An Opportunity Not to Be Missed the 'People Business' in Fruit Production
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AUSTRALIAN AVOCADO GROWERS' FEDERATION - The Australian Newsline Second Edition May/June 1990 An opportunity not to be missed I take this opportunity for a final reminder market penetration. S. Grade Standards on the Federal Conference, Gold Coast 3. Keynote Speaker The new large posters for your sheds, 11·13 July. The main highlights will be: Mr Mark Affleck: the Prcsident oC Ihe agents' stands elc. will be on sale; price l. }'edtral Resfarch Programme California GrowCI"i Association and an depends on sponsorship. These are a This is your chance to let us know of your acknowledged world ClI:pcrt will give a must for all growers showing the individual orchard problems and to gCI mOSI informative talk and cover recent definitive grade standards with ellcellcnt them recogniscd, funded and on 10 !.he innovations in America. The emphasis photographs. research priority lisl. will lend to be on quality control - don't 6. Grower Input 2. Res~rch Results miss this one. 11lis is your opportunity to tell the The final papers on twO key research 4. Finance Federation whaa your problems are, programmes will be presented. First, the The renowned Ausualian ellpert. Mr Noel where you believe we should be going, Cold Disinfection Project which if Whittaker will speak for an hour on and what you want done. Don't miss out. successful could open up overseas finance. With our current economic This is going to be a most interesting and marlcets. Second. the marketing project of problems and a looming reccssion this is informative conference. Auend and be the major castern markets which hopefully an.other presentation you can'l afford to involved for your own and the industry'li will show us how to grcnUy increase our mISS. future. David Ranlc:ine, AAGF PresidcIll The 'people business' in fruit By B.W. Cull Principal Horticulturist production Nambour Qld. Fruit producers are confronted with the The reason there is no recipe is thaI the technology. The goOO managers have realization they arc now in a business and whole production and marlc:eting grasped an understanding of this and not just a way of life. Their business has a components of these industries are so applied il well. 1bere is a great long chain of management concerns. diverse. They are also dynamic, changing difference between having technology extending from selecting a variety. to yearly due to such factors as climate and available, and applying it well. In consumers returning to buy their product. market throughput. The winners are those applying it well, there is the indcpth Each industry is chal lenged from within, who are astute enough. or luclc:y enough. to understanding and the an of controlling and from outside, by increasing amounts of malc:e the right decisions al the right time. il to advantage. The word I wouJd lilc:e fruit in the domestic marlc:et place. n le My experience has shown that all to dwell on is control. In this instance it question arises, what are the Ic:eys to producers have access to the teclmology of is lhe control of lhe tcchnica.J input. and success in this fruit business? production and marketing. It is the the control of the resultant response. My co ntention is that the characteristics of management slc:.ill of the astute ones. which Some people call this management. people have as greal a role as tcchnology in makes the difference. In developing this story I want 10 briefly the fruit business. The people factors arc in a profession that aims to bring sidetraclc: and loolc: al why producers arc not getting the attention they deserve. the survivors into the winners ring, one in this fruit game. We can look. al way The person who said there is no sentiment attempts to analyze what is happening and of life. making a living, security and in business could not be more correct. should happen with managemcnt. My leaving something f~ the Ic:ids and After thirty yws worlc:ing in. and for analysis has nOI givm Ihe ideal recipe but posterity. U you examine all of these primary industries, I see a few winners, you may fmd it of value (0 consider the they can'l be done without lhat holy many survivors and the others have moved following points. dollar. Manargemml decisions are based on. One should be able 10 write a recipe for Government depanmcnts and co-opcrative on a producers judgement aboul the balance between production and 5UCcesS, but as yet no one has been so involvement with industry has generated sman. and promulgated some very good marlc:eting costs, and returns. From Page J confidencc that each player will benefit gluts will force growers together. Many The people business in fruit production from their involv~ment. people are asking, wi11 this be too late, and why pUI up with the suffering which glut In essence management decisions are A new lenn - confidence - arises. Those will bring. based on the expectcd bencfit the producer who have attemp.ed to hold together a can see in advance. Benefit is the marketing endeavour for fruit will be The answers arc surely not in better controlling force in most of our decisions. aware of their difficultly in controlling technology, the common drug we turn to. Success is oftcn measured by the benefits confidence. Confidence problems exist have given you a heap of words including accrued. We should be aware that people with producers believing a marketing benefit, control, power, confidence and in business are fairly selfish and they have group will give them added benefit; commitment. Each of these have a people little room for sentiment until they have marketing groups believing producers will implication. The future of industries are in achieved a cenain level of financial stay committed; wholesalers being growers hands. Alii have to offer is, that security. confident that supply levels and quality leaders, entrepreneurs and growers assurance will be what is promised; themselves should invest as much in The individual suceessful producer is one understanding the role of people, who consistently has control over retailers accepting that their outlay in this produce line will be a better investment interpersonal relations and group dynamics management. This control is expressed on as they do in technology, in the their farms and strongly extends into the than in another, consumers consistently gelling what they are expecting for their development of their industries. Business market place. Their fruit is often quoted as is about management. Management is an being of high class and they often caprure money. Confidence is not the resu lt of a integration of tcchnological and people cenain niche markets, some large, some one off evcnt, but is built through orientated factors. It is the people factors small. Some of these producers remain performance and time. which arc more likely to go astray in successful while others decline. A person wanting to maintain power industry development. An examination of this latter group shows through confidence in the marketing chain that their basic management docs not must have control of each link. Where this change. it is their control which is lost. A control is weak or docs not exist, the common factor, is that other people come chance of failure rises. Failure at any link into their management syslem. The has repercussions right through Ihe chain. Editorial producer either gets larger or hands over For the marketing chain to hold. the person Since the last edition of Talking Avocados his field management to others. in control must make sure each player is I have been involved in some exciting Circumstances can also change in the gelling his required benefil. For Olis activities. In early April I was part of a market place such as his association with reason he must have some control in each delegation to Asia to investigate the market his agent or the traditional outlets alter. link of the chain from the producer 10 the for and marketing of Australian custard Another tenn comes into play and this is consumer. To have this they must have apples. An amazing array of facts arose power. Control is diminished because his their reprcsentative in each place to make from that trip. [t proved (0 me the value of direct power is diminished. With the loss marketing work. Par this reason a sole market research. It has also meantlltat of power the ability to reacl quickly to producer or marketing group must have a positive action regarding expon of custard change is impaired and so is management. certain quantity of throughput before real apples has been taken. While I was there I This is particularly so if power is not marketing can be financially supported. alw took the opportunity to investigate the delegated fully with responsibility. Up 10 this supply level, only certain 'avocado situation'. Avocados from This tells us a few importanllessons. We aspects of marketing can be employed Australia and New Zealand were in market often hear about how Australians like 10 be from the available funds. In my terms this places all over Singapore and Kuala individuals and do their own thing. is only beller class selling. It is not Lumpur. In a nutshell, there are endless marketing because it can be subject to Experience shows they are wary of joining possibilities (0 improve on the average job together in farmer groups. Lf they do, they uncontrolled exploitation by others. As being done currentl y. In the same breathe, hold hands very loosely and hiStory shows control becomes more difficult and cost I despair because I wonder if the avocado they leave as quickly as they come.