3778 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE March 9, 1981 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, March 9,1981 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Tom was the fifth recipient of the cern for the security of the United States The Chaplain, Rev. James David John McCormack Award which is pre­ were to be used as justification for addition­ Ford, D.D., offered the following sented each year to a House employee al United States military aid to the present prayer: for outstanding service to the House government in El Salvador. Neither the usee nor I am complacent about the ac­ I will call to mind the deeds of the over a long period of time. The Door­ tions of other outside powers in the El Sal­ Lord: Yea, I will remember Thy won­ man's Society named him "Man of the vador conflict . . . Our position is to oppose ders of old. I will meditate on all Thy Year" in 1976. The Italian Govern­ military aid and intervention from all out­ work, and muse on Thy mighty ment in 197 4 presented him with the side powers. We urge and support political deeds.-Psalms 77: 11, 12. Order of Commendatore, which is the pressure and other diplomatic measures by 0 God, may Your mighty acts in medal of honor for public service. As Latin American nations and by ourselves days past continue to inspire, and may you know, Tom was very proud of his and our allies to stop the flow of arms from all Your gifts fill our hearts. We cele­ Italo-American heritage and worked Cuba through to El Salvador. brate Your love to us and to all people, hard to advance the cause in recent But as a part of this approach we earnestly years. Our prayers are for him, Claire, and vigorously oppose the sending of United particularly those more dear to us States military assistance to El Salvador. whom we name in our hearts before his wife, and children, Carmen and You. We gain assurance that You Connie. It is my own belief that opposition watch over us, You forgive and renew Friend may pay their respects to within the United States to President us, and Your comforting spirit never Tom and his family on Monday the Reagan's policy in El Salvador is wide­ abandons us. Grant us Your abiding 9th and Tuesday the lOth from 3 to 5 spread and that it is growing quickly. peace each day and in eternity. Amen. and 7 to 9 p.m., at the Collins Funeral Whatever the reasons for the results Home, 500 University Boulevard, West of the 1980 elections, they did not Silver Spring. The funeral services will stem from any national wish to see THE JOURNAL be held Wednesday the 11th with a 10 large numbers of U.S. military advisers The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ a.m. mass, St. Bernadette Church, 72 sent to help fight a civil war in Central amined the Journal of the last day's University Boulevard, East Silver America. proceedings and announces to the Spring. I urge my colleagues to cosponsor House his approval thereof. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con­ H.R. 1509. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the sent to address the House for 60 min­ Journal stands approved. utes at the close of business this Wednesday, March 11, so that Mem­ CUTTING STUDENT AID bers who wish to do so may join with MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE me in paying tribute to this special 1509, to terminate U.S. military assist­ is in the Seventh District of the gen­ Mr. ADDABBO. Mr. Speaker, it is ance to the Government of El Salva­ tlewoman from Illinois

0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. March 9, 1981 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 3779 AMERICAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, cation such a.s savings plans, tuition tax responsibility as the leader of the free Chicago, flL, March 2, 1981. credits, and possibly others. world to act decisively on this matter. Hon. PETER A. PEYsER, My staff and I would be more than willing Congress of the United States, to render any possible assistance in your ef­ Washington, D. C. forts to keep higher education strong in our REVOLVING CREDIT FUND FOR DEAR MR. PEYsER: Your letter to my pred­ nation. Thank you for your initiative and ecessor, Mr. Leo Heim, wa.s given to me for AG EXPORTS AND TRADE REP­ leadership in this matter. RESENTATIVE reply. Kindest personal regards. May God I have already written to my own con­ always bless you!

79-059 0 - 84 - (Vol 127 Pt.3) - 64 3780 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE March 9, 1981 ble by an adequate number of individ­ tired people, it must begin with the The WIC program is invaluable and uals who can devote proper attention object of being fair-not with the its effects are not concentrated in just to all areas of importance in the agri­ object of finding some tricky or decep­ one regional area of the Nation. Un­ cultural trade area. tive way to save money at their ex­ fortunately, even at present funding, While this legislation does not re­ pense. the WIC program cannot serve all quire that this additional Deputy those who would qualify for aid. To Trade Representative be established further reduce WIC moneys would be to deal exclusively with agricultural WIC PROGRAM IS INVALUABLE a grievous mistake and would seriously trade issues, I would hope that the

79-059 0 - 84 - (Vol 127 Pt.3) - 65 3796 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE March 9, 1981 552(d); to the Committee on Government By Mr. CHAPPELL: pate in the food stamp program, and to Operations. H.R. 2358. A bill to establish the Mineral make such individuals liable for the value of 732. A letter from the Chairman, Federal Conservation Research and Development coupons received while so ineligible; jointly, Maritime Commission, transmitting a report Commission within the National Science to the Committees on Agriculture and Ways on the Commission's activities under the Foundation, and to provide for the inven­ and Means. Government in the Sunshine Act during cal­ tory of major nonfuel raw materials and the By Mr. LELAND: endar year 1980, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. development of substitute materials; to the H.R. 2369. A bill to amend title 39 of the 552b(j); to the Committee on Government Committee on Science and Technology. United States Code to provide for the use, Operations. H.R. 2359. A bill to amend title 38 of the without charge, by qualified nonprofit orga­ 733. A letter from the Assistant Vice Presi­ United States Code to permit veterans to de­ nizations of available post office space open dent for Personnel, Farm Credit Banks of termine how certain drugs and medicines to the public for soliciting voter registra­ St. Louis, transmitting addenda to the will be supplied to them; to the Committee tion, and for other purposes; to the Commit­ banks' pension plan report for the year on Veterans' Affairs. tee on Post Office and Civil Service. ended April 30, 1980, previously submitted By Mr. YOUNG of Missouri <2> of the Budget self, Mr. SOLOMON, Mr. RoE, and Mr. H.R. 2370. A bill to amend the Federal and Accounting Procedures Act of 1950, as LUKEN): Water Pollution Control Act to provide for amended; to the Committee on Government H.R. 2360. A bill to amend the Federal the payment of claims resulting from a cer­ Operations. Water Pollution Control Act to repeal the tain discharge of pentachlorophenol into 734. A letter from the Director, Adminis­ limitation on the use of grants for publicly trative Office of the U.S. Courts, transmit­ the Mississippi River Gulf outlet;· to the owned treatment works for treatment, stor­ Committee on Public Works and Transpor­ ting a draft of proposed legislation to au­ age, or conveyance of industrial wastes; to thorize additional judicial positions for the tation. the Committee on Public Works and Trans­ H.R. 2371. A bill to amend the Water Re­ courts of appeals and district courts of the portation. United States; to the Committee on the Ju­ sources Development Act of 1974, relating By Mr. CORCORAN: to the hurricane-flood protection project on diciary. H.R. 2361. A bill to amend the Internal 735. A letter from the Secretary of the In­ Lake Pontchartrain, La.; to the Committee Revenue Code of 1954 to provide individuals on Public Works and Transportation. terior, transmitting a report on the Teton a refundable credit against income tax for Dam claims program as of December 31, By Mr. MINETA ; jointly, H.R. 2362. A bill to amend the Internal for loans and loan guarantees under Federal to the Committees on Government Oper­ Revenue Code of 1954 to increase the regu­ credit programs, and for other purposes; ations, and Armed Services. lar investment tax credit from 10 to 15 per­ jointly, to the Committees on Banking, Fi­ 737. A letter from the Comptroller Gener­ cent; to the Committee on Ways and Means. nance and Urban Affairs, Government Op­ al of the United States, transmitting a By Mr. DORGAN of North Dakota: erations, and Rules. report on the major issues concerning the H.R. 2363. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code; to the Committee on Ways By Mr. PETRI: future of the Department of Defense's As­ H.R. 2373. A bill to amend the Consoli­ sault Breaker program ; jointly to the Committees require that not less than a fixed percent­ on Government Operations, and Armed self and Mr. IRELAND): H.R. 2364. A bill to repeal the prohibition age of all real estate loans be made for the Services. · acquisition of farms by certain operators 738. A letter from the Comptroller Gener­ contained in the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 against the use of certain herbicides to and to provide for the repayment of such al of the United States, transmitting a loans in graduated installments at the report of the Federal highway program eradicate marihuana by countries receiving assistance under that act for international option of such operators; to the Committee ; jointly, to the on Agriculture. Committees on Government Operations, narcotics control, and for other purposes; to Public Works and Transportation, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs. H.R. 237 4. A bill to amend the Railroad Ways and Means. By Mr. EVANS of Georgia: Unemployment Insurance Act to provide H.R. 2365. A bill to amend title 28, United that the maximum daily benefit will be the States Code, to provide that the Federal daily equivalent of the maximum weekly REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON courts shall not have jurisdiction to consid­ benefit payable under the State unemploy­ PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLU­ er any question involving the validity of any ment compensation law; to the Committee TIONS act of Congress providing for induction for on Energy and Commerce. training and service in the Armed Forces of By Mr. ROE: Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports males only or providing for registration of H.R. 2375. A bill to amend the Social Se­ of committees were delivered to the males only for possible induction; to the curity Act to establish a national cata­ Clerk for printing and reference to the Committee on the Judiciary. strophic illness insurance program under proper calendar, as follows: H.R. 2366. A bill to amend the Internal which the Federal Government, acting in [Submitted Friday, March 6, 1981] Revenue Code of 1954 to allow certain mar­ cooperation with State insurance authori­ ties and the private insurance industry, will Mr. DINGELL: Committee on Energy and ried individuals who file separate returns to be taxed as unmarried individuals; to the reinsure and otherwise encourage the issu­ Commerce. H.R. 2166. A bill to amend the ance of private health insurance policies Energy Policy and Conservation Act to Committee on Ways and Means. extend certain authorities relating to the in­ By Mr. GONZALEZ: which make adequate health protection ternational energy program with amend­ H.R. 2367. A bill to amend the Railroad available to all Americans at a reasonable ment : FERRARO, and Mr. DOWNEY): search, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972; to the H.R. 2368. A bill to amend the Food H.R. 2378. A bill to amend the Internal Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisher­ Stamp Act of 1977 to make individuals who Revenue Code of 1954 to allow individuals a ies. have excessive income ineligible to partici- deduction for excessive fuel costs incurred March 9, 1981 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 3797 in heating their principal residences; to the PRIVATE BILLS AND H.R. 1580: Mr. JAMES K. CoYNE, Mr. PA­ Committee on Ways and Means. RESOLUTIONS NETI'A, Mr. BEARD, Mr. EvANs of Delaware, By Mr. FITHIAN: Mr. BURGENER, and Mr. BoNKER. H.J. Res. 199. Joint resolution to provide Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private H.R. 1640: Mr. DE LUGO, Mr. MURPHY, and for the designation of April 26 to May 1, bills and resolutions were introduced Mr. RALPH M. HALL. 1981, as "National Occupational Health and severally referred as follows: H.R. 1765: Mr. DREIER, Mr. ROUSSELOT, Nurse Week"; to the Committee on Post By Mr. PHILLIP BURTON: and Mr. CHAPPlE. Office and Civil Service. H.R. 2379. A bill for the relief of Joaquin H.R. 1818: Mr. MAVROULES, Mrs. FENwiCK, By Mr. ZEFERETI'I: Morales; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. CHAPPELL, and Mr. PATTERSON. H. Con. Res. 89. Concurrent resolution H.R. 2380. A bill for the relief of John H.R. 1823: Mr. YOUNG of Missouri, Mr. concerning the rights of the people of Ire­ Kerry Murphy; to the Committee on the Ju­ MURPHY, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. KILDEE, Mr. land; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. diciary. RoE, Mr. FORD of Michigan, Mr. HERTEL, Mr. By Mr. DINGELL: By Mr. LELAND: ATKINSON, Mr. BONIOR of Michigan, Mr. H. Res. 104. Resolution to provide for the H.R. 2381. A bill for the relief of Lorna P. CROCKETI', Mr. DE LUGO, Mr. ANDREWS, Mr. expenses of investigations and studies to be Whittaker; to the Committee on the Judici­ OBERSTAR, and Mr. Russo. conducted by the Committee on Energy and ary. H.R. 1918: Mr. WHITTAKER. Commerce; to the Committee on House Ad­ By Mr. LIVINGSTON: H.R. 2024: Mr. MoTTL and Mr. SHUSTER. ministration. H.R. 2382. A bill for the relief of Mrs. H.R. 2036: Mr. EvANs of Delaware, Mr. By Mr. JONES of Oklahoma: Stella Marie Deignan; to the Committee on BURGENER, Mr. WINN, Mr. FoRSYTHE, Mr. H. Res. 105. Resolution approving the the Judiciary. HowARD, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. KoGovsEK, Mr. printing of additional copies of. the report McDONALD, Mr. CLAY, Mr. LEATH of Texas, accompanying the First Concurrent Resolu­ Mr. WOLF, Mr. WoN PAT, Mr. WHITEHURST, tion on the Budget for Fiscal Year 1982; to ADDITIONAL SPONSORS Mr. LUNGREN, Mr. BOWEN, Mr. GINGRICH, the Committee on House Administration. Mr. JEFFORDS, Mr. LoWERY of California, By Mr. ZEFERETTI (for himself and Under clause 4 of rule XXII, spon­ Mr. PANETI'A, Mr. GLICKMAN, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. RAILSBACK): sors were added to public bills and res­ Mr. DERWINSKI, Mr. ROUSSELOT, Mr. LoTT, H. Res. 106. Resolution to provide for the olutions as follows: and Mr. FISH. expenses of investigations and studies to be H.R. 523: Mr. SIMON. H.R. 2037: Mr. DE LUGO, Mrs. BOUQUARD, conducted by the Select Committee on Nar­ H.R. 551: Mr. MATTOX. Mr. LoWERY of California, Mr. BURGENER, cotics Abuse and Control; to the Committee Mr. GINGRICH, Mr. EVANS of Delaware, Mr. on House Administration. H.R. 911: Mr. GINGRICH, Mr. EvANS of Delaware, and Mr. WILSON. WHITTAKER, and Mr. RALPH M. HALL. H.R. 1120: Mr. SAVAGE. H.R. 2055: Mr. APPLEGATE, Mr. BROWN of Ohio, Mr. GUYER, Mr. McEWEN, Mr. MILLER H.R.1130: Mr. PHILIP M. CRANE. of Ohio, Mr. SEIBERLING, and Mr. STANTON MEMORIALS H.R. 1206: Mr. BARNARD, Mr. CARMAN, and of Ohio. Mr. TRIBLE. H.J. Res. 82: Mr. DANIEL B. CRANE, Mr. Under clause 4 of rule XXII, memo­ H.R. 1207: Mr. BARNARD, Mr. CARMAN, and DANNEMEYER, Mr. COLLINS of Texas, Mr. rials were presented and referred as Mr. TRIBLE. JEFFRIES, Mr. GuYER, and Mr. PoRTER. follows: H.R. 1244: Mr. JoHN L. BURTON. H.J. Res. 156: Mr. DORNAN of California. 16. By the SPEAKER: A memorial of the H.R. 1297: Mr. RosE, Mr. LENT, Mr. Legislature of the State of Wisconsin, rela­ GRAMM, Mr. CHAPPELL and Mr. CHENEY. tive to dairy price supports; to the Commit­ H.R. 1298: Mr. RosE, Mr. LENT, Mr. PETITIONS, ETC. tee on Agriculture. GRAMM, Mr. CHAPPELL, and Mr. CHENEY. 17. Also, a memorial of the House of Rep­ H.R. 1509: Mr. GRAY, Mrs. SCHROEDER, Mr. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, resentatives of the State of Georgia, relative BEILENSON, Mr. RICHMOND, Ms. FERRARo, 36. The SPEAKER presented a petition of to warning labels on alcoholic beverage con­ Mr. JoHN L. BURTON, Mr. MoAKLEY, Mr. the Congress of the Federated States of Mi­ tainers: to the Committee on Energy and KASTENMEIER, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. ROSENTHAL, cronesia, Kolonia, Ponape, Eastern Caroline Commerce. Mr. MURPHY, Mr. RoYBAL, Mr. SAVAGE, Mr. Islands, relative to funding for a public edu­ 18. Also, a memorial of the Senate Legisla­ YATES, Mr. Kn.nEE, Mr. FoGLIETI'A, and Mr. cation program prior to the plebiscite re­ ture of the Commonwealth of Massachu­ LELAND. garding the draft compact of free associ­ setts, relative to ZIP codes; to the Commit­ H.R. 1532: Mr. HERTEL. ation, which was referred to the Committee tee on Post Office and Civil Service. H.R. 1574: Mr. GUYER and Mr. STOKES. on Interior and Insular Affairs.