Italian Singles Chart
NEWS RADIO MUSIC AIRPLAY CHARTS SALES CHARTS SPECIAL REPORTS Stevie Wonder- Europe sadio- ctive Newsweek! Sales Breaker page 23 VOLUME 12. IssuE 14 . APRIL 8, 1995 £2.95 DM8 FFR25 US$5 DFL8.50 German MarketItalian Singles Chart Up 3.2% In 1994Launch Set For May HAMBURG - The growing grow, and, with 40.3 million popularity of national dance units sold over 1994, the for- by Mark Dezzani Music" chart, and the two pendent producers to print bar and techno productions com- mat has expanded by 9.2%. groups claimed that the vol- codes on all of their releases so bined with increased Albums, combining sales MILAN - FIMI has announced ume of singles sales in Italy that we can compile a reliable turnover of classical music of CDs, cassettes and vinyl the launch in May of a new was too small to measure reli- singles sales chart." to boost the German music albums, witnessed a rise of singleschart, following the ably. Meanwhile, the FIMI/ market to a 1994 value of 1.7%, mainly due to the CD arrival of the official FIMI Nielsenchartis gaining DM4.66 million (app. format (up 8.8%). album chart in March (M&M, Independent pro- momentum in itsefforts to US$3.04million),anin- As expected,thevinyl March 18). The singles chart, become Italy's "official" classi- crease of 3.2% on 1993. album has become a nostal- which will run alongside the ducers are encour- fication. In addition to state - According to figures giciteminthe German album data, will be compiled broadcaster RAI, Silvio released by German indus- music market, with only 0.7 by FIMI and market research aged to print bar Berlusconi's Canale 5 TV net- try body the BPW, the share million units sold, a drop of group Nielsen.
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