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' . ._~'- '~'r*9-=7 J.'¢ 1'.--'| <'E;.'1-;._-r.-f-1;-.,-_.: .. ' _- 3" '-11' - - to ;_9292, P-1,1», _ 11.2_-.<,. .>, ;~ . 3,=_'if-;.=~,- -*""*ti 1* I 1 "it - , I 5-';L'tZ'la ?:i=*'¬z='~2%3=Tr~ii ":,;%fQ¢'Af~'1;_-5 -1': r-'--L." 4 -'-1-.* 1%» - ~ on -.-.-en?-; or refusing to pay income taxes I . .2 1" ?T*.*Y=I..92 In recent months criticism of '-11-51 , ___..A.-4 MI hos stemmed from his at , .. tendance last Labor Day at e Hits Alto Pastor mtnar held at the Highlander . :. '.5 .':| ~'.I, '-.-lo - _ - ~ o Folk School Monteagle, Tenn »-a- -¢e=4-5; Several Communist connection Associated With School| charms have hem hurled at the school! F - Charged With Red Wettermazfs statement '3-'.;'.=_'=. -QA I - Connections charged PllI&d.l5E and Rev Mr . H .|I:Tu cker made II.l|bl1¢ false ' in.'é :.,.."~"<35'-" I H ' The Hamilton Cdunty Coun- _92..- _ formation about a government cil of the Aineriesn Legion witness in s Federal Com CINCINNATI ENQUIFER ~".-I. . loosed its first official blast :nu.msm case sgamst Myles yesterday at the Rev. Maurine Horton director of the High Cincinnati, Ohio ii";~f.+.-e.¢;r:kT-12% McCracki.n West Bad minister lander school under attack for attending n Wettermon laid Rev Mr Iemlnar _at s'Tennessee school Tucker had circulated letters rnta =_[g0g5i rharged with Communistcon ststmg the government witness Ieorx. - was discharged bv the Federal. Bureau of Investigation, sndi Previously, elements In the that the ease against Horton Legion rank: had taken pot Pit GE ots at Rev. Mr. Mcrackln. had been dropped because of _pez-lured testimony by the I t. yesterdays bhst was-morewitness. _- ' - - - - - , 1 b road sld e. , EDITION Morning Fin: I e Legion also denounced Thin ls I deliberate lIl1tl'Il1, made without lbllilnlll, J es C. Paradise, president of In addition to being an lmproperi the Cincinnati Chapter of the use ot the FBI: name," Wetter-' » 4. American Civil Liberties Union, '92. mm laid. _ I '' and the Rev. Luther Tucker, The Legion spokesman ssldf pastor of the Indian Hill Epis- Paradise gave out the same in-* topal-Presbyterian Church, as formation in the January 16- ll ,e.:p,..,..-.-nnrfm-a o. f hm! ...... F Ila-All-92..-k Crackin. - ' ' - 'fit. John: Church meeting. 4' Wettermen said the Legion 1 In a statement signed by Nell IICouncil "has pieced n full re-I ;WetLerman, the Legion coun-IIIport of this matter in the - 92 cils Hamilton County Amer- hands of FBI Director J. Edgar - 1 -icanism chairman, Paradise and Hoover. e ' '. ' - v 4 Rev. Mr. Tucker were charged He added that the lUegion's92 with "distorting facts" in a stand on Rev. Mr. McCrackim public meeting on charges and his supporters has been en-I iagainst Rev. Mr. McCrac 'orsed unanimously by men:-_ January 16 at St. John: Uni- I the F1:-st Dis bio tarian Church, Clifton. - iv As lor Rev. Mr. M00:-nchin, kAmv ,_ htrnselt, me Legion: epolte-er.-_en 'decls.red it opposes Ind _wlll .3" continue en oppose" hls presen- I 1; r,-is tation 0! his beliefs to youth. The Legion described Mr 51-' " "- M sckin's beliefs to men to the best interests W1-T ""~;"-1.25-tl om-no try." ,' .:- ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED l t , ,92'l;:v'.--9" 92 .1» HEREIN SUHOLASSITIED DATE a» CBY P r 1 .I-. 7,~ -3',--. H S *.".- -"-,.'-'. 92 -_-. ' , . .92_,_ pk ;,_.__,r _ _ __ -___._¢,_.'_._.,:-,-,_- _. _. 92. -Q-__, :3 _-,__.__ ._; __,,-_ -,.--|,A A._- ._ _-.,_-_ : .,;-L ,_u-. . 92-' .~ ___-.; ;. . I. - -< - ._ - --n L-¢ -a-1'.-.,_-_.".."-=-:.,".dJ|»,~¢I-'t'.».a._. -,.1£P:;-.-;-.x~.;.:- L-..'¢,--.=.¢_.s re- .__ .» 92 -- I .* _, *_._ __ _, , _ _ _ -a . -' ~- » '4 '_ . I. ' 7- .~_f"->_ 3- ._ §_ - . ,_ .- _,. 1 _ , A ' D ' '-9' a 1 > _ _ . =1<;v+ .92 _ .- .-1*». 92. .- - ' 92 v "- : -'1"C6 Z/It?1..-...,v..p 772 - u1~111"1§l;,p-;..__- Eovx-21mMEN1; ' ,'.~9292 -' ."¬-= -:1:4~§_;_,_.,_>,_»-_- _, ..L ".l,* 1: 9 '=».;;-_-H, -_. T r_ .r_ 92, -,-_;92.-- - ~;'-.-.»_-;;r;~,k??_'~,".'- & 2'*5:* d ' i --'-.1. .- 1 --1,.-» »'- 92__=..4;_ _'_m'%l. ,. 92 _"= 92 .'.;_____._;_3: -1.-,-- -11 L? TO --~---.-F .».?~. r; .: Director, FBI cezszisi-1!. OF ' 1 Q; 9" °*"" 2/21/5.-3 _ If'.~=,._'<*-_;_.:;_.'|,. Y-M";.'.~_'-_.I .,,~'...,- ..»~-,»,'-' A V , _-"iii 3--w;.n5::f"-1 :' .--.-..'~ , " ;l.;.; -- - - ' K ' _ l * » '.,_ 1 .¢'- ,.¢92-a<_3_-- A.92-.§ .; -, 92_.,__i-,._:_¢-;;z-'31:: -92._ 92 1._1_.;.,.~ -_;92 7! F _ ;§%%§e%E§!f .1 M ' ' "§_%¥§"' =.-.' " "F £iia£1.. .. . éi-92 $1 : ' g,-.___.'92_:'.._ Z §%@" 1- ea" ' -.-e"*~1-11'."-.;=-9 .~--- .=92 , --7 .¢eew#&*' 1 _ _ - ifmoxgznnn onxcm! ,BATE 01- 4LABS$1Ei§% '3 _" -"-is "11--:-,=.~-'12: :"'.%-5-'. , - .. .._ l .; r- ..~ ~-=.;- Reference is made to Philadelphia letter dated_l2/27/57,-- , '1, :'.:»"- captioned as above. _ _., * _- ~ . _ . -1- jr V - - _- »- - -. iiéiii §<-T*- 9-1: iii." ?=;15a=t~;'i=2-:-r't?-i¥¥5§st iJ/ For the ice : 1'-*5 -T>"'>'¥"~% advised were publication Q '§§@Y§§§$ captioned "Highlander Folk School" printed and distributed ssddeswws by the Georgia Commission on Education 220 A riculture . _ 'I Building, 19 Hunter st., Atlanta 3, Ga. advised he did I--92 '__92, '~~ _. - '_ L - . , . -_.'f 7,-__. . J! _. .- 92f92 not know to whom this publication was being distributed, but -7-" believed that it Iould be mailed to those individuals who -_-.: ~ h""n.§'4"' giw » m 92l/ are in local and State politics, as well as those throughout the United States.po1itica11y inclined on a national level. He advised he did not know if former Special Agents of ' . the FBI had received copies of this publication unsolicited in the nail. " ' » *~*. '.v7' * *-~ ~ :

On 10/2/57 a Confiden .,..e-Q~> identi 1... »., _. -" 44

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.. 1- .,,-__i,_,_._1 _§."_ ' '7 ."I-f: -i:;::.-'-:'*-0-'1» -_ '.-F» -'»' £$".=e-':~*¢.'.:"*?I 4_,_.._=.-..;,_. ,,= Enclosed herewih for the Bnreau and Hei York are copies of 1": 1-.~, this publication entitled The Highlander Folk School . --92-f.~1_: ". -_!,." L'_;_ _ .'¢ . A copy of this letter is furnished to for information purposes only, as well as to Philadelphia and Knoxville, Origin. :1 n this case.

;. 92- RUC 6

2 .,_.__. _- ' 1:. . 92 - .92 *- c .' --*- '. -'- - ,:-,, if _ G-w;7' 1_-';;i I. , 4- H. _ '5 ': ~51-i~V_::':l . . 4 , _ I __"92;" - .. c ~ ..-. " 1 .~ .; '.. ~ w e - . ;L.~H', ' I rm ' »;' '._'- '4} - r ' 92 N ' _ | r . ' »~e~s~. = . s. IJIA, - _:t int , -3; ,.-.--1 . 6; _ . _ -.¢o,' - .._. 4- --:r_=_92;"r'*92_».:. . '_" _.= .1, -_ . » .-»_ . 11-: C . -. 92 -. ' - ~-K5-=t_'_ ... -"_-_. ,1; '33:,-.1 ' -===-..".' .___ »1-'...7-':»- 3: _1. .___f.. _ 1 _:-5 _'-; _ .-= 92 ;*-:-,- .-_-92~. -E131 V -_1§-=- K. /~ .»1,_ gq .- L; _,,'l. F,/P;a"" 5;-"_.--1".-92-1'-; I - 7'25 .___ es;-2.-ea,---9.! -_ei+~.=-.-,..n_= '-' -,:~ , ,,'_:,;_92_ é ,:;§"»:-'§.L_:" iu.-,-~-- 92»-'-"1i';r"- , n ¢ 1 J . _ _~ __, 1- 92-. "92-5! ls 5'-= - '* _ -. 1- ' _ ,92 1; - . ' A. H ' K_ - T7-" " ' - '.-. bi... . r" | u a '5' ~,;:.-_-92- .. - Qs --. . . 92 - _ -< . _ .;.. . . _ I: v ' - _ . _, 1 - - . -1, , ._ §~ Iv-K-F-¢.'1.92~-'923;¬_r ::;§11-*'i'- o 4 -1 T8. an -"»-2*-5+3; 12 fh-:._ ~ 1 , "92_ '1"; -Hf} -9»,-gv-*,~.¢,..-L -?,<;>'>a; ,-;7 "T_'4;,£wé4";:l.' 31 ~-h'.;>.,%92'- Q-Q':'if.sf'.'r:-. -"- ;.-=.7-- ** 12' 1 1"-;-11';-31'?g§"Y§;¢--;I;=?:5?.:a 92 - - qr k :'~1i.";':v"-;"&-'i: "*."I-<-=' w . . _ --j. __ _ » ,1. __ ____.,1.-_.-- .|_ _-.- , '_-_,- ,-. .-I 1;... - t-_- .. ~. -.2 - 1,5» - rm., ..,. _ , . .. . _ . . . ,. , -,;<',~. ._ .. -92,-1_--_v_--. '- . .=-.-92- ,_.-_~_,92_ _'. 5 ; _- _*_. - _ It _92 ____._..,._,.....-._....-¢-.;,.._ - |_' 7-, _ . -.-..u-n-n.-_.|¢_A-l.¢-.4__-.*_i__$,....__.u-:-'-I- -,5. - .V -_ -, Q",__1;/-_V|.-~.:::_-___I_92 J, i .3:-F. $3 J _|.-=:~1.- - ;__-N:-_-:_;:.j-_92:_.. . 4;.-_ /_:.:, 1 _V; =-J-=-~92-4-- ~ -_ _ _ 1 ~_~ _-.~ _. _21.92'- ;- _ '.-92'- -14*._.'~_ . ,._. _'- _ '_ 92 _ -,._'.-._7: n! 6] .-Q; ._', fa _, .»_;,__.._-,.. ._ Q < 1-, y ;_'.__»'_~:,;_,"_.-,'_ '=.".- 9'. -L-T. '_ +-!92 ' yu 1%.- -.~'..:¢;- -. : L1; 92_-__';~;-Y, ._.__{ .= _-' Tr. - . ..'-~-;f,~,3..<.r_. :;3" tr" -.,l " J;".i P1 ' 1.--Q-'1-I".;_:.;:¥P --'-~'.."-.1 ::+-'- ="-1-»1.-*-92"' ',-'.r<-a.___5"¢'£z-'<,'.".|../..r;:-E 1-= , 1-" 92 1f v - if... -' _ » <15 -_. ¬;$?j'-.»=.., I F ? 7 / f ~57 M; V

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.;_ l; _ _ ='~ . '": cg %?"~7¢;_vz~ -1*-é 92 7:. E-@= -Q:-'-.==-.~< 4'10- .;/PT»-»~%<._a Q5//agka. ! . "'j!" _-_92 . ,92_,,,92_.4.,.¬J..$-,_/ .. i_._,_,,,__,~_ -92-'4~.»~u.', L .=L;gl92 _.§-L~;'='-.- _-_,§,.,-~ ¢.~-__.,_zH -.»_.~-.3 1-,_-$92a - -,'-¢-,..92-'..-H-n ,;,__ ..:,_:-_.if:-.-._;- ; _. 1195: .% "192_i'|4_/,--i'92_fr -_'1 / .. 1 :1 7C/, 1 %f> IL . 4- " 5 3 MAR 17.1958 . .______<,. --_=...v-. -nee,-In;/v .|...-m.r_¢u.=.-nuw_.- u----h------1- ,..__~.'-._...... f II _..-_ 92_,__L 92 L ' » . .92 92 ,_jt--..______. 1 - = I/1" ' I , . f 92 _ __ ,- ,/,1 92- x -"' 92--. 5 ;. ~__;a~. I . - ,_-_'=. P '.,; P:-3 '_ ..-4»; .--'-*'71: _' I-R" . ._._. _- __ -----Z--7 *.,-V- - -~r_t'::*_? ______,___ _' ME,*:;_"-'5'1{¢ a '7;-.-fF:1=t.- -._',_',I'..,§;r§.;; :~. --3?-.f:~::-. - ~;i= 92i H1,"-.,.-_ .c..-.: .-_ ,!;"='__*»'§~;:,f~_s;;,~;_-:-?g=? - - _-5-"! -;~_.c..1=i=.~P_'% March 24,1958X ' =__ ----..~_~ -._- §§',."; :1;1- I'.'F.-:_-15,..---.~;': _§.,,-.<~'.3}>,,,_ -' . ._" '5 >1 A '.'_ CAMPBELL CHAPTER D.A. R. ' 4: ~*".*'.K I.- ;,- NASHVILLE. TINNEIIII -'72¢ _ c 3' ~s- .

F.1. "1-"V-.¢ - T=£;.¢»';." Ayes?. , _ V :;.f.;._..1_a._. '.-14 1 @nL?T?1F;¢-1 ; Mr. FE Edgar Hoover, ' .-2'-"C- " f: Washington, D. C. .. -'7';y iris 4-..,_7-sf.j llyDear S ; " _c The members of Campbell Chapter, a 3 _¢ Daughte of the imerican Revo1ution,one hundre }strong,wish to call your attention _ >. . =-7...; to thé~i5h1ander:g_§ghgo1 1ocated.in M2pnt eag1e,Tennessee'and urge you to take stehe" - to revoke it's charter. we are not familiar I with the necessary technical procedure for .._v" .--~..,2.- _- ._;_;*:,_ _~'--1 ,_.*$ *1 ~I 92 .. . ~ such an act but have confidence in your - 92 F,_§;,,_,;_ -..;._¢ ~_'::. -3. knowledge and ability. /I ,1-c:"'.'l VF-»J we feel that this schoo1,though 33 accomplishing some good,is influencing the mountain people of that area toward Commun- . ggu .. '92 istic ideals. f §£§¥;§k§mi we do not want such a school any» i '-~ '. i where but certainly not in Tennessee. We would like for you to know we 2 .9» -1,- stand firmly back of you in all such efforts- K, '6 ,7 I, 1 2 -ea:::..___§;V_-_._" '.

__ -_-/_,"f y __]/.5_4r'Ar 4 s ,1Y '° / -57¢, I%ih-J'-Y?:;/'"" ' Nashville,5,Tenn. 1 l e -M /< ff »'da: ; of - -_,,| . - -7.3 £4 .e= ,._H,,____; REO- asW ' 1°{L:""_.»£?_4.;Q57 /


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': - ' >1. -I. ''f'§.~.,=5; -*-_

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' 1-> 1:". 92 .-- -.---a..._ -,.., ..' _ . + v-_ -- * -._-1:9,"- a'w'--{.- Q Dear __ _ _ . F . ;--' ".1: T -_ . _ .1 ''- 7;__, . _. _._' . '... 5. 5." - --- .. T 7- .4' .- .' -3»-I-».-_I --"1 , ,, .-... a i Your letterlciated amt 24.11958, hasbeen received,n cf} and I appreciate the interest which prompted your eomunieatioa. '_ - . ..._n _ _

I IUUIU III-U U U]-ll: UHF I-Ill loll Tl-ll ID I . - 1 I» ,-+. :--r_ -4 .. a fact-gatheringagency ansdoes notmake evaluationsor A _- 2;-'_,-:. draw conclusions as to the character or integrity of any _ ,_ ¢ . individual or organization. also, the revocation of the ' k I eharter_oi_'.the school-you nentioned is not agpatterttrithin. : the Jurisdictionoi theFBI butis a responsibilitglgof -_ i. 1%? officials of the State of Tennessee." In vieI.oi' I coanaents-- s. appropriatein your letter, you state ofi'_icia1a._'~¢ nay desire to discuss .thils . .o _-CL: ' nattg-_r'if; . with Y r '2': §*1"*.t£5 __.q__pFr*3aon_~e- 1 ' i . ~'_ I L I -er_' J- V In .. . -l". ..:w-1'-1"* » 2'0: » -.- o. - ii - -- .-V -1-'- a1:?"' " ~-' '5 . '/C,__,,__ _ . _ '_In '_,|,the event you__- -. secure additional..data, d Hi _>. IE-_ich you '' __ re?-~ I.-;--1-<.- '-ye.ggigun L ..: 1 WI:-uL|;,,;.;. _'. I E -"-gar 'p '.- i'.- nu.-92;|._ . . . ¢-. - --..__.._. 2.; __ _. _ . :..E,.l -3 bi!!! J L _ =.§§_92-92.. __...-,_,. '.:;*_.-1,.__ _ believeto be oi interestto thisBureau, youngdesire to ,_- _ Memphiscommunicate Officelocated directlywith atL11_0-igtterickthe Secial Agentuilding, inarge of Iemphis 3, our . -. : -:-1--.--. "~ -< » .- -- ' ','..;--. 1'"-.=- '1,- - ~ - - _ . _ _,..-. .- - v 1 - - H--:< .-1". C."-'3 ,.-_'-',- ,-~-'--- . 'r1. A r ' ' -- -' -_. '- ._ _ 1'--_"_1-.-';,"-i -_ -". - sf. .1 ._ H; flu s _ ' _" ; ,- 1:. - , -"H - ='?'=.'r'-¢"."..'- '-x - - -. '.--';~': J ' I ;-g-."l"~~- ',=.<;ti?"-.-;'-_-". -IT-Hir=';:'?i?'§'-YE"I-'i"=-i7=§.==r?'=-'._I-i~.---'=*1'-j ~ __ - -_ 92.,_.,.,._ ._,_ -_-t.;<;..-.:92-|,_ :. , ~. .5, ~ _-.,-_§r.;:.i_ ,:_T|_:-_I 7' __ -. .-_--.» _ _ ._ I F L '92' . ;.--H,» __- _ __- _.. - . . ..--- ,. -- -_- | ~ '= -__-.,--...-_...~_-., *..{. " ....,~ ._. -.--,-_-"I.-. ,,-- _-.-. 92--, --.. _-92--» ..-, - ..».;_ .-. -_ 92 __ ,_ - -_ _. -. _.1 92~'!__- _~I .; -.... .»-T, ..-. _ tn",-_>:1-'::,| 92 '_|_~_92:'92 -!_'.3_-_',_;3'92'-~ _.-_i_ r_-_-_._,,92.P -»rf.J-_'__.--'.'-_- ., _ _.'1 r::.'_:.:,.~.-"- ',_| > 92_ _. . _ -..- --_= ~- _ .-_>-*-_--.-.-='..1-_.,- --:..,-- -d~._ . -.--~,__---. ;.,- - --~_ _' , .. ' _ ' ' -"-- --I - - ..--- - 4'1-='4i-'r=--.111-1"-'--l-4.;i-.§..'----*_-' -_:3-'..-."',~.-1'1 F--*in-':492"1am41."G 7- "I-',-J-- -1'-..'.-".,2--"_-1-;~_';{i"-.1 '1:-_.:.~"~-|.i|_|.... "ll/vu"'Ll';*av" '7-"I"-'75:. ~:':1'~"'~":'."-';"-.= --'_-¢-a~1---- _-.- --'1-;¢:::"-'..'-I I h "-31- * '1 Q»-E "-'"1L " ' Q7. 1...,'»-3- A,_,_ 1- . -._..|.-at-J,*,_~-- ~- _-.-. -i-I - ",;:'.'_{-'I ._inBh-+ '--1_ f . -. ._92,=-.1-- -3-_92r, _.,- ..; _<_;> _'.=", ; T""""*'*-l~.i.iw.,.,,-- " " J._ ; - -.----_-r-.-.. . . -,-A--' 92l .'~:I._ _-7';-'_. --'.'I-92*'{.i ,,_-;. _ ». .- - - _-_, , 1:.-1.!"; 92" -D- t="~-> 31-4117- 7 ->.j92; '-¢-92-'33. . :-v.or.-<: -»=:-_--' i ». .-'e.'.-.-;1;_-1» -¬I,§".§-F.- ~.-'._'|_' .5»: -- -'2~;-.1~ ':1f..'92'-g-.~_~,_- _ - f¬1'.;'-1:1 -._/.,,=~ 4,-.-,3 ..~1:!.--s.-,-° ';' : ' .,-'.' 1"|1uI'| hi F-..~.-.-'- .-,---:1.">',-"E5"-';'§-'s'92§§13-'-e ~-=-'&1.f¢Z; --. '1._-9,3."- ---'u*----~:;.-:-P92I.;--.2.-~ '1. - =.I "ye . - . 1.»? . QT"'19"-§~:_;..i-=_ _ L .';'¬=:_'rgg* En o d inf 't ~- -. i' "- --j".::-"- ,,,;,t_..-in-3 * .15-I;-"_:' _. . . .. - _ eorrespondenggettertl-_1~l-- - -u-.» 5 §-i.2::.{=j92&:47'F?'g'- r-J: I --Q45 :..1-, ..-... . .- r t - 92- ff __~ '~"'_ .-Q . - '-."u{ _. -.-_. ? 7- .- :'92".

-1_- _VI;. ".'92'w-. _!--5;-Q . "-1 -_;-.3-4.2;?E,___ . -In-_*._;":'.' _1 *"'_+-is"-' --"*1 . . '" *1? +3. "'- .}¢'-*-'2-_t_-12:1-___ . _ .. -. . _.- ._T...... -4.-is-~- -1.1"; .1-'.- -. - - , Tennessee, are we_.1_'=1=<>'='==.:~11-_ . 61 i _ . .. ':,-;;v. - .--"->=-..__ _.. -. . . -;- ~ ; - uh __ _'lbeabovefurnished is for your information _-f_-*5,- , 92 .¥'§§ -.;_92W ..';. .1 '>-i _> r 1' _ V _ _-,- : _ _| _, . 1 -1';-'1'-. . -I - ,- .- - > - .. .. ---. --.-.-'-.."*-5-*-~ - 92 _'__, .__Ii_:' .:_.s H91-Exglo. QN _é '; _ , ' - . - 3 _ I ..,.. '_ Correspondentdesires to~¬all the Bureau'sI _ ' "-92--;';»"# - attention to the Highlander Folk School. She feels the'i _ . _ .___'.?__._!,.2: -_ U ' '-' school is influencing the people of that area toward _ . I _" --0'-gs. .,_': =1 - 1' 3-Xe? gmmgniitice ec nlca proce ideals.dure Shetstateskshehis0 revo e t e c arter fami%ia§0 gott e - with a; 4 .,*.i--5 -'.' .-" kn- .E -r»,j--': :.'~ school but has confidence in the Director'sknowledge and = -E I mt"-?.' ability. She also states that she and the organization .-»-._._... -3; -:.;"_; J; . she representgpfirmly stand backof an . 92 . ___, .'- :.'-.-" . ._..' _ .The High1nnder~Eo1knSchool- H.-_.'_:;_ suppoitéd A-I-r--' .grimarily is --~'.-.'a=r=-I-1by donations from individuals and labor unions in orm of ; -~j->-:-'3, '15 =3. vs - .1" z '.'. 1" -._-:- .. "é3%l}§2§%¥°in2li-?-*2?2-"}§°i°1§3%c a _ an °§"¬§2' za n socia -f§°" econom ' 3-}; . ~ E-°- 1;} s . 1-.. ;,.-.7 2;. 9--;=.t - .-2 1 memandbthe ers on ts stafigliioggeneral an as %abo¥'§guca§iog.o owe t e practIt has ce hago - CF =i welcoming communistsas students. -It has never offered - 5. te . -. _ In ' - coursesof instruction in communism,nor hg%[theCP ever ' .I . _sncceededin Eaining control of the school. neto its . 1:-a...- interracial c aracter, it has beenthe subj£:Qof numerous 1 '--,-.w.:§-!.¢$-?.:-,---1 -':-:~..'-' :.="'-..-1.»; - _ f.=.='-,5--5.--'.'ad¢,_*_i_ -: ; - _|-_.'_-}g_ pastcomnun sma%leg?tig:5 n ~ stern ennessee.thatTit represen;e th§1head?uartrsa egat ons ave for nevc & ;_§¢-.:.-;A _..-,'~"-~ kiiéi-">T*=¬=-an 1 -._ J- i . been substantiated?i1ql;25ll;%10!.,_i;_Jt.---;;s.. 7 T '.153 i ' -~ ~12 a-.1:.n»r'---»-1*' ' .1 -, .,=; .-r.'-,4 N- 5 '. " ¥:c:5§4'§}-'1 ' 5'.:--'.-"-- H 7511- 99$ i 'i -- , up __ . _. " _ '. KL .,_: -i i.,_;.,;~.F "."92!""<- *__1_;. ~ -. 3;. L i_'1 Q I _ CUM: 1 _ . - I ->92. : I.-'2 I F.-_-, =,- 7-':,_':;__.'f;._-P.:':";;T:?}1'4f1§;"¢'-_::f'T;'T4§U'"3,92¢;'f:§g_§é"I%"7?-IIf-Lit'-:?f;1F't'Pn-- -. - _ ¢ . ,1.-., Li, ._J~.--, - 9- ; -. -"'1.-r- - --'!>=-=4. mi. t. an--.-1-'5117.371-'='?§~?"5"¬?*"".7 -' -_. -_.-,. '.= _ - ;'¢-"r-;1;',~-1,; . ._- ii-. , ;_4_,_- 1-~---..-,. 5-'-'1; -"-.--Ag. r"*',1,-.---..-_ - -- ,_,_-,--,_ ,- 1- :~ 'A~-I-i_-92-:1 -_-__- * - --;..~_~__-_-. -*6 -. -_-3.; 1.; .;-_- ' ;.-- .-_, 92- .- ;-- I->'.:-".i--,.'.----'-1'. -"---~-. .;-;"'-Ti-E-.-_»P1;_-.~;'92"§»./. =.-."'n.»'.-.'-1,-r.1~; -.."-»-;o-' '-'.-£5->=.-1--I-§=~~..-'-51.>--'-5"" ' ..,- 92--; -1.1, ,- -'I >1» _-92 - -"1; --- 51,. -":- _1»;-1',-192¬92._v~92;-.;¢.~,_{,.:,;_._~.-_ -.--; . =_<- -~--.-"~'-. -e»1¢!-1-:-1*92|-f.-._.r_1-R-.i_;_,._:~~J-H,» -_ 5+ _.;!-,_:.- ad571'.-_ ' -»'-"- .-.q f--is ~_92 <'_,'-;,_;'.7_l.;-92 -;-.'-_ r_' 0- -,- -.-I . --_ -¬ - 1 " -I - .7.-- _,-T-1"15-.1:-.-.-!}'---'.}~a.'l5# 3. -~~. 1; ._N, >-.1:- _-_._-t__---_:__,__._:q. --v" 1:1. _---=,'-,_.-_t_;,_'-M.-w -3 1..-X . :_92_ ,-F-.--P»_-_._92-- ,- __ - " .:'- _' _ -Y -__~,.-.'._*,_~'_';.-.-';.-5..-,7 .-.-.~i;;.;-=,--_s-.5»-..kerg»-..-'»-.;_',_--=.e'-, =._'.-,-. --.-.- - 2 -"3--_: P '-._'-_"1,:--.--'..'-l'"'.-- _*,'". ; ~-,,1»~_,-1_- .._;'""-.'Ri1I,.-§7':, I~"¢-".,1Zv ~-Ti-J--T "_--..'-,-"Ir;-"'92_:_-'~ _t -i?}~0 -=--T ' 'l""'.'42s" i *4'_-' q -I-4; -_>, J ; 92 -3',-.1;-'-" r.-"- -. ' I 1 1 4-750 -7-79! r . . XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX


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". w92'_|r~__ '-_ communist SchoolI dont Know anything abouti£.., You cantell more when you read this paper? I 92'|.'|.__-.1 ~.=, Yours Truly. - * -~~. _ ,-_-»i.¥¢-*-,»;; =;:%. . i . 1,; Lin--1;- - '_e..-.- _.'_<-__»_.r_-_':g --a- ". ,3. . :...,;_1I~ - Q?-".' r sl ~: P.-S.' -I :7:-49:-"-92§' ¢.Q1 - - 4 F .4 - .-' .-.92 .- _._: . I ___!?'. , . :;.. ,- . W £4-11-31 4 M; I i V '

-= - "'4'- _._ . -gf E?-" .-w ii? 1?"éa ~ZM%~@*"*- "-91" &92~''.§"-l. Communism

and the

NAACP M544 ié

é/- /57/-113:: - _-;- -H. 1 _ __ V," -Y_ ~'-"W -£1.11


The information contained in this publi- cation wvaspresented underoath byDoctor T J. B. Matthews at a public hearing of the Florida Legislation Investigation Committee, on Monday, February 10, 1958 at the State Capitol, in Tallahassee, Florida. M. The Florida Legislation InvestigationCom- 92;';. mittee is a legislative investigating committee .. authorized under the Florida law to compel .. ,- the attendance of witnesses and their testi- "1f'-+"l F mony under oath. '#m§.~- -...: " Georgia Commissionon Education t I 19 Hunter Street, S. W. A. 220 Agriculture Building Atlanta 3, Georgia

mt »-_. 1 ._;___ ' 92 1

1 l M introduction

In thepages whichfollow, certainpropositions will emerge fromthe evidencesubmitted. For the most part, originalCommunist sourceshave been cited in order to let the Communists speakfor themselves. It should be clear that- I! The Communists areat work,with theircustom- ary fanaticaldedication, instirring uptrouble inthe field of public schoolintegration in the South; 2! The Communists havebeen at work for some thirty yearsin the field of agitation amongNegroes; 3! The Communists haveorganized andpromoted a succession of united fronts and fronts designed espe- cially for winning Negroesto Communism; 4! The tactics of Communist agitationamong Ne- groes aregreatly alteredfrom timeto time, but the basic objectiveof violent revolution remainsun- changed; 5! Whatever the line of the Communist Party on the Negroquestion maybe at a givenmoment, itis based uponthe so-calledMarxist-Leninist analysisand is dictatedby Moscowin the special interestsof the Soviet Union; A 6! There is a vast Communist literatureon the subject ofCommunism andthe AmericanNegro; 7! One of the announced goalsof the Communist program isthe confiscationwithout compensationof the Pro Perty of the white capitalistsand landownersin the South; B! The Communists favorracial amalgamationand assert that a Communist revolution would speed up the process; 9! The Communists haveestablished friendlycon- tacts withthe Negroieaders ofmost of the recent in- tegration incidentsin the South; 10! The Communists relychiey upon the support which theyare ableto commandfrom misguidedSouth- ern liberals; ll! This is an era in Communist strategywhen the Party hasreverted tothe unitedfront policywhich prevailed immediatelyprior toand duringWorld War I1; 12! Communist leaders have asserted that "Negro liberation is their Number One issue on the domestic front.

5 -"t-1:": ?



Communists, Negroes, and Integration Belt. This would mean an adjustment or rectification of the lines demarltmg 12 stata through -.-.-men runs r The Communist Party has long been expert at the the Black Belt area where the Negro people are in business of fishing in troubled waters-the more a majority. p. 19, 20! 7:.-' troubled. the more to its liking. In 1948, Negro Communist leader I '4 :..1"i .'= The Communist Party is at it again today; and, rm- published a book entitled Negro Liberation. .-> L iortunately, the Keep Off" signs have been taken That Negro liberation" has priority on the Com- down by order of the U. S. Supreme Court, in its deci- munist Partys agenda today is confirmed by the fore- sions of June l7, I957, affecting the Communist con- most Negro Communist leader in the United States. spiracy. Writing in Political Affairs, the theoretical magazine If any issue in our society today may be properly of the Communist Party, U.S.A., which lays down the "2.-'1-in-I-_92characterized as troubled waters, it is unquestionably Party line, Benjamin J. Davis declares: the issue raised by the Supreme Court's desegregation The struggle for Negro rightsparticuIar1y in the * order of May 17, 1954. And there is no hazard in deep South-is the single most crucial and decisive .'5';'.',i,r:13i,..'* _ " " 5 that these waters will be troubled for a long '-'!_92-. ,."?a", 5 1 issue in the United States today . . . The massive .' :if$-.~: time to come. significance of the national liberation stnl les of the rf $21!-Q, 1' The situation is one which the Communists have Negro and colonial people, here and abroagci envelops .1»..._>-¢.a-. welcomed eagerly. It offers them an almost unparall- this work with additional importance. p. 13! eled opportunity to exploit, for their own ulterior and revolutionary purposes. the inevitable social turbulence Negro Republic in the Black Belt resulting from the Supreme Courts order for public school integration. Violent agitation is the meat on The Communist slogan of Negro Liberation" is Ci; t... - .'.. ".l~i:?: Ocrnmunism feeds. simply a watered-down version of the Party's original '92"1I3-'§..-"I"~ i--I.92~ - slogan of A Negro Republic in the Black Belt." The -'; The Bait: Negro liberation propaganda which the Communist Party conducted on ._.__ I ._ .,._. tilt bait on the Communist hook is Negro libera- the basis of the latter slogan fell at in its appeal to iii tion. a phrase which has been reiterated by Communist Negroes and only served to show how far the Kretnlins go ts-. iced-.-:, with such frequency over the years that it has agents are removed from the realities of the American A" ti scene. y .-.-__»_.. :- be-some a cliche. It matters not that liberation at the liaads of Communists is demonstrably a cruel euphem- In October, 1930, the 92?'vi>-t - V .-.! J-a I ism for a slavery worse than that from which Lin- adopted a resolution on the Negro Question in the c-1-.Pns Emancipation Proclamation freed the Negroes. United States." It was published in the United States The Cominunists still approach the Negro people of by Workers Library Publishers, the publishing adjunct _l_J-___¢_V_ L the United States with the promise of liberation dang- of the Communist Party, in a pamphlet entitled The .1 '7*7;i*;i:i'...a'. ,,._t'.?,... ling from their hook. Communist Position on the Negro Question. . _ '.Vi_ As long ago as 1928, the Communist Party of the On the subject of an independent Negro republic in e" - United States published a pamphlet written by John the Black Belt, the Comintern took the position that Pepper, the representative of the Communist Interna- as long as capitalism rules in the United States the tional in the United States, in which Pepper said: "The Communists cannot come out against governmental Communists mus! participate in all national liberation separation of the Negro zone from the United States." .-.*:;"."c.'.'2t:'.'.'t.;' of the Negroes which have a real mass p. 51! But, in the event of the establishment of a mlatib character." American Negro Problems, p. 14; em- Soviet government in the whole United States, Com- phasis in original! :"§.;b_-'?-.»- munist Negroes would come out against "separation of In n Lt-namunistpamphlet entitled "The Road to Ne- the Negro Republic from federation with the United *1 -tr '5: L ration," published in 1934, Hany Haywood States. wmle unconditionally giving "the Negro popu- Q.-. i "*'" Party leadership in the Negro liberation -=-,-.;..~ 1,. Iation of the Black Belt freedom of choice even on this z-"t.-the-. movement." p. 62! question. p. 50-51! *?-.92"r..»-*.=in 1937, the Communist Party issued a pamphlet The Cominterns resolution held that there was a -M-r"!"r'entitle-:l "The Road to Liberation for the Negro Peo- prospective sharpening of the national conflicts in the ple." by Abner W. Berry and others. South. with the advance of the national revolutionary ryl u ._ Ten years later, in 1947, Negro Communist leader _ ,1.- ;-f;;- Negro movement," and that in such a situation the . ,. . t ._ . Benjamin J. Davis published his pamphlet entitled "The Communist Party must "stand up with all strength and rt-.,Yllfl-#1.Path of Negro Liberation," in which he wrote: courage for the struggle to win independence and for Lt l. the establishment of a Negro republic in the Black '-;i..fi.-lid -5 Consequently the Negro people are moving in -1' '- the direction of some form of statehood in the Black nut" p. st-52> _. erg:-' 1E1l;' I. 6 1 i -:».:';;--:. 1 -. i

_ . .. -. 1 .| __'a_4_'___i___ KT-u-i1;-_-__ I_ L1_ ;__I_ 'I"L_ lI-__- William Z. Foster points out that the PFOETWII OI "18 IBIIHUULI IIILIUBB lF5lUUI- LU I115 DUUK, INC IYCETU Communist International declares for! People in America History, published in 1954, Foster writes: The recognition of the right of all l1_80_IIl5, il'l'=e sptclive oi race, to complete self-determination, that The American Communist Party got its eventual is, self-determination inclusive of the right to State scientific understanding of the Negro question in separation. TowardSoviet America, p. 304! the United States from the writings and personal Foster then applies this principle of self-determina- counsel of Lenin. This was one of the'many basic lion and State separation or secesSi0El fI'Om 3113 Ullilid services to the American labor movement rendered States! to the Negro population in the Black Belt, in by the Communist International, but it was not to be realized until 1929. p. 454! _ the following statement: Accordingly, the right of self-determination It has already been shown that the representative of apply to Negroes in the American Soviet system. In the Communist International, , dictated the VH0 oi.-qiled Black Belt of the South, where the line of the American Communists on the so-called Negi-oes are in the majority, they will have the_fullest Negro question. right to govern themselves and also such white mi- fa->1 On Penetrating Non-Communist Organizations 'i _ ,» .' rioiities as may live in the section. ibid,p. 304! ;'§92.=- In addition to building their own Party-controlled Confiscation organizations, the Communist Party has from the be- _;.. r ..-:+ i, it ____ i-.._, -, The program of the Communist Party calls for the ginning pursued a policy of sending its members into r.nnti

vi! % - ';i"=.-it?-" '-

E *3 - . .*,'.'g¢.'=,,.. - .

-_,_i _ .a

1 |g~ to the Plenum of the Communist Party. In this in- stance, the "one issue" was a forthcoming conference tion. Ford added that these Negro Garveyites "were on unemployment in Washington, D. C., a conference so afraid of their reception at the Italian Gilmmunist ~'- .- engineered and controlled by the Communist Party. center} that they went there armed with knives. p With respect to this example of successful penetration 17! The precautionary arming was, of coune, wholly ll of non-Communist Negro organizations, the Plenum rprnnrl eni.rl' i unnecessary; they were received most l305pil.8bly- From ._,...... i this particular affair, Ford chew the following can- These experienceshave shown us that it was pos- rlncinrt -.-.,..--_. ' _ sible to get this united front by simply taking up one section, one issue, one grievance of the Negro It is along these lines that we must work among ct; -. :- -1|..-, .,-. the Negroes, patiently overcoming their suspicions people and developing a struggle around it. In this and hesitations. case we can see that if we properly approach these l. .3 - organizations there is a possibility of getting into This experience in Harlem opens up a perspective the Negro organizations for a united front. We have of wider actions not only in Harlem, but throughout .' - -',i;.';.?a:= -C'* V..;s_=;-__- _r.. 12...; in ilaricrn an the preparations for the unemploy- the country. Committees on Ethiopia should be set . so -1_ - ed conference at Washington, a conference of 29 up on a nation-wide scale. p. I7! -_ ,-_ tr _.~ . organizations, different organizations than we have had heretofore, into a conference at Abyssinia Bap- lf ever two movements possessed antithetical ideol- tist Church, the N.A.A.C.P., church organizations, ogre-5. they were the Communist Party and Father Di- ~.-'f.i" '1?!- etc. Comrade [Herbert] Benjamin spoke there, and vines group. Notwithstanding this sharp clash of basic we elected delegates to the congress at Washington. views. the Communist Party successfully penetrated We had also the followers of Father Divine, the the ranks of Father Divines movement. On this sub- , av! s -. Negro God. p. 20! ject, James W. Ford made the following comment: t. 1- i- ~- +. {Again and again, the Communist Party has success- Another question that is bothering a number of _>e$ - ' :'aii_*,' penetr:-tied the Abyssinian Baptist Church, of comrades in New Yorlr is the Father Divine move- '- II "'l7i'.5 .-_'-.,_ '-,: 4;. ._-1., which Representative Adam Clayton Powell was and ment in connection with the united front . . . the the pastor.! comrades in Harlem have taken very seriously the _ 1,5 _.nv_-' 13. . Still another example of the use of the tactic of question which was raised at the last plenum~of go- . '.._,-'-Isa ..,_, _, '1-_ . one issue was the united front which the Communist i § lift! flag -» r-.l-|nrr92|1 vu---.--a nt-n-uni-yntinna 92aAaI-uQ.|l.l-Ii-l6l92lllD,Iqbinn I-lll92lI,.l5J.llC1l92.lB8-la.-.A.. Party organized around the Italian war against Ethi- with these people. Through our united front with opia. In an article entitled The United Front on Father Divine we have been able to effect the pene- _'f,f=1§'u.1'q..a.,.Ethiopia," published in the Parry Organizer of July, tration of a mass organization of the Negro people. - _.-.~,~ -- 1935; James W. Ford wrote as follows: A_ very important fact to remember in connection -:' . . 5.t-'¢. 92F . 4 .-or This time we organized a broad united front on with the Father Divine movement is the fact that the ":4 at...-".5-.-." '. '- '43-.-92.'92'-at the issue of the struggle for the defense of the followers of_ Father Divine are workers, toiling Ethiopian people, which ultimately involved at least P601116; that is why we are attempting to penetrate .'i,iI- - 1 .. into this movement. .-. . 60 Negro organizations. p. 16! - In this campaign of penetration, the Communist Party The united front with the Father Divine movement again had the use of Congressman Powell's Abyssinian has been made on the basis of certain concrete is- $' t-_.".-. - . -..:. - p Baptist Church. sues. p. IT, 18! ~,}.:_.{_=y,_:..- s Wrote James W. Ford in the Party Organizer: For more than_ 20 years, the Communist Party has i75'.92.2fi~.-4'-The first action was on May 7 935! in Harlem pursued this tactic of penetration of non-Communist at the Abyssinian Church. There were 3,000 Negroes °FB_3m1al10I1S and groups. With the current dwindling :=.1:_.i-_~|,._.-'_..-_....nt, -tl92.l._,t ui vtnum were not Communists. There °f {I5 m°mb°1'$h1P, the Party is pursuing the tactic more the Communists spoke from the same platform as ?55_i°51Y than ever. Recently, it has applied the 51;". ; 4.-1--r r these other people. p. 17! cllc on a broad scale among scientists on the issue of . _. r, radioactive fall-out. It hopes to reap vast gains on the - I. -.1I -; ti. , 7 ln the work of penetrating non-Communist organi- $116 Of integration in the_publi_c schools of the South. ,3-Elsa . zations, the Communists went prepared for any even- .21...-r-.-i -_rt.,;-I tuality. According to Ford, the Communist Party 011 nglullilclglégsts vipasure tpfir gains 111 terms of social '4'?"- - erever ey are permitted, u will one occasion sent a number of the followers of Marcus penetrate non-Communist groups which favor Iederal Garvey, whose organization the Party had penctrld» $¥Bl'92:nt|on by force in the field_of_ integration, hoping "E21. to a meeting of the Party's Italian Workers Center _ °F° Y *0 Increase turmoil and incite to violence. The ii where our comrades discussed the Abyssinian qua Indispensable pre-conditions of Communist revolution- . ., :_ "Y sentiment are chaos and violence. : IO QM _ - 1 _ _ The Communist Party cared little or nothing about racial discrimination in the Queens hospital, about the William Augustus Bell, Miles College, Birmingham; Ala. ' _ _ .. fate of the Scottsboro boys or Julius and Ethel Rosen- berg, about the Italian war against Ethiopia, or about Miller W. Boyd, Mornstown College, Morrtstown. .-. _..' ;=- J. .'92 -":Er- ' the unemployed; it cares much about fishing in trou- Tenn. bled waters. Only so can it serve its Kremlin master. James P. Brawley, Clark College, Atlnl-8. Gl- .92 _ r Rufus E. Clement, Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga. Negro College Presidents Tandy W. Coggs, Arkansas Baptist College. Little The Communist-from apparatus has gained support, Rock, Ark. _ "','.'i'lI_.','-F71in one degree or another, among 60 percent of Negro James A. Colston, Knoxville College, Knoxville, Tenn. college and and university presidents. The following John W. Davis, West Virginia State College, Isiillll. _ . . _.,._.t-.._. Kl? J-s . Lye . heads of Negro institutions oi higher learning were affiliated with the National Negro Congress: Albert Dent, Dillard University, New Orleans, La. P e_ V Rufus B. Atwood, Kentucky State College, Frank- John M. Ellison, Virginia Union University, Rich- fort, Ky. mond, Va. _ _ - ._, ._; John M. Ellison, Virginia Union University, Rich- M. LaFayette Harris, Philander Smith College. Llllll 1.__.: r- mond, Va. Rock. Ark. '$*__-..1.¢_ ,, _, David D. Jones, Bennett College, Greensboro, N. C. Charles S. Johnson, Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn. R. OHara Lanier, Texas Southern University, Hous- Mordecai W. Johnson, Howard University, Washing- ._ . ' ton, Texas. ton, D. C. _."-.;-i,f'.'?'_, ii Frederick D. Patterson, Tuskegee Institute, Tuske- Bggjamin E. Mays, Morehouse College, Atlanta, Ga. nm=.u.nai. gee, Ala. Richard I. McKinney, Storer College, I-Iarpers Ferry. Jacob L. Reddix. Jackson State College, Jackson, Miss. W. Va. - an The following were affiliated with the now defunct Frederick D. Patterson, Tuskegee Institute. T115- Southern Conference for Human Welfare: gee, Ala. Rufus H. Atwood, Kentucky State College, Frank- E. C. Peters, Paine College, Augusta, Ga. fort. Ky. Hollis F. Price, Lelvloyne College, Memphis, Tenn. 92.-*."illia.'n l-I. Bell, Alcorn A. 8: M. College, Alcom, Miss. 0. R. Reuben, Morris College School of Religlon Horace Mann Bond, Lincoln University, Pa. Sumter, S. C. .i;*f,i.?R'=.fu< F.. Clement, Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga. Joseph I. Rhoads, Bishop College, Marshall, Texas. Albert W. Dent, Dillard University, New Orleans, La. William R. Strassner, Shaw University, _Rale_1gh. N- C- Edgar H. Goold, St. Augustine's College, Raleigh, There is no implication in the foregomg listings that Es-"-nilN. C. any of these heads of Negro institutions are Commu- Arthur Howe, Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va. nists. They represent, however, a high degree o£_ Com- Charles S. Johnson, Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn. munist penetration into the ranks of the administra- .;-e" -"rsMordecai Johnson, Howard University, Washington, tors of Negro education. _ D. C. Forty-five diiferent heads of Negro l1lStillll0l!lS of David D. Jones, Bennett College, Greensboro, N. C. higher learning have had a total of 291 separate at- -1.. l J. R. E. Lee, Florida A. & M. University, Tallahas- fiiiations with the Communist-front apparatus. It i3 apparent that the Communists have established a size- . see, Fla. "' .' Benjamin E. Mays, Morehouse College, Atlanta, Ga. able beachhead in Negro education. Frederick D. Patterson, Tuskegee Institute, Tuske- Many of these affiliations mean that Communists or gee, Ala. ' pro-Communists have made personal contact _with the $3-ig E. C. Peters, Paine College, Augusta, Ga. top administrators of Negro education. That 1:. one of James E. Shepard, North Carolina College, Durham. the aims of the Communist-front technique. And. of than N. C. course, the Communists acquire a certain amount of H. C. Trenholm, Alabama State College for Negroes. prestige for their projects. ormatei Montgomery, Ala. If the so-called Negro masses were as susceptible to John Brown Watson, Arkansas State A. 8: M. and Communist-tron: propaganda as the wced Negro lu£r Normal College, Pine Bluff, Ark. intellectuals, the situation would be alarming. In his '_.<-- _*; !' M. F. Whittaker, South Carolina State College, Or- condensation of Gunnar Myrdals An American Di- .. - .-. angeburg, S. C. lemma, Arnold Rose makes the following observation: ._:.>..,.-"92-_; t Ht. .._--- -» .7 The following have been affiliated with the currently '1 Still the Communists have not succeeded in get- 53? g '92_-:-, functioning Southern Conference Educational Flmdi einn .-nu -.-.-u-...-It-.1-tlrs inllniirinq urvennn Xi'an-|-no: in ._{,,- H. Rufus B. Atwood, Kentucky State College, Frank- 92lLl5 nu q'l,lrn92,92,,lu|.r|92, ;va|92Jvvlub luvnla i-92-b.-w- - America, especially among the masses. During the fort, Ky. depression and again since the war, at number of . r ?_J;-f~""?+:"_-.. I2 13 1P-s , 5* _ '-..-I l .15.-t- >

leaders andintellectuals havebecome Communists susceptibleCommunist to penetrationthan their Wllil or fellowtravelers." . .. To begin with,poor, un. GOU11I¢l'-p.l1I- . educated, andsocially disadvantagesgroups have There were358 clergymenwho werevoting dele- never been particularly susceptible radicalto prpa- gates theto constitutingconvention "the of National ganda. Itis usuallythe intellectualsand high" Council ofChurches Cleveland.in Ofthese clergyiznen. strata of the working class that have been reached 123 or34 percent!have hadaffiliauons withOom- first. The Negro in America, p.166! munist projectsand enterprises.That representsa high f t t'on. National Council of Churches Penetrlted dell"rli:seo12geli:itriiigwere divideddelegatesas follows: 84 whiteand 39 Negroes. The totalnumber oftheir Remembering JamesW. Fords statement aboutthe public pro-Communistaffiliations 659, is ofwhich 359 Communist Partyspolicy of going into the ghul-ch are affiliationsof the white clergymenand_3O0 are organizations," somestatistical datawith respectto affiliations_ of the Negroelergyinen. Agam,these this question are enlightening. figures indicatea disproportionately la_rge_number of The CommunistParty hasbeen strikinglysuccessful Negro clergymanwith Communistaffiliations, anda - ..'Ii1" in its efforts at infiltrating the Federal andthe Na- higher degreeof susceptibility to theappeals ofCom- tional Council of the Churches of Christ in the U_S,_A_ munist causes.The averagenumber ofaffiliations for during the past 20-oddyears. the Negrodelegates is7.7, while that of the whites , .1-vi-ii» In view of the fact that the philosophicalbaggs if Communism andChristianity are as antitheticalas two is 4.2. The greaterOommunist penetrationof the higher ~ 92 philosophies couldpossibly be,the successof the Com- munists in penetrating the ranks of the Protestant ranks ofNegro churchdignitaries isevidenced bythe clergy is hard for some tounderstand. Nevertheless, fact that57percent ofthe totalnumber ofcurrently the coldstatistical factsare a matter of pnblierem,-d_ active Negrobishops offour Protestantdenominations It is not necessaryto rely upon anybody'sopinions, have recordsof affiliation with Communist-frontor- _ -;'-';'-}-.--.- . ,_.,_,._.;_.. The NationalCouncil ofChurches wasofficially ganibations andenterprises. The following Negro ;.: <-~".-.:...~ - constituted onNovember 29, I950, in Cleveland, Ohio. bishops fallinto this category: ' _-. .--. t 7-. _ . It was. in fact. nothing morethan a reorganizationof African Methodist Episcopal Church- -:241 ' the Federal Council of Churches. . .¢;'~"_:.i'--.___. George W.Barber, Philadelphia,Pa...... ,--my-l¥.'»L.'ll -,- .~*.-=.".- in the formal constitutingof the National Council Frank Madison Reid, Kittrell, N. C. of Churchesin Cleveland,one representativefrom each Joseph Gomez,Cleveland, 0. of the participating communionssigned theofficial Frederick D. Jordan, Hollywood, Calif...... ,_..-.....-.-. . .'--~.'i-_=" . book which became the Document of Record. Eleven R. R. Wright, Ir., Philadelphia, Pa. .92-¬l!92.lt'5Q_fIw.:lI|_of these 29signers of the official book have public Carey A. Gibbs, Birmingham, Ala. iigigaé-_cI-.£.; records ofaffiliation with pro-Communist enterprises. D. Ward Nichols, Jacksonville, Fla. .'-T»:_a.-pt.1 q ti.*;-=j . Their names and respective denominations are as Sherman L. Greene, Atlanta, Ga. 1.. ~ 5- follows: . ~;-'__,_._ African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church- . Bishop S.L. GreeneA!ri'cariMethodist Episcopal Q .,~;-.35;-V-~-.-. Bishop W.J. Walls-African Methodist Episcopal Zion William Jacob Walls, , Ill. 'i.#.».%.*.~'~Dr. *s~E. H. PrudenAmeri'canBapisr Convention Raymond LutherJones, Salisbury,N. C. - 15;:-as-,-1- '3 Hampton ThomasMedford, Washington, D. C. »'~>'ik.'a¢:;'.-Dr. Desmond it W. Bittinger-Church of the Brethren Herbert Bell Shaw, Wilmington, N. C. "L-li. t-.11».--'. Bishop Bertram W. DoyleCOI0red Methodist Epis- :,.-_-15.;-»--.;..;-1" Stephen GillSpottswood, Washington,D. C. '.1 Q44; '_ copal Charles Ewbank Tucker, Louisville, Ky. Dr. Vere V. LoperC0ngregati'orialChristian L'i§+"'-3 ' Charles Cecil Coleman, Oklahoma City, Okla. . 5.!_- "=._{-", . Rev. Josef A. 'BartonCzech Moravian Christian MethodistEpiscopal Church- 1 Bishop I. Ralph Magee-Methodist Dr. W. H. JernaginNat|'0riaI BaptistConvention .l. A. Hamlett, Kansas City, Kan. W. Y. Bell, South Boston, Va. '--.r"i'~.922'.-'-Q»USA, Inc. 1 Rt. Rev. Henry Knox SherrillPr0te.itanr Episcopal F. L. Lewis, Shreveport, La. .;_-*-.*-'2." ".-- P Dr. Henry A. VruwinkReforrried Church in America BertramW. Doyle, Nashville, Tenn. A. W. Womack, Indianapolis,Ind. .;.-_.._n,. i,~.:i.:~.*.~ It be noted that 4 of me ll signers of the B. Julian Smith, Chicago, lll. '- pocuineni of RecordGreene, Walls, Doyle, and .1g.,_92.i,.-I . 1 _ .lernaginwere representativesof all-Negro denomina- Methodist Church .r.-4-L-'-'-=.. i.,_...,.. i tions. 1' This is ii disproportionately large number of I. W. E. Bowen, Atlanta, Ga. ' l_2-L.~._f|. . Negro clergyman. Whatever the reasons maybe, it is Matthew W. Clair, Ir., St. Louis, Mo. -I . H;-_...__' ',. a fact that Negro professional groups have been more Edgar A. Lowe, Baltimore, Md. ...'-.._~i92,_-;;_r - --.-.~.¢,,-.:-.-.. I4 15

.._..._ Eight of the above-named,currently active,Negro bishops areofficially connectedwith the Southern Con- ference Educational Fund. Theyarec BishopS. I__ Greene, BishopF. 1.. Lewis, BishopEdgar A. Lov=_ Bishop HerbertBell Shaw,Bishop StephenGill Spons- wood, BishopCharles EwbankTucker, BishopChm-1;, Cecil Coleman,and BishopFrank Madison Rem The aim of the Communist penetrationof non-Com- ___'___ munist organizationsis not necessarily torecruit mem- bers of the Party, but rather to create a favor-ab]; climateof opinion for certainlimited Objectivesof the i - Communist program.ln this way, thestain of Com- the CommunistParty, a member of the various com- munism is removed from these objectives,and thus missions ofthe centraland nationalcommittee of they appearto bethe objectivesof men of goodwill, on party,State or district organizerfor Florida, for Utah,for North and SouthCarolina, andTennessee, Highlander Folk School Seminar editor of the Communistmagazine, TheNew South, Over theLabor Dayweekend August30-Septem- the olcialorgan forthe SouthernStates, memberof ber 2, 1957!, HighlanderFolk School,at Monteagle, the districtbureau of the CommunistParty for Ala- lemiessee, stagedits 25th anniversary seminaron the bama, Mississippi,and Georgia,and chairmanof human aspectsof the integration struggle.Notorious the controlcommission ofthe CommunistParty for Communists. veteranCommunist fellowtravelers, and that area, a member of the district bureau of the riegro ieadersin all the recentmajor incidentsattending Communist Partyfor Caiifornia, for Nevada, and integration were present at the seminar The incident Hawaii, national secretary of the Anti Imperialist of Little Rock had not yet occurred.! League, andmany otherminor positions. Before takingup the recordsof the prominentinte- grationists whowere present,it is necessarytake to a SpeakingJames of Dombrowski,Mr. Crouch testified look at the HighlanderFolk Schooland itsideological as follows:I havemet officiallywith himon a number orientation. of occasions as head of the Communist District Bureau of Tennessee. . . at this conferenceMr. Dombrowski The liiglitaridei Folk School at Monteagle, Tennes- see, wasorganized around1932 by Myles Horton and gave methe impressionof being completely pro-Com- Don West. Sec testimonyof , May6, munist and anxious to collaborate with the Communist i949, Subcommittee of the Committee on Un-American Party andfollow itsleadership, withouttaking therisk Activities, page 193.! In his testimony, Mr. Crouch of actualParty membership." In March 1954, the Senate Subcommittee on Internal said: l would like to mention in this connection that the HighlanderFolk Schoolat Monteagle,Tennessee, Security heldhearings inNew Orleanson the subject of the Southern Conference Educational Fund, Inc., of was :1school organized by Myles Horton and Don West. which James Dombrowski was and is the executive and which'Mr. James! Domhrowskishortly thereafter director. Amongthe witnesseswho testified before joined." the SenateSubcommittee onInternal Security in New Paul Crouch,who gavethe foregoingtestimony con- Orleans wasone John Butler who had formerly been a cerning theHighlander Folk School, wasthe top Oom- lunctionary ofthe CommunistParty in Alabama. munist Party functionary in the South. His Communist ln thecourse ofhis testimony,Mr. Butlerstated that record givento a Senate committee by Crouch himself he attendeda meeting of Communist Party leaders in attests hisimportance: luly of i942, inthe ThomasJeerson Hotelin Birming- The major positions l held in the Communist ham, Alabama. Mr. Butler stated that Alton Lawrence Party were the head of the Communist Partys de- introduced James Dombrowski to him on that occasion partment for inltration of the Armed Forces of the asa CommunistParty member. See SenateSubcom- United States, a representative of the Communist mittee onInternal SecurityHearings, March18, 1954. Party of the United Statm to the executive committee page 45.!According toMr. Butler, this meetingof .-.'C....i..ni.nIst 1.. international in Moscow, a mem- Communist Partyleaders washeld in Dombrowski's ber of a commission in Moscow to draft plans to own hotel room. In November, 1956, Alton Lawrence inltrate and subvert all the armed forces of the was indictedon a charge of conspiringto le a false world, and operate ashonorary regimentalcomman- non-Communist aidavit with the National Labor Re- der of the Red Army, a special student atthe Frunr: I lations Board, which non-Communist aldavit is re- Military Academyin ivioscow;I was1 memberof the quired oftrade unionoiciais by me Taft-HartleyAct. editorial stnof the ,oicial organof See New York Times, November 17, 1956.! Alton Lawrence iscurrently anolcial of the Communist- I controlled International Union of Mine, Mill and Smel- 16 ler Workers. In the early period of the Highlander Folk I School, AltonLawrence wasa member of its faculty. On August 13, 1938, Mr. John P. Frey, president of I the MetalTrades Departmentof the AFL, testied belore the Dies Committee on Un-American Activities, and named Elizabeth I-Iawes, Alton Lawrence. and iviyies Hortonan personswho attendeda secret con- I vention in North Carolina, at which time plans were l -=- ;. Vlfgsv '.

-r--.-- . -:'.' I


:1; :_:§ made for u readin the revolution ' 5;;-1; personal contacts. It in thectirrent ctntegy of out the Soiiih." Mi Frey further tgggit pmettltiotl. _ .t- _,,-;'-.v--i» fiai ~£iI_-'~w-jr.-ml:-12 tion with this I might mention that the Highlander Folk Abner W. Berry is a veteran Communist Party leader. More than 25 years ago, he was a member of the na- ,- .-.-.-.~3i_95.-é~ ,-I= School at Monteagle, Tennessee, was mixed u in mg, --w .,:_.j___-., secret convention, in which these three CLO? organ- acaal couch of me League ot Struggle ior Negro _.f,'<:,-¢;92_<_;-u Rights, a Communist sputnik which will be discussed 1'1.-vi.-"-.= izers took at very prominent part." SeeDies Com. ._.;,_- ;g~_._.. mitiee Hearings, Volume 1, page 126.! later. For 20 years, Berry has been a member of the Paul Crouch testied before the Senate Subcommit- national committee of the Communist Party. He has tcc on Internal Security, as follows: The Highlander also been a member of the smaller central committee of Folk School is a school operated at Monteagle, Tennes- the Party Daily Worker, May 23, 1938, p. S!. In see, ostensibly as an independent labor school but 1946, he was educational director of the Communist actually working in close cooperation with the Com- Party oi Michigan Daily Worker, Jan. 21, I946, p. 5!. 1-»? munist Party", SeeHearings Page 47-! Dombrowski He was an instructor at the Communist Partys Jefferson '- '92L-l instructor at the Highlander Folk School for ; School of Social Science for several years before the '.= n-I gar!-'-,-'. number of years. school closed in December, 1956. Abner W. Berry is, and has been for years, a feature . - .. it-.--' The following colloquy took place between Senator _--=. 92' . . +-_--- -c . Eastland. Committee Counsel Areas, and Mr. Crouch writer for the Daily Worker. In this newspaper of the rs-::lsi=.. "I- during the latters testimony: Communist Party, Berry made a lengthy report on his visit to the Highlander Folk School. In his report, 3" SEl92_1_92TOR EASTLAND. Mr. Crouch, did you Berry said: ever visit Dr. Dombrowskis home? In » EMR. CROUCH. I visited the Highlander Folk Here for iour days Negro and white leaders of the School where he was working. I didn't visit at his South representing millions of southerners, had the iii. precious communications established with each other E.-,._.-. home, b_ut we spent a night at the same home io- that had been disconnected during the past few years. we. 311-1- s_-=l1-=-. uarohue Stevenson's and he and Leo Sheingr ,-§ discussed in my presence the actual hideout of Com- Daily Worker, Sept. 10, 1957, p. 5! _-e-=~§§--wrriuiizsi leaders the night we were traveling to Winter Berry has been a writer for other Commtmist publi- Haven. cations: Masses dz Mainstream, Michigan Herald, New .- J. MR. ARENS. He and Sheiner discussed in your Moises, People's Daily World, and Political Aairs. He I _ . H -.-i-.+-.up .:. Pmiicnce the hideouts for Communist leaders, top served for a number of years on the editorial board of flig-lit leaders; is that correct? Political Aairs, the theoretical organ of the Communist =.-=r_-'_-. . -- l;l_!Rj CROUCH. That is correct, sir. Seehearings,Party. -.: . 5;.-f-.* i,-.-. _ p. ... It is apparent that Abner W. Berry is a high ranking leader of the Communist Party. It goes without saying I"-':; . J I92 Don West. who has already been mentioned as con- .1?-1 -5?" that the Party sent him to the Highlander Folk School - - .4. nest-.d with the Highlander Folk School, was district seminar. Such leaders receive their assignments from ,r_-3.- director of the Communist Party of North Carolina. 2-Fr-_' the highest command of the Communist Party; they do $ceHouse Committee Hearings, May 6, I949, page not go anywhere on their own. The cordial reception I91.! I "-1* which Berry was accorded at the Highlander Folk. 3, . 1. -. At the Ne-W Orleans hearings of the Senate Commit- aI¢F§ School is convincing evidence of the school's ideological tee, on March 20, I954, Myles Horton was ejected orientation. -an-was by the United States Marshal from the witness stand Berry states that two southern NAACP branch and the hearing room, for disorderly conduct. presidents attended the Highlander Folk School semi- - _.1- ,..~,92.:I1 -i!l'lE> Dombrowski's record of pro-Communist ac- . _+ . .={1, nar on integration." I, Yu- .. . .l.r.1Ei and connections will be discussed under the sec- .. ..~-; Southern Conference Educational Fund, an ,-§':'_{. .. r.. Pete Seeger F.-~3r_- ii-5*or-ganizaiion which is playing a key role in the drive . ---we tor integration in the South. Anoiiier individual who has a long record of Com- -on-_--,v, munist alfiliations and activity was also a prominent - . l,i--.- --2,.,9, ,. in Abner W. Berry participant in the Labor Day weekend conference at -4-=1. The presence of a prominent Communist Party Negro the l-lighlander Folk School, namely, Pete Seeger. ;=:"-.'.r'1'Ie_,leader at the Highlander Folk School seminar is of Pete Seeger is a nationally known folk singer who l'I13j signicance. lf Through Abner W. Berry, the Com- has been prominently identied with the Communist 4. munist Party established personal contacts with the movement in this country for many years. He has been flour?-2:: leaders of the ght for integration. The Party. amed as a member of the Communist Party in sworn 4-h. 11> H 1"-'~-cc:-day strategy, lets the highest value on testimony. t I8 ii On August18, 1955,Pete Seeger was a witnessbefore the houseCommittee onUn-American Activities.Tm; and timeagain, Seegerdeantly refusedto answer quq. tions concerninghis past or presentmembership the in Communist Party.He also declined answerto any questions concerninghis ailiations with Hume,-om Phony anti-warstand theof APMand theCommunists Communist-front organizations.He did not invoke11; Vail; rightup untilJune 22,1941, when Hitler at- Fifth Amendment;he simplyand contemptuouslyN. fth the Soviet Union.The bonade American fusedto answer pertinent questions.He wasmm, Peace advocateswere readyto goto waronly whenthe panicd byPaul L. Ross as counsel.Ross hasalso been tgniied Stateswas attacked;the phonyAPM andCorn- prominent inCommunist activityfor manyyeai-,i,_ sq, mulllSl Peaceadvocates wereready andeager to go pages 2448-2460of the Hearings, 1955.! io warwhen theirbeloved SovietUnion wasattacked. Among hismany Communistconnections, ScegerPele The formerwere AmericaFirsters; thelatter wereRus- has beenpublicly affiliatedwith thefollowing Commun. sia Firsters. p _ _ ist organizationsand enterpriseswhich are on the At. Ten weelmbefore Hitler'sinvasion of the _Soviet torney Generals list: American Committee for Pro- Union, theAPM, underThompsons chairmanship,de- tection of Foreign Born; American Committee for clared: This is not a war to wipe out the evils of Yugoslav Relief;American YouthCongress; A1113]-iggn l-litlerism andtyranny . . . It is a war to line the I. .7.-i Democracy;; Com. pocketscorporate of interestsat the expense theof mittee fora DemocraticFar EasternPolicy; cmmitlgg . .'_._;_ r .---_> ._.t-_t. peoplesthe of World. _ for theNegro inthe Arts;Communist Party;Council on in one of its official statementsin March, 1941, the -._-_ ._r-|.- .;_.,:;..-'vJ African Aairs; Jefferson Schoolof Social Science; APM said:An English victory will result in the same National Councilof the Arts, Sciencesand Professions; sort of imperialist, anti-democraticpeace as will a Nature Friends of America; New Masses; Voice ol J . it_'._'.,.;: '- . Nazi victory." Freedom Committee; and Win-the-Peace Conference, From 1940to 1942, John B. Thompson washead of ii», ;___a' Sceger entertainedwith his guitar andfolk songs at the Southern Conference for Human Welfare, a Com- "ti a.."~=-il" - - la lit-c'i1ict1iij¬fFolk School seminar. munist organizationwhich willbe discussed later. 4' _ .'' ,.» Among themany otherCommunist organizationswith it-hri R Thompson l which Thompsonhas beenaffiliated, the following are The Rev. John B. Thompson wasbilled as seminar on theAttorney Generalslist: American Committee 5%?-i wrv . 1:-r" at the Highlander Folk School Labor Day for Protection of Foreign Born; International Labor . _»?i.'*=..-' I V8 v-cesend aair. Thompson is dean of the Rockefeller Defense; EmergencyPeace Mobilization;National is it ..lenio-rial Chapelat the University of Chicago. Council ofAmerican-Soviet Friendship;National Coun- is ; V- clergyman havebetter claims to qualication as cil of the Arts, Sciences and Professions; and Peoples 5,1- ~_"" -. .ri Communist fellow travelers than John B. Institute of Applied Religion. ii..=v.-psori. He has served the Communist apparatus long and faithfully in many capacities. i Aubrey Williams tedr y F".I""i.v _,-.__-,. -r i'i= vtpsonwas national chairman of the American it; 12%|,- ;'_-_' Aubrey Williamsand the Rev. Martin Luther King P3220 Mobilization Daily Worker, Sept. 3,1940, p. 4! were thetwo featuredspeakers atthe closingsession and lli1tl0[l3l chairman of the Committee to Defend of theI-lighlander FolkSchool seminar. '_i-'-t 3-A i America by Keeping Out of War letterhead, Aug.10. As presidentof the highly inuential Southern Con- i9-tut. These were organizations setup by the Com- lerence Educational Fund, Aubrey Williams ranks "-4 _ Q,-'-L; :-_ ll.li.ifll.~!5 duringthe period of the Stalin-Hitler Pact. On among topleaders ofall-out integration. T; ., .1.; =i.ii Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, the Williams was director of the National Youth Admin- iii Ar:ic:ic.iri Peace Mobilization dropped its anti-war istration under President Roosevelt. He also held other ,~,:.iii-ti andchanged its name to the American People's high positionsin the New Deal. In 194$, however, the 11- '.:'l'tJohn B. Thompson with still at its head. U. S. Senate rejected hisappointment asadministrator , Fr any beforea committeeset up bythe lllinois of the Rural Electrication Administration, after his L . i. .;ti-mire in 1949, John B. Thompson tried to affiliations with the Communist apparatus had been s.._~. [nutthe American Peace Mobilization was merely 1 placed inthe record. He is at present editor and pub- .s¢t:- l'ttii'3Cll0ilof the general anti-war sentiment prevailing lisher of the Southern Farm and Home, Montgomery, *-' in i-1 U1.Lnited States in 1939, 1940, and 1941. Such ti Alabama,which has a circulation of 800,000. .:i.< i. I. eitherdishonest orincredibly stupid. The bone On March 19, 1954, Williams was subpoenaed to 2"-Re anti-warsentiment of the American people pre- testify beforethe SenateInternal Security Subcommit- g it-Q: -.nTeti right up until the day of Pearl Harbor. The tee. ln the course of his examination by committee ii it counsel Richard Arens, Williams testied that the fol- - 1- -.»- 20 l lowing passagewas apart of a speech which hehad _ . ,~q_~__ delivered inMadison SquareGarden, NewYork City. o R; On September11, 1947, under theauspices ofthe Com- I munist-controlled ProgressiveCitizens of America: I 21

ii l t;....u -ital; -. A-".,_ A :!"1*' " ' ' Luding 1 Communism beenhave writingenthusias- ,'T:.*-*1-";i;..__.,, ,_, .. . What theydemand that ts anyman whondmjtg 5 beinga member of the CommunistParty b¢5;-¢¢| gm, |1 aboutKing's movement.In th April. 1957, 188116 _ sf.":.--:11, mediatelythe on groundsthat no man canbe loyal : apgli':icalBenjamin Aairs,Davis I. writesof the - .'. to theUnited Stetmand bea &mmunist. it ismy E053: upsurgeoi the Negroes thein &uth,spear- " -'"11.- belief thatit is precisely atthis pointthat we tat; mdcd bythe non-violentintegration movement. p. -rv .-. our standand defendthe rightof anyCommunist to 13! lohis newbook entitledToward NegroFreedom, =;.'ru.;".-r--J"- maintain hisposition asan employeeof the Govern- mg ¢ditorof Political Aairs, Herbert Aptheker, writes oi King'sbus boycott in Montgomery.Alabama. asf0|~ -*¢.=.-"si':.--..-'.. ment ofthe UnitedStates. Totake anyless pcsigg than thisis tothrow overboardsuch pritnary|-ighu lows! .--.=.c|.-1-.-.*._-..__ t-;t-.=?r-_- ~»-.=-. as thefreedom tothink andto holdwhatever beliefs Andin Montgomery,Alabama, thereis theepic L. ' F '92 one chooses. Hearings, p.107; emphasisadded! n - .1».-. 5,,-ugglethe of entire50.000 membersof its blegro Anyone holdingAubrey Williamsviews on the em. O oornmunity. . . Here, with womentn thelead, ts the ployment ofadmitted CommunistParty membersin the unparalleled andunbreakable splendorof an entire U. S.Government couldbe expectedto welcomeme aia neonle sneakingout to the world in tones of purity of CommunistParty membersin the drive forintegn. indlself-sacrice andsaying: Wewill live in free- tron. dom, in our own day and here in our own city." -.~-..,.. ..:_I=92'i.92v - According Abnerto W.Berrys accountof the High. p. 180! landerFolk School seminar inthe DailyWorker Sept. Such rbeioric is calculated to ingratiate the Com- 1 -1. l0, 1957,p. 5! Aubrey Williamsspoke prophetically" munists withthe Rev. Martin Luther King and his large .,,g.2.?_...,s.I;-"._-_-5_ '.-:' when hedeclared thatthe presentsituation inthe South following. Theart of attery is the current tactic of ..._._'1.i',,-._»..,,- -_at-.-.-_. _ __V _t'.<;--_"is only a short step to generalviolence andthat tbs -_-_,..-._.___,..-_-~._._..-.-~ _-.192-we-j, '-. Communist penetration.The tactical crudities of the .-J. J ~ 1 - stuff outof whichrebellions aremade isdenitely Party'syears early have given wayto subtle renements "'1--'_--..§1-,being '.-. planted. y 92-1-'t'.'fi .'<- in penetratingNegro organizationsand movements.The ; : ,.. H.- In the later yearsof its existence, AubreyWilliam: Communist Party, however, does not repudiate its was presidentof the Southern Conferencefor Human former methods which breathed revolutionary re and " ._.;-1.-.1-1, ': - Welfare. brirnstone. Writing in Political Aairs, James E. Jack- it ~ The name of Aubrey Williams was attached to I briei amietcuriae onbehalf ofthe CommunistParty, son one of the top Negro leaders of the Communist . _...__ , at theOctober 1955Term ofthe U. S. SupremeCourt. Party! says: ,/H _. __927'-. Other red-hotintegrationists whosenames appearon It has for three decades been the honorable sic! - w,-,,._"..~;= this defenseof the Communist Partyinclude thefol- task of Communists to set a high standard of devo- iiire.'W- '-..-"J-:31 lowing: John M. Coe, James A. Dombrowski, W.E. B. tion to and energetic leadership in the ght for Negro .Pan, .x.,5,,., v lights. Recognizingthe specialnational characterof "F DuBois, James W. Ford, W. A. Hunton, and William ti" 1-" L. Patterson. this question, we have raised our voices among the _;.i§ri¬_ Aubrey Williamsis, andhas beenfor manyyears, a workers whenothers stood mute. Resolution pre- :,__~:r¢.. __, s;_. member ofthe executivecommittee ofthe Highlander seated to the teat National Convention of the rt _ .., ._" _,_,._a _ -'- .y'1Folk School. CPUSA by James E. Jackson, chairman of the Sub- ..~.= . . .- -- .. committee onNegro Rights;Political Aairs, March, ' ."-"..it':4.§-__ " -i I It would be superuous to add further details ofthe many Communistailiations of Aubrey Williams. 1957, P. 34! . QR H -. Martin Luther King Jackson thusfondly embracesthe CommunistPa-rtys record in the African Blood Brotherhood, the American .;..'.-.'1- .,, -i ' , *_t .,_.__* The Rev. Martin Luther King, presidentof the .4» t . "I Montgomery Ala! Improvement Associationand pas- Negro LaborCongress, theLeague of Struggle for Ne- tor of the DexterAvenue BaptistChurch, deliveredthe gro Rights,the National Negro Congress, and other closing addressat theHighlander FolkSchool seminar. misadventuresits in efforts to kindlerevolutionary ardor '_--_»_ -t;_'¢-- King is the nationally acclaimed Negroleader ofthe among American Negroes. iniogzatiun forcesin the South. I-Ie is scheduledas one Now, theFay looks upon Martin Luther King's work and movement asa new opportunity to incite . a . ,- ~ '**fr. :3 ..,....ltcrsat the forthcoming assemblyof the National Council of Churches of Christ in the racial animosity,and upon Kings attendanceat the .t.,92_=. .-;;.,_"_.r . ' :"-g-+==.' U. S. A., in December. Highlander Folk School seminar as a most desirable OOBIACL 2-be.|=- .. "-~. It is of greatsignicance thatKing is in closetouch txv _ 4, - ,.- " __92-$4 ;:*:t,g=.~s;.»1=;»-s.-- with such Communists andpro-Communists aswere In its present adulationof Martin Luther King and assembled atthe Highlander Folk School seminar. The his kind of "liberation" movement, the Communist til .i;;;__.:f Communists wouldlike nothingbetter than to takehim Party still bows reverentlyat the altar of Marxist- under their wing. Leninist Theory.James E.Jackson. quotedabove on

LQ I 23

i»'.¢:::""1tt1'1:-til- .,,, ~*- "'.~,=---..v--»---~i *;"ri;- .. - . - . --....- - ~ ~ .- -.i - * . - - "- thesubject of the Party's past, turns to the Comrnuniq wyeon on the ground that it was ti violation of Ala- Partys present and writes: bam8s anti-boycott statute. New York Times, Aug. As the advance guard of the American wor I1, 1957! _ ' ,'. class, the Communist Party continue to maittliiis t3omi}h'ons organized boycott began _on June 26. contributions to the ght for Negro rigl-its, undq. the mgr a mass meeting of the Tuskegee Ciiiic Association changed conditions of today. as effectively, as hm. in protest against the Alabama legislature s proposed Tc- orably, as it did in previous periods of struggle. Th; vision of Tuskegee's city limits. Gornillion did not even ght for Negro rights needs the contribution which dlege that the white merchants were in any way respon- -,5 ' sible for the initiation of the revision. _ -_i.-...,- _. Communists, guided by Marxist-Leninist ti-ieon-_ -1-. --.' 1" 2 in a position to make. p. 34! "' _' Dean Gomiiiion's pro-Communist connectiom have t.-lit:-' l been signicant. In testimony before the House Com- On February 2i, 1956, after the bus boyooii in mjiiee on Un-American Activities on July 21, 1947, he A Montgomery had run for 11 weeks, the Negro leader; was identied as a current member and secretary of the of the boycott were arrested and charged with violation l gdvjsory board of the Southern Negro Youth Congress. of Alabama's anti-boycott statute. The Rev, M513, in outright Communist orgamation see below!-_ Luther King was among those arrested. On March 21. in a press release dated April 21, 1947, Gomillion he was found guilty and ned $500. The case is on was listed as a signer of a manifesto of Negro leaders appeal. against the outlawing of the Communist Party. The .1 I. It is interesting to note that the proponents of public manifesto was released from 23 West 26th Street, New school integration in the South make a great to-do about York City. which is now the national headquarters of the U. S. Supreme Courfs decision of May 17, 1954, the Communist Party, and which, in I947, was head- by claiming with unparalleled vehemenee that 31¢ 5;. quarters of a dozen Communist organizations including "' -»-t...., cision is the law of the land." On the other hand, they the American Committee for Protection of Foreign ignore with complete unanimity the U. S. Supreme Born. Co-signers of the manifesto included such Com- Courts decision of 1908 declaring the organized boy- munist stalwarts as Paul Robeson, W. E. B. DUBOE. 92.-uu .-92.-ntus AT ml-Us u.i92-I-IlllJ92|ll!' T92nn'l-urnanal-Lola uuflmwr 0.-92 Lu I-n_ us |.u 2- "1..l...eI-... vluieiuuu U1 _l.' .l.-tn: Benjamin i. Davis, and Doitey A. Wilkerson. The sign- Sherman Anti-Trust Act, the principle of which de- ers called upon the President and Congress to_ repudi- cisior: is reected in Aiabamas anti-boycott llamlc, ate decisively the fascist-like proposal . . . to i_llegali_z.e the Communist Party, and declared: We will resist Mrs. Rosa Perks with all our power every step taken in that direction." It goes almost without saying that Mrs. Rosa Parks was in attendance at the Highlander Folk School semi- The Worker, Communist Party Sunday newspaper. of rai-taint Raf. August 29, 1948, carried a full-page advertisement of an "'f.*~s It was Mrs. Parks who started the Montgomery bus enterprise called The First Line of Defense. It was boycott. On December 1, 1955, when she refused to another manifesto in defense of the Communist Party. sit in a seat in the rear of a bus, she was arrested and opening with the following words addressed to the Presi- g . i>-J! ned $14. 'Si'ior'l.iy prior to her dramatic deance of dent and the Attorney General: We. the undersigned ,.'*s' " the segregation ordinance, Mrs. Parks had taken a Negro Americans, strongly condemn your hysteria- ¢";__,__,c_ ""2 course at Highlander Folk School. breeding arrests of the Negro leaders of the Communist Mrs. Parks promptly became a heroine to the Com- Party, and call upon you to take positive action to pro- munists. The Emergency Civil Liberties Committee, | tect civil rights instead of persecuting political minori- Communist front, arranged meetings for her in New ties." This manifesto, too, was signed by Charles G. York City, including one at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gomillion. Co-signers included the following notorious Corliss Lamont. Communist Party leaders of the Negro race: Louis E. an-r _ I Biirnham, Ernest Thompson, Abner W. Berry one of bn Charles G. Gomillion the participants in the Highlander Folk School confer- Charles G. Gomillion, dean of Tuskegee lnstitule in l ence!, Iames W. Ford, Harry Haywood, W. A. I-lunton, Alabama, was one of the prominent participants in til! Richard B. Ivioore, S. C. Fatterson, and Doiey Wilker- .2: Day conference at the Highlander Folk School. son. ..,._. ..,....~ . :__ . As president of the Tuskegee Civic Association. G0- Gomillion sponsored a testimonial dinner for W. E. .,,,.-. .: . million received a considerable amount of publicity in B. DuBois whose services to the Communist cause have F "" 1;-I" the nation's press in the summer of 1957, in connection been enormous. The dinner was given at Essex House. _:'*.n.=» ._ "."*.=" with his leadership of a Negro boycott: against the , on February 23-, 1951. Prominent *1-92_.92l."" - '»- white merchants of the town of Tuskegee. This was 0116 Communists who co-sponsored this DuBois testimonial _ I 9 ."- 3 F. of the recent militant activities of Southern Negroes. On dinner included the following: Herbert Apthelter, Mrs. August 15, 1957, an injunction was issued against the Louise Barman, Howard Fast, Frederick V. Field, Ben int».-.7. I r*." -= ."I.~*-3 - ' HA -- if! OK "rs -: =._-:= i . ' t~ _ ,."-.-. -" I '' 1

! 'ah , ,1, 'ban.-issue-s...92~.-.i.~,,, r . ' '- '_-iii. . _- ""..-_ _-_---, _. -h 1-I-I5 It . ,.-_- it .f is ' "3:- 5?! 7 ~..._J "_ ' "T" "- -- _"""{ ,~--ir '~-"~_- * at-r,t,__-.- .'-of-j.--~¢ " ' -5,,-5,, -,,q'm.- _':i#_§e3'%t14i-_e§ti-r-s;.-_;-i;-...-- . . ,._._-,;_;_ ,'.__;._;-;,_ *" I ~-.- ~_...---2" ' "

v i..;-:1-"

Gold, w.A. Hunton,Albert E.Kahn, wmimL M 0 92- Mr.terson, and Mrs.MelbaPhillips, AlfredK. Jose Sterriah Sell who , I-I i~'ecenil:llleIdsl::h.il:i-1'fu,B, Atwood,president of Kentucky State College the Iron Curtain toesca ind tm ts f - :1-lsilsfordBrazeal, R. professorat MorehouseCollege and GeneWeltsh. pa C an °'°'P'°¥3= Rufus E.Clement, president_of_ Ul11V¢_1'81lY_ g Charles G.Gomillion isa me b f th I M_Ellison, presidentof Virginia Union Ilmversity directorsthe of Southern ConferetIi.ceel£.dJucati'::n:1Oa[r=d Charles Gomillion,G. deanof Tuskegee atlnaittttte _ an organizationwhose ideologicalorientation tqwulCharlesS. Johnson, late presidentof Fisk University Communism wiHbe discussedlate; R O'HaraLanier, presidentof Texas Southern Uni- Gomillion andhis TuskegeeCivic Association an versily _ I part ofan interlocking apparatuswhich includestb¢ BenjaminMays, E. presidentof Morehouse College Highlander FolkSchool andthe SouthemConference yacob L, Reddix, presidentof Jackson State College Educational Fund. t-1_C. Trenholm, president of Alabama State College In his 1956 presidential re ort to th T It " - [or Negrws ' Association,Gomillionpstated Dean ailsoifeg thtft A1] ofthe foregoingdirectors of the Southern Re- meetings inFebruary, 1956, a speakerdiscLl§$ed nth tinal Councilare Negroesand allare connectedwith roleof the Highlander FolkSchool, andthe searchfor e,-gm institutionsof higherlearning. an eectivesocial actionprogram. He also stated that Others Present _ _ one of the major rolesof the Tuskegee CivicAssociation The Rev.David I-1.Brooks, ProtestantEpiscopal high was cooperationwith the Highlander FolkSchool in thatch clergyman Negro!, wasa speaker at theHigh- the eortto developeffective personaland group lggh. lander FolkSchool seminar.He was a leader of the niques forfacilitating racialdesegregation. In viewof the fact that Gomillion and hisTCA had Tallahassee boycottbus whichoccurred duringthe last seven monthsof 1956. _ been cooperatingwith the Highlander FolkSchool for TheDaily Worker, July1, 1952, carried a front-page at leasta yearand a half, it maybe presumedthat ht; story abouta petition drawn upby thenoted pro-Com- illegal boycottof the white merchantsof Tuskegee was munist, E.W. B. Duliois, urging PresidentTruman to oneof the group techniquesworked outby fhetwo adopt policya of withdrawal of military forces and Organizations. Furthermore,it may be assumedthat Goin.illion'sassociation close withthe Communistap- installations theby U. s. and all other5°-'=m§==="1$ paratus, asset forthabove, wassome kindof pfgpal-3- from allforeign territorywhere theirpresenee"is not tion forhis adoptionof the militant boycotttechnique. authorizedagreement by of all the !Ila]O1'powers. Such The managerof Tuskegees largest depanmetttstun a policywould, of course, bea Communistbooby trap. Of the alleged 160Negro signersof_this DuB<_nspetlll. was quoted in the New York Times, as follows; The the namesof only four were givenm the Daily Worker; ,..-,.,,. _...-1. blegro leaderspicked thewrong target.The merchants . -1s. 5 - didrit haveanything todo with Senator Engelhardfs and oneof the four was the nameof the Rev. David H. bill. I think they realizethat the boycott isunfair. Brooks. .1..-ii... -,..,;:. Allen Meswain Negro! wasit speakerwho repre- e92A-ti?-92a.ri-1_Weve workedclosely withthe Negroeson charityi;l_ri92_res sented the Clinton, Tennessee, school incident. -.-.-._ _.-;-1__-itl"[lIvI:--.. and whet:they askedfor creditwe extendedit without ..,..'_.-_.-.,,:.;-s. Bernice Robinson,also aspeaker at the Highlander ~..-1-,.|,,.,_,_ Q"°$11<>I1- It15. of course. standard Communist tactics Folk Schoolseminar, discussedthe JohnsIsland, 301131 ...... .-it»;-.-'--.to exacerbateexisting tensionsand to create t-aeial311-if; .-Is.-11 - =~: Carolina, integrationincident. .- .-1;; t:.- _ wherehad none existedl Conrad Browne white! came to the seminar from _ - '_-- _ . 1_t!-mt".' . Fred B. Roulli Koinonia Farm,an interracialcolony nearAmerictls. . -2'1-*.-*.';.'f' Georgia. Thisinterracial communityhas been an m- ;=-_f.1;- " The SouthernRegional Councilwas representedat citement toprolonged violence. _ _ ¢ the HighlanderFolk Schoolseminar inthe personof Ralph Helstein,president of the United Packing Fred B. Routh. Mr. Routh bears the title of assistant House Workers of America, AFL-C10, was also 8 - 3' : -fIi'-~"'f"- director of the Southern RegionalCouncil. speaker. Thisunion has been heavilyinltrated by The SouthernRegional Council,recipient of a grant known Communists. of $245,000 from theFund for the Republic,is oneof the mostinuential organizationsof whites and Negroes it Successionof Spuiniits for Negroes in theSouth. Ithas beenpenetrated theby Communist- Oneof the top leadersof the Communist Interna- front apparatus. tional, Otto Kuusinen, saidin a speech before the ex- The following directorsof the Southern Regional ecutive committee of the C.I. that it was the rst busi- Ciicil havel92H'n with aliatcd Communist organiza- ness ofthe Communiststo launch satellite organizations ._.,_~_ tions: and committees.In The Communist of May, 1931, Kuusinen wasquoted onthese satellitt-=8of the Com- ,,..-. munist Party, as follows: A-r :_".;'_ 26 --s,.-,;_g -;;-_v=-.. ..~ 1,- _-;.- .I 27 .--.-Z1. 95..-. -_- 1,-'-. The rst par! of our task is to build up not my id '1 ore a letter from Nikolai Lenin . . . Communist organizations, but other organ,-'zw° J {",,',,,l,', °:,,,, 'li,;g;ntmi¢-r member of the onion Com- well,above all mass organizations sympan. . E mjgmg _ . _ Well, when I looked around I found that '1 i our aims and able to aid us for special pui-pqqg mi-¢ was simply no Negro membcrshipin the Com- We must create a whole solar svsterrt of 9,-...... -_-.§_' ' ,_,____-.-. I riimst Part . . . I mew from the Socialist Party that 1' :- and smaller committees !'0tll'ld;!fl8 Corlimll5hl;iL;wM s, $¢re were iome Negroes in Harlem in 8 bfnch Of so to speak, smaller organizations working rm. the Socialist Party Whih was 1°$l1! N°B'°°-it 8" 1 -E under the influence of our Party notunder nucharuty though there were also whites in the same branch. and t cal leadership!. p.409-423; gmphasis in Uri . J I looked up one of them and he advised me to see an The satellite or spntriiik organizations which the C0111 individual by the name of Cyril Briggs. _W=1l- I l. id-..'.~.-12 rnunist Party in the United States has launched Q ' bolted up this individual, and he was the editor of a cially for Negroes are far too numerous to name 1111:; apcr called The Crusader, which was the oicial .92-.-1- M them. Brief sketches of the principal ,;-Pum,']¢_, in mg £1-gen of a Negro organimtion called the African categury wlni bowel/31', $B1'V¬ l0 llllllfllllli-IE8 [he aim; and giood Brotherhood. Well, I put in quite an etfort on tactics of the American Communist Party wim respect il-ii; fellow Briggs, to see whether I could work him to the Negroes of the United States, over ideologically, and as lgot acquainted with nirn, A partial list of the Communist spurniks for Negmq I noticed that he was having his nancial trot-lbl oi -9- ~-uvv-H follows: publishing the paper. I didn't tell him that I repre- African Rlood Brotherhood sented the Communist Party, of course. I .]USl posed I»-uh -.-¢--q--, , - Alabama Peoples Educational Association as a liberal uncle, who had his sympathies on the Citizens Emergency Conference for Interracial Unity Negro side, and was willing to help Whet_iever Committee for Equal Justice for Mrs. Recy Taylor he ran into some trouble about paying the printer. well, I always obliged with a few hundred dollars. ,~_,-..92-_92.¢.92-.». - . ,, , League of Struggle for Negro Rights Negro Labor Victory Committee This way I became friends with this Briggs and I __.._!:_ _. Southern Negro Youth Congress worked him over ideologically, and the cant of the =0-92III*r92'1 1-1-tenant-1 And nf r-nnren "in dun time I OQ1 United Negro and Allied Veterans of America JUuturu uuuu 5vu. viiuuu, we wv-.--is-, -1 --- n--- Q Abolish Peonage Committee at some of his friends who were on the Board of ,,. 4. <¢yv .- L- i. '. -" 5|-v..~ - American Negro Labor Congress Directors, and, well, it took only about a year before American Negro Labor Council the controlling inuence in that organization upon 5 Committee to Defend Angelo I-Ierndon top was exerted through me, and they pretty nearly Committee for the Negro in the ;92__-1_s would do, although they weren't yet in the party, what -. .i . '--l-- Committee to Aid the Fighting South I wanted them to do. Well, and later on I signed him ti Frederick Douglass Educational Center up into the Communist Party as a member. So that Mztrtinsville Seven Committee was the rst Negro organization that the party got . National Negro Congress hold of ideologically, at least1ater on organiza- tionally. That's how the thing started. Subversionin i..-it -».=it ' Negro Peoples Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy a ¢; _ v '--. Southern Conference for Human Welfare Racial Unrest, Baton Rouge, La., March 6-9, 1957, ..n,,:., , -_ Southern Conference Educational Fund p. 37! '-Q-r§'..l i--- .T Of these, only the Southern Conference Educational Cyril Briggs went on to become one of the most Fund lS still tn existence. prominent Negro leaders in the history of the Com- munist Party in the United States. '_:.+- - Arriean Blood Brotherhood - American Negro Labor Congress .3. " _ The African Blood Brotherhood was the rst rpuinik in the Communist Party's system of satellites. It was The American Negro Labor Congress was organized in Chicago in October, 1925. It was a Communist ,1 ''. penetrated and captured, not originally launched, by the Communists. united front maneuver and the successor to the African Joseph Zack K.-ornfeder, then a leading member of Blood Brotherhood. In his book entitled The Negro People in American ?,."~ .' , the Communist Party, has told the following story of the penetration and capture of the African Blood Broth- History, William Z. Foster writes concerning the ANLC -uiiJU92.l . as follows: The American Negro Labor Congress was organ- . . . the Communist Party amongt me imd in Cmcago in November 1925, mainly upon the Negroes here in the United States started about 1921, initiative of the Communists . . . The leader of the , and were prompted by a letter lent to the American movement was Lovett F011-Whiteman, and its journal PIItybyNl.k0lliLGnln...Vlell,1c,,ofgou1~|g,1he was The Champion. Outstanding Communist Negro

sI£.t- -.-92 92 workers init wereJames W.Ford, I-I 1-]; Maude White, and manyothers. his e had beenJosef Pogmy;bl! @811" was eventuallyconned mainly 523::-?;i11:!: as Pepper. I Confess,p. 136! . p. 460! 111 titl d A erican Negro Problenm Lovett Fort-Whitemanwas a student at the Lenin ';f,,;,ga§Pw:i1r:]isin1928, John Ltibrarymhiblishers School inMoscow, aninstitution whichat foreignCom. gippcr wroteconcerning ANLC, as the follows: munists weretaught thetheory andtactics of props. Am 'an Ne o Labor Congress whichis still garida, agitation,and espionage.Fort-Whiteman was ver1!ih:tg3k,erl:'l1Sland &¢tiViZt=d-T1": begieorganized also anAmerican delegateto theSixth WorldCongress Communists workingwithin thisorganization should of the Communist Internationalin 1928. International U-y tomake serveit asan intermediarymass organ- Press Correspondence,July 25, 1928, p. 708! izmgon, asa medium through whichthe Partycan Foster saysthat theANLC washandicapped M. by extend workits amongthe Negromasses andmobilize tarianismby writingtoo left a program for the the Negroworkers underits leadership. ¢mPhi5i5 masses." Fosteralso maintains that the ANLC encoun. in original;p. 15! tered strong opposition from the National Assoeia. When thesputnik namedAmerican NegroLabor tion for the Advancementof Colored People andthe Cqngrgss peteredout, itwas broughtdown andB WW National Urban League. one waslaunched. I _ _ _ _ On the eve ofthe organizationof the ANLC,Lovett James W.Ford, twicevice-presidential candidateon Fort-Whiteman announced,with pride and obviously the CommunistParty ticket, records thatthc frank gross exaggeration, that-- unpreijgious positionof the American NegroLabor Each day,everyone promotingthe American Negro Congressone was of the reasonsfor itsfailure. Inhis labor Congress notes a growing uneasiness inthe book TheNeg;-0 andthe DemocraticFront, published ruling class of this country in contemplationof the in 1938, Ford_ wrote: coming AmericanNegro Labor Congress. Daily I recallparticularly thestrict andunyielding Hill- Worker, October7, 1925, p. 3! tude takenby the leaders _olthe AlJ1B1'l°_9-11Neg! The CommunistInternatioal amere euphemismfor Labor Congresstoward religion._This att1ti.92¢1¢P" the Kremlin! kept awatchful eyeon theAmerican Com- vented theCongress frombecoming mass a inuence munist Partyand allthe littlesputniks revolving around among churchpeople. At an A. N. L. C. meeting in ii. The American NegroLabor Congress,insignicant Chicago, 1926,composed a oflarge nuuibcr _of1'8- .-.=-. us,it did not escapethe attention of the Musovite Iigigus people,a leader of the organization lI_1_ll1¢ bosses of the American Communists. course of his remarks, said: To hell with religion; H = I'?';l..lll0X1of October 26, 1928,three yearsafter damn thechurch." p. 82! the launchingof the sputnik known as the ANLC, the Ford thentold howthe CommunistParty changed CF_}TlF'1l1l'llSi Internationalsaid: its tacticsand madedupes ofchurch organizationsand The AmericanNegro Labor Congress continuesto religious people: exist only nominally. Every eort should bemade to But todayin theNational NegroCongress church strengthen this organization as a medium through organizationsreligious and peoplework co-operilvell it-titer. we can extend the work of the Party among with non-churchpeople. OurNegro Communistsare the Negromasses andmobilize theNegro workers lraterriizing withchurch peoplein order to o1'g_&ml8 under our leadership. The Communist Positionon them inthe strugglefor Negro liberation. 11111,P- tin i92'e-gr-oQuestion.p. 59! 82-83! _ Ford's meaningis crystal clear:_ theCommunists The directives of the Communist International for adopteda policy of tacticalsilence withrespect _totheir the AmericanCommunist Partywere supervisedand basic contemptfor, and hostility toward,religion and enforced on the sceneby a personal representative of the churchesa policy which continues today. the Communist International. In 1928, one of these The lastconvention of the AmericanNegro Labor agents of the Comintern in the United States was John Congress washeld inSt. Louisin November,1930, Pepper. BenjaminGitlow identiesPepper inthe fol- lowing words: where, byunanimous decision,the name was changed to the League ofStruggle forNegro Rights. ibid, A commander of the Hungarian Red Army in p. 83! I 1. *2, he had ed to Russia after the overthrow of the . .. .41]. Soviet Republic andalong with Bela Kun League ofStruggle for Negro Rights became animportant functionary of the Comintiim. Immediate successorto the American NegroLabor Congress, theLeague ofStruggle forNegro Rightswas 30 31

trunn- _"""i I I

the sameold sputnikwith a new name. The mmqof Communist sputnikshave had a way of wen;-155ml and, whenthey do,the Partythinks upngw namesin A more broad andall-inclusive organizationalform order toseduce newfollowers. Thus,the Amgrgqm lor the Negro liberation strugglesis the League of League AgainstWar andFascism becamethe Amepjqn Struggle forNegro Rights.This shouldembrace in League forPeace andDemocracy whenthe newunited- its activitiesall of the basic economic organizations front linewas adoptedafter theSeventh WorldCon- of Negroand whiteworkers standingon theprogram gress theof CommunistInternational 193$. in During of Negroliberation, and further unite with them all World Warll, the Young CommunistLeague rnetan1or_ other sectionsof the Negro population drawn to- phosed intoAmerican Youthfor Democracyon Octgbgy wards thisstruggle, especiallythose largesections of l_7, l943samcconvention, sameoicers, samerevolu- the petty-bourgeoisie,intellectuals, professionals, who tionary Objectives.Later on,the SouthernCOnf¢r¢ngg can andmust be won to the national liberation cause. for HumanWelfare becamethe SouthernConference The L. S. N. R. must, in the rst place, be an active Educational Fundin 1947--same oicers, sameaddress, federation of existing mass organizations; and second- same telephonenumber, samepublication fsolhem ly, it must directly organize its own membership PQIHCII!, andsame Communistobjectives. branches composedof its most active forces and all supporters otherwiseunorganized. The present be- There wasno attemptto concealthe CommunistPar. ginnings ofthe L. S. N. R. and its paper, TheLiber- " ~ -"""'*"'"1" theLeague Struggleof Negrofor Rights. ator, whichwith only alittle attention havealready - -is Among thenational councilmembers theof Organju- shown mass vitality, must be energetically taken up, 1 ,__.-.,_ -. tion were such highfunctionaries ofthe ,_:9m:;}921f;§-5} and spreadthroughout thecountry. Communismin ,..1t,.. _. Party asWilliam Z. Foster, EarlBrowder, JamesW. the llinitedStores, 1935,p. ._9! ,'.Y .-, Ford, RobertMinor, BenjaminJ. Davis, Harry Ha!-- ¬'.I"_ Browders grandiose conception of the LSNR was a 9*}.-"5 wood,Cyril Briggs, Clarence Hathaway,Irving Potash. l..3lll:~i Vveinstock,Israel Atnter,Claude Lightfoot,and piece oftypical Communistwishful thinking. The u .-tliixei W.Berry of the HighlanderFolk Schoolsemi- LSNR gaveway to the National Negro Congressin I936. 1;. __,..f.. -'1;1 "F_*j"o.':'rj', 'Land, andFreedom: A Program for oegro Llbt!'6lft0n,published the by Leagueof Struggle National Negro Congress rot Negrc»Rights, NewYork, 1933,p. 44-46! The factthat the Communist Partywas preparingto 1.- ngstonHughes waspresident ofthe Leagueoi launch oneof its sputniks, theNational NegroCongress, 1'5. Struggle forNegro Rights. was noisilyproclaimed longbefore it was sentrevolving 1 "1-."r all _ t -<.~ in it-= Program for Negro Liberation, the LSNR re- around the Party. ail ; .lt'-"lzhe doctrine of Negro nationhood; The verysuggestion thatthe NationalNegro Congress .; .-, r-_ .,,,.'_;.- be launchedwas madeby the Negro Communistleader, '3 - I r-so-claim before the whole world that the James W.Ford. In his book, The Negro People in t "_. .92'-'- -- J-on Negroes area nationa nation striving . ;.1_ American History, William Z. Foster writes: 1- "r - manhood but whosegrowth is violently re- v..». ,'¢ . l» nd which isviciously oppressedby American This broad movement the National Negro Con- .._- . -'1 The program here presented outlines gress!, whichoperated inthe tradition of the historic 1 he oniv course ofaction whichguarantees thede- Negro people'sconventions, hadbeen suggestedtwo _-at K '1.. teiopmcnl ofthe AmericanNegroes tofull nation» years beforeby James W. Ford, in a debate with .1; hood, whichwill elevatethem tothat rightfulplace Oscar dcPriest andFrank Crosswaith. p. 488! 4 of equality before all and subserviencebefore none. The PartyOrganizer ofMarch, 1935,let it be known taste, p. 1-3! wit- that theCommunist Tartywas layingcareful plansto .- . in-; jv-.-gr:-.n"i0: the LSNR also reiterated the Com- launch theNational NegroCongress. Thiswas almost F-5". r~<-vni=1 dema.n:-:~:for conscation of theproperty ofthe one yearbefore its plans cameto fruition. The Party 92_l7l'92@rfj 92i,-hire!-; Organizer,Publishing in excerptsfrorn a report to one .,__;_ of theplenum: ofthe CommunistParty, said: l * we of Struggle forNegro Rightstherefore In connectionwith thequestion ofthe united[rout '=to-is ~' theconscation withoutcompensation the of on the Negro questionif we work properly now ll .s1i|~.l ulthe big landlords andcapitalists in the South and seethat we must penetratethese organizations and .-tsdistribution among the Negroes andwhite the churches, the National Association for the Ad- .

37 36 1- .-

_.q,,,, _i14,.'i__~'. '

Social and Economic Problems of Negro Youth. The . ' o rnents now $111118 P lace _in leader of the seminar was Herben H. Smith, dean of mg Tdl-elvilfqwg Domain in .4-"H5-7i§Q!! HI! the School of Religion, Bishop College, Marshall, Term, the South . . . 921"="=5"' - -~r-~ - Participants in the seminar discussion were Harold Ro- land, School of Religion, Howard University, and Jam IOU! P~ Y th Congress W55 liquidated "-a ' 1 - . »~ ,._ A.Cox, School of Religion, Virginia Union University. iiiast for the time be1'1E- ' n,,* The Rev. C. E. Queen, pastor of the Leigh Street Meth- odist Church, also pronounced an invocation. ' c Fe once for Human Wei _ hre At one session of the Richmond conference, W. F, Southern to; r mu-aon of the Communist Party Richardson, of the National Association for the Ad- Tbhegsouth iaztee with the launching °f "-he S°mhem vancement of Colored People, presided. The NAACP intot ' ber 1938. national headquarters had a full-page advertisement in H rt Welfare tn Novem the souvenir program. §-tjgfiiliillsg withthe blessings totihmglace of the White House Birmingham,E1=1'l°1' Megan:°° The SNYC had a Communist ailiate known as the - - 31 er. . Association of Young Writers and Artists. The associa- Mm __ n tion was dedicated to stimulating and encouraging in- - . s f the world are upon dividual and group expression in the elds of art by me conference saldl The eyes O ts with the nations Negro youth, increasing the means whereby the nest us ' i The lling iiisiihhmitiiliyogsn minds and '°°"° cultural contributions of Negro youth may be made youtl1.kFalc1eeta*:h§ing is we before accepting it as true; available to the general public . . . " Toward this end, all ma_ Ba-I ne can we stake our hopes for democracy. the association conducted an essay contest on the sub- ject, What is your interpretation of the novel Free- iii ep riist 0?Pr0ceedit'l8-Y 0/ 1'" s°'h' Conference for 92 dom Road by Howard Fast? The secretary of the Association of Young Writers Hul;Mi;1kliei!"iaIeto£seliiE:it Ia n _ '. ' sent a . cl letter 'to the Birmingham1 C and Artists was Louis E. Burnham, Communist Party wnfsfslmi "1 °h°b h .d' -ti ygrniheiiiti 15:3 Negro leader wbo numbered among his later Communist course and keep everlastu:tgly_at it. e activities an instructorship in the Jeerson School of be thankful for this day-" bd'P' 2! kso Robert ____ .,-. Social Science and membership on the board of direc- tors of the Southern Conference Educational Fund. F. Hall. °°5i§* an OB tr *5 P:."°..";';.:.5.*t":.=:..t=~';.,".;,...... Y _ The honorary members of the Association of Young William _manipLt]3l.CdZ. Foster T116 writes Qcfnfereiécc with unusu from :;eh1:;Ie:?e. III !'- ffégli.th --i.- Writers and Artists read like a roster of distinguished fellow travelers. Among the honorary members were 'inuence was strong in the S.C.I-I.W. from B the following: Louis Adamic, Countee Cullen, W. E. B. iiiiilsina this was reected in the advanced 12931 am it adopted. .._. rte _ rvegro ..__._- r---- reupie or - -'1 American "aster",1 c;_;_-L..- ,..,. _--.,.-._ Duilois, Oscar Hammerstein, W. C. Handy, Langston wen, Ava Hughes, Canada Lee, Rayford W. Logan, Carey Mc- P. 431! P G _ Williams, Dorothy Parker, Pearl Primus, and Kenneth T» it is ':.s§1'sz.;.1t:. Spencer. PeopiesDaily World, Oct. 2, 1944, p. 5! tam. when rt=*'d=" ° h° Unmm Y r the High- vt-...- ,;7 »_ m-""..i James W. Ford rushed back to report to the Central Laler Presidents were Jqhn B ThOé:iPsl tmFnow :eman :r|_ Committee of the Communist Party on the Richmond lander Folk School seminar! alltiloneaér Emcérgency CM] conference of the SNYC. TheNegro and the Demo- . 1. Elector of the ilommunlst-conhout most of its exist- :"=i;:-- - cratic Front, p. 113-I19! His enthusiasm was unbound- ed. The Communist Party had made a new and deeper ubmes-c°mmmee!'doThr°1i§ ence,which extended WI! séw194s time A. D0111- penetration into the South. browski was administrator of the _ - A F T? William Z. Foster has recently made the following The House ¬:I'IifiI:ll7G .__ U1-l,__ -92Jl.l'tl-l:l192-t.|.92-gaathIr.-. A-.m-..-an g_;92;;__g_$, .1531 ' glowing appraisal of the work and inuence of the Southern Negro Youth Congress: ts.t""':.t*':;t.*:.3:.:"::."t:.*z.:;2;:t:;t"r.ut e e ts . _M *_:,X...?'-or ,,.-. n . Most important was the united front Southern me wartime hogiymoon of the Washington oscow kro- Negro Youth Congress . . . Leaders in this organiza- axis to the Cold ar. _ _n I-t, g . tion were Edward Strong, James W. Ford, James it Mash Wt: E;z:..§°.*':";;s.: ' Jackson, Henry Winston, Louis Burnham, and Esther dubbed the SCHW a Communist o i . - - - Cooper . . . In 1946, when it held its seventh conven- report Of 91¢ O°°° ° t"?°§1-°T=ii=iii:tiii"iiié "".--: fr. the out--or-tne-way Southern city of Columbia, d3tCd JUDC 1-2| the iouowlng In lc SouthCarolina, 1,000 delegates were present . . . SCHW I II u __.l The .Y.C. was the most important movement ever xam= tio of its ociai puoiication out-1 conducted by Negro youth- It pioneered many of itsctiacliiaifiiiies willuiiiscltlise that the conference ts being

"Ieatmml-. 1'--;"'...f-"I 1- '4..-1."'r=--'#* '1 '' ¢.'_,,__._~._-._~_. -. ..; p _. _ _ ifc :.-;I.;'.'_-.'-1.. - - " _"" I i

used in devious ways to further basic Soviet and - its Assist- Communist policy. Decisive and key posts are in 92T" NAACP has ""§'." I?Lil}lmel£tli]e;db?The Com- most instances controlled by persons whose record is mt Field Secrets-no H" " E if a This Pm- faithful to the line of the Communist Party and the munist 'Pttrgy--2:11-Y as ifdi§§,§f,:t of Cotiiimunist views Soviet Union. p. 1! Pm O1: the Nsgro question. _ In a 1954 report, the Senate internal Security Sub- aminuit foreword to the PamPh1° by Hcrbcn Hm R committee reached the following unanimous conclusion: - ' 't est tn The Southern Conference for Human Welfare was con- we» toasty ceived, nanced, and set up by the Communist Party in the Negr9 qua ° . ' '1; th Commun- 1938 as a mass organization to promote communism ius:;:":.::§.f?'.::%::.:.s.*t., cam- throughout the Southern States." p.v! ists use _e . ,3 1; western world. Southern Conference Educational Fund i Fag; atgamstthtgt? e o £IiflIii1edi§1:?ilc92:S1anbEt - . tfbservetl that the- - tyeettve of Communist Attention has already been called to the fact that the mtacp has been 3 P'° °-' incnt in- Southern Conference for Human Welfare metamor- pcnetration and. I15 n1?tne:§psNtRjiaI:1;¢§a92l:'°;:cmmbed phosed into the Southern Conference Educational Fund dtvtduals connecttrh Wcommunisbfront apparatus. Proof in the middle of 1948. Ln the shift from one name to the other, the organization maintained the same head- to that=mthaptgeéri _ til . -been troubled with d the 'a P'°b°m resolution° quarters, the same telephone number, the same publi- cation, and the same executive director. CommtidumitthPeIlg1Sai'i:1Iilni1salt 5d°Pt e .. - t the Association Whiiihwill l'J1ItAg?'ni:0riention, The Senate Internal Security Subcommittee reported reads u f01l°"$i AS m the pasin kee ' h demo- in 1954 that an objective study of the entire record "'Pl°y very Wiamnabl-e nieilsure ent pmg the Wllcndorsers, compels the conclusion that the Southern Conference iliauc °rari;i:u::¢ili3;ii=1§ii:ss iii Ptliiav Communist con- _- Educational Fund, Inc., is operating with substantially ¢l"PP° -- " ainthe the same leadership and purposes as a predecessor sPira¢}' from lommgpo-K Pam¢'Pan3 J any W y .st -- ulganlZ&11OD, the Southern Conference for Human Wel- WOTK Of the the New York Times 1-e- fare." By "the same leadership and purposes, the Sen- ate Committee meanl that the Southern Conference Edu- Po, . §t!:dbtih!:tett-lleeNAACP - ']_D his 1-=it=<=l=d ',NewYorkstateCi-11_1'-"1" °f-P cational Fund, like the Southern Conference for Human A '5. Welfare, was a mass organization to promote Com- m . munism throughout the Southern states." of $50 oercd by Davis. - f the leaders Much has already been said about Aubrey Williams, president, and James A. Domhrowski, executive direc- ° fr e :;?;§::"::::f..::;":.:..°.,.,.s...,at half of the tor, of the Southern Conference Educational Fund. It as is as s" :2 st ::::t.§:"s, may be added that the names of both Williams and Ftortthro-.'-'ski were attached to the brief amici curiae b:,erti'hsn$:11i111n;a1;itsccPT-lble _ - *9 -l°inin3' 5upPg_,ng' 11 mmuntsN-mg .. defending the front orS"°ns of t e -4- -_ F which was submitted to the United States Supreme as 5;;-4-_-!_ .- . Court, October, 1955, Term, on behalf of the Com- conspiracy. ' - m t gm '_|.', _-. K" 4 ':- -_ ., munist Party, U. S. A. Their support of this brief The indisputable ll-131 Er ax ;n?tig;e,Bhavt? been -=;;'._-,1i?.*..ttmici curiae, written with a typical Communist air, leaders of tlle N1;A£:;n_t; 5; Communist consPh.acy_ sufficiently reveals the idealogical position of these two extraordinar y 80 _ . 1 - d ted 1.;-, _us¢_- t principal oicials of the SCEF. 1. the --=-11=s' -as-°°e1s":*:;§°;;61?.;.:.?£.n _,. ,=:,7'_:'_'.-.As has already been indicated, the Southern Confer- at the San Francisco convento th bras; every 1_ea_ , . ence Educational Fund exerts a commanding inuence PW w be a big loophple m'th tdepmocraitic orgi?-B- '=. t92?:."r= in the South today, and is in the vanguard of the pro- sonable . measure _ _ .in keeP1nB W ss cram or 'ganlzll 'on_ Communist integration forces. The principal function '1°l1=1P1'm°P1°5' obwously demon from holding high of the Southern Conference Educational Fund is to al Princililesn do not Prevent a P.erS° . - 'a Com- serve as a bridge between the Communist Party on the »: it» WC" Re one hand and misguided Southern Liberals on the other mums mgamzmmn M one an ' h currently hand. In this function, it has been remarkably suc- Two <=w1=P1==~ °f. NAACP ' °f°ai5 W 0 311aizations will cessful. no -.r--- illustrate prominentthe to interlocking theaatrs of of C0111-ll'lIIl1.l:IJ-2% '1 B gggan d me Com_ National Association for the Advancement of Colored People _';,_... .'-. mumst apparatus. be er a national viceuprcsidem of ir-'l . t 7...: A special word concerning the NAACP is necessary. Alidrew D. agguéasurer on the this organization is no: a Communist front. o e III v-- ietl1:ilAzi92ccliét:1cl; Civil Liberties Committee, one of the

40 41

;-.__.-1,. 4 .- 3'8! _ - '.'i" 3.7.;'**'1.'.o r 1


k most active Communist organizationsin the United States atme presenttime. 1 John WesleyDobbs, anational vice-presidentof the t NAACP. IS a member of the board of directors of the Southern ConferenceEducational Fund,the rnostinu- Reinhold Niebuhr clergyman and theological 92 ential Communistorganization currentlyoperating in professor! _. _...._--.__ _ the South.Mr. Dobbs was a guest of honor at a 1957 .:92.*:h-.;. y. Roscoe Dunjee Oklahoma newspapereditor!_..._. =:" " :- meetingof the_Emergency Civil LibertiesCommittee. Benjamin E.Mays collegepresident andclergyman! t_'."_.-_~.-13'-tr 34 He was also a signer of the brief amicicuriae submitted Edwin McNeil] Poteat Baptist clergyman!_..___._- to theU. S.Supreme Courton behalf of the Communist George S. Counts university professor! .__..._....___. .~ --'.;.»". Party Ill the fall of 1955. Wiiam Lloyd lmes Presbyterianclergyman! mmn. I Rufus E. Clement university president and E .56 It may be enlighteningto give some totalswhich indi- '-.'1"i'::"-'~cate the extent ' to which the top leadershipof the l clergyman! _.___---___.-_._-_-_..-_..._-~.----i--.---"--_.33 Lewis S.Gannett newspaper columnist!_-c.--_n_._.., . . __~| NAACP has given aid and comfort to the Communist- front apparatus. Listed on the current letterheads of Oscar Hammerstein II theatrical lyrics writer! the NAACP are the names of 236 dilferent national John Hammond businessman! ___--___.--_-_._..__-_-__. -_- ._ 41-I'Io-_r '::- -- ..._,¢. officers. Onehundred forty-ve or more than 61 pg]-_ S. Ralph Harlow college professor andclergyman! . =.-1_V =,f;,._. C6111!of these individuals have been involved,in'one i l Henry W. Hobson Protestant Episcopalbishop!... 31 ."' '3?3I10lh61'. OT Communist with enterprises,for a T Albert SpragueCoolidge universityprofessor!--_--c_ grand totalof 2,200 afliations of public record. Forty- Edward L.Young physician! __m_.n-__..._.~...__..._ 2?...... ,. UL must: NAACP national oicers have had one or Hubert T. Delany New York attor-ney!-_...-______two Communist afliliations; 99 have had 3 or more Horace M. Kallen educator!_--_...__..__...__.._,n..._. Albert C. Dieffenbach Unitarian clergyman! c__...___30 such ailiations; 52 have had ii! or more; and 46 have 5-."¬.:17.-"id.-'.'-,92 I had I5 or more. Frank Kingdon Methodist cIergyman!--_--___.-----m 1.3.--1-;j_. At this point, I present a tabulation of the names of Loren Miller Los Angeles attorney! - .1» 3- the NAACP national ofcers whose Communist alia- Norman Thomas socialist leader! tions number l5 or mote, togetherwith the number of Albert E. Bamett theologicalprofessor, clergyman!29 such ailizrliorrs for each individual. H. Claude Hudson Los Angeles educator!____-_..-- Henry Smith Leiper Presbyterian clergym:-1n!_____ Eduard L.Parsons ProtestantEpiscola bishop!-_..n108 29 Q Robert Vi.Kenny Californiaago;-nay!______¥____101 ' -'."-.C :'I..r.:_",.Sl1;p]el' ProtestantEpiscopal clergy- 27 ii?-_-'f." man! ...... __---__i-,__,_,,____,____,_i_i______75 k-f-"'3-é .r!§._'l;;yc;nn | "l-uir-rat-inr:|1'lr92rr|nu92 Lt -...... 92r_--...... 92._..,_._..6._,,,,,,,,_,,_,J.;______u__, Roger Baldwin American Civil Liberties Union! 64 John l-lowlandLathrop Unitarianclergyman! ______62 ;-5 :592,iigtlI_l92.~1.2%,_ I, O3l"!lOflClPlfiiekl NewYgrk agl-|1gy!_~_____H______41 .~ in ' .*'"tr<#==>h-:.=.l<'i:;'i_.ElShand university poetprofessor! if 33 i.--.;.:__a.Q l-tr" 9- vdolph labor unionpresident! ______. 38 Frartk P ""'"~h=m universitypresident, ex-U.S. .-e»-=.'oIZE'!k.!l.Ol'! _. _ ,._m._h. ._ . 37 G. Brc-mleyOxnam Methodistbishop! ______._ 36 .l0ll.n. HaynesHolmes Unitarianclergyman!_...__._. 35 ""*~.":+.'W 3. "Walls Methodistbishop! 34

"'.r._..I 42 -.- "192- -" .;.-.;'r'1" 25 ,- ...;|.-_ 1-a ,-.4: 23 Ame;-lean League for Peace and Democracy End -Jim Crow IQ! -.-_----ulltnhnll -..-nu l.'.nns-si-A was Roger N. Baldwin Van Wyck Brooks Algernon D. Black Oscar Hammerstein,ll Morris L. Ernst Osmond K. Fraenkel John I-lowland Lathrop C. B. Powell Lewis S. Gannett Frank P. Graham Eleanor Roosevelt ChanningH. Tobias William Lloyd lines Robert W. Kenny Max Lerner Reinhold Niebulrr A. Philip Randolph Eleanor Roosevelt Guy Emery Shipler Charming H. Tobias International labor Defense Roy Wilkins L. Bradford Young Roger N. Baldwin Earl B. Dickerson American Youth Congress Roscoe Dunjee OsmondK. Fraenkel Frank P. Graham Oscar Hammerstein,ll Roger N. Baldwin Norman Thomas William Lloyd Imes Robert W. Kenny Mrs. Samuel MeCrae Cavert Algemon D. Black John l-lowlandLathrop Archibald MacLeish Earl B. Dickerson George S. Counts Arthur J. Mandel! Benjamin E. Mays Max Lerner John 1-lowlandLat-hrup George L. Paine C. B. Powell A Philip Ritl'tLl Jlph Archibald MacLeislr A. Philip Randolph Lillian Smith Guy Emery Shipler Eleanor Roosevelt Channing H. Tobias Ruth Weyand George N. Sbuster

Citizens EmergencyConference forinterracial Unity National Committe e to Abolish the Poll Tax

Algernon L!. Black CharmingH. Tobias Rufus E. Clement Channing H. Tobias Harry Bragg JaneM. Bolin Frank P. Graham Harry Emerson Fosdick Hubert T. Delany Maurice A. Dawkins Mordecai W. Johnson Henry W. Hobson .-_;5_.. _- Osmond K. Fraenkel Harry Emerson F0§tii¢'ll G. Bromley Oxnam Robert W. Kenny . ,_ ... John A. Morsell Max Lemer A. Philip Randolph Edward L. Parsons C. B. Powell Myles A. Paige Eleanor Roosevelt Guy Emery Shipler Jawn Sandifer George N. Shuster

National Federation for Constitutional Liberties Civil Rights Congress l».- .Kl Rn ~ Rufus E. Clement Algernon D. Black Van Wyck Brooks Rufus E. Clement Shir. B. DlCKel50Il Roscoe Dunjee Albert Sprague Coolidge H. Claude Hudson Henry Hitt Crane Bartley Crum Jame; Hinton Osmond K. Fraenkel .131. . '-_ I-[army Arthur J. Mandel! Lloyd Garrison r_..,- ..I'_ Ill-"re Frank P. Graham Harry J. Greene . ~<.'- I'fClZj;1....U.HACIJD LI Edward L. Parsons . k T;-. P .*'1tI92'e|ll PortalJamesH. Wolfe S. Ralph Harlow Harrison Hires Henry W. Hobson William Lloyd Irnes _ Carl B. Johnson Mordecai W. Johnson <1 4- - Freda Kirchwey John I-lowland Lathrop .'_ __s-L ' Communist Party Schools Max Lerner Alfred Baker Lewis Arthur J. Mandell Hartley" Tram Hubert T. Delany Benjamin E. Mays ..'-'- .;?r1 B."F ckeron Albert C. Dieenbach JamesJ. McClendon Karl A. Menninger Robert W. Kenny G. Brornley Oxnarn George L. Paine U~1'~..~H Fraenkcl .8 Edward L. Parsons J m.-H Miller Edward L. Parsons Edwin McNe1'.l1Poteat t Sidney R. Redmond Guy Emery Shipler Arthur B. Spingarn Channing H. Tobias Willard S. Townsend JamesH. Wolfe l~I;_.. Council on Afri can Affairs

-_.~r| Aigernor. D. Ulfwk Jane M. Bolin " L "1 '1ll'.T?F" Earl B. Dickerson l'i~l92~.t'£1t lJ92;nje:John Hammond National Negro Congress 92'-,'.:i imrrs ,.<1_/92. Arthur B. Spingarn "Hrtnn|m1ll. Tobias Robert C. Weaver Mrs. Emesl Alexander Jane M. Bolin Ralph J. Bunche Earl B. Dickerson H. Claude Hudson SidneyA. Jones, Jr. |_-|-vnerqevCivil Liberties Committee Ruben W. Kenny Alfred Baker Lewis :=* Loren Miller L. Pearl Mitchell Hurt". Hi1tCrzmB Andrew D. Weinberger Henry Lee Moon T. G. Nutter Fail H Dickersll HubenDelany T. Tarea H. Pittman A. Philip Randolph 1».-'.92<~- ..W 1.; ey 1111 John _ Wesl =3! Do bl Louis L. Redding Eleanor Roosevelt Iu - _ .5 . R .-dding Edwin MeNeiJ1 Potent Norman Thomas J. M. Tinsley l Guy Emery Smpler 'vv.Wis J. Robert C. "92-ver e .1- . ,.u I D P - 1. " _e~. "I: . ...1~.>;.=s-~1- -rs-;1i¢ . -.. .¢..;-0,-~'t r Southern Conference Educational Fund

Albert. E. Barnett C. Austin Whittier Rutus E. Clement Daisy Bates John Wesle Dobbs Bari B. Dickerson Rolandgrittelsolzaa B. Roscoe Duljee John Hammond Am T. Hall Westley W. Law Mordecai W. Johnson .-w _'-- _>~. we-2'- C. Herbert Marshall Arthur J. Mandel! - -: -:92..- 2. James M. Naiarit, Jr. Benjamin E. May: T. G. Nutter Reinhold Niebuhr Louis L. Redding Harry T. Penn Eleanor Roosevelt Frederick E. Reiuig W. J. Walls r

<',_' Southern Conference for I-lurnan Welfare

,.=- Rufus E. Clement John WesleyDobbs Roscoe Dunjee Frank P. Graham James Hinton Mordecai W. Johnson Freda Kirchwey BenjaminE Mays A. Philip Randolph Frederick E. Reissig Eleanor Roosevelt Lillian Smith Ll=';{;l1L:'.ouottswood Lian Channing H. Tobias :._ . .- -1.....» "-...-.~;;.¢t..-. F V :7 -0 Southern Negro Youth Congress

- Rufus E. Clement Roscoe Dunjee Oscr Hammemcha, II Mordecai W. Johnson . ->.w ',;.- ,._' '{""""'-.".'.'A. Philip Randolph- Eleanor Roosevelt Arthur D Sm-'4.-5 J. M. Tinsley

... rig. . _. A it:*._, n. ' Testimonial Dinner in Honor of Ferdinand C. Smith

0-» . ' -: __| »_ Hubert T. Delany Robert C. Weaver Freda Kirchwey Roscoe Dunjee 1-.~ .E."=I4?I-' Charming I-I. Tobias Myles A. Paige -3.*?~"*&itF'1'*'-'.-151.".- ,;'T Willard S. Townsend . r t. . .1" _. ...._,_... _ ' L; __ -.;;_.=-.-.5:-_'- .'r'.92._ 7!l.'..- id :'.. ..§=' ;'l..':: "

,_2-_; .'* .1-'1_..=_.F.'_'| 1-1 .e>;~.1. 1 -~' . ._.;o-J-,._.|-.5__,,.... -..~ mévtlK ,_-25%.. . .:2: ,9,H -.33, y,¢_',,-. .- .'lIr'!'lr'*'Ilw--. r-seq:-r '7-arzt IR.., -,. -:-92_..a -_ .1. ' gru III fol...- M '4'- mg. r 92._r=!'-="."- *4-r-'1'. - ,.¬'_'f- .k..i_&_af_,. -:_- _... ..,r.-..._,;..

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92 f r b _ e_....__.__;______A-_ - K - :3 . nn ' ,_-._,-I- - . - - $3-I i§_92 92 _. " ,l- - 192'_"' 1, m _._.,_,__1» _'92'§4;f[ w -'1» 1- . - . r V ha -, __ ,_ Q ,, ., -_. .'' ' . Z -_92 . -! :_i_i-ft-' 1-:. $ 92 .. .,__;__'~5,,' I-..'*~,__L_ ' "_ '92.'~-C _._', 'v- _.. _ ; 1, " "H-r - '£:1.-= .;-..,-fa-1% ;-:92.-E: -1»- .1 - |f92.1'L'w'" .-13'-.";,,.--=92 ,n_- 92"""4_,v7>//- ____ ?-33 i;_,_i,.~!-§-__-11.. 4 ' 4 L :--_.-1..§J_I92 October 2, 1958 '- "§.92 *1: -T;-"F ,qH§.Q..,.~;.,_5 "-"1' ,_._';. - '153.-' - .1 " -1...-»___' --'r,*Z>- '» -- _ .'..e¢ cg,-9237'i ' 'i-i_' " .21. -' .;-;,_ L! ; ,..-: 92-. - .. 92 4» " ~j -,;_ ,.-P . ?:".1_ _ - . 2"! H...

a .- D /*7 ,- , ,3 fl" 2' ve av 4 . .. Your letter postmarked September 26, 1958, F, - '5'. . A ' _i'-".?_ with its enclosures, has been received and the motive 92. which prompted your communication is appreciated. Dear -=,'.l-B1 1" 1 we --- { ~ __.-_.- $1 -5': J-,;, -F1 :.'4»-. tI@==--".'- ';--.

*5. 1 1~ In the event you secure any additional E -.;._,--on__ v._92'Lf data which you believe to he of interest to this "- . -..._-. Bureau, youmay desireto communicate directly with is-_._;-;, F. the Speca1 Ag:-ntin Charge of ourIlemghis 0ice located at 11 Sterick Bilding, Hemp is 3, Tennessee. '

MAILED 11? » OCT 2 " 1953 Sincerely_ynrs, common: ' " ' '1 - iiYi John Edgar Hoover £1 ;-;.l 1 - Director $5 1 _ - , a _ hemp isM ALL INFORMATIONsour:-wen; 1 0 P: 1 = " anHEREIN aidRICLASSIFIEDBY |s 3" it :;1aF92i>§g;,'-p;la;§g§ .§»u. communication. _ nclosed Bufilcsis refa copy ect that correspondent'sof correspondent _d5§q'% L ,< M _m 1 ui wrote to the Bureau on 3-21752 in a vague and nonspecific e manner advising he would write again to the Bureau. k Ls: nip '->. The receipt of his letter was acknowledgedand he ¢gi;;; .!f;;; was requested to contact your office if he had any f¬~%¬E.$;;ff*1 infornation within the BreaufsLjurisdiction.'_Copies a" :g_?$42»'?f»t:";t"=""-'i=é-¥}5';""!i¥!:;'92;"mmm§rQ£mm._4r» of this corres p ondence werefurnished oury office. ' _,____,,_,_-- un;ura;u@~L~__-.=§=.§.-.;-".:;1i1t";,?i:.inn___... C PMgih0TE T0 SAC¢GNTINUED,Qh L,Q 3 ' - 2! PAGE7 1&£%$;§:ué= n- " 1 ers ' "eon; T5-V1-_ .- |-:._V :,'r_. 21'-H_F "r I , 13;§°;°;;-;mm. noonD! sex:II '_ on YELL Q! .- more AGE 2! f. . .. ,. . . , ~.,_ -2 . _ . ~.,-, i . ~ " - {nk-.}e%¢&&&a%M*--Emui4F : .,_ ._ . - _ 92 _ ___ _ ~.-37: _ -_~,- _-'__ -I-A ._ Vt I - , n I .J;I-' r - 4 '*-'~'*-J > I -_-__,_ - 'K . 4 i_92., - ,, .-~ . 92 _.~--. _; i'.._. , - , .» ' __v__ _ l - ~. .-Y .-,-_ r--. ,--. ..,I.~ __- --_- ..-..- =- ~ l, -. _ 92__- .-I 92 - In.--_ - | 1. _ N». _-A r_,_I-_:_,_ -., . ' .92 _."_H_» 5 --' 7 S '-._..,'<'7'.~._'92:,r921"-.-'I 4- V an " " I . -Q . " u . T; 92"- :""I-.' L '- 4 ,-.-= A.-L-..._:__~ .'-=-.;:._'-:92|- 0 . 1 S . , -J,'!Z_.' ,1,_ :".;!r ..- -_' 4 'v','5l'i-.- = #1;H:'- 1"Ife 5'-.72; .§."92'.-'F '.1-.. 1-'? -*1 -;I-*-"1!:

i 1."1:-:-.'-."-.-*-*1! 571- ' -- --.92'.'.-'.-T-.4 '42:..- ¢'A,.,§§-..u¢: ;J'.;;92_»

R:1».. . ~_=-3-:1;:=i . _.;_;i?§7;__--, _. r:'*?-e » ' 1..3; r '1- ,, f-J-»¥- 1.-;->1-F-, V. 7'1"" . -'_ I Q.'?;;-gag,. _..»,._- ..,_ ...1 *.. -.1 - ..v "-:#aaaQ "'-"$2 4| >-H. K

- .'| . ..r .. - _. . _ . , 1 . T , .. - ~'..1- .. .. '-a:r~ .5 - ' '.~.

. ore 0 c t s co '1 ' J "92 - '' ' _-- r -_;-_ -1._.- . ' .,_92-__r. W I .. - I re-:":'*1=-=='»~;»-a< at J K .* . Correspondeenclosed withhis lettera . ' 3 ' copy oftheugampule . ;"Communism_and.. __ ther e- NAACP?, -,.which - _., yum. --. . .. . _v» _. 92 92 ..l.._ .., . "'1.__-1'. 92 contains tes imony resented By Dr. J. B. Mathews * "i" .._,. at a public hearing of the Florida Legislation-= .;.< ' 7". . Investigation ggmitteeat Tallahassee, Florida, on" . 4»--_ 2-10-58. The p phlet bears a notation that it"is-g; . - _y__ T published theby eorgia_Commission.onEducation, Z - 51'4-*_ '."'§.I.""-7"*/_-'.'; - 20 Agriculture Bu ding, 19 Hunter Street, Southwes12 . r "¢'_~1~;111.? "*3; " ___ Atlanta3, Georgia. The pamphlet-dealsprimarily* ' a :"_~:_" .'-- __-.'-. with CP programs reg rding t e "Negro question! " - = - 4 , ,'!~-.X 1. :.;',- . "-_'r J..' _. CP program to infiltrate noncommunist or anizations H1.. 1. '-3 . . . -- -.~,~*,.;;,:.r,....._ and variousCPwsatellite organizations"%aunched*§* 92 __ ' t . '2'.',~_A.:-a " by the Communist Party especially for Negroes.',r VA .1-r .'~-7:".-~.,_1. .-<---as It further indicates that while the NAACP "is not a Q r ..+l~-:- _. V .. _.- _ , communist front" the leaders of the NAACP "taken as 3+ Ia ...... _ =.. J,- _ __;_;,. a whole, have been extraordinarily soft towards * the communist conspiracy." 05-52615!. P ¢92,-'... '. ..,_. .. v. __ ._, ,,;_._._ , _ . ,- "'92'.---htha_aHHg.P -|'_.m,'¢e - Hi." "'_'-' _»._. '92-'. . ' " -" --15.2.;?' ' - folder printed by the Georgia Commission o '-¢n;., _ 4.;--.11-§*- - " ' __ ' :__ 1 -T:»-llv - V 1 Educationwhich reggted to theLabor Day,&%§577". = ~. r,~.~.s¢-i--,-- .. -I.f'w-_.-Y".-: 1*. -'- - /"A meeting heldat th Highlander FolkSchool HE§!, -'51' »- X.-.~*=3'"--7 I - . f="-"."l-'."s'.1.%~:"-f-I . _ Monteagle,. -' : " Tennessee. *' '71. Tf'T"*?i - ." - _;-_ *T"- *- ' , V 7'.-2-r.-1 . "13 .. ._ ,- .r;~ <__;, ' TLl92 Ii-92l9292l>J92 0!-0:4-Aw-1:Q1 urn;-92u92 :1 W - LHC GUUVC Illa LC: .l..l. IICID UISCU CILLUI. 92-I-C-I __ . V -A - - 0 n v @¢ca>J;H;>- e._'; extremely= Correspondent widecirculation also enclosed particularly a four-pagethroughoutf .¢;;ev. T - *5-... 92; the Sout and has previously been . brought to the"*h= '..'_ S?-:»"-1' ' ~ ¢ ~ . I l *; it.-§~...:~'%;;4'-;i'."i.~-, attention of the Bureau as well as to your office.- _ r:!: . The HFS due to its interracial character has been the aw 3* *. g»;_.-,. ' subjectof numerous past allegations that it represents r _ - e-~i'"-*9-*....e"~=1=ir.- .121, 1.. - _ .."F'._§-,.-~ _,. -;'."1.".'f. . ' the head uarters for communism in eastern Tennessee. [email protected] '?~~?'-r",§Z15."' These allegations,however,.. r '.have never -~ been substantiat~. 1-7511-l0! . r 1 formation.

.s'?Jc-'5--2-,=;.-3"-,2; -,. c .<:.-w..=-.;;'=-aaruwutraaaaad. -' -'- ....g-._~ _:..;:_~.,1':_',,_z_,"__,5--_; .j,;_g; t='RF~£3:31 ';.i'-_'--'£&;.'?E»'..~'- ;-?.".r.¢"';4 .s?'?;5 ,1? =%$o*'§@:@:¢a ..:ji . - ..-3 6 ii.- I 92 92 , 92 |92_-__-92, _ . 92 '92 *7 ''1' :- :;r,. 7<_L' 751$ .7 - . *' "~ -' - J- ."92"._- 2 .92'-;_*.=;=_ _ -Iv _ , .. __ Ht: __ _ ,._ _<92f .'-_f__-V ._-V-1,; 92___|_-_92,@_.__.!h it - _ .,-_ ,_ ~ , - _ F "l* ; v- _ _ .. .. -Q _-_ - -1 92,_- ' -. ' -. _ '- I ,__-,3. "H I _" ;_ _.|-~-_"__A|_ :,_-:3: ,__-2, -__ _, ___, »I- -"»:..:'H . 1-4 92. .. . -" I .- ~, . -. _ .» " . _!-_._,.= 1-92-~-.'.,.~ .'._|,..f ,,.. _. _H_:._ ..r--.. .;5=:--;_.'.;";__i,_,_.;-K .._ . . ___"_._._ H _- -1' N/.~,------"-»=~ --.4.-<...<._-.-..:...a~._...-_'_;._ ~._- , I - - ,--- r ;.-~- 92-1, - ~92 1 ---~92* .. -_.-_.-. . -92_. ,-~_. 4-,_--92 . . __,92____ ' &~ J'l'92-|l._» --.-. L , a .1 92_ ' .,=_-.Qi.,_,1*~1;'1= . Ii-.-qr "2 v. " 7 .5?-"'I _-vf _-



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,_ : .» 1;.» .'.'_ Lt: _;r:-_i'*:,i.-J." ufv - - '-_ -,. A2. "7'? .2 <¢?92¬9i* "'-.;-

» - " L .- .

_4- . 6zl~75u~2.s4, 235 1; :5: CHANGED T0 :" - .- 5.6,¢._ .."- -1..- $34.3. J'_.~ _7 61-14005?-X! r-an l':3f;{2,-' E-a- -- 7.141 -1 L- _ J, ;_:'._-_-ll;

E-1:5-é ' EPR 7 1955

H /" $5-T.é-3??'"';.'..: " y,92 922 - .,. ,92f!.L.;"_ _-, 1 I1';¢,,-;92- '--.-1-w H"-I;-§:i"=' --r-1-J I"-"': 2 r ._ t ._ i - - " . . ' », ,. 92~ -' - -. V, -' _ ,._ _ _-~.,','.¥ .»-._.;192. ;'..~:92 .- :' ,c __ ::>1W-~"-.92"j_'-.' ... __. ,._ »- .-, -, i .' -', -_ . _ .- - - . - -7 .. ,- .. e '-1- i -' "". j ' , . .- i vb-I '- » J-Ki -1- '_»-j...-";'~-1 ii"l:i'-:2 '-.+--:-~:= _-.92. yr". .-» ,5; 5.; "- J. ._*}__:_._-.;.~,-' Q-_-;,~: 4 7*." .-92 -" - 2 - - 1.7;. --.A' .1.-'."---'92"'-""""" -"~-'- _"L""' ""3"; "U-"{_:,l'_":_ ;F_;_."?-__.Q""'/V-.;__j_ ',_A -

92 .1! -92 '92 1' Y _ u _ I ,-fli--. 92 1;i§ "F; F;Tdmm Mr. Balm 1 P§','.'; - _ _~ -;- 1t_-,;._ 1. Mi. Mr.NP3._link? Mr. I-;~»{2n'5_ 3- »-P.»-. .1.-.. ' '~.92 KZJASHEVHJE IUZEN@HME%!E{! 92 I 5" M". Ifmzenii ; 5''---92'.'.'..=.'1-L-¢...,_ w- ' ,_<_,_r-yr? :__;.._u- Mr. Tamm___ E92]1L1E CHEEN I l '!92 THEASHEWLLMr. 'l;'oLter_ My 9 a:;L..: f-_;3THEASHHO_"__,92 92 92_ .¢:.a/.'.L/ 9. V Mr. W.C.Su1l ugjlefj . : . '_ Tele. R0 m__ ;~92. "11 1' = HSHEVILLE ClT|ZEN'TI'lE5 CD. "5. M .»Mr. H0 ma: at _,:'. 92. 92 - I /-.__ JBESS 3. dy_ RBHEVILLE. N.C. I . 1. ~-. Li " '1 -_-.-.-v ;:1.~:,i:"-5". .. ._ e.... 5.1- December 23,1958 iii i Kr. J. Edger Hoover, ?'-T=- , ... 1- -.-I Eeoerrl Bureau of Investigation, ~..._ .. 4~ Washington, D.C. ., - @._',~-; ' ' .';'3"Y'¥ T? . ;a-A. _ ._ ..,. . :3 Deer Kr. Eoover:- * C3 .5-_.=' = '_'v'-at 7 92I . "i .,: I _ A publication entitled "Highlander Folk Sch 001" , T 1% i . .J~ ~;;.".'.,.;-r, V, has reached my desk. It was sent out by the Ge6?gi§"U3i§§T6H" on Education, Atlanta, and discusses what it calls the Communist ".u-1%-=s5*'~_-r,- treininz school at Nonteagle, Tenn.

If there is such a communist undertaking th iis=5sas it 1S a matter of public concern. I join in that concern. F This is to inquire if you have any specific { information on the school. I'd appreciate hearin: from you- ere, Uith thanks and the good wishes of the sees 3'7 !'.;¢;'92- 5: I an >r1~/' i

on, A* HEREINI DATE e UNCLASSIFIEDQBY ,_ .,..L ALL INFORMATION CUNTN Sincerely yoursl .,. 0114558

._;.';"=' 4 R50 2s 11¢

--3 e/;_2.a;:./..;.2£»é _ I'D JQN 8 1959 use .}j92_Q;92>- Q I . 1 3wa st _a90h-1.; duh-u ,.,1--».!.».~..r¢.s_ H .~92 ,. .» =1 . -'~-..'' .7» .. .-<.-'.-_' x V -. -- -.§_|.-. 3 - _.~'--1-- . . .'-'A 1, - .-_- ~.c1 . .; ., V 1-.-_~-a--qy-y.---.-;,.¢.:i_-.g~._';-___-_F=~-.-- __,'§1__'f::£t;£> W _ _, _ .- - .1 /.'3 '!_. - . , .. , _ _ -.-1:.-.n.;_ :,:..--1.T. u ;.r=e.- . 5»- {ID . £1 5 . '3;Z: 3.-1}. =~"~'='~: ?.'.- ' '- _ - i - 1 . - .;,"_,$;.c'__¢:f 5'; , _ . 31,: :5,_ . E-'9-:,:.-.1--.._ :~92 ~ ; .92_92,q:__--C,1-. Kl. 1 * ~=§.;r

Q-_:1,, -a,_'.- .. .. ~.. 1-; '1.-7'-. "'.'." 1% o '....__> ,- i'.e 2 -- " -D A I £! ecemluer81:195l ; -"r~I ~, ,92_ orw , y - - - re - 1.» * iv . _ M . V.-.3. "-.#;'}4-IL " o.-'-,.J __.. u4...¢ '..»., kn-I,. E. "92.92Q?;' ' . .11»: _.q;{¢ , l!'=!- !1?_--@1:.'.:1'za!rF.f??¥"*1.'y:1-.3 -L-"s.-Y if-:92»_<'_~§.;' E-P-!'__'§If:f;!"p¢:SIF-£3 I3 '_ 5" '_'9292E& " Excsrr il":IE"..E sum; ' .-.-.._-s;3;- e eévc A - ' '1 .-92 All INFORMATIONCONTMHEB r -4, 1 ...»;f;7¢. HEREINI UIIQLASSIFIEDN f Q l92 -Q

I -. I * ~1.?o . L A eA. havereéelred your um:°?*iJ~" ofbecembor1958, 2:, . 'and ~ appreciatethe interest which prompted you to write me. I em -' !_'_ .- instructing oneof my representatives in your urea to contact you . in {he nee; futurerelative to your inquiry; _ . _ . - _ I '4 " ***":-"*' '§ was thoughtful oi you to extendyour 8eason*e' . ,-.;s.. "3" ""5 you have my very best wishes tor every possible 7 _-gigsiuring tire New Year. . . 7 - I w :.. .. - i -;,_* * -~ A_ Bineerelyyoure, a _':-_;:_ . E-11%-§_-. 1'; ". -._ E ' u nu -'5?U. ' -- l I¢I133I11'Eoove::' ¥- "'5-Q»?-Q V . '5.u ya.-;;~;f;:_=:~ L 7 » ",;~ ~ - A o - I FBI 1;, _ 92_ ' . _ -in 7 "'r}c*-F?- I ,_ _. . _ x.;_ ' 4 __ T -*3ra*:~=~"§ _ _ ,... : _ -- r _'r__-_q_.; - -.y -_-._ . -'-__._ -Q-<". ., 43.--»*0 ._ 92 _'§- .= W}; _"- " 1 . 1 " - * ""7? by donatic -_=_ _92-rl _ ~;__-___. 92b0r union,offers coursesof Instr ._; = i}_labor 1?? .._i_y ,,,..,_ _ :_;.- 1; hilcg_rma';1-13¢ eld olt has budgenera {ii-}w;~_§:* L 1.=#.-o.1a;=4 .19¥%<2w94*1h=Pr==,=-11*,.i'-<>mmwii1 '.=1..=w=r ; '1-,I,-92 ; ~ .-,u? -- »",~..'¢~,;."».%4 1,..., . _. _ ,- jatruconincommunpm nor ':L/-'5 . " ~~ y X-u'?§gg+&otth1s m _mits .. "*_ E . '_ iubjectofthe many _ t/allegations, - u *uMmm¢ that it representsthe headquarters for .?:,-raneas ¬6195°94§1'/5 e. . coo Q 1~r1'"D NEX- .. TP"°E! 1 - - .- -.- . n- _."192- 92__-._._-92_:.:'_-_.-:_- 31 ..,- ;'r .,__92 U: Q. E92_l___ . -<" 92'

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...... _L_._withheld Pagelslat this entirelylocation the Onefile.in more orthe of following statements, where indicated, eitplein. this deletion; [3/l!eletedexemption under s! ,_ __,_it__._iwithsegregable no material available for release to you

[:I Information pertained onlyto a third party with no referenve to you or the subject of your request.

G lnfonnation pertained only to a third party. Your nameIS listen in the title only.

E Documens! originating with the following g i92OI11mtnIE12 :n<'_92'_ _ it?5l _ __ 7 77 7 it _ ,_t , Willi-/VV l£' forwardedto them for direct response to you.

Pagelsl referred for consultation to the following government agencyliesl; it __t___ as the information originated with them. You will he adviserl of availability upon return of the material to the I-Bl.

E Pagelsl withheld for the following reaeonlsl:

l:l For your information: n_i____,_____o__U T _ __ _ %Zr@!ii:vi 1.17 '.__ - <¬ . K 1 92'[r - X 4 V Mr. Term. ;-' 1; LIT. T11»! * er___ ..»_.;.-. _x- ._,._;-. .1; ..,__' 92 P Ii» ' ,. 1'.'.C.Su11i 1 ..,92 3*-.. Room_.__

11'-. - §' . Mr. J. Edgar Hoover Federal Bureau of Investigation ALL INFORMATEON C0?-JTAINED HEREIN IS UFJCLAQ-S|f'|ED .v .5"-_'. -'5 1 ;.' if "5-3 Washington, D.C. 6161!? I Q .- t. : ' I -- - . i.~rl-Etna Dear Mr. Hoover, 94 I have just finished reading your great book, Hiiters of _Beceit, and feel that my 1 -.1. n_-__jX_.-£4 congratulations to you on your wonderful work are long overdue.You and your organi- -,_- 92 vfwl, . nation are our greatest assest in our fight on communism. I am greatly disturbed by '

1 _- n'92r.=n+.S taking place all over our country and particularly in Alabama. r 1' 1-2:92'v 4. The northern liberals have made the situation in Montgomery a cause celebee and -; ,;.?"'-:

"$411;-I Martin Luther King andther Ghqndi. The people there have been extremely tolerant of ~1~*-' his activities and the restraint that most of them have shown is to be admired. The »._ situation here in the South is fast becoming intolerable and the ones of us who have Te ' : always considered ourselves moderates and have tried to help the negro progress in rt 2».-1 if_;-;-=~'-~=the framework of his own society! are becoming alarmed.

BE Li-a 57%! - - of pictures made by a {photographer from Georgia who went to the Labor Day weekend work- 1 rr.-Q shop at the notoriousiflighlander Folk School at Honteagle. I an sure you have a-gpy $1.7? of the same report which was sent to me by the Attorney General of Alabama. ll of the _,-1.»? s /T92if.'~ET.c!e'5j or most of them, who have been leade s in the racial troubles here, were there,1" ' w|'l92 ; _:r 1 p E ,1 . __,i / Ffos.Ti2a_1_lks of the Montgomery bus oycott 1 H.1'.§§,@ ,1 Gomillion of Tuskegee Institute 92 andks I*'T J Flli- 1.. r..1.r=.r was sitting next to Abn ' erry. Peopléfi;-e bound to take on the color of their / - -. 4: I gm 1? '--,..--4 ar§sociates and in this case it is decidedly redl / ..- //- " ¢:' L» ma-2.92 ,4 *1-fr-9? There are very few people in the Umt teswho have any idea what the High- -.' . If lander Folk School is or what it is doing. e northern 11 U Jig eraisgig 1 I their rabid desire5 ...... -. -...... '_..'.'.'-'." .-'_.-.-' . I0! EH6 negro YOZG REVS 8V1B1'l'l'..l.Y OVOIZLOOKOG U10 1'00 Il..1l.l'.Ll18l'lCQ 111 the negro IIIOVQIIBHI. OI ' I . J-< 'ii'1.'h_5": have chosen to ignore it. 9;; L _"'c',.-{UJ? I rL/4; -" _ _» , 1. - - £3 92-.- e. .._. . we--~.h , :~¢---'1'"-:="f'@.~"-» ___e________,_ - -.-,-=_s*' ____,'_ .. g ____ s _,, A " r r .a L t, _ . / it


._...T. _2 I _ '.-'.fr "e §»:~-4 T-»-..-T

I I have b°°" t°1d by a reliable county official. at Tuskegeethat out of the known com- I munists in Alabama, about two-thirds of them are at the Institute. I am sure that you know

.._ the correct figures but it is distressing to know that communist doctrine is being taught

1,.-e. to thecolored youth offgtite. The Instituteis thedarling the of liberals aswell as the s. NAACP, andthey and the northern press attack./the South for our stand on integration on

one hand while they cover up their own racial faults with the other. -1- My frustration knows no bounds when I see communism creeping so cleverly into every .,_-reQt.-1* w L, facet of our lives and people so indifferent 1§!m to it or so ignorant. i<_.i..;; E Again, my congratulations to you for your excellent work in trying to edicte our people -r. to the dangers of subversion-

0% Sincerely , e _ 1 '!".' . 1}:_.92

.1 . -62. ; a ?'-3 r~-.,5: ii

I -4 L E J Q -1 y i Fs ::. !¢ 4': 92.. .

.421 L! w.,-- -r . .!.'

_ 1 Q t - ._- 1 'é _p.M' . 92_. -._.92-..c .92.' ' 92., ea 1 I I § _|-.._~_92 ;_92. ;;._,--_- g.'_92- '_92K-P J I I F, ;-_ lb I 92 I _,_ .j. - - . , ,- 92;92_ ri- _ z 92 i __ _ _ _$ I . - 5; J11; _;» -:. ._;_~_'__-92:1, :-._ 92 ' . -.15; :.§_1;_;~r~'-. -.=:_ .'"-. -1': ,1-'_-,1 .~e-.- 5%, '-"'.-'5 'r.l~.."-'.'-.Z* _ _92_

},-_,,". .-..J-I: GGNH-BEN"l|'A1f -- , :_¬;,,_..,;.'_~-,"¢92-_";.-7Y-_--.;r .__"|_ all} -,.. .92 _ _'92 H-''i==~:-.w.¢-;~'_¥r F 1 " O J. = -=-_-1.1;;-; .. "-*-'il=.-'-r-.1==£-;Z§?I. -5-;;P_'5.f~-1,;-Y;,, -_ -._ . .. 4 / Y L r Q-=-.=,l"*§~'?-'t'T'92-=_ -"-"':-¢5"'.'-. '_.A . . ' 92J :;T:1éi '7'.-_};-i E~,. F January *'1959 B, 7 __ _ _ I14 'a';",Q,»- 1 -'.I '-: .'_ -.- REG 45 i ' Q, H AI;-'£.1'?*Y-~'¥-1'-!:.¢»'!"*'..*-rt-;=@-,-g; *1! :T":.~I!92" '-i '-'7:'T".d": o -=-_!*l§¢1»-*- I _, - _- /V ' EEC??? w:a::;.~: T?"-"".T'~-'.§T"?FIEQ saowg §se%<~i¬i=s-?~" Q ~ _ - v::asRw1ss._ mp 4,; ALL INFORMATIONCONTAINED 1I "".=1, "~I~~-_#'92?-».';-ct. .e=.. '2 n-=l1§"5?*;j;;_2;-F92;?_*;;-.._ '- i -- HEREIN SUNCLASSIFIED- *1:-=-$11-.:».-*-st . ;-:2?-'1313.?-Z."-'-.*~';_F... " V r ¢L¥§ 1... uni' =-_.-._.,- 1*» I ;- Diiatu B3£§;;"%S.%l® #£F='¢.Y"1.;? ' -." '~.~'.-:1." '1-.1-_..1.» _._'--_._, ---.31 _.*1_ ____-.- " -_ r4 -. ._ _ . - a. slag gzr.._,. an , _ Q I'}'n_--»f:.-_'.:_ __ ._1 -, .- . ..* _. .'.»-".- --1 . : : Deoass:' .4-ml =-'-"""-""*-.13 "»-' ¢7' :'7C/ 2 Dear. 1 t [I-512-b I ' :11; Y - ~ ' _ - - .- 1:5-_92 -Q-1-1;-<~.t -- -_; _. 9-,__1_: - 42 *4-.;-4»!. _.92_ . * a »_';'?=_»- ...,.; W =>, -' _ ;_"_{-Hf:1'1 ,1, 3-.-';__ Your letterwas receivedon January5, i " ' _'____»- -; -, - ..,_X_J; _. '_ - P .~. - f'.'~-.':'-"in'-., W "t . vi .1~. L..--,;I- .1~->.'- . ~. . wt- -- -2-, . 1959, and I certainlyappreciate kindyour comments_- -T 5:-9,1-~='*~f'_.*..~1 Ia-,1--'-'4-;-*' ' at' *'- 1 - about "Mastersof Deceit" and ourefforts incombating '' ! V _ -_ 92 I communism. Thankyou verymuch for ivi me the _.,|_92, _,,H,1 -.| benetyour of IIBII-{Eli-itaiiliiigto racialI '18n~.a:t-are ;.=c@- u'.L.i.tC»- 3

"'?§i.-5/*1' 3 Sincerely yours,

43-: ta ~i1*I;;».@""'o _ .- "' B1,-.:0 r. K ' "L.' . l92-- '> _ J4;Edga;-pooveg -I»-4 _ ._£: _ - - - ._ <._ -p -;,__ _ ran: ' e :1.-. ELED 20 in-nv--0-an tori-v¢-Q "_ , >§ NOTE: Bules containrecord no onHighlander Folk School , ' me n tione d ' in herletter; is suppdifted primarily by ~ --gglonationsindividuals from andlabor unionsadd offerscourses of _,1_i__, ___nstructionin labororganization, socialecongmigs __ _ andthe eral -T _~..'_'--¢' , 1.. _»~~of labor'/fieldeducation. has CP had It members ;olr'l£§ sta.figQ|d_.has q, ...92 -: 1 -- Fl § F_ ujollowedthe practiceof securing communistsias siliefits.noas . :92'- -1" _ " I 1 - 92 never offeredcourses of xnstructi n cointng'6fD-I16?! has"the_.C'P -k 5177?:-:_itnrrimarl 1 _ '-. intent ;~ i ever__ succeeded_ gaining_ _ '_in controkgttls %ChOO_ _L ea o its i t n ter _ation:ii 4-. ";_..'-,__t__ i__ | _ ~~;»-_t "-ease K .._.._.....,5- i-Q; aicharacter,has beenthe it sup@e¢:toi' g t aI1'ega.tion5f'11-19,111 re- J am Jful__..._ ' 7é_;'iresentsthe headquartersfor c rah m in Eastern Tennessee. 1'-;,,'92'_&f;:g_?',_92'_=;f{'5,nun ._..i_ . heseallegations 3;-3 neverxegx havesuhs qiated. 1'l'7511-210! . '.'<--L _.~ ,V7 -" ".'<-"-r=I .-___._....._ '_*i.";1'_<=*.-?'._g_'1_;'ro1tl! " ;'__¢_{"___'_ Sullivan ,_ AN 30195 ' H ' H-* " Hf; .»'_Z;§ele.Hoom ;.- ».» , ,, -14! C ' """-U' QrkWQ < - , - _ woman 5'-<1». Q» 14> 4- 92_ / 9+ . i qtIL .' ROOMTELETYPEI UNIT D L -1,-92__,. : . np'.'u~'|"". '9292.. _. _._. -....',- e -. -i i- .--1. .- .- rpw-'92, _ "'1'927""'.. -""'92T? i - ~'_ _. '. _ __ ,__._92 . V; . ¢1;".-=..."*-,1;.:'...~f~=?R~.--I?I$'@~Tii*.~i-E..--~*F1;.2£<~TvZ-ai-.12?..~i-'l--'-' -- -».':92--_ 5-'.e=»".»-n.~??".cr.-==.:-.-"-- i.___,J._n . ,_-", i'_ -»-_- 1,1, ,3. -Li'_--'.-:'-l-_t ;__- -_,-.-or ; -,--.,''- -W; '_ .-.-;;f-- *,1,. ~;1-,i.~_-.'-. 3., _-i-vi; -: 1'9 -92-.- .""~ "Q._92 v.g,'--"'---- ':~.-,:y,;-- '.'i,-- 7'92'_,f I' »",_ --'-_ ,_ -1' _ . -4_ - -on» ;___f;; .-- ---.-'_--::'-no--"'-.¢_':_;g*'92,~;.:_;._1,f.1V,,;1;:92-__;:1i~,-92_L.92.:92:,f:T.5Li-;._,J'-_'§.,}_,-14 1-"-'>.~x:i,<¢.!!--',».-T"-~--' =-'".92- ¢"?"<-' 1- - ~- 4.;-,r_. 1' ~ - - ~ -_, __-_ -. -I _. ' " ¥-}_'_:"Tr;_'LV_!I"7:? r ; ~_..,»,'~ 1:;-__~-.l.,_fie:-E-g_.~§-.,=*--,_._._. _ .__'._- '*'-;-_-ftIA _, "u,--__-,»; -I "1 I~' -92 '_A'_u._,7.<.-3 -,I 92_'|_p92i._.!»._92 1--" -- 'V.92 .__- I! . _ '- l,»_'. _ _ _ _ - 4 . L =.-_ , 1,, J W .|. '1 .'.'--' 1 '.- r P-*,~.~;='.-;;;.- - " 5- M. --.~, =. .=-1 .' - :_ / _ :_"_. 2-... ..'- I ;¢;_:':.~;':¬:->r- _'.__',_-~". Q;1 '. . 1 ., ff ' ."-= -'_ l :~_ .-'i " @-l_ r-.. 92 92 92 _- |_ .._-_*92..__.~,'_ :. , -~ _'_-.;f - ~i . .-" t ;",Iv1I-'1-_?_'-VIQI- ' .»_.-,_-'.;'--.'- '"-"~92,L--,-,,."-92' ,~ -1: -5 , I . ._ IVA-d-,-K ',92.-» _ -1» | - ' 5 . - -- -- . -.92~,_. _11- '.92' -xgh":-.92'-_.'92"92- '-,-,_- -_ f.,_!-'.}.292_".J" 92 ;~~»". -F,-,.,--:,-f="--:.-,;!~3u'.:;<<--.3--.;~ 311'.-;_1*-7*}-,.1'*_;,f -,.,---w . -T"92-:.--- .; '- ,','v'?"'**;. - : 5 1-"-'_~ P. I:1- ~:;--"- l-1%,? 1 _ ._ _ __ ;__.___ _. ! .. ._- __.__ _ - _-=_;_,',.__;-_ ,_M7 -. -._s___,,_. 92,__ ._-J--. __--;,.__-__,___,. , ;.._. 92_"- 92 ;-. . .-, . Lt; -,-~;_-wI -_ . » -- .' 3'- l ~- ~='-l "-- _,_i7 ,,- -: I .7 '-F--1-", -77':_ ._ .'-ll-".71'=Ll;-"-7'~>1";7[email protected]. -. __- _=_ ._,...-;, .- .,,_ Z --,_ '4:-'.;'1..'.E __--I ._..1-~¢.'. ---. :-.'--'1-- .*'-_;.*--1 I/-4,1 -.'I-: .""='1L'-5-'=9-"1'E 1-! '-". 'Q 1°:' TL -' - ' K, -:.':__ '.-' .-"-q-="='~-'.'"-.;'-'-1r-.--:-.=-=.-*5 -i~.-" !~ "i-'.¥#~F~".r-" "-¢1;"'.1.":92*'?1i~'$£117>'? 3- 1 -.-r "-='-=--.=Y.- - , g, :».'.~.-.'-.T'¢.~'-P'.'L:'-' '1.__.- -='.__$-'@_-¥-.l_;n.*I4jg92_._'4|'_ A.__,Aé__.,,,,¢92_-..-'u.:;._...-1..q.4k_4:|.- .~j-,-;1:._u,-,._T;-_-r."-f._-_ »_; I 2- . 11+ . ' ! I """'-..4.;i»._~_,j,;,.=. .~ 1,'| ,»-as-~-'2;'Z_-3 n.'92"_",|I_:,_ 11 we-51 3-. '.1r'. _.,,__£_:.._7,._-.; ;;.__:$._ I U . . ' 'I'rAllNIu@v92:I-In.l4 - . . _ _ '~ - Q-:* - ~15-.'.-_ ..-Q q 0

_.*. . 4 r .__ V V___A 1 af-»1 -Q~ v~ A_: 2'_ 1.; , _ ._ '- . iv- 3V! ##1=_ ' Ea: Oéf . /{@772M62- - X UNITED s'_--.%e9 tovslikgadénr "i " .- , * - TO 2 nmncmn, ref 1-1511!l »P*92"= 1./239,;;;~,;*-~ Q";- 1 -:1 :_,". - ':§_L: t-_.:¢ .~,_.Y'-.-,_.--'_ _ w-Ll. 1_' @»_'»-n .T.,r If-.~_#3,! T: . ,1. 1-.7,-- _-.; .- ~,.~ = SAC,KNOXVILLE l "[61-12! l _;_..';',;,.74 =35-;_92.> .9»aY9*¥ H." . - ';5§./ n@yw$ 92l The Knoxville Office received through the mail the §nclosed literature which described as follows: '" _ _'f;.!g»,__,_ ,2 . - 1-_;:-:1;-:= .,- .|_1 ' - / /4 '-' -*' ... .1 r__'___ - 92_- :7!-§7£F'- -,=u Letter datedJan y l95Q,§%ér¬§§edto "Dear Fr1end"_ Vw.,!;.-_~u..' A Highlander report dated l0/l/57 to 9/30/58 " ? kg'3» . The above is being furnished for the information of the -- -.-.92 '1 Bureau.

1 . N _ 'F~§: -, _ _ 1, _'*" ~., __ -s P: -. i _ . _ J IQ; 3 - j_-;§4 . E -. -.4: . e ~ - I Q 'f E.

- 3-._921<. 1' e»u ALL INFORMATIONCONTAIPHEBo : 5 t HEREINIS UNI! I r ._ 3-- ';"-1 i__ ._-.qe§~ s= ~. - ;- ,--1-L_> §9-BUREAU ENCLS.n nArE§<3e!zL%92§';F'5gD- 2! 94$ _ ii! 5* 9! Y 1'- KNOXVILLE . e

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£ 92-0


January, 1959

Dear Friend: . _"L -.. Mrs. Mary Davis has been calling every day about a Literacy and 1 Citizenship School for her people. On three of the Sea Islands other , ,1; Highlander students are giving guidance to their neighbors in reading -4.- so they can qualify for voting in South Carolina. Similar appeals v. repeatedly come from Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. .1:-' I7" The people who turn to Highlander after doing what they can to . 1Q ': F help themselves, would turn directly to you if you were known to them. We have gone as far as we can, gladly foregoing salaries when necessary, and must pass these requests on to you.

We are calling on you to do a very special job which only you can do. One of the foundations which has made generous grants for the past six years has about exhausted its resources and we are faced with the immediate and urgent need of making up this loss or curtailing a program that should be expanded.

One supporter has asked fifty personal friends to contribute. He signed and sent out in his own envelope a letter we mimeographed, a piece of Highlander literature, and a business reply envelope addressed to Highlander. On most of the letters he added a personal note affirm- ing his own support and expressing the hope that they would join him. Contributions from his friends came directly to the School and were acknowledged by us. Others learning of this plan asked for letters and enclosures, and their friends are also responding.

1 If you will do likewise, our loss can be replaced with individual . 92», contributions. Every dollar received can be used directly for ng education, since thanks to you there will be practically no fund raising costs.

. .. This we know is not an ordinary request but these are not ordinary _ _~___7MlWH_Iy2__92"__WI$1__H7___w____H,_d_J. _ ____MWfa? AA. _i_Ih_W_wI___JP_______1__*n_d__-I*_VFAH? M_ W _ W, _ __G _ J;______'__My*5_Q_____inggA§§i_W$_R___ifirWJ_ DM 2% ___ __1!.Wv___?VMH3!xVd_' _ ______1H__uQ___Psq___A03goas"3aomgagggngg#111H92Dng_H_U3_i_711!AM!__h___E____0KU53pam____O_B__g:_B__O8_3_H&2gB§E8§OgdiggHO$00$500OPllawHDO_HUGO__I'llM____§§_"_____%§gUEMOv__§__2__?H8I!____m5uOHO__8___HMEMWHHHI8EaBO?whmqwU5m____$_U______WHQMU_HmU__GO2$23522gMR2E_:____$xPzk_WvjrIii_§_uup_7N__#_in__W_?_'_HM"*n____'_____4___ 1ID1:HwIOwagg_EEQEUE;UW _ MhV____v%_u______H__J"n__q_hm___x U,'__,__1_ I"_v____ __h_____?_,"___2__;iM_d___rviimN:'__8!__ n_ ~ _J33,__5 m H__KfQMugmm_i__w__ _F g______ __wt___?L}_ _ HW___J___!Em QWQ #3 I%_ 5L_K__l_ _IJ4 QE-__ I___N!__'_M;*L_____:_ _ %Q___é__MM__gm3'V_mW___?_m____ 1 ihw___m____maI_AKW__:W__HmQ!3___Vrad_u__r____,___km_IN_J%WAk___X9TM;FFMET _iWR EM _ w _ _T.I__Pu_%U!W?Avéh»__ __L1%___ A__ _ Hwk __ _5__¬_WW_nM_Q_h___MHL __v __Ai_;__Q_,_U__h :__v _Y_p'%M?_!_znE 4yaw ___wMJkw_w__ _4 H"__ nx,WW_J__m__ M__H____ "____H___~~_WMW?t W_ Ni J: La J-. 1. _ .~~ - .. -.-.-» :3 -9 , _.~;;-.'.92 ".---»s.'--:-.- " ;-1'-;a>.1;.'.?-1-g_:s;i-+7' P - r ~ Y-1-vi-.'.-, -- -; ;--.-t-= e-1.-'1 .--:: _--'.~'~- --" "---. ;;'~ -"-'-.,-'.".-'--.-?'.=92a92-1--.=:,'=.~'=}.I'-':"- : :4 --1 ; -"---"'3--,_-_:¢.:;5,~._~»; ;-*.-:¢~t---- .4-1-;--"wt-<~-.i*<¥"'5-i<~.,.-:<=. -;-="'-_-2.7;; 1 --.:_. =l,~'!'-'| .- .. ~ . I F _ ll; _-..__- _z.-,.1., __.__1k -'.'___,_ ._92.,_ I3IIi;.._..:_7_:__;_1__E___s;_,__:?}_:_: R _'J - . e Q K-1 &_:-rtA _,..;-L ..-'" J ., -.92- _!-_<__~_.92_. '. :. * "'- - .'' ' F»-'.,'-- ~r'-92-~'- .-'=-1:;-.1 .5-Ff '~ ",3.-'¢'>.'i'.='T¥',F--TE}'i!i.'*--Siili-Wilt-; *5-E.';".'F[r;.i.,.'=~~' L,. 1."3-".'-7'1???-.w2' -- ->...'- ...-: ""_<1- _ ~ »-=I P" _ .. __ -_.1-v-.»'92-_' -_;I '_ ~-1-__-: ' . ' -' j-. _..._.92,,_-_~._.._.O .. 3'.--1.--.--'"'.*. -'.",'rf~I""-"-.-'-3'1-°'4!~'='i§'-792'3~""~=.=-.' L :.:.__; 1;:?.'-:.----3;-.=.-.-'Y?;.;-%.=.'-="r' _:_ .- 92- . '1£-.~-z?-'-- '- .- ' . . ' . '. 1: I - . ---.;,;"@J.;*';'---='-1"*='.g:-1-u-..**=>.<-.1a-.2-"'v3=,q,-.;;.'..--.--;- " -- *--'--.. _ _ _ H_,._ _ .__,_...___-,t,.t'e. . -. ,-._92., ;..- '1. . "-1-'-"'2,-3'3-1-11?:-:L;;..-. ,. -._<.; *5 '-'-¢';*,'__ ";'%?rF-",.'l"¢¬;-'5.-',! _'- ,. .1.--.-~_. , -'-_F._ r.- - - - -:~92-.-".".- _ ,, --- . . -'. I _ . ."-=-:-.-'-." 1|'. .921. - r 1-. 511.,.-..,ii§-';i!f;I..;}., -. *-.-_- _-,- ' ,1.->Q-;~' _. = -' '-"-:'.- __- Hr , 'Y 1.-: '= - F-z."/4-I-i.*?=é¢'~i-'=¬=.¢e?:'S»§'.°.A$4%=-zzeta-..-1 .-,_ _ '.--.--. -.- "l"?!-'1"'=§-.:.92- ._ .- _-- -,1 =-;_-'_-:1.--., "'.-P- i.--.-5:. '.§-7-f-L-+' 's~§? I "»'-'-____,|92. -. S-7- __ ,._,.-..,_n~ _,.-.~u;--:2-..92., . -- -,. 5?!- '1,» *'*. -92,.. ..- ._ . __..'f_. - _ ' . . - , ; '- -7-I I , _ ' -.- j--.~ .. '-,,.'¢."~ . _'--_-;---I .- ;-_.-.-,- ._:r;'r'.t-1-11-.-'7: .- -' - '-_-.92.'_'-- '- - .--'-..r;'.-i§'--- '-~; - '-.~.'~-c.-. -- '..-=-- 1. -..-.-~' '§'J'l92'-IJK .>--*.-- .-'-r -" .."_; /.-;92 -.,.1.;.. =-1-.--H'.. '.;-_-.- _ -:.:,w-,~ 1- 7.'..'-..--'.2' _~I-4 '. -.._ -1,, -" -.7! r "; .-. -., .- ', /-_ .-'---,- -- ~._'_ -.-_ ,1 ..- -. ---.- _{,__;'_. . » . - . .;»-_-_- -_-_ [.1 ~ .*._- 1 ;_.. -, ...¢.-.-,-. - '1L:;§'£'92':t%;";?;-92?:|__?|l.;92}r-.-:.Z_.I_-_"i1{¥__.§,_- - .-_-- -_.~ '.-~',_.. ~:.'-.-_,- i-k ,*.». ._ _,l. n . ,..-;--_--, _ . -.'~.- 3: --1.? .55. .» 1'5:; -_-f-,_~,-.-~.= '5--.-:-~;-1at-.--'....--.-1--a<1?~;=-'<-;'-.'-r:-.--.--T? _--. 1'=-1 ». -r --- ;_"- ,1.._- t- .1-'.-. ., . < 1..-~ .1 -.~ -_ _ ;- ;..w-_>-.'_,-_.-_.,92-__-_..__-.3 ' » " -.._--;-- ,- t92 -.-...'.;--:-a...-.:--1i'-_- '--~-- - -_;.;. .-....*;;-_:"'2-- ;._'-_-'3'.-Q",3'.3'1I{-Ff-':--:1,i-f1'. ,-<'_.'.' ~ --' -III 1.-2'qj;rI';'7--1=§.'-'92'*_"-A-.,'|'=R~'~i' 92 H3 . '.'°-fr-1.»:--;_._--' >= 1:-; - -." 1 -f; r - ff ,I 1: . . ii i 7'-I~ ;,"Q. E; Z. I I t wk-A

- 5 I-.» -44., - . . » V e, **i-*:=.i1» _ L _, __ 4. __.... s..__.W49w - ....._..._...- -_ ...-i:--._..~_,_x;"*-.-.~.:rr-emmau-.;|ur-a..'¢:ai=J October 1, I957 - Sepremb er 30.. I958

- 261-h ANNUAL REPORT Highlander Folk $chooINlonieugle, Tennessee 3-© A Young Mon Came to Our Mountain . . ." May Iustus, Trustee of Highlander Follt School, author of 58 childrens boolts oflife and legendsin the "-- °*.'..

In mtroducing Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt to people who had gathered at Highlander from many southern states in Ivar the former rst lady in June, 1958, Miss Justus Said: "J92.'¢ welcometo our mountain top today a person -.--ho comesto us not as a stranger but as a friend... This friendship goes hackto the time Of the great de- hression whenMrs. Rooseveltand her husband werein rho V-'l'u1eHouse andwhen the New Deal was help and hop: tr: us . . . 92Ve happenedto be one of the poorest E counties in Tennessee ina material way, and we, who are older,remember those days and the hlessingls that came to us through Mr. Roosevelt'sNew Dal . . . I _- l.~,.,1_,'_".- '_ .... hut sure. howmany years ago or just at what point tr. the history of Highlander I-hat Mrs. Roosevelt met My-I<.= Horton.nut E ltnow that it was in the early days at its =r!|"l1_Q_QlL'.was while It Mr. Roosevelt was getting 1 -. 92~--~ T1».-Iunderway that a young man cameto Our mountain who had dedicatedhis life I10 the proposition that all men should he free and equal in opportunity TENNESSEFS OWN MAY JUSTUS - :czardl~3ss Ofrace or color or Creed. He dedicated this school to this purpose. . .

Myles Horton, lligliiuadefs launderend director,phoreirephed duringWorkshop Senion, . - - _.__j'-I.._-..I_.-_..I_..;.I.__-alI I I -=I .I 5-I I I I I I I I " r..-;I=~.~I '. ' - * _P.. ._ '1 u'_'- _ 6-.-4-. _ -..__-*""T Y ..;-_-t.~.---. '92;?f->5"L3.. t *,- - -_;§;'5: -v , =*fa:";.»-f-;="-:;<--r ..__ ... .r_.__ 4 » 92 _ r 1 __ , 1.--92*_q,1.»f,;[ :-'92-;@-;=,--.-.-"-;a-.-=- :_-,r_,--:_->'V____-4 =_»"_-*..~<"¢i-gs.-r~;@ - _r ;::.'};-,¬t;-;;--7'_4".»92!-,"-R11 i, ==-1 .~.#-.,.-_:=':'___.;-_;_, H J _ .i':-r 1 - ___~ -, -- _ __-.;- "- 92'92 -1'} ___ - J. -i.-,-_..,-___-. 1, - = -:= ..._ -9- .,92. < -92:,.---.'~.:-__ i_-.-;-. -i;-._..-. .. --_. r.._3.._. "|]]'¢'¢'-'[r'- .'=--. » -,..;i1,- .1 ,-;._. '== . V - . _ . _, - "- t r ' <_. .=_ - '___"._f-,;'_r;.-.--,.<;~.__!.;.r92;$a.v-,-lg,.;,_,g:;=;. .2. -. .. .i ,".~; _;_ ;. , _ 92.__ -,»_- L -. gag-1, _; .-_- -.-__--, f ;.:._-,-;.;;,. g-t-1,,-._;._ . t - 1. -'- -' , -5 '--"' --= " '§'.'-T. .,. r; '~-...~-::--_--=+ ,' - i :5-' '7' "- r '. - Z '-51'" '{"'-.1":iii}?-i"FlR5f.92__-"'51 -"." '.-'-a¥-§-.'i:"~'-l-:_- "- -1==-_=- x- --' -' ;- -l '- -~ .»r .'_ ' i _- -' - _ -" - _ -___; '1-_ -___ ,_ .5 -.;_- .-' - " - i , l. _;»::- --,< 92 -_.. :- .;-- ~- ._. .-i..-. 3-r¥'f:-11ti>:=,I:tia'.'Iw=:'i':-.-$11-2.»:--~.;-.--.---1.:-'-i":.: , ---J; .;_,- -e-J . -

_hat an evil that is? lt involves death; it in- ~ - ~ - - - . J . - 1 ~ "-"19.. -.. P .='--'-.w".'~.'.~;C-:1-1--i;~11"1'.'.=:-'--.3-1:3"-.=£1f:61i§ . . I1--. e.-'-:-. - .- - . 92 ~_ '92 -_ - t H I '.~"<-'I.-',',-'.=-='-:.1"~'¢c_t-> J. -. ~,.. /-.--.-I " .1-.;"-_,-9 i Ii.;92F§"'_"l_l'-';:i;&Ij§;'¬l:lFa;-92_"'92_'=}.".'=-.= " . ---_.-".'-#¢.1'f!...:;..-,'23;.;g.- E"I; :"f~{.-I '": -g -=92~' g 92 » F ' l _'_-";.'._-1'.92 "- 1} -'- '- ', ii;-.;;¢,i+_g_,¢=-r.z-.2-;*.ms.1~92" , J 3_f, - 92 92i- r ! __- - _._.-',"'92,',-.- -'. ,'~.-.---.:'-.-.-_ - -'-~ i, -.- ~-,- r-_/.. '.92_-'.'.-'-,-...,-. '_~_...-. ,', 1.-. ., ...,"gm-t-='.-.' =. .. ' . -. 92 » ~ ' . . I I -,i _ s . .. .4.--.;-- -~ --'. -=.-==fr:-*s-1r'.?1s'-5-»2iYi*7§:--*3--la/Q"-3:2.:.--"=2:--=" .-_".-ar-r9292,-.~---.-"-if?!*-<~n-- ,_ . . - '.....- , " .. .- - .7 - I .-ll .---cc ..-3?-"-.l.ll'I".*"' -e, U1». r-.s,-,- "'3 as...-.,.,..-'1-..i"...r"~;>'l--' ".r..f..'¢:-?-'>..'5:- . *-."-:fl-'1'.-: -~ '.*..l- '. -; . .- -* "_ . .. "' -'-- ".-=1. ' '; -» - -=.-I'-.~.-'....¬. .,._r_!-'j--'-1-1.". ':-.:_ ~-/-~ ;£1.si:->5.-'1-'.'~.i?l"'f1=:=t2--.===&=§-.=r§l§%:'===L:=5--:;-7r----. -1' I---' r '_r_ 1: -'=i'~~'"'~"'-'f;' -~.>-- ,al-R-[gr-"l;f"=""'3-:1"I;rr,- '1-i. - =1-'-r'|~".E"i"l'il _.1_"--.--. -Ll .:~~'.." i e - ?'3r.-£..-: _ _ _ _ _ . . I _;_3_-?_:j.._i_:-._:;.-|,V.ii;::__L; 7 ,l._:__A ,_.__;.?._-:ié:r__,.Z_ W. '1 ,. _,_, E-_ .;,_ _ _ ..,_,, V-. "1 =".

r Percolatur orDrip! Fun and Friendship . In September, Dr.Lewis loriesoi Tuskegee, chairinga meeting on HUMAN ASPECTS OF POPULATION SHIFTS,suggested thatthe _ _ - -1%-.if. .1. .. I , Tl-.e shadeof dozensof tall trees contrib- emphasis beplaced noton migrantsas proh- . , i _- g, _ I; :d to the heautyof the scene. . . Mrs. lems but on the problems ofmigrants. WY__ '.1 3, .. Q -T» '_ T-_. Q ' IQFCVIIL madea simple. friendl_92'. .address. Many thousandsor personsboth Negroand .e audience listened inperiect silence,even while arepulling upstakes andmoving sovast ~ , .; _ l : children seemed neverto move or urter a urban centersWithout preparation.What north- -. ; £2-". Jlld . . . - Zclla Armstrong. Hamilton e.n jnnrnalistscall "clanriishness"grows outoi IH 1'57"-.~n.. runty-Historian, asquoted lrorn-t.lae_ChaIl4-a needfor personalacceptance andcompanion- - ,.i.. »_'s oga J92'ews-FreePress. The headline above ship. neportingon thismeeting tothe National : pictureis quotedfrom thesame newspaper.Conference ofCatholic Charities,Myles Horton ,2 . l a 1 Al . said: _ é I 5'. F J should nottech toimpose ourunfamil- iar institutionalWays butinstead shouldencour- . .-.-A&e..,peOplt-..iD.-£011.!-lltlltawn mags. of doing ll I I'D 9292 lJl92_lf929292Jf92I§ T-I. f'9292Ytnmgs . . . To develop lay leadershipclose Dr. Van Kennedy. Universityof California n ac. l uunnonuro uh 92.o.lll'to toe people will make it possiblefor people Professor, andMrs. Kennedy,teacher inchild- iNSlIIP AND INTEGRATION, confer- themselvei toassume responsibilityin solving arerit relationships,directed threeweeks of ces. and special programswere highlighted their own problems. To borrow an example the visit in lune of Mrs. EleanorRoosevelt from our morning coEeepot, the peroolator, youngsters,happy, ageinterracial, 9 throughhealthy. I3. Mr.campiniiior and outdoor rs. _io, speakingto a gathering of some300 peo- rather than the drip method, will encourage Stuart Ghapin,eenerienced inthe directionoi , : from almostevery southernstate. appealedideas tocirculate frombottom totop and sop American FriendsService Work-Campsin Mex- - Americansto prove"to the uorld that emot- to bottominstead ofcoming fromthe topdown." ico, directedthe worlr-counselor training pro- gram, foryoung menand womendedicate to r?r1§r'i.r makinga contribution to the South inthis time Oi the 657 peoplewho participatedin the of greatneed. I958 workshopsand conferences,259 were I do want to emphasise," wroteone parent ry is a way of life which benetsall people. Negro and398 white.A majority of the Work- of campers."what ancircaptional we job feel ' d p Ii|. d Highlanderfor makingthis Dem- snup participantswere Negrocommunity lead- all of you folks do at iiighlandcr. . . The JIYGIIUII OIDf!'hU'.l'ia92'.'!. ers. All but iii persons approximately5%} were residentsof the South. signicance oirace instinctivelychanges from In N o v e m b c r . the THANKSGIVING THE FACT OF THE MATTER to A MAT- 'ORl'lEHOl"': .i:£[IEi"|' parentsbrooch: 7? and it if 11 TER OF FACT in your beautifulatmosphere where idealsare a living norm . . . idcnts lromnewly integratedsouthern schools.Extension Program THE 'hlll¬lSTERSVi-'ORK$I'IOP. De- 5 A inWORKSHOP UN REGISTERINGAND i'nl'»ei_Dr. Everett heard Tllsun. vltllfblll VOTING for Charleston County,5. CA was 92-mity School.give ii lecture based onhis planned andcarried outin Septemberby lor- olr. Segrrguiiovzand The Bible. Ministers mer Highlanderworlrshop participantsfrom that d a group oi theciltiglcal students, preparing area with the assistanceof Mrs. Clark, High- 5% -_;§f_-_i-_E_'_;,:L't'_' - "'. - r rhel|'i!I:ll|'92 the South.came in gripsto lander: Directorof Education.From anEast . .. _ ;--ea th this v-tel ethicalprohlcrn dominatingt e Tennessee ruralcommunit camevisitors whom urhern scenetoday: segregation. the SouthCarolinian worhshoporganizers hadti; --1 , .i._, " eve 51'..- Sc-others. leadersand theHighlander Execu- met when both groupspartici atedin Hi h- .-;;";,.-=-.~ 'l" . ..?.-in 'e Councilplanned. inlanuary. theseries OI lander'sWorkshop Iuly asmmunity on -. .~ . ,. -.--._;:."<. velopment. 'Ul92l{Sl'lCiFSCITIZENSHIP IN ANDIN- ,u92____,.,._. __r" '92'-I. ._ EGRATION whichfollowed inthe springand 9 JOHNS ISLAND LITERACY SCHOOL l192l'llC|'i -Q '92-RF '51 completed itsterm in February witha cere- it?92.I ' '. In March. social workersrncr with Alice mony awardingcerticate: tostudents someof a 92 92 . zhh, Directorof Sociology"and Ruralwork. whuin, evenover the age Hi 60, had learned - a _ .;-_ _ _ _ , - 'Zf!£I[ Collect.and will! llllZl1limtl'to Stato read and write,conduct theirown business _ _ -_l'-C-11:.1 - '.,"J1-_-;.,,, . an prograrr iur people worliing with social aairs, and qualify to vote underthe instruc- _,_,:.5_r - _q.! . 1.,_ .1. ~~ encies andin communityorganizations thein tion of Highlander StallMember, MissBernice T-e.---¢,_~.- -_ - "I» ~:_.-it."-. Robinson ofCharleston. Picturedbelow isthe ~-' .- I-....,_:-92.? iuth. johns Island School i.nsession. Requestsiof A_1_rr.Mm-H 1'-~ the fth annual COLLEGE additional literacyschools fromnearhy islands 'EEl -END 92>92'ORl~iSHOPdlll.l.§IlI "Build- have beenreceived byHighlander. HARRY LASKI-IR MEMORIAL LIBRARY ; t..i..., .: ._...... -...,:l92ll imrgiataoii. CELEBRATION in September culminateda _- summer: worlrof cataloguingby Miss Jenelle COMMUNITY SERVICE AND SECRE- '.. ¥_"* " Elder, whowill returnto Highlandernext sum- ATION wasdiscussed thein MayWorkshop. .;=. nice,-_.., mer altera winteroi graduateworlr atAtlanta 'oless0rManis, Franco Fulbright Scholar, and lrf T rs. SeptrrriaClark, Higl-ilander'sDirector of University: Schoolof Library Service. Miss lucarion. wereco-chairmen ofthis meeting. Elder worlredunder theguidance oflvir. Richard Criillaa, Kn:-2-'ill.:College Librarian. The june V-'orltshop,emphasis with on EGISTERING AND VOTING brought to- Also amongHighlander: personnelwere Miss ztlaer 60resident participantsfrom sevensouth- Clara 'Brown, graduateAllen oi Universityin I92 UHIES. Columbia. 5. ., Miss Felicia Harris,who ob- tained herdegree lrornKnoxville Collegeand The july WORKSHOP ONCOMMUNITY Miss Iudith Gregory. who,alter a year and a E_92;LOl"_h1EZvTpeople drcv- irom Charleston _ I . J?! hall of graduate worlr in the WoodmwWmn Id lrum the searislands oilthe roar-rsof South Depp.-trncnrForeign oi Aiiairsat theUniversity arolina, andfrom Tennesseeseelring andof- ._ ...- __s= -_._vrj of irginia, joined thestall ofthe PurneyGrad- ring 92-saysoi working together to build a . i uate Schoolprior to coming toHighlander. immunity tomeet theneeds oiits people. ..n_ ,_ r. _ ._ lvliltii FowllresMarlowe. picturedright in the Adult summerschool studentsfrom Tuskegee _. pV ' .'a;,.92.V-- V- library scene above, anative of Arkansas, be- rshrure rnerin weelr-endsesion atHighlander came theSchool Manager.Miltii and ]. D. Autust under the leadershipoi Mr. C. G. Marlowe withtheir year old Ion, Ioey, have omillion. r settled onan adjoiningfarm.

_|___._|._.__e-¢-»T7V<.-. . __.__J__,_ g7e_..._ . .e-~..<-.:*r.-31. -==-.?--r-r-".Tr-.r.~=e.~._~. 'T:T".*'-:1' - . ,- ' . . ..-.-':"'.~.' - ./'.- ~-:-- ..»..-. ,--. _-' .-.-.. _. r . , .,. ~ w.. *- i_' »:-.- r-If :=---.F " 1: w . 1-:-r-'3' -1-1,-. =--,-=t~-1,; !;-3F?l'- er.-'-1-.-~.'d-it--. J.!§i.:.'l'='S523!-'.'5'.l-I"I-' -'-"~,=r'.--.-".1"-.-..92'.:¢-.=»' 57-'l°-.'..';'-=- .-.-7-=- _ . .1 2-'--- " ~ - -- .s ~-> . . ,'"»":.-.153-1&2-L~'-'I~l= '.-- .- .--- - J5-~". . --.- .-- -1» -92-."'<-"-'--- ate. .,.~.- *_92>U_:1 .-r.-.~..-:.--:-!-- i.-=~.-: '-:11 ~ <- 1-. , - - g ..; i _-1 92_ ' '-' .. _. i 292_-'. :-' . - ':"{I'92'1":"1e'@-"":;'i.*_ 1--i~'i -- -.-.-: '-kc. ,5 ---;: ll..-"--.~-.-' - =-. _- ' 3 * 3 ~~ I . 1.-, -1,; _ '..l s-.-F.-~ . ' -- .--1-7- --.---., -'. '.-=i"-:J<."=-. i_- ---'>_ --:1 -'.'.92" -_a;--_3_|,-,_92,_,>:-- . ;"».- ,-- i-:.=*i.-i-..~-_ ~-~l92 -.5-92"';-.7-.-'-a»-.1 L-. .5--» '~'.92'-."92E:- . .11-1 -- e » - A - _--',- . '- '_ ' _ .'i "--.1 2;-1 _92- -.;' Q.-, '1' F-.;..'r.-I:-.'--.'-I-3--;'"*-' .1-, -1'-.»;if"Is7}.lF';";.].a;% _..=!"-L516-J-52:5='5-=-'AIsrf6- '-§_<;.-;;:-'1}.-hf -f_~.'¢:;:;_' -_~_.=.':.:"'-"i§':' '-'-"1' /-I-'-ll-"':'_,: 1» "" -2' I' * l-' '"'_ . __':"_;I . _. . _; _, _. _ f s '- 1Il:7_.':'-'.'_I-.:.'-"592.','_ 1 -";:,~i;-.g-'-f.-_.---i;/e§- -,-_,_,1-.o.;92-':-t,'."- _g-3-Ta'3.>;,:;,: .-J» -,-1.4-.;-_.. ,;.l-. _-- -. V ' - .~-:- = - ,...-.- *,_ _.-. ;_ ;~_- =._-_.-=.. -f-_-_-,.. ~1'_;1~i_j»_-;;|:_e,5..-9;11$;-_.-;;_§-iff:'§1'gif_r;§.;-,§13;,:$_;§-.;_;;;:;. - .=- -_ .a ~ .------is-7*_-. V w_c?_._"

Highlander Committees Lilian W. Johnson Memorial Rt Work Highlander grateiull accept: the Lilian W. ""1 ,. = I. I.o_92'al friend, and Chairman oi the High- lohnson Memorial Cabin fuldllild by funds lander Philadelphia Committee, Mrs. Aline K. contributed by friends o Dr. Johnson and it '_ W1 It _w_.'. nLiverlght died in March. In her memory, Mr. money lei: to the School in her will. One nl A. I. Liveriglir, her husband, and other mem- the 5outh'| great women pioneers in edtpatiasnal - _;"' _.; .- bers of her family and friends are sending eldr, a founder oi one oollege and president of mntrihutioits to Highlander. another, Dr..]ohnson in 1931 turned over to M les Horton her mountain-top home which Q i U today serves as the main building of Highlander I - 'v. Instead of the annual Spring Meeting, the Folk School. At the lg; oi 90, Dr. Iohnson 7.4-, New Yorlt Highlander Committee held a series wrote from Bradenton, lorida, saying, "What 3i parties in homes. Mrs. Septinia P. Clark, Highlander did for me was to accustom me to lIigl'92lander' Director of Education, told about association with people ol a class and a race I '_ -"If":-qqiif.--V; :lu: work of the School. In December. DI'- ,IOl1l'Ihad not known beiore, exce t as they served me. B. Thompson spoke at a meeting arranged by The industrial worker, and: the Negro became he New Yorlt Committee, on behalf oi the personalities in their own right. l saw beneath juarantors-for-Highlander Plan. eitternalities, and can-ie to have a better under- C U standing of their problems. This new attitude FOLK SINGING, established as a Iymbol In California, there are two Highlander Chm- has been a great help to me in the work here oi Highlander by the late Ziipltia Horton and of organizing our interracial work for a recrea- always a source of inspiration, was led by Shelby riittees in the Bay Area. One in Paln Alto tional program {or Negro youth . . . It is mtg Flint and Guy Cara-wan. Shelby Flint was in- s beaded by Mrs. Iosephine Duveneds; the vited by worltshup participants to lead singing athcr, in Bcrlicley. is headed by Mrs. Beth inspiration and my courage to go forward wi in Charleston, S. C., and at a Methodist Area Kennedy. this Negro work which have received from Highlan er . . . Cnnierenoe in Oi-angehurg, 5. C., in late sum- In a lear: put out by the Berkele Com- mer. Pictured above is Guy Caravan with the nittee, Dr. Alexander Meililejohn, one 0I Amer- In turn, people who study at Highlander eon- 5 string banjo. an instrument which had its ca's great educators, said, tinue to gain inspiration and courage from the life and worlrii of Dr. Lilian Wyco johnsori, origin in the Tennessee mountains. Many years ago one of my wisest friends, I who died in I956 at the age of 92. zeacher =.-.;-;in in .'.:r.cr:'::.-. ethics, och.-.-.50: described a in the revaing words: tend-W: rave our principles in public and then waive. Community Program zhem in private. I admire Highlander because Bigotry Backfire: .: is trying to point the way toward the oor- Aerial view, pictured helow, of Highlander 1-rrir-tr of tha! rr-oval delinquency of ours as we Fol]: School shows the 3 acre lake where peo- Whe Mrs. Roosevelt was telling a High- ace or cvaue olmtuities at home and abroad." ple of the community and students nd enjoy- lander audience that "people who are trying to 3 I I ment and fellowship while shing, swimming. do something new are very apt to be mac ed. The Chicago Highlander Committee held and boating. Some people hate and fear anything new . . ., tiartles and meetings throughout the year to Governor Marvin Gritfs aliclt-paper ainear OI expand I-Iighlandefs circle of friends and oun- Highlander Follt School was bacltliring on T. V. ribulors and to enlist new Guarantors for Wliams, ]r., itl originator. The following is -ii,;l.i.iridcr. Dear: B. R. Brateal, Chairman oi an excerpt from an August 4, I958, TIME hi: Highlander E_92ccuti92"e Council, spoke at a MAGAZ NE article: neczinti at which a report was made to the loiuetttlut euohelulatleallr called the Dennis Corn- I. ...,_.- I-Jul-l.92.'92A92t'l: and Guarantors. rulaalnu on Education was onl! I one-at-ennarupher .....- __ . -s - I. ,->1 ,1-.. state Ilene! eharaed with Invent-l-he anu-lntelrattnu _.-_ =---_-- ,_ , - laua until Redneck Oovernur llarvln Oritn decided ndlans Yecirn ior Education '8' -- '--1.. J-__;-~.--j-"1-r . that It was meant tor blaler ttiiula. To the un- "..-. -'1' "-. "3 ' -. Iaololted ulce at commission eaecutlre seeretali. _ r 7-; ;-- he annotated an ainhltloua. possum-chaired Ai.l.l.lII.l .*'- " ';- '.;._=.;. -9-7: C_ _=9; ;r.-.i$'§?1*. > "11-_i-._ 1.-;.-3.-1 tau:-er named I. V. itor Truman Vet-mi Ilnlaiua Jr., ll. Williams soon multiplied the coualulaslou -3 92,_-J-j _ at-all In llu. moved lulu oraiutueut quarters aeroas '"e'- -=~"= -.45"-'- i '1the street from the state capitol. He talked the ll. ...- ' . ..._. . , ac . _ _.. lealaluture tom glvlnl him the power of subpoena. plenty of B0821 [or a dream! assortment ul Mutate- _ -___ are eaulpmeut--looa-lens camera, Itretao recorder. H ._ as ___- ' Docket lkas. elc.l0 sleuth on any elttaen aus- peetetl or dlaalreelng with uhlte-auoreacy deems. - - --=_l~a _,_ ;- hinting Oeiirala too small tor Mr ambition. he act ,. _. M, -:1-f-"-~-~ti..=~"-°-air-.-*"?.5-,¢'~i _ . . authartlr to spend taauarer mane! uubllclalul raelal I -..' -- P n =5-'?3?**°5,¥1*§ef§£3.§~'§I:-1?; '1 _ euridlttoru all over the U. 8. _ » 1-...'1.=:.~r -- Eamuieriul his atoea line that tntearatlon at the . - 92i L f-. "3 . *1-.. races la a Comluunlst plot. Wtlamr lelt tree to: -- .'l: -_ -' 4_ I Invade nelabbortna Tennessee by aentllna a at-ate ntiotnsrariher into the Hlahlsnrler Fnla School at . Z-_ ~ I gs-._5;._I-ta-. " -- - llonueaale. use the olctin-ea or its lntearated seaaloua Myles Horton introduces Chief Horace Rid- tor a luck-boner charge |l00.000 contest that at la ught of the Choctaw Nation to Mrs. FDR Tax ExerI_1Ption Restored a "communist trainlna eeuler." .i:h '.-'1-.:;.-.. they di.=cu.=:- educational needs of I Pass out 100.000 booklets aimed at urnvlua that We are glad to announce that on December lu'.A.A.C.P. la lead-run. .'.: .'.'..;:-i.:;,:pi I1.:l;;.:.:.. 18, 1957, the Internal Revenue Service oun- I Broadcast leaets rt-urlntlnl an American Leelou I'I"nla.ride-r's own Indian Markings on the llrmed its revious ruling that the Highlander attack uu lhe louthern Realunal Oouuell. rearectable. iaiursl stunt: porch oi the main building, Folk School is entitled to exemption from Fed-old-1l.ne Atlanta Interracial aeeacr. eral income tax and that contri utiotia made to ..;_;.:. _.92 l3'I pt:-Clt.'r-plat: b University Oi O Hall leaallstle pamphlets In allbrl or Arkansas ~-- -~ "r.li-"'92li'92fI?* vrre photographed re- Highlander are deductible for income tax pur- ltaelat Governor Orvul Paulina so 30,000 Little noel :-, a hi..iii.-..i.ia.n institute researcher. poses. voters on the eve at their Iulaernatortal. urtuaarr. I Aaaieu Ill-I ohotoarsnher to meal oteturea lu the Ilotseooal Calliedrufa Ball of Ilahooa In Atlaul-I. :0 it Wanted: I00 New Guarontors where uaslcrs and church ladles ealhersd for an tell-coral-ed uteetlnl ul the Oeorals Council at Churches. The Guarantors Committee which grew out 1"-O '3; T. V. Williams Ir. rode high and hard until this of last year's 25th Anniveraarx-[Celebration has Iuoulh. and then he auuua the raaaed blade at secured 160 Guarantors for ighlarider. The bigotry aaalnat the Illll Movie: Oeareia Dolltletans Financial Statement Committee was formed to provide Highlander . . . luddeulr Mllnrner General Eugene Gout, until with a minimum monthly operating budget oi then an gpprnvlnilf alleul. member at the eommlr Summary 82,000 by enlisting 200 people who would slou I'l.l:.1'uin;boa-rd. Jr. andthreatened all ma an works. lnvestlaallou Lear Ieek or IllamaT. V. "Hi nlandrr Folk School ended the scal pledge at least $10 a month. The Committee Eli ll I 1 a year hepternber 30. 1958, with an oper- members are: ' ';_ 517: ::'Z'.i! .5 $?'l65 14. Ttil Re- Or. lelin I. Thompson, Ctislnnan, Hrs. William Wald- : .~ .-: la. '.:-. vw:-' ill-l.'Z'l9.B$ and aun, Treasurer, 335 Central lirariua, Illlriiutta llllnels. CX}. n92t§for the _92car were $77,391.43. llrs. or.and Sarah tan. rattan leylelbratram lerr. C rlaetrllle Bluttausega. lr iliia. famnue.Dun 1959 Workshops have already been {signed} "Harry V. Herrell ack. I.I. L08 lratnl, Altos, Atlanta, Caltlurllll. . hug. hurl! litre. lesairhlne II. Guest, bun»-Bill- scheduled on Campus leadership for In- Certied Pulilic Accountant elrinall, Oliln. Dr. John llapa ll, Ilaslullla. Tennasua. tegration A§ril3-5!; Community Serv- Tennessee ktticate#1157. llr. Esau lllllllll, Gllarllslnn, Solrlh Carolina. Illa: lay ices and gregation May I?-29!, Part o1 this year: income was uled to Golden Jintiu,Colorado. TracyCity, llr. Tarinusee. mum Idelmllll lm. Intel P1l-I0Hl|Ill-at-pm. including weekend conlerence May '23- make up last year's decit. A oomplete Farms lvarila. Dr. and llra. Aleuridar Iallilelolll, Inte- 4}; Registration and Voting ]une21-6!; 9-""r-~ =??"_r'""-' ---Fl be mailed upon ley, Elllfulll. Dr. Waller G. lluelder. loatun Nassa- Community Leadership and Integrated oliueettt. atr. Nendall A. hills, Washington, 0 I2. Ir. llrtn ll. Purytar Winston-ialam Hurt Carolina. llr. Housing luly I9-24!; Worhsha for -.-_-.-nu»-;.~.*.~:v-v=.:: ______ :::::_-_ _'_'.minim am Iiaml, Florida. llr. wiiium Stla, st. Foreign Visitors over labor-Day ¬Veeh- Leuls, lillslourl. Mr. and Hrs. Ilavld Sleluit, lllriuavllle, end; and Human Aspects oi Migration nnnassu. Ir. laliili htlartallrr, Isl Yrl. III tart- October!.

qr-~ _ -, sen: 1 is - _- --L -;.-i_,_ _-. ..; -;_'_:.,_._.__ ,, -. _. .,,,;,. -_,,_-H , -.;- ,-- .-..;,.,.~--at _ -;; :_-s-at--9.. .-7-'92;t_..--' 1- '-*..- -;.. .-_=::-..-;--,|=l,, - -.-1.'!""92-.--=-TH'?h-. 11'-1... _' - '-' . - ' .-"*7 . . . - 5' _ ' -,¥--_; =4-..=;---;_:.1-1-»;.~.-.;;.:=.---5- ,.'s'-1"-"ii-.'.1i_.i-'=i-fr»;-1'.;1;1: ¢.:=_-.";.=-{.'.=..-.;"~'u'.<12-."i1?= . * '.; -' -- . -. - - - - .- -l ,3-__ -v _._-_,r_.~_, -r.._.- .4..,._-_._-_<.;:-_-_..f-_=$?1:Ii'i-"-;_?'t- -1' "4 aa- I r_92 ..' _-p-. . g _ - -i - -- -I ''-. -.. -.-- . -- .~ '- ~-_ ;92- ",1". =. 1'2? 2 ii'1-"..r-'11:.-_E..--. .-;_=!l': ...._,.". .¢i.~'-is I.rIIA;..f- -.-= 1%,, -;e.~,-;_ -..§-=.,_~.=~.-;I:;i; -'-.- ...--,-1.1- ', ~i ':".~.92¥er-.r Eat?"-:'-~;¢ '-'...- .5iv.''.-s'a-.~li1f-1-*-'.4.-.-2---.-'a_.-.-- .- .'.ir _-.-rt, .--'.i -7,.--.»_*_. _;.-:.-;~.'- -. 92-- ='. '. =#.;.- -' . -;1- '-_ " .'- '- - .' ' .-»-""'-.: . _ .. - .:'. 1.-".7" -' -3. 1--,_.a'.?:"".-':§'!i.-.";,..:7. '-_"-.»1-s¢,--_- .--.. -:_=r-.=.:.=.iq-.t..r.-~11-.:.!', 1 -- -_=.-5.. A -'.*'--I-' .».J_ ._ r: i -.:.-.. . F -."_}.'.-."'*'I'-'-"--1.3.. _-,'.n_.'-_'192',Z'- - i ii. ...._ 'Z"."-1'7."-'ff.'_-T' ;..-_...... ". . .- -: '-.. " .'- . . ."' -' 1 n : ,. 92-_ 92_ _ pe 92-'1. - 1 . - "- ' _,~~ 1'. .'-- . iii 92~'12;. -',"-.' '*7 " 1-, ,_, '» ~ '_ - . - - 4! ' 92 _ 92 - ', - . 4 i . 7,. -2-.*'~---- .-_ - __. ,_ ;..,_,,_ U... , r . ._,n._. ; ' __-L-. -7..-.--r dul J r 1* " r ~. ,_ I - 2, 1 __~_:-.3.~,-. .i.,¢,,- =Menn - ;.-~ = .--_-'- '_A - R ,» " * _-92 - - - :'--:,-1,1".-':§'--'.I11.1 >__.1.-1* ' -i"e#%¢w»>=+e»,;=s/ea »-.-.'~,. .,-1-I 7*"**:i:2"*'-'."*-'54., J} I:"?',:.-:.:92" _ ",=;a"l"'|i_'-Vi-rIxi.-I...92__1 ' "3. "ii?L1'|*EI5''*_|*'A-:..n.=Q _.. .-,~__ ."-_-"~.--_, '5"-'~".'.ar:.-i " ~<92 , .-er Y s§i§f§I-,¢~nen;~ ..,, ,. " 1: - '--All '"-1;-':'-'-T-1-;.I-§r1nnws;;_,- .=92.- ~ -. 4 Pighla Folk sohro HFSihas.been the _'f1<'="-92.--;"r*~r"*'=-I-;92-.-"r';,. " » ' -.-I - "subject _'. O1 past invvseqation by tne bureau **--_ _1r :;_5:_'.._ ._<4'_r_ I anTolson 4 ~1- based upon u erous cq naints received :92:__,:_":;.__-l concerning ~;;_.§__ to munist acJ;vities at the school 1 In Beimn " Yr H -r I-.4 Mn DeLo ~ _1';". I courses of instruction in labor organization, _ _ , §*?¢1s HFSsocialis suppo economics ed andprimarily the generalby donations; field of offerslabor .' /59 at McGuire Hr. Mohr ,, "*?a%$ education; has_hadcommunists onits staff:but Mr.M11 .'n..1____ "5-1-=',241. J 1-r*§._6, has never ofTered courses of1nst?ucflon on Parsons___ ._:.',cs-'"- ";__ -.' ""1-$55;--1,. communist matters nor has the CP ever succeeded - Ml.9292'_R ,5 .'. Tr -':lL'~¢l~'15¬-'.Z"Y'-. ___!__e___ _-__4._._-1 I ...n J4-|92_. agnnnll-llI92|-nu-;n_-_-~ " .|T919-osen_____ R09l - an __ -1.1%-.i§*:~> - 1n qaininq control 01 1|-Lug: b - T .. ?-1' t it"! I V MI. HOllL»1;:: 92'_-.-&j$.1".~_-- o _ .. . e "-7," _ H H _ ;_,_;_'__'_____ -Q-7153 G3ndy_ §§&i*:i¬-T;é-lg", S ..,,._,._ -.~_._.- rm _:="i'.. -i F2-.~__;,:. _ or? 3'.V . e 5| "fa. - - '7<."».1~;'l92~"7'T_7r5=_ -92 n'1§£c'16i,-I-if ______""""""""" '- ' ?s'i§7s1i!' :""l'l':.-.-4'7: '"f&;,.;H 1 -5;; :1-.=._ it;-gr ; -

?_ ,_,',|., / race; sec,xuoxvxnu-: 1-12!U .--_- _, 1. _-,1.'.. -.__1-_;' - _r_.'5 Qnromnuonnscmon, roux '- v i n . .-_--"T1. * 1I_ _. -- t-_ I 1Monteagle, l'NTERI*U!L EECUTKTY Tennessee- T3 L . ¢.-. , Knoxville News-Sentinel for 1/29/59, carried local news story date-lined Nashville, Tennessee, 1/29/59, under byline * of ED TOPP, News-Sentinel Nashville Correspondent, reporting that .4. '- 1-, the Tennessee Legislature Senate and House! on 1/28/59, unanimously i adopted and sent to the Governor a Joint resolution directing him to name a committee of five legislators to investigate reports 1 t of "subversive" activities at the Highlander Folk School, near onteagle, Tennessee. The committee would have power to subpoena - 92 ~,__ § witnesses and school records, and would report back to this s $7.5? n session%3£the Legislature. ' Q I r ___,_ _92=,;_ S The resolution is quoted, in part, as charging that 92 lrlséh ~ Highlander Folk School, and other organizations affiliated with ; ah-_7,_.>3~_. .21 ,. it, "are allegedly involved in activites subversive to and contrary Qiseeei } to the forms of good_G0vernment". Sponsors of the resolution were , listed as Rep. HARRY LEE SENTER, Bristol; and Rep. S. A. RHINEHART, _ r5 7 =§L4 '-e.._, Spencer, Tennessee; Senator BARTDHDEMEHT, ofMurfreesboro, is 92 2 .-_1'.Y-V >;-149$. quoted as saying "HFS is nothing but a finishing school £or~ 7¥1t'f55§'9"§l*"Z§1:92 Communist". Re was critical of HES for inter-mingling of j 92 "z;-13.5: 1 >1; -2."-. A -,_ J l theraces, 2? {pus ' taxi} .2'+,.'[*~',92I?=;f_s§'ifq_§l-Cv fmnnsu Enqg1, ALL INFORMATION counuuzoo i-;->731; Yéssts 3 moo <61 4> HEREINuwcmssxneo rs - ._ I ~ ig lg oATE_iJel_o, _ _ 5If?§§%cBO, at BY Yr" ~ Ec-ss£.L.Z_~'.C.R o/ .. A/ gzgzo 92 N V i . ..___._.-1..-. -._-..-_.---man»-m-.n.u..--4.-. P92 -._-- 5? ,c213-56! R _ _ KI: -' . ;¢g e? avg} e _ | 5 . . {

" 92 *. -. . - 'I _ '_,.;. 9.1- -3 _j.;". -_. 4- _. - '._' . . . , . I,,. , - _ 92_.§.~_ ;92YI__ "L; ~;f': -":11: J 2-. 2;-:1-1,. 2,--.3? ;é4..r,: '1.-" - #~_"- |} .1» .WQ%w¢% r;;!1_92"~ - ~_ ;-:1.-;-'.~'.l_r§3,{; 4-.=,'»._"__, H»? '=-;_f§- _ .1»-1' 1».-.3; .._ -. . 1- - _ s;g*-*.1,-."L '1-= "' -_-'52», 4.3 __,__I. _ ._-__-¢__,._.-i.._-___92. _- _ » F'-' A"§ upIa; , I as 5'»-7! "*- R %%§¬l

i "Fr; - " -4.-;-it-.»_-. . '5-4'4 92 . , -_ " -I-.:' vi--¢T. 1/ F BI . es" e '~'-».~1 -_ . - ._ _§>_ff._ _r"§___:_ .1!"-92_.::v;'_ _ _ .:,t.-,'_*.- V Date: El; 1'.i L. .~..» -55$;-i~ 1 '' _._-.2-er ;-_ . Transmit the following in Ii"?-*.=.=*--= -15'. Type in plain text or code! 7 ,.___,: -*r.- W1 '-- .._:_.' L _. §§§@e§x .%;1g-.'.-- -we-* " -1* in __ ,_ __ _ _, __ __ $§%3% Priority or Method inf Hailing! Hi -ifivv 1' -I '"-a j xx 61-12 3 . . _ a __i____T_ ~"-*- '.""92:4 I I *E§§P=--' 7~v * *_'['.-"'¢,b7-' - ."~' > $3.25 '3-"~.>» V ._'s'*r" . Copy of above-mentioned news item enclosed to Bureau . herewith. . aséeesw 92 f.'=".3'k.'_1 :-*-.-1-1?.: 1- It is suggested Memphis, at Nashville, follow proposed legislative investigation of HS through press, furnishing Bureau 92 1 and Knoxville with pertinent clippings, » __,_. '- -r.-xi . U, -1- -.-_-r. ._. - .*- G E A R T Y Vi ",.."_'/... F."i:'~?.=;.1 2 ,p...zi : 3'__.i. -i...,,j 7:_i._-.~';._';.. Y i. s*"<, +_ 1 .sw

§¬,~=§§§»_' 7 --» . . -,~.. 77' _-,.g-,-.f_=¢--;;_->35.-_,,.. "'1 ' |v . __ . {Q '..- ' - -* . -=;1.- F111 ~ . " '-' ', .'= . L .. ll » , . - . 921._' " i..__,_""- -i.-Y'.".".- Q. . .1 -3-, ,- -. - 92..- r--m.~~. _- -~ .'12 -t _»~-*1 __-' 1 ,=.92. _ -.::'=_- ~~- 1 i;*f=; Hi.-» ea;-e: M»-1-_*92:'.l i-*é9_'9»'-1'-L31 ~'_'=.__-_~ - _ -.1 :9-tr-92 ,~___ :,.:-;.._s_,:." 5'3 .. """-":»e'_" ~ '~-'.-::--> ' _- L .".£4 wséwn,- -. F u .",,''7.;".-" '4" '' .- - v- 1; ~ ..l'1-""~""- > r1'_ia';"- . ~ =4_:~¢,g~'---im-1~: %%s¬%eg 4»-s.~,°-:.';.-!"¬"!¬,'.~ " 1*, .-.- Z it I 92 . I - . - if cf -P-rye-'-» " §?**" lea " Lien. '1 M ".--l-"'~.'; .'-' '3 " ' .' -- ~ . ' -.~ '.; - - .. - --- ... 1:-. --.' .= _ -..~" .- ' .. ._ -mi--'*$r,;_=-.1-. .1-~:'"* " ..; -we-.~-,1--ii-ll 5. __3_i;_1.r_-;__,:-.. xi -' . . . - __ V ..?.__ Q _. t, 3 .5,-.1. ..,._ -r.,;.._ $5.

"D _, . I- . I v i:f-" -9 of Q it V _ ------e - - .- i c A... 0...... 92._ wt»? r Hioh'q"der.lF¢||.' - ProbekApprovec| :; . ii; "-'i'"' F ' By no TOPP i . 89*--8-M-*1 N-hole 0-we-re-ew uvesugiiea see: neighboring H1'ghla.nder states Ifolk have 1911!? 1in- * Highlander NASHVILLE, Folk School 1811-29 really -- Ilipast, a that the school hasreceived nest of Red comrades? . attention of veterans Grinnin- 1l7592l1;%;'?¥é$-i-4*3:;,i;-iTemessee legislators mean to!u°m' and ant it has recmy . .i_i-:4 -I':T-';,$';-.'-"nd out. Without 3 dissenting attracted the -ntteniion_ of the .-:1zi-.-:<.~-i- -':'1--- vqie in either the senate Q;-Arkansas_attorney gei-ieral._l - "'. ..-: House, a joint resolution wasl To remain on ii tax-exemptti __ __ _ ._ .. .>1_-_ " "1. V}. ¢,_.VI..'r_._. A P -<'¢_=*'~?'.="?*.i.'.;f-"7"-""-'-5 - adopted yesterday and sent to thestatus as an educational lnstitu~ t .'.- .s_'. ' "- '3-overnorto investigate reportsnon Highlander Folk must ie-iiP of "subversive" activities st thl port each year to the U -S.-1n- ii fj_ij ;{I=.;'}...§'.5. -.. inter-1aci&I school hear Montternal Revenue Servioe that it I g . ._ _ :1 * sagie, Tenn has not taken part in any prop- - ' '11' Ital- * Today, however the resolution I . 5 _ i. aganda . activities, - -' I said Horton, - i | ...~'¢.'_i',_5-'; if . .- i was recalled for an amendmentIt there were any subversive ' | .-e-f_jI"-ité Erie sponsors said the resoluiioI. activities" I I he sold, llthe "Federall e? 3 will be amended to put a mooGovernment would - 92 iii-nit on the cost of the investiga-bout 51," ;.' -_1,~: ii 3'; 3 - l:f tion. - - .4 . .0 5.... ' Hos rm}-siiempi Statue - ii {-11- ,. '- '1,--i:-..~<.w_-'- _ Myles Horton, director of High-1 1 iii} P s-'-ii? - '1! H? Horton related that Highlander. ih ' Ir; . lander Folk, replied to yester- on day's action, He said no legis-its Folk-had eligibility been for challenged tax xemptiols t on +4.-2 if-"i'¥_'-.*;.:' iative act was necessary to ear " 2.1- ._ ._'-:I1"""" ry last year, and that the schoo. 1 .¢'_" ' " '* ' out an investigation oi the school. W88 1'91'"°92'¢d 11'9"! I '1lX'¢X¢mPll _.-, = .__ "!~-tee . Hod Only To Ask ; status for a period. Allertii ~.~i:"-ii "While we have always wel-Intei-rial Revenue Service looked Wit comed lnvestl iition an 'v to the matter, the tax-exempt visnom or whom Z many d 111 havens itihg atus was returne d .. h e a dd e d. been our Government's guests-'Horton, 54, is ii native of ii {mm foreign countries we pre_.S3.V3.nll8h. Tenn. He received 'r'-';-. ., 1;, . -" II. bill .»¢~»=- ~>* W ~ fer To have only a few observershis bachelors degree fromlite 9 7' It s time so as not to distractCumberland University and his ...__.__~ , M . .92:_ frorn the educational sctivities,"master: degree from the Unl- .0 said Horton. .vei-aity ct Chicago. He s8.id'he is"@~""-y-.. -L, o _lOur records-»the list of coo-i is a member oi the delegate "as-u'3? ;_'$.',,_§.~-_.;.if .» _I , 51- MOPS, faculty members, stu-sembly of the Adult Education -d 8" Rhythm: -- are open toAssociation and is ehainriun oilat. _ ¢921"l'92 .ie anytime and always have!the Residential Adult Education; ,g.,m,z4 /l/¢a0s--r¢n1'$;iPe/ '.=.92'f~.;' Section of the AEA. He said he » e * ~'-::' :2 ' 3 been-"Hm1on ma. "They didn'tiwill head the American ABAall .' 3" - *3 r '- "'.". need authorization to get them. Wars. /-2.?-6'? *5; I-<' '75: A Wt! had to do was ask." delegation to the intemationallthe 5' .I' .'-.=-92 conference in Germany next f/16/; 2- 1331; .-,...i~:-" lie added um there are msepieniber. _ _. _ . ow and never have been any '1 Commiinists officially connected Gite; mp-oi-it ' lids ? - 1 ;- ...-.»-"-i W1 Hlslander school. I iun not; - 3»-j-" new and never h a V bee iislalnrs yesterday were copies at i;z"*§vf,.1§ membei-_ce the Oommiinist P211;B 80-called report in 1851 by the0|-ll . ~..:d~».-.. -95.: - .3 - Md I Wm we yam who Mus;-Georgia Clommiuion on Eduoathr Y??? .-.- Cornmuiiisi." um. The paper reierred to ih ill-ht *3? ii? I Ichool as ii Commuiist ' s Q Elm.- Subpen; Power - 1 sen The resolution directs th E Go V '-Iground. Cliiet feature of th _-:f;.?r __.-_*-.-L"-= pom phlet . was Lpliotographl :.__i-.- I. 2' .,.- j_._'_:- ernor to mm-ie two Senators and layout ot Highlander Folk; nin- 15ALL INFORMATION c N_TA!NED ciel ~T=**wn-in-ilttee Y°PP¢==H*-Hives which w woulda ape-Ezregiieii in- Bitultiqi. -lining umHEREIN IS UNCLASSl ii! . Wlizte the school and repor-1alleged Communist-1'mnt or- SO! Its hdlns to the L!gii]8h1v-or-sl-- ariizations conned-A "-~'* *" DATE 3].i|<;~L BY ;. . 8 l92. 91 iliii tleli- "" _,,., wo- -we <;>~i= Hi" i pens. wit.nesses_ and school rec- port" was made bi R Hem ords. R . phi; Press-Scimitar last Decem- '1"h-e xesolutkm was ' déd ber. It was sound theresiild twice. One arnendmentl lresbeen a change in the D9!"l'l"¬1 that the investigators rep...rt to: and 1' -reorganizatim ot_ the Ii the Legislature as weil.as to the Georgia Commission on Educa Governor. Ii-ie other added a tion since the reD0" was vi-19292=| Iihriue -laying the investigation list-ied. Paul Stevenson, the wes- was made for the purpose of tak- ent executive secretary. laid the -:|w:c"-"""'?_"' " -' ' , q 1 ing appropriate legislative action. literature-was not a" repoi't.{~ -fit "w?"-i i5' This, it was said, was necessarywas s, pamphlet," he said, "dis- to make the amendment consti-tributed bi the former secretary tuliionai. It was not an official state re- '1rl.uieu Ll-bor lqeaders *% -.5 , » ,_'_, . i LI 1;t it H.;iTlhf92fr _rm'i. 1'hP.'e ',._ . ._ o . ._ . we ea--..'I¢."|_i1'I.l!i»s and da- rmwvn rmp Suzi-Q |r-liq of the I mi is. 'Dv'rr.or1*Ir; io in row-n Gist lI92"|'92N'1'92h9 I Ur i.- ?l'f.; 0" '.-rsI" '1 '.'r' ii 1»-- at lenient ans wk;-cm ii- - in-;=._..,.s_. J..- P? "<1! _-, ...._.-. ..'-.-4,-n ... -. Q. -s - - '|._.92.s..__.e §I'I'hi'IIIl_.4.W. I5 V I .- it ard hrs1h_ is rqill 1'0 W; V . 3. entirety lo par!-irnlb hi the mi hirli his cl the evrrv-nu-i°w sad vi 57-"iv. -t. .1 __ . 5. eq mi an-en lo phi»: Ilfliilsfl 'l'::.h a denier:-stir Iml. sl '9 H-rust, "we are in a warm or v; -.-?§'i'~3 #3, fsht I!'"'lll that gets in r Ia], sihrthrr It he Irvlsliisi-.1! " &' nut-nrnunism GI Fan-is.rn." Ilsa: Is Late Presenrin; the resolution lor I _--»-'._ _ we ii. the House yesterday. ._r ,» *'~,-'~ l'="}' 1!? $.In!!.1'_ B!"i!!Ol . ~il , i.-:rr.o-_-is-., declared. "'11! 4| ~ '- n -1"Z.-iy '* is late tor this investigation, iY1?l'92Oll'iE to show to the that Tenes-see does revere its;-ect the great heritage . ..-'*.::'.i.iv-*":;5, has been passed down to us t=,'¢-=§t'es,?i.t¢":»'- -. .. our rnaichless incestom." ,. ,~'.92-"~.' L, 1- '' 1 . - z. , . ».'- .' _'-1" -P " I-2," - ~11. ' '. ~- . '- - .- - " -*""-" --. . -»- -Ilf {->"v '-.--. .-~..'r" --'.. '~ '»-1--V .. I, ~._'= -. .. . 1 ., - . , . . . -- . - . " _ . . * ,. '--- .' V.- 92*-_= '1' '-".= '. " -' 1.-".1"! '. .'.':'Z".-T ''."f}'!'.1~T'-"-;,~ p ,'.-J._-,5 ""-,1.-8'--_!IE"- , _. ..1'4-"'3. .. . . '.:~'T" L -- '" " --. '1' -" -. a-1: - -' ' ' .. _ _.__-- _, _ ,__, _ . .. . , . . _. _. - 1__.. = _ Jy , . _- §_ -,j_.;. -. ,-:-.-'».;--.2,-1-,1-_.-_;_.' . I . __n __ .1-92-., "- -__.!»,'.w__ 11".; _. j_*;}.-1-__92.-1",; -'-:_92 -, . _._,-.-'r.."~.-". -..i ,;.-_~_ -,.- - _-,-.»_..1~ --. '~-- __, . ;__- .1 --.- - -; . - »~ .- -..'.~. -'_ .- --__ '-,__ _ _~'-_,'- .,- .,_~ -92 .¢l..1<'_.;;-,,~_;¢=?-:,-c-;_"- -.,_;.r -. .~._ _-, -'-»o-.---' ..'$--";:'-3';"-.'_-v_]_1~_.;.:-I '. '7. ,-,,1r,;».-,".,--."-_-,' '.a.;a;.e,-.-.~--r -_;_,--¢.-,-'*'- - ' . ~. ~,1 Y;-' -. ~.-, .,,,~_,-_-..-..',=_.-.- ., .. . 7".r~...,'.'.-¢.-.»¢-l.» -;. -'._., "IS , . . Max... 1 1- .'.n'..-,..__.;..,_...- 92. > _ .- -, _, _>. ~. _.J.JJ.1¢_¢.¢.;.,"'..- . . . ,.- - .: -.- ~_ " 92f-' =:,- _'*-,-.-r.~_ - uQaQa&mar, 1' ,-- v=_':."..!,:"-;¢~.-'.__-- __-- "- -_~-,1 s.r=_-.=-:2,-*';=-=1-T,»-"1 ._.~ ,__ .. - .--_*.-_-,, .1 -5;: 92 " '. '- i, e 1..,-,_~ 5- -'.='-; -.. ». » -.; .--'., ._-

2:»; . r 92 92.a ITIQ-lI.QlTIl@. " - .,-;_.:.|~ . . t? -.. £4I. ' .._ ,__.-3,, '| '*'. l ~*-~-~* ?..- -1.--.5 :_. _.._-I-,_,..... __. .- B-. _ ,_....n 4. F92.'92f-L:-V ; 'V_,]_._- l G? Fviemomndum - UNITED sures eovsnnmsur . $~i':.'-?"r * .1»-s I.- 1'1-'-'"_ - -.-;~*~*i* '92 ,92'5:7:,n..<q Y . 1 5,73. -,; ;_.;r>-5 92 . 1'9 , MR. 5,513; 4, _ .,-I--<:.x _ _ .._ . 'U *- J ...--_,. ,;.-_?-l'-.;--_ . . __ I Tolson moni %___ ;~1_92;:= '1-°" e= G. A. NEASE 1 Mo iiiijnc-r= . EGHLANIJER FULK SCHOOL ______am; &E§;;; _,1-_92:;--- ..£f§.1_<»__-Q-.. ~- -->. H _ i_,,: ,_r..-_.:~ ,;; ?$;.g_-;=T§ 3.: INTERNAL sscunrry - c hm '_'.', ._ i *» , 1---~~.-,.<§:92 - a. called me this morning and stated he . 1?§.,..§,1f1': -;.{.*.a_. $»»=~:'§- r ve- --r hadhad inquiry from the press concerning the above schoolindicating the Tennessee legislature intended to look into the activities of the school and 7;!"-.'Y7'; '"'55 hisFolk School.inquiry was whether or not we had everinvestigated ' the' ' Highlander .,;,_,_. _ After checking with the DomesticIntelligence Division, _~ . Iy;_=. - --g.r._, ;'i?*.=*-'-e_-" ' BIA!;-__ advised_ that we had made somelimited inquiry concerning 5"'.'i .-v -rpl the school several years ago when it was alleged it was a hot bed for communists, .2:-'Q=_..,." 1 . '_92_ andwe forwarded a memorandumto Assistant Attorney General Bazelon I. -_!, !.._ datedFebruary 21, 1947, and that we had also forwardeda memorandum 5-' /

_ '! e - , ,=_-5 .~ to Peyton Ford datedFebruary 26, 1951, regarding the matter. I told him, however, we were in no positionstate weto had ever investigatedthe to schoolindicate nor would that we it %hacmvestigated *g_;,he Bureau's the school.or the Departments I briey described advantage the /,/14/" d/a" ...... _r .-;_92"'.'.=a_i _ background of the school to him and suggestedI ielt best not to comment on .-* "~ ;. , -_; . . _., .5 ' ' ' the matter. - stated he agreed and that he wouldget the point across . ___~ :.'- LI--; _ there is no current activity on the part of the Department in this matter. -. .. .1-_ié , _-;= -- :11, mg: _j_..-.3 iii

-»_.- - - 1-M1-.Be1m0nt I |/ n /_A e-:-'11;t.".:!92 ._.., , ---mi.; .. ! J4

, i ll .3 -, .:f s. ._,'_I .-:~ f ....= --4: w_ -. n 44¢, -. '-92'.~ " 1 as '1--';~ R '-.§.-,{¢~#..- - r 4 B£.Q- .21 M -Z __. 5/1 :1 47 . r../< so FEB 121959 /7 =' ve?-FEB 17 1959 an INFORMATION commmsn HEREIN S UNCLASSWIED DATE ..-IJ5L92"84 BYS:>'R~nro| m. , . ._ -. .". I .-~-.1-' * - . -.I.;- 4=, r ~=- ~-~ » -.;._--A.- .- - =-:.-- .- - __. .1. . J --_ .'I.._- r. I_ - * "r"'I' . -. .92 ., ., 92 -r_ §,_,_92_,___[._,,.-_.r_,. ..!.--,-_,.f r!-._, ~__'J_._»1. .=.,,_ _ .f_ ,_ . . , ."'4- . '.'I'I-92- ._ C. 0! I. -U. ':.- »_.-'.»,<;»- 1,. 1W P ". ;-;~-. 1 *7.-I;-$5 ?'.;;§" ;,l{{ff'"._*.?i}§"'92__ ' 3 '' -e; ";_1~_I m@#¥%#* r _ , _- _: ;._ ,..;.._ Tr |I-,rvf¢Q1.- . e -. - ,- 415 >,5:f- ! ~w_|_ . -». I n. _» . ~-_.~.-- "*'-:.- 1 I -I"? Vi

I=- I -. =--;."*..'-.~'-iv-.>-_~-.1 "-.- :?~;#*>,~:~ 1=*"-"#1 -,' I ;» __ - 1-.-.-. _'~_-- -'-'~ 1- J, _'~'~ - 1. ,_. | -_, a._._ _. _ ,_ _., . ___92 ____ ,_ ,, . 'r"-Fv|"'_-:._--3--..._{;""" _": '-'- " -' 92"~ »' I '_J' ' c- . _ '- . - V. . '' - ." ,. . ' I ~ . - , 1'» - , ."{-- 1" _;' .*--- -. ."" .'_ 1- -'92";:_-'I.III:"-_ ' '1. . 92'5-J-'-I"'-"'- _:_|_?,.,;':_-,_ .1' _'-_"."JZ'I'1'--.'.~-I 1;"»_..;.J_: '-.»'.I,:_...;-_;'£='= '5.- '- 1 ,1-_=I-I1 I -l.'- '_ "I .:_ ._'._? -'.-I2. .>-'_~_92_ I '1. ' -'. .'~_ '. --3.K It ~I é . .I I» -" ID: I-I. ."*'I_ ""I-III "III DIRECTOR, I I~ I "~. FBI I'- I-, '_ > IZI IIJ.-II-_ '1.V1.,;.-I-K.ii-?[_;:i?f;{..;;?_.._It,.Q I. .. -.3: A . ., -1.»_. - "It . -. . m@ "-;=¢.;-;.;-=.-:- - 1 - - . J -' 11$- ;~ * . .-,__ 1-. ~ ':~ ' ~ 1- ; - . _ , . . . -..92<- . .'.uT1i92"_. ,-*S_'*.<~:"'_.'~_1-. *.;3--33. I 92 I 3 Q - , 92 _.- - F, Q K r | 92 X 1 I -0 1 , W + , I :5 _=__V .- t I; I I. .1-.4 5&1-_ _:_ I - _Hi_.,,__¢ FBI ' L , - . h ,¢»" ms?-<;¬_ ix /M 1' ,..;. ;I't".- "ii 3' -1'; ' D°*°= 2/1:/ab-I * " - -.; ' Iij LI unsrnit the following in _ , II _. _,If I I I I I _' ' 11;. _ _ Typein plain text or code! _

~ :..-1 J. Q 51R-TEL -_ _ If N AIR lug. _* ' __-92,, Prioryor Method of llailirig! I av!-.%z%¢_;_ - -._ 0 I I mo! SAC, nwoxvxuun 1-12! I . _ _ / I '»1 I .II..7.92»IIr-'. 6Is|1cm.mn1:n rou scmon, I I _ I _ // IONTEAGLE, rsrmxssxs Is - x _ _ - ' ' , <'92-y, ; - .¢-->",1;' . I I _ ~, .-92- -.Y Be Knoxville air-tel to Bureau dated 2/12/59. 4 '»:";f~_§.lF:_ There is submitted herewith one copy of new: - ,1 _. . -.-92 article entitled, "Inquiry Assured for Highlander", which .,.;._. . -r*- -.- appeared in the 2{11/59, issue of the Chattanooga Thine. __jT__. '4'? 1 F I " I . <5 .h?,eT_=br_::"'_ ' _a.~*'I;:;92I: GEAR?! ~ ..._,.,.. . - .1--,;-rI -.-. ->1-;<-I 8,.-11¢"! ,,f|"I%"'III H - '- ~ -'1-'*»>¬§"

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,aa-§"E;¬§ .'--. .f'Cf__x_ .. ''* . 4--1 ..-'5-4. '.55.-* _ Y-e-.'."*~' _ _ .,;-._-_ ..-.11.-'-2. . <:- J. 92;.,.92§ . ""=".:'__ .- ~ ___-Q _ _ | e, _ ' '1 INQUIRYASSURED as s ""'part-time Methodist - . -. '. preacher, missionary and gospel Br -. '".-,. singer, asked for 45 minutes to . _ _'Z-i.. .- _ ~92. present his case ageinlt...H.i,gh-1 -.= ~37 lander and its director, Myles FOR HIGHLANDER.Horton. 0 --- hasty investigation; which In I: ax. i1:'i::g=; ...... '-P...-.,_ __-= be concluded by March 10, 'Speaks Inst " .,'_, ,5 Men to" Conduct Probe >"= ; . __ would accomplish much. 1 When senators protested their, , .. 8,.work schedule would allow htrni i Be NamedAfter ii number The senators of technicalities hagglcd overbeforeonly a third of that, he at- -- 1_ __ '. -1!";1* - Ellington Signs voting $5,000 for the investi-i ternpted_to cram the full speech .. __.,=' . into the allotted time. i gation. One senator complained} .. I from Cottanoooa Time: Entrees _about a lack of copies of thei Talking with machine-gun :"""~--'- speed which made his sentences $' ., J; _,. -; --- Pfmpt gp- resolution, -while another claimed ithad not been read sometimes unintelligible, Kirby pointment or a legislative com- accused Highlander oi being ipmlttee to investigate Highland-iin full by the clerk. ' . ' _1subversive, of harboring Com- :1-;;_»-ii?» lie! Folk School was promised The Senate recessed for 1'5munist, synipsthizers and to-1 minutes while the_Be'92{g__ :J_l,__ . 3' -Tuesday by House and Senate irby of. Tracy ;Ci"t'y laid down"Wmenting industrial strife. Her] ispeakers soon sitar the General wayed affidavits and read fromi a usillade 10! charges at the cards and documents which ,:_92.sscrnlily _. authorized the in- flyJiy_integrated adult educa-"claimed backup his allegations. iquiry. ' . ¢ I 13:15! hrdemrle.'_ _Tl:|is ._cviden¢c._ he asserted. . LL Gov. William D. Baird wits available only to him and ___ p .5 -_. of Lebanon said he already has the Federal Bureau 01 Investi- CHAT. THIS -1 .- decided upon the two senators gation. -- i T/ZMN. I 'Bot heaslted the Legislature. 1; » he will name to the five-man Q. - ii-.:'°i icommittee. But he declined to call oft the l.nvestlgat1on,,o1s.im- -:23:-- >1»- -ing records necessary to estab- -reveal the names until the res- lish charges against the school .v_. Y _,,_, i .olution is signed by Gov. Ening-i ialready had been removed from =§* =1.-on, possibly Wednesday. N iMonteagle in anticipation of the K. " Lg . House Speaker James L. Bo- flnqulry. . ;_ . Kirby urged inetekd that U101 -g il'i'l.8.I' oi! Shelbyville promised the i Legislature proceed at once to i. three representatives for the lenact s. law putting Highlander ioint Senate-House comrnittee out of business. He promised the W-J-t»..i';r-."'iwill be designated within 24* Legislature he Willd WPPIY I hours" after the governor acts. bill "with teeth In it." 92 His choice, he said, will be non-' Horton has said repeatedly he would welcome the investigation :1-1i».e-:2;*{3.@political." and that all records and atl- Sponsors Have Boles _ relative to the school he estab- ii Legislative custom dictates lished in 1932 will he made s";.:-.-;..=,-If.-__*=;,,r.;the sponsors of an investigation I available. He "demanded that or this type be named to the Legislature make a. complete in- committee. In that event, two uiry and either clear his school I g='PE<3 - is ,_ I o o -"1 slat.-or those certain of appointment 92