Westenhaver Brothers
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CW-jr -rf / 7 >1 i 99L i — i -tffliraipfliT'****'”T. v* i »•—»¦-,¦•¦ r-«a.«ww. tutt:' mt*" ~ Jinny,. -. .-n vttt- Tr-imiLmn— ,y **' • - THE HERALD, OSKALOOSA. MAHASKA COUNTY, IOWA. THURSDAY AUGUST 22, 1001 Miss Boyle, wtio has been stopping et the 0. F. Hurst borne on North B ICATO SELLS SAYS i; PERSONALS. | street, departed for her home at Hor- KO SAFE CRACKERS. In a i > ? nellsville, New York, at 2:30 o’clock Glass of Water. i > 4 this morning, going via Chicago. She the ???????????????????????*V• Saturday Special! Will Not Permit the Use of Make Several Unsuccessful At- Put a handful ofglazed Tuesday. has become quite attached to Oska- His Name Tomorrow. cojjtc in a glass of water, loosa and her host of friends. tempts in Town. wash off the coating, F. J. Page returned yesterday from It’s between seasons, we know —For this reason we look at it; smell it! Is Mrs. M. Stevenson, of this city,and Cite a abort visit at Colfax. Des Moines, August am it tit to drink? daughter, Mrs. A. J.Glenn,of Omaha, will cut the prices on all the advertised articles to whole- 20.—*‘I not A gang of burglars were loose in Mrs. L S. Channell la looking after only not a candidate, I will went to What Cheer to-day to visit sale cost to make it an object for the of Dress but not town Monday night and they made business affairs in Wbat Cbeer. buying permit my Mrs. N.Rowley. Mrs.Ulennhas been Goods, Silks, Shoes and ' nomination.” This is tbe calls at several business bouses over LION COFFEE Clothing, Groceries. given to the the water Mias Mae Vreeland left last night spending some time with her mother /ultimatum press by Oato tbe city leaving behind them a string the same test. It leaves for week’s vlait in Kansas Bells at noon and ends all talk bright and clear, because it’sjust a City. and will return to her home after a to-day of broken tools, powder aud other THESE PRICES FOR THIS DAY ONLY! of bis pure coffee. T. W. Fallon and son Clarence are candidacy for governor on tbe implements. few days’ visit in What Cheer. Tit**Healed package injure*uniform democratic tioket. No other candi- The first party tjualily ami frenhumt*. visiting in the northern part of the Marshalltown Times-Republican: heard from was date can be said to be in tbe lead. Joseph Jones who said the state. Mrs. A. M. Rennie and son Willie, of police The nominee, however, must be in came down about 2:30 and woke F. E. Farmer left this morning for Oskaloosa, arrived in the city Sunday Dress Goods. , Silks accord with Sella’ principles on tax- him up him had a abort business trip to Chillicothe, morning and will remain for a few telling some one ¦l2 inch all wool Black Cheviot, 24 inch 1.19 grade black Taffeta ation. been trying to break into his safe at Fine List of Improved lowa and Ok- Missouri. days’ visit with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bllk 'guaranteed regular 75c cloth, AQn woven in^Q^ his carriage shop Ist. Ave.,W. He lahoma Richard Burke is spending the day McMains. Miss Ethel Rennie,daugh- Saturday, per yard. selvedge, Saturday, per yd I Vb on Lands. HOLINESS MEETING. went down town but could find no looking after the democratic conven- ter of Conductor and Mrs. Rennie, T. L WHITEHILL, one Tbe safe bad tion in Des Moines. who has been ill in Des Moines for about. been handled 48 inch all wool Imported Hen- rather roughly but bad not been several weeks, is improving nicely. IVT«cf#«* Mote* From tbe Tented Field K»»t ol Real Estate and Loan Miss Belle Davis went to Marshall- rietta, blue black, ATlUallll. broken and nothing bad been taken. town yesterday to spend a few days Knoxville Journal: Miss Anna Mas- regular 98c value, Town. Agent. 70#* Pepperell R. unbleached Tbe safe is old fasbioned make and ters left for Oskaloosa Saturday, per yard Iwv visiting Mrs. M. S. Davis. Wednesday Muslin, Saturday, per yard wv opens with a key. The burglars tried New Sharon, lowa. where she takes prominent position “Songs, talk with God, blessed Miss Nora Marr arrived from Des a to bore into it with a common brace in the Oskaloosa Dry Company Plaids, Bible and others, prayer with power Moines this morning to spend several Goods 1 lot Worsted double C. and bit but finally gave it up and store, Walter Wilson manager. Miss ..Id, Saturday, p.ry.rd PC from on high, very spirited testi- FAMILY REUNION. days with Miss Ethel Lewis. poured the lock full of powder. No Masters has been years with UndersktttS. / monies and a page from Life’shistory Mrs. H. D. Covel went to Des six barm was done by the explosion as Hanks, Gardner and Reaver and is as by Brothers Vickers of New Sharon Three Keueratlona .fleet anti Knjoy the Moines this morning to spend several #"» « An extra quality black Mercerized the powder could not be packed in good a clerk as any Arm find. and Teas, of Albia. Each declared Hay at Fremont. days at the Ed Smith home. can Vrrocenes. Underskirts, deep corded flounce, and after about a half hour’s work go and 11.39, AA- that they were converted through the She is business from the word worth the men left the place. Frank Brewer went to Eddyville to- a -17 lbs. Granulated Sugar, 4 Afl Saturday for vOC Holy influence of mother and wife’s The annual reunion of the descend- social favorite in Knoxville. She The B. L. day to look after business matters in Saturday. I.UU prayerful entreaties before a merci- McQuiston grocery was ants of Jesse and Achsah Fisher, of has many friends who wish her well entered and the that vicinity for a day or so. ful and all wise Father, who loved doors were found Fremont, occurred Saturday, Aug. in her new work. wide open but nothing had Mrs. Florence Powell and son, M. rd them with an everlasting love. been 17, at the home of W. H. Roof, in A telegram to friends announces o^'» touched and every thing appeared as left this morning spend a . toet!»S?i!° .‘°9Bc The afternoon service by the There three sisters and Powell, to the death of the youngest child of 10c c fevan- Fremont. are usual. The men were evidently after few days with friends in Keota. geliat Miller was a well directed ef- four brothers living—six of whom Rev. and Mrs. Orr Campbell at In- money only for in every case every Carl Nostrand,who has been fort, and touchingly sympathetic. were present—one brother, Elder Eli J. vis- dianola last evening. She had been thing else was left just as before. iting Miss Minnie Nelson, left last . 4c Subject, ‘Jesus in the garden, asking Fisher, of Petaluma, California, was sick but a few days with spinal men- KMStti.* The north side drug store also evening for bis home disciples for human sympathy, pray- unable to attend. in Boone. ingitis. Miss Zee Campbell; who was suffered a slight loss from the same ing God if possible the cup be re- Those present were Prof. A. 8. Mrs. D. Brown, of Anamosa, ar- here visiting friends,was called home cause. H. R. Evans was called out moved, nevertheless Thy will be Fisher, age 77, of Kansas City; rived yesterday to be a guest at the yesterday morning by telepbone.say- Remember our regular prices on all staple Dry Goods of bed by the police about 3:30 and done.’ Bcripture Luke 22 Chapter. H. Q. Fisher, age 72, of Mormal, Neri Ogden home for some time. ing that the little girl was not sup- Groceries are lower goods on going down to the store found all and than the same can be The evening text was on ‘Prayer’ Illinois; Sarah F. Conover, age 68, Miss Nell Rinehart, of is posed to be dangerously illbut that tbe doors open but the birds gone. Monroe, bought elsewhere. found in Luke, 18 Chapter. He used of Conover, Mo.; Mary P. Dillon, spending several at the she would be needed at home. Many The cash register which is well days visiting Elijah’s remarkable answer to pray- kept age 66, of Normal, Illinois; Moles- John Gentry home on Third avenue. friendi here extend sympathy to the toward the front of the store was er for rain, as an up-to-date type ton Fisher, age 63, of Kirwin, Kan- bereaved family. found in the back room and about Miss lima Harrington returned to- Brothers, Near the close there was a shout in sas and Emeline Roof, age 58, of Fre- Wednesday. Westenhaver two dollars was missing from the day from an extended visitwith rela- the camp.f God was in the shout and mont. The grandchildren present drawer. Otherwise everything tives and friends in Chicago and Ot- Joe Beeson left yesterday for an ex- THREE DOORS FROM POSTOFFICE. the walls crumbled. Sabbath day was were, J. P. Beaver,of Beatrice, Neb., as usual. tumwa. tended trip to Chicago and Waterloo. was born of prayer begotten of the Kate Conover Heidel, of Valley City, The thief also made a call on Moore Miss Eva Kemble left this morning Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ferrall left last Holy Spirit. Devout people from the North Dakota, Jessie M. Dillon, of & Lyons using the same methods as for a week’s visit with her grandpar- evening for an extended trip to Cali- different.localities with implicit trust Normal, Illinois, Luella Roof Blaok, at the other places.