Volume XLIX | Issue 6 GothicTimes.net April 2019

Illustration by Junior Mejias. Can I get some help over here? How NJCU lets students down with poor advisement

by Monica Sarmiento | Editor-in-Chief

graduate next semester… 32 percent; for six-years, it was 39 in four-year public institutions in fall hopefully,” is something that percent. This means that less than half 2012 was 65.7 percent. “I I started saying last fall when of the freshmen that enroll at NJCU NJCU has also been struggling to people asked how much I had left of actually graduate within six years, and attract transfer students in recent years, school. It’s a phrase I’ve heard a lot only about one-ninth of the first-time, chalking it up to other universities like of my editors and classmates say over full-time freshman population actually Rutgers-Newark, Kean, Montclair, and the years, some with better luck than graduate on time. St. Peter’s being able to recruit transfers others. Why do so many NJCU students According to the National Center “aggressively through admissions approach graduation with the same fear of Education Statistics, the national six- presence on the two-year campus, tour and worry they’d have regarding health year graduation rate for first-time, full- buses for prospective students, and test results? time undergraduate students getting memorandum of understanding (MOU) The four-year overall graduation a bachelor’s degree was 60 percent. agreements,” according to a November rate for first-time, full-time freshmen The National Student Clearinghouse 2018 University Update from President students at NJCU was 11 percent in 2019 report found that the national Sue Henderson. Our new enrollment of 2018. For five-year graduates, it was completion rate for students that started Continued on page 2 2 | Op/Ed GothicTimes.net April 2019

Continued from page 1 information regarding my degree. gen eds and I was finishing up my minor During my second semester here, I was that semester. Then, the department transfer students dropped from 816 told by a department chair that all of my advisor canceled my scheduled meeting students in 2017 to 753 in 2018. transfer credits were put to use after we with them because they saw that I The 39 percent graduation sat and went through each one to make discussed my degree progress with that rate–the highest it’s been at NJCU–is sure they transferred over to my degree. faculty member and assumed all of just one factor to worry about, as both It wasn’t until last fall, my fifth semester my questions were answered. Another undergraduate and graduate retention at NJCU, that I found out that they department chair and advisor didn’t and enrollment rates have fallen. In didn’t actually put all of those credits even answer my emails when I reached 2018, we had 6,237 undergraduates on my digital file and that my degree out to them for assistance. enrolled, a drop from 6,508 in 2017. progress was still showing that I had It wasn’t until I reached out to As a result, the university has lost $4 classes unfulfilled. I had to meet with Sarah Vandermark, the assistant provost million in revenue. The university a department advisor to go through the for Student Success that oversees budgeted for any possible issues with whole process again, and if the physical advisement, with a detailed account enrollment, but still had to make up for paper copy from that of my run-around with advisors, around $2 million as of November. meeting with the department chairs and faculty that I Many NJCU students are first- finally started getting replies, meetings generation college students, coming rescheduled and even personal requests from underrepresented, lower-income for appointments to make sure that I immigrant families. The university touts was on track. Vandermark reached out itself as an institution that recognizes the to me to tell me that she’d look into struggles and hardships their students my problems but never followed up to have faced to get where they are today, see if I was helped. I finally managed yet makes it difficult for these same to get my situation sorted out after so students to finish college with a degree many semesters of confusion, despite in four to six years. the fact that I did my best to stay on How advisement (or lack thereof) top of my own degree progress over the has affected me years. I finally received my graduation My experience with advisement clearance earlier this month, meaning at NJCU has been exhausting, to put I’ll be able to finish college in four it politely. Without the incredibly years as I’d originally planned. But helpful professors and faculty that I’ve then I remember how this is not and has become close to during my time here, not been the case for so many NJCU I would’ve been navigating through students. college following dead-end advice over One professor, who asked to and over again. remain anonymous, sympathized with Advisement issues stem from my and other students’ experience. They when I first transferred to NJCU in pointed out the lack of a comprehensive July 2016. I was told repeatedly by an department chair wasn’t in my folder database that lists a student’s transfer advisor making my schedule for the in their office, I wouldn’t have had any courses and credits that correlate upcoming fall that because all of the proof that those credits were supposedly with NJCU required courses. ”I think foundation courses I needed were at transferred two years before. That there is a lot of room for bad advice capacity, I would only be able to get department chair is no longer here. at NJCU. And sometimes faculty do a B.A. in Graphic Design if I wanted I began preparing to go over my not think very ambitiously for their to stay on course to graduate on time. credits one more time last fall to make students… they will give students They convinced me to do a Media Arts sure I was set to apply for graduation career advice and advisement for quick minor since I expressed interest in the in January and enroll in classes for goals that do not amount to much as a department, and I don’t regret that at all. my final semester. I was told by one college experience.” But my naivety and not thinking to seek faculty member not to rely on the More twists for transfer students more advice or solutions during my degree navigator in GothicNet because Crystal Simon, a Business major and sophomore year is something I’ve just it wasn’t entirely accurate. They also events editor for The Gothic Times, had to deal with and, sometimes, regret. told me that I was missing general received her Associates Degree from That wasn’t the last time I education courses and credits for my was given bad or even outright wrong minor, but I was actually on track with Continued on page 3 3 | Op/Ed | News GothicTimes.net April 2019

Continued from page 2 Associates already to get her gen eds can only do so much. We can't do the properly waived this time. job of advisers and ours simultaneously. Raritan Valley Community College Michi Suazo, the Gothic Times I work on campus, staying in the office before transferring to NJCU. During the features editor, is an English major with as late as 9 p.m. to edit articles and work process of transferring, Simon had to a concentration in Creative Writing on papers and I’m juggling classes. It’s show that she got her degree in order to hoping to graduate next Fall. "It’s just unnecessary stress. I feel like a receive a scholarship at NJCU. disgraceful to so many students who customer who has to go to the storage Earlier this month Simon met spend so much time giving back to room to check if the thing I need is in with advisement to create her schedule NJCU,” said Suazo. stock because there’s no sales associate for this upcoming fall. They were going “I’ve been a student here since to talk to or the sales associates don’t to sign her up for gen ed courses but 2015 and not a single professor or know. It is exhausting for me as a first- because she transferred in, the gen adviser has told me on the first day not generation college student,” Suazo said. ed requirements are supposed to be to trust GothicNet for checking your “It's like they just want to keep waived. She found out that her credits degree progress. I relied on GothicNet us here longer to keep paying as they were transferred on paper, but no one to register for required classes that I raise prices for tuition and who knows implemented them onto her degree needed, but what I didn’t know was what else. This simply cannot continue. progress on GothicNet. “Then, they told that most of the classes I needed as a A reformation needs to happen.” Suazo me they needed me to send them my creative writing concentration were only added that, to his knowledge, he was degree even though they should’ve seen available in the fall semesters.” Suazo never formally assigned an adviser in it in order to give me my scholarship,” has also had to take more literature his department and just this month was Simon said. courses because of a lack of creative told that a gen ed class he assumed If she hadn’t gone to advisement writing courses offered at NJCU. would count towards his major won’t; to begin planning for what is supposed When looking for advice to in addition he was told two different to be her final year, Simon wouldn’t make his schedule for the fall he was things about how many classes he needs have caught this discrepancy. Now, she given conflicting information about gen has to bring in proof that she has her eds and his English degree. “Students Continued on page 4 Counseling Center update

by Kenise Brown | News Editor

JCU has reduced its wait list service [on] May 31 and it is likely Times. A spokesperson from Kean to 18 students. In March, The as last summer, that we will continue University counseling center who N Gothic Times reported that to have a high demand for services declined to give a name said that this there were 37 students on the list. throughout the summer.” was not true, however, “Not a fact. We Abisola Gallagher-Hobson, the Dean of Students, Dr. Lyn don’t have a waiting list.” director of Counseling and Wellness Hamlin said that the temporary NJCU was also expected to Services, said the part-time temporary therapists are awaiting a settlement. have a benchmark survey and a social counselors that were hired have been “The ending time for the 2 part-time worker to help out in the Dean’s Office, a lot of help at the Center. “Due to the therapists is pending and we have not but Dr. Hamlin said both are still in new part-time counselors, who each begun a search for a full-time therapist progress. “The benchmark survey is provide 20 hours of service per week, as of this point in time.” also pending. The search for the full- we have significantly reduced the wait Vice President of Student time social worker in my office is also list.”Veronica Cruz-Martinez started as Affairs, Jimmy Jung, stated in February nearing its end, so that may alleviate a part-time counselor on February 25; that a wait list is a “national problem.” (as it is appropriate) the waitlist for the Katiana Morisset began on March 11. “It’s also a New Jersey problem. Counseling Center.” Martinez and Morisset will Currently, you have Rutgers-Newark complete their term before this summer, and Camden, Rowan, Stockton, and Have you had an experience with leading to a possible wait list increase, Kean University all expressing that the Counseling Center wait list? according to Gallagher-Hobson. “The they have seen overwhelming amounts The Gothic Times wants to hear part-time counselors will end their on the waitlist,” Jung told The Gothic from you. Email Kenise Brown, News Editor, at [email protected]. 4 | Op/Ed | News GothicTimes.net April 2019

an email addressed to his department check in with an advisor, get clear on Continued from page 3 chair in which he explained his situation. all remaining degree requirements, and to finish his degree. “I don’t even know Greene didn't find out until make a detailed plan to finish." what to tell my parents anymore when March that he was supposed to have kept Some students, myself included, they ask me about when I graduate,” a timesheet and an academic assignment have gone to advisors over time. The Suazo said. to hand in to an NJCU supervisor. recurring problem seems to be students Apparently a faculty member was getting information from advisors, Credit where credit is due assigned, but the email sent to Greene faculty, and the online degree navigator Last fall, our Podcast Producer Darren about his co-op assignment wasn’t that conflict with each other. Greene spent 133 hours at a co-op addressed to his preferred setting in Ben Rhodin, associate vice internship with WBAI 99.5 FM Radio. Gothic Net (his NJCU email) and he president for Enrollment Management, Twice a week, every week, from never received it. Greene said he hasn’t said that the Degree Audit and Degree September to December he went into found the email in his spam folder. The Progress Report found on GothicNet, the city for his internship, coming into faculty member assigned to him retired "was developed to provide a tool to the newsroom on the days in between to in December. guide students to select courses that tell us about his experience. It was his Finally, after weeks of emails, meet their degree requirements as well first time working at a co-op internship phone calls and meetings Greene will as to help prepare them for discussions through NJCU’s Academic Career actually get the credits for his co-op. with their academic advisors." Planning and Placement Center. “We are aware that students in This semester, Greene found out What the administrators a handful of majors and minors will have to say that he was given an F for his internship see incomplete information in the which brought his GPA down. He also I reached out to Professor Joshua Fausty, Degree Audit, but all information that didn’t receive any of the credits he was the director of General Education, about is displayed should be accurate. There supposed to get for the semester. When the issues students have had with the are also some cases we have become he reached out to the co-op office, they gen ed program and finding courses that aware of where students have been told him that he had failed to report to fulfill their requirements. “I often hear granted exceptions to their degree a faculty supervisor and turn in a final from students who are not sure about requirements, typically when they get assignment at the end of the semester. what courses they need to take, or who approval to substitute one required The only issue is that Greene was have been told they have not satisfied course for another. There is sometimes never told that he was to get a faculty all of their graduation requirements. a lag in the system from the time those supervisor and no one from NJCU It doesn’t usually take long to clarify substitutions are approved and when reached out to him to check on his the situation and find a solution. If it they are displayed in the Degree Audit. progress at the internship. “I was only is close to graduation, though, it can We are working to tighten up that given an envelope from the Academic be quite stressful for students," Fausty timeframe so the Degree Audit is a real- Career Planning and Placement Center said over email. He also recommends time reflection of all exceptions.” to give to the manager at WBAI. I did that students see an academic advisor that, however, I was not given further regularly, "Nobody should wait until instructions on my part,” Green said in it’s time to apply for graduation to

Changes to commencement reversed after student protests

by Monica Sarmiento | Editor-in-Chief

ollowing days of student protest, In an email sent out a week Prudential Center on May 16, 2019. an open forum and a change.org after the original decision was first “We will begin the discussions F petition that amassed over 4,000 announced, President Henderson wrote about the Spring 2020 Commencement signatures, the sudden decision to host that the reaction from the community this June in a manner that promotes multiple small graduation ceremonies and students factored into her decision comprehensive community involvement and a shortened commencement at to have one large Commencement from the very start and ensures that any Prudential Center was reversed by ceremony, in which students will have and all changes are communicated in a President Sue Henderson last month. their individual names called at the timely manner,” Henderson said. 5 | News GothicTimes.net April 2019

NJ Transit stalls our commute… what else is new?

by Sandra Mendez | Contributing Writer

ast month, NJ Transit held a takes her approximately 30 minutes to buy monthly student passes? Will they public hearing to address their travel to school on a “good day.” Mack be reimbursed? What buses will other L plans to shut down the West stated that it is highly problematic to students have to take that are traveling Side Branch of the Hudson-Bergen add an additional 15 minutes to the from far?” There were more questions Light Rail for nine months from June commutes given the fact that service is asked than answers given. One thing 2019 to March 2020. Students, faculty often inconsistent as is. was clear, the students must be informed and Jersey City citizens gathered The Student Government (SGA) about what is about to happen in GSUB last month to discuss the took a survey of NJCU students that are Moses Williams, a Jersey City decision to close the West Side Avenue, having trouble transporting themselves resident, spoke on behalf of himself and Garfield Ave and Martin Luther King to and from school. SGA President, other elderly commuters. He expressed Drive Light Rail stations. Rania Noubani, gathered the data and, his outrage at the lack of consideration NJ Transit officials gave a “according to the survey, we have that was given to hard working tax presentation about the plans, explaining roughly around 80 students that have payers. Williams also included the many that there is a sewer leak directly beneath complained of transportation needs. disabled citizens that will be burdened the three stations that is in need of repair. About 460 students out of that 800 have by this situation and he could only It must be dealt with immediately due trouble going to [or] from the business describe it as a complete disservice to to the damage sustained by an eroding school.” In order to alleviate this issue, the community. “The light rail is going drain. gas and Uber card vouchers were given to Newport and nothing is going to The The proposed alternative is out in a first come first serve basis. Square, now Bayonne wants to scoop shuttle buses that would transport Mack asked the panel to up all the benefits of NY. The light rail commuters between West Side Ave, reconsider the shuttle buses and to find does well for them but not for us. When Garfield Ave, Martin Luther King Drive a quicker and more efficient manner to you live in Jersey City the bus system and Liberty State Park where regular solve the issue, as she is not the only has gotten worse and now the light rail light rail service would continue. As a student that will be affected by this. fails and we are still looking for help.” result, NJ Transit says that travel time There are thousands of students Many others had questions and would be extended by 15 minutes. at NJCU and not all have the option comments, but the NJ Transit officials People sat in disappointment as they to drive or be driven to school and would not give any answers at the learned that this will affect them depend on this transit system. Another hearing. People were told to write out negatively and nothing was being done NJCU student, Engie Equevedes, was their questions and contact information to expedite this process. previously a commuter student just a and put them in a small inbox in the back The floor was then open to semester ago, and she has also showed of the room. They would be contacted anyone who wanted to voice their her concern about the reliability of the privately with answers. comments or concerns. shuttle buses. “For a lot of commuter NJ Transit has yet to make a final One of the first to speak was students, that light rail stop is very decision on whether or not they will go Alexandra Mack, an NJCU business accurate, and the train comes when it through with the station closures. major that commutes to the campus on says it will.” Engie also questions, “what the Light Rail. She commented that it will happen for commuter students that 6 | Features GothicTimes.net April 2019 Student by day, model by night

by Michi Suazo | Features Editor

ressed in two-inch Lamoda boots, blue jeans by The Fifth D Label, plum ribbed turtleneck sweater, and a gold necklace, Erika Perez is a 20-year old Dominican model and a junior at NJCU. She is an English major with a concentration in creative writing. Perez does not know anyone else on campus who is a signed model and full-time student. “I first wanted to do modeling in my senior year of high school. My brother was into photography and set up a little studio in my room… He had a tripod and a backdrop and he took my own pictures,” said Perez. “I started taking my own pictures. I would get ready with my makeup on and just take pictures all day long. I would then edit the pictures and post them online. I posted three pictures a day.” Eventually, people started to follow her on Instagram. “At the time, I just liked doing it but people kept telling me that I should be a model professionally and I was thinking, ‘you know what? Okay,’ but I lived in South Jersey and in South Jersey there’s nothing. I lived in a forest pretty much,” Perez laughed. “I’m from Pleasantville. It’s… three minutes away from Atlantic City.” People on social media thought she was already a model and would reach out to her about doing photo shoots, but Perez didn’t respond, “At the time, I didn’t know anything about Courtesy of Tmax Photography. modeling [professionally] so I wouldn’t really reply.” because I needed to build content.” Victoria’s Secret fashion shows and all Perez began doing shows in So far, Perez has worked with online these big models and I want to do that,’” Jersey City. “So from those local fashion brands such as Missguided and Perez said. “.... It’s hard for me because fashion shows, people waited for me EGO. She is an influencer on Instagram I’m only 5’6”. I’m considered a petite after to see if they could work with me. and has done shoots with designers. model because I’m short.” Perez would So I would start to do the same thing: I “After a year of doing this I was go to open calls at modeling agencies would wait for at least 45 minutes [after like, ‘I want more. I feel like I know at least once a week and get rejected all fashion shows]; I would talk to the what I can bring to the table, and I know the time. At the time Perez did not have photographers and designers to ask them that I can become the girls that I see on a portfolio. for their business card and information all these magazines, editorials, and even 7 | Features GothicTimes.net April 2019

Perez decided to shoot every place in NY in 1911.) “You can’t talk didn’t care about how safe the building week during her sophomore year at about the fashion industry without was, they didn’t care about the workers. NJCU to make her own portfolio while talking about the Triangle Fire. What It’s very important to appreciate the juggling classwork and going back and I’m writing about is how the fashion people behind our clothes but the forth from campus to New York. “It industry has changed throughout the industry only cares about the money was crazy. I went crazy. I would go to years. I’m combining what I do right and we don’t think of the people that are the city in the morning then run back to now with the Triangle Fire. It’s perfect dying. No one should die for fashion.” class. I would do my homework, go to because when talking about the fashion Perez really started getting into writing sleep at 4 or 5 or 6 in the morning and industry, we have people in Bangladesh because of her Triangle Fire course do the same thing all over again. And that work for Walmart and these ‘fast- and her English professor, Edvige it was a lot but I didn’t care because I fashion’ brands who are being paid $10 Giunta. “Her memoir class was really knew that what I was doing was going out of a $200 worth of work.” Perez challenging because I felt like I didn’t to bring me a step closer.” has stopped shopping at fast-fashion have a story but she really changed my “I talked to an agent and asked brand stores such as Sears, Forever 21 life when I took the class. She has really, what type of pictures the industry was and H&M. really inspired me to write more.” In looking for. He liked what I had [from “We have people dying. Have the future, Perez plans to write poetry the photoshoots] and he felt like I was you heard of the Rana Plaza? The books and short stories. ready. I started going to the open calls owners [of a factory in Bangladesh] again to get signed and I still got rejected over and over again. But there was this one day that I got an email from EMG Models. They said they wanted to meet with me and I was like, ‘is this–is this real?’ and so I was like, ‘Yes! Of course, let’s meet!’” Perez went in to meet with EMG Models, an agency based in New York and Los Angeles, and was signed that day. “They were like, ‘Here's the contract. We want to sign with you.’ and I was just thinking to myself if this was real?” Perez said with misty-eyes. “I told them I’d love to sign with them. When I got out and left, I was pretty much crying [in] the rain…. I called my mom and told her. Ever since then it has been a roller coaster. I’ve worked with Stuart Weitzman. I never thought that I could be living the life I’m living right now.” It has been one year since Perez got signed with EMG Models and started working with them. Reading, Writing, Runways “What I want to do is journalism, so I want to work with a magazine and write about fashion and my experiences--what I see and how I get treated.” Perez is currently writing about the history of the shirtwaist blouse for her Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire course (a devastating fire that took Courtesy of Tmax Photography. 8 | Features GothicTimes.net April 2019

We recieved over 40 submissions to our 2019 Poetry Contest, held in honor of National Poetry Month. Congratulations to our three winners and to everyone who entered!

Judges: Rashad Wright NJCU alum & Jersey City Poet Laureate Monica Sarmiento Editor-in-Chief, The Gothic Times Michi Suazo Features Editor, The Gothic Times

McPherson by Scion Rae Wellington First Place

at your funeral, auntie used your army picture

i left with a pamphlet, a button, and stories about her baby boy

she camouflaged you in camouflage and now I don’t remember what you looked like

in the city, you were crippled in the box, a preservative

now you’re a button pinned on the side of my yankee hat where i assume you got shot because I lost the pamphlet

you could’ve been a huge headstone but auntie couldn’t afford to plant you

you’re a button because you looked like an idea the last time I saw you, like one of those little green army men even though you didn’t die in the army

you made it back home and the city shot you but since you’re a button now i don’t have to tell anyone that

i think auntie was right to hand army you out in pieces

because now we can all spend time with you and make up stories 9 | Features GothicTimes.net April 2019

Pulse by Daiela Gomez Second Place

June 12th, 2016. 2:00AM. The night is warm, festive. Typical summer Orlando weather. Air sticky, sweat trickling down the bodies of sinful homosexuals. The River Gays don’t know that Omar Mateen will bring by Marissa A. Miller an early departure from their sinful night Third Place club experience. One almost forgets about the hate in the world for a moment; staring at the active bodies The river from brain to mouth is a long one. drinking, flirting, dancing. Full of twists, turns, dead ends, Mateen’s cold, calculating fingers grip his hate It’s hard not to drown. sticks. Hate sticks he purchased through What words don’t get dragged under, come out choppy, government loopholes. waterlogged. Choices for Weapons of Mass Hatred: SIG Sauer My words don’t flow, MCX [6] semi-automatic rifle and a 9mm They s-s-stutter and l o s e their footing. Glock 17 semi-automatic pistol. If only there was a bridge my words could walk across. Bullets carrying the heavy weight of hatred, To be safe from the current, connecting with gay body #1, gay body To not crumble and come out half disintegrated. #2…. gay body. Number 49. If only my vernacular could swim. Bang, bang. The Hispanic gays are dead. Bang, Omar Mateen is dead. The river from brain to mouth is a harsh one. To be an out gay body has a price. It takes hold of my letters, To exist and know Omar Mateens exist wanting Only letting the weak slip away. other active gay bodies dead The river demands a hefty sacrifice. Leaves homosexuals ducking down from the spray The idioms bled dry, of bullets, Never to be uttered. Forever hiding in the shadows of straight life, My words don’t make sense, Extinguishing the barely lit candle us homos use to They stumble over one another in an attempt to escape. traverse the world. Weak words don’t survive in the real world. If only my jargon was strong.

The river from brain to mouth is a ruthless one. It’s full of hopelessness, Long abandoned and wrecked. A ship filled with sunken pros. Scattered along the bottom, Are piles of lost thoughts and bro ken slang. Worn away by rough waves and currents. Who knew symbols could choke, That they could take in too much water. If only my words weren’t made of paper. 10 | Features GothicTimes.net April 2019 Echoes of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in the twenty-first century

by Emily Sierra | Contributing Writer

he suffering of the working cities. In a lecture at NJCU in March, writing major, I am writing a play class is often neglected and Orleck retold the many stories of those based on the Triangle fire, exploring T depersonalized. We may suffering at the hands of money-hungry and illustrating how the abuses of the read articles on the horrible working corporations. These included not only Triangle victims are reflected in the conditions in places like Amazon on-the-job injuries, but also being abuses of Latina immigrants, how the warehouses, but we don’t attach these beaten with rocks for trying to set up abuse of immigrant women has cycled abuses to faces or names; there are unions. However, she also showed the throughout American history. My no real victims. Outside the U.S., numerous labor movements taking fellow students have also undertaken the suffering and deaths of workers place worldwide, many of which being projects such as creating lesson plans in factories like the Rana Plaza in led by groups as young as we are. to teach the Triangle Fire to children, Bangladesh get hugely underreported It is the pioneering work done creating collages and embroidery that and ignored by mainstream media, by historians like Dr. Orleck that has depict the story of the Fire, and writing even if over 1,000 people died due to inspired the students in the Triangle hybrid essays tying the events of the Fire the factory collapsing. Before the recent Fire General Education Capstone with their own lives. We are listening labor tragedies, one took place right in course at NJCU to start sparking their to the echoes of the Triangle Fire and downtown Manhattan over a century own change. We can see the Fire’s connecting it to our contemporary and ago. imprint in our world, in our time. For personal histories. On March 25th, 1911, a fire my capstone project, as a creative broke out at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, causing the death of 146 workers, mostly Jewish and Italian immigrants. 123 of these workers were women. For years, the story of the Triangle Fire has been lost between the chapters of the United States’ history, not receiving the attention it is due. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory was the model for other corporations and how they could exploit and abuse their workers for maximum profit. Due to the pioneering work by Dr. Annelise Orleck, it is possible for many to engage with the echoes of the Fire on a different, more nuanced level. Dr. Orleck is a professor of history, Jewish Studies, and women’s, gender, and sexuality studies at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. Her most recent book, ““We Are All Fast Food Workers Now": The Global Uprising against Poverty Wages” is a collaboration with photographer Liz Cooke, and is a collection of and reflection on interviews with worker- activists from places like Mexico, the Philippines, Bangladesh and many U.S Wikimedia Commons. 11 | Op/Ed GothicTimes.net April 2019 Your hair is showing

by Markeilia Cassis | Contributing Writer

could feel my weave bouncing grown popularity in society; type one against my neck and cheeks as I is straight hair, type two is wavy hair, I hurried to class. In one swing, I type three is curly hair, and type four opened the door only to see a class filled is kinky/coily hair). Nobody perceived with Caucasian students whose hair kinky, tightly coiled as beautiful—at was naturally straight or loosely curled. least not anyone around me. Before I stepped back when I realized I was people on Instagram epitomized curly brown. I had brown skin, dark brown as the most beautiful hair type, many hair and dark brown eyes. “Chica, take Jamaican people already felt that way. a seat!” My teacher exclaimed. I did In fact, it is so instilled in the people not realize I froze in front of the class. I living there that they call type three quickly found an empty seat in the back hair, “pretty hair.” Now do not get me of the room and sat down. I pulled my wrong, all hair is beautiful, but it leaves mother sat me down and took out my weave over my shoulders and hunched the people with tighter coils wondering weave. The last mental picture I had of forward. This was not East New York, what adjective could possibly describe myself was a girl with unhealthy, black, Brooklyn. their locks? “Bad head,” was typically bob-length hair. I heard the snips of When my mother described the term used for those with tightly the scissors closing on my hair strands. the town we were moving to, Clifton, coiled hair. This is truly an example of “Well, there ain’t no turning back now,” I had a feeling it would not be a the long-term effects that oppression my mother said as I watched my hair predominantly African American has, even decades after Jamaica won fall. I knew that I had been displeased community. I was born in Montego its independence from England. The with seeing my hair damaged by hair Bay, Jamaica and migrated to Brooklyn, people, my people, internalized the self- relaxers for over a decade but watching New York when I was two years old. I hate; I internalized the self-hate. my hair fall lifelessly was shocking. It had grown accustomed to seeing people After years of having six was the start of my transformation. who looked like me. There was a inches or more of hair, I started to “I thought you said you had comfort seeing other women go through unconsciously hide behind it and obsess curls?!” My mother exclaimed. I got the same process as I did week in and over it. Within my first month at Clifton up to look in the mirror just to be week out. But it wasn’t because I felt High School, I did the next best thing, I disappointed. I was 16 years old when some sort of pride; It was just normal. I hid behind my weave. Socially, school I saw my natural hair for the first time. grew up yearning to have naturally long was rough. Not many people spoke to I barely had two inches of hair. I was straight hair without having to saturate me; I thought I would be accepted if expecting the big curls to flop beside my head with relaxers. I religiously they believed my hair was like theirs. my temples, instead, I got stumpy- watched Disney and Nickelodeon T.V. People would tell me that they wished looking hair that defied gravity. I tried to shows that mainly had Caucasian girls they had hair like “mine” and for the convince my mother (and myself) that I with long straight hair playing inspiring moment I’d be happy until I realized just needed to put curling creams in my roles. Everyone loved them, they were it wasn’t really my hair. The truth lay hair for my curls to pop, right? Wrong. funny, smart, and beautiful. What beneath it all. My hair was split in two: No matter how many products I raked 10-year-old girl would not want to be what it was and what it was striving to through my hair, the curls could not, that? Admittedly, Keke Palmer from be. I contemplated cutting my hair for would not, and did not form. I felt lied Nickelodeon’s “True Jackson VP” was months while battling my mother. She to and exposed. Where was the beauty I African American, but she had long supported length over the health of hair. so deeply craved to see? Why couldn’t straight hair too. As a result, I carried I did not. I was ready to see the true me I have pretty hair? I had completely the idea that beauty is only in the that many women on Instagram saw, exposed myself. I was just brown. characteristics that Caucasian women “my type three hair.” I was ugly. had. The night arrived when I Fortunately, my big chop day At the height of the natural hair randomly asked my mom to cut my hair. was over a school break, so I didn’t movement in 2016, everyone desired I could not take seeing so many dead type three hair (hair categorization has ends every time I combed it. So, my Continued on page 12 12 | Op/Ed GothicTimes.net April 2019 hat’s in a name Why is WWE changing their wrestlers’ names?

by Sean Quinn | Op/Ed Editor

eing a fan of pro wrestling how he's changing the way people WWE, who despite being in his 70s isn't always easy. Many times perceive Muslim wrestlers. His whole still exudes control over most of the B people will ask, “you do know message is to be a hero who doesn't product. McMahon is one of the most it's fake, right?” as if you haven’t been want to be judged by his name, but now complex and fascinating people in asked that dozens of times in your life. it’s been shortened to just “Ali.” In one the world, who could be described as Then there's the pain of wrestling being fell swoop my story was derailed and both a visionary genius and a ruthless seen as entertainment for the lowest while Mustafa Ali deserves recognition tycoon who's been out of touch with common denominators of society, and for what he's done, it sucks to see his the times for years. He’s been known pro wrestling deciding to prove those employers undermine his message to make random changes to the product people right every so often. in such a short sighted decision. But on a whim, and it seems this latest kick The WWE has had a recent he hasn't let the decision get to him, is to shorten names even if they’re as spree of shortening the names of various vowing to continue his goal no matter simple as Tucker Knight. Maybe it's wrestlers and it has left fans scratching his name in the ring. As wrestling has to increase marketability, but having their heads as to why this is happening. often portrayed foreigners as villains, a long name isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes, a name shortening can do many find it refreshing that Ali isn't “The Macho Man” Randy Savage was wonders. Rocky Maivia was a hated depicting himself as a stereotype and is three words yet he remains one of the good guy in the mid 90s, but changed proving to be one of the best good guys most recognizable names in wrestling his name and persona to “The Rock” in WWE. history. To chop down his name would and not only became one of the most But, he isn't alone. Dozovic remove what made him memorable to popular wrestlers ever but also the and Tucker Knight of the tag team fans. highest paid actor in Hollywood. Hunter Heavy Machinery are now just Otis and In the grand scheme of things, Hearst Helmsley went from a wrestler Tucker. Mexico's Cien Almas the name changes are a small nuisance few cared about to “,” a highly goes from having one of the best names and there's bigger issues over the decorated wrestler, the heir apparent in wrestling to just being Andrade. WWE's head (working with Saudi to the WWE and one of the most What's next, is just going Arabia, not giving wrestlers health celebrated bookers (wrestling's version to be Rey? to Joe? A name insurance, etc.) but this spree of name of a screenwriter) today. But it doesn't can tell you a lot about a character, altering is not doing them any favors. seem like anyone who's getting their and to take away the most interesting It's giving unique personalities generic name changed will become a megastar aspects leaves little to define them. names and fans might be less inclined from it. Imagine if Marvel suddenly decided to to care about them, which always bad The most recent victim of these change Spiderman to just Man? for business. name shortenings is Mustafa Ali, who Most likely this is a decision I was prepared to write a piece about from Vince McMahon, CEO of

Continued from page 11 out my absence of hair, but no one is “bad.” It’s common for people to complimented it. I felt isolated from shame others for not fitting societal have to face the reality of the situation my peers. beauty standards. Thankfully, Clifton immediately. My mother bought me But within the first months of high school taught me it is necessary to headbands and other hair accessories to my big chop, I religiously watched be comfortable being uncomfortable. make me feel more confident about my YouTube videos that explained how to At last, I saw the beauty in standing appearance. I had to find some way to style and maintain type four hair. The out against my peers in the hallways. mask my insecurities. Consequently, I more knowledge I gained about my hair At last, I saw the beauty and potential started wearing more makeup to make and the more love I gave to myself. The in myself. I wasn’t just brown, I was up for the lack of femininity that my only thing “wrong” with my hair is the beautiful. hairstyle gave me. The first day back difference of texture. Different does at school was horrible. Everyone called not imply that something or someone 13 | A&E GothicTimes.net April 2019 Students visit India

by Dr. William Westerman, Assistant Professor Sociology and Anthropology Department and Coordinator of Ethnic and Immigration Studies

his fall I was honored to be and Agra, including the Taj Mahal, we fall, and in January we will make a able to teach Sociology 256, flew to Ahmedabad in Gujarat for a similar trip. Interested students should T Indian Society in Transition, week. There we stayed in student and contact me for more information at that hadn’t been offered at NJCU in faculty homes and shared their lives [email protected]. many years. The best part was, thanks for that week - a week none of us will to the generosity of the University and ever forget. Several of the students You can read more about the President, I was able to travel with are Patel Scholars at NJCU who were 14 students and Professor Steve Haber home to visit their families for the students' experiences in to India in January. After three days holidays. Even more exciting is that India on GothicTimes.net of orientation and sightseeing in Delhi the course will be offered again this

Captain Marvel

by Darren Greene | Podcast Producer he fantasy/science fiction film was a CGI the longer I watched the however, is this a superhero movie or a “Captain Marvel” is a story of movie. The fighting scenes were also PSA? The reason why Wonder Woman T a young woman named Carol entertaining and kept me at the of was such a success was, yes feminism, Danvers (Brie Larson) and her hubris in my seat. but also it told an amazing story. Despite saving the world. Danvers learns about The film made over $1 billion the amazing visual effects, I thought her past, discovers who she is, ends up worldwide, making it the highest- that Captain Marvel had a bland origin caught in a battle between two alien grossing film of 2019 so far. It is story in this movie it was all over the races and realizes she’s more powerful Marvel’s eighth most successful movie place. I can’t explain too much or it will than she ever imagined. in North America, and Marvel’s seventh- spoil the movie, but I will say that if The film had great visual effects biggest box office of all time overall. you’re going for the action you will not which is expected from a Marvel The film has also got a ‘whopping’ 79% be disappointed but if you're looking for Studios and Disney film. The CGI was on Rotten Tomatoes and I know why. an amazing origin story it’s probably groundbreaking, the studio had a de- This film had a lot of hype not for you. aging effect of Samuel L. Jackson’s behind it. It pushed a feminist message character Nick Fury. I couldn’t tell it 14 | Op/Ed GothicTimes.net April 2019 Hungry during Spring Break

by Nevin Perkins | Contributing Writer

n the Sunday evening just available source of food for students on college kids are struggling financially, before term resumed from campus was the Dunkin Donuts. and it is also no secret that food is a vital O Spring Recess, I along It is unclear exactly how many expense. with the rest of NJCU’s Orientation students were present during the recess. Junior year student Nasir Leadership returned from an inspiring According to the Assistant Dean of McDaniels said, “I had to spend a lot conference at Virginia Tech. Some of Residence Life Jennifer Luciano, “The of my own money just to eat during the students and myself needed to use residence halls do not close during the week. There was nothing open on the bathroom but upon walking up spring break, therefore students do not campus besides Dunkin, and who is to GSUB, we realized it was locked. need to inform us if they are staying. We expecting us to eat that all day?” Many of us thought nothing of it did have students that stayed on campus It is understandably a difficult and proceeded to Vodra Hall but as a but we do not have an exact number task for the school to attempt to account commuter, I traveled home extremely since students were able to come and go for all the remaining students on campus curious. at their leisure.” during the break. What is not acceptable Why was GSUB closed? Had it Although we cannot be certain is for all dining halls to be closed when been closed all week? Were the students of the number of students who were there are students on campus who are impacted? These were the questions impacted by the University’s decision hungry and deserving of the food they which filled my head right into the to close all campus dining halls, we pay for a meal plan for. Let us hope that beginning of a new week. can be sure of one thing: the students as we move forward, each student will It was not long before I who stayed on campus were truly be thought of when a critical decision uncovered the truth I feared: no cafeteria inconvenienced. It can practically be that prevents accessibility are made. was open during Spring Break. The only considered innate knowledge that most

Congratulations to the The Gothic Times 2018-2019 staff for another incredible year. Have a great summer! 15 | Sports GothicTimes.net April 2019 The tale of a high-functioning athlete

by Kristen Hazzard | Sports Editor t eight years old, Miranda with Attention Deficit Hyperactive was accepted into New Jersey City Mendoza joined the New Disorder (ADHD) and Obsessive University in 2016, she was eligible for A Jersey Special Olympics Compulsive Disorders (OCD). She the Opportunity Scholarship (OSP) or program. She competed in field events also has a learning disability which Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF). like the Mini Javelin and Long Jump but means she has trouble comprehending, The program helps qualified students rarely competed in track events unless it retaining and distributing information. meet their academic and financial goals was the 4×100 M Relay which happens Because of that, Mendoza believed by providing access to education and to be her favorite. Over the course of 13 that she had to work a little harder assisting them in achieving their goals years, she has received about 40 gold than most. toward a successful future. and silver medals. OSP allows only 200 Now 21 years old, students into their program. she had the opportunity to Mendoza became the 201st represent New Jersey and the after Alex Delgado, one of her U.S.A. in the Special Olympics OSP advisors gave her a shot. World Games in Abu Dhabi, Mendoza said, “If you have Dubai in March 2019. She the ability to look beyond my said, “I know myself, I know testing grades and see me as what I can and can’t do, and I a person, you’ll know how know how to execute whatever much I put into and how much I do perfectly… I will get you I will succeed.” She loves the gold if you put me into the commitment that the advisors mini javelin and I will get you put in because they are there silver if I do the long jumps.” to help you, push you and Referring to herself as a “high give you the tools to succeed. functioning athlete,” she kept Thanks to her patient and her word and won silver and helpful advisors, she made gold. Mendoza won Gold in the decision to become a Mini Javelin and scored two psychologist so that she could 4th place finishes in Long not only help people but also Jump and 4×100 M Relay. understand why her brain is Mendoza said “The the way it is. program is a family and I Mendoza is currently couldn’t imagine my life a junior and majoring in without it [Special Olympics].” psychology at NJCU. She The program has motivated said, “I’m amazed by myself her to become a better student. every day because I’m a junior, With the help of her coach I’m a special needs student Coutesy of Miranda Mendoza. Pedro Lopez who has been a and I struggled so much to father figure to her since she started. She Before receiving any college comprehend and maintain… I’m happy said, “... he’s raised me to be the athlete acceptance letters, Mendoza had no and grateful that I made it this far.” that I am today with morals, values and idea what her career path would be, When she is not studying or respect for others.” but did know that she wanted to help training, she is also an assistant coach As a Jersey City native, she grew people. She started to believe that at Christa McAuliffe School (PS 28) up in a loving home with her mom, dad, she was not cut out for college after in Jersey City where every Saturday older sister Natasha and older brother her high school guidance counselor she helps train special needs children Miguel. Mendoza said, “My mom told her that she would not succeed. athletes. She has the opportunity to always told me I was special but I always Once her brother dropped out of high interact with different types of students knew there was something not right in school, she made sure that she would and hopes to work with special needs my brain.” Mendoza was diagnosed not do the same. When Mendoza adults once she graduates NJCU. 16 | @TheGothicTimes GothicTimes.net April 2019

The Gothic Times recognized in statewide contest

he Gothic Times won second place for Enterprise/Investigative T Reporting in the New Jersey Press Association's "Better Newspaper Contest." News Editor Kenise Brown and Editor-in- Chief Monica Sarmiento were invited to a special ceremony on April 13 at the Forsgate Country Club in Monroe Township, NJ.

The Gothic Times 2018-2019

GSUB, 2039 Kennedy Blvd. Room 301 Monica Sarmiento ([email protected])...... Editor-in-Chief Jersey City, NJ 07305 Mara Reyes ([email protected]) ...... Production Manager 201-200-3575 Kenise Brown ([email protected])...... News Editor Michi Suazo ([email protected])...... Features Editor @TheGothicTimes Sean Quinn ([email protected])...... Op/Ed Editor Maxine Antoine ([email protected])...... A&E Editor Kristen Hazzard ([email protected])...... Sports Editor Crystal Simon ([email protected])...... Events Editor Darren Greene ([email protected])...... Podcast Producer GothicTimes.net Marco Rezk ([email protected]) ...... Copyeditor Theta Pavis ([email protected]) ...... Adviser