. Inset: M. Sacks congregants need a place to sit too. of the congregation. To me this was very personal "By the grace of Hashem" continues Nathan, because five generations of our family had wor "at the same time we were building our synagogue. shipped there: my great grandfather, Israel Groll; Harold Jankelowitz insurances 2 Keren Hayesod St. Ra'anana 43305 Tel: 09-7440387, 09-7420456 Fax: 09-7440293

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9 People my grandparents Isaac an example for and Rochel Bloch; my the other Jew own parents Isaac and ish communi Jessie Kaplan; my aunts t i e s i n t h e and uncles; my entire Western Cape." generation; and the chil Perhaps the dren of my cousins." Shivtei Yisrael

And so the bima, pulpit, The Shul Committee 1998: kehila will also all the rows of seating seated, l-r: Maish Isaacson (pretoria), Rabbi Daniel Beller, David set an example and the ornamental Fensterheim, Clive Chiliz (Jhb.) for other com wrought iron frame were standing, l-r: Sol Cohen (Cape Town), Shmuel Saiiowitz (Jhb.), Yitzchak munities. Fe shipped to Israel, re Rosenbaum, Allan Kacev (Pretoria), Jack Hotz (Jhb.), Evelynne Goldman, licity Phillips, Cecile Recbtman (Pretoria) stored and then reassem formerly of Jo- bled in the new shul. The hannesburg result - magnifique! tells me, "After twelve years, it's a dream come Solly Kaplan, who had arrived in Parow at the true for us. The new shul will certainly attract age of 19 in 1928, served on the shul's commit many new people. We have already seen that in tee for much of the early 1950s. "In 1936, Parow the short time it has been open. Even people who had over one hundred Jewish families, and the hadn't attended shul in the past are coming be life of the community which revolved around the cause for Anglo-Saxons there was no place where shul was vibrant in both Jewish and Zionist af they really felt at home." fairs. It was said that the Parow community set Debbie Chitiz adds that "many of the new faces


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11 People a r e w o m e n . N o w t h e w h o l e T h e B e i t K n e s s e t family can attend the serv Shivtei Yisrael has a ices together, not just the proud history. It men. There are special serv stands today as a ices for kids which frees the place of worship, mothers to daven and there .special and unique on is space for everyone. t h e R a ' a n a n a l a n d Women are playing a more l-r: Mayor Ze 'ev Bielski, Louis Karol, Robert scape. For South Af important role in the activi Kaplan. Reuben and Nathan Mowszowski; ricans stepping into ties of the shul. At owrseitda foreground: Mendel Kaplan its warm embrace, shlishit {third meal on while special, there is shabbat afternoon), we have over 70 people in nothing unique about it. There is a feeling of fa attendance. On a social level, we are organising miliarity; a recapturing of a lost legacy. While dinners or fun evenings for chagim, and our re so many synagogues in Israel today have become cent Purim bingo event was a sellout." Recalling places of prayer with little or no communal func the day the sifrei torah were moved from the old tion, the Shivtei Yisrael keliila sets out to reclaim shul to the new. Debbie describes with delight, a heritage passed down for centuries of the shul "the large celebratory procession down the road. being the hub and lifeblood of the community. People were dancing in the streets and it was like Simhat Torah all over again. When we arrived at Rising at the end of the dedication, Solly chuck the new building. I was so excited, I let out a yell les, "Well if 1 can't find my old seat, maybe I just like a kid." should apply for a new one." •

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12 MAKINC HIS MARK Who said South Africans in Israel lend to stay clear of politics? Mark Kedem, deputy director of Telfed, bucks the trend by his recent election to the Tzur Yigal Town Council. Adjacent to Kochav Yair, Tzur Yigal, like its sister town, was a successful community project of the Telfed, and there are over 30 South African families living in Tzur Yigal today. Mark has taken on the education portfolio and among his many duties, he will have to ensure adequate ganiin for the over 400 chil dren born annually in the new community. According to Mark, "one of the burning issues on our agenda is the preservation of the envi ronment. The Southern Sharon Council is keen on developing the surrounding forest land. We aim to stop 'em!" Well, if a former U.S. president said "read my lips," this town councillor says, "mark my word."

HAPPY A s s o c i a t i o n f o r t h e n o r t h . H e t o l d u s HOURON that he had visited Lebanon the previ THE ous day and the sol d i e r s t h e r e t o o HERMON needed a clubhouse. He appealed for a Israeli soldiers stationed donor to provide in virtual isolation on the NIS20,000 for its remote peaks of Mount construction. One of Hermon will now be able Al the opening of the clubhouse.s on Mount Hennon. l-r: Fanny to relax after their long tire m y g u e s t s w a s s o Robinwii. Annette Milliner. Phyllis Sachar, Freda Pinciis. impressed by the some hours of duty in a day's events that he clubhouse, thanks to has agreed to donate the funds for a clubhouse in Phyllis Sachar. Phyllis donated the funds for Lebanon." Generosity begets generosity. three clubhouses in the memory of her late hus band Manual who had been a well renowned com munal leader in Cape Town. A busload of family and friends attended a ceremony held in a sealed underground military area under the auspices of the English-Speaking branch of the Soldiers Wel fare Association. Fanny Robinson, former edi- / tor of Telfed Magazine, stood by as Phyllis cut/ _ mow th^ilQ^rom Springbok rugby folk the ribbon to the new clubhouses. "1 was awed lore, "It'sffTw^s ^tl^o have a Jew on the team.' by the onerous responsibility that the young sol Well, if you are about to embark on one of the diers bear and am touched that Phyllis's gener most ambitious programmes the Jewish world has osity will bring relief to them." .seen for years, it is not a bad idea to have a South Phyllis excitedly tells us that on the four hour African aboard. Avraham infeld. a beacon bus journey to Mount Hermon, "we were joined in Jewish education, has recently been appointed by a volunteer in charge of the Soldiers Welfare to a team investigating a colossal project which

13 People aims to bring every Jewish youth on a visit to As visits to Israel have proven to entrench Jew Israel. Sound impossible or unrealistic? Not when ish identity, Infeld feels that "particularly now you have two philanthropic heavyweights like that Israel-Diaspora relations are at an all time Charles Bronfman and Michael Steinhardt, at low, this programme could be the requisite medi the helm. cine to heal the rift." Infeld is presently in South "Our aim is to Africa presenting the programme and investigat create the means ing how the Jewish community will be involved. whereby a trip to Israel will be the birthright of every FROM LINEUPS TO Jewish youngster. One of the things LINECALIS Modern Ortho Ask an Israeli policeman his rank? Instead of doxy has done is corporal, sergeant or major, he may reply number to institute a stay one, two or three. What is he talking about? The in Israel as a rite police tennis league, of course. Mark Kahlberg, of passage for formerly of Johannesburg, has introduced tennis Avrabain Infeld.founderand every boy and girl. into the ranks of the Israeli police force. After director ofMelilz: Centers for Jewish We want to make serving as a volunteer in the Civil Guard, Mark, Zionist Education, which integrates this rite universal. a tennis coach by profession, was urged to be Jewish values into mainstream Perhaps it will come a base commander in Arad. "Part of the deal Israeli and Diaspora formal and come in the form of my accepting the position was that I would be informal education and annually of a voucher able to promote sport in the police force, particu serves over 50,000 students. granted to every larly tennis. The first tournament I organised was Jewish youth at in Arad. Police came from all over Israel and Collie the age of 16 to use at any time until the age of Friedstein of the Israel Tennis Centre presented 29 for a short- or long-term programme in Israel. the winning trophies. We have some good play During the coming year we will evaluate the pro ers like a fellow in the over-35 division who is gramme length, quality, and content, as well as ranked third nationally. But he better watch out, the costs involved." because next year I'll be turning 35!"

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The next natural step for the police team was Pretoria, and then flew down to the Cape to play to tour overseas. Mark began "writing letters to against the Western Province Defence Team in police forces in Holland, France and England. Then Bellville and their Police Team at the Strand. The I thought, why not the matches were very Hamerosl The South close and we had a African Police re great time. We are sponded with an invi looking forward to the tation and in Novem South Africans sending ber 1997, we flew with a team here this year." an 11-person delega Mark has shown the tion to South Africa for way for sport to break l-r: Mark Kahlberg, South African police officials and Ambassa a two-week tour to Pre- barriers and to enhance dor Uri Oren. The team u'flj treated to first class hospitality from toria, Johannesburg the quality of a work the South Africans, "starting with SAA, which gave us a lot of and Cape Town. environment. "Where support. We were invited by the South African Chief of Police to a "It was the first trip are you off to?" asks for everyone on the Friday night meal with national sportsmen serving in the police the desk sergeant. To force at the Groenkloof Club. The Israeli ambassador, Uri Oren, t e a m b u t m e . W e court, replied the of played a lively rendition of Israeli songs on his mouth organ. When played against the the crowd recognized hava nagila, they all broke into song. It h'o,? a ficer walking out to Gauteng Police and w a r d s h i s v a n . " Tr a f special moment for oiir team to see non-Jews .ringing along in D e f e n c e T e a m s i n Hebrew. We recited the kiddicsh in Hebrew and English, they said fic or tennis?" wonders Groenkloof and the sergeant chewing grace and tve proceeded to enjoy a good braai." Voortrekkerhoogtc in on a pencil.

25 YEARS ON niscing of childhood antics such as riding motor What do a bunch of rabbis, farmers, engineers bikes into the classroom. There was some seri and businessmen have in common? They were ous stock taking of life in progress and catching all classmates in the Yeshiva College Johannes up on latest family news. It was hard to believe burg, and came together for a 25th anniversary that one of us is an expectant grandfather. Shabbaton at Moshav Mechola this past Decem "We read out a moving letter from Rabbi Tanzer, ber. Richard Shavei Tzion of Jerusalem was the school's Rosh Yeshiva, expressing his and the one of the 12 of a class of twenty who attended school's pride in the class's achievements. Above the reunion. "Three came from South Africa spe all there was an understanding of our contined cially for the occasion and within minutes of meet commitment to our values and to each other. ing, time and distance seemed to roll away. We "On parting 25 years ago, we swopped tel have less and greyer hair and some of us have ephone numbers some of which contained only well developed paunches, but the wonderful at two digits. This time we traded e-mail addresses. mosphere that l-r, upper: Riissel Rosen (Jim), existed in our Lapidot (Efrat). Raymond classroom Ziegler (Jhb.), Richard Shavei- flowed as it did those many Tzion (Jim), Jo.shua Hellennan (Herzlia), Ron Hendler (Jhb) y e a r s a g o . l-r, lower: Jackie Classman "The (Efrat), Avi Sulski (Efrat), Ivan Shabbat was Rendel (Kochav Yuir), Allan filled with joy Demhy (Jhb), A.sher Caplan ous singing and (Shadmot Mecholah). h i l a r i o u s r e m i

16 The world has changed much in the past quarter of a century, but not the exuberant spirit of our cUiss of '72."

SPEAK UP "There are a multitude of things that Israel can teach the world — debating is not one of them." laughed MK Naomi Chazan at the awards cer emony of the World Debating Society's Tenth Annual Championships last month. "This was the first time a non-English speaking country has hosted the annual competition," says English teacher Avril Shulman, nee Lewin. a former Capelonian. Avril's school was one of several Israeli schools that hosted the debates in which high school students from 26 countries par ticipated. Why is start a new career learning to in Israel!" debate so ...You don't need to be a Computer Engineer to important for get a high paying position in a Hi-Tech children? company. If you can write and think in English. VEDA can help you secure a bright future as a " W h e t h e r i n Technical Writer or a Marketing English or He Communications expert. Many have done it. So brew, it pre pares kids for Avril Shiihnan with two of the South Marketing Communications organising African debaiors who came to Israel to Israeli Hi-Tech badly needs experts who can their thoughts write and produce international marketing compete in the World Debating Society and ideas, lis material that SELLS! championships. The VEDA Marketing Communication course tening to others and relating to what is said. Furthermore, it teaches teaches you the skills and strategies you need to them to adhere to rules and regulations and how to get into the growing field of Hi-Tech marketing. disagree in a polite and accepted manner," explains Technical Writing Avril. "Debating as a tool for civilized argument Leam to write User's Manuals, On-Line Help can be used in everyday life. I have tried it in my and other documentation for Israel's ever classrooms as an exercise in conflict resolution." expanding Hi-Tech industries. Organised under the auspices of Siach VeSig, By the end of the course you will be ready to have YEDA recommend you to leading Hi pioneered by former South Africans, Anne Tech companies searching for professional Swersky and Judge Herbstein, the recent de technical writers. bates drew large and enthusiastic audiences. Avril, hoping to see Israel's younger generation adept VEDA courses are given at the following locations: in the art of public discourse, is excited about ■ T e l A v i v ■ Ra'anana ■ Jerusalem the spread of interest in debating. There will be workshops in Jerusalem during the Pesach Holi day, and in the summer in the Tel Aviv and Sharon ISRAEL'S NO. 1 HI-TECH SCHOOL areas. For anyone intere.sled, contact Avril Shulman FOR ENGLISH SPEAKERS at (09)954-2568. CALL NOW: 972-03-6394591


Whywould the culturala young huband of Teltalented Avivdancer for theswap cul tural outback of Eilat? Lisa Waldbaum, daugh ter of Phyllis and Ian Waldbaum of Ra'anana is exuberant, 'i love the view of the mountains and the sea. I love the desert. And I really love work with Shelley at the Community Centre. Two years ing with Shelley." ago, she decided to strike out on her own by open For those of you not in the know, Shelley is ing a new school with her sister Myra, a gym Shelley Sheer, who before leaving Johannes nastics and callanetics teacher. "My school of burg, performed with the PACT Dance Company. fers tap. jazz, tai chi and gymnastics." Refresh After a two-year stint in Vienna, she came to Is ing is the total absence of professional rivalry rael where she eventually became principal dancer among Shelley, Sharon and Lisa. They are con and artistic director of the renowned Bat Sheva stantly complimenting one another and are the Dance Company. "After all those years of trav "best of buddies." elling with Bat Sheva, 1 was tired. 1 was ready All three will tell you that the typical Eilat pupil for something different — to stop dancing. So I is a far cry from the scrubbed suburban children came down to the Arava and moved onto an os of Ra'anana and Ramat HaSharon. "It is a true trich farm. Word got out and, little by little, I got act of pioneering to grapple with our first year roped into teaching dance - first at Yotvata students. The first thing they need to learn, Lisa and later in Eilat." Perhaps Shelley was destined sighs, "are manners, respect and discipline, only to return to dance. She now heads the dance school then we can begin the dance instruction." "Al in the Collier Community Centre catering to over though Eilat is changing," admits Sharon. "Peo 450 students. She also serves as the examiner for ple are tuning into the importance of the arts, and the dance matriculation in the north and heads dance in particular." Shelley adds, "Last year at the growing dance department in Eilat's high our end of the year show, we expected no more school. than 600 people. Weil we got close to double The third player in the South African trio of that and didn't have enough room." dancers in Eilat is Sharon Wooif. originally Shelley's connections in the dance world have from Johannesburg. "I came to Eilat on holiday done much to enrich Eilat. "There is a lot of bar to visit my sister in 1989. The beauty, the quiet, gaining, bartering and begging that goes on when the laid-back atmosphere just appealed to me. I try to bring dancers here," laughs Shelley. A Within three months, I got myself packed, organ programme called Oman BaYishuv organises ised and out of South Africa." A veteran dancer premises for artists to rehearse their new work. and certified instructor, Sharon began teaching "The rehearsals are open to the public. In the af- ternoon, we spread them around so the children can see other teachers and the artists do a workshop with the older girls. In the end, the older girls even tually performed a piece with them. That was some experience!" ^ j H In addition to the Israeli JJf^ , ^; yI joleddancers into Shelley coming has down ca- f - " for workshops and per formances, "last year, we brought the PACT Dance Company to Eilat." She has remained closely af filiated to PACT in spite of the distance. 'Their stay here was marvelous. Kib butz Yotvata hosted them in return for a performance on the kibbutz, and we had an incredible ten-day sum mer course with Afro-jazz and gumboot dancing in addition to classical and modern classes. We even h a d s t u d e n t s f r o m t h e north of the country come down to take part."

If you thought the best beat in Eilat was disco, you are totally out of tune.

T U R N O N T H E TA P "When I first came, few people here had even heard of lap," recounts Sharon Woolf. "Now you can buy Israeli- made lap shoes in Eilat. A group of my best younger dancers put on a show called Aliza B'eretz Ha'Steps (right). The group performs in the hotels regularly and for hospitals and other charities, they put on show; free of charge. We are now forming a group of I 17 year olds with an even more sophistical, repertoire. Israel hosts a tap festival every year bringing the best tappers in the world. I^EREN TELFEP

Donors Honorees

Annette Milliner Zea Lewis on a special birthday Annette Milliner Dodo Pollack on her birthday P h y l l i s S a c h a r D o d o P o l l a c k o n h e r b i r t h d a y Phyllis Sachar Gerald and Renee Kleinman (SA) on their golden wedding anniversary Joe and Jose Grossman Dr. and Mrs. E. Schneider-Kuper on their golden wedding anniversary Lola and Issy Nathan Dr. Hylton Miller on his appointment as professor Dr. Eric and Maty Lebanon Dr, and Mrs. E. Schneider-Kuper on their golden wedding anniversary Solly Kaplan Marjorie Minde on her 80th birthday Hilary and David Kaplan Mark Kedem on his election as council member of Tzur Yigal Hilary, David and Gary Kaplan Rossy Klug, Bamette Lessem, Nadine Chamey, Debbie & Haim Spiegel, Sharon Bernstein. Debbie Zabow, Michelle Wolff, Janine Gelley and Lucille Bloch with many thanks for your help Annette Milliner Ralph Milrod on his special birthday Freda Raphael Bella Joel Cohen on her special birthday Lamie Ravinsky, Faith and Ivan Melman, Ghita and Meyer Hurtwiz Sue Donner on her special birthday Hannah Kacev. Chaim, Sheila and Families, Selwyn, Adele and Family, David, Esther and Family Mervyn and Leah Poliak on their silver wedding anniversary. Chaim, Sheila and Families, Barry, Zahava and Family Ralph, Dina and Family, Maish Hadasha and Family Mace and Ann Menachemson on their golden wedding anniversary Hilary and David Herzbergcr Micki and Dov Robinson on their golden wedding anniversary Reina & Sydney Wolman & Family . Ellis and Marcia Waybume on their golden wedding anniversary Julius and Thelma Jaffe Ellis and Marcia Wayburne on their golden wedding anniversary. Sharon Bernstein in memory of Max Miodownik Jean and Bryan Myers in memory of Max Miodownik Ann and Leon Moss Micki and Dov Robinson on their golden wedding anniversary Harriet and Sam Levin Dave Dunsky on the 85th birthday of Telfed's second chairman Morris and Buddy Efroiken Esther and Arthur Swartz, (SA) on their golden wedding anniversary SAZF (Israel) Mushe & Issy Kirsh on their kind hospitality to the Israeli delegation to South Africa Jack and Rae Galloon, Orkie and Louis Chesed Hymie and Shirley Shapiro on their golden wedding anniversary David and Hilary Kaplan Annette Milliner, wishing a speedy recovery.

If you would like to donate to Keren Telfed in honour of a special person, or to commemorate a special occasion, send your request to: Keren Telfed, c/o SAZF. PO Box 11556, Tel Aviv 61114. All donations are used to assist needy Southern Africans in Israel. Cheques should be made out to Keren Telfed. Please supply full details, including name and address of the person you wish to honour, and the date of the special occasion. A receipt will be sent to the donor. A greeting card and a covering letter are sent to the honouree and the donation is acknowledged in this column. Lev Ganim ■ Exclusive Accommodation for the Elderly ■ Surrounded by manicured lawns and gardens, with breathtaking views ■ Ideal location - out of earshot of the city, but close enough to town and the highway ■ Three residential wings on each level, 3 to 4 apartments per wing, adjacent to the elevators ■ Spacious and elegant \h,2 and 3 room apartments ■ Luxurious lobby, public and recitation rooms, cafeteria, synagogue, mini-market, hairdresser ■ Welfare services, medical attention and nurse in attendance 24-hours-a-day ■ Round-the-clock security, apartment maintenance, transport services Lev Ganim ■ Seeing is Believing ■ Visit the model apartment to really appreciate Lev Ganim's unique atmosphere. ■ A wide choice of payment schemes to suit your needs.


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by David Kaplan and Becky Rowe

1 or 2 on the remote control to watch Itis 8pm the Israeliand Arepress you eitherrelaxed? channel Not if you have a son, a grandson, orfriend serv ing in the army and stationed in Lebanon. The spectre of Lebanon looms over every mire. The issue, having no ideological basis, Israeli family every day. You ask yourself transcends party politics. The proposals range from — is there any way to extricate ourselves retaining a presence in the Security Zone, to from a war few today believe can be won? withdrawal with agreements with Syria and Until this winter, any debate on our presence Lebanon, or with just Lebanon, to a withdrawal in Lebanon was hardly a frontpage item. Now in stages, to a unilateral withdrawal with or without the question of a withdrawal from Lebanon foreign forces. is primarily no longer if, but how and when. Much of the credit for dragging our politicians While only a short while ago, the voices clamoring and generals out of the closet and taking a stand for a withdrawal seemed to be fighting windmills, on the issue of Lebanon goes to MK Dr. Yossi now high-ranking men in suits and uniforms are Beilin. Over the past year, he has been relentless tripping over each other with proposals on how in championing the cause for a unilateral "peace Israel should leave it's muddy Lebanese quag- ful" withdrawal. Telfed correspondents met with Dr. Beilin in his Tel Aviv office, whereafter we BURGER RANCH spoke to some former South Africans living near HOME DELIVERIES FROM THE FOLLOWING BRANCHES: Israel's northern border for 06-6528522 Netanya; their opinions. Beer-Sheva 07-6233966 Kenlon Hasharon 09-8618906 Bat Yam 03-5062040 Kenion Hadarim 09-8845017 Eilat 07-6316444 NesZlyona 08-9409920 Gedera 08-8598995 Petah-Tlkva 03-9317343 Why leave Lebanon Herzlia Pituah 09-9565757 Rehovot 09-9364966 Herzlia Lev Ha'ir 09-9512727 Ramat Hasharon 03-5471510 now? 03-5037074 : Haifa 04-8373393 Ayalon 03-5786016 Remaining in Lebanon Jerusalem: Biatik St. 03-6738508 is a kind of March of Folly Germanit 02-5666990 Ra'anana 09-7601705 PIsgatZe'ev 02-5850088 RIshon Lezion 03-9502880 resulting primarily from KenionHarel 02-5337033 Tel Aviv: "being there." I don't think KfarSaba 09-7672768 Lev Dizingof 03-5257880 Kiryat Shmoneh 06-6950093 NeveAvivim 03-6427568 anybody in their right mind KiryatBlalik-Klryon 04-8773434 Ramat Aviv 03-6421792 would propose going in KIr'on 03-5341587 Kikar Milano 03-5468744 there today. There is no ad- Naharlya 04-9923852 Karmlel 04-9887388 Nazerath 06-6573485 Pardes Hana 06-6272836

21 vantage, military or otherwise, in remaining there. Leib Golan on Kibbutz Ma'ayan The problem is that we are afraid of withdrawing Bariich: "Our dining room is 800 without an agreement by both sides. People re metres from Lebanon. I firmly be member the attacks of the PLO against Israeli lieve that a vrflv can be found to civilians in Avivim, Ma'alot, Misgav Am, withdraw our troops, and the Nahariya, and are frightened that history will re sooner the better, but we need guar peat itself. However, now there is a another enemy antees. It can be like the border with different goals - an entirely changed situ between Israel and Egypt. But. it e ation. Hizbullah is not the PLO. The pre-Oslo must have written agreements with PLO used Lebanon as a base from which to ini the Lebanese government and a tiate attacks on Israel. Hizballah's goal, on the fence. The Lebanese, and not the Is other hand, is to expel Israel from Lebanon, and raelis. must patrol the south of its attacks on Israel are to achieve that end. The Lebanon. In reality, u'e are preparing the ground for a full peace. Lebanese workers cross the Good Fence every day to work in kib butzim and in Metullah." Claire Waller on Misgav Am: Tirzfl. Lieb's wife, feels differently. "I believe a withdrawal would I wouldn't like withdrawal. It not guarantee the safety of the northerti settlements. There can he is already a dangerous border. no peace with Lebanon without Assad's bles.'iing, and it seems to me However, I am in fii-o minds. thatA.s5ad will torpedo am' Israeli effort to redeploy its troops. You On the one hand. I am very cannot make peace with the puppet and not with the puppeteer. .supportive of the peace proc- "But anyway. I don't believe this government has any real interest e.s.s. On the other hand. I have in a peaceful withdrawal from Lebanon. It is jiat another ploy to my doubts that we can reach distract attention from the more complicated issue ofpeace with the an agreement which would en- Palestinians." .sure the safely of the north. At this stage, a withdrawal .seems security zone and create new generations of hatred too dangerous to me. • towards us. We forget that in 1982, the Shiites greeted our tanks with rice and candy. They .saw Hizbullah is an indigineous movement and the themselves as our allies. We can never emerge largest party in the Lebanese parliament. They victorious from the quagmire of Lebanon. want to change the face of Lebanon, not Israel. Today, Israel is being used by the Hizbullah How do you propose Israel defend itself as a tool to garner support. They proudly show from attacks and infiltrations if we leave videocassettes of attacks on Israeli soldiers to boast their power. Our presence in Lebanon is a po the security zone? litical boon for them and enhances their prestige. We have to take the worst case scenarios into account. Perhaps a split-off party from Hizbullah will want to carry on the fight into Haifa and Would a unilateral withdrawal appear as Jerusalem. We have to be prepared for any a victory to Hizbullah, and ultimately harm eventuality. Israel's military image? We need to construct a state of the art line of Of course, once we withdraw from Lebanon defence on a recognized international border, using without an agreement, it can be flaunted by the latest technology as a preliminary step. But Hizbullah as an achievement. We have to take that, of course, is only the beginniitg. We need that into account. As they show our forces with an international presence, not like we have now, drawing, the pictures will not be very nice . Rather one far more substantial and with the active let them gain political currency from our with involvement of the major powers and the U.N. drawal, than from the constant killing of our sol I am in regular contact with the Secretary-Gen diers. It is not in our interests to remain in the eral of the U.N, as their involvement is crucial

23 fEATURE to any future withdrawal. A sizable army of U.N. ment was ever signed. Hafez Assad missed a rare soldiers stationed north of the international border chance for peace with Israel during the Rabin gov will be a feasible defence measure. ernment. He obviously realizes that now.

How does Syria enter the equation? Won't Israel be weakened by removing its Once Israel has agreed in principle to comply troops from Southern Lebanon? with U.N. resolution 425 calling for our with We can defend ourselves far better from within drawal from Lebanon, the Americans, the Euro Israel than as an occupier in hostile foreign ter peans and the Japanese would have to approach ritory. Today our hands are tied, while Hizbullah the Syrians and make it clear that if Israel is hurt has a free hand under the protection of local villages by their sometime-proxy Hizbullah, Syria will be and a Lebanese government which cannot be seen treated as a pariah State, like Libya and Iraq. For to be helping an occupying force. We, for moral Syria which is and political reasons, cannot wage war in popu trying to re lated setttlements. Once out of Lebanon, any cross- move itself border aggression can be construed as an illegal from the 'list of attack by the State of Lebanon and not by a faction. States support In terms of international law, our hands would ing terrorism,' be free to act. If we redeploy, we would neutral it cannot con ise international approbium even if we have to tinually ignore hit villages. Instead of our infantry exposing such pressure. themselves to continual Hizbullah ambushes where However, Syr they spend more time being hunted than hunt i a ' s d e m a n d ing, our military machine, relying heavily on air that the power, can be far more effective and efficient from Netanyahu our side of the border. government Tracy Rosenslein in Ma 'alol: It would be At present, the Lebanese government is un resume nego nice not to he at war. But I feel much safer able to intervene against Hizbullah, yet it is in t i a t i o n s w i t h knowing that Israeli soldiers are in Leba their interests to have a peaceful southern bor Israel where non. I admit that I am torn, because I don't der. The Lebanese national army today is no longer the negotia know if I would want my son ser\'ing in a sectarian outfit, but an integrated arm of the t i o n s l e f t o f f Lebanon. government. with the La bour government is unacceptable because no agree- What sort of support does withdrawal from Lebanon enjoy from residents of North For all your printing requirements ern Israel? Invitations • Business • Personal We have support along the entire border. If not a majority, it is a growing minority. On every kibbutz along the border from Shamir to Rosh HaNikra, we have supporters. The head of the northern regional council backs us openly, as does the organization. Four Mothers which began in Kibbutz Gadol in the north. This grassroots movement begun by mothers of soldiers in Jpntact Sheryl 09-7745657 Lebanon has been very effective in swaying public o r 0 5 2 - 5 4 2 2 2 9 opinion, while we concentrated primarily on the personalised stickers and labels political level.

24 PODIATRY CLINIC Hlllel Gluch N.H.D. Pod (S.A.) What about support among youth prepar State Registered Podiatrist (South Africa. Israel) ing to go into the army? 'Chronic fool pain This is a sensitive subject. Of course, some 'Skin and nail problems one who is going into the army should feel they 'Pre-armv biomechanical/riinniiig are doing the right thing, and 1 believe soldiers checkup (ortholics. etc) should serve wherever the government of the day 'Running and walking injuries 'children 'sfoot conditions sends them. However, you can't escape the di 'Diabetic footcare lemma in certain situations, and we must be hon 'General foot treatment est. Although I talk to many young people, 1 have 2 Hassoreg Street, Fir 3, Jerusaletn, Tel: (02)6249004 the feeling that it is really the parents who are For an appointment. Tel. (02)5300105 most attentive.

How successful has the campaign for with drawal been? Look around. The issue is a daily frontpage T I M E S H A R E B R O K E R S item and won't leave it until we leave Lebanon. You too can ajforda holiday every year. Much of our initial work was garnering support from the Council for Peace and Security, an or One week each year for the rest of your life. ganization formed by retired high-ranking offic For only $3100, inclusive of R.C.I, fees. ers. They really forced the issue with the poli ticians. Now the Issue is firmly entrenched on Call Sharon before the summer rush. our national agenda. 1 believe that in six months Tel.(09)74l-5356 all our soldiers can be out of Lebanon protecting e-mail: [email protected] Israel from within our borders. •

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Morris Rogev fascinating. I would like your per Duschinsky made on Jewish life in South Africa mission to use this story in my new internet site and even more so in Cape Town. called "The Wandering Jew." The site will include I came on aliyah from Cape Town 24 years personal stories of Jews all over the world which ago and returned for a visit for the first time after have not been published in books and do not ap 17 years and thereafter every year for the last eight pear in Museums; for example, how a Libyan years. These are very difficult visits, one of the Jewess survived a concentration camp where she few bright spots is the excitement of seeing the was held by the Italians, stories of escape, travel, tremendous strides Jewish life in Cape Town has or any stories of interest. Anyone with stories to made. contribute is welcome to contact me. This is in no small measure due to the fore I should also like to know who wrote the arti sight, hard work, initiative and perseverance of cle so that I can include the proper credits. Rabbi Duschinsky. Let me give but a few exam S h e l l e y M a g n e z I ples. When I left Cape Town, there were no ko [email protected] sher restaurants, now there are five as well as many products under the supervision of the Beth Din. There is a kosher canteen on the campus of UCT, DUSCHY REMEMBERED and Cape Town Yeshiva reaches out to the whole Dear Editor. community. When I go to Cape Town, 1 try to I was very excited to read the article in your make up on shiurim I miss while away. While Pesach issue on Rabbi Duschinsky. While bring doing this 1 see a number of chavriitot meeting ing back many fond memories, your writer does regularly grappling with problems that worry not appreciate how much of an impact Rabbi searching individuals. One sees business and pro fessional men including shiurim in their hectic

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26 schedules. A far cry to what was available when ing studying at the Hebrew University in Jerusa 1 was there. lem either after my undergraduate degree or on Rabbi Duschinsky's greatness was that he in completion of my Articles. I sincerely believe that fluenced the younger generation to play their part another Israeli experience, this time as a student in building Jewish life on the foundations he laid. and not as a month-long tourist, is something I Two examples I know of are Rabbi Desmond must grant myself sometime in my future. The Maizels and Dennis Diamond who have both made undeniable fact is that Israel really did touch me. their mark on Jewish life in South Africa. As far as aiiyah is concerned, 1 am not yet in a To quote Dennis Diamond, "Rabbi Duschinsky position to make any definite plans. However, ever built his tabernacle with human bricks." since the tour, 1 have to consider aiiyah as a pos I s a a c M u n i t z sibility for my future. Thanks to the Fed for making it all possi ble. I am extremely grateful. T O U R D E F O R C E I therefore urge continued sponsorship for these D e a r E d i t o r, awesome tours. I know that there are many fel I would like to thank the South African Zion low Jewish students who will grab the opportu ist Federation for an absolutely unbelievable nity to go in the future and I am even more cer SAUJS tour during December/January. tain that Israel will have as big an impact on them Before this experience, Israel was an unknown as it had on me. for me and I never considered tertiary education Michael Kurland in Israel or aiiyah. Now. 1 am seriously consider Johannesburg

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27 •^ELFEPTIPIN^S ISRAEL FAIR: looks after the interests of immigrant students. Zehava Glanz, head of the overseas student de TALKINCTACHLIS partment from Bar Ilan University, was impressed with the large turnout and the interest in all the The Jewish community of university pro Johannesburg had never seen the likes of it before. The week grammes. "Over sixty students prior to the Israel Fair in late signed up for more February, colourful posters information from were plastered along Louis us while ten stu Botha Avenue and other ma dents have already jor roads and boulevards of SouthAfrica's largest city. City registered in our readers, accustomed to open undergraduate and graduate pro ing their newspapers and see grammes." The ing prominent ads enticing Hebrew Univer them to Australia, did a sity representa doubletake over the breakfast table as they saw Israel taking the limelight. tive, Shimon Lipsky, had a different perspective. "Most of the The community turned out in their thousands students I came into contact with are interested to take a closer look at what Israel has to offer. in studying something that will lead directly into The Israel Fair, organised under the auspices of a lucrative career. However, it is extremely diffi the Jewish Agency, Telfed and the SAZF. was cult to be accepted into our stiffly competitive abuzz as the young and old, hungry for informa departments, like business management, commu tion, queued at stalls to find out more about em nications, medicine and law." The Jewish Day ployment, education, banking and housing in Is Schools were visited and every Std. 9 and 10 pu rael. pil was presented with information on tertiary A delegation of over 50 Israelis presented some eduation opportunities in Israel. 37 exhibits showing projects, programmes and Human resources representatives of hotels, hi- information. The booths were installed with state- tech companies and training programs were on of-the art audio-visual equipment and impressive hand to recruit potential olim. David Blum of displays. The atmosphere was vibrant and joy Isrotel was "very impressed with the organisa ful with an additional Israeli touch provided by tion of the event. Over thirty potential olim ap stalls offering Mediterranean cuisine, and Israeli proached me about employment - as chefs, food books, CDs and jewelry. and beverage or restaurant managers and recep Workshops were held with representatives of tion clerks. We are in contact with some of them various fields on a variety of topics including about imminent positions. In addition, it was a study options, family life in Israel, jobs, finance and mortgages. Estell Sender, from Kochav Yair. learning experience for me as an Israeli as I knew who answered questions on family life in Israel little, before this trip, about the South African Jew ish community or this beautiful country. says, "I was inundated with inquiries from Jo Adi Alphandari, assistant director of the cen hannesburg parents. They were hungry for in tral region forShikun Ovdim developers, summed formation particularly about kindergartens, gen up the situation succinctly. "The massive turnout eral schooling, childcare. health services, you in Johannesburg was a surprise to everyone. It is name it!" the response of a community in distress. They are Six Israeli universities sent representatives to seriously checking out their options. If not for today, the Fair as well as the Student Authority which then for tomorrow. We sold quite a few apartments

28 10 Kikdr I—Id'dtzmdtut/ Netanya Shaked Tours offers SPECIAL DEALS: LONDON: flight + 3 nights hotel: from $547 SOUTH AFRICA: airfare + 6 nights hotel/car: from $1250 TURKEY (AHXAiyA): package + 3 nights hotel: from $229 h/b PRAGUE/BUDAPEST: package + 6 nights hotel: from $799 b/b

Contact Niel Bobrov and his staff for Reservations, Tel: 09-8612849, 09-8622286, 09-8616254

"Everything just seemed to gel in the right place. The Israeli delegates had a grand time. They enjoyed good South African hos pitality and a large audience to whom they could market their products or services. The response of the community was fantastic, beyond our wildest expectations. It made everything worthwhile. If 5000 people come to a fair, you cannot say there is n o i n t e r e s t i n I s rael." Sidney's con cern is for the future and he poses the question, "Where to - in Netanya, Hod Hasharon n o w ? T h e F a i r c r e ated a momentum and in - and are in contact with more poten which must be tial buyers. In Cape Town maintained. Clearly however, the situation was budget is a problem, different. The community but we have to find t h e m e a n s t o c o n there is relaxed and com tinue to keep our fortable - not really look ing to go anywhere." community in South Stanley Finkelstein of Anglo-Saxon real estate Africa informed of the fantastic opportunities avail felt that "no one was in any great rush to make able in Israel." aliyah, and in fact I didn't have the occasion to Yohanan Simon, Deputy Director-General of meet an actual oleh. However, supri.singly, we the Jewish Agency's Department of Immigration closed a few deals and more are in the pipeline. and Absorption, tells us that the day after the fair, Our clients were primarily parents of olim. in while sitting at a coffee shop in the Sandton Mall, vestors and returning Israelis." a young Johannesburg mother sitting at an adja Sidney Shapiro, Telfed Director, went down cent table picked up on his Israeli accent, and to South Africa in advance of the delegation to realizing that he was part of the Israel Fair del aid in preparations for this groundbreaking event. egation, sauntered over to him. "I asked what she He spoke excitedly about the meticulous organi thought of the fair, and she replied, it was scary.' sation of the event and the community's response. 'Scary, why?' I inquired. 'Because, for the first

29 •yELFEPTIPINCS time, I have to seriously consider the option of as well. E-mail your e-mail address to us at: aliyah.'" • [email protected]

DON'T KNOCK, CET SMART IN ISRAEL JUSTCOMERICHTIN Anglo-Saxon im- To all you bleary-eyed surfers, up until all hours "■ ^^"^itudymigrants in a programme can now of the night (or should we say morning), who are in which the lan you visiting tonight? May we suggest you drop into Telfed's ever more popular, informative and guage of instruction for the first year is in entertaining site. We can't offer you coffee or cake, but you canj- English. These pro grammes are avail catch up on what's cooking at Telfed with a cal From Boerwoers lo Borrekas endar of community events, current job informa able to any student with a university exemption matriculation from tion and interesting pieces on South Africans in South Africa or an Israeli Bagrut. Israel. What's more, you can visit again and again Ben Gurion University of the Negev in as the site is regularly updated. Beersheva is offering a 3-year undergraduate degree in Management Studies. Studies in the first year will be over a period of three semesters (as PLEASE SEND us YOUR opposed to the regular two) and after successful completion of this year, students will join the regu E-MAIL ADDRESSES lar student body for the remaining two years. Stu Nu, we are in the new age of information and dents can choose one of the following manage all we have are your snail-mail addresses. Telfed ment fields: Management and Economics, Hotel can best serve you by having your e-mail addresses and Tourism Management, Health System man-

SAZF (ISRAEL) SCHOLARSHIPS Telfed's Endowment.s and Scholarships Committee awards scholarships every year. Applications close on August 31. All applications will be treated confidentially. Write to SAZF (Israel) Bursaries, FOB 11556, Tel Aviv 61114 for forms. For further information, contact Susan at SAZF (Israel): (03)6290131. JULIUS ROBINSON MEMORIAL FUND This scholarship is available to Jewish students who are living in Zimbabwe, or children living in Israel who have at least one Zimbabwean parent. It is tenable at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem only. Appli cants must submit details of a proposed course of studies, to be followed by proof of acceptance by the university. All students are eligible, whether in the Mechina course or studying for Bachelor, masters or Doctorate degrees. Applicants must say whether their parents are living in Israel or abroad and whether they are receiving any other scholarships or grants, including grants from Minhal Hastudemini. Application forms are available at (he SAZF (Israel) office. Applications close on Septemb^ 30, 1998. CLARA SCHWARZ

POST-CRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship is open to ex-Rhodesian/Zimbabwean graduates for study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Application forms are available at Telfed and must be returned to: The C.A.Z.O. Israel Committee, c/oTelfed, FOB 11556, Tel Aviv 61114 by not later than September 30, 1998. For further information, phone Susan, (03)6290131.

30 Restaurant

Stanley's, famous for South African sfyle meats, French garnishes & a unique atmosphere has relocated Stanley's Special and added a cozy bar! Lunch Menu

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agement This special arrangement is available to olim Bar Han University proposes a degree towards who came on aliyah after 1/1/98 and who are in a BA in General Studies whereby the student in possession of a valid teudat oleh & teiidat zakaut the first year can choose to do a wide range of (eligibility certificate). The mortgage will be avail subjects in the Social Sciences. In addition, the able for homes costing up to $200,000 and all student has to take five courses in Jewish studies required financing must be taken from the Bank and a preparatory course towards the psychometric of Jerusalem. In certain areas of Israel, part of exam. After completion of the programme the the financing is given as a conditional grant. students will apply to the Department of their For further information, call the bank at choice and will receive credit for most of the (02)6774777 or the Telfed Loans Department at courses done in the first year. (03)6290131. In addition to undergraduate studies, The He brew University of Jerusalem offers five MA TELFED: HERE FOR YOU programmes taught in English; Jewish Civiliza tion. Religious studies. History and Culture of Are you aware of the incredible work that the Modern Middle East, Politics and Society in Telfed does? Thousands of people over the years Israel and Bible and it's World. can thank Telfed for the financial assistance which For further information call Mark Kedem at enabled them to further their education, buy their the Telfed office or the Universities directly. home, start their business, or pay their rent. In many other cases, it was just to tide them over a difficult period when facing a bereavement, chronic 100% FINANCING illness, litigation or loss of work. After protracted negotiations between the Bank Telfed's Endowments and Scholarships of Jerusalem, the Jewish Agency and the SAZF Committee helps students with monies from Trust (Israel), a milestone agreement was signed between Funds it administers. Students are chosen, not only the bank and the Jewish Agency enabling South on the grounds of academic merit, but because African new oiim to obtain up to 100% mortgage they have struggled, financially to continue their facilities on purchasing a home in Israel. studies in Lsrael. Case reports: 1. A is a student


31 Young Tender ' THEOUBoV^rtK €ti^/Hebrew epcAldng Undcrgo-den iJi LAMB Ka'arMno. Anne and Lesley, the 2 ex-South African gannanot. grown naturally on Galilee pastures by will look after and educate your kids (aged 6 months -3 years) in a warm , fun and South African farmers. loving atmosphere 6 day a week from 7.30am - 4.00pm .(Fridays until! 12.30phi) We will teach ^ur cNldren about Jewish values and QUALITY YOU CAN TRUST friendship along with weekly themes and basic life skills.

Kosher and veterinary supervision. Please call us at: (09) 7t26594. Freshly frozen, cut. packed and delivered to your home!

Telfed's Loans and Assistance Committee Choice Cuts: leg. shoulder, neck, chops, carefully considers each application for a personal ribs. etc. loan. These loans are offered to ex-Southern Af ricans for the puchase of household goods, vehi To order, call cles for work purposes, renovations to property, Ben Saks !fk and for the settling of outstanding accounts. Case Moshav Kfar Kisch report: 1. An elderly widow, who was living with her married daughter, had a serious fall and is now in need of full-time care. Her children found 06-6765958 accommodation at a retirement home, yet due to financial circumstances, found the payment a strain who made her way alone to Israel several years on their resources. The committee offered a loan of NIS1000 per month for six months after which ago. Matriculating with a First Class pass from Cape Town's Herzlia School, she has recently been a progress report will be submitted. awarded a B Sc. Summa cum laude from Bar Ilan •20 grants totalling $54,392 given in 1997. •54 personal loans totalling $131,997 given in 1997. University and is studying for an M.Sc. at the Cancer. AIDs and Immunology Research Insti Telfed offers NIS30,000 Mortgage Loans at tute at Bar Ilan. 2. B came on aliyah in 1993 with 4.4 percent interest per annum fully linked to the her family and settled in Haifa. In South Africa, cost-of-living index. she received a certificate given only to students •159 mortgages totalling $176,857given in 1997. obtaining over 90 percent for three consecutive years. Going on to receive her teaching degree TELFED TOTS in maths and computer science, she will gradu Congratulations to Helayne Shedletzky ate in 1998. Her grade average is 97 percent. on the birth of her fourth daughter, Talya. and to •331 scholarships fotalling $241,592 were awarded Lena Nulman on the birth of her third grand for the 1997/98 academic year. child, Elad.

The Telfed Chairman, Executive, Staff and Members of the Telfed Magazine Editorial Board wish all our readers and advertisers a chag sameach.


by Mike Fredman

The Vilna Gaon, the greatest of all Gaonim, 200th anniversary of his death. left his home town and his family and set out for His genius knew no equal in later generations Eretz Yisrael. The motive for his journey, its tim of Jewish scholars. He had complete mastery of ing, the route which he chose, and the reasons all branches of Jewish learning. He was blessed which abruptly brought it to an end, were shrouded with a phenomenal memory, which enabled him in obscurity until this day. Three new discover to have a total perspective of Torah literature. He ies throw some light on the affair. could trace a con Elijah ben Solomon Zalman, also cept back to its ori known by the acronym HA-GRA from gins in the Torah. HA-GAON RABBI ELIYA-HU and and thus to adjudi also as ELIJAH GAON was born April c a t e i n m a t t e r s o f 23. 1720 and died October 9, 1797. Jewish law without He was the outstanding authority in contradiction. He Jewish religious and cultural life in also mastered gen 18lh century Lithuania. This is the eral disciplines such as astronomy, m a t h e m a t i c s a n d music. ON EXHIBIT H e w a s e x "There was not a single Jewish tremely diligent in home in Vilna." and perhaps in every aspect. His Lithuania, claimed Abba Kovner. every minute was "that was not touched by something weighed and meas of the Gaon's spirit." Known as the Vilna Gaon, a portrait of the Rav ured, His sister once came Eliyahu ben Solomon was a fixture in many Lithuanian Jewish homes, to visit him. He emerged and his deeds were the seeds of folktales and legend. At the 200th from his study, and said: "I am immersed in my anniversary of the death of the Gaon of Vilna, the Diaspora Museum initiated an exhibition dedicated to the memory of the Gaon, images .studies. We will meet in the of him and his influence during his lifetime and after his death. next world, and then we The varied images of the Gaon and the aspects of his life that were will talk." emphasized over the years in many ways reflected the changes of Jewish A matter as momentous society. The Gaon's relationship to the Enlightenment, his opposition as making Aliyah to Eretz to Hasidism and his yearning to be in Eretz Yisrael are covered graphically Yisrael had to be planned in every aspect. It is as in the exhibit. In addition, the emergence of the rabbi into a folk fig ure. initially emphasizing his worldliness and interest in secular top tonishing, therefore, that ics and later focussing on his singlcminded dedication to the study of this important matter was Torah are portrayed in portraits, cards and and varied memorabilia. not recorded by his stu dents. or his children, and

33 B

oKi<^ s ©SILK SCREEN PRINTING ON T-SHIRTS tve make... Biltong © A WIDE SELECTION OF PRE-PRINTED T-SHIRTS ©SUMMER-98 COLLECTION - T SHIRTS, Boerewors DRESSES, TIGHTS. SHORTS, SHARWALLIM. BEST Drywors PHONE MARTIA 09-8765666 FOR SHOP HOURS the S H A L O M D E S I G N S , TEL:09-8765666 FAX:09-8765668 Call Hilda / Dave at 09- 7677820 FACTORY; KIBBUTZ YAD HANNAH (NEAR KFAR YONA & BAT REFER) [Religion he himself omitted to mention it. So it remained Professor Morgenstern searched all the old ar a closed book for two centuries. chives in Amsterdam, and then went from city to Recently a note was found in the margin of an city in Holland. On the final day of his searches, old book which came into the hands of a collec he found a note in a record in The Hague to the tor in Jerusalem. It was written by a well known effect that a sum of money was given to "Reb student of the Vilna Gaon. It recorded that on his Eliyihu from Vilna, who was on his way to Eretz journey to the Holy Land he traveled via Amster Yisrael". The year was 1779. dam, a very strange route indeed. The other clue was a letter which the Vilna Professor Aryeh Morgenstern of Hebrew Uni Gaon wrote about two years before he set out on versity went to Holland recently to follow this clue, his journey. He wrote to a noted cabbalist in Am and to seek answers to the questions: Why did the sterdam asking for two books about the Cabbala Vilna Gaon decide to make aliyah? Why did he go and the Zohar which contained missing links in to Amsterdam,? What was he seeking there? Why the search for answers to questions which he could did he not finish his journey to Eretz Yisrael? not answer. He did not receive these books. In the opinion of Professor Morgenstern, the reason for the journey was the prevailing view among Cabalists of the time that the Messiah was to come soon, and therefore the time had come to go up to Eretz Yisrael. How ever he made a detour to Amsterdam because he thought that there he could solve the two remaining problems obstructing the immedi ate coming of the Messiah. The problems were pure Cabbala. Had he succeeded, he would have ensured the coming of the Messiah, and con tinued on his way to Eretz Yisrael. But he failed, perhaps because he did not find the writings which he had sought, and so he returned to Vilna. Once in his old age, after he was asked many times why he had not travelled to the Holy Followers of the Vilna Gaon who made their way to the cities of Land, he told his son that he did not have God's T^dt and Jerusalem in the wake of the Gaon i death. permission.

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On his return to Vilna he emerged from his not enough to complete the intellectual circle in solitary studies, which he had pursued since his order to bring about the redemption and the coming youth. He opened a school in which he taught of the Messiah. until his death in 1797. He taught selected stu No! The road to redemption lay in an awak dents a range of topics dealing mainly with those ening from below, expressed in a return to and commandments associated with Eretz Yisrael. the upbuilding of Eretz Yisrael, and especially This total change in his life was connected, of Jerusalem. The road to redemption of the Jewish in the opinion of Professor Morgenstern, with people lay in Aliyah to Eretz Yisrael. the reason why he returned from Amsterdam. Two years after the death of the Vilna Gaon, He did not find the answer to his questions. Fur in 1800, the first group of his students made Aliyah thermore, he came to the conclusion that it was to Eretz Yisrael. •

Need a Greeting Card H.L PAINTING LTD. o r G i f t ? Painting • Wallpapering Telfed's Special Occasion Complete interiors and exteriors cards are available Floor polishing (wax and crystal) 'Individually hand-foiled in 5 attractive designs Carpet and upholstery cleaning •6 in a pack for only NIS 20 Minor househod repairs •All proceeds to Keren Telfed RELIABLE • EFFICIENT • CLEAN Contact: Michelle (09)7745708, HYLTON SHER Janine (09)7657725, Frances at Telfed 03-7320194 (03)6290131, Beula in Jerusalem (02)5618135 052-529437

35 ^ A t t e n t i o n : English-speaking immigrants iiving in Tel Aviv-Yafo NOTICE You are eligible for a wide array of services ] inciuding: • Employment referrals and ^ OLIMofl988 (of the Ra'anona Merkaz Klita) professional advice • Information on every level of education Please join us at our • General Assistance regarding housing, lOfk anniversary reunion legal advice, immigrant benefits May 25th I99« ulpanim, counseling and kupotholim • Cultural services, lectures and more In The Park, Ra'anana Contact the office of Advocate Dvir Katzman, at 8 pm for a Braaivleis Tel Aviv-Yafo City Councillor responsible for immigrant absorption in Tei Aviv-Yafo. For details contact: 69 Ibn Gvirol Street, Tel Aviv Lynn Kacev(09)7715878, David 6elfand(09]7493467 tel.: 03-5218126

Shalom Olim Chadashim Support Group for The recently opened Ra'anana branch of the Citizens Advice t h e P a r e n t s o f Bureau offers advice in English. Lesbians and Gays Staffed by volunteer residents of Ra'anana, the centre will offer help English-speaking group. regarding contacts with government institutions, including filling out C o n t a c t : 0 9 - 8 8 2 8 4 0 2 official forms, and all aspects of consumer rights and obligations. (not on Shabbat) 80ou Rehov Kenov Ahuza, Hnuza, Ra'anana Ka anana p |-^ ' ■ j Sundays - Thursdays 9 - 12 and Tuesdays and Thursdays 4.30 - 6.30.t/ ^ntcrGStcd in Pstchwork Telephone enquiries can also be made to (09)743-0682/3. or Quilting? We are a group ofquiilers who meet the first Tuesday Quality of Life Activities for Children evening of every month in Application for assistance for children to attend after- Herzliya where we bring in our school activities or summer camps can be made to Telfed. latest creations and have a brief Please contact Reneefor an application form. demonstration or a guest lecturer. Our membership includes beginners and teachers as well as oeksusters several who have had their quilts Do your midriff a disservice published in magazines. We have by trying our delicious, tantalizing [ -r. a small library of quilting books parve recipes. No need to fret over ^^2 and our members can receive a kitchen spills - each page is f. .i- > monthly newsletter. encased in plastic. The book is light, inexpensive and a marvelous For more information, gift to send overseas. Only 35NIS (excl. postage). please contact All proceeds of sales go to Keren Telfed. For a copy, please Terry (09)774-4676. or phone: Hilary (09)7674202, Janine (09)7657725, Elaine Sarah (03)6424729. (09)7421365 or at the Jerusalem office, Beula (02)5618135,

36 S o u t h A f r i c a ' s 8 0 0 The story of South African BOAR Volunteers in Israel's War of Independence Machon Reunion Gripping and fascinating reading with The March '58 - February '59 430 pages of stories, photographs, including a list Machon Le'Madrichei Chutz Le'Aretz of all the Machal volunteers. To order or for more infor is planning a reunion in honour of Its mation, write to: A d a m T e v a V ' D i n 40th anniversary to be held during Ralph Lanesman - HaYovel 29/2, integrating legal, .scientific and inveslisa- Succot 1998. tive tools to protect our environment We invite all participants to contact us Ra'anana or by so that we may arrange an event phone Our over 15 attorneys and scientists need your help to: commemorating that great year! (09)7453555 • reduce pollution • protect open For details contact: Beryl Baleson (Jutei) A must on every 09-7453396 or Hirsch (Zvi) Sadur, South African's spaces • rehabilitate our rivers and dunes • prevent massive coastal Kibbutz Ylzreel 06-6598087. bookshelf. development • and much more Te l f e d t u r n s 5 0 A homeland is a terrible thing to waste. We started off with a bang! Join us as the celebrations continue throughout the year Join Adam Teva V'Din 7 Carlebach St., Tel Aviv 17132 culminating in a pageant on 29th October at the tel. (03)5624044 for more info Cultural Centre in Kfar Saba, chronicling in song, dance and theatre the life of the South African community from Eastern Don't be shy-Spread the word Europe through South Africa to Israel. Advertise in Telfed Magazine Anyone interested in being involved, Did you know that Telfed Magazine will reach 5,500 write to David Kaplan, chairman of the homes in Israel and 10,000 homes in South Africa Promotions and Activities committee at and around the globe? ^ Telfed, or call (09)7672404. Contact Lena Nulman (03)6290131, or by fax (03)6295099

HELP NEEDED D i s a b l e d w a r w o u n d e d King David Reunion! University Professor with • Join us for the first King David Schools' Reunion in Israel. limited sight requires mature • Drink a lechayim with friends, teachers person to read aloud literature and a headmaster or two! on African History • A contingent from South Africa will join us. and Politics. WHEN: I8h00 onwards on Thursday 9th July 1998 , „ , 3 times a week, total of 15-20 hours WHERE: Neot Kedumlni, located in the centre oLtJhft^S&iotcy. Payment per hour plus transporation PROGRAMME: Choice of guided walks in the by a costs to Neve Rassco. Knowledge of fully catered, strictly kosher, traditional braai, i: word processing essential, academic Music and a chance to meet your old buddies. background preferred. REGISTER NOW! Phone Professor Gershoni Marcelle (09)7493203. Debbie 09-7451776, Me^ (^il$^338 ^ (03)5491933 email: [email protected] 37 •yRAVEL IN ISRAEL C O M E A L I V E AT by Nava Bloch THE for the wealthy or ailing. You are off . Ifyou thethought mark! Morethe Dead on target,Sea is the ruggedwas splenonly DEAD SEA dour of a region which throngs with attractions for every taste and pocket. Water parks and hik ing, unique land formations such as caves, salt pillars and canyons, archaeological sites, and the flora and fauna, combined with an aggressive promotion campaign are drawing more and more visitors.

Scents of our history linger along the cliffs and wadis. Massada rises imposingly over the southern waters of the sea, while further north, you can trace the tracts of the ancient Essene sect which had been hidden for thousands of years in the caves of Kumran. Not far from there are the ancient houses of the Essenes recently excavated near what is today Kib butz Ein Gedi, and a national park of fering a varied array of tourist activi ties. Yeech. Don't be put off by the eggy aroma. Even the healthiest of us will feel rejuve abroad. So widespread is the belief in the waters' nated after breathing in the oxygen-rich air. Treat minerals healing properties that a number of Eu yourself to a leisurely dip in the mineral-laden ropean countries cover expeditions to the Dead waters in one of the well-equipped beaches along Sea under their national health insurance poli the entire westem shore. OiichU Sores or scratches, cies. though burning on contact with the salty water, Pamper yourself by a visit to the new Mineral will heal with amazing alacrity. And then, aaah Beach in a natural mud bath or open-air sulphur feeling relief from an aching joints. Don't take baths, run by Kibbutz Mitzpe Shalem. Or head your best bathing suits, as the water may damage to the Ein Gedi centre's selection of baths and them, and remember to use sunblock, even in the in-house treatments. De.spite a temporary slump winter. in general tourism, the Dead Sea, which offers a For those with more serious ailments, float variety of health and beauty treatments, remains ing outstretched on the saltwater may not be relatively unaffected. enough. Aside from the veteran centres offering medical treatments at the Lot and Hyatt Hotels, Refreshed and revitalized, there is plenty to are the Holy Land Medical Centre which offers see and do. Ein Gedi, gloriously described in the allergy and optical treatments, and the Solarium Song of Songs, was David's refuge from the wrath which specializes in skin diseases. Healing re of Saul. Its lush vegetation, cool waterfalls and mains the backbone of the region's tourism, draw rare wildlife lend tangible meaning to the word - ing a large portion of health-seeking visitors from oasis. At Ein Gedi or venturing westward into

38 uieeWw ■4«rc«ptcW9>ftv for bee bdbM ore ^ipten arid kidz YOUR HElATiVES AnmiNO 70 VISIT? wrapped «<4th bw «Ad . WANT TO SM SOMEONE A CIDSE m K AT o u n m m m c o u m y ?

your friend hada baby ■ ^ bundle efjoY. what dtfuld you 9et7o dress or a toy? to tf>le|i to the sh^ is such a big hossel SO give cne a call and Til save you the bustle. Just tell me the price and the eolours you like ard III choose som^ng special for that little tyke clothes. toys. blonkets and bottles galore justeollineuptoaskurhafslnstBrel ^09J9Q00261 TOD miD 1 TOini ODIDS

- I K i o u T u m i m the desert, you can rappel up canyon cliffs or set TOUR IN M ^ sum HON KMOKINO IIMOVM out on an open-air adventure atop a jeep or a camel. -lICINeiP TOUR OUIOK The Attractzia water park further north includes -RETIRKO SailOR MIllTARV OFFIOER slides and playgrounds with fresh water pools, a bathing beach and a go-cart track run jointly by local kibbutzim. Enjoy a tour of the Ahava factory's centre and (f cm joa dip into your pocket for some bargains at their /t) 0S-9240;30, 052-S51860 sales outlet. The world famous Ahava cosmet ics, jointly produced by the three local kibbut zim, are based on minerals from the Dead Sea. Heading south along the coast you will find a become a high point in the Arab-Israeli relations. complex of up-market luxury hotels at Ein Bokek, A case in point are the plans, currently on the and farther on, the Dead Sea Works, an interna drawing board for the ambitious international Low tionally owned minerals plant which also offers est Park on Earth designed to bring hope and factory tours (tel. 07-6465111). prosperity to the peoples of the region by pre All the features that make the Dead Sea at serving our natural treasures.* tractive to tourists, however, have proved tempt Nava Bloch is a tour guide and daughter of former ing for developers who plan to build a string of South Africans, well-known artist Anne Bloch and hotels lining the coast. This may come at a seri the late Dr. Archie Bloch. ous cost. "Development must be controlled." warns a spokesperson for the Society for the Protec tion of Nature in Israel (SPNI), "or the hotels will cut into this unique ecosystem. The animals and plants won't be able to survive and the desert scenery will be blocked by a ribbon of hotels.." SPNI proposes confining large-scale development to the Ein Bokek area which now provides the main outlet for hotel tourism, while retaining the pristine character of the rest of the coast with low- impact holiday villages. With a coastline shared by Israelis, Palestin ians and Jordanians, the Dead Sea has become the focus of a great deal of interest. As peace unfolds in the region, earth's lowest point will


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BENONI Labe, Leanne (computer science) t ^ A P E T O W N Schauder. Reeva (housewife) HammeL Fay Schneider, Israela (director) nee Buchsbaum (saleslady) Segal, Lisa (pre-primary teacher) Le Roux, Frances (librarian) Taback, David (computer systems) and Maron, Marline (fashion designer) Ofra, nee Lees (teacher) Sender, Selwyn (manager) and Vigler, Mordechai (doctor) and Shirley, nee Rosenbaum (clerk) Ruth, nee Kalman (speech therapist) Shuman, Trudy KLERKSDORP DURBAN Isaacs, Saul (marketing) Rudolph, Jacobus (engineer) and Leah, nee Kagan (secretary) KROQNSTAD Feldman, Avigdor (retired) and EDENVALE Bebe, nee Cohen (housewife) Gordon, Anthony (electrical engineer) PRETORIA r.FRMISTON Kaplan. Jean nee Defries (housewife) Greenblatt. Joshua (veterinarian)

SANDTON JOHANNESBURG Fogel, Dennis (businessman) and Barnett, Shelley (physiotherapist) Suzanne, nee Shakeloff (housewife) Burkinshaw, Yael Sacks, Jacob (director) Egnal, Sylvia, nee Sack (housewife) Friedlander. Gabriella, nee Hayman Goldman. Michal Gordon, Manfred (accountant) and Sarah, nee Frainah (herbalist) Hellman, Mark (doctor) and liana, nee Bradu (doctor) Do you need some extra casli??? Hurlitz. Bernard (insurance broker) and Tlave you diamonds to sell?? Brenda. nee Sorokin (bookkeeper) Hurlitz. Philip (doctor) and We tuy and sell diamonds. Jennifer (art teacher) Jackelow. Bret (tour operator) Jackelow. Rose, nee Sacharowitz (housewife) Kaplan. Mervyn (electrical engineer) call: Steve, Diamond Lxclian^e Klein. Oren (accountant) Ramat Can, 03-57 52228 Metiner. Na'ama Rothschild. Lilly (housewife) •Memhcr of llie South /\frican DiamotulClul)

43 Condolences

The Chairman, Executive members and staff of the S.A.Z.F. (Israel) offer sincere sympathies to the bereaved families of:

Ethel Basford (Herzliya) A 4 Benny Morris Ruth Potash (Herzliya) ▼▼ Simie Weinstein (Tel Ganim) Ruth Baratz (Petach Ttkva) Bennie Melmed (Petach Tikva) Barney Rod (Kibbutz Kfar Blum) Manya Rosttenstein (Tel Aviv) Max Miowdownik (Ra'anana) Allen Katz (Cape Town) Leah Marcus (Kibbutz Yizre'e!) Ya'akov Ofek (Netanya) Simon Stem (Herzliya) Tony Kristal (Tel Aviv) Piet Ya'ari (Kfar Monash) Goldie Kawalsky (Johannesburg) Miriam Leventhal (Tel Aviv) Harry Fineberg (Pretoria) Miriam Blacher (Tel Aviv) Rev. Bar On (Jerusalem)

IN TRIBUTE TO SIMIE WEINSTEIN Simie - an exemplary Jew, Zionist and human being. As a Jew, Simie Weinstein was of the best. I recall, among other things, that in the early sixties he was the prime mover behind the establishment and running of the Minyan in his neighbour hood. A Zionist - his whole life testifies to that. A human being - no, he was more than that: he was a gentleman who considered it his duty (to him It was a privilege) to help everyone he could, often more than the limits of his office permitted him. There must be hundreds who are forever grateful to him. His personal touch and thoughtfulness never dimmed with the years. In short, he was a man in the full religious sense of the word. And Israel is just a little darker for that light which has gone out. May his memory be blessed. The angels have surely welcomed him as one of their own kind. Raphy Abt, Jerusalem

Simie has left us. A man who served his nation in so many ways. In the Second World War, Simie enlisted in the South African army and served as a chaplain for the soldiers. He served with them on the front line - while serving South Africa and the entire Jewish nation against the Nazi regime. Upon aliyah to the new Jewish State, he continued to serve. Simie coordinated between the IDF and the many boys and girls who volunteered to serve, becoming a father to us all. No matter was too small for Simie. be it in guidance, help and sometimes, if necessary, rebuke in no uncertain terms. We all loved and honoured him. His wonderful platteland accent and Afrikaans jokes were a continual source of delight and amusement. The State has lost a legendary man who never sought the headlines. "Slaap gents," Simie, "Et shelcha, asita meal ume'ever." Errol Hoffman. Yokneam

The Simie I knew was a humourous man and a great storyteller. As humorous as he was, 1 don't ever recall him telling a joke in the conventional sense. Simie's humour was not the typical off- the-internet fare, but embodied the people he had known, the places he had been to and the events that shaped his world. If Simie .said he wanted to tell you a story, you would have to cancel all meetings and set aside the day, but it would be well worth it. In many cases, it was helpful to be multi-lingual. Why? Because he could begin a story in English, shift into Afrikaans, change into Hebrew and often give the punchline in Yiddish.

44 I shall always remember Simie's wise counsel in shaping the substance of the magazine by telling me to focus less on the Napoleans and more on the footsoldiers. Although during his fifty years of dedicated service, Siniie never aspired to be more than a footsoldier, he achieved the status of a Napolean. David Kaplan, Telfed Vice-Chairman

fcs=> IN TRIBUTE TO MAX MIODOWNIK Max Miodownik, former chairman of the South African Zionist Federation in Israel was laid to rest in January of this year. He symbolized a generation of people who dedicated their lives to the fulfillment of Zionist ideals.

I remember many personal and moving experiences with Max. They began in early 1977 when the Federation was looking for a shalich to South Africa, shortly after the terrible events of Soweto. It was Max who took upon himself the responsibility and risk of picking me for this job - a young single Israeli with poor English. Since then our paths never separated. It was a great privilege to have known him and to have been steered by hiin in the direction of the common Jewish fate of Israel and the Diaspora. In 1989, when we launched the direct absorption project in Ra'anana, it was Max who imme diately appeared in the office, and volunteered to do all that was necessary in the area of apartment rentals for new immigrants from the Soviet Union. No one called him. He came on his own initiative. Like a soldier, he enlisted himself out of love, dedication, caring and the desire to help where iielp was most needed. Max was known for the special friendship he had with our former Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, z'l. During the Six Day War, when he assisted by collecting contributions, he roused Rabin's admiration and the then prime minister asked him if there are half a million immigrants from South Africa in Israel. That question was not asked in vain - the donations were far higher than could be expected. And there were no half million immigrants from South Africa - But there was Max! And what Max could do - few could! Ze'ev Blelski. Mayor of Ra'anana

A big man with a big heart epitomises Max Miodownik. A man of firm ideals, we remem- continued on page 46

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45 Condolences ber him on those many occasions, his large frame imposing on the steps of the Johannesburg City Hall during Civil Rights Demonstrations or on the podium raising funds for the JNF, lUA or any worthy Israeli cause. In the capacity of chairman of Telfed, he was an innovator, a man of action who let nothing stand in his way of achieving goals which to this day still b e n e fi t o l i m . Sidney Shapiro, Director of SAZF (Israel)

Max would go beyond the call of duty to help the people who required his assistance whether in South Africa or in Israel. A quantity surveyor and owner of a large building corporation, Max was elected the joint Treasurer of the South African Zionist Federation in 1967. He devoted almost all of his time to assisting the Federation, the lUA and all other Israeli institutions, often at the expense of his own business. After his aliyah, Max became the chairman of Telfed and will be remembered for his generosity, philanthropy and empathy he had for people. Julius Weinstein, Honorary Life President, SAZF

The Chairman, Executive members and staff of the SAZF (Israel) offer sincere sympathies to the family of Tony Kristal on his untimely death. Tony had been a member of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency, and a former chairman of the Israel Forum.

The Chairman, Executive members and staff of the SAZF (Israel) offer sincere sympathies to Hannah Ofek and her family on the tragic death of her husband, Ya'akov. Ya'akov and Hannah recently returned from a two-year shlichut to South Africa.

The Telfed Magazine Editorial Board and the Ra'anana Regional Committee offer sincere sympathies to Rosie Klug and her family on the passing of her mother, Gofdie Kawalsky. fcss=> The Chairman, Executive members and staff of the SAZF (Israel) offer sincere sympathies to Cheree Hadani and her family on the death of her mother, Miriam Blacher. Cheree is a past member of the Telfed staff, executive and a former shlicha to South Africa.


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46 Classified

All classified advertisements must be paid for in ad Lawrence Herson for all your carpentry requirements, vance. Cheques are payable to Telfed Magazine, POB including kitchen and bathroom cabinets, custom-built units, etc. Guaranteed professional work. 11556, Tel Aviv 61114. The basic charge is NIS 80 Tel. 050-322165 or 09-8989532 (w) E-mail: for up to 30 words. One free ad will be granted to [email protected] new olim within the first six months after arrival. Cleaning Services Accommodation Atlas Cleaners - Carpets and upholstery expertly Holiday Accommodation • RA'ANANA: Furnished 2- cleaned. We apply Scotchgard upholstery protector to roomed apartments, ideal for visitors.NETANYA: 2- your new or used suite. Friendly personal service, owner roomed apartment, furnished, seafront, pool and ten- worker. Free quotes - phone Michael 09-7672453 nis. Tel. 09-7742303. Fax. 09-7717202. (Not Shabbat.) or 052-752594. Holiday Accommodation - Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Counselling Netanya and Ra'anana. Well-furnished apartments at reasonable prices. Tel/fax; JHB 640-1317, Israel 972-9- Michael D. Yarosky, MSW. Individual and family coun 8352116 or by email [email protected] selling and therapy. Marriage, divorce, family and sexual problems. English or Hebrew. The New Clinic: of Kfar Saba- Bed and Breakfast for tourists and visitors. fices in Ramat Hasharon and , Tel.: Clinics: 03- Private and comfortable. Phone 09-7657538. 5496785. Res. 03-5495650. Holiday Apartment -Ra'anana: Fully furnished and Mark Bortz Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist. Psycho equipped. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Available for short- term rental. Lorraine: 09-7710233. (Not Shabbat). therapy for adolescents, children and parents. Kfar Saba. (09)7674743. Business and Holiday apartments in Tel Aviv: Town centre, facing the sea. Short-term rentals, daily or monthly Dressmaking rates. 1-2 rooms, fully furnished. Cable, phone, kitch Dalia Designs- For dressmaking and fashion require enette, air-condition. CaIl:972-(0)50-295034 or ments. Wedding gowns and alterations, hand-painted 972-(0)52-561993, Fax 972-(0)9-9544405. T-shirts. Reasonable prices. For friendly service with a Holiday apartments, Ra'anana, modem, central, fully smile, call Dalia Zack. Tel. 09-7748041 (Not Shabbat). furnished and equipped. Sleeps 6/8, 2 bathrooms, cen tral air-conditioning. Short-term rentals available. Contact Electrician Ralph: 050-291456. Wendy 09-7493399. (Not Shabbat). Shimon's Services- All electrical installations, repairs Jerusalem Holiday Apartment: Centre, one-room plus and maintenance and rental of coloured party lights in kitchenette, en-suite bathroom. Fully furnished, ground the Sharon Area. For friendly and reliable service, call floor, private garden, quiet. Kosher. Cable T. V. All linen Shimon Zack- Mobile. 050-234625, Tel.09-7748041 Tel/ provided. Tel: (09)7745435, Fax: (09)7717728 or Fax 09-7713898 (Not Shabbat). [email protected] Employment Translators needed - Hebrew to English. Work from Nahum Gutman • If you have original art of this Is home. Requires understanding of financial and business raeli artist, call Rona Kruger: Tel. (09)8827072, Fax: concepts. B. Com degree or equivalent - an advantage. (09)8628730. Tel.: 03-6994947, between 9:00 - 17:00.

Beauty English Typing Medical pedicure, manicure, all methods of nail build English typing services from home! CVs/Resumes, ing and waxing - expertly done. For appointment, please Theses, Correspondence, Faxes, anything and everything. contact Andrea Ben-Avraham at 09-7430244, Ra'anana. Contact Bemice Hunkin, Tel. 051-262619.

47 Classified

Entertainment Plumbers Background music for special occasions: Israeli, Jazz, Does it drip? Does it leak? I'm the plumber that you seek. South American and popular music, adapted and im Tony's Plumbing. South African standards. Beeper 04- provised on Flute and Electric Piano. David Myers. 050- 8306666 code 24118. Home 04-8645705 or 052-660144. 566107. 09-7493106. (Not Shabbat). Plumber (South African, 16 years' experience). For all repairs, maintenance and home improvements. Sharon For Sale area. Phone Milliard Hart, 09-7415680, 052-522722. Timesharing Eilat Club Hotel Unit, week 42 (Succoth). Allan's Plumbing - Quick reliable service. General Payable in South Africa in Rands. R.C.I, available. For further details, contact Israel: Tel. 052-671518 or Jeru- maintenance, Repairs and Renovations. South Af salem (02)6733541 or Fax: (02)6765189. rican standards. 10 years' experience. Call Allan Saitowitz 09-7488694, 052-723558. Hairdressins South African hairdresser- 12 years' experience, for Retirement Homes cuts, blow-dries, tints, perms, highlights, etc. Reason- Eitanim • Counselling/advice service to senior citi able prices. Phone Shana 09-7488694 for appointment. zens and families in finding .suitable Retirement/Old Age Homes. We will accompany you until a suitable Health framework is found, including visits to Homes. Free Sunrider Beauty Pearls and Sunrider Foods. Order Service by qualified social worker. Nissim Nordia by mail. Call also for business opportunities. Rona Kruger, 052-451227, Tel. 03-6040869. Tel.: (09)8827072, Fax: (09)8628730. 5.A. Community News Reflexology, Aromatherapy, facials, pedicure and S.A. Jewish Board of Deputies' "Jewish Affairs" ■ manicure, makeups, etc. by qualified and experi- enced therapist. Tel.: (03)5719925. If you wish to subscribe to this publication, please send your cheque for S35 to; SAJBD. P.O.Box 87557, Hof^e Improvement Houghton 2041, RSA. Construction, remodelling, additions, plasterboard/ Travel masonry walls, tiling, plastering, custom painting, elec trical, plumbing, wooden patios, carports, concrete. Thinking of Travelling? Whether business, pleasure Residential & Commercial. Neat & Courteous. 15 years or emergency, phone Ian Waldbaum of Ophir Tours, at licensed contractor in California. Covering 09, 0.3, 02, 09-7744235, day or night, for efficient, prompt service. 08,07 areas, 08-9405690,050-517066. Join one of our cheap group flights to Johannesburg for only .S899 or USA. Also special tickets to London, Turkey Job Opportunities ar^d Cyprus packages. T.E.S. (Telfed Employment Service) - Don't forget to touch base when looking for a job! Translations Lixenberg Translations offer translating, proofread Movine and Storaee ing and typing services on PC. Quick and accurate work. Eretz Hatzvi Movers, Ltd. and Store-It-AII, Ltd. Reasonable charges. Best Business Award 1996. 15 American-operated, full service moving professionals: years senior translator at South African Embassy. Tel/ courteous, experienced with the gentle touch. Clean, Fax: 03-5625865. "mini-storage" facility units in all sizes for personal/ business needs. Tel. 03-9669682, Evenings 050-350003. We Want

Paintine and Repairs Any China, household goods, tableware, silver plate, Tip Top professional house painter, apartments, offices, glassware, bric-a-brac you can live without? Or mov etc. Clean and efficient. Uri Band. Tel: 052-503740,09- ing house? We'll make you an offer you can live with. 7496145 (home). Call Sol or Lorraine. Gallery Lauren, 83 Sokolov St.. Ramat Hasharon. Tel. 03-5409481.

48 E V E R Y B A N K C A N G I V E Y O U M O N E Y

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