West Virginia Highlands Conservancy

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West Virginia Highlands Conservancy 0- 00 CAf1PUS MORGANTOWN wv 2t!.505 NON.PROFIT ORCJ. U. S. POSTAGE PAID PaMIT NO. 2831 CHAS., WV 25301 The West.Virginia HIGHLANDS CONSERVANCY Voi.18No. 1984 WVH~-An AdvoCate for the Highlands-A Retrospective An~ I Whose Time Had Come I · Editors of the The events leading to the formal speech the generators abruptly cut Hight.xls Voice organization of the West Virginia off, prompting him to remark that it Highlands Conservancy went was the first time he'd ever had the 1967-7 1 THOMAS l<ING. BRIDGEPORT 1967·71 BOB BURRELL. MORGAI'l 0\\':-\ unrecorded, but Max Smith of Graf­ lights turned out on him. 197 1-73 BOB BURRELL. MORGANTOWN 1971·72 ERNIE NESTOR. ALLOY ton and Tom King of Bridgeport Throughout 1966 the group held 1973-74 DAVIl> ELI<INTON. DAVIS 1973·77 RON HARDWAY. WEBSTER remember. When members of the more organization meetings, deciping 1974-75 JOE RIEI-'t'ENBERGER. ELI<INS SPRINGS Canoe Cruisers Association gathered in 1975-77 CHARLES CARLSON. CHARLESTON 1417-81 TOM DU NHA \1. F AlR!\10~1' to act as watchdog for wilderness 1977-7fl LINDA C. ELI<INTON. MORGAN· 1f.Jl H-82 JUDY AND PAUL FRA~K . l::LKII'S for their first annual Whitewater West Virginia and be an activist TOWN 1982·83 BRIAN F ARK IS. CHARLE5TO:--; Weekend on the North Fork of the organization rather than just a coor­ 1979-81 }OE RIEt'FENBERGER. ELI<INS 1984· MARY RATJ.lH . LIBERTY South Branch of the Potomac in April dinator for the activities of other out­ 1981-83 JEANNE1T1r PETRAS. FAIRMONT 1964, reports of a proposed scenic door groups. Knowledgeable and 1983- LARRY GEORGE. HUNTINGTON highway across Dolly Sods were forceful individuals from other troubling them. groups joined to get things rolling-­ By the following spring, when a Jim Johns ton o nd Bob H o rr\gon o f number of tt)em met at Bob Har­ Washington and Tom King of rigan's Camp at Seneca Rocks, the Bridgeport with the Canoe Cruisers What is the concerns had grown. In 1965. Seneca Association; Bob and Sue Broughton Rocks and Spruce Knob were of the Pittsburgh Climbers; Rupert threatened too. In the first of many Cutler with the Wilderness Society in meetings at Harrigan's camp, the Washington; Joe Rieffenberger of the Highlands Conservancy? group committed itself to exploring State Department of Natura l methods of keeping the areas natural. Resources; Max Smith with the West When the West Virginia Highla nds ing sure developments proposed for The process eventually led to forma­ Virginia Wildlife Federation; Sona Conservancy incorporated in 1969 as the highlands don ·t adversely effect tion of the West Virginia Highlands Smith with the West Virginia Garden a priva te, non-profit voluntary significant resources. The work ma y Conservancy. Clubs; Bob Waldrop from the Sierra organiza lion, the incorporators include conducting land use studies. One of the first steps was to plan an Club in Washington, Carl Walker and described the obj6cts of the organiza­ formula ting management recommen­ event to publicize reasons for saving Lou Greathouse with the West tion-"to promote, encourage. and ds tions. organizing community in­ these areas. They settled on a .. Fall Virginia Recrea lion Society! Bob Bur­ work for the conservation-including terest in a local problem. educating Review" atop Spruce Knob-schedul­ rell of Morgantown, Joe Hutchinson both preserve lion and wise use-and the larger community a bout resource ed for late October's full color. and Bob Maynard. apprecia lion of the scenic. historic. issues. and advocating legisla tion. Thanks to Rupert Cutler's efforts, the At the mid-winter meeting held a t open space. wilderness, and outdoor Members a ttend hearings. write let­ Wilderness Society printed a Blackwater Falls Lodge on the last recreation resources of and related to ters. and do the host of things it takes brochure to announce the meeting weekend of January 1967, a constitu­ West Virginia, and especially th·e to win protection for the land. wa ter. and mailed it to its full membership. tion and by-laws were adopted and Highlands Region ... '' air and natural resources of the state. Although the day turned out cold, wet the name proposed by Bob Broughton, But even that fell short of the ambi­ Committee chairs guide work on and miserable, the group swelled to the West Virginia Highlands Conser­ tion of the group. The sentence issues in such areas as mining. public 350 to 400 people, far exceeding vancy, was accepted. The group describing the objects went on. ·· ...or lands. river conservation. highways. anyone's expectations. elected Dr. Tom King to serve as related to the total environment. for Canaan Valley. acid rain and others. Max Smith's most memorable president, Sona Smith as secretary­ the cultural. social. educational. In 1984. an outings committee will recollection of the event was of the treasurer and Max Smith as cor­ physical. health, spiritual. and begin expanding recreational oppor­ ' evening meal and the meeting that responding secretary. economic benefit of present and !unities through the Conservanc\·. followed. held in a revivalist's tent The meetings of the group were future generations of West Virginians The officers and Board of Directors with generators running to provide long and exhausting. but those taking and Americans." of the Conservancy are elected bi­ ,I light. First an excellent barbecued part thought the objectives worth the Both organizational and individual annually. The Board meets four time~ n chicken dinner was cooked and eaten time and effort. The group addressed members make up the Conservancy. a year-usually January. April. July in the rain. Then Secretary of Interior many issues affecting the highlands. members diverse in their personal in­ and October-to direct organization Stewart Udall and Senator Robert including scenic roads and parkways. terests, professions and skills but activities. At these meetings they ex­ Byrd spoke. During Senator ~rd's Continued on Page 7 sharing a common interest. Although plore issues. plan activities. and set the majority of WVHC members the direction of WVHC's work. reside in West Virginia. many live The president serves as th~ chief it This retrospective of the WVHC is of the Conservancy. outside the state's borders as either administrative official. assisted by ~ largely the work of Linda Cooper Keep this issue. When these pages transplanted West Virginians who the senior vice president. State and ,, Blkinton, with help from Lowell are combined with the part yet to still value their mountain home or federal affairs vice presidents guide .. Markey. The .many hours spent on come, you will have a fairly complete those who have visited and loved the legislative work in Charleston and t this review of the beginning and the picture of one of West Virginia's what they have seen or experienced Washington, D.C. The secretary a nd progress of the WVHC over 20 years strongest conservation organiza­ here. treasurer both do vital work. keeping :f represent only a fragment of the total tions-your organization. Although specific issues change. the operation sound and the records the volunteer work of the members straight. time they have dedicated to the work 1·'· centers around monitoring and mak- Continued on Pa~e 1 I ·I The HiRhlands Voice Page 2 Wildemess in West Virginia-Saving The Best At Last The Conservancy's Work Twenty years ago. the United introduced wilderness legislation for States Congress faced squarely the Dolly Sods. Otter Creek and the problem of declining wilderness and Cranberry Backcountry in the spring increasing development pressure by of 1970. By early 1972, nearly a dozen passing the ground breaking other bills had been introduced in vVilderness Act of 1964. They both houses of Congress on behalf of recognized that while millions of the three areas. Despite untold hours acres of unspoiled lands had value for of exploring, studying, speaking, at · least timbering and mineral writing and testifying by WVHC development. these special lands also members and others, the Forest Ser­ had value in their natural sta~e - for vice continued to oppose designation. wildlife. for limited recreahon. or The bills went nowhere. simply because they existed almost The Forest Service at the time was untouched. The nation had a respon­ even instrumental in rewriting the sibility to save something virtually un­ Wilderness Act of 1964 in an attempt damaged by the hand of mankind. for to deny the spirit and intent of Con­ the future. gress on the matter of wilderness. The founding Conservancy With the backing of powerful timber members held a special concern and coal interests and the huge sums about the fragile and pristine natural of money they were able to spend to areas remaining in the highlands of fight eastern wilderness, all the hard West Virginia. and soon realized the work seemed in vain. potential of federal wilderness The three areas in West Virignia designation for protecting those lands were added to Senator Jackson's from what would become regular, if wilderness bill in 1973, and included not constant. threats to their integri­ in another bill introduced that year ty. Some would want what grew on by Congressman Ken Hechler of West them: others wouJd want the minerals Virginia. This bill. called the "Eastern under them: some would merely Wilderness Areas Act," seemed to see them as a passageway between take root at long last. As a result of cities. Congressman Hechler's hard work. But few Conservancy members and the ever-growing West Virginia could have anticipated the long and wilderness lobby. West Virginia's a rduous struggle which would have to Senators were finally beginning to precede final wilderness designation.
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