ART 472 001 Illustration Introduction to Principles and Techniques of Illustration FALL 2014 Prerequisites: ART 100, 110 Class Time: TR 2:00 pm - 4:40 pm SFASU School of Art Room 121 Professor: Runcie Tatnall Office: Art Rm. 111 Email:
[email protected], hours by appt. The world needs illustration—it just doesn't know it! - Barron Storey Course Description Three semester hours (5 hours studio, minimum six hours of independent study per week.) This class is the study and practice of the illustratorʼs craft - creating visual art that communicates a story or idea visually, for a specific client or a particular purpose. Illustrators interpret ideas, emotions, and action. Illustrators work in different formats (editorial, book, advertising, institutional,) and explore a series of techniques and art media (acrylic, oil, ink, watercolor, colored pencil, mixed.) The particular emphasis of this class will be book cover illustration. We will research current and historical illustration styles, and learn methods of generating creative ideas. You are expected to work with your peers to help generate ideas, and positively critique each otherʼs work. In addition, practical information is provided regarding the business of illustration and art markets. Requirements • ART 100, ART 110 are the prerequisites for this class. • Your instructor will assist you to create a personal desktop and login that will be deleted after the semester ends. You will need a portable digital storage device. Use self-guided tutorials to learn the applications. ART 261 Digital Media is recommended prior to or concurrent with ad design or illustration. Log out after every session for security.