
Never tell your password to anyone. 25. maj 2014 Elowin: uhm yeah? Elowin: wait Elowin: oh Elowin: oh wow Elowin: wooow Elowin: i thought you asked whether it was a hidden technique or not Elowin: not really sure how i read that wrong Chronische: Chronische: is the hidden mist jutsu a thing Elowin: no, actually. Elowin: it's not Elowin: i must be tired Elowin: yeah Elowin: i thought you asked whether it was a hidden Elowin: i should probably go to sleep i'm obviously tired as fuck Chronische: me first Elowin: no me!!!! Elowin: 2fast4u Chronische: nerts is going to run a short all-skeleton campaign after my dungeon crawl Chronische: it will be glorious Elowin: spoopy Chronische: quite! Elowin: chronische Chronische: elowin Elowin: i need to ask you a deep philosophical question Chronische: shoot Elowin: why is it that good games like shinobido are completely forgotten by eve ryone while trash like final fantasy 13 is common knowledge Chronische: Usually because of marketing Elowin: marketing is officially the spawn of satan Chronische: Well it IS needed for people to hear about the game at all but the p roblem is that AAA titles spend a good portion of their many MANY millions on ma rketing, drowning out the good games Chronische: Indeed, FF 13 being trash ALSO made it well known Chronische: All publicity is still publicity Elowin: at least Beyond Good and Evil got recognized ten years after it got wrec ked Chronische: You haven't even seen Cromartie High, and hadn't seen Samurai Jack Chronische: poor Beyond Good and Evil Chronische: I remember hearing lots of good things about it when it came out Chronische: there were a LOT of good games coming out back then, before AAA titl es absoultely trashed the regular marketplace Elowin: yeah Elowin: it's too bad a lot of them were completely unknown even back then Elowin: and most didn't even get recognized later like Beyond Good and Evil did Elowin: ;< Chronische: Well, again, marketing. They couldn't afford any real marketing Chronische: Like, the best most could afford was space in magazines Elowin: or they were made by japanese people and they completely forgot/fucked u p the western market Chronische: yeah well fuk dem wacko jappos Elowin: wow rued Chronische: but for real Chronische: games like Popolocrois were completely unheard of in the US Chronische: Popolocrois and Legend of Heroes Elowin: wtf is a popolocrois Chronische: exactly Chronische: It's a fun JRPG Elowin: impossibru Elowin: no such thing exists Chronische: they exist! Elowin: there's literally less than a dozen JRPGs i can even remotely stand Chronische: like what Elowin: and most of them are tactical RPGs so i'm not even sure if they quite co unt ;ooo Elowin: uhm Elowin: disgaea and tactics ogre for starters Chronische: haha, well Popolocrois has decent tactical combat Elowin: those two are the best shit Chronische: Tactics ogre is good shit Elowin: i dont like final fantasy tactics Elowin: ironically Chronische: It's watered down tactics ogre Chronische: easy as FUCK to break over your knee Elowin: i also like final fantasy 4 and 6 Elowin: 7 was okay Elowin: i hate pretty much all the rest Chronische: you ever played ? Elowin: nop Chronische: DQ 4,5,6 and 8 are good Elowin: do you reccomend any one of them in particular? Chronische: 8 first I suppose Elowin: i got this day completely free so i could try one out later Chronische is now Online. Chronische: the others are NES/SNES Chronische: fuck steam Elowin: hue Elowin: well, here's hoping PCSX2 doesnt hate it Chronische is now Online. Elowin: hue Chronische: fucking hell this internet Elowin: i've finally transmitted the curse Elowin: Elowin: well, here's hoping PCSX2 doesnt hate it Chronische: Chronische: But I can also send you the US version of Popolocrois It's a compressed version of almost a decade of Popolocrois games Chronische: it shouldn't, I've played it myself on the PC Elowin: cool Chronische: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOpNS3bM-EE Opening of Popo locrois Chronische: it's a fantastic game Elowin: well i'm DL'ing dragon quest now Chronische: that's the ORIGINAL popolocrois of course Elowin: heres hoping my internet doesnt fuck up before it's finished Chronische: which DQ? Elowin: 8 Elowin: wtf is that popolocrois cutscne Elowin: wot Elowin: that music sounds familiar tho Chronische: Gamigami devil is headed to popolocrois in his giant flying head Chronische: http://tindeck.com/listen/mcrw Elowin: yeah Elowin: that explains EVERYTHING Chronische: that's the music, I'd be VERY suprised if you had heard it before Elowin: i dont think i have Elowin: just something similar Chronische: I've got a PSP emulator and a working copy of a Popolocrois (US) rom Chronische: it's just too bad that they will never ever translate the series pro perly Elowin: gay Elowin: i cant moonspeak Elowin: altho i dont really mind if it's just subbed tbh Elowin: then i can laugh at the moonspeak Chronische: It's mostly text, like all JRPGs Elowin: awwww Chronische: and would you believe that came out in 98? Elowin: huh Elowin: better than final fantasy 7 that's for sure Elowin: blegh Chronische: Dragon Quest is the definition of cliche (Dragon Quest is the first HUGE JRPG, and defined the genre) but it's still a lot of fun Chronische: guess the artist of the series, looking at the art Elowin: i dont give a fuck about it being cliche or not, as long as it's fun Elowin: the artist of what Chronische: dragon quest Elowin: is it the same for each one because i've only looked at 8 Chronische: same artist since the very beginning Elowin: huh Elowin: well Chronische: It is what made him famous by the by Elowin: i cant really answer that because i accidentally cheated Chronische: :O Elowin: when i went to the wikipedia page for DQ8 earlier i saw who it was Elowin: also have a hard time believing that's what made him famous and not derg ernbawl Elowin: he does seem to really like dergerns tho Elowin: works on all the dergern things Chronische: Dragonquest came first I believe Elowin: no Elowin: well maybe before the anime Elowin: but deffo not before the manga Chronische: Hurm. Chronische: Well, 2 years from the very start of DB Chronische: which is way before it got huge Chronische: he also did Dr. Snap before that which was pretty shit Elowin: oh actually, according to wikipedia the anime came out the same year as dragon quest Elowin: what the fuck is a dr snap Chronische: Toriyama's first big manga Chronische: and it was shit Elowin: ;< Elowin: well i dont really know shitall about this nigger other than him having drawn up dergernbewl Elowin: hell i didnt even know that before watching DBZ abridged and hearing it at the start of every episode Chronische: Anyhow, DQ 8 is a pretty massive game in the traditions of old JRPGs Elowin: ungh Elowin: that's the worst part about JRPGs Chronische: so if you want a faster game, try DQ 4 or 6 Chronische: it's big too but more compressed Chronische: being 8 bit Chronische: well, 16 bit for 6 Elowin: jesus christ they made 6 games on the original nin- oh ok Elowin: that's still crazy tho Chronische: they made 5 on NES Elowin: jesus they must just have been shitting them out Chronische: nah, NES was around for quite a while Elowin: yeah i got that when you said 6 was 16bit Chronische: and unlike with a lot of series it just kept getting better Elowin: like 7 years ;v Chronische: 1 was kinda shit, 2 was a slight improvement, 3 was... weird Chronische: 4 - 8 are pretty great overall Elowin: actually 6 years Elowin: oh so it's like megaman Elowin: hue Elowin: except megaman 8 sucks but that's a minor detail Chronische: nah, megaman 2 is the best of the original megaman games Elowin: really? tbh i only think it's kind of okay Elowin: the controls are still pretty wonky Chronische: was never a super huge megaman fan anyhow Elowin: still not as wonky as megaman 1 Elowin: holy shit megaman 1 sucked Elowin: also heretic Elowin: megaman X is fucking amazing Elowin: one of the greatest platformers of ever Chronische: ehh Elowin: terrible person confirmed Chronische: I had only a few games on NES Chronische: and never owned an SNES Elowin: well Elowin: that's like me actually ;v Elowin: i only played any of the megaman games recently Chronische: my list of NES games is as follows: Battletoads, Snake Rattle n Roll , Elevator Action, Excite Bike Elowin: WELL THEN Elowin: THATS LOVELY Elowin: at least you had excite bike m8 Elowin: ;v Chronische: hey man they were all good games Chronische: oh yeah and Robocop Elowin: battletoads Elowin: hueheuehuehe Chronische: that game was fucking HARD Chronische: Robocop was WAY fucking harder Elowin: only the first two levels Elowin: legit Elowin: I had Robocop too Chronische: nah I could get to the ice Elowin: hue Elowin: hyue Elowin: hue Chronische: but never past that Elowin: i dont remember how long i got Chronische: I had a shitload of gameboy games though Elowin: i dont think i ever beat any of the NES games i had. other than Adventur es of Lolo and Legend of Zelda Elowin: i also had shatterhand, and castlevania 3. and robocop obviously. Chronische: DOnkeykong Country 1 and 2, all the pokeman games (including the TCG and pinball game), Link's Awakening (best LoZ game imo other than the Oracles g ames) Elowin: the rest of my games were shit Elowin: fucking Elowin: jungle book the nes game Elowin: lion king Elowin: CAPTAIN FUCKING PLANET Chronische: god damn Elowin: FUCK CAPTAIN PLANET Elowin: worst game Elowin: 0/10 Elowin: i could legit not even beat the first level Chronische: at least it wasn't the silver surfer game Elowin: it's up there Elowin: it's a side scroller instead of a Elowin: top down scrolly thing Chronische: you ever play Quest 64? Elowin: nay Chronische: god that game was a fucking horrible mess Elowin: i hath nether played ye queste 64re Elowin: i never had a nintendo 64 Chronische: my friend down the road had an N64 and a list of terrible games for it Chronische: he had Klay Fighter 63 1/3 for example Elowin: best game Elowin: klay fighters is goty Chronische: best game for n64 was Konker's Bad Fur day tho Elowin: tbh Elowin: i could never get into that Chronische: Really, you need to get past the first couple levels to get to the r eally good parts Chronische: The mansion, the warzone, the bank infiltration Chronische: all good stuff Elowin: i only beat the first level Elowin: there was just way too much "where do i go, what do i do and how do i do it" for me Elowin: i was never a fan of wandering around an area for 20 minutes with no god damn clue how to progress Chronische: how can you possibly play JRPGs then Elowin: indeed Elowin: that's another reason i hate most JRPGs ;v Chronische: oh yeah, Dragon Wariror Monster 2 is pretty fun. GBC game Elowin: that's a weird title Elowin: even without the typo Chronische: Well it's a dragon quest game Elowin: and they were called dragon warrior in ammurca Chronische: but because of copyright issues they had to call it dragon warrior i n the US Elowin: and for some reason they added monster Elowin: why Elowin: ;v Chronische: Because you are using the monsters Elowin: oh Chronische: instead of humans Elowin: so its pokemon Chronische: it's fun Chronische: kkkind of Chronische: you can breed them to make higher rank monsters Chronische: or in Dragon Quest Monsters Joker (the DS game) you fuse them into o ne being Elowin: lel Elowin: them fucking titles Chronische: the way you get monsters to join you in the DWM games is chucking ch unks of meat at them and then beating them up Chronische: and hoping they join you Elowin: i just fucking love when people keep putting words onto a title until fi nally they are just a complete mess of nonsenicality Chronische: in DQM:J you instead order your monsters to intimidate the one you w ant Elowin: also that sounds like pokemon to me Chronische: no wonder you love the great and glorious Shut Up and Jam Chronische: it did come out a year after pokemon, yeah Chronische: but it's how it worked in the DQ games from 4 on, which came out BEF ORE pokemon Chronische: because there was a monster tamer class that could get monsters to j oin the group Elowin: ;v Chronische: Did you ever play Legend of Dragoon? Elowin: sounds like tactics ogre now Elowin: no Chronische: dragon quest probably did it first Chronische: Legend of Dragoon is another pretty fun game for PSX Chronische: timing based combo-attacks in a turn based battle Elowin: yeah it probably did, first tactics ogre was for SNES afaik Elowin: huh Elowin: sounds like mario RPG Elowin: or shadow hearts Elowin: or more recently stick of truth Elowin: all games that i like. at least the combat system Chronische: oh shit how did I forget Breath of Fire?? Chronische: You played those right Elowin: no Chronische: Excellent games Elowin: isnt that the one where you can transform into a dergon Elowin: or something Chronische: as a spell Elowin: i remember hearing about that Chronische: it's the the main character eventually unlocked Elowin: well alright then Chronische: Solid games. You can also make a flying city, and use that to fly ar ound the map Elowin: nnniiiiiiiiiice Chronische: that was in BoF 2, but BoF1 was basically the exact same game Elowin: ???? Elowin: the exact same game? Chronische: I mean it might just have been some weird title change but it plays out almost exactly the same Chronische: I dunno Chronische: just play 2 if you want to get into it. Elowin: well okay Chronische: BoF is for GBA. You should also try Legend of Heroes, for PSP, and f or real Popolocrois is a lot of fun also okage