What is Vespers? Vespers or Evening Prayer is taken from the of the which is the official prayer book of the . The along with the and the celebration of the Sacraments form the public and official prayer of the Church. It is the prayer of Christ and his body, the Church. Through the Liturgy of the Hours the mystery of Christ, which we celebrate in the , sanctifies and transforms the whole of each day. It is composed mainly of , other biblical texts and readings from the Fathers and spiritual masters. The “Hours” are periods of prayer which are spread throughout the day in order offer up continual praise to God. The different Hours are or Morning Prayer, Midday Prayer, Vespers or Evening Prayer, and or Night Prayer. , at their ordination, make a promise to pray these prayers each day for themselves and for all the Church. and religious sisters and brothers also offer these prayers. The Second Vatican Council encouraged the laity to join in praying these official prayers of the Church, at least on great feasts. Several times a year we gather to celebrate Vespers. At this the Church looks back on the day that has just passed with a sense of gratefulness. Vespers is a thanksgiving prayer. This is best reflected in the singing of the or of Mary which is the thanksgiving prayer of Our Lady and of the Church. While singing we recall the saving graces given to each of us daily. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Eucharistic adoration are sometimes combined with the Liturgy of the Hours. In this way we offer worship and praise to God in his Eucharistic Presence uniting our prayer with the prayers of Catholics all over the world. At the end of the period of adoration we receive the of Our Lord present in the Eucharist which gives us strength and healing. Finally, when the time of prayer is at an end we sing one of the four seasonal in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary asking for her guidance. Please join us for this wonderful opportunity for prayer.