Parents Receive Medals Spelling Winners
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QLrutral illllaittr' s llrrkly Nrms Vol. s No. 15 AprillO, 1969 Ten Cents Parents Receive Medals Last Tuesday representa tives of the U.S. Army pr~ sented the parents Qf Warrant Officer James Ellingson of Milo with four medals which had been awarded after his death in action in Vietnam. The posthumous decorations included the Distinguished Fly ing-Cross for heroism, Bronze Star Medal, Air Medal (First . J pi oughSeventh Oak R,~f,pJus- ' . · te!s) and the Pur.ple Heart~ Prior to his death had been awarde_d the AirMedal, National Befense Service Med al, Vietna-m Service Medal, Cont'd on Page 13 L toR: Sergeant-Major Salley, Colonel Fell, Mr. Herbert Ellingson, Mrs. Ellingson, Dav id and John Ellingson and Major Spekhart. (Staff photo by Mike Brigham) Spelling Winners COUNTY SPELLING BEE WINNERS ANNOUNCED The Piscataqill,s County Spelling Bee was held Friday evening at Penquis Valley High School with a good attendance. The governor of the bee was Richard Sawyer, Superintendent of MSAI) #41; coordinator was Eugene A. Smith of the Depart ment of English of the host school; the bee master was Mrs. Kenneth Pullen of the Department of English of the Milo Middle School. Judges were Mrs. Percy Porter, teacher at Lincoln; Percy Porter, representative of the Maine Legislature of Lincoln, and Harry Caldwell of Milo. Contestants were Daniel B. Turner, Greenville; Linda Chad bourne, Guilford; Kathy Rhoda, Milo; Vicki Beckwith, Green ville; Jean Larrabee, Charleston, who was third place winner; Jennifer Watson, Milo, second place winner; Carol Hartford, Guilford; Karen Hanson, Milo; Peter Easton, Dover-Foxcroft; Denise Lavigne, Greenville; Terry Largay, Dover-Foxcroft 1st place winner Dale Far rar of Guilford and 2nd place win and Dale Farrar, Guilford, first place winner. ner Jennifer Watson of Milo. (Stll.ff photo by Mike Brigham) The winners were presented with medals by Richard Sawyer. r Page 2 AprillO, 1969 THE TOWN CRIER THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday evening by the TOWN CRIER PUBLICATIONS. <=mao eommunltv We hope to be of help to the citizens of the towns in our coverage through NEWS, INFORMATION, ~o~pital cnew~ AND LOWER PRICED ADVERTISING. We accept no financial responsibility for errors The monthly meeting of the Trustees will be Monday at 7:00 in advertising but will gladly print corrections. p.m. at the office of the Bangor Hydro-Electric Co. Copies of most photos appearing in THE TOWN Statistics for the month of March: Admissions - 76; dis CRIER mav be obtained through our office. charges - 75; per cent of capacity - 90. If you have news or avaUable photos of any sort we urge you to call an editor or drop in . Dead .. Gifts: A large mixer bowl from Louisa Billings; an Easter line will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate lily from the Milo Garden Club; and favors for each patient copy received earlier in the week. tray for Easter from the Hospital Auxiliary. Classified ads 50 cent minimum inchlding up to Volunteers are: Friday, Phyllis Hamilton; Saturday, Harriet 12 words, 3 cents for each additional word. Dis Ross and Hilda Brown; Sunday, Rosamond Golden and Bertha play ad space by the column inch. Howland; Monday, Elizabeth Murray; Tuesday, Lloyd Trewor gy; Wednesday, Thelma McEachern; Thursday, Muriel Quimby. ADMISSIONS WEEK OF MARCH 31ST: EDITOR - JOANNE BRIGHAM MILO: BROWNVILLE: Milo - 943-7384 Gladys Philbrick Michael Cowing Paul Kelley Majorie Strout Raymond Youngblood Orman Davis Lucian Sawyer ~inda Badger H. Ross Webb Marguerite McClure If you want to BUY, SELL, Alice Trundy LAGRANGE: RENT or SWAP, try "Town Crier" Classified. Ruby Ferguson Flossie Sanders DISCHARGES: FOR: RENT MILO: Large desirable Lots, city BROWNVILLE: Nelida Burton Ellen Chambers water and sewerage, $25. 00 Marcia Badger William Mulherin a month. MILO William Paul Majorie Strout KNAP"P TRAILER PARK There will be a dance April Paul Kelley Michael Cowing Kimball St., Milo-943-2639 12, 1969, 8:00 to 11:00 p.m., Julia Trundy Linda Badger at the Milo Town Hall featur Thelma VanTassell EAST CORINTH-. ing "Karla and the Fifth Gate", C LEANING SERVICE LINCOLN: Thelma Day sponsored by the MILO EX General house cleaning in Muriel Chesley Lisa Thompson hotnes, offices, stores. Spring PLORERS. Price $1. 25 per person. TRANSFERS: Lloyd Perkins, Milo, to Thayer Hospital, Water house cleaning -- rugs, car ville. pets, and upholstered furniture MILO BOY SCOUTS TO shampooed --window washing, CONDUCT USED CAR RADIATORS floor work--all kinds. Paint BATTERY DRIVE ing. Phone or write for bro The Boy Scouts of Troop 115 CLEANING - REPAIRING - RE-CORING chure --Professional Clean of Milo are starting a used car New and Used Radiators ing ...~ ontractors, Bradford, battery drive to buy new tents. All Work Guaranteed ~iainc - Tele. 327-4682 If you wish to donate a car JOHN !. CUNNINGHAM battery, please call one of the FOR SALE ~ollowi ng telephone numbers Lake Road Welding Shop New mobile homes - on dis to make arrangements for ha v DIAL 564-2394 DOVER-F.DXCROFT play, 2 and 3 bedrooms . ing it picked up on Saturday, Knapp Trailer Sales, Milo, Aprill2. P. V. H. S. GYMNASTICS Maine. 943-7730 943-7445 MILO On April 17th at 7:00 in the The Maine Masque Theatre of 943-8801 P. V. H. S. gym there will be FOR SALE the Univer-sity of Maine will pre 39" Electric Range, excell M.S.A.D. #41 a gymnastics exhibition by sent the Maine Masque ChambeJ ent condition. See at #8 High The Annual Spring Concert the high school gymnastics cl Theatre in Edgar Lee Master's Street between 8 a.m. and 4 will be held on Friday April ub. Admission will be • 50 and SPOON RIVER ANTHOLOGY at p.m. Monday thru Friday. 11th at 7:30p.m. all proceeds will go to the high the Milo Town Hall on May 2nd Included will be tne Comb school athletic uniform fund. Friday, at 7:30p.m. No admis· NOTICE ined Bands of the Middle Sah About 25 boys and girls will sion charge. All weeklywastepick-upwill ools, the Beginning Band and take part in the events includ ing tumbling, parallel bars, be a minimum of $1. 00 start the High School Ban:i with St~ i ng April 15th. eve Pratt as trumpet soloist. horse, rings, free form exer Hugh Pratt. Adm1ssion will be . 7 5 for ad cises and the trampoline. ults and .50 for students. I THE TOWN CRIER April 10, 1969 Page 3 Easter Singers QL~ ur r ~ Nrw.s MilO UNITED BAPTIST CHURCH MILO, MAINE The Junior BYF went bowling last Saturday, 24 with their Advisors Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Chessa, at Rocket Lanes. Three men from the Pairs and Spares worked last Satur day on the church bus getti it ready for painting. The sunrise service Easter Sunday morning at 6:00 well attended by 56, with breakfast served following the The Dover-Foxcroft United Methodist Church Junior Choir appeared in their new choir service; all sponsored by the robes at the annual Easter Concert held last Sunday. Participating were: (Front) Janet Pairs and Spares. Mountain, Denise Clark, Bret Marshall, Buddy Goroon, Joe-Champeon, Laurie Johnson, There was a good attendance Christine Andrews, ·Richard Andrews; (Second) John Champeon, Cindy Levensalor,Bren at both morning worship ser da Anderson, Kathy Gordon, Julie Mountain, Janet Larrabee; (Third) James Sands, Kim vices, 9:30 and 11:00, with Andrews, Debbie Weston, Dawn Brown; (Fourth) Kimberley Lard, Julie Ronco, Vickey special music by the Trinity Levensalor, Susan Higgins, Mari Jo Severance, Virginia Larrabee and Joyce Larrabee. Choir; a trio, Ruth Cockey, Arlene Villani and Cheryl Coc Girls are to attend the morn key; also . solos by Thelma ing service. Carver and Ruth Cockey. At BYJi' at 5:45 and in Junior the second service 17 new High Jimmy Weston will have members received the right the program; Charlynn Rob hand of fellowship and wel erts the song service, and San come into church membership dra Smith the Bible reading and by pastor and deacons. prayer. Evening service at The evening service was 7: 00 with songs and special mu "Worship in Music" presented sici the message "Babylon". by the Trinity Choir, with The Annual Poster Contest Scripture readings ~y Pastor closes May 1~; the theme is Cockey. "Let's go with Christ". There , COMING EVENTS will pe two sessions of VBS ' FRIDAY beginning Tuesday June 17,. The Ever Ready Class will 8:30 to 11;00 for nursery thru have a dinner meeting at 12:00. grade 4i tben 5th grade thru SATURDAY high scnool, evening ~essions . MenmeetforBible study and MONDAY prayer at 7:00 p, m. Trustees meet at 7 p, m. TUESDAY SUNDAY Sunday School at 9:40a.m., Dorcas Gui,ld at 7;30 ~· m. WEDNESDAY at which time and through the Pray~r meeting at 7;30 p. m. morning service, the new nur sery is staffed to Jare for the THURSDAY Charles Ellis, Charles Chessa and Richard Chessa were pre Trinity Choir rehearsal at sented with their 10 yea--;, pins for attendance in Sunday School little ones. Morning worship 7:00p.m, at the Milo United BaptistChurch. .The pins are given for att - at-11:00 with music by the Trin ending a full year without missing more than 2 Sundays. ity Choir and message, "They Cont'd on· Page 5 (Staff photo by Mike Brigham) Did Not Go In". The Rainbow r Page 4 April10, 1969 THE TOWN CRIER local Man in Mrs. Norma Horne announ· 'i' irat~ '-1£~ W'-' ced an all e:Kpense tour that Space Pro gram by Matt Troy will leave Bangor on May 10.