Nnipton-Buildings, Chancery-Lane, Lordon, Or in Default Thereof They Will Be Peremptorily Excluded the Benefit of the Said Decre
235 nnipton-buildings, Chancery-lane, Lordon, or in default 24. Charles Lawson, Seed Merchant, Edinburgh, 100. thereof they will be peremptorily excluded the benefit of 25. William Lindores, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Edin- the said Decree. burgh, 25. 26. James Marshall, Iron Merchant, Leith, 25. URSUANT to an Order of the High Court of Chancery, 27. David Munro, Shipmaster, Cow per-street, Leith, 25. P made in the matter of the Forth Marine Insurance 28. Alexander M'Dougal, Farmer, Granton, near Edin- Company, and in the matter, of an Act of Parliament, made burgh, 100. and passed in the 7th and 8th years of the reign of our 29. William Walker Nicol, Artist, lately residing in Sovereign Lady the Queen Victoria, intituled " An Act for Hanover-street, Edinburgh, present residence unknown, 50. facilitating the winding up the affairs of joint stock 30. Elizabeth Purvis, of Moray-place, Edinburgh, Spin- companies, unable to meet their pecuniary engagements," ster, 30. Sir William Home, Knight, one of the Masters of the said 31. Francis Richardson, Merchant and Dry Salter, Grass- Court, to whom the matter of the said Order stands referred, market, Edinburgh, 50. hath caused the subjoined list to be made of the names of 32. Peter Robertson, Clerk in the Commercial Bank of the several persons whom he hath round to be Shareholders Scotland, Edinburgh, 10. for in the said Company, and of the number of shares held 33. Hugh Redpath, Iron Merchant, Edinburgh, the legal by or ascribed or attributed to them respectively ; and the personal representative of the late John Redpath, of Shareholders in the said list named are, if they think fit, on Edinburgh, Merchant, deceased, 40.
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