that the matter and instructed Mr. Brewster to pre Minister, Mr. Ashford. was considered as one which be pare plans of the proposed farms. Mr. A. E. Cook, president, M.I. could remedied in the THE YANCO Witness stated he had visited Settlers' Association, admitted that application. Witness said in reply INQUIRY. could not to Mr. McEachern that sometimes Mildura in company with Mr. they substantiate any with the of evidence to the made applicants apply for a block on the McEachern, A object prove charges the officers. understanding that someone else is AT LEETON. seeing how , that Irrigation' Area against OPENED to a .farm for was run, and picking up dseful in In reply Mr. Brewster, witness granted neighboring which he has so that formation if possible. He further admitted having stated that the applied, land held lay Mr. Cater and his they can work stated that he was on Jba;ve' at the together: Advisory board is The Cater Syndicate. time and that he paid his own ex friends comprised some of the manager, sub-manager, choicest on teams Messrs. Alexander and McEachern penses. The . meeting , with Mr. the area, and that and no I have but Cater was accidental. and gangs had been moved from legal standing, Mr. other blocks on to those leased merely advise and recommend to E. J. Polkinghorne, secretary by '

Officers. 1 Land Board. is not Charges Against of the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Mr. Cater. He further admitted Occupancy that he had no of this and necessary until six months after Settlers' Association w&s the , next proof witness examined. He stated that that when he yisited Mr. Cater's granting of farms. did In to Mr. Mr. ' Not Substantiated. to the rumors land he not see any teams reply Hogan, owing persistent 1 admitted that two or more reaching the executive . officers of working there. Hegarty

settlers could not work . his Association, that large tracts of Mr. A. E. Blade, vice-president conjointly and in. some cases settlers had been - country were being acquired by a of the M.I.S. Association, likewise Permissive called to show cause Occupancies. syndicate of business men and that admitted that he had no evidence upon why their blocks certain officers of the W.C. and I. to substantiate the charges made should not be forfeited on account of Commission were implicated in the against the officers. working conjointly. matters for inquiry. Mr. Cater that neither was deposed transaction, his association had The Commissioner (Mr. Car It decided that they be given a The of Mr. W. nor Mr. F. (a) granting permissive McEachern if certain time to terminate the , asked other to R. taken action and appointed a michael) any person occupancies Mr. Cater and others, Brewster had financial ; any interest, in the room wished to evidence partnership. He had not' seen v and the made officers deputation to wait on the Minister give charges against of in the land recently of the Water Conservation and otherwise, for Mr. on the the made many applications for dry areas, Irriga taken Lands, AsHfofd, concerning charges tion Commission in thereof. himself and his friends but there a fair up by had been number of ; respect occasion of his visiting the area, against the officers of the W. C. and (b) The values and disposal of land, on the area; Under crossexamin re same. and these matters under his I. Commission. There no inquiries and and concessions bring being irrigable dry, whqt ation .Mr, he ad by Polkinghorne further evidence that To Mr* Polkinghorne : There have been granted to settlers in respect' notice. The names of the officers forthcoming, mitted that , Mr.' McEachern had were more thereof. supposed to be implicated were not particular portion of the inquiry considerably^ applications

a ; ? (c) The policy of allotting farms to guaranteed small overdraft for for blocks than for small. - mentioned at this meeting, but at was closed. large officers of the commission. him with the Bank of New South Mr. Whitcombe the of the Minister To. : Commission The and request they PERMISSIVE OCCUPANCY. ? (d) management working Wales, but this was done in the could resume Cater's if re- were forwarded, in; , iat a land, of farms by officers of the writing Mr. Cater to prepared capacity of a friend and not because / (Mr. Moore) : In for small as lease commission. later date through tbe;:}ocal mem quired;, blocks, of ; wrote to any interest in his ? ? August, 1914, he Mr. for area is seven

. years. (Mr. Cater's) : (e) The management of the busi ber, Mr. McGarry. .dry land McEachern re land for self and - ness on transactions. Witness further Mr. Broach to Mr. Carmichael undertakings Murrumbidgee Replying to Mr. Brewster, wit areas. stated that both Mr. McEachern friends (C. H. Hart, G. Hart, Did not consider that the' nesss admitted that the Cater ap The question of organisation for .deputation, ( W. R. Cater and his ? (f) and Mr. Brewster had been with Barnett, plication should be referred tothe the disposal of products. which- consisted of the president, him . Commissioner when he the land brother) agreed as Mr. Wade knew , (g) The alleged distribution of mis inspected and had not Land Board, all which vice-president himself, that each man would hold leading literature the Mur he now holds, but that they and be the facts of the case when he- made concerning, been by the association, areas. had appointed for his own but rumbidgee accompanied him because they responsible farm, the arrangement. He believed officers but were a self-appointed body. (h) The alleged acting by had been to do. so that would be worked con instructed by the, The they ; this arrangement was subject to the of the commission as agents. reason for this action being, late Commissioner, Mir. and jointly for the sake of economy. but in view of the fact that And, generally, upon all matters Wade, witness that there had law, Mr (i) continued, The the of the Water not on account of title, The Gater was 'was all* concerning operations any pecuniary Syndicate, Wade cojiversant with the , not been time- 'betwe^' t 'ze, , ^atc. Conservation and Commis of their own or friendliness a misnomer ; there was no Irrigation interest when these remarks reached his syndi facts he; did not consider it neces sion. cate. towards hi m\ He had visited the Mr ^Vade admitted that the to act or' advise the ears and the date of the' Minister's sary Advisory area and inspected the land at the area suggested was larger than the Board to refer the matter back to visit to call a Special meeting of the request of the late Mr. Wade, and present system allowed and said the Commissioner. He FRIDAY, 2nd JULY, 1915. association to consider the matter. (witness) all to arrangements in connection with he would have consult the then this land was to be used Mr. A. C. M.L. Witness considered the action taken thought Car&ichael, A,, the leases thereof, the for Mr.Trefle; this was done purposes himself Minister, for lucerne growing. This land - who arrived from Sydney the by and his colleagueiNas. by which the land was acquired, etc. and approval obtained. had not been graded; he did not resumed the being quite justifiable under the midday mail, were made Wade To Mr. 1 inquiry Mr. himself. Polkinghorne : He know nor did he consider it circumstances, as their (Mr. why, regarding the general administra Mr. rose to ask especially was the Brewster the action had been Cater) acting manager for his place to know, as the whole tion of the approved of by a Murrumbidgee Irrigation Commissioner matter (Mr. Carmichael J group, ma^e contracts, paid had been between ?: Areas at the 2 meeting of the association held arranged Leeton Club, at p.m. what the made etc. out of his bank charges against the Witness accounts, , own Mr. Wade and Cater. Mr. Wade this afternoon. He was accom subsequently. stated that officers of account ; W.C. and I. Commission ing the other into was keen on pf these paying very lamb-raising oanied? bvthe? A i n p-.rnm in t pr scandals had been ? supposed A_ w' O 7- sion actually were. Mr. Carmichael in it as it becomes on of area depleted. being introduced the area, hence v Mr. Dare, the manager of the talk the and that every Harvey reply read the letter written by the Mr. Polkinghorne tried to show this with Cater ^ second he met had some special arrangement the area Mr. J. B. the sub person Broach, officers that . Mr. Cater had more themselves, that than three and similar ; requesting thing to say on the subject. Pres hodings. manager Mr. F. S. Mr. full acres to Digby, a. be held, so that the of land that of but To . inquiry sed Brewster for the dry wet, Mr. Polkinghorne : Estimated

Moore of by Mr. names ? the Crown Law Office, made Mr. Cater such was : charges against them could of with he denied that the the value of Cater's dry area, lfTnot and Mr. Evatt to the persons whom had dis secretary be substantiated or case, out that as .,, refuted, and the cussed the matter pointing propor wanted for closer settlement, value W.C. and I. Commission. witness could stated that in his opinion: this letter tion was 300 acres dry to one of to a' dry at 4^dto 6d per Mr. Carmichael the only give two or three. Mr. Pol grazier, expressed showed clearly that the officers who wet. Other applications were made as of kinghorne further admitted that acre, against 1/6 being paid. sympathy himself and all pre the letter must for similar land signed have been quantities of of a There would be ample room for sent with Mr. and in such information as he had gleaned Digby family aware of the nature of the charges similar nature and for a similar fruit at without their Mr: was merely the outcome of rumor, farming bereavement, Digby's made them. but he could not if 20 other farms of against and had not purpose, say Cater's and eldest son, that he succeeded in Mr. J. Digby, having, Mr. McEachern on W. stated actual they were granted or otherwise. similar size. Land which would lost his life in the at the ascertaining any facts sup fighting oath' that he had no interest of any Mr. Carmichael : How do would the Pressed you grow lucerne grow anything. Dardanelles on May 3, but the sad kind in the land held porting charges. by by Mr. Cater for propose to. run the farms jointly as Would not admit that lucerne grow news only conveyed to the Mr. Brewster^ a reply as to

being and his but admitted that . friends, considered regards stock, sheep, etc. ? was a failure at Yanco. relatives just to the of whether he he had been prior sitting he had it was guaranteed Mr. Cater's Mr. Cater stated intended t To Mr. Moore : Considered the the commission. justified in making the charges bank account for a small to wheat the first but did not interfere amount, officers on the plant year, Cater proposition Mr. against the strength Polkinghorne also expressed simply on account of their this had with other scheme, and was long of these rumors, and without ascer proved impossible. any the sympathy of his association on had been 1 for standing friendship. if were confirmed Ploughing proceeding good financially the area, with Mr. taining they by Digby. In to a Mr. all the farms but one. He agreed to the income viz., reply question by actual facts, witness answered yes, owing derived, The their witness said he had to ascertain the cost so fa,r from his ^1700. following represented Polkinghorne as the officers would be given an associations — books. respective : Mr. E. J. visited Mildura, by Mr. Brewster oi: accompanied opportunity of refuting; and dis explained map Polkinghorne, secretary Murrum Mr. and there had Martin Cahill was called as a area showed of Gatetf Brewster, they proving the charges if baseless. position

bidgee Irrigation Settlers' met Mr. . Cater. The visit was witness to show that had etc. also Associa Witness stated he had no ani gangs land, Mirrool, Gogeldrie, ; tion; Mr. C. F. the with the of been taken off farms and sent to the land Whitcombe, object acquiring mosity against Mr. Brewster or any proposed railway, through Farmers' Union Mr. the information to be of use on to Mirrool ; Hogan, likely 'officer of the Commission. Gogeldrie to Cater's blocks, thus held by Cater, or 1 Railway Workers' Union ; Mr. this was made E. .Area and with , the In to Mr. Mr. keeping back work locally which Griffith. the Political reply Cater, Robson, Labor Lea consent and of the late should have been to c In to Mr. he approval Polkinghorne admitted that the completed reply Moore, stated , gue and Mr. ; the Yanco Commissioner. The with the amount of water as he considered the Cater Oag, meeting charges made against the officers give proposition Progress Association. Mr. Cater was accidental witness could a one for the as this purely had proved baseless and without promised. But only good area, was Some 50 settlers and not that these had been second class land. The idea were also pre prearranged. foundation and that they were say gangs only sent, and a number of taken off and could not swear that of a return for second commission Mr. Brewster also swore that he based on rumors only. Witness getting good officers followed the had been on to Cater's class land a area proceedings had, no interest directly or in denied having stated or suggested they put by renting large

the . during afternoon and evening. directly in Mr. Cater's affairs. The that Mr. W. McEachern and Mr. land. carrying only a small water-right Mr. late had consulted him visited left more water available for the Polkinghorne asked Mr. Mr. Wade Brewster had Mildura at the Mr. Hegarty to Mr. Polking Carmichael suitable for first-class land further west. if he could arrange to regarding land sheep expense of the Commission. horne: The reason why water was sit at Leeton until all and he had a - In to Mr. To Mr. Polkinghorne: There continuously farming suggested reply Hogan, witness not granted on April 1, was on local near on his association was a lot of area available if evidence is collected. [Mr. place Gogeldrie and acting stated that had been account of the necessary channels dry Carmichael Wade had in the allocation for. informed' our reporter instructions from Mr. interested of the not being ready as early as expec applied taken out to this to the to-night (Saturday) that such an Mr. Cater inspect land previously so-called Cater ted. The Cater application passed land. was not scandal. JULY 3. arrangement could not be made.] Mr. Cater impressed land through his hands. In making SATURDAY, The first matter dealt with was and he was in to Mr. Moore, of the MR. CATER RE-EXAMINED* (Mr. Brewster) Replying minute on same he pointed out the to charge made against certain structed make further sugges Crown Law Department, Mr. that ft one place applications were 1 NO FOR officers of the W.C. and I. Com tions. Mr. Brewster and Mr. Mc admitted that the NEED INQUIRY. Polkinghorhe made separately, whilst in another I of the rumors on which the

mission, interested Eachern 1 being in the subsequently inspected charges they applied jointly. Cater's was the ? so called Cater land now and the officers of the 'IT IS SCANDALOUS.' syndicate. Corres held by Mr. Cater against Comis first application for 400 acre 1 it as an alternative to the sion were based had pondence relative . and proved base farms. He recommended in his thereto, suggested A FAMILY AFFAIR. which land. Mr. Wade himself less and on behalf of formed part of the evidence Gogeldrie. agreed his minute that application be referred been read this of the area, association to withdraw the to was ; -° considered, having inspected portion charges special Land Board. This To the Commissioner: Mr.' Mr. to W. Rupert Cater vv as sworn. of the .recommendation made in the communiciatioa the not done. Presumed the reason was; approved [Continued on Page 4.]

National Library of until nightfall, and even then a few star dismounted. Our horses are as well from the Dardanelles. shells continued to go in the direction of trained in their work as the men. When our balloon. Since for the tlie sounds 'Feed' horse Co. captive then, bugle every Keenan & LWS ten was g days I there, the fighting has whinnies. There is a lot of Australian SAPPER DYSON'S LETTER. been continuous and the losses heavy, wounded at the Base hospital Heliopolis but we have and the from the Dardanelles. It will be some progressed, enemy call on us for estimates are afraid of our The can as elsewhere A STIRRING ACCOUNT. wildly bayonets. time before we go there, Light going country we are in is the most difficult im Horse cannot land under fire like the BEFOREin Any Class of Building— in Burnt Brick, aginable, deep gulches and steep cliffs, infantry. I think that this Regiment The letter received 'Sun-dried or Iron. Sun-dried Brick is an . following has been covered with low, dense scrub, and not will make itself famous, as Our colonel, Brick, Wood, from the front a Leeton friend from a ' ' by even path through it.' The navy has Fighting Charlie did well in South Economical for the Area, as cool as burnt Sapper Dyson, whose account of Building being graphic guarded our flanks night and daj\ Some Africa, and we have great faith in him. our soldiers' will be read with in brick or and much cheaper. doings days their big gun.s are constantly going. The 6th is said to be the best-mounted concrete, very terest : — Above all that uproar of rifle fire, field regiment f rem Australia.' i am down about a hundred be here, and machine guns, howitzers and heavy Plans, Specifications, and J. KEENAN can interviewed miles inland from Alexandria, wounded, naval there was one sound which guns, Estimates at his near Butter ) shot the left but re — Submitted. residence, Factory through thigh, doing no bursting shells could obliterate, and T^IREWOOD Dry Black Box (sawn), markaby well and well exceedingly would cause our fellows to smile and say: about 15 inches long, £\ per ton; treated, and after some enjoying myself ' 10/0 half-ton delivered Yanco or Leeton. GIVE IT TO LIZZIE !' ; months of was 'EM, hard campaigning. I J. S. Oag, jNR.,Farm 520, Yanco. That was the terrible crashing of the wounded on the 9th of the battle of R. J. THOMSON day 15in. of che Elizabeth Gaba and left on the 10th of grear guns Queen Tepe, day — Carrier and For never heard a sound SINGLETON, that mark in Australian On the you such fearful history. ® wishes to in life. She one a N warding Agent, notify Mirrool GRIFFITH. I was sent from the your got right into Factory, eighth day (or night) the residents of Leeton and district that Carriage battery, and men aud earth trenches to our 011 the beach guns, horses, ' headquarters he has an office in ' went up in one glorious heap. We occa opened Kurrajong to report (on behalf of my section officer) Avenue for the and of , have had 6in. and llin. shells receipt despatch All kinds of Vehicles Built to Order. , on our work to the That sionally major. midnight etc. All business will re fired at but the cause the dam parcels, goods, 1 ran into the Fourth Battalion us, of all filing ceive attention. or Cart. We age is the unceasing bursting of shrapnel prompt Come to us for a quote for your new Gig will silently up a gully to the right flank, over the trenches, and the cramped line a First-Class Article at a Fair It saves you the * where a terrific fight was in progress. I give you price. of communication in the No Turkey and ham, and a host of choice found and he told me Boz gullies. to the - Ditchburn, at trouble and inconvenience of a long way city— ' where on shore are from fire. delicacies the G.U.O.O.F. ball sending zie all I was about you away fancy was right. inquiring and save Even the on which out to on 16th July. you freight ! the rest of the Leetonites when I was barge I went the hospital ship had shrapnel sent after ARRESTED AS A SPY, we on an Wood it, and when went board llin. St. Peter's Church of England, Leeton. General in or Iron* and had in Smithing. Repairs difficulty getting away. shell from the Goeben came 'Ozzie' Earle and Keith M'Murtrie hurtling SCIENTIFIC HORSE-SHOEING. over the Peninsula, and exploded 40ft or were quite all right, as they had not been 50ft. away, throwing up a column of ashore, but were looking after horses on water twice as high as the masts. We Next Winter Social board — ship. My company left Egypt — breathed freely only when we moved our with the Third Australian on LEETON Every Brigade anchorage two miles further out. I was 27 Every Monday Thursday February 28 for an unknown destina Tuesday, July shot while a box of biscuits, which out to getting

tion, turned be the Greek ? with , ? along another chap, to our men, i island of Lemnos. On arrival section upl my were who working a few yards behind Dancing and Music 8 to 2. was immediately ordered ashore to make the firing line. Three of us started to Refreshments. a water ieconnaisance, and another sec climb the hill with but one shot it, was Double Ticket 2s. tion took all the guncotton and left for 3s., Single ls- 1/6 and his leg broken, and we nearly suf the where saw the at Pictures Dardanelles, fered a like fate in J. H. Hon. Sec. Globe they him down. On WILLIAMS, tack where the three went taking battleships leaving us one of his stretcher-bearers down. could not land, and re They was killed. Afterwards we lay behind a turned. Half our company and the 9th ! bank, and looked at the box, which was A Call from Maas' ORCHESTRA I Battalion remained on shore for 7 weeks FUSL ORCHESTRA! FULL being fired at under the impression that and built a wharf, sank wells and dams. someone was behind it. We had a smoke, PINE AVENUE, Meanwhile an immense fleet of about 100 MONDAY'S and finally decided that as the company STAR: besides dozens of transports, supply ships had to eat that excuses LEETON. an nothing day and immense allied battle fleet, lay in not ' would be accepted. We got it away the land-locked harbor. After some KATHLYN.' all right, and were resting in the bush, and (First Series.) weeks they disappeared, but in the third General Drapers when we noticed bullets were hitting the week of April they returned. On the Outfitters. Mantles bush, so pushed on to find the safest way Millinery, of accom 25th, 23 us, with one officer, ENGLISH GAZETTE.. to tlie top, while my partner took cover. and on a Dressmaking. panied 500 infantry (9th) board de I went down, and somebody got me into stroyer to a battleship, where we were in a some

' and and ' dug-out patched me, up, we were : formed the ? Ladies' Outfitting A The Plumber. time afterward I saw my comrade stag- Speciality. Keystone Comedy FIRST LANDING PARTY gering past with the box, and hailed him for the attack at Gaba Tepe (Gallipoli). from there, somewhat to his surprise. PRICES and QUALITY We carried guncotton for demolishing Later, on the ship, more of our men very RIGHT. this Mind ! guns we hoped to capture in the fort. We badly wounded came on board, and told Bear in five me received days' rations and 200 rounds they had got it in the same place. Agent for Yorkshire Insurance Company I were You cannot off thistles. of ammunition. was condemned to There 540 left on the hospital ship, gather figs Neither carry a pick and shovel and six sandbags, and 42 died on the two We a from but a days trip. can you get Tailor-made Suit any and when I sat down on deck -was so arrived in Egypt (Alexandria) You will and that I could not rise without A. H. Practical Tailor ! save money weighted a FUNNY-LOOKING CREW, FREEMAN help. The Third 11th Brigade (9th, 10th, with the mud from the trenches and the get better satisfaction giving your order to and were the and DENTAL SURGEON by 12th), covering force, Valley of Death still on us. Most men's had orders to rush a certain with ridge clothes were cut and torn, and drenched Kurrajong Avenue, Leeton. the bayonet, on for three days, and hang with blood. We were off at all to dropped O. G. Washington's Refresh die the last man rather than surrender kinds (Adjoining of places on the line to Cairo. We ment afoot of it, so that the Australian Rooms, &c.) Army must have looked to to BARKER a.m. C. disreputable objects 9.30 12.30 W. Corps, the Naval and an Indian ( p.m. Brigade, the ladies, who were so to us. We good HOURS 5 1.30 p.m.' to 5 p.m.

Brigade, with mountain could . batteries, had not nor our washed, shaved, had 7.30 to 8 Ladies' Gentlemen's establish their At I (. p.m. p.m. and TAILOR landing. midnight clothes off for two weeks. All the women High-class looked astern, and saw four or five battle New Premises will shortly be erected. here are giving a hand, as Egypt is full behind and a flotilla of ships us, destroy of wounded. this is out Although place All work done on the Come where you can have ers, with the Third Brigade aboard, like MAY BE CONSULTED AT premises. of the way, we are riot neglected, amongst ghosts in the dim moonlight. At 1 fitted on, and see' them made to your instruc grey our visitors being Lady Rodgers, Lady your garments a.m. we filed silently into -boats and bar GRIFFITH Caernarvon, the Governor of the Pro tions and satisfaction. and towed steamed in ges, by pinnaces,, vince, the Sirdar John I do not traffic in orders, but stick to the dead silence for the hostile amidst (Sir Maxwell'), Every and factory-made simply shore, all visited us a Monday Tuesday. couple of days ago, also art and skill of quiet wishes for good luck from the General Ford, and a young lieutenant WHITTON sailors. About 4.30 a.m. the dawning who told us about some fighting he expe High-class Tailoring. found us near the shore too tar light - rienced in Flanders. The lieu- Albion Hotel young j Every Wednesday in which I am north ! But in we went at full speed thoroughly competent.! tenant,; we were afterwards surprised to towards the frowning hiils. In the dead LEETON I have the Latest in Materials and and an exten learn, was Prince Henry of Battenberg. Designs Fashions, - stillness a dog barked, and then a shot The British troops who landed further sive range of Patterns, representing the best British and Australian was at more. and fired us, then two The pin down the Peninsula Thursday, Friday, Saturday had a terrific fight, manufacturers. I court and will nace cast us off, and .the order was given, respectfully your patronage, and like us, some battalions were almost ' Pull for lads !' this strive to it. Every of work in connection your lives, By annihilated. The South African veterans keep description time there was an increasing rattle of Manures. with the trade. or small, orders will receive in our mob are stlent now, as more Aus Large my personal rifles and maxims from the trenches on is tralians were put out of action in one and prompt attention, and satisfaction guaranteed, On this' ; the hills, and Farmers are advised that the day than went to South Africa altogether. following success.

' depends my - OUR MEN BEGAN TO FALL No on brands of quarter is given either side. Our ; in that awful hail of lead. Our men a pinnaces wanted fight, and by Jove, they're ; out with their machine and Victorian . Superphosphates opened' guns, having it hottei than ever it was paihted Don't forget now obtained for theAddress: then we: bumped bottom ainl It aped into in their wildest dreams. There is Can be delivery-, the water to our armpits, and dashed next season. up FUN IN 'THE TRENCHES ashore,' some poor fellows falling from some nights. I've heard the Turks play CUMING SMITH and Co/s ... FLORIDA Kurrajong Avenue, Leeton. their wounds and being drowned. There ' ' 011 the and our men Tipperary ? a a bugle, MOUNT LYELL Co.'s No. 1 Next door to Dixon and Co. was. breathless pause under bank ' yelling Come 011, you saida bastards !' while were fixed, and then a WiSCHER and Co.'s ? No. 1 bayonets and the ' 'At - — ? German officers calling, Don't cheer and the : si' the Up fEDERAL MANURE Co.'s ... O.S. fire, lads, we are the French !' And hill with a rat.h, and 110 firing. Few then crack, crack from our trenches, and Agents Required. ? enemies remained to be bayoneted as the hurrying and scurrying in the bush. 1 Applications in writing to be addressed silently advancing steel was too much for expect to be back at- the front in about to The Secretary Victorian Fertiliser As Leeton and Stables. them — that and the sight of the destroy livery Letting two as G.P.O. Box Melbourne. - weeks, my wound heals splendidly sociation, 868, ers forth their crowds of sol - vomiting now. Kurrajong Avenue. diers, and the grim battleships with their 12in. guns silently waiting tor a target. : I returned from the first trencli and re AMONG THE PYRAMIDS. Cooper joined my half-section on the beach, Horses, Vehicles & Motor Car for hire. where they were under fire from Fort Gaba Tepe, and were throwing up a bar LIFE IN EGYPT. — Motor /Trips shortest notice. ricade of packs, haversacks anything. The Carrier! arranged on, threw our and We packs things away Trooper Alick Reid, C. Squadron, 6th Cab meets all trains. Parcel we fixed One of Quick delivery when bayonets. my secr Light Horse, 2nd Brigade, writes from tion saved two machine when the ' guns Egypt to Leeton friends : — I think that Orders left at the Stables attended to. them were shot in the LEETON and YANCO promptly men carrying this time last year I was in the Yanco water, one was shot through the head district, and I little dreamt that I would ?within a few feet of me to when, returning. be here now in the land of the Pyramids. Give yoar Order Cooper He is recommended for the V.C. We met ? — I a young fellow the other night who he'll do the rest ! Phone 12 the which landed fur No. CHAS. Proprietor. rejoined company has a farm on the Brobenah road, and WILCOX, ther up, and helped the Indians get their Knows you .weix. x. iorgot to asK. nis Orders left at Bow's, next Taylor mountain guns ashore under shrapnel name is a in ; he trooper the 7th Regi to a attended to. fire. We then commenced make a Bros., promptly ment. There is lot of irrigation going road to the the first |get up on guns ridge, here ; the water is pumped from the and had some more casualties.' The Nile. The channels are constructed very came and under the awful Miss Isabel transports up, similar to thosp at Leeton. With crops Oag the hundreds of boats made for shrapnel like tomatoes, the furrow system is used. Scientific Dressmaker shore. I saw one boat of 25 that the got Lucerne is the principal crop grown, and Builders' Notice under a machine gun, and. there is also a fair amount of corn and Winner of First and Second Prize barley. These crops seem to better ALL WERE KILLED. grow Leeton Show. ' sailors in our boat were here than in Australia. The methods of The two large Also Two Years' First Grade Pass killed. The sailors were cultivation are A common Sydney both returning very amusing. Technical to see a College. great. T&ey stopped to clap the Indians sight is camel and water buffalo M'Fadzean and a Bland bringing guns ashore, which their white pulling huge wooden plough. The haired old English colonel proudly ack lucerne and bags of corn are carted about on and ; camels. where the 2nd Bri Miss nowledged by standing up saluting Ma'adi, Phemie Oag is is a flash residential yelled 'Good old wallabies!' and gade camped, Before do about see us about our of and are some Milliner. you anything building, 'What price town ?' airily snburb Cairo, there Sydney — Concrete Block the more the waved their hands to us and laughed beautiful homes here, mostly wealthy PRICES MODERATE, Buildings water, they get the shells burst over them. Our French residents. The training we get better when they stand. than Mud Brick ! cheered the here is of a nature. do Cheaper wounded were splendid, and very practical £Je Address : Farm YANCO in not drill sham and skir 520, oncoming men as they passed them now, only fight routine is 5 a.m. re of their boats, as they returned to the hos mish. Our daily All Classes Buildings Quoted For— ^no matter how shattered and dying. By the veille, 6 a.m. breakfast, after watering pital ships H. S. BOW or how our All left for and horses. At 7 we on small large! Inspect Machinery Shop. afternoon 940 wounded had Egypt feeding go par Irrigation Fruit Palace, ade and in tactical work most of of Made. and still they poured into the dressing indulge YANCO. glasses Joinery 'Phone 24, Narandera too to be come in from the stations on the beach quickly the morning. We after handled. The stretcher bearers were hills about 1 o'clock and have the Confectionery, Soft Drinks, Fancy Goods, and suffered A noon free to attend our horses. McFadzean & Bland magnificent, heavily. except Stationery. and either for and terrific naval bombardment took place, We parade about dusk, prac Agent Sydney Melbourne at or do a attack but the enemy's guns did not cease fire tice scouting night night Newspapers. NARANDERA.

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OOMMFNCFS ON ''A VA^MMfcrn^o kjis A. ,f , .Vi Avfv/

' h ' x ' 1 1 1 ? - ' \ ^ ^ , Vv * „ si:J A' TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1915


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Genuine Reductions in All Departments. Watch for Special Sale List next issue.

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? ? 1 LEETON. ? . '-!' -?. I ?.'.?????

Store,'. .; Big ?. /ye ; (


a 1 . They are PEDIGREE ! If you buy horse you Builder and ' Guaranteed farm tools it well bred. not trees ? and garden Contractor, Reasons want Why your ? 2., They are JUST WHAT YOU ORDER! We have ( *v 72-peg Hliistratcd catalozuc oi 60 Irn- I a 63 on mistakes. LEETON. not|built up years' Reputation Lsi PBfSf 3. They have already PROVED THEMSEI/VES on a man the Area ! Once planted is never back Why his trees. ward in stating where he procured ESTIMATES and PLANS 4. Our PRICE is down to BEDROCK for the quality

of the tree sent out ! Jr You I Planet 2-row Pivot-wheel Cultivator. . Planet Jr Double Wheel Hoe. Cultivator, GIVEN. 5. We have put more trees into Yanco and Mirrool ? Plow, Furrovrer and Ridger Plow and Rake Area than all other outside nurseries combined, ? Cultivates at one time two rows of pota- The greatest cultivating tool 'in the world ? toes, etc. Works like a charm for the of and have kept up that record for the coming season. corn, beans, grower garden crops from drilled ? in check rows, crooked rows and rows of seeds. It has steel frame. Light enough Should to the local will him to ? width. Can be 6. A letter agent bring you irregular equipped with for woman's use. Crops can be worked and. is able to some valu ? roller bearings, spring-trip standards, and both sides at once until 20 A personally, ^ie give you inches high. able advice on selection of varieties, etc, Plant WARD'S R. FERGUSON& SON'S fRUIT TREES. JAMES Ltd. MARTIN & Co. Up-to-date General W. Professional Local D. BROOKS, Orchardist, Mirrool, Agent. A„ . | c nAr (FARM S20, YANCO, and Also Representing South British Insurance Co. & N.'S. W. Phosphate Co. L,td. J. o. u Au Store, Agent | pine avenue, leeton YANCO. Before placing your orders for Plows, Harows, Drills, Chaffcutters, Binders, Mowers, Hay Rakes, Coru-sliellers and Crackers^ Wind mills, Pumps, Portable Engines, Planet Junior Implements, &cf Best brands Groceries at ; Atock's Write or call for my quotations. GASH OR TERMS. Pharmacy Lowest Prices. Leeton. Kurrajong Avenue, Shearer's Plows. f-Gockshutt' Plows. Large Stocks Drapery, Boots, Ironmongery. Chemists. Dispensing and Family Produce always on hand.


1 Builders, Timber Merchants J. & Sons andl dg§ Grigg SETTLERS ! Ironmongers. 'Rosedale' Dairy

WE HAVE COMPLETE STOCKS OF AIX BUILDERS' IRON-' Registered milk vendors OR Quick Sales, Highest Market MONGERY, TpMBER, IRON, LIME AND CEMENT. Y anco and Leeton. p ?

— - ' Values, and Prompt Settlements, ? Milk.' Butter. Eggs, & Let us for Delivered Twice Daily, Good place of Farm qjlote you your Building Supplies. your consignments and by Clean Horses Pure, Men, , Dairy Produce through the G.F.S. and Carts. e Procure W are carrying Stocks of all Agricultural Seeds. Our Construction is a Department under Personal your requirements from us. It will pay you, as we are M. LANE Skilled Tradesmen ' Consignment House Only. Correspondence Invited. Supervision, ai^d Only Employed. YANCO COFFEE PALACE.

are to THE LEETON. We therefore able do a' Better Class of Work Cool Drinks. Fruit and Confec- - COASTALFARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY Ltd., at a Head Office and Stores : 374-386 Sussex Street, Sydney. Moderate tost. ./ tionery. Refreshments. ' ' ' - ) ' ' ? ? ?

V- . . ?)?.. :^a-

National Library of Australia ? 1 1 . ? ? . ? . . . ?

...... ? . ?

- and cost would de YANCO INQUIRY. experiment, the lowed to pick the eyes out of the on seasons. ? the He Cater had J. A. STEWART 4 ] pend largely country. gone out with ( iid not think anyone had into Messrs. Brewster and ^ [Continued from Page 1.] gone McEacheru ' 'The Pioneer ' i proposition like that before. He to see this but what did s Cater said he understood from the land, that that five farms late Commissioner that thought dairy would prove ? He had a certain amount ' ' several; ( - ' more . supply : labor of btit the * FairmW were worked ill ^ choice, given point was News Agent and Fancy Goods Man. conjunction. To Mr. 'Whitcombe : The.demand, and the area wa9 Hiswas purely a family arrange Apostles', yards, for dairy farms was not too great defined there the same as if it to, live, , just tnent;; they together ? Ranted for! the supply. V,. had been surveyed. He did and work in conjunction. not Itlie To : Store for Mr. Carmichael Mr. Carmichael When the think the Cater area would : How do you have Cater land was taken up there were been better for and distinguish between a dairying, syndicate no 1 farmers it was to dairy the i and a concern ? unsupplied. thought up time co-operative To Men's and Mr. : The Cater Boots. Mr Cater understand a Hogan pro when lamb-raising should be tried. Clothing : I syndi position was different to others. To Mr. Whitcombe : cate as a purely financial under A good ' of settlers to many had been for - Any group wishing people ,| taking. The difference is: that we looking ' in for areas the same as are vin to work' ? go legitimate lamb-raising, dry Mr. Cater, i putting money ./'A. ' etc., could get an area of 11,000 but after- consideration Agent for Anderson's Seeds: farms. Each member would receive they had | ' acres or. so. The conditions of declined to on. was no There j the produce from each individual go ' other settlers were more disadvan law to farm. There was no need forbidding anyone come j than Cater's because the here with and start tageous indus- 1 for the inquiry, as after gazettal capital ' conditions obtained that nonirrig I tries. Pine everybody could see how the farms

Avenue, ' Leeton. able area should be three are miles from To Mr. Carmichael : Cater's was being ^worked. . The arrange- thfe the first definite for ment was ihat work in -irrigable. prpposai lamb ' they could; To Mr. Carmichael were There raising, and he considered the lease if, desired. He conjunction^ they ; only abont 20 real'; dairying propo He had to i seen number similar justifiable. objected had a; great; .of and Go. ; sitions on the area at He issi ve all cases in the last six months. No present. perm occupancies through . did not consider that with was farms To Mr. Moore : It was not as arrangement made with the | --ea- two or three cows constitute a dairy. a way of members of his farm re running thorough doing things, Fifty acres was not for a but it would more on sheep, as it was rather premature enough bring people a farm from ? dairy ; productive the area. It was the of the Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailors. then. The late Commissioner was policy all the farms to anxious to have them here. Since standpoint dairying department encourage farming, were too 150a small. , If they had which of course would mean more PINE AVENUE, LEETON. his death the thing was .being hung area ? = VV ?' dry within reasonable distance labor as ; J was farming developed. : V.' It scandalous that these ?-: ,U / up. ' UK it would suffice or 3 miles was Carrriichael were ; 2X/Z To Mr. : He con- ' suggestions brought before too liine of Bannockburn and far away. His idea was to sidered that was a Special' Blarney TWEEDS the Minister, and was-- enough to lamb-raising 25 ballot for the dry areas, and after cent better for Cater to Choose From. make anyone have nothing to do per proposition wards transfer the blocks to near and more with the area. The late Commis a much congenial job. ? original holdings! To Mr. Robson : The Yanco abat- that Fit sioner said it was the onfy solution Clothes Well, Look Well and Wear Well. Mr. Carmichael said as this was toirs would chill 60 and about of dealing with those lands. Their ' pigs to be a it intentions for the future when tak separate inquiry will be 200 sheep a week. It was the idea Satisfaction Guaranteed. into more later. to stock from all the land be found, im gone fully chill the . ing up might To Carmichael Wil Mr. : Mr. The was much Terms possible when they went to work it. original plan larger Moderate. liams had a of six They had cultivated about 500 group farms of than the present buildings. and His ob 50a each, 6000a dry. To Mr. Carmichael : He wanted acres this year, and had proposed was lucerne, fruit and lambs, to the ?to cultivate 1200. The cultivation ject show that works would not but he was evidently not serious be to deal J. in regard to the five blocks of 400 large enough with this H. TRETHEWEY about the latter. No one had any acres was spread over all but one. lamb-raising. condition as lamb To Whitcombe: He thought the fifth block would special regards Mr. Those raising. Williams was granted the Seed Merchant & General be abandoned by his brother, as hie, figures represented approximate 5,600a dry area 20 months ago on of the area three Machinery would not probably go on with it. output months ' lease. ? The intention ?' ' three years' after the . of the had the starting factory. . -A Anyone party right AGENT.' was that the land for the Cater to draw out at any time. PRSIDENT COOK ON LAND Mr. Re lamb proposition was for a different indus To Polkinghorne : VALUES. — could be carried on Agencies he had not discussed the try. Dairying raising, Mr. A. E. Cook, of the with three times the area of dry to president labor problem of raising 5000 sheep the wet. No farm M.I.S. Association stated that he Farm and could not idea. The dairy should Massey-Harris give any knew the area and had Machinery have less than 50a wet arid 150 to intimately, ; other holders of the land were his 200a had a good deal of experience in Manures^ dry ; for i'OOa Shirley's brothers-in-law. He had it defi lamb-raising wet and 2000a to 3000a Cater land prior to coming here. He stated in a letter dry. nitely (produced) was satisfied the Arthur Yates & Co.'s Reliable Seeds had been 100a wet great proportion only ; which set out the conditions of the granted of Cater land is well to the he it was a reasonable the up lease. Asked if thought very Turner short he could some Bicycles in the circumstances. average of the area, and parts name of the other families proposition any to the bulk. It was more I^amb-raising was a suitable indus superior working, oil the co-operative , sys uniform that but' it would have than on Gogeldrie, tem, he mentioned try;' to be care SOUND, DRY FIRE.WOOD ALWAYS ON HAND. Williams, Craig and considerably better than the ; fully handled, arid he would not Bros. ... and; another. .,It had been a 6 care to tackle it. dairying land, red loam inches their intention to for lamb They had fac go in and the subsoil similar to tories must deep, the to the of here, however, and raising up time the Com area. ? bulk of the A cater for them. v ?great great missioner' s death . h ad about He area more Mr. proportion of this was ; To : He that 200 sheep running oil the trust Hogan thought Welch and Kinloch of suitable for stone fruit than closer but had not equality opportunity should be Bros., land, paid any agist to Some of the 50 acre to else who wanted Leeton. ment. given anyone blocks on the area had not .a land for similar industries. If the depth To Mr. : He believed Mr.1 Hogan of 6 inches of and he would Commission had to find the money soil, Barnett owned land at Mildura. the Cater land. He they would have to instruct settlers. prefer thought To Mr. Carmichael : He knew He when any area is set apart it should what the residential had given his opinion with re Builders qualifications be made known to the and .. 18 Leeton to this. It was reason public, were the land had not been gard orily ; ga v able to that he should every individual should have an zetted The late Mr. Wade' suppose have Undertake yet. of that . any Kind of Building in Burnt Brick, Sun-Dried been consulted with to this equal opportunity getting Brick, told him he was a short Act regard having land. He did no think it wise to -J Wood, Iron. that residents within the proposition. and passed reasonable. areas' of , Mr. : that it was grant large area would be considered residents Hogan Seeing class land. This was too ? a from the country on the farm. this great departure ordinary Directly thing and was closer to and that it was not done good, railway on a his would system, .. and Office a Plans and got footing family facilities. It was 15 across Shop: .Fittings Specialty. Estimates Prepared. it miles come in about 18 openly, gave some reason for here, probably from Leeton. From months. He that rumors. Would it not be better if' Gogeldrie thought the to it was 'it was miles - dealt with a ? boundary 2^ . in We are Practical Men, and Understand Our Business. whole of. the trouble with most public way There Cater's. There were still some was, that they fami —Absolutely public. was, people brought here who were unable to\ however, no for the people lies here, and ate up their capital justification CONTRACT WORK OF ALL KINDS. of and secure suitable land. He thought, before they got on their feet. He charges bribery corruption. Mr. that many dairymen would have did not to do that. Hogan asked who made the

He ' propose selected this land if had the ?— were a they was not aware that the ameliora- . charges They made at See Some of Our Classes of Work and then SEE US. The blocks of the tion of residence conditions public meeting, and the Minister opportunity. pro Cater land about was also under the that averaged 8/- per posed by Mr. Wade was already impression acre rental. Mr. Blade's block 313, We Can Show You Some of the Finest of Modern included in homestead selections. the officers were charged. Examples much heavier and land, Mr. : Was there any poorer Buildings With. the New , E. T. submitted a Hogan pri Henning plan worked out about the same vate of — average of the Gogeldrie He way getting land should holdings. were same. From — and others the ^a*est *n Lining ; Presents a Handsome there not be a M l Out knew Cahill's, and Cater's land. It public way ? The A W Tin that the men who valued it must TX 1T1 1 TT U mJ was whether a man had Ward Appearance, and is Cheap and Lasting. was found necessary to supply equality have classed it as better land, con Cahill's block with conorete the money to pay for it. He was chan Both The in favor of the of sidering the distance away. . NEPONSET Weatherproof Lining nel, which meant that he could not public allotting land. , Polkinghorne' s and Marshall's get water as soon as others. There Everybody had the oppor blocks were inferior land.

. of out was a delay of five or six weeks tunity finding when land was 48 : . . . To Mr. Hogan Blocks and Get WELCH & KINLOCH Bros to build to the chief available by making The owing engineer's ap inquiries. with Cater land was 49 are very inferior compared proval to be obtained for a secured by a private having suit- for You is , will be satisfied. . Cater's land. Cater's. land new method. you. ' of concrete slab channel.

' ' system 1 To able for lucerne Only *?'. \ Mr. Whitcome : The growing.' No gang had been takeh away to average settler could not in first quality land produces iucerrik go to Cater's area, and if the work go for lamb but if want successfully. I have grown lucerne on the Cater subdivision had not raising, they dry area on my but I am to '?been they could in for it. There farm, going A. V. WILKINSON available the gangs would go take it out. is not neces- ?; have had to be disbanded. was not a great demand for dry Lucerne for which areas, the situation of which, sary lamb-raising. Land

. To Mr. : per Polkinghorne This will : haps, was the reason. grows lucerne grow grow any-- work could not on - have been done Farm To Mr. else. 538 Leeton : thing Cahill's by tlie Polkinghorne Up to gang. Quinlan's Mr. Cook advocated that a more Photographer date there had been no general concrete gang went to Mirrool on op portunity for the allocation of public investigation of applications 6th Ma^ch, and Wickham's on 9th dry of Prices areas. He did for land was desirable. For any Work. Right. not think that any description Photographic April. The fact was that the in ' would In to Mr. Whitcombe, Mr, formation dairymen ever take up a reply Indoor or Outdoor Pictures, Groups, Views, Copying, was read}r to go on with proposition in the Cater Cook said other crops than lucerne works oil. the Cater territory. : Children a proposition which, v Enlarging, Flashlight. specialitjr. Some of those who went can be grown more cheaply before blocks which were nearer. away on are

- account ?? of all work and Satisfaction Guaranteed of the smallness of the suitable for sheep raising, Quality unsurpassed, Mr. Robson : The reason why farms might have stayed if In to Mr. Broatch witness you shiftecl , one gang was on the they reply ? not to come to a I to could have 400 acres same said Cater's It is for me, drop line, and will come — got the he had valued Mr. necessary yon you. cost of concrete ? I considered, the as Cater. The land second niore of conditions, of all after it had been taken up. gang capable the leases work. are subject to concessions He could not say if 30/- per acre and Cater's had certain rights in would be a fair and reasonable esti

MANAGER'S . EVIDENCE, thereto. Subscribe to regard He did not know mate for clearing said land.

i J. B. Broa'tch, exam if any of ' ' ^ manager, the Caters had any To not 'exper Mr. , Carmichael : Did The ined by Mr. Polkinghorne, could ience at Murrumbidgee Irrigator lamb-raising, but it would consider everybody had an equal not give amount of labor for be the/ necessary. He did not think clmnce of for the- land the for 5000 applying That's You. ; it Paper 'j raising was only an that any one should ^heep group be al-' allotted to the Cater group. Small

i :


National Library of Australia holdings 'and coil sequeritly larger Tugl^^ were best for the area. or population dence, directly indirectly to show would have been of ' Orchard, , He considered it that any influence had been used to ''Mossgiel is and fruit this land had been subr secure these blocks for the LATEprepared tp plant prune I better if Cater TAILORS trees this season. Advice given free of iigh-class farms. but it was to divided into small group, detrimental charge. Address — referred in his the best interests of the area Witness having that Irrigation Fruit Palace, of water these farms evidence to loss by evapor were not open to general Yanco. in the main canal, Mr. He believed he could ation, etc., application.

if he had idea . induced Brewster asked any have several friends, in Gordon B.

. Bow, this loss amounted to. Mr. Broken Hill to take up some of THE FIRM what and Cook said lie was not an expert this land, which was of a more Fruiterer Confectioner,

and did not know, but he had uniform character than his own. ? ! ' Next Taylor Bros. the loss was as much as 60 He was of that the Cater heard opinion, Kurrajong Avenue, Cool further to Mr. farms were too and were not ' per cent. Replying large Drinks. LEETON. a for Good Brewster, witness said he had in the best interests of the area, but With good reputation Suits been a when informed he had stated 'had and for 15 at never employed by public j established years Young, to classify but he had he known of /these farms he body land, would W. J. Wilmshurst Harden, Queanbeyan, Cowra, Wellington / to do so local advised his to been requested by have, friends . apply Solicits your kind- name one Baker and Confectioner. patronage.

.to ; settlers. Asked he for same,' he explained that while Mr. Manfries, who was he did not approve of these mentioned large Kurrajong Avenue, Leeton. dissatisfied with the expert classifi farms, if this, policy was to be Mr. cation. In reply to further cross pursued he would recommend his JOHN DAVISON is our authorised

' examination witness said he con friends to take advantage, of . it. Balls and Parties catered for on and visits

- traveller, that not more' than 10 per He was now satisfied that neither sidered Shortest Notice. cent of the area could be termed Mr. McEachern nor Mr. Brewster land. He admitted that had used influence to secure ~ first class any Brea.d and Small goods delivered to Leeton, Mirrool, Yanco, Griffith all water should be conserved as this land for the Cater group. any part of the area daily. far as possible for first class land, Mr. Gersback was about to ten of water was der a statement some and Whitton if the supply limited, concerning A Trial Solicited. regularly. and provided the loss of water in thing a friend of his had told about a ? . us line and we will advise him to call conveying it to such lands was not an application for a farm, but the Drop on you. Mr. J. H. ROBERTSON too great. Further, he would .give evidence was disallowed. to second a small water right class Mr. Hagarty (to Mr. Moore) : Architect, Narandera. land. He would have to know the char T7C7ILL visit and District Replying to Mr. Alexander, acter of the . land in the blocks Leeton -by said he knew of several mentioned before he would make Y,V arrangement. Appointments may witness made at the ' be 'Irrigator Office, or W. MARTIN and

? Co. settlers who had visited a with the Cater land. prospective comparison 'phone 152, Naraiidera. the area arid gone away because Had never had any formal applica BI KROWA STRi-XT, YOUNG. they could not get land, and men tion from Beerworth. In connec Mr. Graham. Could not tion with finish & in our tioned permissive occupancies Firewood. The fit, style suits starts where- others finish say if Mr. Graham would have he understood that the first batch

' to take land at of about 1 00 blocks was issued been willing up by BEST QUALITY. Mirrool or Gogeldrie, or if he had permissive occupancy. ; The policy Delivered within 1 mile land at these of the Commission in men radius, inspected places. placing ?

ton half , Mr. 17/6 per ;- 9/- per -ton; Our Great Sale on To Carmichael: He . had the land is in extent of the pro 5/ quarter ton. Stocktaking seen the prospectus of a proposed gress of the farms. If not made extra if other than Cater's. but available in six months it was not Cartage delivered beyond syndicate, COMMENCES radius. . could not say if they had applied advisable to put a man on the land. for land. .He detailed the method of alloting Quotations given for larger Mr. a first cost of also for Pine Polkinghorne produced land, survey, grading, quantities ; Poles, SATURDAY, JULY 3, copy of the prospectus and agreed clearing, etc. The valuation board Blocks, &c. to put in same as evidence. make their values, and is sent to

Mr. Cook did not know of any Sydney for gazettal. Construction J. H. TRETHEWEY I person or persons willing to take usually accompanies survey. Ap Kurrajong Avenue, LEETON ForI Two Weeks only ! Bargains in !

' ' ' Drapery ? \ now are .. / the the then received and ? up |land occupied by plications ?

Cater group. . dealt with by [the delegate board, After lunch, Mr. Blade, vice who make a recommendation to Orchard Planting, president of the M.I. Settlers' As tlie Commission. examined Mr. Polk To I know that the sociation, by Mr. Hogan : CLARK Old Pioneer Contractor, who has said Cater's land was whole of those 100 had THE inghorne, applicants planted over two hundred acres of first-class, and he would sooner to attend- the land board and this Area,. is now to Prune, Plant g; get prepared

? Vines, and have 50 acres of, it than his own, their blocks. The delegate board Trees, Erect Windbreaks', lay out Orchards. Address— being so superior to his that he is^ not a public bod}7. J. ALIENDI,: ? Farm 234-, Leeton. would be compensated for the ex To Mr. Polkinghorne : The land, 4k BROS. tra distance from the rail way. He for Cater was ,npt surveyed. Did admitted tcj Mr. Whitcombe; that he not know of other cases where any Notice Settlers. ' ' to |V| Busiest in based his opinion of Cater's land application was made before survey. Store on the of the He believed that of some appearance ploughed parts dry T THE UNDERSIGNED, late of surface. He admitted to Mr. blocks were dealt with in that Brew way. Mildura, am prepared to Plant, ster that a state Trees or and Erect Trellis he had only inspected Applicants usually what par Prune, Vines, Have just opened another - \ l! of the land on ticular block. this coming Season. Work Guaranteed. porsion ploughed ?'

: ? Prices Moderate. Private Address 751, V . consignment of the famous Cater's had made To Mr. Robson : I cannot tell farm/and only Cow Shed, Leeton. Chas. R. BOOTS. a casual inspection while driving the amount of irrigable land on the through. Asken if he would ac Cater blocks. 'STEEUTE' boots. the of one who had on cept opinion [Continued page 6.] Firewood (or Sale. made a thorough examination in preference to his own, he said he Any Length, Best Quality. would not, as he was very chary of attended OLYMPIA CAFE Orders/by post promptly to. expert opinion. In reply to Mr. Dressmaking. Carmichael, he did not consider in E. Carrier, (COMINO'S) SHELTON, : fluence was used to secure the land Mrs. J. C. FUNNELL Farm 108, Leeton. for Cater. was to of Pine Leeton. He unable give (Late Savoy Cafe) Avenue, 'j/; names of who had com any people commencing dressmaking at Leetun, of not to secuse plained able Fi and satisfaction COOK'S . being guarantees complete to FISH AND OYSTERS AW AYS FRESH. [ land, but had met nor did he customers. some, OLD FULL AND PLENTY BEST MEALS ALWAYS READY AT SHORT NOTICE know anyone who would have A TRIAL SOLICITED. taken up Cater's land. Dining Rooms Mr. Broatch asked if witnesses Cool Drinks. Choicest Palm Avenue, LEETON Confectionery. were to be allowed unlimited lati Best Class of Fruit on Hand. tude, as the last witness had stated Laundry. All Meals Beds

1/3 1/6 ' that a certain party had told him a ' Mrs. McKAY Fresh Fish Daily except Sun. &Mon. First Quality Ham and Beef, Sausage. ; friend of his had been kicked off ACCOMMODATION GOOD FOR Tinned Goods, Etc. the area the by management. to notify that she is com BOARDERS. -


a on ? , CLEANLINESS CIVILITY ATTENTION. The Commissioner said he would WISHESmencing laundry . COMFORT,

Monday, 1 hear in Palm near the offices Proprietors. all evidence, but unless sub June 28, Avenue, COOK & COI/LETT, JOHN and Phone 11. solicits a trial. Co., Proprietors. of the Commission, and . stantiated he would not consider it in his finding. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. A. WEBB Mr. To be Well-Dressed is to have Mounted the Blade said the friend in ques BOOTMAKER tion was Mr. Gersbach and First Step in the Ladder of Success. junior, Pine Avenue, . Leeton. left the room to look for him. J. Matthews, All repairs done smartly and. neatly. MR. J. BRADY. TREDREA and BOOTH SADDI/ER and Give Him a Trial. Mr. J. Brady thought that if the 2006a held Cater, was cut it 'HARNESS MAKER. by up The Noted Tailors and Men's Outfitters .would provide living farms for Wanted Leeton. many families, and considered 25a Repairs Neatly and Promptly Correspondents Kurrajong Avenue, good land sufficient for a family to Executed. Cheapest rates in town. HAVE EVERYTHING FOR MEN— EVERYTHING OF THE make a living on. He had made TT7E require Correspondents every VERY BEST AND LATEST IN V V where the and inquiries re land for friends and ha'd Fine stock of Plough Harness, throughout district, would be pleased to hear from anyone Men's and Men's Wear been informed by the Office &c. Mercery, Clothing Lands Saddles, Bridles, Whips, to act. Apply— and Mr. willing Youl that none were avail Cow and Horse Rugs in galore THE EDITOR, All Stylish Goods Here. able. He had not recommended 'Irrigator' Office, his friends to come, as he was dis Avenue, LEETON. Leeton. satisfied with the land he seen. Kurrajong SUITS TO MEASURE From 35s. had ?

SUVRAPL^r ' *1 -. MR. W. H; HICKS. BYRNE BROS. All that Man Wants for his Personal Adornment and Com Mr. Hicks had been in want of fort Obtained Here. A. W. Binger Yanco dry area for but had been General and dairying, OUR MOTOR Visits All Parts of the District. Look Out for the UP-TO-DATE compelled to grow crops on his LEETON. .. Carriers. Leeton. farm TAILORS and OUTFITTERS. They Will Please You. instead. He would be will Address: Yanco; or Accommoda FOR THE FAMOUS to take AGENT tion House, Leeton. Cabs meet ing up 400 acres such as all Trains. Cater's, but could not afford to com BINGER GIGS, Sulkies, Buggies, with ply the conditions. Lorries, Fruit Vans, etc. f SEND YOUR PRINTING ORDERS TO w. Mr. Southee had also beeu un RUPERT EASY PRICES CATER, able GOOD VEHICLES. to v secure dry area. He was Seasoned Timber. SOLICITOR, &c. unaware of anyone Who would The ! for have Don't go away for your vehicles Commissioner Affidavits. Murrumbidgee Irrigator taken up Cater's^ land. | See Binger ! Mr. Leeton. Polkinghorne a Kurrajong Avenue, produced Agent for Sun Fire Insurance Company, We will letter from the of of the Court for Vic please you, secretary the late Law, Somner & Go's Farm and Commissioner High j Commissioner relative to the Garden toria and . . grant ^eeds.

National Library of Australia which about had been pf 70,000 the Commission's transport and Talbot Car had been placed under charged officers with using undue The Yanco Inquiry. allocated. Asked to land compare submit He had offer to and he had influence to obtain land for . » ? prices. (Duncan) him, approached Mr. held Bros, with by Houghton been instructed by the manager Mr. McEachern to ascertain if he Cater. They had merely asserted lamb-raising compared Cater's he stated that he considered that, all things being equal, the would advance the necessary cash that they considered there was WITH DAIRYING.

Bros.' , Houghton superior, although lowest tender should always receive to purchase same. He agreed to sufficient evidence to lead thein to-1 of a more or less similar nature. at a preference. do so, and in due course handed suppose that least two of the OF CATER LEASES QUALITY Asked if any of Cater's a amount to officers a portion cheque for the wit had financial interest ia land the 5th beyond 100 acres per farm MONDAY, TULY. ness, who purchased the car in the the Cater leases. CONFLICTING OPINIONS. classed as Mr. chief clerk irrigable land could be George Duncan, name of Mr. McEachern, the he that of the ex irrigated, replied practically costing department, .was purchase price to be refunded by from Page [Continued 5.] all of the 2,000 acres could be amined by Mr. Moore. Witness instalments. The instalments due Miss R. I — McCauley Mr. Hagarty, continuing : if it handed in a return amounts irrigated were considered de stating to Mr. McEachern to date had been to take in was not prepared plain sewing, or :fl To Mr. G. Evatt : It sirable. was motor cars for hire of for IS out — It estimated that paid pur paid. go by the week. Address B any departure to grant permissive there would be sufficient water to poses of the Commission. Regarding Mr. William McEachern to Mr. Mrs. A. W. to Cater. He did not C/o BINGER, fl' occupancy some allow Mr. Geo. that re irrigate 200,000 acres, Grey's complaint Cater : He remembered been Farm 449, H occu having Leeton. know that where permissive out con ing for wastage. Anticipated that pairs had been carried in Mr. McClellan re before the land approached by had come to net nection at pancies provide 200,000 acres of with private cars, the a car for He refused. The garding running hire. board they were Commission craracrp this Vw as con The South British Insurance irrigable acres it would require had undertaken to make inquiries Co. I bona fides of the board decided the acres of land to to the instructions. advise their 277,000 provide trary manager's regarding Ford cars when in Beg to numerous fl applicant. etc. Witness was He knew of one instance on Clients that the H roads, channels, only ; Had seen Mr. of del Sydney. Davies, To Mr. Polkinghorne : The of that all that occasion the work had been Agency has been transferred to I opinion irrigable (lands Davies & Fehon, Ford agents for , board does not notify when done 'without Mr. R. ? egate would be available for occupation the manager's N.S. W., and ordered a Ford car to CATER, +Vipv ar^- crninc to sit. consent. of H in about 5 years, and that farmers knowledge or He (wit be forwarded at once, which he in Solicitor, Leeton, as M'Murtrie has left for The dele : To Mr. Carmichael : was not aware that on one Mr. the front. ? need have no fear of the water ness) tended for McClellan' s use. He board does not refer matters to occasion Mr. had held back an gate supply not being sufficient for land Day had done this to McClellan a not know give The South British transacts all classes' - H tlie Land Board. He did at As matter order for a until McClellan' s present occupied. a [car start. Had made no out of of H construction works held profit business, including of any up of fact the supply would be ample car came in, although Mr. Grey's this transaction. Had arranged Personal Accident & live while the Cater work was on. tn nrnvi^P fnr antirA irrioroWp car was on the stand. fire, Sickness, Stock, ? waiting with Davies & Fehon to take up the was no Workmen's Compensation, Plate Glass, H Mr. Brewster : There To Mr. : So far as he knew area of 200,000 acres. Witness To Cater agency for Leeton, but had never occu Crops, fire and Hail. ? guarantee given permissive also stated that the of the Commission had never pur himself made the fact that granting dry public Rates. Lowest Prompt- Settlements, ? H as to when water was avail chased a Ford car from Mr. Mc pants area to the Cater syndicate had not he was the local agent, or en able the notice was verbal. Mr. McClellan was ; purely deprived present holders of irrigable Eachern. given deavored to 'push the sale of Ford H. R. Alexander, land settlement as his tender for cars farms from procuring dry area, as preference Cars. He had given up the agency For a Good I officer and chief was Refreshings instructor, the dry land which they would was lower than others. in 1914. He had ad land. September, fairly familiar with Mr. to Mr. Carmichael Did = Gogeldrie apply for would not be in this Grey : vanced ^260 to McClellan to pur ! as Shave Goto He didn't think Cater's as good but in the not mean to insinuate that Mc to direction, neighbourhood chase the Talbot car, this money Blade's. Cater's land was Clellan' s cars were a patchy, of existing farms. Mr. Polking given prefer be re-paid over a period of 12 TIM 1 if he was 7s. he was SCANLON, and paying horne and Mr. stated ence over others because Mr. Mc months otherwise he had no Hogan they ; leeton's premier I and if others Eachern had an interest in giving quite enough, were satisfied that this was so. All them, interest whatever in the Talbot car, in near Leeton were paying 8s., was that while but the fact remained that Mc and they had insinuated and he had no interest tin McClel Hairdresser Tobacconist,, I were in too comparison they cheap. land had not been made avail Clellan's cars were given preference. lan' s business. dry PINE AVENUE. 8 He would not care to make a com it Did not had able for other settlers had been suggest McEachern Mr. Carmichael, quoting from ' but classed commission verything for the Smoker. Best quality :H~ parison, Polkinghorne's made available in the case of the received a on the showed that McClellan argument, ipes. Leading brands Tobacco, Cigars,. 'S as second-class and Cater's third. Clement Talbot car cent, in - Cater syndicate. purchased by would pay about 18 per nd Cigarettes. Care, cleanliness, atten- M He had not made a definite but he knew that he and inspec In reply to a question by Mr. McClellan, terest over and above the ,£260 ion, civility. H tion. The valuation Messrs believed ? board, Polkinghorne as to whether it would had sold other cars and. he advanced. Billiard Saloon. I: Broatch and on Allen, Sendall, inspec have been better to up, say 20 he had received the commission Mr. McEachern said he was not

open j_1 ? _.1 ? . ted it. Marshall's land was Similar inese saies. small farms instead of the 5 large aware of this, as he had left the s. Scottish to : been out Union&Nationall Polkinghorne' opened up for the Cater syndicate, To Mr. Cater Had agreement in Mr. Cater's hands to To So far lucerne with McClellan Mr. Hogan : witness stated that it would take on many occasions be drawn ut-. ' Insurance Co. a had only grown a profit on the best to the in his car to his To Carmichael was not considerably longer open up prior purchasing Mr. : He ?' land. The .Cater . land was not 20 small farms as and be own car. Denied that McClellan when he took the Ford suggested aware up ESTABLISHED 1824. ? but to induce him to good lucerne country, portions much more costly. had tried purchase agency that the regulations did not would grow lucerne. Mr. Dare asked the witness if he a Ford car. The fact that McClel allow officers of the Commission to First President Sir Walter : Scott.- I To Carmichael He lan mentioned that he had sold Mr. : thought was aware that the Commissioner had undertake agencies or participate in it would be inadvisable to cut some six Ford cars FUNDS: up had power to acquire still further locally only business, nor did he consider he £10,000,000 I

2000a . into even to him that McClellan Insurances Effected H the 50a blocks, tracts of country. Mr. Brewster suggested had done any injury to the Commis Against with area. He considered a was as a for Ford I' dry replied that he was, and indicated acting sub-agent sion, as any business in connection IRE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS,- with 100a on cars. Admitted that he had no EMPLOYER'S 400a-'farm \yater right the land on the map. therewith had been done in his own LIABILITY, * Cater' s would appeal to the average Mr. Carmichael intimated that personal interest in the Clement time. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION.- ? coastal farmer. The whole of the Talbot car mentioned in the evi LIVE STOCK, &c. ? he had all the evidence he required Mr. Duncan, recalled, said in re 2000a was commanded water. dence. Did not insinuate that there No offers by on the subject and asked if any ply to Mr. Broatch, outside cars Company greater advantages. me and I will and cut U11U.C1 UcVLLU. JLLl Drop aline, inspect However, he didn't think the wished further information. llau UCCU ciiiy LJUiULg often had to be when there person engaged Free of of the land into the smaller the sale of this car to McClellan. Quote Charge. ting up Mr. Robson desired to know the were Commission cars in the £ormc TX7rvii1/3 oc a orrrnrl coTiPktriP QC Asked if the fact that McEachern respective prices paid for Yanco garage, because all the Commission J. S. OAG, Agent, I He had or was to LEETON and YANCO. ? present survey. really thought and Gogeldrie areas. purchased supposed drivers were out with other cars. ? 400a of land was not ne - have the said Talbot car irrigable Mr. Evatt deposed that the Yanco purchased The inquiry re clause H, as re in that but it was had more detrimental affect on cessary country, area cost ^3 10/- per acre, the any gards motor cars, closed. if car N. I a better his business than the SINGLETON, proposition. Gogeldrie £2 10/. (Gre}T's) A Piano Agency Alleged. : It else, The Reliable Mr. Hogan would: be better Evidence on the first count was had been purchased by anyone jfl admitted Evidence was taken concerning still if he had 4000a, (Laughter.) declared closed. witness rather Ireluctantly CARRIER and Forwarding fl did his feel the charge made by Mr. P. Robson, In reply to Mr. Kirk, witness that it had not. Asked if I land on Mr. McEachern were political labor league, against G. Agent. not think 50a of the best OFFICERS OF W.C. AND I. ings towards in of the W.C. the area was enough for dairying COMMISSION ACTING AS friendly or otherwise, he said his Thompson, charge and I. Commission room, of without dry area. This was the AGENTS. feelings, except as regards the parti plan Goods and Parcels prompdy delivered, 9 it the of a firm.

not , had the being agent piano : . but before Commission, recognised amonnt, cular|matter Reliability my motto. 'S Mr. said he was not been carried out. Motor Cars and Local Agents. were entirely friendly. When this Thompson and had never been the Witness said that settlers had little had blown over he recognised matter N. too to a to a of any firm, but he had Singleton, I pinned their faith much lu Mr. Geo. Grey, following upon would be pleased have drink agent piano been allowed a discount off General Carrier, Leeton. H cerne, but the thing was that it was complaint made by him regarding with 'Mac' at the earliest oppor special his own account with Beale & Co. hard to convince them to plow it an officer of the trust (Mr. W. tunity. as an for To Carmichael His interest on the strength of a piano sold to out. McEachern) acting agent Mr. : said the subdivision motor etc. stated that he had in the Clement Talbot car to Mr. P. Kidd, of Leeton. Mr. Brewster cars, , prior Jack Goodwin, I ? was so a car was re matters the of Cater's blocks prepared purchased Ford through the its sale to McClellan that , he Regarding affecting BLACKSMITH and WHEELWRIGHT, ? Mirrool area Mr. Carmichael that faith would be kept with the Meadowbank Co. On receipt of ceived 2d. per mile on the running only, stated he had advised YANCO. I late commissioner s promise, ine the account he found he had not of the car. already discount' of The Mirrool that he would visit that best crop of lucerne on the settle been allowed the trade To Mr. Polkinghorne : point from area in due course to hear evidence Best in wood & iron. ;H ment last season was' on block 506 ;£10, and on making inquiries he|desired to emphasise was that|he Workmanship tnere. L. Jones). He knew all the the Sydney agents he was told that objected to Mr. McEachern or any (D. PRICES QUALITY I blocks. The soil on Polk the Leeton had received the other of the Commission Exclude the Press. average agents employe RIGHT. FIRST-CLASS ? s block was to commission. he stated a in business inghorne' equal some Further, engaging competition Mr. C. F. Whitcombe, Farmers' car of Cater's. . Blade's Clement Talbot had been with the business of the H portions pur people Union, requested Mr. Carmichael Careful horse-shoeing. Every attention and for - : was for years. The vir chased in the name of, paid town. l paid to horses' feet. irrigated to exclude the press on such on and that To At least, half land Cater's would look by Mr. W. McEachern, Mr. Hogan: occasions as evidence which gin might A Trial Solicited. 1 on first turned the this car was for hire, also the cars on the Area were Ford's. better being up ; running be detrimental to the area was of Marshall's was similar that Mr. McEachern, as agent, had Mr. W. McClellan was next average being given. Mr. Carmichael said Farmers ! H Mr. to as recently sold a Ford car to called. He stated (in reply to Mr. Polkinghorne's. Questioned he could not consider the question C. CAMERON, ? to the concrete channels at Chomley, of the Experiment Farm, Grey) he was a motor car owner Gogel at this stage. The Reliable - A drie, there was some delay, but the and one to the W.C. and I. Com and agent. He was a sub-agent

T*_„J TT» 'L J ? r_ „ _ ? ~ J i. ? Intimidation Alleged. Blacksmith and Wheelwright S were mission. Further that Mr. Mc ior ine ruru cat. xie uc tu suiu twu gangs kept fully employed. LEETON ? ? Mr. Robson, Political Labor Classification of Polkinghorne's Eachern is the owner of a motor Ford cars to officers of the Com stated that witnesses and (next Butter Factory) '? was made several car which is under contract to the mission the Commission. League, years ago ; through witnesses had been in kinds built to order. the same conditions applied to W.C. and I. Commission for trans He had made use of the Com prospective All of Vehicles timidated officers of the Com neatly done. - Cater's farm as to the whole area. port purposes. Witness further mission garage, but without the by Repairs mission. on oath by A number of blocks during the past objected to the Commission garage consent of the officials. He washed Questioned Mr. Carmichael he admitted that season had more than their water making repairs to cars other than his car at the Commission garage, P. J. I it was and rumour. McCarthy The same conditions would their own and thus with but had never for mostly hearsay rights. competing paid anything ' The case of Store' : only intimidation The Pioneer 1- apply tothe Cater blocks, in pro private enterprise. Further, that water. He did not consider he had (so is Commis ever received treatment was that Mr. Johnson of : portion to what is available. preference given by the preierentiai called) YANCO. . M the horsemaster's had SlUJU lu r- v_cvx ao agaiupt over other owners of cars department, , Mr. of the W. v Evatt, secretary plying ' remarked to an of the Ci and I. Commission, tendered as Mr. Grey's car and others. for hire. When he received pay ([employe when Mr. 'So I hear you are evidence a long type-written state Mr. McEachern, called, ment for Houston's Ford car Commission, until evidence for the General Storekeeper. 9 ment covering all correspondence asked to be allowed Monday he had handed the cheque to Mr. collecting inquiry.' Mr. Carmichael stated that should between Mr. Cater and the late morning to prepare his defence, and W. McEachern. case of ? intimidation be was to. To : to any : the late Commission this acceeded Mr. Cater Prior proved Commissioner, running 'The Cheap Grocery Man!' vS; Duncan stated he was re his own had he would deal severely with the er and the manager, Mr. Broatch, Geo. car he been employed of the the motor car offender. the late Commissioner ana tne late sponsible for the running by Commission as a EXHILARATING PASTIME t ? The all Commission He had and motor driver. had Commission' at Minister, Mr. Trefle, also min garage. ap lorry , He adjourned to for Mr. re 1.30 p.m. The next will utes, etc., relating to same. plied the sub-manager approached McE&chern run sitting SKATING! I be held in Mr. Carmichael stated that all authority to hire outside cars, as ning a car for hire. Mr. McEachern Sydney to-day (Friday.) On Mr. Carmichael and ENTERPRISE RINK I evidence taken during the proceed the Commission cars were unable had purchased a Ford car for him, Sunday demand for visited the farms held the . of the Commission will be to keep pace with the but he had since re-paid the price. party by jngs Cater SESSIONS. ? ?? not one and other of and a of same, transport. This permission having Mr. McEachern had made group, parts to 5 p.m.. ? transcribed, copy Wednesdays (Ladies), 3 p.m. Messrs. on the area. to ? been McClellan the transaction. .whether evidence taken at Leeton granted, penny profit ,, (General) 7.30 p.m. ^ 1^-5' .^1 to . ' aud Geo. .were asked to sub Mr. McEachern had no interest . . Saturdays (Children) 3.30 p.m. ?or Sydney, would in due course be Grey [Memo.] 7.30 to 10.15' mit at which were whatever in the of wit In the first ,, (General) p.m. open for inspection at the Trust prices they running day's proceedings Mr. for . nor . to carry passengers ness' cars, had he influenced stated Each Evening. Offices, Leeton. prepared Polkinghorne emphatically Special Attractions _ Mr. Brewster stated that the total the Commission. Later, D. Jones or tried to influence business in the to Mr. Carmichael that neither he Good Skates. Excellent Floor & Music. 1 acre.-; asked to be allowed to for sale of Ford cars. The Clement nor his association had at any H . area comprised about 350,000 compete time O'DONNELL BROS, Proprietors.

National Library of Australia between Five Bough School and finder LOST,Stony Point, a lady's shoe, return to Five Bough School, or

please ??? office. ? . this to ? Wilcox' Stables and FAIR TREATMENT AND CIVILITY AT OUR STORES. t OST— Between L Yanco Road, Buggy Whip. Finder to Wilcox. ?please return

— Would person seen picking up on Brobenah road while LOST.glasses marked ' Need driving in sulky, case reward. liam,' please return, A. J. of S. Richards and Co. Warren, care Clearing Wanted. TAYLOR BROS. TIMBER to be If you have any we can do it for cleared off your farm, Large or small contracts accepted.

' you. Distance no object. BARRETT AND AYRES, Yanco.

on Whitton Road, between Go LOST,geldrie bouudary and Leeton, lady's dark blanket tweed coat. Finder please General at Guihen and Mrs. leave Keating's. Storekeepers farm 798. Johnson, ? Kurrajong Avenue, LEETON. Marriage. ' '

' '' - — ? :

? ?? '? ;


?. . ASHBY.— At St. Peter's, Darlinghurst, S. Leslie on|June 26, by|Rev A.|Denham, Preston-Andrews, of Christchurch, New Zealand, to Rosalie, second daughter, of Cash of farm Produce. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Watt, of Leeton. Grocery, Ironmongery, Crockery. Buyers

leeton & Yanco Bread Supply.

Important Notice. Don't Forget we are the Agents for the Celebrated consequence of the high price of IN Flour, the cost of horse feed, and the bad condition of the roads, the to undersigned beg notify that SUNSHINE FARM IMPLEMENTS. After July 17 no Bread will be delivered on Carts

until further notice.

The Price of Bread after JULY 17, will be 5d. Cash, 21b. Loaf Over the Counter. ALBERT WILCOX McMurtrie and Co. G. LOUEZ, W. J. WILMSHURST, Butcher. - Pise Leeton. Auctioneers, Horse, and Cattle Leeton, July 6, 1915. Bakers. Leading Avenue, Sheep, Salesmen* LEETON. None But the Best Pork and Mutton. A. Llewellyn-Davies , Beef,

Jeweller Practical Watchmaker, & Optician, '


business in, ; Customers Waited on for Orders. Dixon's Buildings, Leeton.


your . Eyes you CLEANLINESS, » '? ?'

I . ETC. / ? STOCK, If so, come and see me. I am a qualified

can fix ' ? ? optician and - you up. - — — V ; V.v ^ ^ tested Sight free of charge.

' 1 Hotel , Murrumbidgee Prepare for Losses Against Fire by Insuring with the Sale Auction. by NARANDERA. South British Insurance Coy.

Moore the Auctioneer . * T?H I S WEtL-KNOWN HOSTELRY las recently Will sell on ' Changed hands, and is being conducted on the Very Wednesday, July 14, 1915, GEORGE LOUEZ Best Lines. First-Class 1/; Beds, 1/6. Onaccountof T. W. Tanner, Esq., Meals, Atten Farm 209, Best Brands Liquors. Good Stabling, and hooded Baker Lorry, buggy, furniture, tive Groom. High-class and Caterer crockery, glassware, Metters' I Guarantee All Liquors sold over the counter stove, tubs, buckets, tools of all Crown and Yanco. kinds, harness, poultry, and a to' be the o Best. Bakery Dining Rooms, ' Very ' '

hundred ? other lines. 1 T 'U v M. SHANAHAN, Proprietor. Balls and at Weddings, Picnic Parties Catered For. On the Farm 2 See posters. See posters. Two Large Marquees available. ivr MOORE THE AUCTIONEER. O'DONNELL'S 'V'' Leeton. ; ; a B. and B. Cycle Depot Smallgoods Speciality. | Agent for Schweppes' Waters./ ti\ 'The Cafe /Savoy' Leeton. (Late C. Kurrajong Avenue, can ? J. Funnell) Louez's Bread bea°tbtai*^ MISSES B. and B. £6 lOs. to £15. GERSBACH CYCLES, BOTTRELL'S LEETON. ?

? KIOSK, XT AVE 1 i over the above well We Stock the Motor Large Stock of Oils and Acces know i 0 Following TELEPHONE NO. 7. i'c in Pine-avenue, Leeton, SATISFACTION ALWAYS., sories. aiul will con iijcl this business on upto Cycles:—

date lines. : ?. RUDGE-MULT1

MEALS al ALL HOURS. TRIUMPH Repairs a Specialty. NEW HUDSON Pine Fresh Frnit, Confectionery, Vegetables B. AND B. TERMS ARRANGED. Cool Drinks in Season. KEEGAN Ajenue

A TRIAL SOLICITED. GOVERNMENTACCOMODATIONIKE Leeton Refreshment Kiosk Leeton's Butcher LEETON. Leading ;; J. S. BOTTRELL, The Recognised Stopping-Place for Tourists and the 1 PINE AVENUE, v General Public All SUPPLIES the Very Best and Good Accommodation for Travellers. Terms on Application. Meat Kept in Cool Chamber. ?

latest Soft Drinks (hot or Excellent Cuisine. - Every Comfort and attention. CoW) Hot Pies and Coffee, Choice Confectionery and Fruit. LETTERS OR TELEGRAMS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. M. Proprietress. Finest Fresh. Cleanliness LOCKWOOD, Smallgoods (Daily ; Always Good Meat, Up-to-date Refreshment Rooms. Cleanliness & Good Service a Speciality. and Civility are Attributes of my Establishment. W. Davis & Sons Guihen and Keatinge General Carriers F. W. BREADMAN Auctioneers, Land, Stock, Station YANCOand LEETON. HAVING taken over the business lately conducted by W Shiers & is now to undertake all of and .General Commission Agents. Co., prepared kinds , Y/ Established .35 Years in Riverina. work as . \ LEETON Knows how to pack-, load, and Electrical carry Engineers, &c. everything. We Handle More Live Stock than Any Other Firm in the District.

— ? ? ? -? : f : :

' ' ' ' ' ? ? l- T „ Farmers Good Reliable MACHINERY Cannot Do Better 1 Just Give them a Trial! Wanting Quotes Given for all kinds of Electric Installations. \\ ^ V. Than CALL ON US. Electric Lighting. Telephones and Bells a Speciality. We Are Agents For — FIRE INSURANCE! 0. G. Washington Electric Irons, Heating and Cooking Apparatus. J-v-V ' For a Co.'s Farm Get Insured, and Protect on Good Mitchell and Implements Yourself shortest notice. , Shave or Haircut. supplied *;/-,! 'n D. Sim and Son's Hay and Lucerne from Fire. kurrajong h - avenue, ALL COMMUNICATIONS ADDRESSED TO LEETON. Presses and Rakes We are Agents for the Mercantile Best Brands Baltic Separator Co., Ltd. I F. W. BREADMAN, LEETON. Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes. Mutual Insurance Co. Ltd.

? 1 .

Pipes and Toilet . Requisites. Clyde Waggons. No Connection with, other firm or individual, i any '

' '

r ' '? : S'iS-iF:':';.:;.'' . ;.v , t

National Library of Australia Electrical Machinery Agents 1

Mechanical % Auctioneers GREY Insurance Contracting ft GEO. Consulting Commission Agents ENGINEERS AND CO. Valuators, &c. ~ ~

k ? 3 ? ? ? ? j

Engineering Repair Shops, Machinery Depot, Motor Garage and Offices : Pine Avenue, Leeton, N.S.W. ' ' ' ' ' ' ? '

? ? '? ?

. r. : . |Ve are Agents and Stock- — — ' ' - Mowers, . Rakes, Scufllers, -Drills, Binders, Harvesters. ' ' '

il.' ii . ? ;»? ?i/v'/V'-v''.--- ? ? ?? ?. 1'-.

Disc and Scoops. Wheeled scrapers, Denis Cultivators. Tyne (large and others. scoops, Columbia, disc, small). Plows. Stump-jump, set plows,

Engines. Oil engines, \ portable single furrow plows, multiple engines, steam engines, traction plows, breasting plows, garden Harrows. Stump-jump, peg-tooth

' engines. plows, vine plows, dam plows — and diamond and spring Tyne. plows of all sorts, sizes, and de Chaffcutters. Both hand & power scriptions. and I cutters, with or without elevators, Drills. Hoe, disc, corn drills. steamers, etc. All size's.

Horse Works, Pumps, Windmills, Farm Waggons, Poison Carts, Fire Fighters, Water Carts, Saw Benches, Special Lucerne Cultivators Alfalfa, also Planet junior, Separators (automatic, hand and power), Seamless Sanitary Cream Cans, Buckets, and Strainers, Churns, Cyclone Gates and Fences, Donald Wiire Strainers, &c. & Saddle Harness. Winkers, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Hames, Saddles, Breechings, Tugs, Plow Chains Sets of Plow, Sulky, Trap, Dray, Waggon, and Coach Harness, Whips and Accessories always in Stock.

' '

: 9 * ...... \ „


Honey Advanced insurances Auction Sales Effected on Stock & Humans. On Property, Conducted as per

^ Growing Crops. . Special Advts. or i -Buyers of Wheaten, Oaten, Lucerne Hay.

Our MOTOR CARSare 'Ready, aye Ready' for Hire Day or Night

r.;.. ^

Motor Car and Engineerii^ Repairs at City Prices.

Electric Direct Coupled Motor Pumps Our Speciality. Electric Installations and All Accessories. Special Line of Cow and Horse Rugs Now in Stock.

for Sight Geo. Grey & Co. your Requirements. CASH or TERMS. W. W. Campbell's Cash Furniture Catalogue at Warehouse Prices.

National Library of Australia '? In our last Wc\t ^Mrrumlii&gee ^mgator. report of the I^eeton SERGEANT J. A. DIGBY. I Race Club's meeting it was stated 1915. ? LEETON, FRIDAY, JULY 9, that a race meeting would be held on October 4 in aid of the hospital. Going ;? This will , AN THE PRICE OF BREAD. meeting be for the Eight APPRECIATION, jj ( Hours not the : ;

celebration, - hospital. ttie , On 3rd a week Tfr' GREiAT ,.7 2- May after ?' * ? - The Leeton . club is now last, x »-'* ? v

latest ; ... . decision of, Com-' \ ( y...t ?[ ??;s The the. applying 7 »/'£ , 1 the first' of the - of - 14th as

not . ' for storming '-»-?* J1' i ' '''

Commission in , to could 'heiglitsj ' jnodities ; '... regard August,' they ' ... *-: '' eldest-1 .''''i j-'a; i of flour and bread is get the 18th. Gallipoli, Jack Digby; &)i|-if ^' the price re-v ' the of the '^-''' garded with dismay by bakers, and isub-manager' ali-eas;' an|d

? l at 'W^ihuka' t'6 clerk in v,of' recordsv the its full effects are writes ask . charge ' when '

aiiy ? brought; 1 ' — . f ?itt-rr'- (tev' -. ?.) : : friends Leeton bfficfej -Mst his life 'in home, to the public its remarks around -^and farm |be to Dardanelles. His death is about the Commission will be more .386 select the most central place mourifetl ali After for a dance in aid of the by w[ho knew him. §tr,aight iki! forcible than 17 j

polite. ? ? ? ? July Belgian iti El.. i- : _ IL . iii_

1f« 4*/'* 4.1*/% /\£l ?fl/vllf rt ^TT--1 «'1 /'C ui' iiuui 10 lu auvaiiLc fund Ltic piivjc A)*-* about the end of July when ?

he be bond}1 Jack 4-aily. ; per ton,' which means that itfill able to again assist, 'jUi^by, Mtnowglr 7/6 20 'of 'tHe' there will be a general advance of ?fi ^ years age, giirie'd respfect and confidence of 'all who 2d. :a 41b loaf. The increase is a Have cameijin. ain you got yoiir ticket for the

contact , mem tier Pfep '' with As ? fm him.-; a in the unexam a' : at' fa ~'Ji- ? staggering one, but grand ball at Y anco on July' 22 ? Commissioner's staff at JLr conditions it to of, .the Lee-, pled appears be They are procurable, so get one ton ho officer in more and a The put loyal necessity. stocks without fail, ' existing for , this ball/, be t

' will;, untifin^setvice,' his spje ambition of flour being practically depleted, unique, as by experience the com-, at- all time's bdhg to keep his wdtk the Government have had to im mittee has a keen appreciation of up: to date regardless -of personal, port wheat at from 6/6 to 8/ a the fundamental limitations of comfort and the overtime involved. bushel. After 17th July it will be dance-goers, and judging by their

Apart from his , official duties :he impossible to sell flour at less than standard, a good floor, first-class . a had the Of . a citi a On that date, all hold efficient M.C.- and a makings, splendid 30/ bag. music, goo'd' zen. He a,, live interest in all ers of stocks over one ton will have this ball will fulfil the most ( topk supper, ? a:nd whenever his' to the increased to the fastidious wishes of dancer. public niatteir's,

pay price any - assistance was : -f instead of to man * * requested^ 6r?[' any, Commission, the * : his un-' have a amount at purpose }h6 g'av'e service's who^ay large With to the dis-, his The then regard proposed 'grudgingly, .putting, his heartl ahd disposal. price fixed at tillery Leeton, a letter was sent soul into the work to be performed.' by the Commission is the estimated C. by Mr. Ziele, the secretary, to It can- be said that a; made cost of the as fair as can 'promise article, be Mr. A. Ross r Reid, (1) him was as sacred. i and the will asking by regarded ;? made, although public would IlN r;i. What; system the con to fr.RI-Kl5F. ; sugar , With regard the war, thereis Mtt:: 4 not it with

will ' regard favor, they tents of be estimated on ? grapes no , ; that he did his have to The new doubt duty pas pay. impost Would tests be niade chemic (2) as he did in his will bring the price of flour faithfully private locally ally or by saccharometer, and what ttET&N. life. Before he stated ttfat to leaving ^18 6/ per. ton, freight included, make of saccharometer. would be and this local bakers the marching song o.f3the 13th Bat against find at ' used. the ' '. Would tesf be; made, talion Australia- -Will iBfe jt to deliver it to custo was, impossible the standardised temperature of the There.' this in addi He was there, and one mers, heavy advance, instrument ? Would (3) Messrs; did not to know him tion to the of horse require long high price feed, be to Hardy Bros, prepared buy to realise that lie would die Added to nobly, being prohibitive. this, at ripe grapes without test £A to last. per ; the His end the bad state of the roads is another fighting ton ? A reply has now been re should be ah reason which has forced them to inspiration JtHdse ceived from Mr. A. Ross Reid, in withdraw their and who have not yet' definitely ^'deci carts, only de which he states that Messrs. Hardy ded to .fellow I liver over the counter at 5d. go. Every young the 21b will not Bros, say they buy grapes who knew' should feel §i(t loaf. The fact that jack Digljy Eiida^ a week's July only at ton £4 per without test, but of the and it is to such is allowed is the proud fact, supply problem that they want the to make ' growers : volunteers we owe our national how the bakers are to keep up a an offer on a 13 Baume test. This our and our future

. liberty, continuous we honor, ' supply. Already sounds as if are to they prepared i have had a in destiny. shortage bread,, and at least and pay ,£3/10/, possibly The 'Why don't the new outlook is a serious one question, they . Mr. Ross Reid asked for £3/15/ come a ? ?' asked wounded Aus by . for householders. The new condi LOOK AT THE PRIZES a to be dis meeting arranged, to/ tralian in the may— tions of non-delivery will also be a Dardanelles,

the letter. .. A will cuss meeting stimulated by Jack's inconvenience to es example great people, be held at 3 o'clock on In Richards accordingly be answered the — S. & Co.'s Window. those yet by cry : Drapery a distance ' '' pecially living afternoon at : Tuesday next, the will be' there !' but as the bakers find Leeton awaj , it im officers' when all interes clubroom, AN OLD CHUM. to' bake and deliver at the possible ted are. requested t© attend. fixed the will have to * price, public . * * ' SEND-OFF TO F. M'PHAIL. accept the situation. The, rainfall at Leeton up to the Mr. F. M'Phail,

. engineering ? ^ end of was 570 dis to at June points, draughtsman the Commission Best Dressed , Gold-mounted Brooch. Recently a Yanco farmer wrote fancy Lady. opal tributed as follows January 25, Leeton, was accorded an enthusi to the Government making inquiry February 43, March 19, April 60, astic send-off by his brother officers as .to the possibility of securing a May 222, June 201. Up to yester and friends at Leeton oh' Wednes weekly supply of fish for three or Best Gold-mounted Pendant day afternoon the July record was day last. Amongst those Fancy Dressed Gent. Opal four farmers at Yanco. He has evening 40 610 ? points, a total of were Messrs. F. Brewster, at making present been informed that present the : points. The weather is cold and chairman, Woore,

Whinfield,? Earle,

'in ? ? ? three trawlers ? i engaged develop T~i T^1 TT ; fW showery. , . ociiiumt, x-uuuy jrxa.iL, nuusion, Best the Government scheme for a Si ing ^ ^ Young, Hamilton and Rolfe. Some My supply of cheap fish, are hot able to J:: ' The annual of the Yan . ^|i^,ui,i,s were meeting inspiriting, made , and

speeches ' supply one-tenth of the demand in co Rifle Club was held on Tuesday the health of the guest was diruhk the city, but it is hoped that opera night, when the following officers with musical honors. In respond tions may be with a view enlarged : were, elected for the ensuing year ing Mr. M'Phail thanked those to many dis supplying country : R. S. Whinfield sec for their Qaptain, J. ;. and tricts.- good wishes, pro First-class Music & W. Williams mised to Catering. J. ; a ? ? account of 'i' % retary, treasurer, give good com F. Madden himself. . ? (all re-elected); Several speakers drew We have received an official ' ga ; to mittee, R. .H. Houston, M. Digby, attention ! the fact that ;-Mr. zette of the doings of the Germans AfTLNDANTS IN OF F. H. Brewster, Daley, W. J. Wil M'Phail was a married man with?a CHARGE. in France, published by the N. S. W. ,, liams, M'Gregor, L. Brackenridge, family, and hoped that- the exaih -Government. a ' It is ? record of ' J. M. S. Woore, _ C. Richards, J. ple set by him would be emulated R0OM5. murder j' and which outrage rapine A. E. G. K. Dun the '^Sl' 8 men commu ' Griffin, Steaue, by young of the bears out the reputation.for kultur' can, J. M'Shane, A. Lean, P. Cor nity who were not encumbered with which has been the' exclusive pro bin ; auditors, Messrs. J. Seabrook ?similar The 'na

responsibilities. ? of the Huns for centuries. rl ? ? f . .u.-vu . -ji '..'iOw JuUtf / ;i perty , and B. Crooke. It was decided to tional' anthem terminated the r-h ?. ? ' pro * * -* 1 '. ask the Commission to provide ceedings. ? Tenders Entire for the f or'additipns to L,eeton means of communication with the Proceeds Fund. ' Belgian ,

Public 'School ar^' to' . be lodged at rifle range by a footbridge over the the 'Office': National Belgian Relief Fund of the Department of: main canal.1 The club placed on Public on or Instruction, Sydney, record . its sympathy for members of N.S.W. before. Thursday, 22nd July, at 2 who have suffered in the defence of Held under the auspices of the G.U.O.O.F. 'o'clock. . the empire. ' MURRUMBIDGEE IRRIGA * * * TION AREA. Hon Sec. leeton'- Progress Association has The proposed auction sale of set -?S', GEO.PUHO, appointed Messrs. Grey and Taylor tlers' on Australia Day, July gifts Cash Received by Treasurer to a to wait on the mana 30,' is and deputation'' on, Secretary . catching July 3,' 1915. ger of the Commission to protest Polkinghorne has received a large

*? *---'- ---: ....- in reference aiotd Oh OD 'A cji:' .:::T:on. +\- .^i

the, : against treatment, number of .promises towards this Amounts' Previously ack- 7 j to a town common, \vith a view to laudable the assistance of 10 object, uo.wledged ... 576 9.| the acquisition-' of the racecourse;' our' wounded and the wife and McCaughey, Sir S.' ...100 0 0' for that, little ones cases left purpose. ? in many, be Proceeds Settlers' Social The

hind. . bids fair to become

day ? and Mr. J. DRAMATIC Ball, ? per - ENIERWNMfNT At .a of the a red letter one for the area. meeting, -Progress , ' ' S...... 42 6 Oag .5. ? , Association last Mr. Geo. ? * * * ? -? week, .. 7': S. Richards & Co. 2 -: 2 \6 r AID SCHOOL OF Grey Teported on his recent visit to (IN OF ARTS) I The Grand United fancy ,, ,, 2' 2 6 Lodge's employes-- ' ' ' ?' ' '

when he ?

Interviewed the - i . -

Sydney, v / ,s ,v . . ball on next to be Sale of Miss ' 77 Friday. 'promises ? Badges, ?

' ? . Fire and was ad

Brigades —

if . is Board) a affair, and the weather Halwthorn, Mr. A. grand .7, v';' BY—- ;7 vised to a hose cart at a pufchase fine there should be a record atten Kinloch... ; l^i7 6 cost It of ^12. was decided to in / ...... 10 0 1 ' ' dance. J. ? Wallace, ^ - hir \Kr:, .. i ?terview Mi\ Broatch with a view * * * - Power, D.' ...... '8,0 to fire At ' '? obta'iiiing . wea appliances. Owing to the unfavorable Ali, B.- ...... 2 0 the .same it was decided to meeting ther, concert Ibis Dra the by the Employees. W.C. & I.C. ? Ibis Dramatic art ask unfinancial members to pay up Society matic Club and Scarlet Pierrots, — Commmission, per 7'1 . '

to 1 subscriptions immediately. held ? which was to have been Mr. R.Houston 3 15 9 % :i: * has been to the 2 ' night, postponed Mr. J. Hay ... 15 Q / ' is is 1 ;Mr. A. L. Davies, who , about 23rd inst. hhe function in aid Dunn's 3 15 0 Gang... ' The Starlet Pierrots to start as a ? business in Leeton of the of Arts. ? ? School -10 . 5 9

watchmaker and was evi — and ' optician, Dental Notice. Messrs. King held in considerable esteem to notify dently Casey, dentists, Nararidera, beg 4 6 dis £136 by the. residents of where residents of Leeton and surrounding Young, branch at tricts that they have opened a he was the of presenta POSTPONED to recipient Mr. may be consulted 'The ,

and for ' '

Leeton, Casey Moore, Auctioneer,' ' ' ' ? ' ' '

agent ' ' r ' ? ? J '. *? ' ; . - ? ? tions frbm the As . 7'';' - '7 7

the Fire ; townspeople. daily at their surgery, Enterprise Hall, Roval Co., Houses, Stocly, to 1.30 to 5.30 superintendent of ,tb.e Anglican Hours, 9.30 12.30 p.m., Stacks, and Growing-Crop. / i ' were 7 to 8 Sunday 'School, his services p.m., p.m. Moore, 'The Auctioneer,' agent for' also holds fort the Australian Oil Ltd. greatly appreciated. Moore; 'The Auctioneer,' Co.', Motor, sales of Settlers' goods. Poultry Binder, Engine, Oils and Greases in If you want to sell anything Moore'1 nightly and Produce of kind. stock. JULY. Bacon, any 23rd 'The will sell it for Pigs, Auctioneer,' you 9 FRIDAY,

National Library of Australia ''''YANCO. Latest [?] Telegrams. Flawless furniture


; BALL. : From our Sydney Correspondent. Purse-Pleasing Prices; vis®' To-morrow's match —

The second annual ball of the i Yanco v; Leeton, /

I Artistic Manchester Unity Oddfellows was Homemakbrs— Listen to this ! Bright, attractive, |modern, and Fur Famine at at Tea Hand. are irresistible At 3 held at the School of .niture— warranted to. sarvice at that ! Yanco, p.m., Arts, Yanco, give lifelong prices simply; *

The — aid of Australia Fund. on Friday evening, July 2, and * Big Paterson offers you values that are ABSOLUTELY UNBE AT ABE In Day a to Furniture success, Enormous and, what's more, he undertakes deliver into .your home whatever. Watt. . proved great everyone 'Demands Central umpire : W. themselves want— FREIGHT FREE.! V; enjoying immensely. you . , a to Roll up ! Bring alori£ coin There was a very large attendance, THURSDAY. ' the W ourided Australians. but fortunately the ladies and will be faced Help' Australia shortly * * o-pntlpinpri ? wprp almost ennal in with a famine in the tea trade. tout Toned Pianos 5s. week. favorable weather con number, and the dresses and Brilliant from . Such a state of affairs has never Providing ensemble were very pretty. The ditions prevail to-morrow (Satur before existed in the ^rade. music was furnished by Mr. We are 'Sole for the the football match arranged Private advices received in Agents famous Bernthal, .Bernstein, day) extras Syd and Yanco should Luckie's orchestra, with by ; between Leeton ney to-day state that there has and Steihmeyer Pianos, which,- for tone, touch; and general Miss E. and B. F. Dale, and attract a muster of enthusiasts Halley been enormous demands from ; are good . also in stock the workmanship,' unsurpassed. We carry g the merry of the dancers' toes to the Yanco ground. The time of tap European countries. re well-known Ronischand Bord commencement together with happy laughs and Hapsburg, Thurmer, Renardi, has been fixed for . Pianos — one which we to send to are made , of shall be 3 and all peated calls for -encores surely -any pleased, up , p.m., players requested

Mr. . j to exercise Fortune the committee's hearts glad. New Defence Minister.' you, Freight prepaid , punctuality. W. Watt made a very capable M.C. has already favored the match, the and handled the crowd so well that services of an of local fame To Senator umpire collisions were minus. Help Pearce. been secured, Mr., W. Watt practically Are you furnishing— or re-furnishing ? Whatever you are doing it will having In of special gratings made (considering the object|of the 'match gpite to in touch our In the House of pay you get with local agent, — for the entrance, sand was carried Representatives in aid of Australia Day Fund) this afternoon Mr. Fisher stated it at in on to the floor, but the members gratuitously putting himself the is proposed to create another minis removed to vigorously repelled the invasion, committee's disposal. who would be able to take over surface was ter, Teams. 1 and a perfect dancing RPranpie? » I C*.J. Iv/la pine avenue The a considerable amount of work re-established at the same on the ; time, to be ground which at fell on the Minis (All players if of Arts committee present the School who will be able to you Valuable Advice and Assistance. not later than 2.45 p.m.) ter of Defence. give erect an could attractive fence, -and — Yanco will be chosen from S. concrete much trouble in lay paths, McGee, L. Sledge, S. and B. Alex this would be saved, and the respect 49th Casualty List The Big Paterson ander, F. Archer, W. and M. Quin building would be an ornament to ' livan, H; Quinton, Crowser L. the district. The for . For Life-time Furniture on Easy Terms.' catering sup Sheriff, H. Sullivan, F. Brown, G. was 194 Names. per. by Sargeant's (Sydney), G. Corner Smith and Moor Barnard, Gyton. J. Jones, J. and, with the assistance of Mesdames Streets, ritzroy, Melbourne. B. F. The Grant, W. Shaw, Dale, Hay, Mooney, Queree, Misses 49th casualty list contains Tubman, A. Day, Jadett, Smith, H. Ethel and Ella 194 names, including 50 killed in Bagust, Eastwood, Savage, G; Brady, Fonfelder, E. and the tables were action, 14 deaths from wounds and Shepherd, very Harley, P. McGrath, B. - Thompson,

6 from illness. _ tastefully and decorated, W W (Late Lands Settlement arranged Jk- L- Martin. Goal umpire : Alf. and the electric lights delicately Hall. Timekeeper : P.Wiltshire. shaded, the whole to A. Carter combining Harry zszjzz'*- Colors :: Yellow and Black. make as an effect as has ever In the Dardanelles. pretty Leeton will also be chosen on the seen on ? full been the , and Farm area, Auctioneer, Land; Stock, Machinery, ground, and those to be selected was to re done the — justice ample Strong Turkish Attack. from include Matthews, Conway, past. The hours slipped away all and General Commission McClellan Agent Sayle, Elrington| (3), too and an endeavor was quickly, A Complete Failure. Leeton. (2), Slattery, Nelson, Shieles, made to get an extension of the Webb, 'Soster, Shearer, Weeks, , electric till 3 a.m., two a lights LONDON, Wednesday. Duhstau,-.Staley, Smith, Alexander, to drive the gentlemen volunteering Barnes. are to General Hamilton reports that for and Ltd. ? Players requested house but to the Agent Dalgety Co., power engine, ou their own re the Turks attacked Saturday ' make arrangements could not Gane Plants ; Nicholson and Morrow's Farm' regret of those present it Milking Implements; to with infantry, preceded by a conveyance Yanco. heavy , be The committee desire Machines and Cream ; Munro Chaff

Wolseley Shearing Separators ?

arranged. ? . bombardment. : :i: * artillery and Saw Benches and Shuttle worth's Portable ; to thank their friends for cutters, ; Clayton generous The attack was a

complete failure, . The of assistance, particularly the ladies, Steam Engines, etc. general monthly meeting and the Turkish losses were very the Leeton Football Club will be and it was unanimously admitted PHOENIX ASSURANCE Plate Stock.

. CO., LTD., Fire, Glass, Crops, on heavy. - ih'.Dixon's office

? Jield. Tuesday that never did lodge members re A Etc.'. Paris official says that en message , hext at 7.30. All more evening. to the call ? spond handsomely - ?...?? on a for— ! the Turks made Representative . Monday gen -r thusiasts are invited to attend. for a jolly good time and a gay one, eral attack in the Dardanelles, be NOBELIUS' FRUIT — Positive^ the Best Trees and and mail}- must have made a mental TREES. Obtainable, effort ing the most important' since true to at the Trees now an the note to attend this dance' name., % glance bearing Area, lodge's tried to May, when they drive the is sufficient- that the Gembrook

. next supplied by proof year. , NQBEL.IUS, Events. British into the sea. Coming Nurseries cannot be surpassed. Book 'early., and avoid disap . . At 4 a.m. an intense artillery fire ' P. L.L. SOCIAL. pointment. our first The JULY. opened against line. , On- Friday, June 25, a pleasant Sole Agent, Yanco [Area, for THE NEW SOUTH WALES PHOSPHATES enemy afterwards attempted seve Skating-r-Enterprise Rink, Leeton, every was spent at Yanco, in the ladies, 3 to evening ral infantry attacks, none of which CO., LTD., NATURAL FERTILISERS. Wednesday, 5; genera^,', School of when a euchre party 7.30 t6 10. Saturdays, children, Arts, were able to reach our trenches. ' 3.30-to 5; general, 7.30 to 10.15. and dance was held under the New South Wales Phosphates are a Local Production, and guaran were decimated our 9— Second Grand Social, in aid of Allies'' They by — - teed to contain ?? . ? of the Yanco P. L.L. , and Relief School of Arts. auspices , artillery and mown down by our ire-, Fund, Yanco 13 — re at. considering the inclemency of the Acid ...... 23 cent. proposed machine and were almost an Phosphoric per Meeting Distillery guns, Leeton, at 3 officers' club' a number attended. -?' 50 p.m., lat weather good nihilated. Equal to Tricalcic Phosphate : n iirne TTAt**T irranf rooms. v.iiLuuoiaoiu vra-? vv.ij gicai* The allied aeroplanes flew over GIVE ME A CALL FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS. 13— Monthly general meeting of Leeton The 'games produced exciting Ghanak and dropped bombs, one of Football Club. and — finishes, participants oivseveral which struck the 14 Auction sale on a/c T. W. Tanner,

principal hangar. at . occasions became greatly excited. Farm 209. — ' 10 Football Match, in aid wounded. Mrs. Geo. Louez and Mr. Jones Australians, at Yanco.

carried off the euchre for Wounded. — eventually Arrangements L MARKEY 16 G.U.O.O.F., Leeton, ball. fancy j: — prizes and Mrs. Hanlan and Mr. 23 Grand ball, Yanco School 'of Arts. It was Lloyd secured boobies. The music stated in the House of Kurrajong Avenue, Leeton. AUGUST. !

Commons that at — for the dancing was ably supplied arrangements 10 and 11 Narandera Show. Messrs Dale and J. O' Alexandria for the of the AND by Sullivan, reception LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS SHOES ; LATEST

piano and clarionet respectively. wounded from the Dardanelles AND BEST. STYLES. : A resident who has a. Mr. W.1 Wattr as usual, acted very were adequate in all respects. Boots of All Descriptions Made to Order. Repairs _Neatly Executed' friend at. the front, saw a letter from, efficiently as M.C. Mrs. Louez him a few days He is a intimated that she would donate ago. prisoner Heavy Firing Heard. Agency; txa All Accessories Stocked. with the Germans, and wrote a very her to the Australia Day Cycle

prize ? ? nice letter how well he was FANCY GOODS. . stating Fund. . ? Copenhagen reports that contin being treated by his captors. He to uous has been heard off Goth at Leeton. R C H SERVICES put in |a postscript telling them At the usual fortnightly monthly firing Proposed Distillery land. ^HU keep the stamp as a momento, as meeting, on 30th ult., of theP.L.L. A Roman Cathouc.— Holy Mass will be never as . . . . meeting of those interested in the perhaps he might return, several matters came for discus celebrated as — 1st in the:

up . follows,: proposal to establish a Distillery at Lee- 'Sunday the fortunes of war are uncertain. them a letter month, Leeton, S and 11 o'clock 2nd, sion, amongst being Russians Reinforced. tyn will be held on TUESDAY afternoon ; Yanco Leeton 11 Leeton 11 ine iriend. steamed the on 8, ; 3rd, ; stamp from .the West Maitland P. L.L. next at 3 o'clock, at the officer's club 4thr Mirrool 11 5th room, to receive reply from Messrs. ; (when occurring), Leeton the letter, and on the back thereof for in Vienna that the battle ' asking co-operation opposing reports and to discuss 11. Rosary and Benediction every Sun brief Hardy Bros., same. was found a : Both

— message the of a bill to enable the north of Krasnik more day evening at Leeton at 7.30. P. Reidy. passing has become All interested please attend. off treated.' ? construct i Church of England.— St. legs badly Caledonian Coal Co. to a fierce to the of a Peter's, owing presence C. ZIELE, Chairman. Leeton. — Sixth Tanner's 14. Sunday after Trinity : Sale, Wednesday, July owned railway from Russian reserve.

privately strong '. . 10.30 a.m., Matins and Litany; 11a.m., See posters. Cress Nook to Cockle Creek in Eucharist ; 7.30 Leeton Football Club. Sung p.m., Evensong. Tanner's Sale, Wednesday, July 14'.. opposition to the Government rail Tanner's Sale, Wednesday, July 14.: —The Vicar. See posters. See Methodist Church.— way already in existence. It was posters.' The Monthly General Meeting of the Leeton, il a.m. and 7 2nd decided to the of the above will be held at Dixon's office on p.m.; Yanco, Sunday iumonth, oppose passing at 3 4th at at ?' 7 Tuesday evening, July 13, 7.30. . p.m., Sunday p.m.; Waamoon, bill, and the secretary was instruc Market. 4th Weekly Business general. All welcome. Sunday in month, 2.30 p.m.; Bro, A. W. to of the Binger ted to write the member E. SHIELES; Hon. Sec, benah, 1st and 5th Sunday, at 11a.m. ? 1st and 5th at 2.30 ..LEETON. district to that effect. A report of 1915. , p.m.; Sydney, July 7, Welsh 1st and 3rd at was Settlement, 11 a.m.; the Australia , Day meeting ? F. Chilton — Stony Point, 3rd at 3.30 . AGENT FOR THE FAMOUS reports : p.m. Mr. H. R. Bow and THE — given by others, MAILS. Baptist. Leeton. 11 a.m. and 7.30 Cauliflowers to BINGER and it was decided to fall in heartily (per doz.), 3/ p.m., Sunday School 3 p.m.; Yanco, GIGS, Sulkies, Buggies, MAILS CLOSE AS FOLLOWS. School of first in with the proposal, and every en 7/.., :' Arts, Sunday the Lorries, Fruit etc. month; service 7 Vans, be made to make it a evening p.m;, third

deavor will Pumpkins, Queensland (per ? ' ' Yanko *\ Sunday 3 p.m. Stony Point, Mrs. Gorey GOOD VEHICLES. EASY PRICES success. It was also decided that sack), 7/ to 8/. Whitton [ 10.40 a.m. everjr Sunday but the third, at 3.30 p.m., Seasoned Timber. to daily -(Sundays Mr. E. re 3/6 Griffith ( School at the secretary, Robson, Cabbages (per dozen), 6/6 | excepted).' Sunday every Sunday 3.30 Don't go ! :

i Pastor Chas. Rixon.,' for vehicles ; , etc.-.) . away your French Beans ; present the league at the forth (per bushel) 3/ Hay, p.m. J. ??...?- See to 6 Yanko Binger ! Commission. : /. } coming Royal ; / 1.35 p.m. for Sun Green Peas, local (per bushel), .daily (Sundays Agent Fire Insurance Company, i' excepted). Law, Soinner & Co's Farm and to 5/ 8/. '-iv.: etc'. ) Tanner's Sale, Wednesday, July 14. Sydney, Second Grand Social Garden Seeds. . , Sweet Potatoes, prime local (per Stony Point (Leeton to See posters. Jones') Monday, (In aid of the Allies' Relief . and Fund) to Wednesday Friday, 1.35 To H. Lewis dental cwt.), 7/ 9/. \ be held in the Tepper, surgeon; Five Bough (Leeton to visits Leeton Clark's) Tuesdav, Narandera, Wednesdays, - Thursday and Saturday, 1.35 p.m. YANCO SCHOOL OF ARTS v. H. 5. BOW 10 to 4.

: . '

Moore The Auctioneer— in what letters and . parcels should — on- Bring Registered ... T ATE of

— .Orchard, .want to one 'Mossgiel Corowa, If have for sale and others be hour to ' you buy anything Moore, 3'ou get money ; posted prior hour of is to ~ prepared plant and fruit or will it - pnine 'The has want-it and will for it.* for letters. ' Auctioneer,' it, get pay closing ordinary Friday, July 9, 19 15 trees this season. Advice given free of ,?

for — you. Moore The Auctioneer— International charge. Address . Double Tanner's Sale-, 14. Harvester Co., Royal Fire,' A.M.P. Life, Tanner's Sale, Wednesday, 14. Ticket, 3/-; I-a-!y's Ticket., 1/6. Wednesday, July Irrigation Fruit Palace, See British Piano Co. & Allison) See posters. H. P. SAVAGE; Hon.Sec. posters.' (Broadwood -? Yanco.

' D

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