[NORFOLK. J GRESSENH.ALL. 292 [POST OFFICE G RESSENHALL Is a Village and Parish, '.!21 Miles I Barley and Turnips

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[NORFOLK. J GRESSENH.ALL. 292 [POST OFFICE G RESSENHALL Is a Village and Parish, '.!21 Miles I Barley and Turnips [NORFOLK. J GRESSENH.ALL. 292 [POST OFFICE G RESSENHALL is a village and parish, '.!21 miles I barley and turnips. In 1861 the population was 991; from l,ondon, 3 north-west from East Dereham station, area, 2,541 acres. and 18 from Norwich, in the Western division of the county, . Parish Clerk, J a roes Williamson. Launditch hundred, M:itford and Launditch union, East Dereham county court district, rural deanery of Brisley, PosT 0FFICE.-Benjamin Tye, receiver, Letters arrive arch deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. from East Dereham at 8.10 a.m.; dispatched at 4.10 p.m. Mary the Virgin is a large handsome cruciform edifice, on week days. On sundays at 9.10. The nearest money consisting of nave, chancel, aisle, and porch, with square order office & post office savings bank is at East Dereham tower springing from the centre: in the interior are memo- Mitford ~ Launditch Union-R. C. Brown, esq. chair- rials to the L'Estrange, Vessey, Davy, and other families. man; W. D. Everington, esq ..r.P. vice chairman; Charles The register dates from the year 1744. The living is a Wrlght, csq. clerk to the board of guardianB; Rev. W. rectory, yearly ''alue £750, with residence, and 50 acres of R. Ea ton, chaplain; Philip John Reynolds, master; glebe, in the gift of King's College, Cambridge, and held by Mrs. Heynolds, matron; Robert Brad field, schoolmaster; the Rev. Dennis Hill, B.A., of Christ's College, Cambridge. Miss Mary Drake, schoolmistress; Miss Mary Ann Mur- Here is a National school for boys and girls, erected at the rell, infant schoolmistress expense of John David Hay Hill, Esq., .J.P. At Rougholm JJ[edical 0./ficers-James Vincent, M.D. East DerP-ham, was anciently a chapel, dedicated to St. Nicholas, but long for the workhouse; S. M:. Hopson, esq. Ea:>t Dereham, since in ruins. The workhouse for the Mitford and Laun- for Gressenhall district; C. Hazard, esq. Litcham, for ditch union is situated in this parish. The union has an Fransham district; Georgc Taylor, esq. l\lattishall, for area of 56, 12;i acn~s, a population, in 1861, of 28,0:20, and a Mattishall district; P, P. Ransome, esq. Elrnharn, for rateable value of £79,660. The board of guardians meet Elmham district; Henry Raven, esq. Litcham, for Lit- every Monday at 10 a.m. The union comprises the follow- cbarn district; Horace Croft Hastings, esq. East Dereham, ing parishes :-Bawdeswell, Beeston, Beetley, Billingtord, for East Dereham district; John R. Clouting, esq. Shipd- Biluey (East), Bintree, Brisley, By laugh, Col kirk, Cran- ham, for Shipdham district; J. 'l'. Tallent, esq. Hlngltam, worth, Dereham (East), Dnnham (Great), Dun ham (Little), for the parish of Hardingham; Alfred Drew, esq. Faken Elmham (North), Elsing, Foxley, Fransham (Great), Fran- ham, for the J~arish of Colkirk sham (Little), Garvestone, Gateley, Gressenhall, Guist, Rel'ieving Ojjicers-John Cary Rymerstone, for Mitford Hardingham, Hockering, Hoe, Horningtoft Kempstone, district; J oseph Horne, Longham, for Litcham district; Letton, Lexham (East), Lexham (West), Litcham, Long- George Bond, Elmham, for Elmham district ham, Lyng, M:attishall, Mattishall Bergh, Mileham, Ox- Superintendent Registrar-Charles Wri?tht, East Dere wick, Reymerstone, Rougham, Scarning, Shipdham, South- ham; Deputy, Richard Watson, East Dereham bergh, Spar ham, Stanfield, Swan ton Morley, 'l'huxton, RPgistrar of .Llfarriages-Frederick J. Smith, post office, Tittleshall, Tuddenham (East), Tuddenham (North), Eust Dereham Twvford, Weascnham All Saints, Wcasenham St. Peter's, Registrars of Births ~ Deaths-Frederick J. Smith, Welliugham, Wendling, Westfield, \Vhinbergh, Wl1isson- Ea~>t Dereham, for East Dereham district; Faulkner Lee, sett, Woodrising, Worthing-, Yoxham. Here are fairs for SIIipdham, for Shipdham district; George Taylor, MatHs- horses, cattle &c., on the Tuesday before Whitsuntide and hall, for Mattishall di~trict; Charles Baker, Lyng, for on December 6th. J. D. Hay Hill, Esq., J.P., is lord of Bawdeswell district; John Joseph Hazard, Litcham, for the manors of North ami South SokP-n and Rougholm, and Litcham district; John Elmer,for North Elmham district Astley Cooper Spurgeon, Esq., .r.P., is lord of that of Hare- Parish School, Joshua Atkins, master; Mrs. Atkins, mistrs ford. The principal landowners are .T. D. H. Hill, A. C. CARRIER TO:- Spnrgeon, and J. Hastings, Esqrs. The soil is loam and LYNN-Betts, tuesday & friday clay; subsoil, clay and gravel. 'l'he chief crops are wheat, NoRWICH-Betts, wednesday & saturday Alpe Mrs Clarke Robert, wheelwright Matthews Harnmond, farmer Bathnrst Capt. Henry Crown Martin, blacksmith. Melton Richard, farmer Crafer Mr. William Dodman John, wheelwright Nichubnn James, farmer Flowers Mr. J onathan, Bushey house Farrow Samuel, shoe maker Payne William Spragg, carpenter Green Mr. Philip Fish J ames & Williarn, bt·icklayers &c Pearse Elizabeth (Mrs.) & Geo. farmers Barman Mrs Frost Rohert, bricklayer Pease David, Elo,qal Oak Hill Hev. Dennis, B.A. [rector] Gapp William, farmer Peck Henry, farrier & cow leech Spu rgeon Astley CooperJesq. J. P. Wood- Go ward \Villia m, farmer Peck Robert, f<irrier & cow leech lands Halliday Charles, farmer Sillitoe William, farmer Alpe William, farmer Barman Thomas, carf'enter & beer retlr Spragg William, carpenter Am os Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Harm an William, farmer Spurgeon Astley Cooper, farmer & Atthow Jenison, farmer Hewitt Wm. Three Ilorseshoes,&farmr landowner Ayres George, horse dealer & farmer Hill Ilannah& Elizbth.(Misses),tarmers Stammer Robert, miller Barnes Thomas, blacksmith Hulman George, farmer & thatcher Tye Benj. grocer & draper, & post office Beck John, shoe maker Holman James, gamekeeper Tye Robert, Chequers, & cooper Brown George, WltiteSwan,&butcher Howard William, cattle dealer Worman Benj. farmer, Longham lane Brown James, butcher King John, farmer, Hall farm Wormer Benjamin, fanner G RIMS TON is an extensive parish of scattered houses, in the parish, The Marquis of Cholmondeley is lord of 4 miles north from Winch station, 108 from London, and 7 the manor of Grimston, and the Rector is lord of the east-by-north from Lynn, in the Western division of the rectory manor. The principal landowners are Marquis of county, Freebridge Lynn hundrPd and union, Lynn county Cholmondeley, Robert Elwes, Esq., Sir William B. H. court district, rural deanery of Lynn, and archdeaconry and Ffolkea, Bart., and thP, Hector. The soil is various; sub­ diocese of Norwich. In a short time Grimston Common soil, chiefly sand and chalk. The chief crops are whPat, will be enclosed and cultivated. The church of St. Bar­ barley, oats, turnips, mangold-wurtzcl and grass. Tho tholomew has a nave, aisles, porch, transepts, and chancel, population in 1861 was 1,300; the area is 3,483 acres. with a lofty square tower ~on taiuing 6 bells : the interior is Parish Clerk, William Cross. neat and commodious, containing a very beautiful window, repre~enting Paul before Felix. The register dates from the year 1552. The living is a rectory, yearly value £650, in PosT OFFICE.-William Bunting, sub-postmaster. London the gift of the President of Queens' College, Cambridge, & otl1er letters are received throngh Lynn, arrive at 7.25 and held by the Rev ..John Rowlands, B.n., of that college. a. m. sundays same time; dispatched at 5.15 p.m. sun days Sunday schools are h~ld in the day 81 ~hool ruorn:~. There is 11.0 a. m. Letter-box closes at 4 p.m. The nearest money an endowed Free school for boys, with hou~e and land for order office is at H illington the rna,ter. Two schools for girls and infants were opened Police Stati(ln, William Carter, inspector January, 1852: these were formerly supported by Miss SCHOOLS:- Hamond, but now entirely by sub,cription. A juvenile Foundation, Thomas Brown, master school in the hamlet of Pott Row, once supported by D. Girl.~' 9" Infants' (free), Mrs. Ellen Smith, mistress; Gurney, Esq., of North Runcton, is now entirely dependent assist~nt mistreas, Susannah Bunting· on the rector for its maintenance. There are places of JU1Jenile, Pott row, Mrs. William Collison, mistress worship for \Vesleyans and Primitive Methodists. A Police CARRIERS TO LYNN.-Thomas Cas burn, tuesday, thursday Station was built in 1855, and has residence for inspector & saturday 8 a.m.; Edmund Shinkfield, tuesday, thursday and one constable. .Brick and tile making is carried on & saturday 8 a.m Archer Mr. William Barrett Miss, Spring cottage COMMERCIAL, Barnes Mr. James Leg-gett Mrs Ashley Robert, grocer & draper 13arrett Alfred Edward, esq Rowlands Rev. John, B. D. [rector] Balding Robert, carpenter & beer retlr .
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