Arizona MISS Division Registration form for the “The Search is On” The judges’ selection will advance and compete in the 2018 MISS ARIZONA USA® Pageant. The MISS ARIZONA USA® Pageant is independently produced by Casting Crowns Productions, Inc. under license from Miss Universe, L.P.,LLLP. MISS USA® and MISS TEEN USA® and all variants therefore, and the “Woman with Stars” Logo are all registered trademarks and copyrights of Miss Universe L.P., LLLP. Please complete the Entry and Registration sections of this form, carefully read the Rules, Regulations & Eligibility information. This document must be completed, signed and dated. PLEASE PRINT: MUST BE AT LEAST 18 AND UNDER 28 AS OF JANAURY 1, 2018 Name________________________________________________Age_______Date of Birth________________Age on 1/01/2018________ Address____________________________________________________City________________________State_________Zip__________ County_____________________Email_______________________________________Verify Email________________________________ Cell Phone Number_________________________________________Home Phone Number_____________________________________ Each contestant must secure their position for “THE SEARCH” by submitting the following: ► REGISTARTION - Email your Registration Form by August 1st or bring with you to registration on Sunday 8/6/17 q There is limited number of spots for each title, so email us at
[email protected] to confirm your spot(s). Your spot will be reserved after fees are paid. In your email please state the following: 1) Your name 2) Your State 3) That you are competing in the MISS division . q Check the title(s) you want to compete for: q MISS VALLEY OF THE SUN USA q MISS SAGUARO USA q MISS SONORAN DESERT USA q $40 fee for each title - go to this link to pay online: an-online-payment/ - or bring money order or cash to registration on August 6, 2017.