Archdiocese of Miami Volume XXII No. 1 U.S. Arms key to Salvadorean killing By NC News Service escalating violations of human rights, mostly by its security forces. never found anyone More recently the legal aid of the to take her letter to the senator. In it San Salvador Archdiocese, Socorro she echoed the warning of others jn Juridico, said that during the raid by troubled that U.S. military Salvadoran soldiers of a church aid was being used to repress peasants refugee camp at the end of November and others. 1980, many refugees testified they saw Miss Donovan was murdered early in foreign officers leading the raid. December near the San Salvador air- SOCORRO JURIDICO reported in its port along with three other U.S. widely circulated bulletin that the raid missionaries who had worked included five tanks and four armored alongside peasants for several years. trucks and a detachment of 40 troops. The letter, found among her They entered the camp located on the belongings, reached her parents in grounds of the major seminary, in Miami, who sent it to Sen. Edward downtown San Salvador, where the Kennedy in Washington. archdiocesan offices, the Catholic "THE BULLET that killed her was an radio station and the Catholic weekly American bullet," Miss Donovan's newspaper's headquarters were also mother, Patricia Donovan, said tear- raided. It reported that soldiers fully. destroyed the camp clinic after In February Archbishop Oscar beating several refugees and the man Romero of San Salvador urged in charge of food supplies. Socorro President Carter to stop military Juridico identified by name five mem- assistance to the military-civilian junta bers of the paramilitary group Orden because, he said, the aid had fallen "in- who participated in, and ad- to hands of the unscrupulous ded: "According to testimony of the military...and will only intensify refugees and of archdiocesan em- repression" of the people. He was ployees, several foreign officers were killed by an assassin's bullet in March. in command of the raid. They sard that The administration in Washington from the color of their hair and com- had granted $200,000 in November, plexion, their unusual height and ac- 1979, for military equipment and cent, there was no doubt that they training and was readying $5.7 million were North Americans." more, which was eventually delivered. Most Salvadorans are short and have Bishops in the , Great dark hair and complexions. Britain and Central America supported Junta sources say there are five of- Archbishop Romero's request that the ficers in what they call the U.S. halt such military aid. Many "operational planning and assistance congressmen questionned the team," led by a colonel from the propriety of this aid when the Special Forces School at Fort Bragg, evidence pointed to the junta's N.C. YOUNG GUERRILLAS-Young guerrillas make their way down a trail in El Salvador inability to control guerrillas and continued on p. 5 carrying automatic rifles. Thousands of the young militants are teen-agers who volunteered or were recruited for battle in the troubled Central American nation. Pope's document (NC Photo) Has meaning for the divorced, polities? By Nancy Frazier Irish Redemptorist Father Sean "does not indicate a concrete move" ROME (NC) - Pope John Paul ll's new cyclical) is just a nice pious develop- O'Riordan, who teaches a course on on the church's ministry to divorced ment on justice doesn't know anything encyclical on the mercy of Cod is an the theology of marriage in the and remarried catholics, Father essentially spiritual document with about theology," said Jesuit Father modern world at the Alphonsian O'Riordan said it encourages one to Robert Faricy, a professor at the implications for such controversial Academy in Rome,, said Pope John look at problem marriages "not just in church issues a liberation theology Gregorian University. Paul's enyclical "Dives in Misericordia" terms of an ideal but in their real cir- "I think what the pope was doing and divorced Catholics/according to (Rich in Mercy) provides a foundation cumstances." theologians in Rome. was hitting at the one critical weakness for possible changes in the church's at- "ANYONE WHO thinks this (the en- of liberation theology — the lack of It could be the basis for the titude towards the divorced and mercy — and at communism because remarried. 'I would have liked an en- development of a church at- it lacks a doctrine of love," added "Ifs essentially a calj to an attitude of cyclical which would have Father Faricy, a native of St. Paul, Minn. titude based less on law than mind and spirit," he said, "and it could admitted that we have work to Describing the document as "the on compassion/ — Fr. O'Rior- be the basis for the development of a best encyclical I've ever read," he said church attitude based less on law than do in our own community' — it was "not only up-to-date but dan. on compassions." Fr. McBrien. breaking new ground on moral Although he said the encyclical continued < RUN OUT OF TOWN - Father Salvatore Pagliuca, 61, stands in/front of the rubble of Santa Maria Assun- ta Church in Balvano, Italy. The church was destroyed 15 days earlier by an ear- thquake during a Mass and 70 people inside were killed. Angry parishioners have since run the priest out of town charging that he failed to spend all the money collected five years ago to restore the old chur- ch. Money spent could have prevented the collapse parishioners claimed. (NC Photo).

Clandestine News At A Glance church exists Priest brother defends Haig... Woman's ordination stirs protest BALTIMORE (NC) - "He has very clear ideas of himself in ser- LONDON (NC) — The ordination of an Anglican woman in USSR vice to the republic and as a Catholic layman," said Jesuit deacon in Wales Dec. 20 led to a protest demonstration that Father Frank Haig, of his brother Alexander M. Haig Jr., after the VATICAN CITY (NC) - In a was surprising because she was not the first woman to be or- direct challenge to the Soviet retired general was nominated to be secretary of state. dained a deacon in the Welsh Anglican Church. government, the Ukrainian-Rite Catholic Bishops publicly ... Church officials say little Peace, freedom threatened in '81 acknowledged the existence of WASHINGTON (NC) - Church officials concerned with U.S. a clandestine VATICAN CITY (NC) - Both peace and freedom are in the Soviet Union and praised foreign policy have had little to say about the nomination of Ukrainian Catholics for their retired Gen. Alexander M. Haig as secretary of state, mainly threatened by terrorism, totaliarian systems, religious "martyrdom." because so little is known about Haig's foreign policy views in repression and economic inequalities, Pope John Paul II said in areas of concern to church groups. The bishops made the com- his message for the 1981 World Day of Peace, Jan. 1. ments in a joint pastoral letter approved at their Nov. 25-Dec. Bishops' workshop scheduled 2 synod in Vatican City. UN calls for moves against apartheid NOTRE DAME, Ind. (NC) - A leadership workshop for A summary of the letter was released Dec. 19 at the bishops, held for the first time in June by the University of UNITED NATIONS (NC) - The United Nations General Vatican. The full text of the Notre Dame, will be repeated in 1981. The 10-day program, Assembly has adopted a series of resolutions on South Africa Ukrainian-language letter is to entitled "The Ministry of the Bishop - Leadership and which, in effect, call for an international mobilization against be made public in early Mutuality," focuses on decision-making and planning. It will be apartheid. January. heldjune21-july2. According to the summary, Pope: no conflict between science, faith the letter was written to give Japan's Catholics to pay cost of Pope's visit Ukrainian-Rite Catholics "a VATICAN CITY (NC) - During a meeting Dec. 22 with 12 paternal word of comfort in TOKYO (NC) - The Catholic Church in Japan has asked Nobel Prize winners, Pope John Paul II said the period of con- their suffering and per- Catholics in Nagasaki to contribute the equivalent of $50 each flict between science and faith has ended. secution, which continue to help pay for Pope John Paul ll's visit there next February, ruthlessly up to now, em- church sources in Tokyo said. phasizing the great benefits to Human rights worse in Chile the universal church of their Nuns leave Malta in protest UNITED NATIONS (NC) - The human rights situation in Chile martyrdom." worsened in 1980, affecting the activities of the Catholic Chur- Referring to Catholics living in VALLETTA, Malta (NC) - Six Irish and Scottish nuns left Malta ch and academic life, according to a report to the United the Ukraine, the bishops called under protest Dec. 20 after refusing a government request to Nations General Assembly. the group a "Christian com- give up half of hospital their congregation had run since 1911. munity of the catacombs" and said that "ecclesial discipline" N.Y. park named for Pope is of key importance. Pope to visit Far East "You have among you your NEW YOR (NC) - The New York City Council's Committee on pastors, who in the name of VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II announced Dec. 21 Parks has unanimously approved renaming an area in front of Christ and as his vicars announ- that he will visit the Philippines, Guam and Japan Feb. 16-27 on St. Stanislaus Kostka Church in as Pope John Paul II ce the divine word to you and his ninth trip outside Italy as pope. Square. bless you with the holy sacraments in houses, in hiding, arid at the risk of their lives," the letter said. Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy "Pray for your pastors and priests, obey them as if they Voice President. The Voice Publishing Co. Inc. were Christ himself," it addea. > weeklyy p paW circulation Robert L. 0'Steen (USPS 622-620) "Help them. Guard them from 51.0051000 Archdiocese of Miami lying people who follow them Distributed to the home by mail Editor Weekly Publication around to denounce them for on Friday and bought in 132 chinches on Sunday, 50 weeks in George Ramon-Feature. Editor Don Dugan-Sales Management Consultant MAILING ADDRESS unlikely things in order to P O. BOX 3*-tOS9 defame them and damage the year. Miami. Fla. 33131 Jos* P. Alonao-Spanish Editor George Lazcano-Promotional Director TELEPHONES them." Second class postage paid at News 7SS4M3 Miami, Floridaa. SubscriptioSp n rates Ana Rodriguez-Staff Writer Victor M. Rejon-Marketing Director Advertising 7S4 2SS1 The bishops said there were $7.50 a year. ForeigFi n $$101 . Single signs of hope for the Ukrainian- copy 25C. Published every Friday Edith Miller-Bookkeeper June Meyers-Classified Advertising Circulation 7S4 26S2 except weeks including Christmas H. Lauderdaie S2S 5157 Rite church especially among and Independence Day. Kathleen McGowan-1 Circulation Manager W.PaknBch I33-1K1 its young people. 1981/ Look what's coming in '81 My beloved: We hope to begin construction on a library facility A joyous and blessed New Year. My prayer for at St. John's Seminary. In her Will, Mrs. Maytag, of each of you is that 1981 will be a year of health, of blessed memory, left a substantial contribution growth in grace and happiness. May it be a year toward this project. The library will be open to all of the parish activities, the schools, the institutions, when we, members of the Archdiocese who have the members or the Archdiocese, the organizations and movements that are devotedly been given the privilege and responsibility of living We also hope to begin construction on our new doing the work of the Kingdom among us year in out the teachings'of Jesus, will make progress in our Diocesan Center (Chancery building) on a site on and year out. spiritual lives and be effective in bringing the Biscayne Boulevard in Miami Shores. This will per- I have been referring to our new initiatives which I blessings of the Gospel to whomever we associate mit us to accomodate all of our offices in one feel reflect what the Holy Father had in mind when with, wherever we go. building rather than in the several temporary he said (July 7), "Mindful, certainly, and jealously In our Evangelization efforts during 1981, we are facilities in use since the beginning of the Archdio- guarding what the authentic history of the Church planning to continue our attemps to, enrich, cese. has accumulated for this and future generations, spiritually and in all ways, the lives of the families of A munificent benefactor has contributed one but conscious that the building, until the last the Archdiocese. We are planning also to open a million dollars toward this project. Selling the other moment of time, demands new work, demands new phase of Evangelization-enrichment of Gospel buildings will provide additional funding. We hope laborious, fresh, generous building, as if the Church, living through enrichment of parish life. Our that funding will also be available from those who the divine building, should begin today to take up parishes and participation in parish activity are key will make memorial gifts of rooms of furnishings in her adventurous challenge to attain the heights of to growth in the life of Jesus Christ. the building. Their gifts will be ideal memorials for heaven." We are planning that during 1981 each parish will they will be at the very heart of the life of the Chur- Devotedly yours in Christ, reflect on its effectiveness as a supportive spiritual ch and will be in use for many generations. I will be community for its members. Parisnes will be asking grateful if anyone interested would write me direc- whether they are effectively reaching all their tly- members, the youth, the elderly, the minorities. With all I have said, I have only scratched the sur- Edward A. McCarthy They will be evaluating their effectiveness in com- face of the activities of the Church. I have said little Archbishop of Miami munication, in projecting a spirit of hospitality, in revealing a community spirit through their style of liturgical prayer. We are planning that the Lenten Season have as its special theme the role of the parish in the mem- bers' growth in holiness in Jesus Christ and in com- municating the graces of the parish in our lives of Faith, prayer and love. And I hope that many prayer-discussion groups will meet during the weeks of Lent to explore these themes. Finally,. as a means of strengthening the parish relationship, we are planning that during 1981 every home be visited by representatives of the. parish, simply to bring an expression of interest, en- couragement and the support of the parish to the individual homes. I hope you will pray for the success of this program that has been worked out with our priests and our Evangelization Commission. It has enor- mous potential for the spiritual renewal and outreach of the Church in these days when a new spirit is so critically needed. The new year, of course, will see our annual AB- CD appeal. We can take special satisfaction this year in the things we have been accomplishing through our united efforts. During 1980, we opened an Archdiocesan nursing home in Broward County. The Carmelite Sisters also opened their new nursing home in Palm Beach County. We completed Carroll Manor.a facility for the elderly - and we have additional facilites near completion near St. Dominic's Parish in Miami and near St. Helen's Parish in Fort Lauderdale. We opened new high schools in Boca Raton and in Naples. We opened 3 new parishes, and we opened a new Catholic Service Bureau office in Hialeah. We were involved in assisting the great number of Cuban, Haitian and 'Nicaraguan refugees who come into our midsts, and we continued all of our programs of Catholic Social Services. We acquired a building adjoining the Cathedral Activities Center to serve the organizations and movements of the Archdiocese, and we opened in Naples a center to serve the Mexican-Americans of the area, and we acquired a number of sites for new parishes. STATUE OF THE RISEN CHRIST, honoring the late Arch- of Jesus to Martha: "I am the resurrection and the life- he What does 1981 bring? We hope to explore more bishop Carroll and priests buried in Our Lady of Mercy who believes in me, even if he die, shall live.. "The Arch- facilites for the elderly. I am specially concerned Cemetery, Miami, is blessed by Archbishop McCarthy in bishop also dedicated a parcel of land for Cubans to Our •• about Palm Beach, Naples and Key West. his first public appearance since being hospitalized in Lady of Charity, patroness of Cuba. November. Engraved at the Statue's base are the words

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PAINTING TEXTURED COATINGS Member of Miami Dade Ft Lauderdale and RE-ROOFING Palm Beach Chamber ol Commerce ± • RESIDENTIAL GUARANTEED FOR Miami and Dade County Office Ph. 944-3422 • COMMERCIAL AS LONG AS YOU OWN ROOF REPAIRS • CONDOMINIUMS YOUR HOME-BEAUTIFIES Ft. Lauderdale and Broy^rd County Office ., , Ph. 5224768, -INSULATES Boca Raton - Delray .Office • CO-OPS GUTTERS Ph. 27*4862 iW.^lm Beach ft ftilm Beach County Office _Ph. 832-I Meaning for divorced and politics continued from p. 1 the order's Maryland province who makes it easier than most encyclicals." the church. I would have liked an en- theology, spiritual theology and chur- teaches at the Gregorian University's In the United States, Father Richard cylical which would have admitted ch involvement in the world." Institute of Spirituality, also praised the McBrien, chairman of the theology that we have work to do in our own The encyclical's main message, said footnote and said it "should delight department at the University of Notre community." . Father Faricy, is that "the dealing women." . Dame, called the encyclical "a fine, "THE LAST THING you find in the power of God's mercy can heal both But rejecting the idea that the en- biblically based meditation on the hearts of many conservative Catholics social structures and human hearts." cyclical was intended as a political nature of mercy, which shows us what is mercy;" said Father McBrien, citing He called it a "guidebook" for social commentary, he said he thought "the we already know, that the pope is a some nationally-circulated Catholic justice issues and for pastoral attitudes pope took great pains to avoid man of learning arid theological sen-, newspaper and letters to the editor in in the administration of the sacraments politicizing it/' sitivity who can handle serious various diocesan newspapers. "There of healing - penance, the Eucharist He said Pope John Paul wanted to theological questons." is a mean streak in some American and anointing of the sick. tell Catholics to "always affect changes But Father McBien added, the en- Catholics that is inconsistent with ANOTHER THEOLOGIAN in Rome, on the world scale, but that the cyclical "lays itself open to the cynical everything the pope is saying in the who asked not to be identified, had a changes have to start from the. human response that the pope is extolling encyclical," he-said, but nothing in the less optimistic view of the impact of heart." • . mercy but not connecting that with in- encyclical would make such people "Dives in Misericordia." 'The message • "I think it is a mistake to interpret it as stances in the church in which mercy is feel they were being reproached. is good, but the way of expressing it is a political statement rather than a not being practiced." The theologian the encyclical is "consistent with the awfully abstract," he said. profoundly spiritual one, although it cited the situations of divorced and pope's approach, which is not to apply The theologican said the pope's may have political corollaries," Father remarried Catholics and of priests who his vision of th gospel in the world to second encyclical was likely to nave a Maruca added. are unable to exercise their ministry the church," Father McBrien said. He much less significant impact on the But he admitted that readers un- when they marry. said the pope tends to see more shar- church than his first, "Redemptor trained in philosophy, "May be put off "It is not an encyclical that makes us ply what the church is calling the Hominis" (Redeemer of Man), and said by its length and its demanding style stand up and take notice," Father Mc- world to do than whatthe members of he thought it was aimed primarily at and philosophical language." Brien said. "It does not connect the church are called to do as a sign to interpersonal relationships than at A STAFF MEMBER at the Gregorian's specifically with issues in society and the world.) larger political or social issues. Biblical Institute disagreed with that But he praised ajengthy footnote to assessment of the difficulty of the the document \Ho. 52) for its com- document, however. "Ifs more con- Notre Dame choir to perform mentary on God as both father and crete, less formal" than previous en- Two concert workshop performan- members of parish liturgy committees, mother. cyclicals, he said "The pope is talking ces by the University of Notre Dame directors of religious education and to Father Dominic Maruca, a Jesuit from to ordinary people, and I think that Chapel Choir are slated the first week anyone involved in the planning and of January in Hallandale and Miami preparation of liturgical celebrations. under the auspices of the Archdiocese Performances will begin at 7:30 p.m. of Miami Office of Worship -and on Monday, Jan. 5 at St. Matthew Official Spiritual Life. The Chancery announces that Arch- Church, 542 Blue Heron Dr., Hallan- 1980. The choir, a mixed ensemble of 60 dale and on Wednesday, January 7 at bishop McCarthy has made the THE REV. MICHAEL GIGANTE, O.M.I. following appointments: students, 47 of whom are in the St. Louis Church, 7270 SW 120th St., — to Pastor, St. Monica Parish, Opa touring choir, was founded in 1973 South Miami. THE REV. WILLIAM ROMERO - to Locka, effective January 21, 1981, and will be making their first ap- Reservations may be made by calling Associate Pastor, St. Christopher upon nomination by his Superior. pearance in Florida after touring the Parish, Hobe Sound, effective Decem- the Office of Worship at 757-6241, Ext. mid-Atlantic, mid-western and 241. Palm Beach residents may call ber 20,1980. THE REV. JOHN MORRISSEY, O.M.I. southern states. THE REV. JAMES MELLEY - to toll-free 833-1951 and BrowafdCoun- — to Associate Pastor, St. Monica Designed to be both entertaining tians may call toll-free 522-5776. Associate Pastor, St. Agnes Parish, Key Parish, Opa Locka, effective January and informative through the incor- Biseayne, effective January 7,1981. 21, 1981, upon nomination by his poration of both serious and contem- St. Monica parish concert THE REV. WILLIAM MASON, O.M.I. - Superior. porary liturgical music as well as tov:Archdiocesan Director of the THE REV. DANIEL CERNAUSKAS•- to through the use of other arts Including St. Monica's Parish will bid farewell to its Apiostolate Among Black and Indian Associate Pastor, St. William Parish, banners, dance, mime and dramatic priests, Fr. Joseph Cliff, pastor for 8 1/2 years, Catholics, effective December 18, Naples, effective December 19,1980. and his assistant Fr. Brendan Timon, with a presentation of Scripture readings, the musical concert on Sunday, Jan. 4 at 8 p.m. program is Open to the general public. Everyone is invited. Donations are $5 for adults, It will be of special interest and $3 for children. The church is located at 3490 assistance to clergy, musicians. N.W. 191 St., in Opa-Locka.

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Funeral Home Ojus •334-2030 10936 N.E. 6 Avenue, Miami Shores * 757-0362 Page 4 /Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 2,1981 / U.S. arms key to Salvadorean killing continued from p. largely of Marxists, although there are asked Congress for funding in 1981 of The Missionary Sisters THE CHURCH has blamed security democrats too, and that without helicopters, jeeps, patrol boats, air- have launched a campaign to get U.S. agents and extreme rightists operating massive economic and military aid, the craft engines and parachutes. citizens to press the administration for with government impunity'for 80 per- government will fall and civil war will Under a counter-insurgency program a complete cut-off. Maryknoll Sister cent of the thousands killed in two break out. In 1980 the economic aid the United States has trained 448 Marie Russo said the nuns are also years of violence. In another raid last package of more than $25 million in- Salvadoran policemen and helped calling for withdrawal of the military July on Socorro Juridico security agents cluded close to $6 million for military organize riot-control units, improved advisers in El Salvador. confiscated files and fragments of purposes. the police and the National Guard "The situation there is like Vietnam bullets and grenades brought by Administration officials told communications system. Another 250 all over again," she said. villagers when filing their complaints. Congress that the $5.7 million request Salvadorans receive counter- Most had U.S. markings. was for "non-lethal" equipment for an insurgency training in the Panama Family Planning classes U.S. aid was suspended in part army that was helping in the reforms, Canal under the U.S. Southern Com- following reports of the of such as trucks, riot-control gear and mand. The Archdiocese of Miami will spon- the four U.S. missionaries. A week communications equipment. Suspension of the military aid was sor a series of four montly classes 6n Natural Family Planning beginning on earlier six opposition leaders had been There have been also arms transac- only partial and temporary. ~ A abducted by troops and killed and spokesman for the Department of Wednesday evening, January 14, tions between U.S. private firms and El 1981, at 8:00 P.M. The classes will human rights activits were already Salvador, which require U.S. govern- State said U.S. contractual obligations pressing the Carter administration to "are still being honored," meaning the teach a new method of Family Plan- ment licensing, for carbines, hand guns ning which meets a\\ of the church's cut off aid. and rifles. delivery of arms already paid for with the funds. teachings regarding artificial con- Why was the aid sent in the first ACCORDING TO customs sources in traception, yet is as effective as thePill place? The State Department says that New York, illegal arms transactions The $20 million economic aid was and the other artificial methods when the civilian-military junta represents between private concerns and the restaured Dec. 17 based on assurances moderates in the army and in politics, Salvadoran government passed the that the new junta will investigate the Classes will be held at the Church of that it has launched land and banking $22 million value mark in 1980. murders of Miss Donovan and herr the Little Flower, 1270 Anastasia reforms to distribute wealth more companions, Maryknoll Sisters Ita Ford Avenue, Coral Gables, and will last As part of the aid package to El approximately two hours. For more in- fairly, that the opposition is composed Salvador, the Carter administration and , and Ursuline Sister . formation, call Kathy Gen$t 473-1046 in Davie. . CLERGY APPAREU 6 Supply, Inc. THE BEST DEAL 7 South Andrews Avenue, We have decided to offer our customers the best deal around — Downtown Fort Lauderdaie and that is, if you have an excess in your checking accounts, '764-6645 Church goods, altar ware; then open a separate savings account .on which we pay 5VA% vestments & cassocks in stock or made-to-measure. interest (the legal limit) each quarter (March, June, September,

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Page 5 /Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 2,1981 / ' '*"* *s>" ' ', '*

No false optimism for world of the 80s

On the front page of today's Voice is Poland to be there when the tanks a picture depicting kids, yes, teenage arrive, a factor that must frustrate kids, perhaps no more than 14 or 15 Soviet leaders greatly, but would not years old, carrying high-powered sub- fikely deter them if communist machinguns somewhere in El authority in Poland begins breaking Salvador. down. Sooner or later these youths will Here at home, domestic violence is probably either kill or be killed. at an all time high from the home to the It is not a pleasant picture , but it alley. Hooded or jack-booted ex- symbolizes all too graphically how the tremist groups are on the rise while world stands today as we enter this minorities appear unable to make any new year. headway at all. Instability, repression and the threat A new president has been elected of civil war pervades much of Latin and there is the usual mood of opti- America. mism. In this case, there is apparently The Middle East appears no closer a swing in attitude among the to a solution that it ever has, many populace supporting the new months after the Camp David accords. president's general thrust, at least for The rape of Afghanistan continues in now. And for Catholics, there is mild the Far East. optimism because of Reagan's pro-life In Poland the spectre of another and pro-tax-credit stance, though it Hungary looms. Only, this time it remains to be seen whether Congress would surely be much worse. Russia will follow his direction, and the fears the very unraveling of the com- problems of sexual promiscuity, munist fabric in Poland and the spread divorce, and poverty undergirding the of such dangerous notions as self- life issues go on unabated, determination to other satellite coun- The world certainly is not on the tries. But Polish workers have tasted brink of Utopia as we continue into the the sweet scent of freedom and are 80s. bouyed by religious conviction. They In short, mankind will continue as would not bow readily before Soviet always, in the midst of pain and con- tanks. Blood would flow. And the fusion, to need the guiding light of Pope has reportedly let the Russians faith to derive a sense of meaning and know that if they invade he will fly to purpose from life. FLAG WAVER LETTERS TO THE EDITOR)

bishops. They said it was a much- oppressed by Christian cultures which needed step toward the acceptance of welcomed their ability to nurture life About 'all men' women as full, equal, visible members but spurned their dreams of sharing of the Church. that life fully and even taught them to To The Editor: evolution of man" or "God loves all This "so-called sexist language" love their oppression." It is, indeed, very sad to see that our men" or "We hold these truths to be seems to exist in the minds of The Lord's Prayer is just another "Catholic" religious and superfeminine self-evident, that all men are created frustrated feminists and a few radical example: "Our Father, our mother liberators feel "disciminated" against equal' ... members of the clergy. It is suggested who are in heaven, blessed be your by the "sexism" in our liturgy (Voice Needless to say, such style of ex- that these changes will help to unify name, your kingdom come, your will Nov. 14) but also very heartening to pression is quite regrettable con- our worshiping community. To the be done on earth as it is in heaven." see our bishop's understanding of their contrary, the approval of these textual sidering that some, very sensitive How can we, as Catholics, em- plight by their elimination of the terms members of the species; do not want changes will encourage feminists to continue campaigning for additional phasize the universality of the ROMAN 'man'and.'men'from its lexicon. to be Homo sapiens. . I had really come to believe that changes. Many could be mislead into CATHOLIC CHURCH if we continue to metaphoric language was permissible believing that scripture can be inter- improvise and make unnecessary Caridad Garcia preted by any Christian instead of THE changes just to please some pressure in English as in other languages, but, Miami since the U.S. bishops have decided TEACHING CHURCH. group with its false notions of ministry? that such is not the case, we could About two years ago, at a baltimore There are theologians who no longer now improve the rhetoric of our Holy gathering of those interested in and uphold Catholic tradition and question Scriptures, our textbooks on an- To The Editor: campaigning for the ordination ' of Catholic doctrine. Their free, public thropology or zoology and, perhaps, women to the priesthood, a Canon of dissent encourages extremists to make of certain paragraphs in the , Regarding the "all men" wording to Equlity was circulated. Here are two of demands that are embarrassing and Declaration of Independence. be cut from Liturgy, as reported in The the many recommended changes in painful to Catholics. We seem to be in Voice of Nov; 14,1980... Liturgy: a liturgical crises. Let us pray that it In such books we find silly synec- does not lead to liturgical decadence. doches such as: "Let us make man in Members of The Women's Or- The prayer for the dead: "We our image . . . and let them have dination Conference which seeks the remember those who have died in dominion over . . .; male and female admission of women to the your love. We especially recall the Charlotte Leidy he created them . . ." or "The priesthood praised the vote of the talents and lives of women wasted and North Palm Beach /Miami, Florida /THE VOICE / Friday January 2,1981 / page 7 By Tpm Lennon i Your 1981 Movies Another View By Dolores Curran A couple of months ago I cringed all the way through a movie and came out determined to see it agafri, only Q, Sometimes people complain that pews - just chairs that you could "About the depths and riches of their this" time with our children. The name some Catholics do not appreciate move around if you wanted. It was in a religion?" I tried to fill in. of it is THE GREAT SANTINI, and if their religion. Can you.explain why room that really didn't seem much like "That's right," he agreed. "Thafs it. I you're the type who sees only one they feel this way? (Indiana.) a church. get the impression from some of my movie a year,makeit thisone for1981. A. Let me tell you about my friends, "To tell the truth, I was more Catholic buddies that if you can just We've had a few remarkable movies Beth and Vic. Beth and Vic first dated depressed than impressed. I sa.w two get your bulletin on Sunday, you've dealing with family relationships in each pther in high school. Over the high school guys playing tic-tac-toe oh a got it made. But I don't call that.wor- recent years and parents who long ago years their friendship has deepened. parish bulletin. One man seemed to shiping and serving the Lord. I guess I'll gave up on films need to give, them their second year of college, be sleeping through part of it. Quite a have to tell Beth the truth sometime: another chance. they, are very much in love and are few people didn't seem to be paying that I really wonder what Catholics THREE YEARS AGO , we, had planning to get married when they much attention to what was going on." think they are doing." graduate. BREAKING AWAY, a film that made us HE PAUSED for a time and then laugh, think, and learn a lot about BETH, WHO IS skilled at tennis and "We went to St. Bridget's late Sunday agreed, "But maybe ifs true of all families through the lives of their knitting, wants to work in a TV morning. It wasn't like any church I had churches. I suppose there are good young. Frequently, as an exercise, I ask newsroom. Vic's goal is to be a doctor. ever seen. They didn't even have pews and bad . Catholics just as there are parents to ponder the four young He plays college football and works -- just chairs that you could move good and bad Methodists." men, age 18 or so, and tell me about hard at body-building. Both are sen- around if you wanted. It was in a room Soon Vic and Beth are likely to have their families. Although we met only sible, happy, well-balanced young that really didn't seem like a church." another long talk about religion. If you one of the four, we know much about persons. were Beth what would you say about the rest because of their attitudes, One issue they have discussed "at He paused a moment and then said, why you are a Catholic? Could you ex- conversations, and values. length on various occasions is religion. "You know, Mr. Lennon, I knew guys plain the Mass to Vic? Then came KRAMER VERSUS Vic is a Methodist; Beth is a Catholic. in high school who would brag about* And if you were Beth, what would Both are convinced that they shbuld KRAMER, a film that touched the core stopping in church on Sunday just long you say to Vic about people playing of America with its exposure of con- learn about the other's faith before, enough to pick up a parish bulletin, games or sleeping through Mass? And not after, they get married. • flicting values, i.e. corporate success then they'd skip out. They'd use the what about young people who lie versus filial love. In it we saw the birth Last Saturday, Vic told me that Beth bulletin to 'prove' to their parents that about going to Mass on Sunday? of father and all the pain and joy it en- had taken him to Mass the previous they'd gone to Mass. tailed. . • . Sunday. Here, in his own words, is 1 ADMIRE BETH and I'll always respect THE GREAT SANTINI is a film about a how the experience affected him. her for believing^ so strongly in (Questions on social and moral Marine officer who rears his children "WE WENT TO St. Bridget's late Sun- Catholicism. But, Mr. Lennon, I think topics of interest to young people may as if they're in constant boot camp. His day morning. It wasn't like any church I that generally catholics don't know be sent to Tom Lennon, 1312 Mass. junior officer is his wife, who seems had ever seen. They didn't even have enough about..." Ave., Washington, D.C. 20005.). to spend her time explaining their dad's behavior to the children and the children's behavior to their dad. There's a bit of the universal mom up By Msgr. George Higglns there on the screen. Nobody pays much attention to her needs. Yet, everybody looks to her for peace and harmony in the midst of their, warring Prayer at the inaugural psyches. the chief conflict takes place bet- ween 18-year-old son, Ben, who is torn between his developing feelings of tenderness, justice, and inner peace, The New York Times reported bishop, Jewish and Eastern Orthodox ticipate in national civic ceremonies. and his father, who wants to build him recently that only one prayer would leaders felt they had been left out in I am not suggesting that any par- in his image of macho, toughness and be offered at President-elect Reagan's the cold. They complained that their attack. The family is inexorably drawn inaugural Jan. 20. According to the exclusion from the inaugural ticular group be excluded from the traditional Big Four or Big Five. Nor am into this conflict and no one is left un- Times, the Presbyterian pastor of ceremony could easily be interpreted touched. as a rejection of religious pluralism. I suggesting that the Big Four or Big Reagan's home church in suburban Los Five be expanded to the Big Six or THE ABRASIVE NEW books out for Angeles will do the honors. Seven. parents on how to teach their children Their point was well taken, but' to be winners came to mind during a President Carter's mistake, in my MY POINT IS simply that no matter telling scene when the family has The idea is a good one. Overdoing opinion was not in reducing the num- public prayer at such ceremonies of- what good intentions inspired the moved into a new area and Bull ber of prayers, but reducing it to two Kennedy-Nixon-Johnson-Carter ap- Meechum, the father, lines his four ten works against, not for, the best in- instead of one. If he had settled for terests of religion. I think one in- proach to this, problem, it was, in the children up on the steps and gives vocation instead of the traditional two, end, arbitrary. Having one prayer at them a Marine-type lecture on how four or five at the president's inaugural "Reagan's plan for only one prayer Reagan's swearing-in ceremony would Meechums never lose. Other people will help promote, not belittle, the will undoubtedly be criticized. But it is perhaps be the best possible solution lose, he explains, but Meechums must ' rff\portance of prayer at civic possible to have too much of a good to an awkward and admittedly be on top at all costs. Two painful •ceremonies. thing even in the case of civicprayer." troublesome dilemma. basketball scenes later, the results of these philosophy are illustrated. PRESIDENT KENNEDY'S inauguration one prayer by a clergyman of his own But this movie is not all pain. Love ife a*good example of our tendency to faith, the other religious groups, since abounds. There's much humor, par- •> overdo civic prayer in recent years. they had all been treated alike, would ticularly an hilarious scene wKen the ••KFOUT clergymen (Protestant, Catholic, have had less reason to complain. Respect Life! teenage daughter tries openly to get >*Jewish and Greek Orthodox) took part her dad's attention. She throws herself Reagan's plan for only one prayer on the floor of his newspaper-clad >'>.i'mKennedy's inaugural. The ceremony will undoubtedly be criticized. But ifs J. tasted 51 minutes and the four uniform, embraces his legs and wails, possible to have too much of a good "Can a girl be a Meechum, Dad?" She deigymen used up more than half of thing even in the case of civic prayet. that time. keeps at him with exaggerated per- ; WHO IS TO SAY that four or fiye sonal revelations until he gets up and ent Nixon wept Kennedy one prayers at civic ceremonies is the leaves for the Officers' Club "for a little Dett^r, He invited not four, but five, magic number? Why not six or even peace." Her needs are more naked ...cjergymen to participate in his more? than her brother's but the father ob- viously doesn't consider her part of his | ^*Pr|s]dent Johnson, I recall, cut the * Just a casual glance at religious parental responsibility. '^nufrifrer to four, and President Carter statistics will show that this question is ALTHOUGH THIS FILM centers on cut it to two. neither irrevelent nor fanciful. The the military family, its theme: is univer- Mormons, for example, report several sal. .,>]• ;$ THE NUMBER of million members and continue to That's why I want to seer it again inaugural .prayers to two was a step in grow. Considered outside the main- with our children. We can learn much L "the right direction, but unfortunately it K stream of American Protestantism, of their evaluation of our parenting by o ;'.!Xb.m.n1eranged on Carter. Because the they represent a separate and distinct discussing an impersonal second jtfayejrs were offered by a Protestant ! o religious tradition in this country. Yet family and their relationships,. See it. ' ciecgyman and a Roman Catholic ,they are seldom if ever invited to par- with your family if you can. Page 8 /Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 2,1981/ By Msgr. James J. Walsh Grow strong in the Lord

The beginning of a new year for many is a time of that it is not against human enemies that we have to "THE STRENGTH OF HIS POWER." But they are not introspection and self-analysis. Comic routines on struggle, but against the sovereignties and the magic rites. Some have lived on a fare of super- television find this a fertile field for humor, and un- powers who brought into existence darkness in this stition regarding the sacraments. They have fallen derstandably so. The whole serious business is world, the spiritual armies of evil in the heavens .. into the trap of looking for magical results, and reduced to the ridiculous when resolutions are when they do not appear, faith is lost. Here is a directed towards trivial aspects of life or towards St. Paul, as is well known now, is not popular with good point for reevaluation this New Year. some mammoth problems whose solution needs the women's lib group or with the secular One thing that is obvious in most of Paul's writing much more than expression of good will. humanists, who want to whistle the supernatural While we laugh at the fun, there still is a brooding is that he had a habit of stepping on toes. He stom- out of existence. The former have dismissed him for ps on the bunions of those who recently got rid of uneasiness among many at this time of year, an some years because he says a number of annoying uneasiness founded on the fear that the failures of the devil. Read those lines again about the "devil's things about women, such as being obedient to tactics ... the spiritual armies of evil in the heavens the past will be repeated. For a Christian who is sin- their husbands, and always submissive, not being cerely trying to grow and mature in thefaith, there ,.." Perhaps many of us today need to bring Satan capable of teaching, (this hasn't gained Paul any back into the overall picture of life and restore is the additional apprehension that, with all the points from anyone). recent changes and resulting confusion in the chur- some balance between evil and good. Thafs a ch, he may have been on the wrong track, that his great new year resolution. If we are wise and admit efforts to develop spiritually have been wasted, or, the reality of the Prince of evil influencing, or trying worse yet, perhaps it isn't all that important to, our lives, we will have less frustration and more anyhow. "Perhaps some of us today need to bring clarity in our thinking about religion.*' With this in mind, it is helpful to remember that Satan back into the overall picture of life Paul shouts, "Stand your ground!" The old tran- St. Paul always comes through strong for almost and restore some balance between evil slation put it, "Stand fast..." Both mean the same. any occasion, and he has more than one pungent and good." Hang in there. Persevere. Keep at it. Don't quit like thought for the mood of self evaluation at the the faint of heart. "Pray all the time, asking for what beginning of a New Year. you need, praying in the spirit on every possible occasion." Paul isn't suggesting anyone keep LOOK UP his letter to the Ephesians (6:1-10). He kneeling all day, but to work, and play, and love reminds us of the fundamental duties which the and relate to others in a spirit of prayer. Christian had in his time and which all Christians will THE HUMANISTS, who can't lift their eyes from have until Gabriel blows his horn. He speaks of the the earth, turn him off because he is forever remin- PRAYER IS A MUST. At every period of one's life. unchangeables in the spiritual life, regardless of the ding us that we are very weak creatures and must At every age of the church. Does it mean the mood and characteristics of a generation. He un- depend far more on God's power than on our own rosary, novenas, station of the Cross? For some, derlines what God expects of a human being whose resources. The humanists, of course, try so hard to yes, and why not, if they feel drawn to those nature has certain strengths and weaknesses. And believe that man has all he needs hidden inside of devotions. For others, perhaps nowadays for most, what he says serves as a kind of mini-blueprint of him, awaiting appropriate mining equipment. no! The Eucharist for many, thank the Lord, has what was necessary in the "old" church as well as in become the great prayer, and the realization of the the "new." We can touch briefly on a few of his Christianity has always hammered away at the influence of the Holy Spirit in our lives has resulted ideas. need to "GROW STRONG IN THE Lord" through in a prayerful attitude throughout the day. "Grow strong in the Lord with the strength of his prayer and the sacraments and penance. This for- Take up those ten verses of St. Paul, work them power. Put God's armor on so as to be able to resist mula has never changed. The sacraments remain out in the light of your own situation, where you the devil's tactics." He reminds us again and again the channels of divine help, designed to give man are, and your New Year cannot start badly.

By Fr. John Sheerin.CSP Dialogue, Yes; Rumors, No!

How should Pope John Paul's recent trip to Barbara Engl, spokeswoman for Germany's Catholic may be the diminishing confidence of Catholics Western Germany be evaluated? One journalist youth organizations. Ms. Engl said that German toward the church. In recent talks in the United said that the main expectation of this historic visit youth feel the church reacts "with prohibitions" to States Father Hans Kung has been saying that "the was that the pope would give new impetus to youth's questions about friendship, sexuality and climate of credibility" among Catholics in America sagging ecumenical relations. partnership; that their search for understanding and has been receeding due to an unecumenical ap- It will take considerable time to assess the results. communication "finds little response." proach to certain controversial problems such as The pope was greeted by great crowds. But these SUCH RUMORS are hardly a basis for the charge birth control and divorce. alone are seldom an index of a successful tour. Old that the pope is hostile to women. Unfortunately, antagonisms disappeared but did ecumenical such rumors can imperil the ecumenical It would be most unfortunate if the blame for this relations with other Christians really blossom? were placed solely on the pope. For instance, a short time before his arrival in Germany, certain AN UNPROMISING situation has been developing Catholic bishops apparently sponsored the recently which may prove quite harmful to the "Such rumors are hardly a basis for the charge that publication of a short history of the German Church. cause of church unity. It is a growing suspicion, fed the Pope is hostile to women. Unfortunately, such The volume contained some raw polemics against by rumors that Pope John Paul is hostile to rumors can imperil the ecumenical movement, Martin Luther that Lutherans found quit offensive. dialogue, especially when it involves such matters creating the impression that somehow the Pope is as birth control, divorce and women's rights. opposed to dialogue within the Church, as well as THE EPISODE was eventually dissipated but, it I trust this suspicion will die an early death. For I with other churches." . should be noted, Pope John Paul had no connec- do not think the pope is opposed to dialogue. tion with the volume and should not be blamed. Perhaps open discussion can effectively scotch the The pope has reiterated frequently that backstairs gossip. What are some of the rumors ecumenism holds first priority in his program and I now circulating? movement, creating the impression that somehow believe he is utterly sincere in this. His ecumenism the pope is opposed to dialogue within the church, comes from his heart. 1. THAT THE TOPE was curt to Mercy Sister as well as with other Christian churches. Theresa Kane during his 1979 visit in Washington, Dialogue is the very heart of the church unity LET ME CLOSE with the sentiments expressed in D.C. Sister Kane hadasked publicly that women be movement. Vatican II made crystal-clear the need 'The suffering of God" by Dominican Father Yves allowed to serve in all levels of church ministry. for dialogue in the document, "The Church Today," Congar: "In the .ecumenical dialogue the new Apparently, because the pope did not respond saying: /To unify under one Spirit all men of worlds opened up to us are spiritual worlds immediately, the rumor started that he snubbed .whatever nation, race or culture, the church stands inhabited by other Christians. We have to get to her. forth as a sign of that brotherliness which allows know these worlds. Books tell us of these things but honest dialogue and invigorates it," we cannot appreciate the validity of what they say 2. THAT THE POPE scowled during the speech of ANOTHER THREAT to the ecumenical movement. except in the light of personal experience." /Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 2,1981 / Page 9 WORLD IN CONFLICT

In Bogota, Colombia (right), terrorists seized the Dominican Em- bassy in February holding as hostages Archbishop Angelo Acefrbi, papal nuncio, and U.S. Ambassador Diego Ascencio among others for 61 days. The hostage situation in Iran continued throughout the year despite appeals from the pope and other world leaders. Violen- ce in El Salvador reached a peak with the of Archbishop Oscar Romero (below) in March and in December three nuns and a missionary woman, all Americans, were murdered in the Central Amercian country. Confessions (bottom right) were heard and Mass was celebrated right in the shipyard in Gdansk, Poland, as workers went on strike. The government granted the workers the right to form unions but at year's end the political picture was uncertain.

-< • , I II WINNERS AND LOSERS '* As his predecesor Archbishop John Quinn applauded, Arch- revi bishop John Roach of St. Paul-Minneapolis, became the new president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. After a long, at times bitter, campaign Ronald Reagan defeated President Jimmy Carter in the battle for the White House. Despite efforts of the U.S. Census bureau to keep forms short and simple, thousands of people, including many Spanish- speaking, went uncounted, causing several large cities to ask for recounts. The 17-year battle between J.P. Stevens Co. and the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers' union ended when the company and the union came to terms in October.


On the political scene, Father Robert Drinan (D-Mass) was or- dered by his Jesuit superiors not to seek re-election to Congress. Sen Edmund Muskie (D-Maine) became the nation's highest Catholic office-holder when he was appointed Secretary of State. In Rome, Pope John Paul II beatified American Indian Kateri Tekakwitha. Dorothy Day, a founder of the Catholic Worker movement, died in November. Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Argentinian human rights leader, won the Nobel Peace Prize. Cardinal William Baum of Washington and Archbishop Jean Jadot, apostolic delegate in the United States, were appointed to high Vatican posts. Controversial Father Hans Kung, banned by the Vatican in late 1979 from teaching as a Catholic, continues teaching in another position at the University of Tuebinge^lectures and writes books.

Page 10 /Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 2,19817 YEAR OF THE REFUGEE While the world still was grappling with resettling thousands of Cambodian refugees, Afghans fled their homeland into Pakistan after the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. Drought in the horn of Africa (center) brought the worst famine in history to the region. Cubans, permitted to leave their country in the spring, came mostly to the United States only to live in tent cities (right) and army barracks while officials sought sponsors. Haitians, many arriving in creaky boats on Florida shores, were given a less hospitable welcome as immigration of- ficials pondered how to handle them. The Italian earth- quakes in November took the lives of thousands and left tens of thousands homeless (left). 'CYCIONE WOJTYLA1


Pope John Paul II, or "Cyclone Wojtyla" as he has become earthquakes. The pope also signed his second encyclical in known, continued his globetrotting with trips to France, Africa December and led the month-long world Synod of Bishops in (left), West Germany and Brazil: Among the many trips he October. ew made within Italy, he visited victims of the Southern Italian TROUBLES AT HOME With Catholics on both sides of the issue, Congress voted to reinstate registration but not the draft. Mt. St. Helens (right) began erupting in May, blanketing the Northwest with its volcanic ash and millions in property damage. In Miami, another type of eruption was taking place. The worst weekend of racial rioting (left) in the nation's recent history left 17 people dead, hundreds more injured and over $100 million in property damage. In November, the Supreme Court ruled against posting the Ten Command- ments in public school classrooms.

/Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 2,1981 /Page 11 By Dr. James and Mary Kenny

An easy way to toilet train

Dear Mary: My first and only child is just 2 years 3) Since communication is a part of toilet training reward anything that gets in the potty. old. He is not yet toilet trained. I want to train him it helps if the child is able to talk a bit. One half day is long enough to be vigilant. In the in the easiest way. Some of my friends have been at 4) Finally, the child around 2 often goes through a afternoon put diapers back on and relax. Do the it for months and they are very frustrated. I don't ornery period when "no" is the favorite word. same thing each morning. By Thursday or Friday the want this to happen to me. Common sense suggests you delay toilet training child should be catching on. If so, continue exten- until such a period abates somewhat. ding the time he goes without diapers, and praise A. • You have pinpointed the most essential ana reward all successes. element of successful toilet training, namely, that it TAKEN TOGETHER these factors indicate that the is a normal learning experience for the growing child will probably be ready for toilet training IF THE CHILD is not catching on, or if either of you is child. Don't ever let it become a frustration for sometime between 2 and 3 . Until that time do getting frustrated, quit. Wait a couple of months either of you. nothing about toilet training. and try again. If a child is not toilet trained within Once your child is ready, try this easy way to train five days, the cost in anxiety and frustration out- Two conditions can keep toilet training simple. in one week. Choose a five-day period (Monday weighs the benefit. First, be sale the child is ready. Second, train the through Friday) when both you and the child are There is no harm in postponing toilet training for a easy way. ^m- feeling good and you have few other obligations. few weeks or months. There can be great harm in WE SUGGEST four ways to determine readiness. Get a child's potty which you can put in a room making it a heavy issue between you and your 1) The child must be walking for some months with a hard floor covering (lefs be practical) and child. So toilet train the easy way both for your own before he is physically developed enough to be where you plan to spend the morning. Remove the sake and that of your child. toilet trained. child's diaper, socks and shoes and let him run 2) Occasionally you should also find the child dry freely. Give water and juice liberally and wait for Readers questions on family living and child care after a two or three hour stretch. Extended periods nature. When the child starts to go or indicates he to be answered in print are invited. Address of dryness indicate the child has some control over has to go, scoop him up gently and put him on the questions to: The Kennys; Box 67; Rensselaer, Ind urination. potty. Ignore any misses on the floor and praise and 47978.

Did we hear Christmas this year?

sheep very near by and countryside all about. The no one saw him? Or, perhaps we can be numbered winter nights were beautiful. They were black and this year with the shepherds. Did we clearly hear "There were shepherds in that locality, living in the sky often was filled with the northern lights Christmas this year? Did we hear in our hearts the the fields and keeping night watch by turns over perhaps in a mysterious way like the way it looked angels saying, "Glory to God in high heaven, peace their flocks. The angel of the Lord appeared to on that wondrous first Christmas Eve. on earth to those on whom His favor rests?" them as the glory of the Lord shone round them, Which are you this 1980? and they were very much afraid. What can the shepherds say to us Christians today? Have you missed the wee babe, Jesus, nestled in The angel said to them: "You have nothing to fear! What is the message they represent to all of us? your arms as you adore Him? I. hope and pray not. I come to proclaim good news to you - tidings of If not, hurrah, and if so, there's still time. great joy to be shared by the whole people. This According to scripture they were the first to view He is so precious, so wonderfully beautiful that all day in David's City a savior has been born to you, the Christ Child and to me that is tremendously time, past, present and the future join the angels, the Messiah and Lord." profound. men and women, in fact all creation is singing, Suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of "Glory, Glory, Glory, oh wondrous Lord, we adore the heavenly host, praising God and saying, "Glory First of all, I see them away from the crowd; away you." to God in high heaven, peace on earth to those on from the noise of the hectic village. They were still, To be honest, I think each of us are part shepherd, whom his favor rests." Luke 2:1—2. with the whole universe dancing above their heads. but also part of the crowd. I believe each of us need After hearing the news the shepherds raced to Their only distraction perhaps was an occasional to take the time to LISTEN. Empty ourselves of the Bethlehem and sure enough found Mary, Joseph sound coming from the flocks. They had empty hustle, the bustle of the crowd and to walk alone a and the precious wee babe, Jesus; just as they had spaces in their lives. Spaces that were open and bit until like the shepherds we are emptied beneath been told. could be filled with the awe of God, himself. the dark night. Then we will clearly hear the joyful I love this section of the Christmas story. Perhaps Christmas, 1980, is here but where are each of us: news of Christmas 1980. And once we have heard it's because I was raised in a small rural town in Can we be numbered this year among the crowds in it we will never be the same again. "This day in Wisconsin, where there were cows, horses, and . the village where the Christ Child actually was, yet David's City a Savior has been born to YOU."

OPENING PRAYER: all the good things that will happen in that month: Holy Spirit, prepare our minds and hearts to birthdays, vacations, anniversaries, trips, getting a ENTERTAINMENT: always be open to you. Make us open to each drivers license for the first time, school dance, Play a game of charades with family members ac- other and let us reach out in love to bear each athletic events, reception of Confirmation, First ting put characters from Bible stories. other's burdens as well as joys. Blessus, Holy Spirit, Communions, expected visits, etc. Also in each as we share this special Family Night together and month'decide upon one activity that the family will SHARING: hear our prayer for those who are lonely or do together to reach out to another: visit a nursing — Tell of a special memory from last year. unloved. Amen. home, collect for the heart fund, take an elderly -*• Each make a wish for this month. friend for a Sunday drive, host a party, etc. Keep the — When did you feel especially close to God this SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: poster where it can be referred to and added to past week. Our lives are made special when we share them during the year. with others - friends, relatives, neighbors, the Adult Families poor, and the lonely. The more we share ourselves CLOSING PRAYER: . with others, the deeper will our joy be. How can Set family goals for the coming year. Make a list of these and refer often to them. Oh, God, our Father, thank you for this Family we share ourselves in the months of the new year? Night. We thank you for the gift ot our son. Help us Each share his or her favorite Bible verse. to see him when he comes to us in the love of our ACTIVITY IDEAS: families, in the words of our priests, and in all we Young and Middle Years Families SNACK TIME: meet this coming week. Come, Lord Jesus, come! On a large: sheet of poster board draw twelve Hot chocolate and cookies. Amen. boxes for the months of the year, tn each box write Page 12 /Miami, Florida / THE VOICE /Friday, January 2,1981 / Poverty can be ended in 20 years —UN UNITED NATIONS (NC) - For the first of 60 years or more and a literacy rate time in human history it is now of at least 75 percent. possible to eradicate poverty, illness The report acknowledged that these and illiteracy, according to the targets are ambitious, given the dark executive director of the United economic horizons. It even admitted Nations Children's Emergency Fund that as things appear now the gap {UNICEF), James Grant. between the "wealthy" and the "poor" The cost of eliminating these evils by nations will have further widened by the year 2000 would be about $50 the end of the century. million a day, the cost of one fighter By way of an illustration of this plane, said Grant in his 1980 State of problem, UNICEF expects most Latin the World's Children report. American countries to reach a per . The UNICEF report claimed the job capita income of $2,000 a year in 2000, an average achieved by Western Europe in 1960. But the. poorest countries in southern Asia and Saharan Africa will reach a level of only about $300 in the next 20 years. , GRANT'S MESSAGE was that unless the current trends are reversed, "the poorest countries of today stand to be bypassed by the next 20 years of deve- lopment just as surely as they have been by the last." He argued that changes in inter- For Life national aid to boost economic growth in the poorest countries are Two Air Force air- essential if poverty is to be lessened. men, Barry Whitten, The UNICEF report said that the above left, and Marc rapidly rising number of children from McWherter, right, pray six to 11 will make it difficult for most developing countries to ensure four in front of a Bossier years of school for every child by City, Ala., abortion 2000. Yet primary education is the clinic with Marc most productive investment which Medicus, a local Bap- low-income countries can make, it tist. Two other airmen said. prayed there in Grant therefore urged a switch in uniform and face a could be done with a massive infusion emphasis and spending from higher possible court martial. of funds and in some cases through a education to primary schools. He said Michael Szurgala radical change in foreign aid priorities. that the level of literacy in a country is IT SAID that of the 122 million an indication whether the poor are in- (right) of Holy Cross children born last year, one in every volved in or excluded from the parish, Trenton, N.J., 10 is now dead. Most were children of process of development. This urges action to curb the "absolutely poor." Three out of suggests, the report concluded, that sex and violence on every 10 of these children die before primary education is both a target and TV, after a classmate, the age of five. Not even one in 10 is a trigger for improvements in the Gottfrey Saganowski, ever seen by a health worker or im- quality of life in the poor countries. 13, was killed after munized against the common killer Grant estimated that the extra imitating characters diseases of childhood. Probably only amount of international aid required playing Russian roulet- half will ever learn to read and write. to eradicate the worst aspects of te in a movie, "The UNICEF suggested that by the year poverty by 2000 would be about $20 2000, all countries could achieve an Deerhunter," shown billion a year for the next two decades, on prime time TV. infant mortality rate of 50 or less nearly double the amount spent for Lfc per 1,000; an average life expectancy this purpose at present.

I DISNEY WORLD HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH Everything to 5125 S Apopka-Vinetand Rd.lExit 1-4 . at 528-A. Go west to stop sign, ONE QUALITY OF SERVICE north to church). Sat. 5:00 p.m.. Sun. 8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Clean anything Hotel Mass Schedules We offer only one quality of service - the best we Royal Plaza Hotel. Lake Buena Vista know how to provide-and which we think is un> (14 at 535) equaled in quantity or quality in this area. Througff- Sat. 6 p.m. Sun. 8 a.m. Sheraton Towers, Hotel out bur 55 year history in Miami we h*ve always j'fl-4 at 435N) Sun. 9:15 and Uiffl A.M..J BISCAY1ME CHEMICAL given full attention to the needs of every family LABORATORIES INC. regardless of the corriplete funeral selected. | Fr F Joseph Harte. Pastor K 1215 N.W. Seventh Avenue • Miami, Florida Tel 351-1654 |j 40 regular funerals, including casket, '".,.;,. | 305/324-1133 pallbearers, hearse & limousine, from: , • -$657-$747-$847-$967 Sanctify your'home with fine religious statuary and paintings, AIMACIN FCIIX GONZALEZ, IMPORTERS AND MAM RERS ConOfcctet OF RELIGIOUS AR Custom Picture Framing FUNERAL CHAPELS \ 2610 S.W. 8 Street 5042 West 12 Ave. 8788 S.W. 8 Street Miami-Coral Gables-No. Miami-Hialeah-Gratigny Rd.-Bifd Rrjad Miami. FV 33135 Hialeah. R. 33012 Miami, R. 33144 558-1991 552-9680 Large Catholic Staff CHALICES * BAPTISMAL FONTS • CANDELABRA • CHURCH METALWARE including three of our managers I /rVUamix Supreme Court upheld the con- stitutionality of school bus transpor- Busing in Collier tation for parochial school students, comparing such facilities with fire and police protection offered to all means everyone schools, public and private. Busing is a service to the students, ByjoOpitz have paid not only taxes for public enabling parents .to obey the com- schools but also for the transportation pulsory education law by getting their The word "busing" in Collier County of their own children, starting in 1972 children, regardless of their religion, does not always refer to at $68 a year for each child to $130 in safely and expeditiously to and from desegregation. More often, it applies 1980. accredited schools. to the problem of finding transpor- It is-estimated these parents pay Even though parents are willing to tation for the elderly, the handicapped almost double the cost of transpor- pay whatever is asked and the and students who attend parochial tation for public school students. parochial school accepts full respon- schools. Until August of 1980, the Naples sibility for paying the Collier County The elderly depend on friends, area's nearest Catholic high school Transportation Dept. and completing neighbors and volunteer agencies for was Bishop Verot in Ft. Myers, 35 the time-consuming paper work in- transportation to doctor's appoin- miles away. Bus service to Edison volved, Florida's auditor general has tments, clinics, shopping trips, church Community College, in Ft. Myers, again recommended that non-public and recreational activities. carried so few students that Bishop school students no longer be carried STUDENTS OF St Ann's, in Naples, Verot students were permitted to ride' on Collier County School District the first parochial school opened in to the college and then get to the' Buses. school as best they could. Collier County, depended on parent- This at a time when parochial organized car pools unitl 1972, when As of Dec. 12, 1980, this service was school students already ride to school parochial school students were per- no longer available to either school. at public expense in 25 states with a mitted to ride on Collier County Public The reason - lack of money. When St. St. Ann's student pile on bus-cost, $130 each. combined population of approximately Schodr buses. Since then, the parents John Neumann, the first Catholic high school in Collier, County, opened in 100 million - over a half of the nation's total population. tit August 1980, a request for bus service was rejected by the Collier County Frank H. Holland, business manager School Board. The parents formed car for the Collier County Public Schools is pools and the school opened as plan- quoted as saying, "Every year the State ned. auditor says we should discontinue BUT CAR POOLS are increasingly dif- transportation for parochial school ficult to form and maintain. The high students. Florida law is not clear on cost of gas and an inflationary the matter and we have asked the economy which forces many mothers legislature to look into this." to seek outside employment limit the Superintendent of Schools, Thomas number of volunteer drivers. Rapid Richey stated recently, "The Board growth has extended the population sees busing as an assistance to the beyond city limits and the high cost of child not to the parochial schools." housing makes it impossible for young In all of Florida only two counties, families to live in the city. Their Lee and Collier, permit parochial children must travel into Naples to St. school children to ride the public Ann's or east to St. John Neumann's. buses. Richey's reaction is "We As long ago as 1947, the U.S. . would welcome legislative action to resolve this matter." Fr. P. V. Cassidy dies in Ireland Fr. P. V. Cassidy, brother of Fr. Martin The chief concelebrant of, the Mass Cassidy, pastor of St. Gregory's parish of the Resurrection was Bishop Joseph in Plantation, died recently at St. Cassidy. He was assisted by Frs. Martin Columban's College, Navan, Ireland. and Michael Cassidy, E. Cassidy, C.P., He was 59. and Fr. C. Murphy, superior of the Ordained in 1945 into the Society of Columban fathers. The Most Reverend St. Columban, he left immediately for T. Flynn of Achonry presided. The Ar- chbishop of Tuam was represented by ST. JOHN NEUMANN high school construction in Golden Gate got under way China, from where he was expelled during the Communist revolution. Af- Msgr. T. Horan, V.G., and the Bishop with ground-breaking by area pastors and the three Sisters (above)who currently terward, he served in the Phillipine of Kilmore by Msgr. J. McManus, V.G. staff the temporary facilities. Looking on is Father Vincent Kelly, Archdiocese Supt. Islands and returned some years later Fr. Cassidy is survived by six brothers of Education (left) and Fr. Bernard Powell, principal. to the college. and three sisters. THE VOICE P.O. Box 38-1059 Please! Miami, Fl. 33138 If the address label on this copy of . M. THE VOICE is not correct, please PLANTATION FUNERAL HOME ZIP write it right here - and mail it to us pasted to a post card. LAST Thomas M; Ralph NAME _ Judith C. Ralph FUNERAL HOMES _ ADDRESS, Owners & Directors FT. LAUDERDALE • ZIP, HIRCHILD-L.F.I). KRAEER FUNERAL HOME Phone: 587-6888 ESTABLISH 1S30 3501 W. M0WARD BLVD. Sample Road H1-C100 Fort Lauderdale Pompano Beach 946-2900 Deerfiftld Beach 565-5591 941-4111 427-5544- 7001 N.W. 4th St. Boca Raton R. Jay Kraeer Margate: Plantation, Florida 395-1800 Funeral Director 972-7340 Becker "SACRED TRUST" Funeral Home FUNERAL HOMES CONVENIENT LOCATIONS SINCE 1927 ... SIX CHAPELS Ron E. Becker PRIVATE FAMILY ROOMS JOHNSON /FOSTER Funeral Director SPACIOUS FORMAL CHAPELS FUNERAL HOME, INC. Phone (305) 428-1444 1650 HARRISON ST. HOLLYWOOD, FLA. PHONE: 922-7511 1444 S. Federal Hwy. "The Pitt niftier Family' PAUL J. HOULIHAN. L. F. D. DEERFIELD BEACH Jos. L., J.'L., jr., Lawrence H.

Page 14 /Miami, Florida/THE VOICE/Friday, January 2,1981 / Priest too conservative

for life center position to him increased when he publicized the discovered com- By Dick Conklin Life Center for holding allegedly "con- servative views" (including specifically plications from usage of the Pill, IUD, Father Paul Marx of Minnesota's his well-known defense of the papal and the male vasectomy procedure. Human Life Center, a popular author encyclical Humanae Vitae)? Why was An even less popular discovery was and speaker, has been fired from his he ordered to take a year's sabbatical the news that both the low-dosage Pill position as President - or, as a very leave? and the IUD were abortifacierit in nature, sometimes causing early term brief press release put it, "granted a His abbot, Fr. Jerome Thiesen, abortions, unknown to the mother. one year sabbatical leave." Father refused to confirm or deny that Fr. Marx, an early pioneer in natural Marx's so-called "conservatism" was MARX HAS travelled the world, family planning and pro-life work, is no the reason for his sudden departure. opening up NFP centers in countries stranger to South Florida, having But his two close associates, Dan Fr. Paul iMai'x on recent trip to Miami that rejected American contracep^ visited our area several times. Lyons and Andrew Scholberg, who tives. Several were set up in India un- It was in Miami Beach, some five were also dismissed by the Center's Calling himself "an unwanted monk," . der Mother Teresa's guidance. Marx years ago, that he attended a Planned board of directors, commented. Father Marx said he is thinking about was pleased that even the very poor Parenthood convention and heard leaving the Benedictine order because and illiterate were able to successfully They said the HLC board had understand and practice natural family two government doctors from the U.S. become dominated by several liberal he will take any actions necessary to Center for disease Control attempt to allow him to continue his fight against planning. He was recently honored by theologians form St. John's University, Pope John Paul II for his work. re-classify pregnancy as a "sexually- which houses the Center. The board abortion. transmitted disease", in a category decided that there had been too much It isn't really .hard to find reasons why While he is quick to praise his fellow with VD. By doing this, they had anti-abortion activity, too much time some people would prefer to silence a priests (he once acclaimed Naples hoped to divert large sums of tax defending the Church's teachings on man like Father Marx, and'they go pastor Fr. Dominick O'Dwyer as "one money for abortions, which they contraception, and too much op- beyond the simple "liberal" and "con- in a million") or his pro-life and NFP proclaimed as the "cure". Father position to Planned Parenthood. One servative" labels. He has been a cham- leadership, he has chided some clergy Marx's quick rebuttal, including several member suggested that what HLC pion of natural family planning (NFP) for espousing some social issues while articles and lectures, helped stop the publications needed were "more ar- from the beginning, sponsoring con- ignoring the war on the unborn. scheme in its tracks. ticles on gun control". Because of their tinuing research aimed at perfecting a Neither did he make any friends when THAT'S THE KIND of priest Father objections, yet in spite of the fact that reliability of the safe, Church- he criticized a national Catholic Marx is. Never afraid to enter the lion's Fr. Marx was the Center's founder, approved method of birth control. His Charities seminar on sex education for den or to speak out on the evils of our chief spokesperson, and fund-raiser, talks and articles clearly described the ignoring the role of chastity prior to society, even when it has been very he was ejected. differences between modern NFP marriage. (He frequently speaks to unpopular to do so. And he's always HE CONFIRMED reports by Lyons techniques and the outdated rhythm young people about the virtue of ready to make, an activist out of you if and Scholberg, that he was "ousted" method, which critics often called remaining chaste, calling it a "special he can. from office. He described the action as "Vatican roulette". form of Christian love"). Then why did the story, in the being "politely shoved out with all Still, many in the Church quietly op- Internationally National Catholic Register, report his kinds of attention to make it look posed NFP, opting for the popular Pill he is regarded as a kind of American ouster from the broad-based Human good." and mechanical devices instead. Op- Catholic folk hero. Nature's way' misunderstood By Stephenie Overman • THE BASAL BODY temperature years, and trying to publicize it," Kep- one percent. NC News Service method depends upon identification pley said. "People come in who are KIPPLEY ALSO said that there are "all Natural family planning is "nature's of the elevation in body temperature desperate — they have five or six kinds of couples who are practicing way and God's way," said Cardinal to chart a woman's fertile and infertile children who aren't spaced every few (artificial) contraception who have no Terence Cooke of New York recently, phases. years, they didn't know about natural idea they are going against the but natural family planning experts say • THE OVULATION method in- family planning and they're worn out teaching of the church." that the way is misunderstood. volves recognition of changes in the and panicky." Kippley also referred to a call at the The recent world Synod of Bishops in cervical mucus discharge that occur "THE GOAL of all these programs is recent synod bv National Conference Rome kept the birth control issue in prior to ovulation to identify fertile to bring a couple from the initial of Catholic Bishops President Archbi- the news but the media, "to our and infertile times. This method was awareness of the signs of fertility to a shop John Quinn of San Francisco for a chagrin, continued to refer to the pioneered by Drs. John and Lynn point of autonomy where they are in- positive pastoral approach to the methods being discussed as Billings. dependent of the teacher, doctor or church's teaching on birth control. 'Rhythm,'" said Lawrence Kane, • THE SYMPT THERMAL method group in determining whether they With natural family planning "you executive director of the Human Life combines the temperature method will use natural methods to space their have a positive theology of sex," Kip- and Natural Family Planning Foun- with the observation of the mucus children, limit their family to its pley said. dation. symptom and other physiological in- present size or overcome difficulties He said he hoped that term "will get dicators. The methods can be used to with infertility programs to achieve He said natural family planning^ a respectful burial. We talk abojaC plan as well as avoid conception. pregnancy," Kane said. creates "a deepening of the com- natural family planning. The ^foun- John Kippley, executive director of Kippley said that although couples munion of the husband and wife . . . dation hopes to eliminate "misunder- the Couple to Couple League, an inter- choose to practice natural family they communicate more and find that standings about the effectiveness and faith volunteer group which teaches planning for health or religious it is easier to work out other daily the difficulties of these-methods," said the methods, said some vounger reasons, they often find the method problems as well when they work William Uricchio, board chairman. couples haven't even heard of the improves their marriage. together to exercise responsible According to natural family planning rhythm method. "Whaf s so amazing is 'They tell me that when they come parenthood." advocates, there are three methods of that people are not aware of the off the pill or other artificial methods natural family planning and the Depar- methods." they're forced to communicate with Another practical view on natural tment of Health, Education and The Couple to Couple League has each other." family planning compared with ar- Welfare rated each as 98 percent ef- 350 teaching couples and operates in Kippley also said that there's "no tificial birth control was offered by Dr. fective. The calendar rhythm method, 43 or 44 states, the executive director question" that there is a link between Claude Lanctot, an auditor at the with its high failure rate, is considered and co-founder said. But, he added, artificial contraception and divorce. He synod. He said natural family planning obsolete, natural family planners said. there's "a big education job" yet to be said an informal survey showed the "is countercultural, there's no They listed the following three done. divorce rate among Couple to Couple technology involved. The drug com- methods as best. "I've been teaching this for nine natural family planning users at about panies want to sell you something."

HOUSE ' for Gracious Dining. SPECIALTIES FURNITURE INTERIORS nc/i MAJOR • WIENER SCHNITZEL CREDIT ' I Magnavox • ROAST DUCKLING CARDS RvstHtirunt Family • JUMBO PORK HONORED TVSALES-SERVICE-RENTALS SHANK • SHRIMP SCAMPI Since 1958 • FRESH FILET Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11:30 a.m. 3 p.m. Bavarian OF SOLE pinners Daily 4 p.m. 11 p.m. of boca Sunday From 12 noon ENTREES FROM Dedicated to the Art of Gracious Living LINCOLN TV 54.25 PRIME RIBS • STEAKS • SEAFOOD "Where SMART shoppers buy" SAUERBRATEN « PRIME VEAL Restaurant <& Lounge 4720 N. Federal Ft. Laud. 1401 N. Federal Hwy. - featuring • German and 4 (Opposite Holy Cross Hosp.) U.S. 1 Hollywood MARIE RENAUH) American Cuisine 2980 N. Federal Boca Rat6n Charlie McCarthy is her«. 772*3016 922-7321 At The Organ Svlrrl Him' I.hi /Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 2,1981 /Pa8e 15 Priest joins parish without a roof "We may not have any facilities to call our own, but the generosity and Pontifical University in Spain, where commitment of this parish family is in he earned a masters in Philosophy and itself an exercise in spiritual growth," became bilingual in Spanish. says Father Lynch. "When I left Ireland I never dreamed "We don't have a roof, but we sure I'd end up in Miami," says Father, who have the spirit," Father said when was thinking at the time of going to asked how the newly formed parish is Peru as a missionary but was influen- progressing. Of the 1100 families ced by a Cuban seminarian to come to -within the parish boundaries, fifty per- Miami because of the need for cent have reregistered in St. John bilingual priests here. Neumann from St. Louis and St. Father Lynch came to the diocese of Catherine of Sienna. Miami as a seminarian, obtaining a bachelors in Theology from St. Vincent de Paul Diocesean Seminary in Bbyn- ton Beach. He was ordained in St. Mary Cathedral four years ago. Since coming to St. John Neumann on November 24, Father Lynch has initiated a Spanish Mass on Saturday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the College Park Apartment complex, a charismatic prayer group on Monday Bishop Roman is flanked by Paul Kastenbauder, General Chairman of the driver- evenings, is jn charge of the Youth Father Pucci, Associate Pastor; and Father Devaney, Pastor. Group and is working within the C.C.D. Program. Future plans include the founding of an AA group for Mary Immaculate launches alcoholics and drug addicts. "I have been working extensively with AA for FATHER LYNCH the last 5 years." More than"40ne0 peoplwe anchurcd 20 Priests h building "Seventy-five to eighty percent of "This is the first time I have had the attended n 40th0e DeoDl ground-breakine and 20 Priestgs "We will build as muchw as we can our registered parishioners have opportunity to work with a group of ceremonies for a new church at Mary pay for," stated Father Devaney, "and pledged to our building fund. Can you people who are starting a parish with Immaculate Parish in West Palm the various facets of the building will imagine what the response would be if nothing but their own commitment to Beach. The ceremony, presided over be acquired in the order of the we had the facilities for people to each other," he said. by Auxiliary Bishop Agustin A. Roman, greatest importance to our parish come to, and were able to reach out Those interested in contacting Father took place on the Feast of the Im- family." to all of the 1100 families?' Lynch about any of the ministries he. maculate Conception, Dec. 8, which is There are 700 families in the steadily Father Lynch, 33, left Ireland when has started in the parish may call the also Vow Day for the Oblate Fathers growing parish which started with 57 he was eighteen to attend Salamanca Rectory at 255-6642. who serve the parish. Father Michael J. people when Father Devaney arrived Devaney, O.M.I., Pastor of the parish in 1975. 'Anchors Aweigh' at Chaminade and Father Michael A. Pucci, O.M.I., "We started on the Feast of the Associate Pastor, assisted the Bishop. Blessed Mother and hopefully we can Chaminade will host the U.S. Naval are also welcome to attend. celebrate a completion of our church The Glee Club's repertoire is The new structure which will contain Academy Glee Club on campus approximately 9500 sq. ft., will be on a Feast of our Blessed Mother" Tuesday, January 6, 1981. Comprised designed to appeal to all age levels commented the Pastor. and a variety of musical tastes. The placed on the corner of Spencer and of approximately 80 midshipmen and Sequoia Drive. It will be Phase 1 of an under the direction of the Naval midshipmen sing sea chanteys, folk songs, classics and modern pop tunes, over-all master plan that will even- Academy's Director of Musical Ac- tually include a social hall and a core I/^SUNDAY!^ tivities, Mr. John B. Tallev. the group and they have gained national 1/ 9 A.M. -Ch. 7 area serving as a link between the If "Tin Church and Tha will perform for the student body in recognition through annual tours to W WorM Today" various regions of the country. church and the hall and will house the the Chaminade Gymnasium at 10:45 priests' sacristy, altar boys' sacristy, H 1 A.M. - Ch.5 1*1 a.m. They were recently seen on a •1 Tha TV Mast secretary's office and the nursery and •1 lor Shut • ins nationally televised CBS salute to priests' counseling rooms. |\ 1.00 A.M. - Ch.10 Parents and»friends of Chaminade Henry Fonda. • \ Tha TV Mass HIGHLAND ESTATES I \_ lor Shut-ins. j PARISH from PHARMACIES $46, In time of sickness, and for better health, you know you can depend A Beautiful on your pharmacy. The quality prescription experts in this section ADULT COMMUNITY are listed by parish location for UNIQUE MOBILE HOME SUB. DIVISION. Complete RECREA- your convenience. TIONAL facilities. 2 Bedroom. 2 Bath. FULLY furnished, Holy Family Parish DOUBLE MOBILE HOME with air, porch and carport on fully improved lot STONE'S Pharmacy Models now on display at: Watching Drive-in Window Service • Russoll Stover Candies Your 11638 N.E. 2nd. Ave. (Near Barry College). 759-6534 N.W. 53rd. St ft- N.W. 2 Ave. (Just W. of 1-951 Dollars? Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Pompano Beach, Fla. Try.... 94641961 WSCOT DRUG MUTUAL CONVENIENT TO: Si Ambrose, St Eknbeth Er Our Lady of Mercy. Family Run - Hudson Vitamin* - Rusted Stover Candies - Gift Er Card Opt. 2790 W. Davie Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale 581-1114 751-4429 ,. Dinner Saint Rose of Lima Parish for Two... PARK SHORE PHARMACY injoy an antipasto or soup, Quality Courtesy Service garden fresh salad, our 10898 N.E. 6th Ave. - Miami Shores - PH: 754-9508 famous garlic rolls, a choice Our Lady-of Perpetual Help. Saint Philip of 6 great seafood, veal or Kuan, Alert, Accurate Prescription SpoSaltatt. * chicken entrees, plus O PA-LOCK A DRUGS dessert and beverage. COCKTAIL LOUNCf $11.75 Complete 681-3122 401 Opa Locka Blvd. 33054 • MAINE LOBSTERS Sened nightly from 5-6:30 P.M. Dietetic Candies Luncheonette & Store • CLAMS AND OYSTERS and Cookies Open 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. • NEW ENGLAND SEAFOOD CLOSED MONDAY" 2222 N. Ocean Blvd. (A1A) Sundries Photo Supplies - Film Developing. - Money Oiders Blue Slamps. MIAMI'S OLDEST SEAFOOD RESTAURANT OUR 29th YEAR Fort Lauderdale 563-4351 Page 16 /Miami, Florida / THE VOIGE / Friday, January 2,1981 / CMSSRED I NOTICE UNDER FKTmOUS NAME LAW 1A ANTIQUES & COUECTABLES MODELS Mature lady to work in 'small'46 CONDOS FOR RENT-NE NOTKX IS HEREBY GIVEN that the under- IN THE ORCUT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH .Retirement Home. Salary, room & signed, dwning to engage In buateen under We buy & sell one item or an NEW FACES NEEDED FOR WATER-WAY. TOP LOCATION the fictitius name of COQUfM FASHION JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DADE COMMERCIALS, FASHION .board. CaU after 4PM. 989-6671 IMPORT AND EXPORT, INC at number COUNTY, FLORIDA entire estate; sculpture, crystal, Unfurnished, 2BR. 2 Bath. Pool. 1825 NW 21 Street, in the CHy of Miami, PROBATE DIVISION 01 china, silver, chandeliers, paintings, ADVERTISING ADS. Air/heat-.681^-8741_.or 76SH)207 Florida, intends to register the said name RLE NO. 80-9101 IN RE: ESTATE OF pottery, jewelry, rugs, furniture. SSODAYLPISPS with the Clerlt of the Crcuit Court of Dade PUBLICITY & PROMOTIONS M MM. ESTATE MUM KM. CO. JOSEPHINE COLLINS alu Interesting & Unusual Items County, Florida. 211 W.56St. N.Y.C. Dated at Miami, Florida this 19th day of JOHANNA HNC F.H. HERMAN ANTIQUES (Based on experience)- - - Deceased . PHILIP D. LEWIS, INC. Oecember, 1980; Studio 5 D 28 paid fringe benefit days NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION 1405 Sunset Drive Coral Cables Ofgs rVgucnM, President COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES TO AU PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR Hospitalization & Life Insurance .Nora Aduen, Vke Pmident 3 Blks. E. Red Road 661-8080 Office Hours 12-5 P.M. Only. NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTY DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE •FJvira Wkhtmah, Vke President I FAIR HAVENS AND All OTHER PERSONS INTERESTED IN 31 West 20 Street Riviera Beach, Aldo Rede, Secretary-Treasurer •••i cutMEOimii-ww- SAID ESTATE- • MNOVENAS 14442011 1/2-9-16-23,1981 YOOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the admi- Miami Springs nistration of the estate of Josephine CoUns Thanksgiving to St Jude for favors a/k/a Johanna King deceased, late of Dade Contact Ms. Parrish, D.O.Nj JELDERCARE granted Publication promised. LB. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR County, Florida, Fie Number 80-9101is 887-1565 883-4630 12 ACRES ZONED pending in the circuit Court in andtor Dad e - DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA a Residential Care SHOPPING PLAZA SITE PROBATE DlVtaON 02 County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad- Thanksgiving to St. Jude for favor IN RE: ESTATE OF BUNO.80-9M8 dress of whkh is 3rd Floor, Dade County • fortheWelEldedy 13 HELP WANTED 564: on Hwy. 1 Will serve Courthouse, 73 West Hagler Street, Miami, I BOS t BONNIE O'BMEN.Adm. granted. Publication promised. Villages of Homestead. Site plan ANNA PUFF GONGAWARE Florida 33130. The personalrepresentative o f . PBrt»THsttNMsOFIt-LJC«»a . M.H. Marian Center needs House Parents Deceased this estate is PHILLIP J. CONIGLIO, whose ad- available. I ' BanmckrW. Defray Beach ID work With mentally retarded child- NOTKE OF ADMINISTRATION dress is 12595 N.E. 7th Ave., North Miami, ren. Live in'. Fringe Benefits. Aimer E. White, Inc. TO AU PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR Florida. The name and address of the attor- M CRAFTS 420 S. Dixie Hwy. DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE . ney -for the personal representative- are set Cal 9 AM to 4 PM. 625-8554 AND AU OTHER PERSONS INTERESTED IN forth below. Equal Opportunity Employer Coral Cables, fl. 33146 THE ESTATE: ' All penons having dahns or demands against , 2A stamp collections Call Gene Chavoustie YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the ad- thb estate are required.wrTHIN THREE ;667-1071 mMstntion of the estate of ANNA PUFF MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF THE FIRST 28 BOATS FOR SALE GONGAWARE, deceased, FHe Number PUBUCATION OF THIS NOTICE, to fle with Wanted VS. Stamp Collections wion+n. 10 b HM bat. 1U-J KIVI A 80-9268, is petting in the Circuit Court for the clerk of the above court a written Accumulations & Covers . 756-1*70 I St. Petersburg. Casa Flotante Dae County, Florida, Probate Division, the statement of any dahn or demand they may address o* which is 73 West Hagler Street, FREE APPRAISALS 57x21'. Mudte privado, en Marina have. Each claim must be in writing and must t Miami, Florida. The personal representative •"Bate the basis for the daim, Hiename and .Call Chariet , ' 758-3916 •>< ><«•»< >'^Ba» >•«••»< )-«BBF $69,000. '1-813-867-8143 OCALA of the estate fc HUGH P. TODD whose ad- Address of the crealtor of fits Agent, or xttof* \a-AmjSEMEifn. rAimes, ere. HORSE COUNTRY dress * 11811 SW 35th Terrace, Miami, hey, and the amount claimed. H the dahn is Florida. The name and address of the per- not yet due; the date when it will become 4AHAUSFOHRENT SPORT FISHING sonal representative's attorney are set forth S TOOL MENTALS ONLY 235ITJ|VWAJLABLE due shall be stated. If the dahn h contingent "HELEN C" or ungquidated, the nature of the undertalnty K of C Hall for rent. Weddings & OVER 180 LOW RENTAL TOOLS 10% deposit reswes your site If ' AH persons having dahns or demands against shaH be stated. « the dahn is secured, the 947-4081 Banquets. (Miami Council 1726) SMITTVS HARDWARE ft PUNT CO developer does riot perform, to- the estate are required, WITHIN THREE security shaH be described. The claimant shall CAPT. JOHN CALLAN . MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF THE FIRST deliver sufficient copies of the daim to the 5644 NW 7 St. 266-1041 12320 N.W. 7 tWe. M1-**»l tally refundable. $4,000 per acre. PUBUCATION OF THIS NOTICE, to file with derk of the above styled court to enable the 10 yr. terms. No Closing Costs. the deric, of the above court a writen derit to mail one copy to each personal GABLES K OF C HALL FOR RENT 40 APARTMENTS FOR RENT-MBch. statement of any daim or demand they may Aimer E White, he 420 S. Dixie representative. Weddings, Parlies or Banquets COTTON CANDY Hwy. Cool Gables, A 33146. have. Each daim must be in writing and must All penons interested in the estate to whom 270 Catalonia Ave. 448-9242 2 Bedroom Apt All utilities indicate the basis for the daim, the name and a copy of this Notice of Administration hfa Having a fair or party? Cat Robert or Gene Chavoustie address of the creditor or his agent or attor- included. $500 per month and $500 been mailed are required, WITHIN THREE 667-1071 '__ ney, and the amount claimed. If the daim is MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF THE FIRST You Ring • We Bring Security. Call before 9 AM not yet due, the date when it will become 5 PERSONALS PUBUCATION OF THIS NOTICE, to fle any 1 472-423* 673-8784 due shall be stated. If the daim is contingent objections they may have that challenge the 62-HOMES KM SALE or unliquidated, the nature of the uncertainty validity of the decedent's will" the Soul Searching Message on World shall be stated. If the daim is secured, the qualifications of the personal representative, CORAL GABLES FINEST Peace & Dynamic Spiritual words: 40A KTWMENT HOMES-BROWARD security shaH be described. The claimant shall or the venue or jurisdiction of the court. 10 AMUSEMENTS, PARTES«rowaid GABLES ESTATE deliver sufficient copies of the daim to ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJECTIONS 24 hour tape broadcast Call Fatima enable the deric to mail one copy to each NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. Message Center. Basic messaae... PLEASE SAVE FOR REFERENCE RETIREMENT HOME Moor Your Yacht personal representative. - . . DATED at Miami, Florida on this 5th Day of 498-1289 Monthly message 498-1287 Music for all occasions. Full Acre'of Sequestered AU persons interested in the estate to whom November, 1980. OPENINGS FOR AMBULATORY a copy of this Notice of Administration has Phillip J.Coniglio CANDY-KAY ENTERTAINERS LADIES & GENTLEMEN Elegance Plus A Beautiful been mailed are required, WITHIN THREE As Personal.Represenbtive of the Estate of Call Cinny 527-5335 Large Family Residence MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF THE FIRST Room 3 Meals & Personal Laundry JOSEPHINE COLLINS aka JOHANNA KING VITAMINS MINERALS BOOKS REASONABLE Only $675,000 PUBUCATION OF THIS NOTICE, to file any Deceased objections they may have that challenges the BREAD, NUTS, OIL, HONEY UIWVKANTH) i First publication of this notice of administration 923-1726 989-6671 ArmerE. White, Inc. validity of the decedent's wilf, the on the 2nd day of January, 1981. SEEDS & HERB TEAS 420 S. Dixie Hwy.' C. Gables qualifications of the personal representative, Live-in companion & friend or Of Law Offices of or the venue or jurisdictibn of the court. Call Gene Chavoustie PHILLIP J.CONIGUO retired couple, to stay with 44A MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJECTIONS MURRAY'S 12595 N.E. 7th Ave. healthy, widowed 74 yr. old lady 667-1071 Eves. 757-7744 NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. HEALTH FOOD STORE Country living 2/2 mobile,Cen. H/A N. Miami, Fla. 33161 Date of the first publication or this Notice of Room, board, plus compensation Lg. screenroom fenced, nicely Telephone 891-7490 Corner N. Miami Ave. & NW 75 St Administration: January 2,1981. to manage 3 Br. home in lovely B-H0MES FOR SALE'-NE Attorney -For Personal Representative 759-2187 landscaped.$19,900.Central Se/vice HUGH P. TODD 1/2/81 1/9/(1 Gabies area. References. Realty, Realty World, Box 151, ML As Personal Representative of the CAU 238-3207 L-et our experienced Staff Estate of ANNA PUFF GONGAWARE 13 HaP WANTED Dora, Fl. 904-383-4197 ; « Deceased SOCIAL SECURITY Assist you to invest, ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL REPRESEN- 'Northwest Parochial School needs If you have been denied benefits, Opening at the Chancery. Welcome home, doublewide 3/2 S-ell, rent or buy.... TATIVE: Jr. High Science Teacher. Good you should appeal! Responsible mobile.CenH/A plus Screen room, C-all us for'free appraisal JOSEPH H. MURPHY English speaking person for office 1830 Ponce de Leon Boulevard benefits. Call Mon.-Fri. Claimants Representative available work. Typing, filing & answering enjoy the countryside.$36,750 H-ave a Heavenly Holiday Season. Coral Gables, Florida 33134 9 AM to 2:30 PM to help you. FREE CONSULTATION. phone. Good benefits. Please call Central Service Realty, Realty World Lasch Realty Broker 757-4509 Telephone 445-2551 759-2327 757-1993 Dr. Bernard M. Yoffee. 271-4*58. Box 151 ML Do«Jl904-383-^n97,i91fc5Park Drive. Miami Shores 1/2/81 1/9W1 , 757-6241 Ext 245

DEADLINE PHONE MONDAY NOON //Business Service Guide 754-2651

•ACCOUNTANTS -REFRIGERATION M DMVEWAVMMAMI TrTY SAMMY & WILLOW PANTING, beautifuty done. Finest »SCAL COATING FRED HOFFMEIER-ACCOUNTANT HARRY'S SEAL COATING MOVING CO. 696-4531 paints. Neat, dean & reasonalbe. MLS. REFRIGERATION CO YOU DONT HAVE TO BE RICH JACK'S IMPERIAL ASPHALT. INC Residential • Commercial Free Estimates 475-9169 Work done oh your premises Tax/Bookkeeping/Notary TO CALL US LIFT GATE TRUCK Seal coating 12 coatsl Asphalt Call 565-8787 i Asphalt patching • Striping Parking MEMBER BETTER BUSlKlESS BUREAU FREE ESTIMATES 754 2583 • Lots* 2M-I311 60 PAPER HANGING Patching 771-0030 •PROOFING OAOC (t BROWO M ELECnUCALOAOf ROBERT WILLIAMS MOVING 6 STORAGE EARL DECOR LARGE SMALL JOBS ANYTIME ROOFING & REPAIRS , AIKAK CONDITIONING SERVICE 60SI6NS JEOCO. INC. 681-9930 Ove 22yrs. experienoe.Guaranteecl. Free Estimates. Licenses. Insured PAPER HANGING Residential • Commercial • Industrial FREE ESTIMATES. Licensed and EDVITO SIGNS 932-5599 932-5783- Home Improvement • Maintenance QUALITY PAINTING, MPAJNTWm Insured. 24 Hrs. 7 days Truck Walls Gold Leaf Licensed-Insured 596-M16 757-3831 945-2733 758-1521 CALL FOR ANY WORK 7228 NW 56 St. 887-8633 done on YOUR Air-Conditioning ARBUCKLE SERVICES Callfor fre e estimates 947-CS7VT0NY Professional painting. Exterior and MITCHELL'S 60 TV SALES & REPAIRS interior. Eves. 611-5129 TAKE A MINUTE FRED'S PLUMBING SERVICE •0 AUTO AM CONOmONING CALL MINNET ELECTRIC WHITE ROOFS Established 1954 Experienced Honesty, integrity Electric Drain & Sewer Cleaning :LEAN $50 PAINT $99 RCA-ZENITH DEPENDABILITY REPAIR REMODEL Water Heaters • Repairs REE ESTIMATE INSURED 688-2388 SPECIALIST AARON AUTO AIR CONDITIONING 772-2141 H.H.R. PAINTING Fred Verreault Master Plumber SALES & SERVICE Complete line of Repairs and New ExtwioMnterior. Good quality work- 757-7241 DOLEMBA ROOFING Parts. GM/ForpVChtysler Evaporator?.1 21 yrs. exp. FREE ESTIMATES License it Ins Free Estimate SERA'S TELEVISION, INC Compressors/Clutches Just like REASONABLE RATES •OONT RJSS CAU GUS" Licence & Ins. 771-6206 RIGHT WAY PLUMBING CO , INC Roof Repairs of All Kinds 2010NW7ST 642-721 Factory in dash installation GUSCANALES 7155 NW 74 St. 885 8948 ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1860NW95St 691-4991 Plumbing Electrical Carpentry Painting COMPLETE PLUMBING SERVICE 887-6716 Mumotsmv A C Units Sprinkler Systems Installations NON UNION -Free Estimates \ , ; Types Water Filters Appliance Repairs • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL House & roof cleaning & painting. ALADDIN UPHOLSTERY. CUSTOM • W-AUTO PARTS DADE Cabinet Work Tile Work ROOF REPAIRS NEW! Fast, Neat. Douglas 665-5887 Phil Palm WORK. Guaranteed to please., Pool Service and Repairs Plumbing Joseph Devlin Roof Repairs' REE ESTWATES. 634-4769 BOBS USED AUTO PARTS ROOF REPAIRS it PAINT REPAIRS & Member Little Flower Parish 9800 NW South River Drive CHARLES THE PAINTER AH Work Guaranteed. Free Estimates ALTERATIONS Licensed. Reas. 6664819 60 VENETIAN BUND SERVO We buy late model wrecks 887-5563 Interior-Exterior-Kitchen Cabinets. CALL NOW AND SAVE Expert plastering-patch work , cc-2476 CALL 891 8576 325-9661 (Span.) 261-4623 (Eng.) H SEPTIC TANKS STEADCRAFT BLINDS -AUTO SALVAGE «ADE 25 yrs. in Miami CORAL GABLES PLUMBING 751-3916 Complete bathroom remolding Venetian Blinds, Riviera 1" blinds, M HANDYMAN-SHOWARD .CONNIES SEPTIC TANK CO. Custom shades,c4d blinds refinished WRECKED JUNK LATE MODEL Home repairs Pump outs, repairs. 24 Hr Service CARS WANTED HIGHEST PRICES 24 Hr. Service Repaired your home.lalousie door WALTER MAGAN cct256727 592-3«95 & wifidow steel guards. PAID 235-7651 RONALD GABON CO. INC. 446-1414 ccNo.0754 446-2157 ,1151 NW 117 ST. - 688-2757 711-41*1 Painting • Interior/Exterior en SUKOVEHS-OXK 60 CARPET CLEANING Papering • Pressurized roof K KLKHOUS AimCUS cleaning & painting • Patching ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC 60 WINDOWS STEAM MAGIC COMPANY « MOVMMft BTORAO t CUSTOM MADE plaster • Professional work at BOOK ft FILM CENTER SLIPCOVERS* cushions Carpet cleaning the professional way prices you can AFFORD!! Bibles • Missals • Religious Articles ALL WINDOW COMPANY Made with your material or ours Special:lrving,dining room & hail MOVING & DELIVERY References given Insured Mon Sal 8:30 AM to 6 PM Patio Screening - screen doors etc. $29.95. 24 Hr. Service 666-5915 Free Parking in back of building ccNo 61094 9 Flat rate. Immediate Service. Garry 751-1092 Eves. 7S4-4056 7813 Bird Road 666-3339 INSURED GUARANTEED CALL JACK-8611482 Lang 651-0617 2700 Bis. Blvd. 573-1618 /Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 2,19&1 / Page 17 KNOW TOUR FAITH

A winning story By Ann M. Murphy "Your assignment: to write a story about people helping others," Sister Margaret Rose Young announced. Twenty-five high school students looked at her questioningly. They wondered: "What does she want?" "How shall we begin?" But Sister Young gave no additional instructions. She wanted the students to think for themselves. She herself had been thinking about the great many needs people have in society today. She felt there was a need to use imagination in identifying those needs and clear thinking about how to respond to them. SISTER YOUNG watched her class tear out paper, break pencils, scratch their heads and open dictionaries. She intended to have the best story printed in the high school yearbook. As the clock struck midnight, Sister Young turned to the last paper. It was written by John Merrivale, a new student writing his first paper for her. Merrivale used familiar words to begin his paper. When I was hungry you gave me to eat; When I was thirsty you gave me to drink. When I was homeless you opened your door. The student then asked what doors need opening in our worlds: "Could we open our doors not only for the homeless, but also for the lonely? Perhaps we.could invite new neighbors to our homes and - whoever they may be - let them know we welcome them to our street or our appartment building. Maybe we could help people find their way around when they first arrive." Searching for kindness. You held out your hand. Here he spoke of the consideration family members need from each other. "Parents show kindness to children in many ways - by talking with them and listening; by forgiving them; sometimes just by smiling." MERRIVALE also talked about what young people might do for their parents. For in- stance, he wrote, "teen-agers can give more time to their parents, keep their parents informed about the plans, the hopes and the problems that are part of their young world!'That, he said, would be a kind thing to do. He continued: "Sometimes children act as if they don't care. Sometimes parents are preoccupied or seem too busy to be concerned with their children's problems." But parents and .children can keep trying, he wrote. They can always make it clear that they care, understand and want to help. Seeking employment, you found me a job. "Jobs are hard to find," trie student wrote. "Could people help each other find good jobs - by talking together, sharing ideas in clubs and in neighborhood organizations? Many job opportunities could be made known in informal ways. We accomplish little when we are isolated, but when we share with others, we can truly move mountains." When I was aged you bothered to smile. Here Merrivale talked about how older people often feel left out and useless. "But when we take time to smile and to talk with older persons, it can turn their world back to sunshine again". He said it was time for society to begin to think a bit more about the value of the elderly, the contribution they can make to society and tofamilies. When I was laughed at you stood by my side: When I was happy, you shared in my joy. Now enter into the home of my Father. "When I was hungry you gave me to eat." Ken Sands and Tom Kroes, students from St. THE STUDENT'S essay ended here. Sister Young reflected that she had been a Catherine's High School in Racine, Wis., load baskets with food and toys for delivery to Religious for a long time yet her students continued to surprise and inspire her each needy families. year. The point of the Good Samaritan parable By Father Philip J. Murnion and to help take care of each other. But fear often restrains them from following their best intentions. Fear can even keep family members from reaching out to help each The Parable of the Good Samaritan contains the basic lesson given by Jesus on caring other. for others. The point of the story often is missed. Another obstacle to caring for others can be lack of informatipn. People often do After describing the two negligent passers-by and the Samaritan who helped a man not know what needs other people actually have. People may need help, then, to who had been beaten and robbed, Jesus asked, "Who was the neighbor?" learn about various needs - firsthand, whenever possible. What a difference it can The Samaritan became the neighbor by getting involved in the victim's situation, by make when people see for themselves the needs that exist. finding out what the victim needed. This is what more and more parishes are doing as A third obstacle can sometimes be found in the growth of professional and gover- they reach out to their own members and to others in their communities. nmental agencies. Sometimes people feel that they are already helping meet society's Once, during a discussion among members of a parish staff, the group was asked to needs through the taxes they pay. They may also feel that professional agencies are list all known obstacles to fostering a sense of community among parishioners. Here is better equipped to handle people's needs. one obstacle cited: "People do not understand what Christian charity means." On the other hand, anyone familiar with agencies knows how limited their help can Prodded to explain further, someone in the group suggested that this implied the be in some cases. Nothing can replace personal care; there is such a great need to staff should work on teaching what charity means. Another staff member said: "People relate to others in their own terms. simply will not reach out to help neighbors who are having troubles." There is a great need for parishes and their people to counteract the idea that all the "Why not?" the group was asked. charity that is needed in society is available because of the IRS or because of "Because they are afraid," a priest responded. "People do not know what they are professional agencies. I think many people fear being taken advantage of and hold off# getting into or whether they will get in over their heads. They also fear their offer to- from helping others. Yet once they do get involved, they see quite quickly how much * nelpypay be resented." they have to offer. I find this exchange quite illuminating. For it seems that fear, rather than a failure to Many parishes nowadays are providing service whithin their local communities by understand the meaning of charity, can be a major obstacle for almost anyone, almost monitoring agencies to make sure the intended services are provided. And they are anywhere. To overcome fear, then, perhaps parishes and their people will want to helping to make people aware of the specific kinds of help that are available through think about ways to provide support so that people will not feel they are alone when public agencies. ' ' • ' • • they reach out to their neighbors. Caring for each other is central to the Christian way of life. Furthermore, this is the It seems to me that people do want to help one another. They want to be generous responsibility of all Christians who sometimes do amazing things. Page 18 /Miami, Florida/THE VOICE/Friday January 2,1981 / Building a spirit of trust ?• By Sister Barbara Ann Mayer, O.S.B. • Another young man who had been in the seminary for eight years offered to teach a Scripture People who feel that parishioners today do not class for adults in the parish because he wanted to care enough to get involved should visit Most Pure share his theology background. Heart of Mary Parish in Topeka, Kan. Here, nearly • A couple agreed to head the marriage and 1,000 volunteers, one-third of the parish's adults, family life committee simply because they felt they help carry out the parish's work through the ser- could make a contribution. vices they provide: PARISHIONERS serve as lectors, cantors, • A woman who serves as a teacher's aide in the organists, liturgy planners, ushers, greeters, CCD program says she does so because she feels it catechists, clerical helpers, phone volunteers, Sunday focusing on a simple message: That is important to show children that adults do have visitors of the sick, sacristy helpers, publicity everyone has talent and is called to serve. faith. designers, committee members and in other ways Volunteer service sheets representing the ac- too. tivities of the eight parish committees are circulated • A man said he wanted to do something for the ; church because he thinks it is "rewarding to know "There are more than 35 people involved in the and people are asked to make a two-year commit that you are part of all the things happening in the various Sunday eucharistic celebrations alone," ment to serve in the activities of one of eight com- church." Father Thomas Culhane said. He added: "We could mittees. • A woman who wanted to do something about use a full-time person to work with the volunteers. According to parish staff members, personal con- abortion got involved with Birthright, hoping to The parish just couldn't survive without them." tact is a key to the success. 'There are so many help reverse the attitudes of people who condone How do so many people get involved in this things drawing people that unless they are told they abortion and hoping to help pregnant women find parish? are really needed, they probably won't volunteer," alternatives to abortion. Each year in August, the parish holds a Volunteer observed Father Phil Winkelbaueri|Pany don't feel they have the expertise, so we give them training," added the associate pastor. ROBERT BACIC, religious education coordinator, emphasized the importance of giving volunteers specific tasks to perform. "It's devastating to ask people to serve and to provide no follow-through," he said. This parish has a tradition of making sure it sup- ports volunteeers in their tasks. "Their involvement gives people a broadened view of the church and helps them see how ministry is essential to the total When parishes picture," Father Winklebauer said. Those people discover the gain a sense of belonging and of being close to needs of their other parishioners through involvement in the people and parish's various small groups, he feels. respond to those A personal touch is added to the support for needs they often volunteers when committee members and their families are invited to the rectory. Each committee find that people has its own Sunday when as many as 40 people join do amazing the priests at the rectory for refreshments. things. Parishioners indicate that as volunteers they are able to provide a service and are given an outlet for their gifts and talents, as well. A senior citizen who taught CCD classes for 14 years now takes Com- munion to nursing homes twice each month. She said: "God's been good to me and I want to do something for him. I just hope my visits make the residents feel they are not forgotten and are still part of the parish." At most Pure Heart of Mary, a spirit of trust and support unites staff and parishioners. They don't have all the answers but they somehow com- municate the feeling that they can solve most problems and meet people's needs if they work together. Life-giving, life-sustaining communities By Father John J. Castelot really can live together in love and understanding, handle their own everyday disputes. peace, harmony and mutual support. THE CORINTHIANS boast of their wisdom. WelL St. Paul reacted rather negatively when he heard If Christians fail to give this witness, they are not then, "Can it be that there is no one among you" that some Corinthian Christians were filing civil fulfilling their Christian vocation; if they file a con- wise enough to settle a case between one member lawsuits against other Christians of their com- trary witness, they are positively perverting their of the church and the otherr Paul exposes a really munity. mission, contradicting their very reason for being. raw nerve with the next question: "Must brother The more one reads and reflects on Paul's letters, These considerations help us appreciate Paul's drag brother into court, and before unbelievers at especially First Corinthians, the more one isstruck reaction to the situation he faces in First Corin- thatr by the supreme importance he attaches to the idea thians> Chapter 6. It has come to his attention that The Christians are supposed to transform society, and reality of Christian community. No matter what some community members are filing suits against not scandalize and disillusion it. If they really were specific problem he may be treating in his parishes, fellow Christians in the civil courts. living the gospel ideal, they would shun vindic- the underlying concern always seems to be that of tiveness in the first place, "turn the other check," community. TODAY WE MAY find nothing unusual about this - forgive and forget. Christians are not just a group of like-minded in- - it is the accepted thing. But Paul was not of our "Why, the very fact that you have lawsuits against dividuals who happen to get together for dialogue culture and so viewed matters rather differently. one another is disastrous for you," Paul says. The and common effort. They are united in a person, He may have had in the back of his mind the little Christians are supposed to have abandoned the Jesus Christ. They become, in a very real sense, a Jewish communities scattered throughout the em- standards and procedures of the pagan world. person, a corporate person. pire. These communities tended to be quite self- Christians have been "washed, consecrated, THE UNITY of Christians is thus not accidental or contained, following their own laws and customs, justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in simply functional; it is organic, life-giving, life- and even judging cases in their own courts accor- the Spirit of our God." sustaining. ding to their own law code. They did not hang their This is the ideal toward which the Christians Christians don't so much form a community, as dirty linen out for the whole world to see. should be striving. But Paul is realistic enough to the community forms them. This has obvious im- In any case, Paul is aghast once more. He appeals know that the ideal is not attainable overnight. It is plication for their mutual, interpersonal relation- to them, not without a touch of irony, by alluding a goal. -"' ships. Its implications for the relations of Christians to a popular Old Testament belief that the "saints" In the meantime, the least the people can do is to to society at large, while not so obvious, are no less would judge the world. If that is true - and with settle their inevitable squabbles among themselves, real and serious. their native conceit the Corinthians are all too and give witness to the world that a community can It is as a community that Christians demonstrate in willing to believe that they will judge even "the maintain its unity of love and harmony even in spite a fragmented world that people, in Christ Jesus, angels" - then surely they should be competent to of human tensions. !, 1981 otulism

girl may ever bom to a mother tiiat When paralyzed; by botulism, during the first was-. ,. ,.,...„ out of there, \ wantedsto be' To datfe,.. pregnant women contrae- move around and to di " * n at thar early stage had :ied to be ift tomtit ' of had (?iisca?riaRes of . IR thfo ease both mother and

^«tr»o$tofal^^1s^l,.... \lr* June' 25:yeaf"OJd tarls, si* weeks grateM 1 -used & |u$t tm$ ; of food (SOKonios alder sampling H caused by the you need a bl, 'Hm- a certain bacilkil Iton) having1 to found I,..., canned or preSep- ved foods. «THS after fd eater* the ?~

co >aa:fily waHc and really trouble isreatliijife 8y ihe Sme 1 w# taker* to sli« Piospjtai |Provldeoce Hospital if* Everett; washl t was corn?, * * MM co«l^ tt*ove

wa$ hooked up to a respirator communficatedwfth her toes. A\ ' t»i lbs ri^it one me*nt ^yes* wiggle orrthe left one meant *r

not talk and her eyes had to be i shut, as they scarred whe^» «hey * aut" because she cotid not shot them tywce a-w^ei, tot or «ver* feink them so keep them regain .control of, her, moi$t i^lsortion wa& suggested as an option daring this ordeaiTbifc & w« «* ^P- the !?<%'« sfe»ylr^r^>^ tJOft, the CaHejas said, tfeey ri^ver even her, - •" '" . -\ considered, HUNOraa>$ OF people % *Kfs true that Laris wo«l<§ have'been world have1 sent lite ~ able to feeder a lot fasten wj^out the notes of supporj^v baby growing insi^le of he// her husband Um saM, "She needed all the nutrients and vitamins and minerals A grocery dialn she had in her body to get well and, as mage sale .to false'mcrney for you know, a baby takes all these medtatf bill5. St ^ry of tJte '' vsWatote rjoirienfc Iforn fo& mf$t&" *Ar«i/ taris &$d®$, *widi the baby* MIRACLE BABY -- Laris Calleja of Monroe, Wash., gently holds her premature i pushing up on yoW W& * baby daughter. The baby may be the first ever born to a mother paralyzed from harder to breathe .. • • • botulism during her first three months of pregnancy. especially wher*

A post-Christmas tradition ST JOHN NEUMANN WAS BORN (N IBU IS SI JOHN CZECHOSLOVAKIA. AFTER STUDYING IN PRAGUE, HE CAME TO NEW YORK AT 25 By Hilda Young medical expense for your famil/s AND WAS ORPAINED A PRIEST. HE V\0 There is a post-Christmas tradition at mental health." From the look on his NEUMANN MISSIONARY WORK IN NEW YORK UNTIL our house. Ifs called taking down the face, he just might try it. HE WAS 29, WHEN HE JOINEP THE Christmas tree. "Okay," I said. "Lefs get with it. Tin- REDEMPTORISTS AND BECAME THE FIRST "Do you really think ifs ready to sel first." OF THIS ORDER TO PROFESS VOWS IN THE come down?" oldest son pleaded on Spouse groaned. "Do we have to UNITED STATES. HE CONTINUED MISSIONARY schedule the other day. save that stuff every year? There are WORK IN MARYLAND, VIRGINIA AND OHIO. "I think so," I said. "All the needles 15,000 of them in a box and a box only AS BISHOP OF PHILADELPHIA, AMI, HE have fallen off and a woodpecker jusf costs 49 cents. Let me treat next year." ORGANIZED THE CATHOLIC SCHOOL applied for a lease agreement.* "' 'The original Scrooge reformed," I SYSTEM INTO A DIOCESAN SYSTEM, "Lets keep it up just One more day," said. INCREASING THE NUMBER OF STUDENTS oldest daughter sighed on cue. "Ifs "Life has to be bigger than spending ABOUT 20 TIMES. like losing a friend." three days ironing and folding tinsel,"' WITH HIS REMARKABLE ORGANIZING "Friend," grunted spouse, "you mean he said sarcastically. ABILITY, HE ATTRACTED MANY TEACHING "You old romantic," I said. "I'll bet ORDERS OF SISTERS ANP investment. Do you know how much THE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS TO THE CITY. we paid for that fire hazard?" you read that on a Christmas card." HE ALSO SERVED A BRIEF ASSIGNMENT (Keep in mind that this man still can- "Do you want help with the lights or AS VICE PROVINCIAL FOR THE not pass a phone booth without don't you?" he asked. REDEMPTORISTS. checking for change; He thinks, "Bah - "Now we're getting somewhere," I RENOWNED FOR HIS HOLINESS humbug," is a dialect joke in which said before I realized the children had AND LEARNING, PREACHING AND someone complains about a ham- left the scene. ' SPIRITUAL WRITING, HE BECAME THE burger.) "Where's all our help?", spouse FIRST AMERICAN BISHOP TO BE "Claim it as a tax write off if it makes i asked. BEATIFIED AND CANONIZED. you feel better," I said. "Say it was a "Following tradition," I said. THE FEAST OF ST. JOHN NEUMANN, gISHOR IS JAM. K. Page 20 /Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 2,19817 EN ERO 2/1981

Publicaci6n oficial catolica de la Arquidi6cesis de Miami, 6201 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, Fla. 33138, Tel: 758-0543. Advierte el Papa contra Terrorismo

harta frecuencia entre fa'c- ciones de un mismo pais? e Injusticias ^Corno dejar de pensar en la guerra entre Iran e Iraq, en la Vaticano (NC)-Su Santidad Juan Iran ponga en libertad a los triste situacion de Afganistan, Pablo II manifesto al mundo su rehenes norteamericanos dijo: en las continuadas tensiones en preocupacion de que la huma- "No podemos olvidar a los el Libano, dijo en su largo men- nidad este amenazada por la rehenes en diversas partes del saje de Navidad agregando que guerra, el terrorismo y la in- mundo, aun privados de liber- en Irlanda del Norte, Africa, justicia. tad, victimas de represalias Italia, El Salvador y Espafia, la El Papa tambien afirmo que politicas, o de inicuas, incon- guerra y el terrorismo siguen esta rogando por su patria cebibles y crueles cobrando nuevas victimas. natal, Polonia, en estos maquinaciones economicas. Anadio que en los ocho viajes momentos de angustias e in- "En este tiempo de Navidad, que ha hecho a distintas certidumbre ante la amenaza que es penoso para el los, estoy regiones y paises del mundo de invasion por parte de la junto a ellos en oracion, desde que comenzo su ? Union Sovietica. rogando al Senor con lagrimas papado, ha alcanzado una El Papa hablo ante los miem- en los ojos y pidiendd a los mayor comprension de la bros del Sacro Colegio Car- responsables que tengan necesidad de sociedades mas denalicio y repitio su temor de misericordia en nombre de justas en las cuales los que se esten aceptando, por Dios." ciudadanos puedan dignamen- indiferencia, controles ar- Se refirio a la actual situacion te ostentar sus derechos y per- tificiales de la natalidad y de del mundo que aunque sonal idad. qiie no se adopten medios de muestra sefiales de esperanza "Estoy junto a todos los hom- vida menos materialistas tambien revela amenazas que debido a que la sociedad se ha bres de espiritu fraternal que van mas alia que todas las sufren en estos momentos, del acosturrjbrado a la comodidad conocidas hasta ahora. y esto la hace apatica. mismo modo siento in- ^No sufre y muere gente timamente las angustias, En una exhortacion que parece todos los dias por la horrible tribulaciones y esperanzas de un llamado indirecto para que rivalidad entre los pueblos con mi amada patria." El Santo Padre llamo la atenddn de todo el mundo sobre "las TEXTO COMPLETO DEL MENSAJE DE NAVIDAD EN LA PAG. 2A consecuencias del terrorismo y las injusticias". Cart a del Arzobispo McCarthy a Padres de Familia Mis queridos hermanos en Cristo: mas alia de un nivel fisico. Es una vida donados, aprendemos lo que es ser los padrs no ponen limites a sus En el termino de cada ser humano, que debe crecer paralelamente en su amados. y es tambien en la familia, obligaciones con sus hijos. La Iglesia se hay multitudes de experiencias que inteligencia, en sus emociones y en sus donde adquirimos nuestra primera preocupa que dada uno de sus hijos, cambian el rumbo de nuestras vidas. dimensiones espirituales. Todos los vision del amor que nuestro Padre vivan una vida mas llena de Cristo. Su Estas experiencias puederi ser debidas padres y madres desean para sus hijos Celestial tiene por nosotros. Lo apren- mision es la de educar sus hijos en el a acontecimientos mundiales, per- una vida a plenitud, lo cual les permite demos de niftos y lo yivimos como amor, conocimiento y experiencia de sonales o provados. identificarse con Cristo, que nos dijo, padres y con humildad y reverencia nuestro Serlor, apoyarlos en la En la histeria del ser humano, la "Yo en cambio, vine, para que tengah podemos tambien decir que los padres busqueda de la verdad, y en el aumento venidad del Nino Jesus, fue un acon- vida y encuentren la plenitud." y madres inspiran a sus hijos el amor al de su sabiduria. En la familia, la pequena tecimiento que cambio profundamente Cada etapa de la vida de los padres, Padre de los Cielos. Pues es en la iglesia, padres y madres - Dios los ben- el curso y el significado de nuestra tiene sus momentos de regocijo y sus manera incondicional que ustedes diga - tienen mas o menos la misma existencia. Asi tambien, la venida de un problemas. L atransicion de una per- aman a sus hijos, que hacen que ellos misi6n. hijo cambia la vida de sus padres. Nunca sona que durante su crecimiento se ha crean en ese Padre ciiyo amor nctiene Hay un canto que en uno de sus ver- mas seran como eran antes. Este sentido como el centro del universo, y Ifmites, que loa acepta como ellos son, sos expresa claramente el mensaje que proceso afecta sus relaciones mutuas y de pronto se convierte en esposo o y que esta dispuesto siempre a per- yo quiero compartir con ustedes. los con el resto de las personas, y en una esposa, y despues en padre o madre, donarles. que son padres y madres: este verso manera distinta eHos sienten una debe hacerlos desinteresados, Yo personalmente creo, que los puede ser cantado a cada uno de responsabilidad con el mundo, y lo que generosos y maduros. mejores teologos y directores ustedes por Nuestro Padre Celestial, pasa en este mundo es de gran impor- Sabemos que no es nada facil para los espirituales en mi vida fueron mis por la Iglesia nuestra Madre, por tancia para ellos. padres y madres el cambio que viene padres, y diria que en su ejemplo de nuestros propios padres. Y dice - "Todo Y a ustedes, los que han sido con el desarrollo de los hijos; despues una fe vivida con sencillez, tuvo mucha lo que quiero de tl, es que me recuer- escogidos como padres y madres de de haber tenido la responsabilidad de mas influencia que sus consejos, ellos ddes siempre por lo que te he amado." - familia, que tienen la responsabilidad satisfacer todas las necesidades de nos dejaron ver tanto a mis hermanos, Es mi deseo que ustedes reciban la por la vida y la crianza de sus hijos, les ellos, unos 20 anos despues, los hijos hermanas y a mi, la vision, el amor, y la gracia de reconocer que son amados. Y dirijo mi ultima carta en este Ano de la asumen sus propias responsabilidades y atraccion al reino de nuestro Sefior que esa gracia alcance a todos aquellos Familia. Y siendo este al mismo tiempo eventualmente las de otros. Y para Jesucristo que es nuestra Iglesia. La for- que estan a su alrededor, especialme.n- nuestro primer ano de Evangelizacion, aquellos que tienen la gracia de una ma en que mis padres nos ensefiaron, te sus hijos. en el que se ha tornado un gran em- larga vida, existe el sentido de que han fue por medio de la oracion en familia, Ruego porque cada uno de ustedes peno en la renovac|6n espi ritual de la viajado el circulo complete, pues ellos fe en la Divina Providencia, respeto a la tenga la conviccion profunda de que vida familiar, yo les "quiero expresar mi en cierta forma depenaen de sus hijos. Iglesia - incluyendo sus debilidades ustedes son los instrumentos de la labor afecto y gratitud, a ustedes mis queridos En la experiencia de la vida familiar, humanas - una familia con el deseo de del Sefior. padres y madres, y a esos hombres y experimentamos una realidad divina. Es servir. Con toda mi devocion, agradecimien- mujeres, viudos o divorciados, que en la familia donde recibimos y com- En una forma reallstica, la Iglesia tam- to y admiraci6n en Cristo, solos llevan a cabo la labor de padre y prendemos por primera vez lo que es bien actua como padresy madres. Hay madre con sus hijos. amor. Por medio del cuidado, el afecto, quienen limitan la funcion de la Iglesia a EdwarD A. McCarthy Padres y madres producen una nueva el esttmulo para desarrollarnos y la ex- ensefiar las reglas y preceptos y Arzobispo de Miami vida; y esa vida la nutren y la comparten periencia de p'erdonar y ser per- asegurarse que sean obedecidas. pero Miami, Florida / LA VOZ / Viemes, Enero 2,1981 / Pagina 1A San John Neumann Texto Complete) del AAensaj de Navidad Vaticano - Este es el texto del efectivamente tu mismo, Jesus desde su multiple pasado,' mira Mensaje de Navidad "Urbi et recien nacido, sin techo, eres el al futuro y al mismo tiempo se Orbe"(a la ciudad y al mundo) que esta mas cercano a preocupa por el propio futuro, dirigido a todas las naciones nuestros hermanos y hermanas por el futuro del mundo. por el Sumo Pontifice, Juan de la Italia meridional, los Cristo, eres tu el futuro del Pablo II, desde la Basilica de cuales, a causa del terrible hombre." San pedro. terremoto reciente, han per- "Dice Isaias que sobre tus " 'Nos ha nacido un niflo. se dido sus casas? Los hombres hombros 'esta el signo de la nos ha dado un hijo../(cfr Is 6,5). que verdadermanete acuden soberania (9,5). ^En que con- Con estas palabras del profeta en su ayuda, son precisamente siste esta soberania sobre tus tsaias, proclamadas a los que te tienen a ti en sus hombros, debil nino, que medianoche, hemos tenido la corazones, a ti que has nacido soberania es esta? alegria de comenzar la fiesta de en Belen sin una casa. "La conocemos. Nos ha sido Navidad 1980. Estas palabras "^No sera que al haber sido dado conocerla hasta lo mas dichas a todos los que estaban amenazado de muerte por profundo: desde el pesebre reunidos en la basilica de San Herodes, desde los primeros hasta la cruz, desde Belen hasta Pedro y, al mismo tiempo, a dias de tu vida, tu estas particu- el calvario, desde el nacimiento todos aquellas que las han larmente cercano, el mas cer- hasta la resurreccion. escuchado desde cualquier cano, a los que estan "No es la soberania 'sobre el punto del mundo, son uria vez amenazados de algun modo, a hombre'. Es la soberania 'por el mas el mensaje de la buena los que mueren por manos hombre'. Es la fuerza de la nueva, la palabra de la luz y de asesinas, a los que se les niegan redencion. Es la verdad y el la alegria. los derechos humanos fun- amor. "Ahora, cuando este'feliz dfa damentales? "En efecto, tu naces en Belen esta a mitad de su curso y ha "Oh verdaderamente ad- para que se revele en ti 'el llegado el momento en que el mirable. Dios omnipotente en amor celoso del sefior de los -obispo de Roma debe impartir su debilidad de nino. ejercitos', para que se revele la bendicion "a Roma y al mun- "De todas partes de Roma y aquel amor con el que el padre do"(Urbi et Orbi), permitid, del mundo nos encaminanos amo tanto el mundo que le dio vosotros los que estias aqui -y hacia ti. Nos atrae tu nacimien- su hijo unigenito...tcfr Jn 3,16). vosotros a quienes llega mi to en Belen. ^Hubieras podido "En estos momentos todos voz, en cualquier parte del quiza hacer algo mas de lo que nosotros estamos locesano aumentando el mundo-que nos unamos has hecho para ser Emmanuel, espiritualmente en el lugar de John naci6 en Checoslova- numero de alumnos veirite espiritualmente para empren- Dios con nosotros? Algo mas" tu nacimiento. Miramos hacia quia en 1811, Luego de veces mas en pocos afios. der el mismo camino que de lbs que nuestros ojos mi ran ti, recien nacido miramos estudiar en un seminario de Con su extraordinaria abilidad tomaron en la noche, y en el estupefactos: los ojos de los desde Roma (urbe) y desde el Praga vino a los Estados Unidos organizativa atrajo a muchas dia, del nacimiento de Dios, los hombres de las distintas partes mundo (orbe). donde finalizo sus estudios y ordenes de Hermanas pastores de Belen. del mundo, de los distintos "Bienaventurados los ojos fue ordenado sacerdote a la dedicadas a la ensenanza y a "Hermanas y hermanos mios. paises y continentes, de los que ven lo que nosotros. edad de 25 afios. Los cuatro los hermanos de la Salle a la Vosotros todos, para quienes distintos puntos de toda estamos viendo. anos siguientes los dedico a ciudad los que prestaron un este nacimiento es el signo de longitud y latitud geograficas, "Nos ha nacido un nino. Se trabaio misionero en el mismo gran servicio en las escuelas la esperanza. Qs invito a esta lo mismo que una vez miraron nos ha dado un hijo. Si, nos ha estaqo, despues de los cuales catolicas de Filadelfia. union espiritual. Rodeemos los ojos de Maria, de Jose y dado un hijo. En este hijo todos formo parte de la Orden Sirvio tambien por un cotto con una amplia -cuanto exten- despues los ojos de los nosotros hemos sido Redentorista siendo el primero periodo de tiempo como vice dida - corona de corazones pastores, de los magos de restituidos de nuevo a nosotros de esta orden en profesar provincial de la Orden Reden- este lugar, en que Dios se ha oriente. mismbs. El es nuestra ben- votos en Estados Unidos. Con- torista. hecho hombre. Hagamos "Felices de verdad los ojos, dici6n. tinuo haciendo misiones en Muy renombrado por sus corona en torno a esta virgen, que ven lo que vosotros veis. "Antes de compartir esta Maryland, Virginia y Ohio. conocimientos, sus escritos y que le ha dado la vida humana "Tu eres el Principe de la Paz. bendicion del recien nacido En 1952 fue ordenado predicas espirituales tanto en la noche del nacimiento de Cuan grande es para el hombre con vosotros, amadisimos Obispo de Filadelfia, a la edad como por la fama de sus san- Dios. Hagamos corona en tor- el bien de la paz. Cuan hermanos y hermanas, per- de 41 afios. Ya obispo organiz6 tidad, fue el primer obispo nor- no a la sagrada familia. deseado es este bien en el mitid que me dirija con un el sistema escolar cat6lico teamericano en ser beatificado "Emmanuel. Estas en medio mundo contemporaneo y al saludo, en varias lenguas, a los como sistema catdlico y canonizado. de nosotros. Estas con mismo tiempo cuan amena distintos pueblos del mundo nostoros. Descendiendo hasta zado esta. que participan el nuestra las ultimas consecuencias de "Tu eres padre para siempre. peregrinacion espiritual a aquella alianza que se habia El hombre, que va creciendo Belen". Retiro Corismdtico en Little Flower llevado a cabo con el hombre desde el principio y a pesar de "Jesus te llama a escuchar su trabajado muy activamente en que tantas veces haya sido Palabra" y el Rvdo. P. Jose el ministerio a los enfermos. violada e infringida. Kane, OMI, sera el orador en el Conocido internacionalmente "Estas con nosotros. Em- retiro que Renovacion como conferencista es invitado manuel. De una manera que Carismatica ofrece en la iglesia regularmente a ofrecer retiros verdaderamente supera todo vieja de Little Flower, 1270 en todos los paises de America lo que pudiera pensar de ti el En las preparaciones her- artritis pueden correr un riesgo Anastasia Avenue, Coral Latina. hombre. Tu estas con nosotros baceas chinas para Cocimientos todavia mayor si toman esos Gables, el Sabado 10 de Enero como hombre. Admirable, que se venden en todo el pais, productos, debido a una de 9 a.m. a 8 p.m. y el El Rvdo. P. Antonio verdaderamente eres ad- se han encontrado potentes Domingo 11 de 12:30 a 6 p.m. sobredosis o una interaccion Navarrete, pastor de la mirable, oh Dios, creador y se- medicamentos que deben entre las medicinas. Padre Kane, misionero en comunidad "La Vid" y el Padre fior del cosmos, con Dios Padre venderse por receta y se ha La FDA aconseja que las per- Peru desde 1963, es un sacer- Jose Kane les esperan para vivir omnipotente. Hijo unigenito. producido un fallecimiento dote muy dedicado a la junto a Jesus un momento de "Dios poderoso, que estas sonas que estan tomando esos debido a su uso, advierte la productos herbaceos deben Renovacion Carismatica en el gran signification para todo con nosotros como hom- Administracion Federal de Espiritu Santo en la que ha cristiano. bre,como un humano recien Drogas y Alimentos, y que dejar de hacerlo y que, si estan nacido, tan debil, envuelto en pruebas realizadas en sus tomando otras medicinas, Tetefono de Emergencia panales y puesto en un pesebre laboratories de esas yerbas han deben consultar con su porque 'no habia lugar para monstrado dosis de in- medico. 24 HORAS (305) 653-2921 ellos en ningun albergue' (cfr 1c dometacina, un agente anti- La FDA ha pedido a los fun- 2,7). inflamatorio con serios efectos cionarios del Departamento de RESPETA A LA VIDA laterales; de hidroclorotiazida, Aduanas, de Servicio Postal y Arqudi6cesis de Miami "Admirable. Angel del gran consejo. No sera quiza por el un potente diuretico; y de del Departamento de Estado, NOS PREOCUPAMOS POR TU HIJO POR hecho de que tu te has hecho clordiazepoxido, un fuerte que colaboren para tratar de NACER... Y TE OFRECEMOSESTOS SERVICIOS hombre de este modo, que de tranquilizante. destruir las existencias de esta manera has venido al dichos productos e impedir el GRATIS LA PRUEBA DE PRENEZ, Las etiquetas de los mismo ingreso al pais de los mismos. UN HOGAR, ROPA DE MATERNIDAD mundo, sin un techo, que te solo muestran contenido her- AJUAR Y MOBILIARIO PARA EL BEBE has hecho el mas cercano al baceo. En Agosto pcisado, la Oficina hombre? de Distrito de la FDA en Atlanta Agradecemos Las Donaciones Las personas que estan sera quiza que, al estar tomando medicinas contra la ContinuaenlaPigina 4 A Pagina 2A /Miami, Florida / LA VOZ / Viernes, Enero 2,1981 / (Primera Los o Families Hispana Parte) Por R. P. Francisco Santana la familia, puesnp tenemos el po y la compaRia de los padres derecho a privar a nuestros en los aRos que mas lo La tradicion de nuestros. hijos de la experiencia humana necesitan. Equivocadamente pueblos de origen y la realidad de disfrutar del amor de sus nuestra sociedad da importan- de nuestra experiencia actual abuelitos. cia a la adquisicion de bienes en Estados Unidos. El amor de abuelos es distinto materiales, sin darnos cuenta "Habia una vez una familia al amor de padres y ambos que nuestros hijos, mas que que vivia en un pueblito en un enriquecen al ser humano en el. dinero, lo que en realidad Iugar de America Latina. Se proceso de su crecimiento y desean eh nuestro tiempo y dedicaban a la agricultura y maduracion afectiva. Al mismo atencion. Aqui de nuevo se ve todos se mantenian unidos, tiempo el ignorar a nuestros la sabiduria de que cada quin apegados a su tierra, sus ancianos nos resta a todos la cosecha lo que siembra. Cuan- tradiciones y a la practica de su oportunidad de aprender de la do lleguemos a viejos somos religion catolica. Todos los sabiduria y el conocimiento nosotros los que vamos a miembros de la familia tenian acurriulado a traves de la ex- necesitar del carino y el tiempo su funcion propia y en especial periencia de una larga vida. de nuestros hijos y entonces tal los abuelitos eran muy Moralmente, ^como vamos a vez no lo tendremos. respetados y se les cpnsulta en ensenar a nuestros hijos que Los abueljtos tienen mucho. todas las decisiones importan- hay que honrar padre y madre, tiempo disponible y en esta tes. si ellos ven que nosotros no osciedad tan complicada en la Un dia la famitia, buscando Las presiones de la vida en este pais hacen que los ancianos honramos a sus abuelitos, cual vivimo, ellos pueden mejorar economicamente y terminen su vidas solos en algun asilo. nuestros propios padres? llenar muchas necesidades de brindar a sus miembros mas por el resto de la familia. su vida solos en. un asilo de an- Aun desde un punto de vista nuestros hijos y compensar jovenes maypres opor- El desgaste fisico propio de la cianos. A los hispanos nos egoista, un refran popular nos nuestra falta de tiempo debido tunidades de estudio y vejez se unia ahora al desgaste repugna esta costumbre. Se recuerda que cada quien a nuestras obligaciones de progreso, decidieron emigrar a moral: una disminucion de la necesita una unidad familiar cosecha lo que siembra. El trabajo. los Estados Unidos. Llegaron a necesidad de vivir, una miry fuerte para encontrar una trato que nuestros hijos nos El problema del papel de los este pals llenos de ilusion y negativa a combatir, un sentido solution al problema de los vean dar a nuestros padres sera abuelitos en la familia afecta a muy impresionados por las de inutilidad y finalmente una ancianos en el interior de la el trato que ellos nos van a dar todos sus miembros y puede grandes posibilidades que aceleracion del proceso vital familia. Vivimos eri una a nosotros cuando lleguemos determinar el grado de prometian un future mejor. Al que conduce a la muerte." sociedad basada en la produc- al ocaso de nuestra vida. felicidad al cual todos tenemos principio unos parientes les tion en la cual las personas no Esta problematica nos lleva a derecho. Lo que esta en juego El cuento anterior nos da una ayudaron a buscar trabajo en productivas no encuentran un revisar todas las relaciones en es la mismisima humanidad de ligera idea de las dificultades una fabrica y les orientaron en Iugar aporpiado. En muchos el interior de la fmilia. Muchos la persona humana en su paso que encontramos los hispanos el camino dificil de adaptarse a casos el papa y la mama ninos y adolescentes se quejan por esta vida. en Estados Unidos para man- una nueva forma de vida. trabajan y los ninos pasan la de no poder disfrutar del tiem- tener nuestra unidad familiar. Los ninos asistieron a la mayor parte de su tiempo al escuela y comenzaron a Los hispanos tenemos una cuidado de personas extranas. aprender el idioma ingles, y tradicion familiar muy fuerte en Este es un problema profun- con el cursar del tiempo les fue la cual las personas mayores, damente humano que va mas IMPRENTA "los abuelitos", siempre han mas facil expresarse en ingles alia de las diferencias que "MARESMA" queenespaRol. tenido un papel muy importan- puedan existir entre la cultura te. En contraste, la familia Papa y mama trabajaban muy nispana y la anglosajona. El americana se reduce al con- 70 N.W. 22 Ave. - Miami, Fla. duro en la fabrica y apenas problema . es el resultado de Al f cepto de lo que se ha llamado A MEDIA CUADRA OE OAGLER STREET tenian tiempo para compartir nuestro avance en el campo de la "familia nuclear", limitada a con sus hijos y con el resto de la tecnica, en cuyo proceso Gran Surtido de Tarjetas para los padres y a los hijos. Por lo la fmailia. S*e les dificultaba mas corremos el terrible riesgo de Bodas, Bautizos, Comuniones, Bon Man he general cuando los hijos con- el aprender el nuevb idioma, perder valores que son esen- traen matrimonio se van de la UNA CASA AL SER VICIO pero poco a poco llegaron a ciales al ser humano. - Cumpleafios, Recordatorios y casa estableciendo otra familia DE LA RELIGION entenderlo bien e expresarse. El permitir que nuestros an- Misas. Impresiones al Relieve. y las personas mayores con- • Plqcas.cuadrosyestatuas aunque su vocabulario era cianos se sientan inutiles y ter- tinuan un tipo de vida in- religiosas limitado. minar internandolos en un asilo TODA CLASE OE TRABAJOS dependiente. •. MA

SOLIDARIDAD CON EL DOLOR DE ITALIA Peligrosos productos... Viene de la pag. 2A Nueva York El Comite Judio recibio un informe acerca del origina en diversos lugares y se de espalda o de las piernas. pania Farmaceutica Nan-Lien, Americano conmovido ante el fallecimiento de una mujer de vende en todos los Estados de la misma direccion en Hong El analisis de estos productos tragico terremoto en el sur de 70 anos, que habia estado Unidos. El producto por lo Kong que la Suen Wuen, asi Italia, ha lanzado una campafia tomando el remedio herbaceo general llega por via aerea en efectuado en los laboratories como "Shou Sing Brand de la FDA en Atlanta, Dallas, nacional entre sus- miembros "Chuifong Toukuwan". Se in- pequenos envios efectuados a Chuifong of the Toukuwan", de para ayudar a los sobrevivien- forma que padecia de artritis tiendas de los llamados Los Angeles, Nueva York y Filadelfia, mostro que con- la Compafiia Farmaceutica tes. reumatoidea. El producto habia "productos naturales", de Shou Sirig, de Taipei, Taiwan. La campafia comenzo con sido recibido por correo, productos orientates, de tenian ademas plomo y cad- mio. Otro laboratorio privado, El "Chuifong Toukuwan" y una donacion de 2.500 dolares, procedente de la Sun Wuen novedades y a veces de casa productos similares, estuvieron. 500 dolares por cada uno de Trading Co., Ltd., 44 Lee Chung en casa. de Boston, hallo tambien las mismas substancias en las relacionados con un falleci- los cinco capitulos del Comite, St., Sze Hing Loong, Industrial ubicados en Nueva York, Bldg., 9th Floor, Flat B., Se trata de pildoras duras, pildoras que analizo. miento y la hospitalizacion de tres personas en la zona de San Chicago, Filadelfia, St. Louis y Chaiwan, Hong Kong. redondas, de color negro o El rotulo o etiqueta del en el condado de Westchester, marron, de un diametro de Francisco, Tambien hubo una-per- En Octubre, la FDA recibio in- "Chuifong Toukuwan" puede o sona hospitalizada en Min- Nueva York. Cada capitulo en- aproximadamente 1/4 de tregara su contribucion a la formes de Nueva York, acerca pulgada. Vienen en paquetes no contener palabras en ingles. neapolis. En esa oportunidad, de efectos nocivos sufridos por la investigacion de la FDA y los organization loca) apropiada de celofan que contienen 60 Ademas el "Chuifong de la comunidad italiana, para otra persona que tomo el pildoras o en pomos de cristal, Toukuwan" de Sun Wuen, los analisis de laboratorio mismo remedio, que en este demostraron que las pildoras que la haga llegar a los todo lo cual puede a su vez otros remedios herbaceos necesitados. caso contenia hidroclorotiazida. estar contenido en cajas de car- contenian fenilbutazono y analizados y en los que se en- El presidente nacional del La investigaci6n llevada a ton de colores brillantes como contraron medicamentos aminopirina. el azul, verde, naranja o CJA, Maynard Wishner, envio cabo por la FDA subsiguiente- peligrosos son: "Long Life Algunos nan demostrado con- un mensaje a todos los direc- rnente en forma nacional, dorado. En estas cajas Brand Nan Lien Chuifong tenido demetiltestostero aparecen ilustraciones, tivos regionales y de capitulos revel6 que el "Chuifong Toukuwan" y "Long Life Brand ne,prednisolone, diazpam, exhortandolos a contribuir y Toukuwan" (que a veces se mostrando a hombres y New Formula Fong You-Gu- clorozoxone y acetamihofeno. mujeres sufriendo de dolores asistir a las vicitmas del terre- escribe en forma diferente) se Wan", fabricado por la Com- moto. Pagina 4A TlUiarni, Florida /LAVOZ / Viernes, Enerb i,198i '"':'