David Curtis Steinmetz

Home Address: 300 West Barbee Chapel Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27517 Telephone Number: (919) 918-6275 Office Address: The Divinity School, , Box 90967, Durham, NC 27708 Home (919) 918-7562; Vacation (828) 414-9370 Fax: (919) 660-3473 E-mail 1: [email protected] E-mail 2: [email protected] E-mail 3: [email protected]

Birthdate: June 12, 1936 Marital Status and Children: Married to Virginia Ruth Verploegh Steinmetz in 1959. Two children: Claire Elise (1965) and Matthew Eliot (1976).

Educational History:

Wheaton College B.A. with highest honor, 1958 Drew University B.D. summa cum laude, 1961 University of Göttingen Research, 1964-65 Harvard University Th.D., 1967

Professional Positions:


Teaching Fellow in Church History, Harvard University, 1966. Assistant and Associate Professor of Church History, Lancaster Theological Seminary, 1966-71. Associate Professor of Church History and Doctrine, Duke University, 1971-74 Professor of Church History and Doctrine, Duke University, 1974-88. Amos Ragan Kearns Distinguished Professor of the History of Christianity, Duke University, 1988-2009 Emeritus 2009- Visiting Professor in Church History, Harvard University, 1977. Visiting Professor of Church History, Iliff School of Theology, Summer Session, 1987. Visiting Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame, Summer Sessions, 1993, 1997, 2005, 2008 McDonald Distinguished Visiting Professor, History and Theology, Emory University, 2010 Associated Faculty Member, Emory University Center for Law and Religion, 2010-

Editorial Present

General Editor, Oxford Studies in Historical Theology, Oxford University Press, 1994- . Editorial Board, Renaissance and Reformation Review, 1995- . Editorial Board, Studies in Early Modern Religious Reforms, Springer Verlag, 1998- . Editorial Advisory Board, Reformation Commentary on Scripture, InterVarsity Press, 2005-

Editorial - Past:

Editorial Board, Blackwell Religion Compass Journal, 2006-2012 . Reviewing Staff, Literaturbericht, Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte, 1972-91. Board of Editorial Consultants, Harvard Theological Review, 1975-83. Editorial Board, Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte, 1977-93. Editor, Theology Section, E.J. Brill, Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation, 1979-82. Advisory Council, Interpretation, 1979-84, 87-92. Editorial Board, E.J. Brill, Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, 1981-99. Editor, Studies in Historical Theology, Labyrinth Press, 1981-94. Publisher, The Labyrinth Press, 1981-95. Senior Editor, Theology, The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation, Oxford UP, 1989-96

Editorial Board, Duke University Monographs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 1972-98 Advisory Board, Monograph Series of the Nordamerikaprogramm, University of Bonn, 1991-2001 . Editorial Board, The Sixteenth Century Journal, 1990-2003 Associate Editor, Church History, 1996-2004. Editorial Board, Ex Auditu, 1983-87, 1992-2005 . Editorial Board, The Critical Edition of the Works of William Tyndale, Catholic University Press, 1986-2005 . Editorial Board, Ad Fontes, 2001-2005 Editorial Board, Texts and Studies in Reformation and Post-Reformation Thought, Baker Book House, 1995-2011 . Editorial Board, Studies in Reformed History and Theology, Princeton TS, 2001-2011

Societies and Institutions – offices and service

Council, The American Society of Church History, 1974-77. Committee on Research, The American Society of Church History, 1975-77. Chair, Nominating Committee, The American Society for Reformation Research, 1975-77. Council, The American Society for Reformation Research, 1977-80. Council, Representative for Church History and Theology, The Renaissance Society of America, 1979-81. Senior Fellow, Southeastern Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, University of North Carolina, 1979. Chair, Second International Colloquy on the History of Biblical Exegesis in the Sixteenth Century, Duke University, September 24-25, 1982. President-elect and President, The American Society of Church History, 1984-85. Chair, Committee on Nominations and Personnel, The American Society of Church History, 1986. Council, Representative for History, The Renaissance Society of America, 1988-90. Nominating Committee, The Renaissance Society of America, 1989-90. External Review Committee for the Department of Theology, Boston College, 1989. William Nelson Prize Committee, The Renaissance Society of America, 1990. Chair, National Conference of The Renaissance Society of America, Duke University, April 11-13, 1991. Program Committee, The American Society of Church History, Washington, DC, December 27-30, 1992. Chair, Seminar on Luther and Calvin, Eighth International Congress for Luther Research, St. Paul, 1993. Governing Board, H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies, Calvin College, 1993-99 Reader, Fellowship applications, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC, 1992-94 Leiter, Arbeitsgespräch at the Herzog August Bibliothek on the theme, “Die Patristik in der Exegese des 16. Jahrhunderts,” Wolfenbüttel, Germany, March 20-23, 1994. Founding President, the American Friends of the Herzog August Bibliothek, 1996-2002 . Coordinator for Theology, Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, 1997-99. External Review Committee for the Department of Theology, Marquette University, 1999. Member of the Council, Society for Reformation Research, 1999-2003. . Participant, A&E Television, “Christianity: The Second Millennium,” December, 2000.

Membership in the following professional societies (1966-2009):

The Medieval Academy of America The Renaissance Society of America The American Historical Association The American Society of Church History The Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy Calvin Studies Society The Sixteenth Century Society and Conference American Academy of Religion Society of Biblical Literature

Professional Societies – Current

The American Society of Church History The Sixteenth Century Society and Conference Fellow, The American Academy of Arts and Sciences


Honors and Awards:

Sophomore and Junior Honor Scholarships (Wheaton, 1955-57) B.A. with highest honor (Wheaton, 1958) Wheaton College Scholastic Honor Society, 1958. B.D. summa cum laude (Drew, 1961) Th.D. with dual honors (Harvard: examinations, 1963; thesis, 1966) University Scholar/Teacher of the Year, Duke, 1986. Amos Ragan Kearns Distinguished Chair, Duke, 1988. Festschrift: Richard A. Muller and John L. Thompson, eds., Biblical Interpretation in the Era of the Reformation: Essays Presented to David C. Steinmetz in Honor of his Sixtieth Birthday (Grand Rapids and Cambridge: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1996). Fellow of Early Modern Studies, The Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, 1998 “David Steinmetz: An Appreciation and Assessment,” American Society of Church History, Winter Meeting, January 7, 2006, Philadelphia, PA. Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2006- McDonald Visiting Distinguished Professor, Emory University, 2010. David C. and Virginia R. Steinmetz Lectures in Historical Theology, Duke Divinity School, 2009- Distinguished Career Award, American Society of Church History. San Diego, CA, 2010.

Fellowships and Grants:

National Methodist Seminary Fellow (Drew, 1959-60) Delaplaine McDaniel Fellow (Drew, 1960-61) Rockefeller Doctoral Fellow (Göttingen, 1964-65) Westengard Traveling Fellow (Harvard for Göttingen, 1964-65) Pilling Traveling Fellow (Drew for Göttingen, 1964-65) Rockefeller Doctoral Fellow (Harvard, 1965-66) American Association of Theological Schools Faculty Fellow (Oxford, 1970-71) Duke Summer Faculty Fellow (Tübingen, 1973) American Council of Learned Societies Grant-in-aid (Tübingen, 1973) Duke Regular Grant (Tübingen and Geneva, 1976) Research Grant, Arthur Vining Davis Foundation (Cambridge, 1977-78) Research Grant, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (Cambridge, 1977-78) John Simon Guggenheim Fellow (Cambridge, 1977-78) Duke Regular Grant (Geneva, Strasbourg, Leiden, 1981) Duke Regular Grant (Wolfenbüttel and Bonn, 1983) Stipendiat (Gaststipendium), Herzog August Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel, 1986) Duke Regular Grant (Wolfenbüttel, 1986) Duke Major Grant (Wolfenbüttel, 1988) Stipendiat (Gaststipendium), Herzog August Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel, 1988) National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend (Wolfenbüttel, 1990) Stipendiat (Direktors Einladung), Herzog August Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel, 1992) Duke Regular Grant (Wolfenbüttel, 1992) Stipendiat (Direktors Einladung), Herzog August Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel, 1996). Stipendiat (Direktors Einladung), Herzog August Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel, 1998). Member, Center of Theological Inquiry (Princeton, 1999- )

Faculty Responsibilities:

University appointments (past):

Director, Duke University Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 1979-83; 1990-92. Chair, Commencement Committee, 1991-92. Director of Graduate Studies, Joint Program in Religion, 1998-2001.


Committee memberships (past):

1. University: Academic Council (three terms) Ad Hoc Committee on Governance (Alexander Committee) Appointments, Promotion and Tenure Committee Southeastern Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies (joint committee with UNC) Search Committees for Dean of Divinity School (Dean Jones and Campbell) Duke representative on United Methodist Task Force for Theological Education on the Eastern Seaboard (with Drew, Boston, and Wesley) Law, Medicine and Divinity Liaison Committee Ad Hoc Tenure Committees Medieval and Renaissance Studies Executive Committee (University) Medieval and Renaissance Studies Joint Committee (with UNC-Chapel Hill)

2. Graduate Religion Executive Committee Admissions Committee Ad Hoc Committee on Structure of Ph.D. Program Area Convenor Doctoral Formation Committee Committee on Doctoral Committees Convenor, Reformation and Early Modern

3. Divinity School Chair, Historical Division Chair, International Studies Committee Faculty Executive Committee Educational Affairs Committee Chair, Curriculum Committee Chair, Ad Hoc Tenure Committees (8) Library Committee Arts Committee Ad Hoc Committee on Governance (for ATS Self-Study) Duke-Bonn Committee Faculty Planning and Development Lectures Committee

4. Department of Religion Homeland Committee 1997-98 Tenure Committee 1997-98

External Examiner:

Fuller Theological Seminary (1989) Queen's University (1991) Calvin Theological Seminary (1998) University of St. Andrews (2002) Union Theological Seminary, NYC (2005- )

Dissertations supervised:

J. Denny Weaver, “The Doctrines of God, Spirit and the Word in Early Anabaptist Theology, 1522-1530,” (Duke, 1974). Richard A. Muller, “Predestination and Christology in Sixteenth Century Reformed Theology,” (Duke, 1976) Revised thesis published by the Labyrinth Press, paperback by Baker. Dan L. Hendricks, “The Bern Reformation of 1528,” (Duke,1977). 4

John L. Farthing, “Post Thomam: Images of St. Thomas Aquinas in the Academic Theology of Gabriel Biel,” (Duke, 1978). Revised thesis published by . Lyle D. Bierma, “The Covenant Theology of Caspar Olevian,” (Duke, 1980). Revised thesis published by Baker, 1997. Susan E. Schreiner, “The Theater of His Glory: Nature and the Natural Order in the Thought of John Calvin,” (Duke, 1983). Revised thesis published by the Labyrinth Press, paperback by Baker. Timothy J. Wengert, “Vivum Evangelium: Philip Melanchthon's Annotationes in Johannem in Relation to its Predecessors and Contemporaries,” (Duke, 1984). Revised thesis published by Librairie Droz. John L. Thompson, “John Calvin and the Daughters of Sarah: Women in Regular and Exceptional Roles in the Exegesis of Calvin, His Predecessors, and Contemporaries,” (Duke, 1989). Revised thesis published by Librairie Droz. Carl Leth, “Signs and Providence: The Eucharistic Theology of Huldrych Zwingli,” (Duke, 1991). Craig S. Farmer, “The Johannine Signs in the Exegesis of Wolfgang Musculus,” (Duke, 1992). Revised thesis published by Oxford in 1997. Joel E. Kok, “The Influence of Martin Bucer on John Calvin's Interpretation of Romans: A Comparative Case Study,” (Duke, 1993). Mickey L. Mattox, “Martin Luther’s Interpretation of the Women of Genesis in the Context of the Christian Exegetical Tradition.” (Duke, 1997). Revised thesis published by Brill in 2003. Jeff Bach, “The Voice of the Turtledoves: The Mystical Language of the Ephrata Cloister,” (Duke, 1997). Published by Penn State University Press, 2003. Beth Kreitzer, “Reforming Mary: The Virgin Mary in Lutheran Preaching in the 16th Century,” (Duke, 1999). Revised thesis published by Oxford in 2003. Deborah K. Marcuse, “The Reformation of the Saints: Biblical Interpretation and Moral Regulation in John Calvin’s Commentary and Sermons on Genesis,” (Duke, 2005). Esther Chung-Kim, “Consent of the Ancients: Role of the Fathers in Sixteenth-Century Controversies over the Lord’s Supper,” (Duke, 2005). Revised thesis published by Baylor UP, 2010. Edwin Tait, “’A Method for the Christian Life’” Martin Bucer and the Sermon on the Mount.” (Duke, 2005). Sujin Pak Boyer, “The Judaizing Calvin: Sixteenth-Century Debates on the Messianic Psalms.” (Duke 2007). Revised thesis published by Oxford UP, 2009. David C. Fink, “Divided by Faith: The Protestant Doctrine of Justification and the Confessionalization of Exegesis Andrew Yang is currently writing his dissertation.

Teaching Areas: Medieval and Reformation Christianity Examples of Courses Taught:

CH 13 Early and Medieval Christianity CH 14 Modern European Christianity CH 126 The English Reformation HT 236 Luther and the Reformation in Germany HT 334 Theology and Reform in the Later Middle Ages CH 339 The Radical Reformation HT 344 Zwingli and the Origins of Reformed Theology HT 201 Christian Thought in the Middle Ages HT 241 Problems in Reformation Theology HT 337 Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas HT 338 Calvin and the Reformed Tradition


Misericordia Dei: The Theology of Johannes von Staupitz in its Late Medieval Setting. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought IV. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1968. Reformers in the Wings. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1971. Paperback edition: Grand Rapids: Baker, 1981. Luther and Staupitz: An Essay in the Intellectual Origins of the Protestant Reformation. Duke University Monographs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies 4. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1980. Luther in Context. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986. Hardbound and paperback editions. New paperback edition, Baker, 1995. Revised and expanded second edition, Baker, 2002. 5

Memory and Mission: Theological Reflections on the Christian Past. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1988. Editor, The Bible in the Sixteenth Century, Duke University Monographs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies11, Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1990. Paperback edition, 1996. Calvin in Context. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995. Hardbound and paperback editions. Second revised and expanded edition, Oxford, 2010. Senior Editor, Theology, Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation, 4 vols.. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. Editor, Die Patristik in der Bibelexegese des 16. Jahrhunderts. Wolfenbütteler Forschungen 85. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1999. Reformers in the Wings: From Geiler von Kaysersberg to Theodore Beza, Second revised edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Hardbound and paperback editions. Co-editor with David Bagchi, The Cambridge Companion to Reformation Theology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Hardbound and paperback editions. Taking the Long View. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.


“The Nature of Ordination in the Light of Tradition,” Lancaster Theological Seminary Bulletin 3 (1969): 8-19. “The Making of a Theologian,” Lancaster Theological Seminary Bulletin 4 (1969): 11-20. “Scholasticism and Radical Reform: Nominalist Motifs in the Theology of Balthasar Hubmaier,” Mennonite Quarterly Review 45 (1971): 123-144. “Libertas Christiana: Studies in the Theology of John Pupper of Goch (d. 1475),” Harvard Theological Review 65 (1972): 191-230. “Luther and the Late Medieval Augustinians: Another Look,” Concordia Theological Monthly 44 (1973): 245-260. “Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel!” Duke Divinity School Review 39 (1974): 1-9. “Protestantism” and other entries in The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church, ed. J.D. Douglas. Exeter: Paternoster Press and Grand Rapids: Zondervan Press, 1975. “Asbury's Doctrine of the Ministry,” Duke Divinity School Review 40 (1975): 10-17. “Ordination and the Theology of the Cross,” Duke Divinity School Review 41 (1976): 36-40. “The Necessity of the Past,” Theology Today 33 (July, 1976): 168-76. “Theological Reflections on the Reformation and the Status of Women,” Duke Divinity School Review 41 (1976): 197-207. “Luther ausserhalb des Luthertums: Reformierte Sicht,” Concilium 12 (October, 1976): 505-508. Also in French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese editions. “Late Medieval Nominalism and the Clerk's Tale,” Chaucer Review 12 (1977): 38-54. “Theology and Exegesis: Ten Theses” and “Discussion Agenda for the Session on Theology and Exegesis” in Histoire de l'éxegèse au XVIe siècle. Etudes de philologie et d'histoire 34. Geneva: Librairie Droz, 1978, pp. 383-384. “Reformation and Conversion,” Theology Today 35 (April, 1978): 25-32. “The Baptism of John and the Baptism of Jesus in Huldrych Zwingli, Balthasar Hubmaier and Late Medieval Theology,” in Continuity and Discontinuity in Church History. Festschrift for George H. Williams, eds. F.F. Church and T. George. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1979, pp. 169-81. “Hermeneutic and Old Testament Interpretation in Staupitz and the Young Martin Luther,” Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte 70 (1979): 24-58. “The Nature of Luther's Reform,” Duke Divinity School Review 44 (1979): 3-13. “Exposition of Matthew 25:14-30,” Interpretation 34 (1980): 172-176. “The Superiority of Pre-Critical Exegesis,” Theology Today 37 (April, 1980): 27-38. “Religious Ecstasy in Staupitz and the Young Luther,” Sixteenth Century Journal 11 (1980): 23-37. “John Calvin on Isaiah 6: A Problem in the History of Exegesis,” Interpretation 36 (April, 1982): 156-170. “The Theology of Calvin and Calvinism,” in Reformation Europe: A Guide to Research, ed. Steven E. Ozment. St. Louis: Center for Reformation Research, 1982, pp. 211-232. “The Protestant Minister and the Teaching Office of the Church,” Theological Education (Spring, 1983): 45-59. “Jean Gerson” and “Devotio Moderna” in the Dictionary of Christian Spirituality, ed. Gordon S. Wakefield. London: SCM Press and Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1983. “Scripture and the Lord's Supper in Luther's Theology,” Interpretation 37 (July, 1983): 253-265. “Luther und Hubmaier im Streit um die Freiheit des menschlichen Willens,” Evangelische Theologie 43 6

(November/Dezember, 1983): 512-526. “Abraham and the Reformation: The Controversy over Pauline Interpretation in the Early Sixteenth Century,” in G.M. Masters, ed., Medieval and Renaissance Studies 10. Chapel Hill: University of North Press, 1984, pp. 94-114. “Luther and Calvin on Church and Tradition,” Michigan Germanic Studies 10.1-2 (Spring/Fall 1984): 98-111. “The Superiority of Pre-Critical Exegesis,” Ex Auditu 1 (1985): 74-82. “Luther and the Ascent of Jacob's Ladder,” Church History 55 (June, 1986): 179-192. “Theology and Exegesis: Ten Theses” and “The Superiority of Pre-Critical Exegesis” in A Guide to Contemporary Hermeneutics: Major Trends in Biblical Interpretation, edited by Donald K. McKim. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1986, pp. 27, 65-77. “Calvin and Melanchthon on Romans 13:1-7,” Ex Auditu 2 (1986): 74-81. “Calvin and the Absolute Power of God,” Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 18.1 (Spring, 1988): 65-79. “Calvin and Abraham: The Interpretation of Romans 4 in the Sixteenth Century,” Church History 57 (1988): 443-455. “The Reformation and the Ten Commandments,” Interpretation 43.3 (July, 1989): 256-266. “Calvin and the Patristic Exegesis of Paul,” in The Bible in the Sixteenth Century. Duke Monographs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies 11. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1990, pp. 100-118. “Calvin and his Lutheran Critics,” Lutheran Quarterly, Vol. 4.2 (Summer, 1990): 179-194. “Calvin and the Divided Self of Romans 7,” in Augustine, the Harvest, and Theology (1300-1650): Essays Dedicated to Heiko Augustinus Oberman in Honor of his Sixtieth Birthday, edited by Kenneth Hagen. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1990, pp. 300-313. “Calvin and the Natural Knowledge of God,” in Via Augustini: Augustine in the Later Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation, Essays in Honor of Damasus Trapp, OSA, edited by Heiko A. Oberman and Frank A. James III. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1991, pp. 142-156. “Calvin among the Thomists,” in Biblical Hermeneutics in Historical Perspective, edited by M.S. Burrows and P. Rorem. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1991, pp. 198-214. “Calvin and the Monastic Ideal,” in Anticlericalism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, edited by Peter A. Dykema and Heiko A. Oberman. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1992, pp. 605-616. “Luther and Loyola,” in Ignacio de Loyola y su Tiempo (Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto, 1992), pp. 791-800. Interpretation 47.1 (January 1993): 5-13. “Luther and Tamar,” Lutheran Theological Seminary Bulletin 73.1 (Winter 1993): 3-15. “Teológia és Egzegésis, Tíz Tézis,” and “A Prekritikai Írásmagyarázat Elsödlegessé,” in Paradigmaváltások a Biblia Értelmezésében, ed. Tibor Fabiny (Budapest, 1994), pp. 5-20. “Luther és Támár,” Protestáns Szemle 56 (Budapest, 1994/2): 81-89. “Der intellektuelle Reiz der Reformation,” in Rechtfertigung und Erfahrung, eds. M. Beintker, E. Maurer, H. Stoevesandt, and H. Ulrich (Gütersloh: Christian Kaiser/Güterloher Verlagshaus, 1995), pp. 43-58. “Staupitz, Johann von," in the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation, Vol. 4 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), pp. 109-111. “Calvin and the Irrepressible Spirit,” Ex Auditu 12 (1996): 94-107. “Divided by a Common Past: The Reshaping of the Christian Exegetical Tradition in the Sixteenth Century,” Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 27:2 (Spring 1997): 245-264. “Calvin as an Interpreter of Genesis,” in Calvinus Sincerioris Religionis Vindex: Calvin as the Protector of the Purer Religion, Sixteenth Century Essays & Studies 36, eds. Wilhelm H. Neuser and Brian G. Armstrong (Kirksville, Missouri: Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers, 1997), pp. 53-66. “Foreword,” to Gerhard Sauter, Eschatological Rationality: Theological Issues in Focus (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1997), pp. 9-11. “Luther und Calvin am Jabbokufer,” Evangelische Theologie 57 (6-97): 522-536. “The Judaizing Calvin,” in Die Patristik in der Bibelexegese des 16. Jahrhunderts. Wolfenbütteler Forschungen 85. Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz. 1999, pp. 135-145. “Martin Luther,” Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation, K-Z, edited by John H. Hayes. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1999, pp. 96-98. “The Scholastic Calvin” in Protestant Scholasticism: Essays in Reassessment, edited by Carl R. Trueman and R. Scott Clark (Carlisle, Cumbria, UK: Paternoster Press, 1999), pp. 16-30. “The Re-evaluation of the Patristic Exegetical Tradition in the Sixteenth Century,” in Kimberly Van Kampen and Paul Saenger, eds., The Bible as Book: The First Printed Editions (London: London: The British Library, 1999). “Luther and Staupitz: The Unresolved Problem of the Forerunner,” in Ad fontes Lutheri: Toward the Recovery 7

of the Real Luther. Essays in Honor of Kenneth Hagen's Sixty-Fifth Birthday. Eds. Timothy Maschke, Franz Posset, and Joan Skocir. Marquette University Press (Milwaukee, WI, 2001). “The Intellectual World of the Sixteenth Century,” in Athina Lexutt and Wolfgang Matz, eds., Relationen – Studien zum Übergang vom Spätmittelalter zur Reformation (Münster: Lit Verlag, 2000), pp 19-29. “The Intellectual Appeal of the Reformation,” Theology Today (January, 2001): 439-472. “Luther and Formation in Faith,” in Educating People of Faith, ed. John Van Engen (Grand Rapids and Cambridge: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2004), pp. 253-269. “Uncovering a Second Narrative: Detective Fiction and the Construction of Historical Method,” in The Art of Reading Scripture, ed. Ellen F. Davis and Richard B. Hays (Grand Rapids and Cambridge: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2004), pp. 54-65. “Preface” to Harvesting Martin Luther’s Reflections on Theology, Ethics, and the Church, ed. Timothy J. Wengert (Grand Rapids and Cambridge: W. B. Eerdmans, 2004), pp. ix-xi. “The Catholic Luther: A Critical Reappraisal,” Theology Today 61:2 (July 2004), 187-201. “Luther and the Blessing of Judah,” Lutherjahrbuch 71 (2004): 159-78. “John Calvin as an Interpreter of the Bible,” for The Cambridge Companion to Calvin and the Bible, ed. Donald K McKim. Cambridge University Press, 2005. “Heiko Oberman and John Calvin,” The Calvin Theological Review (2007) “John Calvin as an Interpreter of Scripture among the Ancient Philosophers,” Interpretation and Evangelische Theologie (2009). “Calvin and the Jews: An Essay in Political Theology,” Journal of Political Theology (2009).

Magazine Articles

“Mary Reconsidered,” Christianity Today Vol XX.5 (Dec..5, 1975): 4-7. “Aquinas for Protestants: What Luther got wrong.” The Christian Century Vol. 122.17 (Aug. 23, 2005): 23-26. “Creator God: the debate on intelligent design,” The Christian Century, Vol. 122.26 (Dec. 27, 2005): 27-31. “Wide Angle Historian: Jaroslav Pelikan, 1923-2006,” The Christian Century, Aug. 22, 2006, 31-33. “Growing in grace (what saints teach us),” The Christian Century, Oct. 30, 2007. “The Media and Me,” Duke Divinity School Review (2008) “Unsettled Issues,” The Christian Century, May 16,2012.

Book Reviews:

Book reviews and abstracts have appeared in the following journals: Journal of Ecumenical Studies Harvard Theological Review Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte Theology and Life Church History Journal of the American Academy of Religion Religious Studies Review Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte Renaissance Quarterly Duke Divinity School Review Journal of Religion Interpretation Journal of Interdisciplinary History Catholic Historical Review American Historical Review Renaissance and Reformation Review

Manuscripts and proposals read and evaluated for:

Oxford University Press Cambridge University Press Yale University Press Cornell University Press 8

The Free Press The University Press of Virginia Duke University Press E.J. Brill Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies


Gerhard Ebeling, "The Hermeneutical Locus of the Doctrine of God in Peter Lombard and Thomas Aquinas," in Ernst Käsemann et al., Distinctive Protestant and Catholic Themes Reconsidered. New York: Harper and Row, 1967. Chapter VII, "The Confrontation between Orthodoxy and Heresy: General Characteristics and Operating Procedures," in Walter Bauer, Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1971.

Work in progress:

Defining Catholic in Reformation Europe The Catholic Calvin

Papers Read at Scholarly Meetings:

“Scholasticism and Radical Reform,” paper read in Washington, DC, at a joint meeting of the American Society for Reformation Research, the American Society of Church History and the American Catholic Historical Association, December, 1968. “Luther and Late Medieval Augustinianism: Another Look,” paper read at the Spring meeting of the American Society of Church History. “Humility and Justification in the Theology of Johann von Staupitz and the Young Martin Luther,” paper read at the First International Colloquy on the History of Exegesis in the Sixteenth Century sponsored by the Institut d'histoire de la Réformation of the University of Geneva, September 30, 1976. “Abraham and the Reformation: The Controversy over Pauline Interpretation in the Early Sixteenth Century,” Southeastern Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, University of North Carolina, Summer, 1979. “Romans 8:1-11 in Patristic Biblical Exegesis,” for the Society of Biblical Literature, October, 1979, in New York. “Calvin and the Patristic Exegesis of Paul,” Second International Colloquy on the History of Exegesis in the Sixteenth Century, Duke University, September 25, 1982. “Luther and Calvin on Church and Tradition,” for the Martin Luther Quincentennial Conference at the University of Michigan, September 26-29, 1983. “Luther against Luther,” for the Luther Jubilee sponsored by the Folger Shakespeare Library, the University of Maryland, the Lutheran Church in America, the American Lutheran Church and the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, November 12, 1983. “Luther and the Two Kingdoms,” for the Duke-Bonn Consultation on Theological Anthropology, Durham, NC, March 28, 1985. “Luther and the Ascent of Jacob's Ladder,” Presidential Address, The American Society of Church History, New York, NY, December 28, 1985. “Calvin and Melanchthon on Romans 13:1-7,” for the First Frederick Neumann Symposium on Theological Interpretation of Scripture, Princeton Theological Seminary, August 17, 1986. “Calvin and the Natural Knowledge of God,” joint meeting of the American Society of Church History and the Society for Reformation Research, Cincinnati, Ohio, December 29, 1988. “Calvin and the Monastic Ideal,” Conference on Anticlericalism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, September 21, 1990. “Calvin among the Thomists,” Joint meeting of the Society for Reformation Research and the Verein für Reformationsgeschichte at the German Historical Institute, Washington, DC, September 26, 1990. “Calvin and the Divided Self of Romans 7,” The Renaissance Society of America, April 12, 1991, at Duke University, Durham, NC. “Luther and Loyola,” Conference on Loyola en su Tiempo, September 13, 1991, Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, Spain. 9

“Calvin and Tamar,” Ninth Colloquium on Calvin and Calvin Studies, Princeton Theological Seminary, May 20-23, 1993. “Calvin and Luther as Interpreters of Genesis 38,” Seminar on “Luther and Calvin,” Eighth International Congress for Luther Research, August 9, 1993, St. Paul, MN. “The Judaizing Calvin,” Arbeitsgespräch, “Die Patristik in der Bibelexegese des 16. Jahrhunderts,” Herzog August Bibliothek, March 21-23, 1994, Wolfenbüttel, Germany. “Calvin as an Interpreter of Genesis,” Sixth International Congress on Calvin Research, plenary session, September 15, 1994, New College, Edinburgh, Scotland. “Luther and Formation in Faith,” American Society of Church History, Atlanta, Georgia, January 4, 1996. “Luther and Calvin on the Banks of the Jabbok,” American Society of Church History, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, April 27, 1997. “The Meeter Center for Calvin Studies: Resources and Future Directions - A Response,” Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 24, 1997. “The Re-evaluation of the Patristic Exegetical Tradition in the Sixteenth Century,” The Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Atlanta, GA (October 26, 1997). “Johann von Staupitz and the Problem of the Forerunner,” Medieval Institute, May 9, 1998, Kalamazoo, MI “Heiko Oberman and John Calvin” Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Denver, CO, October 25, 2001 “Luther and the Blessing of Judah,” plenary address for the Tenth International Congress for Luther Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 8, 2002. Also at the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference in San Antonio, Texas, October 27, 2002. “Calvin as a Critic of the Council of Trent,” Sixteenth Century Society and Conference in Pittsburgh. PA, October 30, 2003. “Calvin as an Interpreter of the Bible,” Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego, Nov. 2007. “The Superiority of Pre-critical Exegesis Revisited”, Society of Biblical Literature, Boston, Nov. 2008.

Named Lectureships: (details under major lectures) Student Lectures, Lexington Theological Seminary, 1969. Kearns Lecture, Duke University, 1978. Burdick Seminar Lecture, University of Wisconsin, 1979. Danforth Lectures, Hope College, 1986. Cairns History Lecture, Wheaton College, 1987. Kulenkamp Lectures, Eden Theological Seminary, 1989. Bradley Lecture, Boston College, 1992. George Frederick Harkins Lecture, Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary, 1992. Lutheran Life Lectures, Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, 1992. Reformation Heritage Lectures, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University, 1995 Meeter Center Lectures, Calvin College and Seminary, 1996 Yves Simon Memorial Lecture, University of Chicago, 2003 Theta Phi Lectures, Asbury Theological Seminary, 2005. Roland Bainton Lecturer, Yale Divinity School, 2006 Stob Lectures, Calvin College and Seminary, 2009 McDonald Lectures, Emory University, 2010

Major Lectures:

“The Doctrine of the Church according to Vatican II,” Western Maryland College, 1967. “In the Shadow of Luther,” three lectures at the Lexington Theological Seminary, Lexington, KY, 1969. “Die Bedeutung der augustinischen Theologie des Johannes von Staupitz für Luthers theologischen Werdegang: Fragestellung und Methode,” lecture for the Institut für Spätmittelalter und Reformation of the University of Tübingen, June 7, 1973. “The Shape of Late Medieval Augustinianism,” lecture for the Medieval Circle of the University of Virginia, March, 1974. “The Ministry in the Middle Ages and Reformation,” two lectures for Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC, September, 1975. “Medieval Theology and Religion,” seminar for the faculty of Berea College, Berea, KY, May 30 to June 3, 1977. “The Baptism of John and the Baptism of Jesus in Huldrych Zwingli, Balthasar Hubmaier and Late Medieval Theology,” Boston Reformation Colloquy, Harvard Faculty Club, Spring semester, 1977. Also read to the 10

Mid-Atlantic Renaissance and Reformation Seminar, Virginia Polytechnic, Blacksburg, VA, March, 1979. “Luther and Staupitz,” Church History Seminar, Faculty of Divinity, Cambridge University, Lent Term, 1978. “The Superiority of Pre-critical Exegesis,” Kearns Seminar Lecture, Duke University, Fall semester, 1978. “Religious Ecstasy in Staupitz and the Young Luther,” First Burdick Seminar on "Religious Ecstasy in Renaissance Europe," Institute for Research in the Humanities, University of Wisconsin (Madison), March 3, 1979. Also read to the Mid-Atlantic Renaissance and Reformation Seminar, Duke University, Spring Semester, 1980. “Der junge Luther und Johann von Staupitz: Ein Beitrag zu den Anfängen der reformatorischen Theologie,” lecture for the Studium Universale, University of Bonn, June 3, 1980. “The Pursuit of Holiness,” three lectures for the Pastors School of the Eastern Pennsylvania and Wyoming Conferences of the , Albright College, Reading, PA, July, 1980. “The History of Exegesis and the Theological Task,” Seminar for the Protestant Theological Faculty, University of Bonn, 1981. “Luther and Hubmaier on the Freedom of the Human Will: A Reformation Controversy in Medieval Perspective,” lecture for the Philological Club of the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) and the Erasmus Club of Duke University, April 13, 1983. “Luther und Staupitz: Zur Frage der Augustin-Rezeption und des Augustinismus am Vorabend der Reformation,” for the Kirchliche Hochschule, Wuppertal, May 19, 1983. “Luther and Hubmaier on the Freedom of the Human Will,” Colloquy on Luther's Anthropology, Protestant Theological Faculty, University of Bonn, May 24, 1983. “Luther on the Freedom of the Human Will,” Cornell University, September 30, 1983. “Luther and Augustine on Romans 9,” for the Luther Colloquy, Marquette University, October 29-30, 1983. “Luther and Hubmaier on the Freedom of the Human Will,” Calvin College, October 31, 1983. “Luther and Calvin on Church and Tradition,” the University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, November 3, 1983. “Luther: Reformer for the Churches,” three lectures for the Pastors School of the Eastern Pennsylvania and Wyoming Conferences of the United Methodist Church, Albright College, Reading, PA, July, 1984. “Luther and the Drunkenness of Noah,” and “Luther and the Hidden God,” Danforth lectures, Hope College, Holland, MI, February 27-28, 1986. “Luther and the Drunkenness of Noah,” Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, West Germany, July 21, 1986. “St. Paul and the Reformation,” the Cairns History Lecture, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, February 5, 1987. “Calvin und Abraham: Die Interpretation von Römer 4 im sechszehnten Jahrhundert,” University of Bonn, May 16, 1988. “Calvin and Abraham: The Interpretation of Romans 4 in the Sixteenth Century,” for the Third International Colloquy on the History of Biblical Exegesis in the Sixteenth Century, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2, 1988. “Calvin in Context,” Kulenkamp Lectures (three lectures) at Eden Theological Seminary, St. Louis, MO, February 22, 1989. “Calvin and His Lutheran Critics,” Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN, April 14, 1989. “The Reformation and the First Commandment,” Steel Center, Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas, May 11, 1989. “Calvin among the Thomists,” Princeton Theological Seminary and the Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton, NJ, May 29, 1990. “The Intellectual Appeal of the Reformation,” Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, October 23, 1992. “Luther and Tamar,” Institute for Luther Studies, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Gettysburg, PA, October 28, 1992. “Luther and Tamar,” “The Intellectual Appeal of the Reformation,” Waterloo Lutheran Theological Seminary, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, November 5, 1992. “The Intellectual Appeal of the Reformation,” Duke University, Divinity School Faculty Forum, November 16, 1992. “The Intellectual Appeal of the Reformation,” University of Notre Dame, June 30, 1993. “The Intellectual Appeal of the Reformation,” Florida State University, September 27, 1995. “The Reformation in Context,” (Reformation Heritage Lectures), Beeson Divinity School, Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama, October 31 to November 2, 1995. “Luther and Formation in Faith,” Valparaiso Project, University of Notre Dame, November 8-10, 1995. 11

“Luther und Calvin am Jabbokufer: Ein Beitrag zur Auslegungsgeschichte des Alten Testaments,” -- Stipendiaten Kolloquium, Herzog August Bibliothek (April 29, 19996), -- Studium Universale at the University of Bonn (May 6, 1996) -- Evangelische Theologische Fakultät of the University f Heidelberg (May 8,1996) -- Evangelische Theologische Fakultät of the University of Erlangen (May 10, 1996). “The Re-evaluation of the Patristic Exegetical Tradition in the Sixteenth Century,” Conference on the Bible as an Early Printed Book, sponsored by the British Library and Scriptorium, Hereford, England (May 30-June 1, 1996). “The Re-evaluation of the Patristic Exegetical Tradition in the Sixteenth Century,” for the Department of Religious Studies, University of Virginia, (September 23, 1996). “Calvin and the Irrepressible Spirit” and “The Scholastic Calvin.” The Meeter Center Lectures at Calvin College and Seminary (October 14, 1996). “Calvin and the Irrepressible Spirit,” Symposium on the Theological Interpretation of Scripture, North Park College and Seminary (October 19, 1996). “Remembering the Past in an Age inclined to Forget,” Meeter Center, Calvin College, (October 10, 1997). “Bible and Church: The Contemporary Crisis of Biblical Authority,” Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton, NJ, February 6-8, 1998 “The Challenge of the Protestant Reformation,” The Homeland Foundation, March 26, 1998. “The Judaizing Calvin,” The University of Chicago Divinity School,, October 19, 1998. “Luther and Formation in Faith,” Northwestern University, October 20, 1998 “Luther and Formation in Faith,” University of Wisconsin, October 31, 1998. “Uncovering a Second Narrative: Detective Fiction and the Construction of Historical Method,” for the Biblical Project of the Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton, NJ, September 10, 1999 “The Intellectual Appeal of the Reformation,” Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton, NJ, November 3, 1999. “The Catholic Luther: A Critical Reappraisal,” Yves Simon Memorial Lecture, University of Chicago, February 6, 2003. “Miss Marple Reads the Bible: Detective Fiction and the Art of Biblical Interpretation,” keynote address at Laity Weekend, Duke Divinity School, April 4, 2003. “Debates over the Identity of Jesus in the Early Reformation,” for the Identity of Jesus Project of the Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton, NJ, September 17, 2004. “The Domestication of Prophecy in the Early Reformation,” for the Duke-UNC Conference on Prophecy, October 17, 2004. “Word and Sacrament in the Early Reformation – I. The Domestication of Prophecy, II. The Disputed Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, “ Theta Phi Lectures, Asbury Theological Seminary. March 3-4, 2005. “The Domestication of Prophecy in the Early Reformation.” Bainton Lecture, Yale Divinity School, 2006. “John Calvin and the Impotent God.” “John Calvin and Spiritual Real Presence,” Stob Lectures, Calvin College and Seminary, Nov. 6-7, 2009. “Martin Luther and the Domestication of Prophecy” and “John Calvin and the Impotent God.” McDonald Lectures. Emory University, 2010. “Justification by Faith Alone: Martin Luther among the Early Anglicans.” Nashotah House Episcopal Theological Seminary, April 19, 2012.

Community Service

Since August, 2003, written more than 70 op-eds for the Orlando Sentinel, the Raleigh News & Observer, the Boston Globe, the Wall Street Journal, rhe Detroit Free Press, the Religion News Service, and the Methodist Reporter. Op-eds have been picked up off the KRT wire by other papers including the Charlotte Observer, the Houston Chronicle, the Columbus Dispatch, the Austin American Statesman, the Virginian Pilot, the Tallahassee Democrat, and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Freelancer, Orlando Sentinel 2003-09 Contributing Correspondent, Raleigh News & Observer 2010-

Church Relationship and Service:

Admitted on trial and ordained deacon, the Ohio Conference of the Methodist Church, Lakeside, Ohio, 1959. Admitted into full connection and ordained elder, the Ohio Conference of the Methodist Church, Lakeside, Ohio, 1961. Transferred to Philadelphia Conference (now Eastern Pennsylvania) of the United Methodist Church, 1969. 12

Transferred to the North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church, 1972. Elder and member in full connection in the North Carolina Conference of the UMC 1972-1999. Retired Jan. 1, 2000. Student Assistant Pastor, Trinity Methodist Church. Staten Island, NY, 1959-61. Representative of the United Church of Christ to the 150th anniversary of the Evangelical Church of the Union, Berlin, 1967. Task Force on Theological Education on the Eastern Seaboard, The United Methodist Church, 1974-75. Pastors School, Eastern Pennsylvania and Wyoming Conferences of the United Methodist Church, Reading, PA, 1980. Durham District Committee on Ministerial Training and Qualifications, North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church, 1981-82. Preaching and/or teaching assignments in United Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, and UCC parishes. Sermon: “Grace and Justice,” Duke University Chapel, Durham, NC (1984). Lecture: “Luther and the Hidden God,” Christ Episcopal Church, Raleigh, NC (1983). Lecture: “Luther and the Hidden God,” Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill, NC (1983). Lectures: “Luther, Reformer for the Churches,” for the Pastors School of the Wyoming and Eastern Pennsylvania Conferences of the United Methodist Church, Reading, PA (1984). Finance Committee, Trinity United Methodist Church, Durham, NC (1984). Preaching and teaching mission, Holy Cross United Methodist Church, Reading, PA (1984). Sermon: “The Triumph of the Crucified,” Trinity United Methodist Church, Durham, NC, March 31, 1985. Sermon: “Grace and Justice,” at University Lutheran Church, Clemson, SC, November 17, 1985. Sermon: “Tough Promises,” at the chapel of Hope College, Holland, MI, February 28, 1986. Sermon: “Memory and Mission,” Livingston United Methodist Church, Columbus, Ohio, December 31, 1986. Adult Bible Study, “Letter to the Romans,” Resurrection United Methodist Church, Durham, NC, Winter- Spring, 1987. Sermon: “Turned from Idols and Still Turning,” Resurrection United Methodist Church, Durham, NC, October 18, 1987. Sermon: “For the Sake of the Gospel,” February 7, 1988, Duke University Chapel, Durham, NC. Sermon: Acts 10:34-43, April 6, 1988, Duke Divinity School Chapel, Durham, NC. Sermon: Joshua 5:9-12, II Cor. 5:16-28, March 8, 1989, Duke Divinity School Chapel, Durham, NC. Convocation Sermon, I Peter 1:3-9, April 25, 1990, Duke University Chapel, Durham, NC. Sermon: I Cor. 1:10-17, January 24, 1990, Duke Divinity School Chapel, Durham, NC. Sermon, I Samuel 7:7-29, I Cor. 11:23-26, August 26, 1990, Resurrection UMC, Durham, NC. Sermon: Acts 4:32-37, April 10, 1991, Duke Divinity School Chapel, Durham, NC. Sermon, I Peter 1:3-9, November 3, 1991, Resurrection UMC, Durham, NC. Sermon, 1 Corinthians 12:12-30, January 29, 1992, Duke Divinity School Chapel, Durham, NC. Sermon, “Pride among the Deadly Sins,” March 15, 1992 St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Durham, NC. Sermon, Ezekiel 33:1-11, September 9, 1992, Duke Divinity School Chapel, Durham, NC. Sermon, “Deadly Sin,” Resurrection United Methodist Church, Durham, NC, July 25, 1993. Sermon, “Deadly Sin,” Livingston United Methodist Church, Columbus, Ohio, October 10, 1993. Sermon, Isaiah 64:1-9 and I Corinthians 1:3-9, Duke Divinity School Chapel, December 1, 1993. Preaching and teaching mission, First Presbyterian Church, Thomasville, Georgia, September, 1995. Sermon: “Deadly Sin,” Samford University Chapel, Birmingham, Alabama, November 1, 1995. Sermon, “The Unsettling Character of Apostolic Preaching,” Resurrection United Methodist Church, August 11, 1996. Acts 10:34-42, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11. Sermon, “Deadly Sin,” Woodlawn Christian Reformed Church, Calvin College, October 13, 1996. Sermon, “Deadly Sin,” York Chapel Duke Divinity School, January 22, 1997. Sermon, “For the Sake of the Gospel,” I Corinthians 9:16-23, Baccalaureate Sermon, May 17,1997, Duke University Chapel Adult Education, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, “Problems in the History of Christian Thought,” Feb. 6 – March 5, 2000. SEAD, “ The Superiority of Pre-Critical Exegesis,” St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, March 30, 2000. Adult Education, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, “Problems in the History of Christian Thought,” Feb. 2001 “Memory and Mission,” First Baptist Church, Henderson, NC, April 5, 2000. “United Methodist History and Wesleyan Theological Tradition,“ Christ UMC, Chapel Hill, Summer 2001. “Eucharist and Reformation,” Christ Episcopal Church, Raleigh, November, 2001. “Luther for Episcopalians,” St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, Raleigh, February 17-March17, 2002. “Luther’s Interpretation of the Bible” for the annual convention of the Pastor-Theologians sponsored by the 13

Center of Theological Inquiry in Tucson, Arizona, June 14, 2002. “Dealing with Dissent,” NC Conference of the United Methodist Church, Raleigh, NC, September 5, 2002. Adult Education, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, “St. Augustine among the Fathers,” October 5-26, 2003, and at Christ Episcopal Church, February 8-22, 2004. Adult Education, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, “Heresy in the Early Church.” October 3-24, 2004. Adult Education, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, “The English Reformation, “ Sept. 6-Oct. 4, 2009.

Educational materials for the Church:

Martin Luther: The Freedom of a Christian. Adult study materials for ELIM, the Evangelical Lutherans in Mission of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. St. Louis: ELIM, 1975.

May 2, 2013