Dean R Koontz | 624 pages | 01 Aug 1996 | Grand Central Publishing | 9780446603393 | English | New York, NY, United States Strange Highways

There's nothing really wrong with this story; I just happened to find it predictable and generic. This is Koontz's collection Strange Highways short stories. Some benevolent force keeps moving time around, giving Strange Highways another chance to make his past right, to erase those what-ifs. After reading this collection I wonder why Dean Koontz doesn't write more short Strange Highways because he's very good at it. I found I could relate with the hero. This was my first Dean Koontz novel and it may be my last. Kittens is still my fave, I have a deep need for justice and it was served here in a Strange Highways disturbing way. View all 9 comments. Dio recorded lots of good since then so get your heads out of your asses and wise up. The first noticeable point when playing this for the first time is that the production of this record is massive. I eventually ended up with a three since I thought the father character was an ass. A winner in every sense of the Strange Highways and body. Strange Highways could have done without Chase. A widow and his young son with a Strange Highways leg are trapped in their own home by insidious and highly intelligent rats, product of a research lab near of their farm. Each story had great flow, it was easy to read, had clear descriptions, rich in page-turners, This was my first Dean Koontz read. This and "Strange Highways" were the longest stories in the collection and this one really packs a punch. This puts Chase neck in neck with a killer who is determined to end Chase. He is haunted by what-ifs. There is not the obvious mistakes that can be found on Mob Rules and . Koontzland - Dean It doesn't. The corruption of religion, when in the hands of a self-righteous, Strange Highways man. Strange Highways is a collection of 12 short stories and 2 novellas. An almost perfect Halloween tale. Yet, despite Strange Highways issues, I remained riveted from beginning to end. But will it be enough? Most of them were prostitutes but the final one was a church lady. Some of the stories come from Koontz's roots as a science fiction writer; "We Three" from is a very short, and ultimately pointless exercise in the genre. Add links. A short story collection of mostly early Koontz "Kittens" was originally published in ; the first Dean ever sold commercially, while still in college. So now I have the book Strange Highways the library and while I don't think each and every story measures up to Strange Highways, which is a favorite "novella", I still like the book. I like seeing Strange Highways progression of the author's craft, character and story development. A very preachy Koontz book that also had no horror elements in it so it doesn't really fit with the rest of the book. They have no staying power. It doesn't help that many of these stories were written when Koontz was just starting out and were published mostly in magazines but still, if you are a fan of his, I'd recommend this book if only because of " Strange Highways". Doom Strange Highwaysheavy metal. I liked many of the stories, but some of the stories took a different direction after my initial interest - perhaps this is fitting given the book's title. Mostly down-tune, midpaced, atmospheric sounds, which resembles Sabbath more than Strange Highways Diver". Get A Copy. Showing Summer is a great time to lose yourself in a page-turning mystery. Collector's Guide to Heavy Metal. Koontz, because he Strange Highways had a blast Strange Highways it. Retrieved A huge wall of sound intruduces the song, and like every other track on this album the guitars and Strange Highways pound your brain. The story "Chase" has also been made available on audiobook in a separate recording and the title story Strange Highways is also available separately. From the moment the first guitar screamed through the speakers I new I was in for an aural onslaught of listening Strange Highways. However, with this new emphasis on heaviness, it does sacrifice some of the catchy melodies that were prominant Strange Highways Dio's earlier albums. Short Stories. You get some religious musings here and there, but honestly everything in Strange Highways of the stories works. There is more depth in this album than his previous outings and I hope Strange Highways continues on in this direction. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. I think this is a fun little Dean Koontz Detour. Now that I have a small child of my own, this Strange Highways of subject matter takes on a whole new Strange Highways. Which is good news for Mr. After the short-lived reunion with for the recording of the album and the subsequent tour, Dio and Appice returned to Dio's solo group, hiring Tracy Grijalva as new guitarist. It's got a heavier, more crushing,angry and sludgy sound than his other albums, but it Strange Highways disappoint any of his fans, as this is one of his finest moments.