ATLAS Steven B. Oppenheimer Richard L. C. Chao

a '. ~

....-< Atlas of Embryonic Development

Stevp.n K. Oppenheimer Richard L. C. Chao

Califomia Stale 1.ll1ivpr~ily, Northridge Copyright C 1984 byAllyn and Bacon, Inc., 7Well5 Avenue, Newton, Mas5achusetts 02159. All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this COfliright BOIice may be reproduce:! or util1~ed in any form orbyany means, electronic or mecltanical, inc1udi ngph-otocopying.. recording. orbyany information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner.

library of Congress UtaJosiI1l in Publication Data

Oppenheimer, 5te"l'e!1 8~ 1944- Moils of 1. --Atlases.1. Chao, Richard L. C. U. Title. [DNLM: 1. Embryology-Atlases. Q5 617062a] QL956.065a 1984 597.6'0413 83-27152 ISBN 0-205-{)6099-5

Printed in the United State5 01 America.

10987654321 88 87 86 8S 84 Preface Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis 1 I The 5 A Frog Gametes 11 B Frog Blastula and Gastrula 14 C Frog 19 D Frog Tailbud, 4 mm Stage 29 E Frog, 5-8 mm Stages 36 F Frog, 10-18 mm Stages 45 II The Chick 55 A Chick Gastrula 58 B Ch ick, 26-33 Hour 61 C Chick, 50 Hour Emblyo 75 D Chick, 3-4 Day Embryos 86 III The Mammal 105 A Cat and Rat Gonads 107 B Pig, 6 mm 11 0 C Pig, 10 mm Embryo 113 o Human Development 132 Appendix 135 Pla nes and Sections Term inology Used in this Atlas 136 Obtai ni ng Frog Embryos for Microscopy for this Atlas 137 Obtaining Chick Embryos for Microscopy for this Atlas 138 Preparation of Specimens for Scann ing Electron Microsco py (or this Atla s 139 Refere nces Used for Preparing Embryos for Scanning Electron Microscopy 140 Light Microscopy Eq uipment Used for this Atlas 141 Holtfreter's Solution 142 Amphi bian Ringer's Solution 143 Howard Ringer's Solution 144 Glossary 145 Preface

Th is alla$ includes light micrographs and scanning electron micrographs of sped mens used in most and embryology courses. We include the Kanning micrographs to shOlvthree-dimensiOllal qualities such as texture and depth that wou ld not be apparent from light micrographs alone. All fjgures are labeled for easy study, and transver>e ~1iom inciLIle diagrams that indicate the position of the section in the whole embryo. Developmental timetables and sketches incl uded should help ,Iudents under­ stand the sequence of e\en ~ occurring during embryonic development from a strlJctural standpoint. tn addition, drawings have been placed in appropriate sections of this atlas that wil l help students grasp the nature of the tissue movements and rearrangements that lead to the observed strLCtural changes that are characteristic of different devekpmental stages. Finally, a glossary of terms is included that will faci litate the definition of structures labeled in the micrograph ,. We thank Mary Beth Finch, Jim Sm ith, Joh n Gi lman, Vicky Prescott and Sandi Kirshner for excellent assistance in the development and production of this Ixx:.>k and the entire staff of Allyn and Bacon for concerted effort;; in the final stages of its prod; ction and distribution. Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis

prophiSe of mei o,;. J


I p.chyten. I ~ d,plot.n~

~ :.105" miY be arrested in diplotene for many month, or yurs (for example, ~ meuph= __' an. phue 12 to SO yeirs in hum. n beiniS)

secondiry ooc;yte

Figure 1. Meiosis I in vertebrate oogenesis. From S. B. Oppenheimer, Introduc­ tion to Embryonic Development, 2nd Ed. (BostOll : Allyn and Bacon, 1984). -- ~-- I J.

. -_• I I

~-_1..._, _.""- _ 'ot ___ 1 II ""'-- . I I -. SPERMATOGENESIS AND OOGENESIS J


Figure J. Summary of spermatogenesis. From S. B. Oppenheimer, IntJoduction to Embryonic Development, 2nd Ed . (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1984). 4 SPERMATOGEN ESIS AN O OOGENESIS

oocyle 1\ m""' AA ,, o 0


Figure 4. Comparison of spermatogenesis and oogenesis. From S. B. Oppen­ heimer, Introducrion to Embryonic Dcvelopmcnt, 2n d Ed . (Boston: Allyn an d Bacon, 1984). I Th Fro THE FROG 7

TABLE 1. Development of Rana pipiens at la"c

Stage Age in Size in number hours millimeters Characteristic s

0 1. 75 unfertilized egg 2 1. 0 1.8 gray crescent 3 3.5 1. 8 2 cell s 4 4.5 1. 8 4 cells 5 5. 7 1. 8 8 cells 6 6.5 18 16 ce ll s 7 7.5 1.8 32 cells 8 16 1.8 early blastula 9 21 1.8 late blastula 10 26 1.8 early gastrula (dorsal li p) 11 34 1. 9 middle ga strula (crescent blastopore) 12 42 2.0 late gastrula (yo lk plug) 13 50 2.2 neural pl ate 14 62 2.3 neu ral fo lds 15 67 2.4 cil ia rotation begins 16 72 2.5 complete 17 84 3. 0 tai l bud 18 96 4.0 muscular movement 19 11 8 5.0 beats 20 140 6.0 gil) ci rcu lation and hatching 21 162 7.0 mouth open; cornea is transparent 22 192 8.0 tail fi n circulati on 23 216 9.0 opercular fo ld; teeth 24 240 10.0 operCU lu m closed on righ t 25 284 11. 0 operculum complete

IBa sed on results of W. Shumway, Anal. Rec. 78: 139-148 (1940)) 8 THE FROG

fert ilized

••cleav ,

" ta ilbud

~ ~ ~ I I

'i]~ ) d ~. gill bud, y" V

" ~ , '" ,1 V 11 , I I , , ]

\' " d V' hatching. gill circuld!inn

} "~ll ,I ~~: ,! , , r' e" ', , ... ' : J ! \ r } \0;' , 1"

moulh orx' ~

Tab le 1. Stages of frog deve lopment (continurdi. d, View from Jl1imal po le (frontal view); c, CJlldJI (b l asto~ r JIJ vi ew; d, dOrs.ll view; >, left la tera l view; v, ventral view. {From Del'e!opment of the Vert r br by Emil Witsc hi. Copyrigh t 1956 by W B. Sallnder, Co. UsC'd with permis sion Of the W . B. Saunders Co.l THE FROG 9

___ tailfin circulation

opercula r foId_


--- right operculum cI <»ed

operculum complete _

. .; ." -. :;f" 1 ___ metamorpho,i. ~, .-.. ,;

Table 1. Stages of frog development (continued) . .a, View from an imal pole (frontal view); c, caudal (blastoporal) view; d, dorsal view; 5, left lateral view; II, ventra l view. (From Development of the Vertebrates by Emil Witschi. Copyright 1956 by W. B. Saunders Co. Used with permission of the W. B. Saunders Co.) 10 THE FROG




Table 1. Stages of frog development (continued) . il, View from animal pole (frontal view); c, caudal (blastoporal) view; d, dorsal view; s, left lateral view; v, ventral view. (From Development of the Vertebrates by Emil Witschi. Copyright 1956 by W. B. Saunders Co. Used with permission of the W. 13. Saunders Co.) A. Frog Gametes

nucleoli (black dots)

theca externa

nuclear membrane


oocyte nucleus (ge rm inal vesicle)

shrinkage artifact

Figure 5. Frog ovary. (66,6 x)

11 12 THE FROG

nuclei of nuclear follicle cells oocyte cytoplasm membrane

nucleoli nucleus (germinal vesicle)

Figure 6. Frog oocyte, enlarged. (621.6x) A. Frog Gametes 13

seminiferous tubules

spermatocytes sperm lumen Sertoli cell

Figure 7. Frog testis s~owing seminiferous tubule. (404.8x ) B. Frog Blastula and Gastrula

anima l region blastocoel

artifacts figure 8. Early frog blastu la. scanning electron micrograph. (137.2 x ) B. Frog Blastula and Gastrula 15

micromeres an ima) (dark spots are nuclei) pole fe rti lization membrane


shrinkage artifact macromeres vegetal pole figure 9. Frog blastula. (92.5 xl 16 THE FROG




nQll-ootcx:hord~1 dOfS.Illip be,in ning , , archenteron ,-"'m~."';; .. neur.1 plue epidermi, ~;<7 n,ural tuhe \'O;;;':!C->\\p'O.Pe<;tive ~rch en l . ron' notochord rr----.;

r' ,.-: ' '--,-c' . Pro.~ti~ e' prospective . . . ' A _A • nOll'nQlcx:hord~1, i",~ , :,::::,"~"~_:::::":m:,:'~ mesoderm prospective , 1 notcx:hord - ::~::;,;~~. epidermis "I ,.J

Figure to. Gastrulation in the amphibian. Keller and colleagues, working with , a frog, found that prospective mesoderm may be located in deeper layers of the blastula instead of in surface regions. After W. Vogt., Raux Arch. 120, 385-706 (1929). From S. B. Oppenheimer, introduction to Embryonic De­ velopment 2nd Ed. (Boston; Allyn and Bacon, 1980). B. Frog Blastula and Ga<;trula 17

fertilization membrane blastocoel

blastopore dorsal lip of blastopore

Figure 11 . Early frog gostrulo. (92 S x ) 18 THE FROG

archenteron roof archenteron

dorsa! lip of blastopore

yo lk plug ventral lip of blastopore

fert il ization membrane

Figure 12. Frog yolk plug. (97.5 x ) C. Frog Neurula

non-notochordal mesoderm o

(I.) tWO layered st.n . : oule, Ibl 1,1 and inner mesendode,m neuf.ltu!>c


intermediate me.o



Figure 13. Formation of the three-layered state in the amphibian. Coelom for­ mation occurs by mesodermal splitting. From S. 8. Oppenheimer, Introduction to Embryonic Development, 2nd Ed. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1984). 20 THE FROG

neural folds

prospective epidermis

yolky endoderm

fertilization membrane

Figure 14. Frog embryo, stage, transverse section through foregut. (185 xl C. Frog Neurul a 21

neural groove neural fold fertilization membrane

somite (epimere)



prospective epidermis

yolky endoderm

Figure 15. Frog embryo, neural fold stage, transverse section through midgut. (185 x) 22 THE FROG fertilization membrane neural groove

neural fold

prospective epidermis

Figure 16. Frog embryo, neural fold stage, transverse 5ection through hindgut. (185 x) C Frog Neuru la 23

epidermi, mesoderm n"rvou, layer

epiderm" is

n<'u renteric canal do".1 projection of hindgut CIOlinS bla,topore ve nlfal diverticulum 01 hioo gul diverticulum venlral diverticulum livc r d i"erticulum D. 01 hioogul

Figure 17. Beginning neurJI fold siage of frog emhryo from prepared material. (A) Begin ni ng neural fold slagc as seen from dorsal view. (B) Sagiu,ll $Celion near median plane of embryo similar 10 thai ,hown in (A). (CJ Same as (B), showing organ-forming areas. (D) Midsaginal sect ion of cauda l end of frog em­ bryo. Observe that the blastopore practiCJlly is closed, while the dorsal divertic­ ulum of the hindgut connects with the neurocoel to form the . Observe, also, ventral diverticu lum of hindgut. From O. E. Nelsen, Comparative Embryology of !he VCr!ebr,lles (New York: McGraw-Hili, 1953). 24 THE FROG

(neural tube) mesoderm





L figure 18. Frog embryo, neural tube stage, transverse section through fo regut. (185 X)

- C Frog Neurula 25

rhombencephalon (neural tube)




yolky endoderm

Figure 19. Frog embryo, neura l tube stage, tran sve rse sec tion through foregut. (106 x) 26 THE FROG

spinal cord (neural tube)





Figure 20. Frog embryo, neural tu be stage, transve rse section through midgut. (185x) C. hog Neurula 27

(i ntermcdi.te mesodtrm)


me\.Ode rm t---;I-,L_ en doderm

Figure 21. Mesoderm d ivisi ons in typical vertebrate neurula. From S. EI . Op­ penheimer, Introduction /0 Embryonic Development 2nd Ed (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1984). 28 THE FROG

head ou!g rowth gilt pta!e area

J,: hYfIOPhysis f.._-

tr '.- Ofa l suder

uu~k region , neural wOe ,', neuren!eric --, ,

, hd ,

, hd , toregut

!a il bud

¥il l lo re plate timb yo lk area

Figure 22. Early neura l td)e stage of the frog, Rana pipiens, 2';' to 3 mm, in length. (A) Dorsal view. (8) Midsagittal section of embryo ,imilar to (Aj. (() Same as (B). showing organ.form ing areas. Abbreviations: V. HD. '" ventral hindgut diverti (:ulum; D. HD. '" dorsa l hindgut diverticulum; PHAR. '" pharyn­ geal diverticulum of foregut. {OJ. Lateral view of (Aj. From O. E. Nel sen, Com­ parative Embryology or th e Vertebrates (New York: McGraw-Hili, 195 3). D. Frog Tailbud, 4 mm Stage

notochord pharynx prosencephalon

spinal cord


tai lbud

yolky endoderm epidermis

Figure 23. Frog embryo, ta ilbud stage, sagittal sectiOl1, scanning electron mi­ crograph. (63.9 x ) ] 0 TH E FROG

tail hud epiderm is som ites optic cu p

yolkyendoderm pha rynx adhesive st omodeum glartd

Fi gure 24. Frog embryo, ta ilbud stage. sagiUJ I section (-14 .4 x) D, Frog Tailbud, 4 mm Stage 31

tai lbud epiderm is somite, midgut spinal cord



pha ryn x

yolkyendoderm liver diverticulum heart adhesive gland

Figure 25. Frog embryo, ta ilbud stage, sagi tta l section . 05 5 xl 32 THE fROG


yolky endoderm adhesive gland

Figure 26. Frog embryo, la ilbud stage. sag ittal sect ion near outer surface . (4 4.4 x ) O. Frog Tailbud, 4 mm Slage JJ

tai lbud

stomodeum adhesive yolkyendoderm gland (below epidermis and mesoderm )

Figu re 27. Frog embryo. 4 mm, scanning electron micrograph . (67.2 x l 34 THE FROG

prosencephalon epidermis

adhesive gland pharynx yolky endoderm

Fi gure 26. Frog embryo, 4 mm, sag ittal section, scan ning electron micrograph. (75 .2 x ) D. Frog Tailbud. 4 mm Stage 35

r ho mlwnc~ph "l on ~ eu , . 1 tube

optic bu lge ,ectu m

vent ral m~wdc r m

oral evaginati on B

,ubnotochordal n ~ ur.1 lube "" notochord

A c

Figure 29. Structu re of 3'11 - to 4-mm, embryo of Rana pipiens (about eight pairs of somite, are present). (A) External do rsal view. {B) M idsagitta l view. (C) Same, showing major organ -forming areas. From O . E. Nel>e n, Comp,Jralivc Embryology of the Vertebra tes (New York: McGraw-Hi li. 1953). E. Frog, 5-8 mm Stages

tail fin

yolky endoderm gill adhesive gland stomodeum olfactory pit (below epidermis and mesoderm)

Figure 30. Frog embryo, 5-6 mm, scanning electron micrograph. (55.9 x) developing gill

gill epidermis anus

Fi s u ~ 31. Frog embryo, 6_7 mm. hor izontal <.eel i<.> n, ;c,nning ell'Ctron micro­ graph. 159.3 x I 38 THE FROG deve loping brain pharynx heart gil l epidermis

gill yolkyendoderm

Figure 32. Frog embryo, 6- 7 mm, horizonta l section, sca nni ng electron micro­ graph.1144.2 x J E. Frog, S- 8 mm Stages 39

optic cup lens vesicle

gil l

epidermis yolkyendoderm

Figure lJ. Frog embryo, 6-7 mm, horizontal section. sca nning electron micro­ graph . (146.9 x ) 40 THE FROG



Figure 34. Frog embryo, 5-7 mm, transverse section th rough prosencepha lon. (120x) Frog, 5-8 mm St;,ges 41



optic cup


ad hesive gland e pidermis

Figure 35. Frog embryo. 5- 7 mm, transverse section through optic cup. 1120 X) 42 THE f ROG

rhombencepha lon

ot ic vesicle


epiderm is



adhesive gland

Figure 3&. Frog emb r ~'O, 5-7 mm. transverse section through oti c ve sicle (120 X) E. Frog, 5-8 mm Stages 43


tear artifact

otic vesicle





artifact of slide preparation


pericardial cavity heart

Figure 37. Frog embryo, 5-7 mm, transverse sect ion through heart. (105.6x) 44 THE FROG


som ite





liver epiderm is diverticulum

Figure 38. Frog embryo, 5- 7 mm, transverse section through liver diverticu­ lum. (120 x) E. Frog, 5- 8 mrn Stage> 45

sp inal cord





, epidermis

Figure 39. Frog embryo, 5~7 mm, transverse section through midgut. {1 20x} 46 THE FROG

• '" dorsal fin

spinal cord >--_____ epidermis


--'-~.;....- somite ~--T--- subnotochorda l rod



Figure 40. Frog embryo, 5-7 mm, transverse section through hindgut. (120x) E_ Frog, 5- 8 mm S1ages 47

tail fin gill olfactory pit


Figure 41. Frog embryo, 7- 8 mm, scanning electron micrograph. (79 x ) 48 THE FROG

stomodeum olfactory pit

adhesive gland

__--1 gill

Fisure 42. Frog embryo. 7 8 mm, SC;l rm ins electron microsraph. (1 30 x ) E. Frog, 5- 8 nlln Stagel 49 prosen cepha lon

rhombencephalon somites


pha ryn x heart yol kyendoderm anus

Figure 43. Frog embryo. 7- 8 mm, sagittal section. (32.8x ) 50 THE FROG

.nte,io, ,

>. ante,,,,,_·; __"" lobe 0 pl'O""pllfic dvct pituit~'Y opening into the bOO, stomodaeal prt f"lt i aol1al a,ch ane,i", A.

infe'io, 0' extern ~ 1 jugula, vein

thi,d br~lKhial aOl1a l ar:h

"~:~;;::;;"~~ A

. ~ ~ len div'l,on "g,,1 uMs,on bulbus cordis

Figure 44. Early frog tadpole, sketch from O . E. Nelsen, Comparalive Embryol­ ogy of the Vertebrates, McGraw Hill, 1953. F. Frog, t 0-t 8 mm Stages

mouth heart



epidermis anu.

Figure 45. Frog tadpole, 11 mm, horizontal section, scanning electron micro­ graph. (52.3 X) 52 THE FROG


pulmonary do".1 inlern;iI ;lrte'Y carotid ~" rll'Ural tube ,


coil,O/ '~udal gill 1 Or ,,"'ernal imestine artery c~rotid artery start here venosus developing inferior vena cava Aortal arc he, 3-6 function as part 0/ the also consult fig. 294, B. branchial mech~nism. Aortal . rd"" 1 and 2 are vestigial in In.. trog. ,. diagram ,howing brar>ehi.1 irllerbranChial chamber on left ,ide chamber communication arrow, water currents below heM

figure 46. Frog tadpole, 10-18 mm, . From O. E. Nelsen, Compara- tive Embryology of the Vertebrates (New York: McGraw-Hili, 1953). F. Frog, 10-18 mm Siages 53

head outgrowth

t~i l bud stomodaeum A head pharyngeal outgrowth trunk '",

::e>cternal 8,:::.-ll s ~nasal- p,t ~omodaeum F oral sucker

asym m ~ try of trunk H

oper~ul ~ r .fOI~ ~S Ucker :+O.:tiJ!C' ~-=---=~ ~ventral fin no(ochord and muscl e mouth with horny larval tl'l'th , 1 I I I L

Figure 47. External views of embryos of Rana sylva/ica and Rana pipiens. (A to J after Pollister and Moore: Anal. Rec., 68; K and L after Shumway: Anal. Rec., 78.) (A, B) Lateral and ventral views of 5·mm. stage. Muscular movemen t is evi· dent at this stage. expressed by si mple unilateral ; tai l is about one·fifth body length. (Pollister and Moore, stage 18.) (C. 0) l ateral and ventral views of 6·mm. stage. Primitive heart has developed and begins to beat; tail equals one· third length of body. IPoll ister and Moore, stage 19). IE, F) Similar views of 7· mm. stage. Gi ll circu lation is established; hatches; swims; tail equals one-half length of body. IPollister and Moore, stage 20.) (G, H) Ten·mm. stage, lateral and dorsal views. Gills elongate; tail fi n is we ll developed and circulation is established within; trunk is asymmetrical coincident with posterior bend in the gut tube; cornea of is transparent; epidermis is becoming transparent. (Po l· lister and Moore, stage 22.) (I , J) Eleven·mm. stage, true tadpole shape. Opercu· lar fold is beginning to develop and gradually growing back over gills. (K, l) Eleven·mm. stage of R. pipiens embryo. Observe that opercu lar folds have grown back over external gills and developing limb buds; opercular chamber opens on left side of body only. From O. E. Nelsen, Comparative Embryology of the Vertebrates (New York: McGraw·Hill, 1953). II The Chick Table 2. Chick Development

Hours Characterist ics

Freshly laid prestreak; embryonic shield forming 6 initial 12 primitive strea.< extend ing 18 definitive primitive streak; primitive groove and Hensen's node present 19 head process; early notochord e~tends beyond Hensen's node 20 head fold 22 begins to fold; 2 somites 24 neural folds better developed; 4 somites 27 endocardial and myocardia l tubes forming; enlarged forebrain; 7 somites 30 heart tubes fuse to form a single tube; heart ventricle begins to beat; forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain visible; 10 somites 33 heart tube bent to right; heart ventricle and beat; first pair of prescnt; optic ves icles well defined; 13 somites 3& well developed heartbeat; auditory placode, present; pronephric tubules first a~ar ; 16 somites 40 head torsion begins; hindbrain divided; lens placodes form; lB somites 44 fiver primordium begins to appear; 22 somites 48 develops; 25 somites 54 two pairs of aortic arches present, third forming; hindgut present; 29 somites 60 fourth pa ir of aortic arches beginning to form; 31 somites 72 telencephalic vesicles present; dorsal pancreas evagination appears; 35 somites

The student will Quickly see that there is variability in the developmenta l progress within a group of eggs incubated for a ,pecific time. This is due to many factors, including varying amounts of ilcubation before removal from the nest to begin incubation in the laboratory. This table should be useful to the student because it includes some of the major characteristics that appear at approximate times during chick development. The hours of development and the characteristics given here are approximations. Slight differences will appear i[I other similar cha rts or tables. The table was compiled b.l>ed up:m the work of: Bradley M. Patten, Early Embryology of the Chick (New York: McGraw Hill, 1971), and V. Hamburger and H. L. Hamilton, A series of normal ,tages in the development of the ch ick embryo, Journal of Morphology, 88: 49- 92, 1951. A. Chick Gastrula •

",i,n p'imi!iv~ I'oo'e formed down the midlin.

primiti •••tr • • k I. ) beginning to form ") pdmiti•• groove

"..,.,..y __ - --~I(..------...... pibt.'t /' ______.... ______" >"ow, ,how , ell. _:"_~=-=:":=-______'--::=-~:':::::'::::____ moving (",m the ,,~,",ction '" >uno« th,ouih the through bl ..IOIk rm hy~bl ..t primiti.e ,roo", forming,. '0)

Figure 48. Bird gastrulation. From S. B. Oppenheimer. Introduction 10 Embry­ onic Development, 2nd Ed. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1984). A. Ch ick Gastrula 59

notochordal process neural plate proamnion

Hensen's node

area pellucida

primitive groove

primitive folds area opaca

Figure 49. Chick embryo whole mount, 18 hours. (85.1 x) 60 THE CHICK

Hensen's node primitive folds area opaca

primitive groove subgerminal space area pellucida (below blastoderm in area pellucida)

Figure 50. Chick embryo, 16-20 hou rs, scanning electron micrograph, (161.9 x ) B. Chick, 26-33 Hour Embryos

proamnion anterior neuropore

head ectoderm

head mesenchyme

area opaca

neural tube

anterior intestinal portal neural fold

intel'5omitic groove

somite area pellucida

segmental mesoderm notochord

primitive knot (Hensen's node)

primitive streak

Figure 51. Chick embryo whole mount, 26-29 hours. {65.7xj " (.2 THE CHICK

prospeclive epidermiS ,.,'live somile . nd inlermedi. te mesoderm ,. ,

nem.1 "'moli,

", hy""mere

inte rm ed i.le spl . nchnic mesoderm mesod.r"

Fi gure 52. Mesodermal separation in chick embryo. From S. B. Oppenheimer, Introduction to Emb:yonic Development, 2nd Ed. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1984). B. Chick, 26-33 Hour Embryos 63


proper chori.,..II.n!oi, formin& omo'","j'~'~'~"~'~:::J~~~~~::~~;;~;:=:~~ mtmbr.n. c.vity:

. 1I. nloi,

" Ir.-embryonk "' coe lom coelom

Ipl>n<'hnopleu re

Figure 53. Summary diagrdm of early chick embryo wilh ils forming extraem­ bryonic membranes. Longitudinal view. From S. B. Oppenheimer, Int.roduction 10 Embryonic Development, 2nd Ed. (Boslon: Allyn and Bacon, 1984). .. THE CHICK

foregut midgut hindgut , • • • , • , p.ncre~, : : ~ 1 234[ duodenum II I I I "- 510mich pejunum ,""""m DD D D I I) in ...!in • dOi .. ectoderm J ileum ./ I l i • Ii.", "')¥.,c re .. ___ . lIonlo;. thY <• yolk •; ",

U 1Ung bud,

figure 54. Endodermal derivatives. Diagram of the gut tube and it5 ou tpocket~ ings. From S. B. Oppenheimer, Inrroduction to Embryonic Development, 2nd Ed. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1984). a Ch ick, 26-33 Hour Embryos 65



border of foregut mesencephalon rhombencephalon heart

vitell ine vein

, somite

spinal cord

segmental mesoderm notochord . , neural groove

primitive streak

• I .' vitelline plexus

Figure 55. Chick embryo, whole mount, 33 hours. (40.Sx) 66 TH{ CHICK

.nt.... io< neuropore ----,_ ~_---_ ~osenceph. l on

opIic v... ic le ___--., ventral.oni" fOOIl cut epimyocardium cuI ectoderm trunc", aneriosu. ~~

ventricular ..... ion --1,.".-

...,,,,,;;;;, ___ ,,,,,,'1 region

anlerior , ; inlestinal portal

f------,,0; .plaochf>Opleure

lateral m.~j."" --~f---j ---t---- r.otocnord

01 ____+ ____ neoral tube

Figure 56. Diagrammatic ventral view of dissection of a 35-hour chick embryo. The splanchnopleure of the yolk.sac cephalic to Ihe anterior intestinal portal, the ectoderm of the ventral surface of the head, and the mesoderm of the pericar­ dial region have been removed 10 show the underlying structures. (Modified (rom Peflliss) From B. M. Patten, Early Embryology o( the Chick (New York: McGri""·Hill, 1957), B. Ch ic k, 26-33 Hour Embryos 67

rhombencephalon prosencephalon

primitive streak segmental mesoderm somite

heart foregut

Figure 57. Chick embryo, 33 hours, sagittal \ection. (32.4x) 68 THE CHICK


splanchnic prospective ectoderm mesoderm prosencephalon epidermis lens somatopleure

somatic splanchnopleure endoderm head foregut infundibulum optic extraembryonic mesoderm mesenchyme vesicle coelom

extraembryonic splanchnopleure coelom

Figure 58. Chick embryo, 33 hours, transverse section through prosen­ cephalon. (164.7x) B. Ch ick, 26- 33 Hour Embryos 69

head epidermis notochord


optic vesicle

prospective lens


ventral aorta stomodeum pharyngeal membrane pharynx

Figure 59. Chick embryo, 33 hours, transverse section through optic vesicles. (185 x) 70 TH E CHICK


dorsal aortae anterior cardinal veins

foregut ventral aortae

Figure 60. Chick embryo, 33 hours, transverse section through mesencephalon, scanning electron micrograph. (213 X) B. Chick, 26--33 Hour Embryos 71

rhombencephalon splanchnopleure

somatic dorsal heart splanchnic mesoderm somatopleure ventricle mesoderm

coelom dorsal epimyocardium endocard ium endoderm mesocardium

Figure 61. Chick embryo, 33 hours, transverse section through heart. (1·59.1 x) 72 THE CH ICK

rhombencephalo n extraembryonic coelom

notochord dorsal aorta figure 62. Chick embryo, 33 hours, transverse section through rhomben­ cephalon. (159.1 xl B. Chick, 2&-33 Hour Embryos 73

neural prospectille epidermis groolle fold

endoderm notochord somite hypomere (epimere) figure 63. Chick embryo, 33 hours, transller:.e :.ection through somites. (179.Sx) 74 THE CHICK

prospective epidermis

mesoderm neural groove just beginning --I

endoderm >egmental mesoderm

Figure 64. Chick embryo, 33 hours, transver>e section through segmental mes­ oderm. (170.2 x) C. Chick, 50 Hour Embryo

op( iC ectoderm


choroid 01 myelencephalon

vt'flual aonic root 511=",,;,.- aonic ~rche, I, II, III

atrium f-~C---- pharynx

cardinal vein sinus """"SUS -----.\;;cc=

anterior intestinal portal ------<:~C

-====-:: splanchnopleure _ t somatopl!'Ure

-,,,,,- lateral me!<:><"k rm

roots of omphalomeMlnt",ic omphalo- -,,.."''I----j~, o~:.r-artery mesenteric anery ~=-- notochord n!'Ural twb. ---t---1;'<;!;l)!1fl~

extent of ____-\ __ -" i I portal hindgut

Figure 65. Diagram of dissection of chick of about 50 hours. The splanchno­ pleure of the yolk-sac cephalic to the anterior intestinal portal, the ectoderm of the left side of the head, and the mesoderm in the pericardial region have been dissected away. A window has been cut in the splanchnopleure of the dorsal wa ll of the midgut to show the origin of the omphalomesenteric arteries. (Modi­ fied from Prentiss.) From B. M. Patten, Early Embryology of the Chick (New York: McGraw-Hili, 1957). 76 TH E CHICK

primordial v~", u la r plexus of head

anterior (ard in ~ 1 ""'_

aortic . ren I

aortic ''''"'' __-! ____ ~

aortic'Pfout arcn fOfIII --+----.1-

comm";o::': __ -.Ii~ cardinal," t-__ 1 i I

posterior cafcina l vein -- t---.lj""

Figure 66. Chick embryo, so hours, vascular sys tem in anterior region, from B. M. Patten, Early Embryology of the Chkk (New York: McGraw-Hili, 1957). C. Chick, 50 Hour Enbryo 77


mesence::>halon diencephalon metencephalon optic cup ganglion of cranial rerve 5 lens myelencephalon telencephalon stomodeum bulbus arteriosus (cordis) otic vesicle ---, atrium ventricle sinus venosus

anterior intestina l porta l ------

~--___' som ite

Figure 67. Chick embryo, 50 hours, whole mount. D2xj 78 THE CH ICK



otic pits

heart ve ntricle


Figure 68. Ch ick embryo. about 50 hours, scan ning electron micrograph, whole embryo with horizontal section in head region . (75.5 x ) C. Chid, 50 Hour Embryo 79

} for . b,. i ~ (pr{>l.enc. ph .lon j , (midbr.inl

h('ihombndb,..inn c< pha l o~1 { ::::::: : ::: : ::::~

li-- ",", cord

Figure 69. Divisions of the vertebrate brain. From S. B. Oppenheimer, Intro­ dliClion 10 Embryonic Development, 2nd Ed . (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1984). 80 THE CHICK


rhombencephalon .

otic pits heart ventricle

Figure 70. Chick embryo, about 50 hours, horizonta l section of he,1d. scanning electron micrograph. (154.2 X) C. Chick, SO Hour Embryo 81


anterior cardinal vein

notochord ____-:~'" dorsal aorta

pharynx ----~i¥ aortic arch

mandibular process ______~:::~

maxillary process ______stomodeum

optic cup


Figure 71. Chick embryo, 50 hours, transverse section through optic cup. (114.7x) 82 THE CHICK

··1, ·.i

spinal cord ------;;f ..

notochord ---;i~~i somite

descending aorta

stomach coelom ---jrt<; 'F~" common cardinal vein

sinus venosus ---4ril pericardial coelom ---if-' endocardium

ventricle ----~;o--~f-,; '~'-',, ______~ ' eplmyocardlum

extraembryonic coelom

Figure 72. Chick embryo. SO hours, transverse section through heart ventricle. (117x) C. Chick, 50 Hour Embl)'o 83

somatic mesoderm notochord posterior card inal \lein amniotic ectoderm


somatopleure extraembryonic coelom

dorsal aorta

.' midgut endoderm mesonephric tubule embryonic coelom

extraembryonic coelom

Figure 73. Chick embryo, SO hours, transver>e section through mesonephric ducts. (200 x) 84 THE CHICK

som ites spinal cord




ectoderm mesoderm

dorsa l aortae coelom

Figure 74 . Chick embryo. 50 hours, transverse secl ion Ihrough somiles, scan­ ning ciectrOIl micrograph. (129.6xj C. Chick, 50 Hour Embryo 85

:;emite (epimere) spinal cord epidermis somatopleure somatic mesoderm

hypomere coelom mesomere notochord endoderm coelom splanchnic mesoderm


Figure 75. Chick embryo, 50 hours, transverse section through somites. (148.2)() D. Chick, 3-4 Day Embryos

ganglion of cran ial nerves 7. 8 myelencephalon gangl ion of crania l nerve

metencepha lon aud itory vesicle mesencephalon gangl ion of crania l nerve 9 diencephalon ganglion of cranial ------f optic cup fle lve 10 lens ves icle somite , telencepha lon atrium ----- bu lbus cordis

vent ricle

spinal cord

wing bud

vitelline vessels

leg bud

Figure 76. Ch ick embryo, whole mount. 3 day,. {1 9.8 X ) D. Chick, 3-4 Day Embryos 87

spinal cord amniotic cavity

extraembryonic I coelom somite

chori on

otic vesicle

acoustico-facial is ganglion myelencephalon neuromere



I metencephalon

head mesenchyme


Figure 77. Chick embryo, 3 days, transverse section through otic vesicles. (64.2x) 88 THE (HICK

eye cup lens


anterior cardinal veins

interna l carotid arteries stomodeum

mandibular process


amn iotic cavity descending notochord spinal cord amnion aorta

figure 78. Chick embryo, 3 day" transverse sectioll through developing eye, scanning electron micrograph, (61.2 x ) o Ch ick, 3- 4 Oil)' Embryos 89


sp inal cord


amn ion chorion

descending aorta

posterior cardinal veins duodenum liller vent ricle

Figure 79. Chick embryo. J days, transverse section th rough heart ventricie, sca nning electron micrograph . (97 x ) 90 THE CHICK

amniotic cavity amn ion notochord spina l cord


descending aorta posterior ca rdinal veins

duodenum P'--"';":-J~

liver L~,",,'

ventricle ductus venosus

Figure 80. Chick embryo, 3 days, tran>verse s.ection through ductus venosus, scanning electron micrograph. (145.7 x ) D Chick. 3-4 D '.11

genital ridge >pinal cord

mesonephric duct and descending tubules aorta posterior mesentery card inal vein midgut


wing bud

apical ectodermal ridge

Figure 8 1. Chick embryo. 3 d,lYS. transverSe section through wing bud>. 5C

paired dorsal hindlimb apical notochord spinal cord aortae mesonephric duct bod ectodermal ridge


, .,"': f . f .t" ., ".r t '

_. ,.;J •

.,' .i ' ..:if '

hindlimb apical hindgut embryonic coelom extraembryonic yolk sac bod ectodermal ridge coelom

Figure 82. Chick embryo, 3 days, transverse section through hindlimb (leg) buds. (101 x) D Chick, 3- 4 Day Embryos 93

diencephalon al lantois


coelom posterior cardinal veins descending aorta

spinal cord

Figure 83. Chick embryo, 3- 4 days, transverse section through brain and spinal cord, scanning electron micrograph. (46.5 x) 94 THE CHICK

sp inal cord notochord


dorsal "," !,...,~ mesonephric



figure 84. Chick embryo, 3- 4 days, transverse section through hindgul and al­ lantois, scanning electron micrograph . (8 1.4 x) D. Chick, 3-4 Day Embryo. 95

otic ves icle chorion and amnion myelencephalon I

optic cup

lens vesicle somites

alla ntois

leg bud

branchial arches heart wing bud mandibular arch

Figure 85 . Ch ick embryo. 3- 4 days, sagi ttJI section, scanning cicoron micro­ graph. (35 .2 x ) 9f> THE CH ICK

metencephalon mesencephalon mye len cepha lon

allantois mouth mandible pharynx descending aorta

notochord heart spi na l cord

hindgut telen cephalon wingbud

Figure 86. Ch ick embryo. 3- 4 da ys, sagiua l section and transverse sect ion through hindgut, scan ning clcctron micrograph. (3 1.7 x ) D. Ch i c~. 3-4 Day Embryos 97


pharynx telencephalon conus arteriosus allantois atrium ventricle sinus venosus

somites leg bud

wing bud

Figure 87. Chick embryo, 3-4 days, sagittal section, scanning electron micro­ gral"lh. (27.6x) 98 THE CHICK

heart atrium

heart ventricle

sinus venosus

figure 88. Chick embryo, 3- 4 days, sagi tta l section of heart chambers, scan· ning electron micrograph. (1 41 xl


e ' !<~mal carotid artery aortic af(h III Msilar artery ''',,,,,',,,"''i artery vertebral,",," ' ~~~==j=;I-; cervical segmental

anterior caminal

Common caminal ,. _, posterior card i",,1

5ulxlavian vein sulxl.vian ane ry


,ubu,dinal " "" ._

v~elline vein " subintestinal

Figure 90. Ch ick embryo, 4 days, . From B. M. Patten, EM/y Embryology of the Chick, McGraw-Hili, 1957. D_ Ch ick. 3- 4 Day Embryos 101

branchial clefts

at ri um

conus arteriosus

leg bud heart ven tricle wing bud som ites

Figure 91. Chick embryo, 3- 4 days. whole. scanning electron microgra ph. (33.1 x) 102 THE CHICK

Figure 92. Ch ick embryo. 3- 4 da y~ . ,agillal section. scann ing electron mino_ graph. (J2.2 x ) D. Chick, 3-4 Day Embryo> 103

heart, anterior vitelline vein ~",_~ t\\,\

and vitelline veins

posterior vitelline vein vitelline arteries and vitelline veins

Figure 93. Ch ick embryo, 4 days, whole mount showing vitelline circulation. (73 x) III The Mam I A. Cat and Rat Gonads

connective tissue young Graafian follicle

dormant primary follicles tunica albuginea Graafian follicle

Figure 94. Cat ovary. (71 x ) 108 THE MAMMAL

follicular cavity

theca interna

oocyte cumulus oophorus

stratum granulosa

Figure 95. Graafian follicle of cat ovary. (268.7x) A. Cat and Rat Gonads 109

re~idual bodies spermatlds lumen - seminiferous tubule

primary spermatocy:es

mature sperm spermatogonia

Figure 96. Seminiferous tubule of rat testis. (368 x) B. Pig. 6 mm Embryo

tongue metencephalon hyo id arch

i mouth '------' 1 telencephalon '--::"'---

atrium mandible -----:,...,~;;.~ descending aorta


• , •

figure 97. Pig embryo, 6 mm, sagittal section. (26.6 x) B. PiS, 6 mm Embryo 111

metencephalon tongue myelencephalon

11·_'''''=<·~ r '~~~ I-~


diencephalon mandible 'f pericardial cavity telencephalon , , atrium , lung bud t " . A ventricle , ,'< stomach .\, live r descending aorta

,"" "\ '--- spinal cord " ,


Figure 98. Pig embryo, 6 mm, sagittal section. (23 x) 112 THE MAMMAL

metencephalon tongue

mesencephalon ----j

diencephalon -----'­ mandible mouth telencephalon ------7 atrium pericardial cavity ----'.-"----SO-----{ ventricle liver somites

hindlimb bud spinal ganglia

mesonephros spinal cord descending aorta

Figure 99. Pig embryo, 6 mm, sagittal section. (22.7 x) c. Pig, 10 mm Embryo

auditory ve,icle superior ganglion of ninth i 8Jnglion of ~ ; ght h n ~ rve aortal arch jugular gangl ion of tenth ganglion of ,eventh nerve semilunar ga ngl ion basila r filth nerve ~cc~""Y ganglioo fourth cra ni .1 ~ orta l arch III nerve aort~ 1 ""," '", dorsal root ganglion of first cervical nerve internal aortal arch carotid artery r-' """ arch t ~ocOO

,ubc l ~v ; a n _,~""


dor .. 1 =_ ::~.~::':' ., 1~ lI antoicl pancre~, gall bladder ventr~1 _-\~(J' p ~nc rt ~s ,m.'''' ~ intestine diverticulum

intersegmental artery ',",~,"""",, duct

~ rte ry (fulure ,uperior glomerulus meso neph ric tubule me""n!eric artery) figure 1 00. Pig embryo, 10 mm, reconstruction. From O. E. Nelsen, Compara­ ti \'e Embryology of the Vertebrates (New York: McGraw-Hili , 1953). 114 THE MAMMAL


thin roof


~ricard j a l """.pocket chiasma

right ~trillm tell'ncepha lon

v~lve s of lamina terminali, sinus venosu. ~::S:,~:'::~ ,in", pt'rkardial coelom spinal cord "1'-___<.~":;.;m::~~1 body wall posterior vena ). transversum ductus dorsal , paocreas f.. ~;;:;:'·1,;;:, I, coelom cord

:-••" .."" diverticulum ; ,

dorsal proctodaeum

pelvis metanephric k;dney

Figure 101. Pig embryo, median section of 10 mm embryo. From O. E. Nei­ sen, Comparative Embryology of the Vertebrates (New York: McGraw-Hili, 1953). C. Pig, 10 mm Embryo 115


intermlexternal carot icarQ{idd artery~ ~~~C'-\-:-\--"'::::::::"'~

aortic arch aortic arch 6 ""rtebral cervi",,1 segmental artery

common , .. rdinal ""in -t+---~~L

Sllbcla~i a n artery subcla~ian


omphalomesenteric (~ i telline) ".'''~ omplwlomesenteric (~ i tel(i"") ".N""

poS(erior cardinal

fisure 102. Reconstruction of the circulatory system of a 9.4 mm pig embryo. From B. M. Patten, Embryology of the Pig, third edition (New York: McGraw­ Hill, 1959). 116 THE MAMMAL


~, _ .-._ _ I -l - - ~ .. -- -. "'~ ---, ~ ,1 i

'-'''-~ lens

__~ . eye cup

___~ - , pericardial cavity

./ r - "\ ./ '-'-, ______'"-...... -- ventricle

'. mesonephric glomeruli ..:;...__


..;.~..., hindlimb bud

spinal cord descending aorta spinal cord figure 103. Pig embryo, 10 mm, sagittal section. (22.2x) C. Pig, 10 mm Embryo 117

aorta mandi ble

amnion ______-,-

':':--"'l metencephalon

pharynx ____ mesencephalon

sp inal cord ___ '-+-4 mouth

at ri um '--7''-----i bulbus cordis

ri"""""=---~"':l telencephalon

~":'i:"":::':L'-----~., ventricle


:-___~ intestine spinal ganglia '=::::::'~ mesonephric tubules

--.; '1"0;,1 cord

mesonephric glomeruli hind li mb bud

Figure 104. Pig embryo, 10 mm, sag ittal section . (21.5 x) pl,.,.,.n<


:;~;:;:;= dm~r>Coph.Jon,ndibi<

. >"n , 1c ",d ___-'\ "

,pn,1 cord fj~"rc lOS. Pi~ cmI"yo. 10 m", . .. ~itt.11 ='i",. 'lO.9 x l C. Pig. 10 mm Embryo 11 9

aortic arch 3 metencephalon

branchial cleft 3 e~--.'7---- pharynx ,---: :""":l:':::'---'-- hyoid arch

""~ ______tongue I descending aorta ____ '-....",c...---- mandible atrium ___--, -,~ ____ telencephalon


mesonephric glomeruli y mesonephric ___-'; tubules ~-" hindl imb bud

spinal cord

spinal cord descending aorta

Figure 106. Pig embryo, 10 mm , sagittal section. (22.2x ) 120 THE MAMMAL

pharynx metencephalon

__- hyoid arch aortic arch

descending oort,----

mesonephric tubules

so mites --~'" mesonephric _____ glomeruli

""-"';,,pln, '1 cord


hindlimb bud

Figure 107. Pig embryo, 10 mm, sagittal section. (20.6 x) C. Pig. 10 mm Embryo 121



head mesenchyme


Figure 108. Pig embryo, 10 mm. transverse section through midbrain and hindbrain. (65 x) ~------"' .. ~"'."",.,. !f------

J -""" ..,.,

...... ,... ~ ,.".., • . IU ",", , ...",,., ..... ,,"" ",... "" _ , ••...1 •. '" .) C. Pig. 10 mm Embryo 123


. - ____--' crania l nerve 11

_____ crania l nerve 12

____ cranial nerve 12

____ cranial nerve 11

____ cranial nerve 10 cranial nerve 9 cranial nerve 9 otic vesicle anterior cardinal vein acoustic ganglion 8 crania l nerve 7 geniculate branchial groove ganglion 7 pharyngeal pouch 1

basilar artery semilunar dense mesenchyme ganglion S anterior ca rdinal vein semilunar ganglion S

____ internal carotid artery


Figure 110. Pig embryo, 10 mm, transverse section through diencephalon and myelencephalon. (37.7 x) 124 THE MAMMAL

ependymal layer • of spinal cord --""", cord '.m"II, layer of spinal cord , I ganglion ,. / pharynx left dorsal aorta left anterio r cardinal vein

mandibular f-,---':"'-- ventral aorta

maxillary P"''''''-- =------branchial groove II ''",,'"

( layer

Figure 111. Pig embryo, 10 mm, transverse section through a developing eye. (32.8x) C. Pig, 10 mm Embryo 125

ependymal layer of spina l cord spina l cord spinal gangl ion manlle (ayer of spina l cord

anterior cardina l vein dorsal aorta


pharyngeal pp 'cd, _~

branchial groove

mandibular ramus of cranial nerve 5 mar"ldibular process


optic ~~.~ .. '~ __ lens ",;,1, ''-, __ maxillary process

diencephalon layer optic cup

Figure 112. Pig embryo. 10 mm, transverse section through maxillary i\ lld mandibular processes. (37.7 X) 126 THE MAMMAL

;"--::--'--'---l ependymal layer of spinal cord

--~--'l spinal ganglion

~-----'l mantle layer of spinal cord --,..,,:---i myotome ---"---'l sclerotome

right dorsal aorta f---- ,--_--, left dorsal aorta ----' pharynx cardinal , left anterior cardinal vein

right atrium ::--j,"'--~T epidermis of body wall

&[2~~~'I.~c..:_f.:J, conus arteriosus "CF----/f- left atrium fhiL----.--, pericardial cavity

olfactory pit

Figure 113. Pig embryo, 10 mm, transverse section through heart chambers. (38.5 x) C. Pig, 10 mm Embryo 127

right common cardinal vein dorsal aorta right subclavian vein ependymal layer of spinal cord spinal cord

'"'..,_ dorsal root of spinal

spinal ganglion mantle layer of spinal cord

dorsal aorta

cardinal vein trachea right ",'orr.---~ , -. "--.I

left atrium bu lbus cordis

olfactory pit

-, ...- .~ .

Figure 114. Pig embryo, 10 mm, transverse section through olfactory pit and heart chambers. (33.2 x) 128 THE MAMMAL

right dorsal aorta spinal cord right common cardinal 'r'odym,' foreleg bud

mantle layer of ---spinal cord

.,",<""b,d dorsal aorta

right horn of cardinal vein sinus ,"eo,"" -----__.,.~ valve of sinus venosus "','d'o!'---~-,"'---__-t~ .. ____ left horn of sinus " venosus ------left atrium right endocardial right atrioventricular ----'l­ canal interventricular

right ventricle -----\ ~~~~~~~rf-r------left ventricle ~ 7------p"'",·,,,' cavity

.. . ' 01f.",,"1 pit interventricular sulcus

Figure 115. Pig embryo, 10 mm, transverse section through foreleg buds and heart ventricles. (33.2 xl C. Pig. 10 mm Embryo 129

sp inal ganglion mantle layer foreleg bud

righ t dorsa l aorta

right left dorsal aorta card inal vein pleural cavity bronchus left posterior card inal vein

epiderm is sinus venosus

• left ventricle right ventricle •

pericardial cavity ventricular septum

Figure 116. Pig embryo. 10 mm, transverse section through heart ventricles and bronchi. (37.7 x ) 130 C. Pig, 10 mm Embryo


epidermis ------0:'1"'~------~:::::'1 root spinal nerve mantle ______==;;;::- laye r

brachial plexus foreleg bud descending aorta mesonephros

esophagus left stem bronchus

apical ectodermal ridge


septum traosversum ventricle figure 117. Pig embryo, 10 mm, transverse section through liver. (3 4x ) TH E MAMMAL 131

spinal cord

subcardinal anastomosis

peritoneal cavity

epid ermis

glomeruli , '. \ ~ \

T1 esonephri c duct

descending aorta notochord

apical ectodermal ri dge common iliac arteries

Figure 11 S, Pig embryo, 10 mm, transverse section through mesonephros. (35.2 x) D. Human Development

Table 3. Some Major Characteristics of Human Development

Wet!k Characteristics

1 Fertilization, cleavage, morula, blastocyst, implantation begins, endoderm of embryo visible 2 Embryonic disc is bi laminar, amniotic cavity appears. implantation complete, primitive placental circulation established 3 Primitive streak forms, gastrulation occurs, begins 4 Heart begins to beat, neural folds fusing. eye and primordia presen t, 4 pairs of branchial arches, arm and leg buds prescnt 5 Lens vesicles, optic cups, nasal pits form; hand and foot plates are paddle shaped; heart atrium dividing 6 Oral and nasal cavities confluent, upper li p formed, arms bent at elbow, fingers distinct but webbed, palate developing 7 Eyelids forming, tip of nose distinct, , urogenital and anal membranes form, trunk elongating and straightening 8 Upper limbs bent at elbows, fingers distinct, anal membrane perforated; urogenital membrane degenerating, testes and ovaries distinguishable, externa l genit~li~ indifferent but beginning to diffe renti~te, ~U e5Sential external and internal structures h~ve begun to form 9 Begins fetal period, genitalia differentiation begins 10 Face has human appearance, genitali~ begin to ,how dist inct male or female ch~racteristics 11 Growth ~nd e l ~bor~tion of all structures continues; at about 12 weeks the sex of the fetus is externally distinguishable 5 weeks 1 week

6 week'

7 weeks

3 w~ ks

6 weeks 36 weeks figure 119. Summary of human development. 133 134 THE MAMMAL

thalamus mesencephalon


cerebral hemisphere pontine flexure

myelencephalon diencephalon epidermis

epiglottis pharynx C'1c---'-, esophagus

tongue mouth


heart forelimbs (hands) '"

I", liver , spinal cord

centrum of vertebra

hindlimbs (feet)

Figure 120. Human embryo, 25 mm, about 8 weeks, sagittal section. (73 x ) pp I Planes and Sections Terminology Used in this Atlas

"'gitta l plane, frontal norizontal tranlVe ~ Or cross plane, yielding ",gitl~1 SKlion plane. yielding fronta l yielding tranwe~ Or Or horizontal ~ ti on crms section Obtaining Frog Embryos for Microscopy for this Atlas

Ma le and female leopard (Rand pipiens) were obtained from commercial dealers. Frogs were ,tored at 4°( unt il rcady for use, at which time they were transferred to room temperature. Female frogs in prebreeding condition were inoculated with frog pituitary gland extract obtained from Carolina Biological Supply Company to induce ovL'lation. This pxtract, made from dried pituitary glands, was mixed with distilled water and then injected into the abdomina l cavities of the fem",le frogs . Eggs were released (.Ifripped) from the female frogs and fertilized by gently squeezing the frogs over a sperm suspension prepared by mincing frog tes tes in spring water or 10% Holtfreter's solution or 10% Amphibian Ringer's solution (formu lae given in this appendix) . The fertilized frog eggs were mJintained in spring water or one of the above mentioned 10% >olutions at room temperaturc. Development proceeded acturding to the timetable givcn earlier in the text. At selected times, embryos were placed in buffer and fixative and prepared for microscopy. Obtaining Chick Embryos for Microscopy for this Atlas

Chick eggs at varioos stages of development were cracked into ringer bowls containing Howard Ringer's solution (formula in this appendix). The blastoderm, or ch ick embryo proper, is seen as a whitish colored disc that lies atop the yolk. The blastoderm was removed from the yolk by cutting around the entire blastoderm with a pair of scissors and gently peeling it off the yolk into the Ringer's solution. The vitelline membrane was usually removed from the blastoderm if it was still attached after the blastoderm was removed from the yolk by gently teasing it loose around the edges of the blastoderm and lift ing it away. The blastoderm was then placed into buffer and fixative by sucking it out of the Ringer' s solution with a wide-mouth pipette. Preparation of Specimens for Scanning Electron Microscopy for this Atlas

Th e embryos used for the scanning ele.:;tron microgra phs were placed in O. IM sodium cacodylate buffer so lution (pH 7.2-7.3) and fi xed in 2.5% glutaral dehyde, 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.0750/.. (aCi, in U.1M sodium cacodylate buffer for 8-24 hours al 4°(, They were the n washed overnight al 40C in U.1M sodium cJcodyl

Armstrong, p, B , A sc~nning electron microscope techn ique for study of the internal microanatomy of embryos, Microscope 19:281 - 284 (1971 L Armstrong, P.B. and D. Parenti, Scarming electron microscopy of the chick embryo, Dcvclopl7"lental Biology 33:457--462 (1973). Karnovsk'{, M.J., A formaldehyde-glutaraldehyde fixative of high osmolal ity for use in electron microscopy, Journal of Cell Bioi08)' 27:137A- 138A 11965). Light Microscopy Equipment Used for this Atlas

Sections larger than 4mm in diameter were studied and photographed with a Wild M-S stereomicroscope and a Nikon F2A camera. All other ~tions were studied and photographed using a Zeiss Photomicroscrope I. Panalomic-X (ASA 32) 35 mm film was used for all micrographs. We thank Professors Anthony Gaudin, Daisy Kuhn, and George Lefevre for permitting us to use their equipment. , Holtfreter's Solution

An amphibian Ringer's solution that is usually used at 10% strength for culturing amphibian material.

Full Strength Formula

Component Quantity

Nae! 3.5 gm KCI 0.05 gm

Caell 0.1 gm

NaHCOJ 0.2 gm Distill ed water 1000 ml Amphibian Ringer's Solution

I\n amphibiJn Ri ngcr"s sol ution that I, lbUdll )' uled At 10",(, st rength io r cuitu rl nr; 'lmphi hian materia l.

Ful l Stre ngth f orm li ia

Component Qu,lnlit y NaC I 6.60 gm KCI O. l 'igm C 1CI, 0.15 gm NaHCO , enou);h to adjust pH to 7.8 Distilleri w ater 1000 ml Howard Ringer's Solution

This is a good isotonic sa line solution for use with living chick material.

Component Quantity

NaCi 7.2 gm

CaCl 2 (2H ~ O) 0.178m (or 0.23 gm) KCI 0.37 gm Distilled water 1000 ml -

• Glossary

acoustic g,mglion 8: Ganglion of cranial nerve 8. adh~ive gland: Ectoderma l thicken ing on the ventral side of the head of frog tadpoles used for attachment to a substratum (such as rocks, plants, etc ) allantois: Extraembryonic sad ike e~ten s ion of the hindgut of amn iotes, serving excretion and respiration. amnion: Extraembryonic membrane of amniotes, inside the chorion, composed of somatopleure. amniotes: Vertebrates possess ing an amnion during development. amniotic cavity: Space between amn ion and embryo proper. anim;!1 region (or 3nimill hemisphere): Region of egg where the nucleus resides, opposite the vegetal region. anterior cardin.. 1 veins: Primitive paired veins of the head . anterior intestinal portill: Opening from midgu t into foregut in amniote5. anterior neuropore: Temporary opening into neu ral tube. anus: Posterior opening of the digestive tube. aorta: Main trunk of the arterial system. aortic arches: Paired arteria l connections between the dorsa l and ventral aortae. apical ectodermal ridge: Ectodermal thickening on limb bud tip. area opaca: Peripheral zone of the chick blastoderm which is attached to the yolk below. area pelludda: Relatively transparent central region of the chick blastoderm underlaid by the subgcrminal space. archenteron: Primitive embryonic digestive tube. archenteron roof: The dorsal covering of the archenteron that becomes the notochord. ascending aorta: Portion of aorta that extends anteriorly from the heart. atrioventricular canal: Passage connecting the heart atrium and ventricle. atrium (of heart): Heart chamber that delivers blood to the ventricle. In the mammalian heart, the ri ght at ri um receives venous blood from the body and delivers it to the right ventricle. The left atr ium receives oxygenated blood from the lu ngs via the pulmonary vein and delivers it to the left ventricle. i 146 GLOSSARY

branchial arches: Series of paired bars in the wall of the pharynx, that give rise to structures including parts of the jaws, skull, and middle ear. branchial clefts: Series of paired perforations in the wall of the pharynx that separate the branchial arches from each other. branchYi srooves: Paired ectodermal invaginations in the wall of tile pharynx. Each groove corresponds to a branchial (pharyngeal) pooch. branchial pouches: See pharyngeal pouches. These are endodermal evaginations of the lateral wall of the pharynx thai form parts of the middle ear, tonsil, thymus, and parathyroid glands. bronchus: Respiratory tube connecting the tracilea with the lungs. bulbus arteriosus: See conus arteriosus. bulbus cordil: See conus arteriosus.

chorion: Outermost extraembryonic membrane of amniotes, composed of s0- matopleure; also used to describe a surface coat exterior to the plasma membrane in the eggs of and tunicates. coetom: Body cavity. common cardirlOll vein: Trunk of the anterior and posterior cardinal veins connecting the sinus venosus. common Iliac ~rterin: Large terminal branches of the aorta. conus arteriosus: (bulbus arteriosus, bulbus cordis) Anterior most portion of the heart, connecting the ventricle with the ventral aorta. comea: Transparent front covering of the eye. cranial nerves (c.n.): nerve pairs arising from the brain. c.n. 3 innervate all inner eye muscles and some extrinsic eye muscles (also called oculomotor nerve). c.n. 4 innervate superior oblique ocular muscles (also called trochlear nerve). C.n. 5 innervate mandibular arch region (also called trigeminal nerve). c.n. 6 innervate external rectus eye muscles. c.n. 7 innervate the hyoid arch. c.n. 8 innervate the (also called the vestioo/ocochlea.r nerve). 9 innervate the third branchial arch (also called glossopharyngeal nerve). c.n. 10 innervate branchial arches 4, S, 6. In the frog tadpole inne1'Vate the lateral line (which forms sense organs in the epidermis) (also called vagus nerve). c.n. 11 innervate muscles of shoulder and pharynx (also called accessory nerve). c.n. 12 innervate tongue muscles (also called hypoglossal nerve). wmu.... oophorus: Follicle cell layers of stratum granulosa surrounding the oocytes of mammals.

dense iLkKhch)m,,: groups of mesenchyme cells (embryonic connective tissue) that will form cartilage. dennatome: Quter region of the somite that gives rise to the dorsal dermis of the skin. descendlnl aorta: Main trunk artery formed by fusion of the paired dorsal aortae. diencephalon: Posterior portion of the forebrain, that forms the thirst center (thal­ amus), hunger center (hypothalamus), the posterior pituitary gland, and the optic vesicles. donnant primary follicles: Small capsules inside tile outer ovary wall of mammals, each containing an immature oocyte and follicle cells. GLOSSARY 147 dorsal aortae: Paired arteries which fuse together posterior to the pharynx to fo rm the descending aorta. . dorsal lip of the blastopore: prospective notochord; th e fir)t reg ion to enter the amphibian embryo during gastrulation. dorsal mesocardium: Dorsal mesentery (supporting membrane) of the heart. dorsal root of spinal nerve: Dorsal portion of sp inal nerve connecting the nerve trunk with the alar plate (dorsa l la teral wall) of the sp inal cord . e<:toderm: Outer germ layer (original part) of the embryo. endocardial cushion: Connective tissue ring that fo rms the valves in the canal between the heart at ri um and ventric le. endocardium: Inner lining of the heart. endoderm: Innermost germ layer of the embryo. endolymphatic duct: Sta lk of the otic vesic le. ependymal layer: Inner layer of primitive neuroepithe li al cells (inner surface nerve ce ll s) of the neural tube. epidermis: Outer epithelial (surface) portion of the skin. epimere: somite; dorsal reg ion of mesoderm consisting of myotome, dermatome, and sclerotome. epimyocardium: Outer la yer of heart. esophagus: Digestive tube connecting pharynJl with stomach. extraembryonic coelom: Cavity outside the embryo proper th at is continuous with the body cavity (coelom) and is surrounded by extrae mbryonic membranes. fertilization membrane: a coat that forms at the su rface of eggs during fertil ization. follicle cells: Cells surrounding oocytes that help nourish and protect the developing oocytes. follicular cavity (antrum): Space inside of the Graafian follicle filled with tlu id. forebrain: Anterior most portion of the bra tn. foregut: Anterior portion of the gut tube. which connects with the midgut and forms the pharynx (and its derivatives), stomach. and duodenum.

ganglion: A group of nerve cells whose ce ll bodies are located outside the centra l . geniculate ganglion 7: GangHon of the seventh cran ial nerve. genital ridge: Thickening of posterior mesoderm that will fo rm the gonad. germinal vesicle: Enlarged nucleus of the oocyte. Graafian follicle: Capsu le in th e mammaHan ovary. conta ining a folHcular cavity. an oocyte, and follicle cells. 148 GLOSSA RY

inferior vena cava: Ma in trunk vein , infundibulum: A ventral evagination of the prosencephalon. internal carotid arteries: Exten.ion. of the dorsa l aortae that provide th e ma in arterial blood supply to the brain. intersomitic grooves: Spaces separati ng somites. interventricular foramen: Opening beM'een the right and left ventricl es of th e heart. interventricular sulcus: Groove on the surface of the heart ventricle ma rk ing the plane of its impending div ision into left and right ven tricles, intestine: Portion of the gut tube posterior to the stomach.

larynx: Voice box leg bud: Rudiment of leg lens: light-focu si ng structure of the eye. : Thickening of head epidermis that will form the lens of the eye. lens vesicle: Sac resulting from an invagi nation of the lens placode whi ch will form the eye lens. limb bud: Rudiment of limb. liver diverticulum: Evagination of gut tha t gives rise to the live r, gall bladder, and common bile duct. lumen: Inner passage of a tu bular structure.

macromeres: large cleavage blastomeres. mandible: lower ja w. mandibuliH arch: Branchial arch I. mandibular process: Posterio r division of mandibu lar arch , mandibular ramus of cranial nerve 5: Poste rior portion of cranial nerve 5, innervat ing the mandible and jaw muscles. mantle layer: Midd le layer of developing neu ral tube. maxillary process: An terior portion of the mandibular arch. meiosis: Divisions of the germ cell line that eventually resul t in the fo rmation of haploid gametes. mesencephalon: Midbrain. mesenchyme: EmbryoniC connective tissue. mesoderm: Middle germ layer (orig inal part) of the embryo. mesomere: between epimere and hypomere: also used to de.Gibe medium-sized cleavage blastomeres. mesonephric duct: Duct connecting mesonephric tubules and cloaca. mesonephric glomeruli: Capilla ries within Bowman's capsules (invaginated kidney tu bules) of the mesonephros. mesonephric tubules: Kidney tubu les of adult and amphibians, and of embryonic birds and mammals. metencephalon: Anterior port ion of hind brain, whi ch gives ri.e to the cerebellum of the brain. micromeres: Small cleavage blastomeres. midgut: Area of digestive tube or prospe<: tive digestive tube between fo regut and hindgut. which forms the jeju num and ileum (po rtions of the small intestine) and the anterior porti on of the la rge in testine , GLOSSA RY 149 mouth: Anteri or opening of the digestive tube. myelencephalon: Posterior portion of hindbrain, which form~ the medulla of the brain. myotome: Somite division that forms the ~ke l etal muscle of the body wall. neural folds: Elevated ridges of the neural plate. neural groove: Trough formed by the bending up of the neural plate. neural plate: Embryonic region that becomes the nervous system. neural : Sensory retina . neural tube: Tube derived from the neural plate that forms the nervous system. : Constricted minor segme nts of the brain. notochord: Fibrocellular rod con~tituting the primitive skeletal axis. nuclear membrane: Membrane surrounding the nucleus. nu cleolus: Dense granule containing ribosomal RNA and proteins, found in the nucleus of cells. Site of ribosome assembly . nucleU$ ; Cell ular organelle containing the chromosomes and usually one or more nucleoli. olfactory pits: Cavities on the lateral reg ion of head, arisi ng by invaginati on of the olfactory placodes, that will form the nasal cavities. olfactory placod€5: Ectoderma l thickenings on the latera l regions of the head that eventually form the nasal passages. oocyte: An immatu re egg, developi ng from the oogonium. that through growth and meiosis gives rise to a mature egg. oogonia: Primordial egg cells that give rise to oocytes and eggs. optic cup: Invaginated outpocketing of the diencephalon of the brain that forms the neural retina and pigmented coat of the eye. : Connection of the optic cup to the diencepha lon. (ear placode; auditory placode): Thickening of head epidermis that eventually forms the inner ear. otic vesicle (ear vesicle; auditory vesicle): Chamber formed from invagination of the otic placode which will form the inner ear. pericardial coelom (pericardial cavity): Cavity around the heart. pha ryngeal pouches: Paired evaginations of the lateral wa ll of the pharynx. pharynx: Anterior portion of the foregut . pigmented layer (of eye): Outer wa ll of optic cup, forming a light-tight coal. pleural cavity: Body cavity surrounding each lung. posterior cardinal veins: Primi tive paired veins of the trun k situated dorsal to the mesone phros (the functiona l kidney of adult fish and amphibians). primary oocytes: Cells arising as a result of growth and DNA duplication in oogonia. primary spermatocytes: Cells aris ing as a result of growth and DNA duplication in spermatogonia. primitive knot: See Hensen·s node. primitive streak: Thickening in the surface of some embryos at the beginning of gastru lation. 150 GLOSSARY

proamnion: Cresent-shaped area around the head of early bird embryos. prosencephalon: Forebrain. prospective (presumptive) region: The region of an early embryo that will become a specific structure in the embryo's later development.

residual bodies: Particles of cytoplasm discarded by the spermatids as they dif­ ferentiate into mature sperm. rhombencephalon: Hindbrain.

sclerotome: Medial somite region that gives rise to the vertebral column. secondary oocyte: A meiotic product of primary oocyte. secondary spermiltocyte: Product of the meiotic division of a primary'spermatOCyte. segmental mesoderm: Prospective somites. semilunar ganglion 5: Ganglion (aggregation of nerve cells) of cranial nerve 5. seminiferous tubules: Sperm-forming tubules of the testis. 5ertoli cells: Cells in the testis that support and nourish developing sperm. shrinkage artifact: Separation of cellular components or tissues due to the preparation of the material for study; absent in the living organism. sinus venosus: Posterior chamber of the embryonic heart that receives venous blood. somatic mesoderm: Hypomere mesoderm in close contact with ectoderm. somatopleure: Combination of somatic mesoderm and ectoderm. somite: Epimere; dorsal region of mesoderm consisting of myotome, dermatome, and sclerotome. Epimere or somite consists of segments of mesoderm termed somites. sperm (spermatozoan): Mature male gamete. spermatid: Product of the meiotic division of a secondary spermatocyte. spermatocyte: Stage in the maturation of the male gamete preceding the spermatid stage. spemIiltogonium: Primordial sperm cell that gives rise to spermatocytes and sperm. spinal cord: The portion of the posterior to the brain. spinal ganglia: Ganglia on the dorsal roots of spinal nerves. splolnchnic mesoderm: Hypomere mesoderm in close contact with endoderm. splanchnopleure: The combination of splanchnic mesoderm and endoderm. stomach: Enlarged section of the foregut posterior to the esophagus. stomodeum: Ectodermal invagination that forms the mouth cavity. stratum granulosa: Follicle cell-derived layer surrounding the inside of large ovarian follicles. subcardinal anastomosis: Medial interconnection between left and right suocardinal veins. subgenninal space: The space between the chick embryo blastoderm and the underlying yolk. GLOSSARY 151 tail bud: Rudiment of the tail and posterior trunk of an embryo. tail fin: Blade-like extension of the tail edge in amphibians. telencephalon : Anterior portion of the forebrain. theca edema: The outer layer of the amphibian oval)'; the outer layer of mammalian Graafian follicles. th eca interna: A layer containing blood vessels, connective tissue, and endocrine glands, situated between the theca externa and the stratum granulosa of large ovarian follicles. trachea: Tubular connection of Iilf)'nx (or lal)'ngotracheal groove) and lung bronchi. tunica albuginea: Fibrous connective tissue covering the oval)' and testis.

vegetal region (vegetal hemisphere): Region of egg, opposite the animal region; yolk often accumulates in the vegetal region. ventral aorta: Outlet of the embryonic heart that lies in the floor of the pharynx and conducts blood from the bulbus cordis (bulbus arteriosus, conus arteriosus) to the aortic arches. ventral lip of blastopore: Lower or belly region adjOining the blastopore; last region to enter the blastopore during amphibian gastrulation . ventricle (of heart): Thick waned heart chamber that receives blood from the atrium. In the mammalian heart, the right ventricle delivers venouS blood from the right atrium to the lungs via the . The left ventricle delivers oxygenated blood (from the lungs and left atrium) to the body via the aorta. ventricular septum: Muscular partition between the right and left ventricles.

wing bud: Wing rudiment.

yolk plug: The center of the circular blastopore in amphibian embryos, consisting of yolky endoderm cells. yolk sac: Bag-like extraembryonic membrane extending from the midgut. yolky endoderm: Large cells fil led with yolk such as those in the floor of the amphibian midgut.

ltona pellucida: A surface coat exterior to the pla$ma membrane of mammalian 'W·