Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Emily Gaarder ______


Associate Professor, University of Minnesota-Duluth Anthropology, Sociology, & Criminology Department Cina Hall 228 Duluth, MN 55812 Phone: (218) 726-7094 Email: [email protected]


Arizona State University Ph.D., Justice Studies, 2005 ​

University of Cincinnati M.A., Women’s Studies, 1999 ​

University of Minnesota-Morris B.A., Political Science and English majors; Women’s Studies minor, 1994 ​


Undergraduate Courses, University of Minnesota-Duluth Criminology Sociology Restorative Justice Sociology of Gender Identities & Systems Women & Justice Environmental Sociology Race, Crime & Justice Peace Studies Victimology Critical Animal Studies Criminological Theory Corporate & Government Deviance Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Special Topics: Critical Criminologies Feminist Activism and Community Organizing

Graduate Courses, University of Minnesota-Duluth Master of Liberal Studies Program Theories, Methods, & Applications of Graduate Study

Master of Criminology Program Restorative Justice Gender & Crime Qualitative Research Methods Alternative Paradigms in Criminology


Gaarder, Emily. (2017). “Restorative Justice.” In Avi Brisman, Eamon Carrabine, and Nigel South ​ (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Criminological Theory and Concepts. ​

Gaarder, Emily (2016). “An Invitation to Community: Restorative Justice Circles for Intimate ​ ​ Partner Violence.” Tikkun (online version of magazine), February. ​ ​ ​

Gaarder, Emily. (2015). “Lessons from a Restorative Circles Initiative for Intimate Partner ​ Violence.” Restorative Justice: An International Journal 3(3): 1-26. [Lead article] ​ ​

Gaarder, Emily, and Denise Hesselton. (2012). “Connecting Restorative Justice and ​ Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls.” Contemporary Justice Review 15(3): 239-264. ​ ​

Gaarder, Emily. (2009). “Addressing Violence against Women: Alternatives to State-based Law ​ and Punishment.” In Randall Amster, Abraham Deleon, Luis Fernandez, Anthony Nocella II, and Deric Shannon (eds.), Contemporary Anarchist Studies: An Introductory Anthology of ​ Anarchy in the Academy. : Routledge, pp. 46-56. ​

Presser, Lois, Emily Gaarder, and Denise Hesselton. (2007). “Imagining Restorative Justice ​ ​ Beyond Recidivism.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 46(1/2): 163-176. ​ ​

Gaarder, Emily and Lois Presser. (2006). “A Feminist Vision of Justice? The Problems and ​ Possibilities of Restorative Justice for Girls and Women.” In Dennis Sullivan & Larry Tifft (eds.), The Handbook of Restorative Justice: A Global Perspective. London: Routledge, pp. ​ ​ ​ 483-494.

Presser, Lois and Emily Gaarder. (2000). “Can Restorative Justice Reduce Battering? Some ​ ​ Preliminary Considerations.” Social Justice 27(1): 175-195. ​ ​

● Reprinted in: Presser, Lois and Emily Gaarder. (2004). “Can Restorative Justice Reduce Battering?” ​ ​ In Barbara Raffel Price and Natalie J. Sokoloff (eds.), The Criminal Justice System and ​ Women: Offenders, Prisoners, Victims, and Workers (3rd edition). New York: McGraw ​ Hill, pp. 403-418.


2017 “Feminism and Restorative Justice: Accountability and Healing for Sexual Assault and ​ Intimate Partner Violence”. Critical Intersections of Crime and Social Justice, Norfolk, VA. ​ ​

2014 “Restorative Justice Meets the Duluth Model: Integrating Restorative Justice with a Community Coordinated Response to Partner Abuse.” American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.

2013 “Restorative Circles & Intimate Partner Abuse: The Results of a Duluth, MN Pilot Program.” American Society of Criminology. San Francisco, CA.

2010 “Restorative Justice ‘In a Different Voice’: Family & Community Circles for Young Female Offenders” (with Denise Hesselton). Justice Studies Association. Knoxville, TN.

2008 “Sentencing Circles and Domestic Violence: Examining a Pilot Program in Minnesota.” Justice Studies Association. Fairfax, VA.

2007 “Connecting Restorative Justice with Gender-Responsive Programming” (with Denise Hesselton). American Society of Criminology. Los Angeles, CA.

2006 “Social Protest, Political Lawbreaking, and Restorative Justice: Using Nonviolent Communication.” Justice Studies Association. Berkeley, CA.

2004 “Beyond ‘Crime’: Using Restorative Justice in Community Places and Activist Spaces.” American Society of Criminology. Nashville, TN.

2003 “Putting Peacemaking to the Test: How One Community Learned to Confront Sexism and Violence.” Justice Studies Association. Albany, NY.

2002 “After September 11: How Do We Teach Restorative Justice?” Justice Studies Association. Portland, ME.

2001 “A Feminist Vision of Justice? Transforming State-Sanctioned Punishment to Restorative Justice.” Justice Studies Association. Norton, MA.

1999 “Critical Issues: Restorative Justice and Domestic Violence” (with Lois Presser). Academy ​ ​ ​ ​ of Criminal Justice Sciences. Orlando, FL.


2017 “Trigger Warnings and Other Strategies to Address Trauma-Related Topics in the Classroom” (with Maureen Tobin-Stanley). Presentation organized by the UMD Sexual Assault, Relationship Violence, and Stalking Task Force and the Women's Resource and Action Center.

2013 “Duluth Community Restorative Circles” (with Judge Shaun Floerke and Scott Miller). Professional presentation given at the EMERGE national conference for professionals who work with domestic violence offenders and survivors, Minneapolis, MN.

2010 Invited Roundtable Participant, policy discussion on the war in with U.S. Senator Al Franken, St. Paul, MN.

2009 “Restorative Justice and Intimate Partner Violence.” Guest lecture for Restorative Justice class, Sociology/Anthropology Department, University of Minnesota-Duluth.

2008 “Evaluating Restorative Justice for Girls: Lessons from Ethnographic Fieldwork.” College of Liberal Arts (CLA) Research Thursdays (with Denise Hesselton).

2007 “Restorative Justice.” Guest lecture for Law and Human Behavior class, Legal Studies Program, University of Wisconsin-Superior.

2004-05 “Restorative Justice.” Guest lecture for Philosophy of Law and Punishment class, University of Minnesota-Duluth, Duluth, MN.

2005 “Working with Juvenile Female Offenders.” Guest lecture for Human Behavior in the Social Environment class, Social Work Department, College of St. Scholastica.

2004 “Restorative Justice in our Local Community.” Workshop for Quixote’s Garage, a Catholic Worker Community, Prescott, AZ.

2003 “Using Restorative Justice in the Schools.” Workshop for high school teachers and administrators at Kestrel High School, Prescott, AZ.


2007-present Trainer for Domestic Violence Restorative Circles program. Duluth, MN.

2017 Consultant/Trainer for the YWCA of Duluth: “Understanding and Using Restorative Justice in Your Work.”

2017 Consultant/Trainer for Arrowhead Regional Corrections (Justice-Involved Women Task Force): “Gender Responsive Programming” (with Janis Greene and Katya Gordon).

2014-2015 Trainer for Conflict Resolution Center (CRC), Minneapolis, MN

2011-2012 Consultant, Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs, Family Visitation Center Survey and focus group development and implementation.

2009 Consultant/Trainer for the Minnesota Correctional Association: “From Gender Theory to Responsive Practice.”

2007 Consultant, Men as Peacemakers Developed, implemented, and analyzed the results of an evaluation for the Girls’ Restorative Circle program. Wrote a final evaluation report to their grant agency.

2006 Consultant, Men as Peacemakers Developed & facilitated a restorative justice circle model to promote dialogue across difficult community issues in Duluth (with Matt Johnson)


2007-present Restorative Justice Circle Facilitator, Domestic Violence Restorative Circles program. Duluth, MN.

2006-present Steering Committee, Domestic Violence Restorative Circles program. Duluth, MN.

2005-2007 Restorative Justice Circles Facilitator, RISK and Reintegration programs at Men as Peacemakers. Duluth, MN.

2002-05 Mediator for the Victim-Offender Mediation Program (VOMP), Attorney General’s Office. Prescott, AZ.

2001 Community Juvenile Justice Panels. Assisting victims of crime and juvenile offenders in mediation processes and family group conferencing. Tempe, AZ.