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The BG News November 4, 1998

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 4, 1998" (1998). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6400.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. SPECIAL ELECTION ISSUE The BG News WEDNESDAY, Nov. 4, 1998 A daily independent student press Volume No. 48 Taft elected new governor □ Taft promises to • Look for a focus on education, property tax relief and local reaction to college tuition help. the governor's campaign. The -page 8 COLUMBUS — Republican Secretary of State you down," he said. defeated Democrat on He promised to improve edu- Tuesday in the most expensive cation, cut taxes to help pay col- ■ The Women's soccer governor's campaign in Ohio lege tuition, provide property tax history. relief for older Ohioans and force team continues to live With 91 percent of precincts health insurance providers to let In the past with a 1-0 win reporting, Taft had 50 percent of patients choose their doctors. over EMU. the vote to 44 percent for Fisher, Fisher said that despite his according to unofficial returns loss, the campaign was success- tabulated by The Associated ful in bringing people of all back- Press. Reform Party candidate grounds together. John Mitchel had 3 percent and "In that respect, we won a ■ The volleyball team Zanna Feitler, a member of the great victory tonight," he said. lost Its eighth straight Natural Law Party on the ballot He said he did not second match to CSU in five as an independent, had 2 per- guess anything his campaign sets. cent. did. "What a great victory," a smil- "There is always pain as there ing Taft told supporters at a should be, but our pain is less Auoclated Prew Photo Republican celebration. Bob Taft (far right), newly-elected governor of Ohio, reads the inscription on a book given as a present to him today. His wife Hope (far left) and daughter Anna sit next to him. "I'll do my best. I won't let • See TAFT, page five. ■ Senior Kevin Maltarich is coaching local high school football team. Details on Kaptur wins by landslide vote □ Democratic candidate is was one of the only victories for local In spite of this, though, she is glad the the vote Democrats in yesterday's election. election is over. re-elected to the U.S. House as "1 have a lot of things to take care of at • Republican candi- "I don't want to comment on the antics of her opponent is arrested and my opponent because I don't know enough home before I return to Washington in two date for U.S. House about what happened," Kaptur said, adding, weeks," she said, citing cleaning off her desk, spent the night in jail jailed. raking leaves and watching an Ohio State ■ The Mourning Dove "Campaigns should be conducted on the after being arrested for issues anyway." game as her top priorities. issue was defeated Kaptur will continue to represent most menacing by stalking Emery was arrested yesterday and as of soundly. By SARAH DELANEY and University students. Ohio's 9th Congression- and resisting arrest. last night was in custody at the Lucas Coun- al district has most of its population base in MIKE WENDLING ty jail on charges of menacing by stalking The BG News the city of Toledo, but stretches south to • Democrats took a and resisting arrest. include Bowling Green east of Main Street. hit a the polls. Some undoubtedly had a better Kaptur won 81 percent of the overall 9th According to Toledo Police, Emery yelled ■ Boyle claims cite the Clinton scandal night than her opponent, Ed Emery — he district vote, closely matching the 78 percent obscenities at a neighbor on the evening of Volnovlch may have spent the night in jail. of the vote she garnered in Wood County. Oct. 27. When police attempted to arrest as a factor in voting Kaptur was extremely pleased with her Emery yesterday afternoon, he allegedly used illegal campaign decisions. Kaptur, instead, worked the party circuit funding to get elected in the 9th district where she was re-elected to landslide victory over Emery and exclaimed resisted, yelling "Get your fascist hands off enthusiastically, "I like elections!" to the U.S. Senate. the U.S. House of Representatives. Kaptur Voinovich wins ■ Ohio EPA to end Voter threat of clean air U.S. Senate seat control over . turnout □ The current • A campaign governor of Ohio soundly defeats finance question remains could hold up the Opinion 2 opponent Mary Boyle. Page Three 3 final results. Nation 4 constant The Associated Press -page 4 Sports 7 □ Citizens came out to COLUMBUS — Gov. George Agate 10 Voinovich overcame a last- said. vote in spite of minute campaign finance contro- Voinovich was buoyed by the negative campaigns. versy to win an open U.S. Senate state's strong economy, picking seat on Tuesday, giving Ohio two up nearly six in 10 voters who Republican senators for the first rated the economy as good, and "Only the educated By TRACY WOOD and time since 1974. an even bigger share of those Voinovich had been favored who judged it excellent, accord- are free." ERIN BERGER The BG News from the start to defeat Democrat ing to an exit poll by VNS for the Mary Boyle. He heavily outspent AP and five national television Epictetus Students and Bowling Green her on the campaign and joined outlets. Discourses residents showed up at the polls her for only one televised debate. But Democrats found a last- Tuesday to support their candi- BG NewiPhoto/MIKE LZHMKUHLE He took nearly 60 percent of minute issue when the Ohio dates and take advantage of their the votes. Elections Commission received voting privilege. A woman casts her ballot at the Saddlemire Student Services Appearing at a Republican allegations that Voinovich's 1994 Matt DeMain, junior special Building Tuesday. Voter turnout was near the same as other off- victory celebration with his wife campaign spending reports mis- education major, came out espe- year elections, according to pollsters. and other family members, represented payments funneled Look for more dialogue cially to support Bob Taft for on the topic of homo- Voinovich said: "On a night like to a company controlled by his governor because he feels Taft made the decision harder," received many absentee ballots, this, one experiences many emo- brother to cover the salary of a sexuality on the updat- has some very positive ideas for DeMain said. "I thought that it especially from the Perrysburg tions but I can quickly define the political ally. ed BG News website. education. was more important to vote than area. one Janet and I feel most, and Boyle said the certification of Check it out at: DeMain said it is important Evonne Smith, freshman, said that is great gratitude." the race should be delayed until for college students to vote in to not vote at all." she was annoyed by the candi- At the Student Services build- He briefly acknowledged a full investigation was conduct- order to have a voice in society. dates "bashing" each other Boyle, saying she worked hard ed. But a spokesman for the WWW. Robert Clark, a graduate stu- ing, about 200 on-campus stu- through mudslinging cam- dents voted out of about 1,900 and ran an aggressive campaign. Republican secretary of state dent in career and technology paigns. She said she would have Boyle told fewer than 50 sub- said he did not have the authori- education, agreed. registered voters, a typical rather heard about the issues. amount for a midterm election. dued supporters in a small ban- ty to do so. "A lot of things need to be Some voters shook off the neg- According to Judy Myerholtz, quet room in that her Terry Cress, 52, is a Democrat changed," Clark said. "We all ative ads, however. Bowling Board of Elections clerk in Per- campaign pressed Voinovich to who voted for Voinovich in sub- need to take a pro-active role in Green citizen Al Urban hasn't rysburg, it was a busy day at the . address issues such as education, urban Columbus. changing them." missed an election since 1953 and If you have a news tip or polls, busier than most. Social Security, the environment "I think Voinovich has been a Although most seemed to doesn't let the dirty campaigning have an Idea for a story, "The phones have been ring- and fair trade. great asset to Ohio," she said. "I believe that it is important to affect his voting decision. "Win or lose, it is worth every really think he's a person who call anytime and ask to vote, some voters were turned ing off the hook," Myerholtz "I looked at the history of the said. minute of hard work if you can has the experience and will do a speak with an editor. off by negative ad campaigns. Myerholtz said she thinks one candidates and the issues they go out there, be yourself and better job. He's a wonderful fam- "The governors' campaigns of the reasons so many people stood for and watched for the fight for the issues that matter to ily man, a good Christian man, were both negative, but I still came out to vote was the Perrys- the families of your community, things that mean a lot to us." 372-6966 voted for one even though it burg school issue. They have also • See POLLING, page five. your state and your nation," she page 2 The BG News Wednesday, November 4 1998

Opinion Editor Natalie Miller Opinion 372-2604 The BG News Sick Puppies' Jerry Jezek 210 West Hall I'D HAVE TO GO WITH ^HEY, THERE.' VoT,f\ 'WELL, I LIKE THE, THE REPUBLICAN PICK FOR. rn CANDIOATE^ Bowling Green State University REPUBLICANS BETE): Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 NOT MERELY FOR OM ELECTION DAY, AND THAW THE OE^OCRATS.^ PARTISAN REASONS, I' LL GIVE You A J Phone: (419) 372-2601 vr- I GUE5S... BUT INTELLECTUAL ArVO FREE, PROMOTIONAL/ E-mail: [email protected] \/"lQHAL ONES, AS WELL^ ^PROPAGANDA STICKBfJ DARLA WARNOCK Editor-in-Chief SARAH BEDNARSKI NATALIE MILLER Managing Editor Opinion Editor BRANDIBARHTTE KIMWILFONG Assistant Managing Editor Copy Chief M1KEWENDL1NG TOD McCLOSKEY Chief Reporter Sports Editor JASON SUGGS JOHN WENZEL Photo Editor Entertainment Editor EARLY CHILOHOOD L LETTERS Voting a noble, patriotic choice I was reading the BG News the other day and something caught I remember being so excited So either people need to being investigated, but by the my eye, namely the blatant advertisement by Churchill's for buying when I found out I could vote in change the way they look at the time it is, it's too late. Anyone beer. Suffice to say, I was just plain astonished. the May primaries when I was way our country is run, or we uncritical enough to take that at Now'I'm left dumbstruck with the question of why in the hell only 17, because I would be old need to look at our system of face value has already been suck- would a university paper ever publish something like that? Think enough to vote by November. running it. Is there any way to ered in by the opponents of the about it. How old are the majority of readers of this paper? Exactly, Even now, the 10 minutes it make this more of a true democ- issue. This makes me angry under 21. A friend of mine thought it wasn't very tactful. Indeed it takes me to punch holes in my racy? Can we have Internet vot- because of its intent — to fool wasn't. It was shameful even! ballot make me feel extremely ing? or town hall meetings? people into voting for something I thought it was an effort of the University to curb the underage- patriotic. I'm sure there are some cre- based on a separate issue. ative ideas out there, and I don't drinking problem, let alone the dangerous binge drinking that goes So yesterday I walked down One more thing I want to know all of them. But I am sure on during the weekends! The BG News has successfully done a to vote, braving the cold and any mention is that our country was that people need to be recharged slap-in-the-face on this fine institution by publishing that ad. Think suspicions that my vote would founded on proper representa- about the image, if The BG News was read nationally. What kind of to believe that this is OUR coun- tion in the governing body. We be futile. I'm discouraged with try, not one run by a breed of reputation would we have? Don't say it, our reputation as a party the lame excuses people give for still have a long way to go in this thy? Or the failure of the system people called politicians. school is bad enough as it is, but it sure as hell does not need to be not voting. If they really wanted area. If I don't know anything reinforced. to produce results? to vote, they would. It seems as if I have no doubt that many of about the candidates, I usually In a nutshell, what you have done is encourage students to go to our political problems relate to they don't see how their individ- It's not just the "slacker gener- vote for the female candidates. Churchill's to buy alcohol. Congratulations on a job well done! Now money. It takes money to run, ual action can affect greater ation" who doesn't care about There is a gross amount of male we have to face not only more alcohol violations over the weekends, and cheap marketing tactics things. voting — it seems to be a societal dominance in our government, but also more potential dangers that alcohol is so famous for. The epidemic. I think that older folks include slamming the other can- which doesn't mean that they When this country became a possibility of rape, sexual assault, violence, vandalism, and alcohol are more concerned because of didate instead of promoting your overlook social issues, but that democracy, it was framed as the poisoning (which ultimately can lead to death), increases dramati- their taxes and their more per- own issues. Unfortunately, it more parity in the legislature cally by the bottle or can. noble and fair way to proceed. manent residence. But it's impor- works. But has our country become too means more representation for Now I understand the right of free speech, the first Amendment tant for every adult to be as con- For example, I saw a commer- big in population? Has our gov- the governed. This also applies and all of that, but jeez! There's a line to be drawn here, and I'm sure cerned. cial yesterday about Issue One — ernment become too much of a to minorities. The perfect gov- many would agree with me on this. I know there are plenty of alco- If people are discouraged that the mourning dove hunting. The ernment would be proportional- hol advertisements in magazines and on billboards, but none of bureacracy for our votes to make our government is not working commercial was all about animal ly representative of its popula- them represent the University. Like the President of the United an impact? well, then by taking a passive- testing and how it saved these tion. States, The BG News serves as a voice and representative of the stu- There has to be another way to two children's lives. It ended aggressive attitude about it, So our democracy needs some dents who attend here. Think about how many of us looked at that get people to vote besides guilt. nothing changes. If people were with a plea "not to give in to rad- work ... we've still got plenty of ad in distaste? If I did, surely many others must have. I am even to It needs to be explained and truly disgusted with our govern- icals." When I read the ballot, it time to work out the kinks, after the point where I am actually ashamed to see something like that structured so that people can see ment, the only thing they could was pretty simple: 1. Mourning come out of our University's student newspaper. I don't like to think the results. Voting is supposed to do to change things would be a) doves would not be classified as all, we are just over 200 years that our university stands for partying and drinking, but rather, for be the right each citizen has and to vote and help elect someone game birds 2. People would not old. That's nothing compared to the excellent academic standards that we set. Just when I thought the power they can use to make new or b) run for office them- be able to hunt them. other countries. But we can't The BG News this year was a big improvement over the years past! give up on our democracy yet. improvements in this country. selves. Not voting doesn't What would animal testing I ask you, ladies and gentlemen of The BG News, to refrain from It really doesn't seem like peo- change anything. You are con- have to do with this? Sounds like publishing anything that advocates the use of alcohol. You have the tributing to the system's continu- some sensationalism to me. I Natalie Miller can be reached at right, the choice and the power to refuse that kind of advertisement ple believe this anymore. Is it the ation. heard that this commercial is [email protected] simply because it does not meet Bowling Green State University's lault of the people for their apa- ideals and values (which should also be the paper's.) Remember that we're here to learn about history, math, science and many other top- ics that this challenging academic institution has to offer. We are not WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR. here to learn about where to buy cheap beer. In short, have some tact, respect and taste in what you do for the paper, because what you do for the paper in turn does for the students and other people of this Letters should be between 300 and 500 words long and can be community. Gabriel King emailed to [email protected] or brought in on disk. Senior VCT Letters to the editor are subject to copy editing and timeliness.

Copyright e 1998, The BG Newt. PEOPLE ON THE STREET Bowling Green, Ohio. Reprinting of Do you think the Clinton scandal hurt the Democrats in this election? •ny material from this publication without the permission of The BG N«wi la strictly prohibited. The BG New* Is an Independent publica- tion founded In 1920 and la pub- lished dally during the academic year and weekly during the sum met semester. Opinions expressed In columns and letters to the edi- tor are not neceasarlly those of the student body, faculty. University administration or The BG News. Annie Rakel Unsigned editorials are the opinion Stephanie Davis Ken Lachlan Chrissy Eith Steve Muskat of the Fall 1998 BG Newt staff. Freshman Freshman Graduate Student Graduate Student Freshman The BG Newa encourages Its read- TCOM Psychology Mass Communications Sociology Computer Art ers to notify the paper of any "I don't think so. It was Clin- errors In stories or photograph "No, because it wasn't "It probably hurt the Democ- "I doubt they paid much "No. I don't think it hurt them. descriptions. Decisions made by ton that lied, not the the other Democrats' rats because people get attention.' It might have even raised the fdilor In-Chief and the Editori- Democrats." fault, it was Clinton's caught up in all the wrong more attention." al Board are final. doing.' things rather than the issues." TheBG welcomes any FAX ACT CITY OFFICIALS Make it your Setters, columns We're I Need to get _ , Hoffman 354-6204' or otl«■ bits of editor are encouraged and opinions or story ideas are • ablel The BO something over to us opinion page! opinion to be are published on a first strongly encouraged. E-mail News office Is open from quickly? Fax n induded on this come, first serve basis, with us anytime 8 a.m. tn 1 a.m. Sunday newsroom al iiicipal Adm 354-6204 Get your voice only rare exceptions of tlrne- bgnew9s)t>i through Thursday and 8 or .'172 0202. ■ i s. Letters can be AllsuggrXi > 5 p.m. on I heard! il offal 210

r \ wiici.y.WAi Wednesday Advice to those seeking a license: Don't crash during the exam CARRBORO, N.C. (AP) — Huai Qing, 28, steered into a parking space near a storefront Monday and then hit the wrong pedal. "The examiner thought she was going to hit the brakes. Instead, she hit the gas," said police Capt. November 41998 John Butler. "The car went three feet inside the store." "She should have stopped when she got to the curb," Butler said. If the big bra fits, steal it TWIN VALLEY, Minn. (AP) — Police here are puzzling over the case of the serial thief who has filched up to $1,000 worth of brassieres in the past five years — all from the same store and all size 44-D. "She apparently likes them new. Most people don't buy that many that often," said Betty Schoepho- erster of Schep's Clothing. The merchant said she doesn't regard every buxom customer as a suspect. But she is convinced the thief is a woman. Upcoming "Mistress Donna" wants her sex toys back

-Upcoming Evenl«" is a service to our readers borrowed daily via the University DOYLESTOWN, Pa. (AP) — When police raided Donna Gorton's suburban Philadelphia home, they Events web page. The calendar or events on the web page has a more complete listing seized the usual tools of the S-and-M trade — whips, chains, shackles, a dunce cap, potty chairs and, of of events and can be accessed through "". course, a can of shortening. Wednesday, 11/4/98 to purchase one now can stop by Anderson Arena. The Falcons Gorton, who pleaded guilty last month to prostitution, says she has an emotional attachment to the 28 West Hall (basement.) play the first of two exhibition gear. District Attorney Alan Rubenstein said he will return the stuff, provided Gorton not use any of the Office Policies: Dealing With Mon. -Thur., 1-4 p.m. Call 372- games to open the 1998-99 cam- 8086 for more information. items for prostitution. Difficult People (8 - 10 a.m.) paign. She's serving a year on probation. College Park, Rm 2. Learn Education Abroad Informa- methods of conflict resolution Planning Your Web Site tion Session (4 - 5:30 p.m.) Stealing candy from a baby not so easy and customer service. Fee $35. (6 - 9 p.m.) For rnore information call Con- 1103 Offenhauer West. CARRBORO, N.C. (AP) — Justice was sweet for an 8-year-old boy who had the fruits of his trick-or- tinuing Education, International Institute for Great Lakes treating pilfered. & Summer Programs at 419/ Great Expectations - What Research, Perrysburg. Envision, The suspect was described and when confronted at home, he did not deny taking the candy and fit 372-8181. can I do with a Major in ...? strategize and develop a Web site the description, police said. for Language/International with techniques from this The suspect's mother offered to give officers a bag of candy to return to the victim. The child's par- ents did not want to press charges and the officer resumed Halloween patrol. Pagemaker 1 for BGSU Studies Majors (4 p.m.) workshop. Fee $59. For more Employees (Mac) (9 a.m. - Ohio Suite, 3rd Floor, Student information contact the CTC Noon) Union. Invest an hour to learn Customer Service Coordinator at BGSU. Free for BGSU Employ- more about the diverse career 419/372-8181 or e-mail paths taken by BGSU alumni. [email protected]. JOIN US FOR FREE PIZZA, POP, Women's Center Brown Bag AND GREAT ADVICE! AMIS Information Night 1 1 3 i s 1 7 i 10 n 12 13 Luncheon (Noon) (6:30 p.m.) : 107 Hanna Hall. SPIRITUAL Canada-Ohio Business Din- w H 15 15 DEVELOPMENT & SOCIAL ner (4:45 p.m.) 113 Business Administration CROSS 17 IB 191 CHANGE: Finding the Sacred 101B Olscamp Hall. Richard B. Bldg. Are you an undecided R Within. The presenter: Rev. Evans, president of Alcan Alu- major? Have you considered BG It 21 22 minum Corporation, the Cleve- Accounting, Management Infor- D Karen Thompson is the campus n 24 25 ■ 28 27 28 pastor at the UCF Spiritual and land-based U.S. subsidiary of the mation Systems (MIS), or Infor- NEWS Community Development Cen- Montreal multinational Alcan mation Systems Auditing and ACROSS Pain dispensers ■ 30 31 1 Insufficiency Begin ter. Aluminium Ltd., will speak on Control (ISAC)? Come to this 3/ 33 34 35 3C 5 Cardiff's river boom "U.S.-Canada Trade from the information night to find out Denied right to Perspective of a Canadian Sub- 9 Think alike II 38 39 Pagemaker 1 for BGSU what these majors are, what 14 Lazily redeem a sidiary in Ohio." mortgage Employees (Mac) (1-4 p.m.) courses are involved, and how a 15 False god «0 41 42 BGSU. Free for BGSU Employ- 16 San CA W. alliance Amnesty International career in one of these areas can 17 Bug off! Harden H 45 benefit you. Chromosome Speaker (5 - 9 p.m.) 18 Skeet target eg. 47 49 50 51 20 Actress Annie unit Yearbook Distribution (1-4 Union Ballroom. Asian sea NAACP Executive Meeting 22 Involve In H >3 54 'A p.m.) argument Tennille and Morrison 28 West Hall. Anyone who pre- Women's Basketball hosts (6:30 p.m.) 23 Learned one be ■■■ " 5» Annexes ordered a 1998 Key or would like Ohio All Stars (6 p.m.) Canal Room. 25 _ Altos, CA EO 62 26 Aussie bird Allow to use E 29 Crane's arm 63 30 Slick up DOWN r* Speech r 31 Lupino and C19S 6Tri unct Wer.ia Services.l Inc. "For the Hniwrri, look onj impediments Tarbell AH ignta rese ved. the web: For a specific pidVbiV 32 Burning 38 _ Springs. NY purpose 19 Thorough 57 Lennon's widow 35 Part of IOU examination 39 Necklace units 58 Plaines, IL 36 Portnoy's penner Fabric Honshu city 21 Moist, sticky 41 Wrap around 37 Split to get coating 42 Bikini part hitched -tac-toe Contemporary of 24 Pres. Lincoln 47 Knights' 38 Male heir weapons PAGE THREE is Freud 27 Picture border intended as an irrever- Alva Bachman served on the Board of Trustees for 39 Entirely physical 28 Show to seats 48 Use credit 40 Legendary tale Bubble masses ent look at The Univer- 30 Capacious 49 Capture sity. WeatThtBC 41 Highland hat Tainted years during the terms of four BGSU Presidents. He 31 Unreasonable 50 Largest moon in /VMM consider it an off- 42 Spanker Tijuana la-ta beat page where we try Caron title role 32 Logondary the solar system to offer something for practiced law and served as Mayor of Bowling Green. 43 Algerian port Greek author 51 Reprimand 44 Ironic Unspooled everybody. Opinion* 33 Signal light 53 Actress Hatcher expressed herein are 45 Squeal Sell image Uncountable 34 Michael York 54 Formerly owned solely thorn of our staff. 46 Farm enclosure 56 In shape Have a nice day. 47 Actress Farrow years m WEBSITE OF THE DAY http://www. Today Thursday Partly cloudy Partly Cloudy CapitolHill/6228^

HIGH: 42 LOW: 26 HIGH: 42 LOW: 25 TV GUIDE SECTION WEDNESDAY '"" I (,:M I 6:30 I 7:00 I 7:30 I 8:00 I 8:30 I 9:00 I 9:30 I 10:00 1 10:30 1 11:00 1 11:30 1 BROADCAST STATIONS Are Mid Terms LettShowI

AMC NeH Diamond [Movie: eta "AAewUar(l97l,&»tieo>)Wa»erMalrhau.ElariaMay. Daily Show [Stein'sMoney COM Premium 6:tnd Make Ma Laugh Daily Show (R) Stem.Money {VoungComadujna(R) Slnbed: Brain Damaged (R) South Part (R) [Upright Cltlten Would You SellevtKiR) Justice Filet "The Trackers" (R) DISC NewHoutt Fli-IMJnt Gimme SheKeri ) |WM Oiecovery: Human DiacovtrMagajinep) Movie: •« "AufhaMufnc^"(19e2,Con»oV)AIPacfio,DyanCannon. ENC (4:50) Movie: Movie: ..^ "Tn/e Stories"(1966) DavWByrr* X |Movie: ••» fssmo Wsitm■ lht Mintwe SeoWi 1985) Fred Wen) Sporttcenter X ESPN_ UpCIOM Sporttctmer PBA Butting; Indnnepolre Open From Indianapolis Wonderful World of Go" NFL'aGraat FAM Show-Funny Show-Funny |0h No! Mr. Bill NewAddame AXN [Lrle. Camera Movie: Toy* OppostKn Tetran fa) Witts House"! 998. Drama) X 700 Club HBO (5 00) Movie: Movie: tt "Space Jam" (1996) Michael Jordan. W Movie: Tnt7JnaFalon"(1997. Drama) Omar Epps (In Slereo)KX Oi "A Gams of Checkers" (R) I Chris Rock X 1 tie s Bayou" X HIST remraelttohtg! ttlyNewt 20th Century (R) Beat Kept Secret: D-Dey(R) Empirta of Industry (Part 3 ot 4) Modem Marvel. (Fl) Weapons at War "Arcrafl earners" MTV {5 30) Jeme Countdown Bally Movie Beevi.-Butl Eye Spy Video jSeyWhet? Adam Sandter'aLaet Laugh True Lilt jRevue Cut (In Stereo) [Loveline sc Left Word ISpon-l Newt Sport. Nrw! FootMIWkly Hardcore Foolball fl) (Join-Deep (R) FOX Sport. New. FOX Sports Newt Relax With Your Parents SCIFI Quantum Leap (In Sexto] X ttgh«nge(R)X Star Trek "A Pace of He Acton" 1) Movie: tt'i "Conanaads"(1993.Comedy) DanAykroyd. JaneCufln.X Sightings |R) I [Star Trek I TLC Horn Again (R) |Homt Again (fi) Traume IHt Trauma: Lrle Extreme Machtnee(fi) BigfootR Wotfman-Myth and Science Ertreme Machines (R) This Weekend On TNT Babylon S ■The Long Dark" I Efl Fire n me Bety" (In Stereo) ■ Mowartt'i "7heSher»»neJM"( 932. WesMm) Tom Settck. Babylon 5 "The Wheel of Fire" I t*Vi In •* Company o/Darkness' I0ON Batman: Serial [Batmen: Series Scooby Ooo |Darter'e Lab CowACMcken |Animaniecs Bug. A Daffy [Tom and Jerry FbitatonaaX jScoobyDoo CowAChkken Animaniac. US* Harculea: Legendary Jrnyi. Xena: Warrior Print... (In SMreo) Weaker, Tana Ranger (In Slereo) Movie: "Cape retv"(l»l) An e»-conWt laket revenge on tie lawyer who betrayed hm.X NY Undercover "Parents Weekend!" j VHI Poo-Op Video jFourplay VHItoOne(R) |Rocko(Ages Behind the Mutlc (R) (In Stereo) Big Chill: Then [Big Chrlt: Pram. [Behind the Mutlc "Davd Cassrdy" [Big ChlN: Then Big ChUI: Prem. I page 4 The BG News Wednesday, November 4, 1998

W The BG News "m TT Editor-in-Chief, The BGNews Darla Warnock orld & N ation 372-6966 Eye on Boyle says race certification should news await Voinovich investigation piled from staff and wire reports J Democratic me tell you something, I'm not "It's more desperation, more mudslinging worried." ■ ABORTION ■■■IBBSBBBSBBBBBBSJMBSSSaBJSBl candidate Mary Boyle from Mary Boyle. This is the same thing wants an investigation Voinovich spokeswoman Wisconsin barred from enforcing law we have seen from throughout her Karyn Candisky called Boyle's CHICAGO (AP) — Wisconsin was barred Tuesday by a federal into George campaign for U.S. Senate." Tuesday afternoon request ludi- appeals court from enforcing its ban on a type of late-term abortion Voinovich's campaign. while the state and opponents of the law battle in court. crous. The 3-2 ruling by the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was a vic- Karyn Candisky "It's more desperation, more tory for Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin and six physicians who The Associated Press spokesman for newly ejected Senator George Volnoticb mudslinging from Mary Boyle," challenged the new law. COLUMBUS — The certifica- Candisky said. "This is the same "When states enact legislation like this, they are taking risks with to hide the source of money paid John Bender, said the secretary of tion of Tuesday's U.S. Senate thing we have seen from women's lives and health," said Roger Evans, a New York attorney in 1994 to a company controlled state has no authority to delay race should be delayed until a for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. by his brother to cover the salary the certification or to investigate throughout her campaign for full investigation has been con- Jim Haney, a spokesman for Wisconsin Attorney General James of a political ally. the matter once the complaint U.S. Senate." ducted of campaign finance alle- Doyle Jr., said the state had not decided how to respond to the ruling. A complaint was filed last has gone to the commission. Earlier Tuesday, Boyle said "We are still prepared to make the strongest arguments possible in gations against Gov. George week but didn't come to public Asked why Taft didn't make she was concerned about the defense of the law," Haney said. Voinovich, his opponent said. attention until Monday. The the complaint public when he complaint coming out on the eve The law approved in April bans so-called "partial-birth abortions" The delay is necessary commission scheduled a prelimi- first received it last week, Bender in which a fetus is partially delivered vaginally and destroyed, then because the penalty for the alle- nary hearing for Dec. 10. said the secretary of state's office of a "very, very important" Ohio the delivery completed. gations against Voinovich, if Secretary of State Bob Taft has is under federal court order not election. true, include removal from Under the law, doctors who perform the procedure risk the same 15 days to certify the results of to discuss the complaint. "I would hope that the gover- penalties as persons convicted of murder. Wisconsin does not have office, said a spokesman for Tuesday's voting — or until Nov. Voinovich, a Republican, said nor, somewhere before the polls the death penalty, but doctors could face life imprisonment. Mary Boyle, Voinovich's Democ- 18.. he had not received details of the Planned Parenthood and the physicians, who perform abortions, ratic opponent. Fought said Taft should con- complaint but would cooperate close, responds to the informa- contend the new law restricts women's options and unfairly punish- "We don't want to elect some- duct his own investigation into with the elections commission. tion that was found out about es doctors. one and find out they have to be the allegations. "We need to enforce the elec- yesterday," Boyle said. A trial is pending before U.S. District Judge John C. Shabaz in removed from office," Steve "Bob Taft should use the 15 tion laws," he said. Boyle also had criticized Taft, Madison, Wis. Shabaz had refused to grant a temporary order. Fought said. days and be a watchdog, not a Asked if he were concerned In the majority appeals decision granting such an order. Chief The Ohio Elections Commis- lap dog, and get to the bottom of about any possible penalties, a Republican running for gover- Judge Richard Posner attacked the Wisconsin law on three grounds: sion has said it will investigate this scandal," Fought said. Voinovich said, "I have no idea nor, for not publicizing the inves- — It contains no exception for cases in which the fetus could not allegations that Voinovich tried Taft's chief elections counsel, what the penalties are — and let tigation sooner. survive outside the mother's body. — It contains no exception for cases in which the procedure is nec- essary to preserve the mother's health. — It is too vaguely worded and might make doctors afraid to per- Proposed dove hunting ban defeated form legally permissible abortions. □ Issue One was watched the votes being counted ■ ENVIRONMENT BSSSSSSaaSBBBSSSBBBSSfSBSBSSI turned down by The voters of Ohio did us proud.' at the 's Ohio EPA to end threat of clean air control office. voters. "The outrageous commercials COLUMBUS (AP) — The state is asking federal regulators to end Rick Story run by the opposition rarely their threat of additional clean-air controls over the Cincinnati area. Columbus based Wildlife lugislaliie Fund mentioned doves and left people The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency says the region has The Associated Press totally confused. It also was diffi- already met a Nov. 15 deadline to comply with the federal Clean Air opponents countered with a bar- nuisance. They also claimed that Act standards by lowering its ozone pollution. COLUMBUS — A proposed . cult for a grass-roots coalition ban on dove hunting in Ohio rage of television ads. They hunters didn't eat the birds, . The Cincinnati area is the only urban area of the state that has not branded dove supporters as ani- using them only for target prac- like ours to get the message out was defeated Tuesday following to people when we didn't have been declared in compliance with the ozone standard. It has been mal-rights extremists. The com- tice. under the threat of restrictions on travel and industry if it failed to a campaign in which both sides mercials warned that the ban Rick Story of the Columbus- the power of a well-heeled, well- 3ower the pollution level. used emotional appeals. would be a first step toward based Wildlife Legislative Fund organized group behind us," she "I think that Cincinnati's geography and meteorology caused the With 78 percent of precincts restrictions on hunting in gener- of America, which opposed the said. jarea to have more problems with reaching attainment," Robert reporting, 60 percent of voters Story said commercials opposed the ban to 40 percent in al, medical research, zoos, meat ban, said he hadn't expected the Jlodanbosi, chief of air pollution control for the Ohio EPA, said Tues- against the ban "made sense to a favor, according to unofficial eating and some farming tech- vote against it to be so decisive. day. "Cincinnati is the most southern of our urban areas, and the lot of people who understand ;warm, valley conditions tend to cause pollutants to stay in the air." returns tabulated by The Associ- niques. "The voters of Ohio did us that the same movement that But Cincinnati's efforts have helped it reach compliance, officials ated Press. Save the Doves organizers proud," he said. "Our polls and wanted to ban dove hunting also have said. Those include vehicle-emission testing, improved gasoline Supporters of the issue urged denied the charges, saying the newspaper polls showed the station pumps that capture ozone-causing vapors and programs urg- voters to protect "the biblical issue was solely about mourning race much tighter than it turned wants to ban hunting and fishing ing residents to refrain from mowing lawns and fueling their cars symbol of peace" and end the doves. They had a tough time out to be. There were plenty of and research with animals." during summer daylight hours. hunting of the grayish-brown getting that message out, howev- undecided voters and it appears Laymon said some voters may Emissions from cars and industry contribute to ozone, which is the migratory bird. A group known er, because the pro-hunting the bulk of them agreed with our have been confused by the word- element of smog that causes breathing problems. as Save the Doves collected more Ohioans for Wildlife Conserva- message rejecting the whole ani- ing of the issue. A "yes" vote was than 100,000 signatures of regis- tion raised nearly $2 million mal rights agenda." a vote favoring the ban. "People tered voters to place the hunting more than Save the Doves. "The margin of the vote kind tend to say 'No, I don't want to ban on the ballot, where it was Supporters of the hunting ban of matches the margin of how we see those little birds shot' and so Read The BG News the only statewide issue. focused on the message that the were outspent," Ritchie Laymon they cast a 'No' vote when it's The issue's well-financed birds, while plentiful, are not a of Save the Doves said as she not what they meant," she said.

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The next information session is DHI MraM w •rdw M*' I»»M»I' Sit down for WBGU-TV - it's a great way to stand up lor scheduled for: Public Television! 10 Visits-$30.00 Wednesday, November 18, 1998 6:00-7:30 p.m. (HE-CaMUaalrtfrMikMMl 18 Visits-only $40.00 Ea-nikaul EKka-jt 25 Visits - only $50.00 Room 187, Cohen Center ♦> WBOUTV27 "Trie 6tst design team in BG' Xavier University Campus Located at corner of For reservations and additional information call 113 745-1912 or I -800-2Council lIxaWb^OroWiIMn* Ridge & Thurstin 800 344-4698 ext 1912 6 Wednesday, November 4, 1998 The BG News page 5 Wood County votes Darrow loses fifth district El Wood County - 105 precincts J Darrow is disappointed by ing as one of the most effective ways for Uni- tactics, and I'm happy about that," Darrow Registered voters 77,451 Ballots cast 38,517 versity students to get their voices heard. said. "There was a lot of mudslinging voter apathy and campaign Besides voter apathy, Darrow was dis- between other candidates." funding disparities that couraged by the fact that Gillmore had so County commissioner She was also glad that she learned so •Tim W. Brown (Rep). 21.206 58.29% much more funding than she did. affected the Congressional race. "Campaign finance reform definitely much about the election process and made Caroline Carpenter (Dem) 15,175 41.71% needs to happen," she said. her name known throughout the 14-county Darrow believes that limits on donations district. County auditor By SARAH DELANEY from special interests and corporations However, she acknowledged the toll the 'Michael Sibbersen Rep 30.229 100% The BG News should be imposed before the next general election. campaign took on her and her family. Despite her local appeal. Democrat Susan Gillmore supporter Brian Dicken said that "This was a much larger endeavor than I Member of State Board of Education(2nd district) Darrow, associate director of the University he "ran on his prestigious record," and the anticipated," she said. "It took a lot of time Edward Howard • 8.217 29.87% Honors Program, lost the 5th district seat for choice for Gillmore did not boil down to and energy out of me. I'm looking forward to •Martha W. Wise , 19,289 70.13% the U.S. House of Representatives to Repub- finances. lican incumbent Paul Gillmore. "Gillmore represents the district well," spending more time with my son, Thomas, in State Issue #1 - Prohibiting hunting or taking of Although she received a lot of support Dicken said, noting that his main concern is the next few months." from the Bowling Green community and the the $17 million Route 24 project. Darrow was undecided as to whether she mourning doves in Ohio. •" University, Darrow thought that the voter But even in the face of defeat, Darrow had will pursue the 5th district seat again in 2000. Yes 14,261 38.47% apathy on campus was very discouraging. many positive things to say about the elec- *No '22.809 61.53% "I just don't understand why people tion itself. For now, she just wants to relax and focus on would not vote," Darrow said. She cited vot- "Paul Gillmore didn't use dirty campaign her job in the University Honors Program. Proposed tax levy - Wood County committee on aging - renewal 0.4 mill - providing or maintain- ing senior citizen services or facilities - comm. 01/01/99 for5years. .'9., Gardner regains state seat for his last term •For the tax levy .', 28,780 76.71% □ Gardner returns to Gardner said he has had a Gardner is a "great guy" who is a leader in local and county poli- Against the tax levy . . ., 8.739 23.29% great experience in Columbus respected by everyone in Colum- tics. the state capital eager the past thirteen years. He said bus. Kurt Young (D), Gardner's Proposed tax levy - Wood County alcohol, drug to represent Wood he is ready to gp back to Colum- "The amount of respect Gard- opponent, said he was disap- addiction and mental health services board - County and work with bus to do good things for Wood ner commands makes people lis- pointed with his loss, yet still replacement 1 mill providing necessary serv. for County. ten," Bernardo said. "He is very believes he can make a difference the new governor. One of his main priorities in important to Northwest Ohio." getting involved in other politi- alcohol, drug add. and mental health needs - his next term will be to focus on comm. 01/01/99 for 10 years. Durrell Johnson, a Gardner cal avenues. He said he may run the capital preparation bill. He supporter, agreed. He said Gard- for a government position in the said this bill will be especially •For the tax levy 23,611 63.85% By BRANDI BARHITE ner has been a public servant future and next time will focus important for Bowling Green Against the tax levy 13,366 36.15% The BG News since he was in college. He said on meeting more people. State University. he is also an educator who makes Gardner said he is excited In what he calls his last cam- He also said in his new term sure things get done. Proposed local option - Bowling Green PCX 2-C paign, Randy Gardner (R) once he will be focusing on working about his next term, but realizes Sunday sales - question C. again claimed State House Dis- with the new governor. A new "When Randy goes to Colum- that he needs the people back in Yes I 178 43.52% trict 4 representative. governor represents the begin- bus, he makes things happen," his district to make things hap- *No 231 56.48% "This is very gratifying. This ning of a new administration he Johnson said. pen. is my last campaign and I am said. Durrell believes Gardner will "You are nothing in Columbus •InOcoles me winners ot 1t» o« the wood county , very thankful the people wanted Zachary Bernardo, president continue to exhibit his past excel- without the people back home," BO Newt Graphic /STEPHANIE SCHNEIDER me to return," Gardner said. of , said lence and said Gardner is clearly Gardner said. TAFT-

Continued from page one. as their No. 1 campaign issue, a year property tax cut, a plan two split the vote among those , who was The two clashed over whether according to an exit poll con- Taft called reckless. Most voters who said education or the econo- barred from a third, consecutive the two candidates than a lot of the men and women ducted by Voter News Service who said taxes was the most my were the most important term and ran instead for the U.S. we are standing up for through- for The Associated Press and five important issue chose Taft issues. Senate. should be included in debates. out this state," Fisher said. television networks. despite Fisher's promise. The Taft and Fisher cam- The spending broke the record Fisher was against the idea but Taft ran well among men, paigns were believed to be of $16.3 million set in 1990 when Fisher, a former state attorney Fisher did well among those gave in because he feared there upper-income and younger vot- general, had pegged his hopes who said health care was the spending $10 million apiece try- Voinovich beat Democrat Antho- ers ."id those who picked taxes on his proposal for a $500 million most important issue while the ing to succeed Republican Gov. ny Celebrezze. would be no debates otherwise. VOTERS-

Continued from page one. concentrate on what they're campaign. going to do, not the other party." Despite apprehensions peo- truth and knew their positions," Dawn Lally, clerical specialist ple have about voting, many still Urban said. in the University department of came to the polls to support their Many voters were accus- Communication Disorders, said candidates and utilize their vot- tomed to the negative campaign she agreed that candidates ing privileges. ads and tried to ignore and look should stay away from such ads, "I think it's important to vote past them. SanDee Ostrowski but that they brought out points because our system of govern- worked at the polls and was not that she wasn't aware of. ment, even with its flaws, is still surprised by this year's negative Some people were so turned the best one and works when ads. off by the negative ads that it people participate in the "I'm pretty used to them," decided their vote. process," said Robert Thayer, a Ostrowski said. "However, I Steve Swaggerty, junior sec- polling station volunteer. "It's don't think they should be able ondary education major, voted free and available to everyone. to do that because it is disgust- for Lee Fisher for governor as a The penalty not to participate is United Parcel Service ing. I try not to listen to the neg- result of the action taken against that someone else will make the ative ads and I think they should Taft for allegedly lying in his decision for us."

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For details, visit Rm. 151, Memorial Hall or call 372-2476 Print Lost | Wednesday, November 4, 1998 ThBC DECIS These pages compare the changes in the H®< and the nation. Results of each election aresi News throughout the week for further fa

Democrats battle ********* Republicans to standstill Heard o □ The results of the elections leave Democrats in a better position than expected. • ********T|

The Associated Press WASHINGTON — Defying history, Democrats battled Republicans to a u standstill — and perhaps better — Tuesday in mid-term elections likely to bol- You all know \ ster support for President Clinton on the eve of congressional impeachment pro- ceedings. nent is spending Resurgent Democrats won the single biggest prize of the night when Gray Davis was elected governor of California, one of 36 statehouse contests on the ballot. right? The GOP held control of the Senate but Democrats ousted two vigorous Clinton critics — Alfonse DAmato of New York and Lauch Faircloth of North Carolina. In Illinois, Democratic Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun lost her bid for re- election. chairrr, Democrats scored early gains in the House, raising the possibility that Republicans would be left with a shrunken majority. In that event. Speaker 64 and other party leaders could come under challenge in the GOP In jail! caucus. A GOP majority would mark the first time in 70 years they had held the House three straight terms. But any Democratic inroads would contradict a post-World War II trend of an average of 27 losses in mid-term losses for the party of a sitting president. Not since 1934, when Franklin Roosevelt was presi- dent, has the party in the White House won seats at mid-term. Davis aside, Democrats celebrated other statehouse victories, ousting a pair Nation of Southern governors and electing a governor in Iowa for the first time since 1966. Democrats said they were taking legislative chambers from the GOP, too. House: Gingrich and Senate Majority Leader said that when all the seats were decided, Republicans would pad their majorities in both the House and Current U.S. House of Representatives seats Senate. However, Senate Whip Don Nickles acknowledged tersely, "It's not as good as some hoped." Demotrjt Republican Giber 44 Steve Grossman, co-chair of the Democratic Party, said a late-campaign series of GOP commercials reminding voters of Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky was "an 206 228 1 If more niversi abject failure. ...This was not only a colossal waste of money on the part of the Republicans, but it also caused something of a backlash." he added. Newly elected House of Representatives seats Asked in an interview about the impact of the returns on impeachment proceed- have voted*^ey \ ings. House Democratic Leader said. "I think this was a cry from the people to get on with their agenda and I hope the Republicans will." Democrat Republican Other difference inne i In a closely watched Senate race. McCain's partner in campaign reform. Democrat 210 224 1 Russell Feingold won his race for re-election. The trend in House races was overwhelmingly favorable to incumbents in both parties. With nearly 300 of the House's 435 races settled, only a Senate: handful had been denied a new term. Only one Democrat. Rep. Current U.S. Senate seats Jay Johnson ^ ^tkr ofWisconsin. Democrat Republican Other was among them. 45 55 0 Newly elected U.S. Senate deats

Democrat Republican Othflc 44 45 55 0 I'm with mybossE

' These remits in current as of press time but are subject to char je Ohio's U.S. House incumbants all winners □ Districts considered precincts reporting. Democrats. the West state line to the toss-ups went to state In Cincinnati's 1st District, After winning the 6th District seat outer ring of Cincinnati suburbs, and Republican Chabot defeated Mayor twice by razor-thin margins, and los- was a GOP stronghold before he 44 incumbants. Roxanne Quails, a Democrat, by 53 ing it once by a slim 51 percent to 49 came along. percent to 47 percent, with 99 percent percent, Strickland appeared to be Republicans recruited Hollister to Why devotemon of precincts reporting. headed for a decisive victory. try to regain that turf, and backed up The Associated Press In the state's only open congres- "They needed to establish a reason her campaign with money, personnel, dead horse issue. sional seat, Cleveland voters made for people to take me out of office and COLUMBUS Reps. Ted backstage guidance and a steady Strickland and both history by electing Democrat I don't think they were successful in stream of big-name visitors to draw won Tuesday in districts viewed as to be Ohio's doing that," Strickland said after donors and vouch for her with con- potential toss-ups, while the state's first black woman in the House, fill- accepting a concession call from other members of Congress who ing the vacancy created by the retire- Hollister. servatives turned off by a tolerant sought re-election waltzed to victory. ment of Rep. . His opponent held her head high position on abortion. Strickland, a Democrat, appeared Ohio's incumbent congress- in defeat. Democrats considered Quails their to rack up his biggest victory margin women. Democrat Marcy Kaptur and "I think we raised some issues he best hope to oust an Ohio incumbent, ever despite the strong support his Republican , both has to address, whether that's on and the parties poured money into challenger, Lt. Gov. , were re-elected, giving Ohio three highways or tax relief," she said. "We both that contest and Strickland's. received from the national women out of 19 House members, the ran a good race and a hard race." Chabot said he believed he was Republican Party. He led by 57 per- most ever. The party breakdown The 6th Congressional District victorious because, "We stressed BG News Graphic/ cent to 43 percent, with 93 percent of remains 11 Republicans and eight stretches along the Ohio.River from issues in this race." I. h Wednesday, November 4,1998

1 rWorarpa

df Representatives and Senate for both Ohio lated and are not yet final. Look to The BG on coverage, both locally and nationally.

^ * * + jf Jf * * * * Republicans hold control of Statehouse the town The Democrats add another seat in the House of □ *********** Representatives, but the Republicans still maintained control of the Ohio State Legislature after the elections Tuesday.

e Marcy's oppo- The Associated Press COLUMBUS — Republicans maintained control of the state Legislature on se night tonight Tuesday but won no additional Senate seats and lost a House seat despite a huge fund-raising advantage over the Democrats. Term limits, which go into effect in 2000. made it a certainty that plenty of new faces will be in the Legislature. Many longtime lawmakers decided against running for re-election, opting to retire, find other work or run for other offices. But the new faces wont necessarily be political newcomers. Democrats, knowing •Al Baldwin they could not outspend their opponents this year, turned to familiar faces in hopes food County Democratic Party of gaining ground. , a former Democratic congressman in suburban Cleveland, was » leading Republican Thomas Pekarek's 80 percent to 20 percent with all precincts reporting. But Republican Rep. of Newark defeated . once chairman of the state Democratic Party. 59 percent to 41 percent with 92 percent of precincts reporting. General response Republicans maintained their 21-12 advantage in the Senate, and will have a 59- Wood County Democrats 40 margin in the House, according to unofficial tabulations by The Associated Press. With 18 of 33 Senate seats and all 99 House seats up for grabs, Republicans » raised money aggressively to defend their lock on the Legislature. But they were hampered by having fewer incumbents running. "You always worry about people you have running for the first time." said House House: Speaker Jo Ann Davidson. R-Reynoldsburg. 'Considering what we were up against. Current Ohio House of Representatives seats I feel very good." The Republicans committed several hundred thousand dollars to targeted races. Senate Minority Leader Ben Espy, D-Columbus, said he considered it a vic- Democrat Republican Other tory that the Democrats did not lose any Senate seats. students would 39 60 0 "Based on what they spent, we were probably fortunate to hang on to what we did," Espy said. In a Cincinnati Senate race. Democratic Rep. Mark Mallory defeated >uld have made a Newly elected House of Representatives seats Republican incumbent Janet Howard 59 percent to 41 percent with 99 percent of precincts reporting. •vernor's race. Democrat Republican Other And in the 13th Senate district in northern Ohio, Democrat Ronald Nabakowski led Republican Jeffry Armbruster 48 percent to 46 percent with 85 40 59 0 percent of precincts reporting. Another Republican-controlled Legislature should bring another two years of a pro-business Legislature. Sarah Tomashefski Senate: Since the Republicans took control of the Statehouse in President £ £| 1994, the Legislature also has passed a landmark Current seats crime bill and made sweeping changes in "5^. unemployment compensation and welfare. Democrat Republican 12 21

Newly elected Senate seats

Democrat Republi DJhei right now. 12 0 • Randy Gardner •Thewiwufcweuni,"-,'. ■■■ • was**!* but am iub|»ct to change. Republican state legislator __ )) Republicans holding on to state offices □ The GOP swept races well into the future. Democrat Louie Strike, a newcomer well-financed special interests have Republican , to the statewide political scene from an inside track and an advantage," for attornet general, Ohio's first female attorney general, the Cincinnati area. Blackwell said. "We want to even the auditor, secretary of state was elected to a second-term by In the secretary of state's race, playing the field for the voters." ,s and months to a defeating Democratic challenger Republican J. Kenneth Blackwell, In race for state treasurer, and treasurer. . Cordray is a former Ohio's treasurer, defeated state Rep. Republican Joseph Deters defeated state representative and state solicitor , D-Columbus. The Democrat John Donofrio. Deters is Hamilton County prosecutor. The Associated Press from the Columbus area. secretary of state's position is being Montgomery said that her second vacated by Republican Bob Taft, who Donofrio is the Summit County trea- COLUMBUS — Ohio Republicans ZacharyBernado term would bring a continuation of was elected governor on Tuesday and surer. The Ohio treasurer's job is maintained their grip on statewide her programs, including law enforce- will serve with Blackwell and Petro being vacated by Blackwell, who will Kident of College Republicans political offices Tuesday by sweeping ment. "We're going to sit down and on the five-member Apportionment move on to secretary of state. races for attorney general, auditor, Board. David Leland, chairman of the secretary of state and treasurer. do exactly what we did in the first *9 Blackwell said one of his main , said The results assure a Republican four years, which is to set out our pri- goals is getting more voters partici- Democrats started the year as under- majority on the state Apportionment orities and complete those priorities," dogs. "We were running against Board, which redraws legislative dis- Montgomery told WBNS-TV in pating by "cleaning up the political almost all incumbents who were bet- tricts after the 2000 U.S. Census. Columbus. environment." Often the party controlling the appor- State Auditor , a "Right now, too many voters feel ter known and better financed. We tionment board determines the party Republican, won a second term by that their vote has been marginalized had a good quality team of candi- HRLAA.WARNOCK that controls the state Legislature fending off a challenge from or discounted and that lobbyists and dates," Leland said. page 8 The BG News Wednesday, November 4, 1998 Political parties react to voting results Democrats stay hopeful Republicans celebrate □ A Democratic gathering Democratic candidates drifted J Republicans feel that past Republican accomplishments. around the room, laughing and visit- Matt Swingle, College Republican, remained in high spirits ing with their supporters. livening satisfaction with said people voted Republican because even though there was a The overall atmosphere was full of incumbents played a key they were pleased with the work Republican sweep. hope and optimism, though many of Republicans have done in the past four the Democrats believed the election • Disheartened role in election victories. years. results would be in favor of the Repub- Democrats Republican Julie Meyer, Bowling licans. Green Ward One councilwoman, said By AMYJO L. BROWN Before the final outcome of his race, remained By BRANDI BARHITE one reason Republicans will again dom- The BG News Kurt Young admitted his numbers did- optimistic and The BG News inate Congress is because the Republi- n't look good but plans to be involved. The Democratic gathering at the look forward to cans had a lot of incumbents. "I got into it to make a difference. The atmosphere at the Wood County Women's Club in Bowling Green You can make a difference as a member upcoming Republican party was optimistic at the Meyer said incumbents traditionally resembled a neighborhood party. beginning of the night and celebratory do better in the elections and recogni- Friends greeted friends, parents ran of city council just as you can make a elections in difference as representative," he said. by the end of the evening as Taft and tion is one reason people voted Repub- after children, and tables were laid out 2000. Running for the next election is a several local politicians won their races. lican. She also said people voted Repub- with food. possibility for Young, however, his Wood County Republicans said they lican because they are content with the Two televisions, one color and one decision will depend on the situation at believe their success is mainly due to Republicans' work in Congress and black and white, sat on top of an old home. He and his wife are expecting • As a result of the fact that people are happy with the want them to keep up the good work. white piano. Neither one was wired for their first child. big wins, job Republicans have been doing. Rob Strauss, Betty Montgomery sup- cable, so the voters watched Jeopardy Caroline Carpenter thought she did Several Republicans said they were porter, agreed. He said people like the and Hollywood Squares while waiting Republicans well despite her loss. Throughout the not going to celebrate before the official way things are going and do not want for the local news channels to bring were full of wait for her results, she appeared results, yet they said Republicans had a to chance electing Democrats. them the exit polling results. relaxed and excited. promise and good chance to win several races. "The people are saying let's keep Across the room, on the wall, large Now that the election is over, Car- optimism. They also said the Clinton/Lewinsky everything the same," Strauss said. white boards were posted which penter plans on "catching up on her scandal may have influenced voters, "When everyone wakes up tomorrow marked the progress of each candidate life." She says her house really needs a but on the whole the voters determined as reported from the Board of Elec- they want things to be the same as good cleaning. their votes by quality of candidates and today." tions. Brown wins in county commissioner race □ Brown will start his because he could not leave one trucks have to re-route because and accomplishments speak for voter without a greeting. of unsafe bridges. new term working on themselves, and he will continue Brown said he feels good Brown also said he wants to to do an excellent job. Jackie improving bridges and about his victory because he ran focus on the drainage capability a campaign focusing on the of Wood County. He said he Dicken, another Brown support- drainage systems in issues. He said he had a lot of wants to ensure that the flooding er, agreed. Wood County. support and every little bit of disaster of this past summer "Tim is a people person," help was appreciated. does not happen again. Dicken said. "He will always lis- "I want to thank all of my Ha Hie Vanek, Brown support- ten to you. He is in contact with By BRANDI BARHITE supporters," Brown said. "It er, said Brown is a "really good his people." The BG News takes everyone to do their part guy" who cares about Wood and to reach victory." County. Brown also said he thought He was shaking hands and Brown gathered 58.3 percent "He is very aware of his peo- his opponent, Carpenter, ran a greeting voters starting at 7:30 of the vote to defeat Democrat ple," Vanek said. "He is dedicat- positive campaign focusing on a.m. yesterday. He spent all day Caroline Spoerl Carpenter. ed and hardworking." at the polls because he said he Brown said in his new term Vanek also said she is glad the issues. did not want to miss one voter. his first priority is to work that Brown plans to continue to Carpenter said she was disap- In the end his hard work paid toward improving the bridges in focus on the Wood County pointed in her loss, but thought off. Wood County. Brown said there bridges and make sure they are she had a good showing. She Republican Tim Brown was are 85 bridges in Wood County safe. said now that the elections are re-elected Wood County Com- and several of the bridges cannot Republican Julie Meyer, Bowl- BG Newi Photo/JASON SUGGS missioner yesterday. He said he hold heavy weights. This is dan- ing Green Ward One council- over she plans to catch up on her Tim Brown gives acceptance speech after his win. put in a twelve-hour day gerous — school buses and fire woman, said Brown's experience life. OWENS CORNING meets BGSU: Republicans react to Tail's victory Owens Corning is a world leader in high performance glass fiber compos- ites and building material systems. Please visit our home page at www.owen- □ Republicans are party said Taft is the right man into consideration the impor- who is honest and cares about for the job. tance of balancing growing or send inquiries or resumes to [email protected]. excited with the Ohio's children. According to We will be recruiting on campus on Thursday Nov. 5.1998 lor the following "When I first met him, I industry with environmental Swingle, Taft has worked in pro- disciplines: Sales, Finance, Accounting, Information Systems, Human govenor outcome, but noticed he was very sincere. He concerns. Resource, Cunslomer Service, and Sourclng. is more realistic and more of a Zachary Bernardo, president grams to teach children to read disappointed with sincere governor than Fisher of College Republicans, said he is and he will continue on that path NOV. 4* Pre-Night Presentation for Finance. Accounting, student voter turnout. would have been," Matt glad Taft was elected governor as governor. Customer Service. Sales Swingle, College Republican, because he has the experience to Sara Tomashefski, co-chair- NOV. 5" Pre-Night Presentation for IS. HR, said. do the job right. He said as the woman of the College Democ- Sales, Sourcing By BRANDI BARHITE Rob Strauss, supporter of Secretary of State he also has a lot Attorney General candidate of valuable experience that will rats, said she was disappointed Both Presentations will be held at the BEST The BG News WESTERN. Bowling Green from 7:45 to 9:45pm Betty Montgomery, said Taft is allow him to be a more effective that Taft won, but was more Please come and learn more about career Republicans let out a big the right man for the job. He said governor. upset with the low voter turnout opportunities with Owens Cotning. We Make The Difference breath when the polls declared Taft intends to follow in the foot- Bernardo said Taft will most An AtfifmMwIIMActlOl Action/Equal Opportunity from the University community. Bffployi Bob Taft (R) governor, after a steps of governor George Voin- likely do a lot of positive work gubernatorial race that was close vich and will continue with the for campaign reform and will be "If we all would have voted, it all the way to the very end. success of Voinvich. a strong supporter of education. would have made a big differ- The Wood County Republican Strauss also said Taft will take Swingle also said Taft is a man ence," she said. Internet Attention Athletes/Body Builders BEFORE PLACES, You Go Co.- If we don't have it, you don't need it! GO HERE. fe# Creatine-1000 g only $55.00 Direct Andro-6 only $52.00 We have guaranteed lowest prices on Met-Rx, EAS, Designer Protein, Energy bars, foods, and drinks, ...unless you just like Workout Apparel & much more!

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J, Tod McCloskey Sports Editor The BG News Sports jQ 372-2602 A goal to survive □ Falcons take advan- "We're really starting to leam . Young guns where everyone is playing," tage of best chance to Combs said of the goal. score and hold on for "Autumn (Harris) knew I was taste sweet going to make that run. She . victory. played a great ball through." "We told the kids to be strong success defensively," BG coach Tom Pic- By G. MICHAEL GRAHAM Back in 1991, I came to this BG News Photo/ JASON SUGGS cirillo said. "If we're strong The BG News great University on a visit to see Ferris State goalie Vince Owen looks back to protect the net during the 2-1 loss to Bowling Gren defensively, our goal will come my cousin Amy. She was a fresh- earlier this year. Owen has been the catalyst for the team's weekend wins. YPSILANTI, Mich. — Before as it did there." man that year. the game, the Bowling Green He also said the wind made a. Later that year, as well as her women's soccer team may or difference in the second half. sophomore year in '92, she may not have been listening to BG might not have won if it;i talked about the campus craze Bulldog wins catapult the song entitled "Fly like an were not for the play of the after the Bowling Green football Eagle" by The Steve Miller Band defense and junior goalkeeper" team went on to win the Mid- or in more proper terms, "Fly Michelle Lisy. Lisy has sparked American Conference champi- team to second place like a Falcon," but they seemed the Falcon defense ever since onship and l-as Vegas Bowl. to recite the words during the taking over late in the season. I came here in the fall of 19% □ Goalie Vince Owen The Bulldogs hosted and beat mance, he received the CCHA game. "In my opinion, I thought hoping to see the same success Alaska-Fairbanks by scores of 8- Defensive Player of the Week. It led them to a 1-0 victory Bowling Green came out with Amy enjoyed. I'm sure the helps Ferris State to 2 Friday and 5-2 Saturday. The Despite not having a scorer in over Eastern in the the desire and heart not to get coaches and players of all classes wins boosted their record to 4-2- the top ten, Ferris State is among first round of the Mid-American beat," Eagle coach Paul Scicluna this year and years past came move up in the CCHA said. "We had them in the first 0, all of which have been CCHA the better offensive teams in the Conference Tuesday. here wanting the same thing. In standings. half but we don't finish the games. They are tied with Falcon freshman midfielder my freshman and sophomore league. play." Michigan for second place with In conference play, the Bull- Cari Combs took a long pass years, we all know the team from sophomore defender Scicluna also mentioned that eight points apiece. dogs are tied with Notre Dame went through trying times. By WILLIAM R. SANDERSON Autumn Harris on a 1-on-l past records don't mean any- Sophomore goalie Vince for the lead in goals per game When they pulled off a victory, it The BG News breakaway. Combs, then burned thing in a playoff game. wasn't a convincing one. Owen stopped 54 of Fairbanks' with four. In the overall totals, her defender and booted the ball "It's not how good you are or At family gatherings, Amy With a pair of weekend wins, 58 shots. Owen has started they are second to Northern past Eagle goalkeeper Erin Nor- how good you've been," he said. even joked about BG going Ferris State has crept toward the every FSU game so far and has a Michigan. The Wildcats average ton into the right end of the net "Are you ready today? They downhill since she graduated in top of the Central Collegiate 2.51 goals-against average. For with 19:09 left in the game. the summer of 1995. Hockey Association. his strong weekend perfor- • See BULLDOG page ten. • See GOAL, page ten. But Saturday's stunning win has me convinced the future is bright. The players and coaches seem closer to being on the same line. Falcons win a game, lose eighth-straight match To understand the "Line The- ory" just take a piece of paper □ The BG volleyball "It comes down to just making a CSU had outblocked BG 16-13. straight points for the game and Shepherd started the game. and draw a straight line. Then, couple critical errors. It came Game five proved to be a nail the match. Natalie Becker came in for junior '• draw two points on the line. One teams loses a heart- down to being aggressive at the biter. In the rally scoring format, In game one, BG came out setter Heather Greig. of those points is the coaches breaker to Cleveland end. This would have been a sideouts count for points. strong. The Falcons posted a 12-9 With Vorst serving BG took a and the other is the players. To great win for us. We did play "When your in rally scoring, lead. CSU fought back and took 14-8 lead posting six consecutive; be highly successful, the two State. aggressively. It just wasn't con- your ball control is maginified," a 14-12 lead befor completing six points. Then with Kemerer serv-l dots have to be on the line all the sistent all the way through." Van De Walle said. "With a poor point burst putting the game iii); the game ended, 15-12. time. At least, that's always been The aggressive play showed pass at the end, a transition dig away. Vorst, Becker, Shepherd and: the difference between the most By MATT STEINER in the stats. BG outplayed CSU in that kind of falls off, that's worth Before BG could blink, they Bridget Mclntyre started game.' successful and the least success- The li(, Sews many major categories. The Fal- two points. A misscue here, a bad were down 5-0 in game two. The four. Again the Falcons came out! ful sports teams in the five years cons had two more kills than the pass there, a ball handling error, Falcons blinked again and it was aggressively taking a 9-5 lead: I've been writing. The ailing Bowling Green vol- Vikings for a .258 hitting percent- then that's the game." 8-1. BG battled back, but the the game became a battle. The: Saturday's game was a prime leyball team lost its eighth- age. CSU hit for .1%. Melissa CSU took the lead quickly, 8-4. early lead proved to be too Vikings rallied on four consecu- indication of that, coach Gary straight match Tuesday night. Lewis led the way with 22 kills BG rallied behind three kills and much. CSU took a two games to tive points tying the game at. Blackney wansted his team to go BG lost to Cleveland State in five for BG. a block by right-side hitter Kris none lead. nine. BG regained its composure- on long and sustained drives to games, 12-15, 8-15, 15-12, 15-9, On the defensive end the Fal- Pesorda to tie the match at 10. In game three the Falcons behind a service ace by Kemerer keep Marshall off the field. Bob 11-15. cons had 81 digs to the Viking's Then, with the Vikings leading came out strong taking an 8-3 and two by Lewis. A kill by Vorst Niemet and company executed "It was a hard fought match," 78. Lori Kemerer had 16. The dif- 13-11, Kristi Conlon and her lead. The court was full of fresh- made it two straight games and the game plan well. The offense coach Denise Van De Walle said. ference may have been blocks. jump serve game CSU two men. Amber Vorst and Chris evened the match. chewed up 38:23 of the clock leading to the victory. Bowling Green has witnessed a more confident football team in the three years I've been here. Bobcats find motivator in Maltarich Blackney has known all along he coaches. which Maltarich was raised, he about Niemet's athletic ability. □ BGSU student offers According to Mike Vamnett, has more maturity in coaching He saw Niemet in the MAC coaching and experi- athletic director and head bas- baseball tournament at Stellar the kids and is treated no differ- ketball coach at the high school, Field last spring. In that tourna- ence to the high school ently than the other coaches in this hasn't been a problem. ment, a confident Niemet the high school. football team. "Students identify him as a seemed to come through with a "He has a great personality student like them and find it clutch hit in every at-bat. more beneficial going to him and I trust him and his ability to Months later, Niemet is show- ByANAPEREIRA when they have a problem than perform the duties," Vamnett ing that same confidence and The BG News going to an older coach," he said. ability as the field general of the football team. The rest of the When a student from the Uni- said. He also said that the work team is following Niemet's versity decides to do his student Maltarich seems to be aware Maltarich has been doing in the direction with a lot of confi- teaching at the Bowling Green of his role to the kids and is able high school athletic department dence. High School, he is opening the to create a teaching and relaxing reinforces his trust and accep- doors for a growing and reward- atmosphere. He knows that the That momentum can carry on tance in the University pro- into the next three games. They ing experience. students in physical education This was what happened to classes, unlike those who attend grams. need to continue to execute "He has been doing a very game plans just like they did Kevin Maltarich, a senior physi- extracurricular activities, do not good job with the kids," Vamnett Saturday as will as in the wins cal education major who is now always want to be there. again*! Ohio and Kent. on his second year as an assis- "I expect to be successful as a said. This confidence can only tant coach at the Bowling Green teacher by having the kids come As for Maltarich, he believes uplift a young team. Thirty-nine High School. away with something that I have that his experience in working members listed on the depth Maltarich had a class in phys- taught them," Maltarich said. with the high school kids had no chart return next season. As the ical education that required him From all the sports he has negative aspect to it. Instead, it to coach a class. He then talked coached in the high school, his old saying goes, "Winning is has helped him improve his contagious." to the coaches, who let him get passion is clearly for football. skills as a coach. Maltarich, who The Falcon "young guns" can involved. That is in part due to the envi- only be that more confident to "I believe I was in the right ronment that he was raised in. will be graduating at the end of know that USA TODAY credited place at the right time," Mal- His dad is a football coach at his this semester, plans on coaching them under the "Cheers to" sec- tarich said. high school, and he attributes football under his dad for a cou- tion in Monday's edition. Since Maltarich started as an everything that he has learned in ple of years, get his own pro- Niemet's name was mentioned assistant coach at the high the sport to him. Maltarich said gram going in a team of his own as leading them to victory. school, under coaches Marquette that he has learned a coaching and beat his dad. BG isn't intimidated or and Kidder, he has helped with system with his dad and other "He wouldn't like to lose but scared of anyone now. Like the both male and female sports coaches at the Bowling Green BG Newi Photo/ SCOTT FAUBER old saying goes, "Winning is including football, Softball and High School, which has given would be happy to see me win," contagious." wrestling. He also knows that him more experience in the field. he said. "Football is my life and Senior Kevin Maltarich, a physial education major, It an assis- G. Michael Graham can be there is a fine line between him Vamnett believes that because you can't do things over again, tant coach tor the Bowling Green High School football team. reached at [email protected] as a college student and the kids of the sports environment in you've got to continue." I page 10 The BG News Wednesday, November 4, 1998


BASEBALL regional scouting supervisor Traded LHPScoH Hixkey iMgue Ohio High School Football Computer Rankings American league Downs to Minnesota to complete an Mfttcf BAST KRN CONFERENCE .Ml.mli. Division W Pts CHICAGO WHITE SOX—Declined to trade (or Mike Morgan DIVISION I exercise the 1999 option on IB Wtl Cordero. NY Isl.i. 6 12 POOTOUX m m romp(lrd Irom wur sourcn CLEVELAND INDIANS—Named Mark FNMdpNi 5 12 Region 1—1. Strongsville 29.48m 2, Clove St Ignatius 29 1228 J, Shapiro vice president of baseball operations National Football league New |B 5 10 Solon 21 9777 4, Shaker Hts 21 83) 5. Mentor 20781111 6, N Olmsted and assistant general manager, Neal Hunting- NEW YORK IETS—Waived P Bnan I'ltNPiirfch 4 10 205722 N Y Rangrrs 3 ton director of player development, Paul Hansen Signed P |ohn Kidd » ■ SOCCER MMBBHHHHi Northeast Division W Pts Region 2—1. Upper Arlington 29.7277 2.Cahanna Lincoln 2V 9333 l. DePodesta assistant to the general manager. HOCK I * Glelxner takes "Player of the Josh Byrnes director of scouting and Brad I HUM 6 12 QaM City 28.6277 4, Westerville South 265245 5. 1..I si I, is National Hockey League 23 1057 6. Milliard Davidson 22 9611 Week" honora Grant assistant director of scouting Toronto 5 11 Announced that former pitching coach Mark CCHORADO AVALANCHE—Assigned D Buffalo 4 10 10 Region 3—1, Canton McKinley 270170 2. Mass Jackvm 24 8126 3, Bowling Green freshman for- Wiley has refused his reassignment and left Dan Smith to Hershey AHU 4 II Manon Harding 22 0666 4, N Canton Hoover 21 1500 5. V^artvn Hard- the organization DALLAS STARS—Assigned D Sergey Montreal 3 ward Tracy Gleixner was named Southeast Division W I't-. ing 19 7218 6, MansfH-ld II 4553 TORONTO BLUE JAYS—Named Dave Gusev to Michigan of the IHI the Mid American Conference Stewart assistant general manager Carolina 4 11 NASHVILLE PREDATORS—Assigned C Tampa Bay 4 9 Region4-l,Cm St Xavier 306250 2. CinColerain 29 0000 l.c.n National League "Player of the Week" for |eff Nelson to Milwaukee of the IHL Florida. 3 9 terville 25Mil 4. Cm Winlon Woods 24 8500 5. ( ,n M,»ller 20 8614 6. CHICAGO CUBS—Named Marty DeMer Cm Sycamore 20 4»>s6 women's soccer. NEW JERSEY DEVILS—Assigned G W.ivhmRton 3 ntl pitching coach, Kandy Bush minor league WESTERN CONI Richard Sbtilmistra to Manitoba of the DHL DIVISION D ■ BASKETBALL ■■■■■■ hitting coordinator and Brad Kt'llt-y midw<-*l Central Division W Pa Basketball to be broadcasted Detroit 6 12 Region 5-l.Mayfield 24 4500 2, Richfield Revere 21 5722 3. < .ration De LaHoya cuts eyelid; postpones fight SI I.HNS 4 10 Midview 17 1055 4. Barberton 16 8166 5, Wadsworlh 14 5555 6. Mace- WBGU 88.1 will be covering Chic.iRo 4 9 donia Nordonia 13 3444 according to Lee Samuels, a 7 the women's and men's exhibi- LAS VEGAS — WBC welter- N.i-rmllr 3 weight champion Oscar De La North*.-.! DhrWon w Pts Region 6— I.SylvaniaSuuthview2S5™ 2. Celina is MM 3,Tiffin tion basketball games today at spokesman for Top Rank, Inc. Fdmonton 6 12 IF. Hoya cut himself on his left eye- Columbian 18 5444 4, Rowling (keen vlll 5. Plqua 138277 6. Defi- 6:30 and8:30 respectively. The injury occurred Saturday, Vancouver 5 II ance 13 5833 lid during a sparring session, Calgary 9 a Nick Luciano and Dan forcing the postponement of his Samuels said, and De La Hoya t ol.ii.ulo 3 7 Region 7—1. C hardon 28 0452 2. Uniontown Uk* 213611 3. Spehler will broadcast the I'.iciii. Dn Won W Pis Zanesville 20 1300 4. B Uverpool 18 3526 5. Dover 18 1500 6. M Nov. 21 title defense against Ike was told of the training restric- 6 14 174777 women's game. Jen Ebinger and Quartey. Phoenix 5 II tions when he had the cut exam- l-.s Angeles 4 10 Region 8—1.1 ebanon 24 1222 2, Cm Roger Bacon 21 .3055 3. Wash Matt Brian will broadcast the De La Hoya cannot spar for Anaheim 3 9 CH Miami Trace 20 6888 4. Chillicothe 20 3555 5. New Carlisle Tecum- men's game three weeks because of the cut. ined again on Tuesday. San lose 1 4 seh 20 3444 6. Kings Mills Kings 20 0555 GOAL BULLDOG Continued from page nine. shot by lam.i Orlow that would Continued from page nine. and teammate Aniket Dhad- have gone over her head and phale have the top three spots were and I commend them for it into the net but Lisy hit enough 4.38. along with Kim. — no excuses. Shots are no good of the ball to deflect it over the FSU senior forward Joel Irwin GO FALCONS! unless they go in." bar. Norton had five saves for leads Ferris with three goals and Combs, Harris, Lisy and the EMU. four assists. Sophomore forward This weekend other 11 players that saw action "Everyone did a tremendous Kevin Swider has three goals The Ohio State Buckeyes con- showed determination as they job marking," Lisy said. "We and three assists. Junior Rob tinue to stumble out of the gate. hustled back on defense. That worked on it in practice. I think it Kozak has two goals and four This weekend their troubles may came despite Eastern outshoot- shows we have a lot going for us. assists continue with a game Friday ing BG 23-7. The Eagles also had To put up a goal against a team Ferris will play its first non- against Michigan State. 11 corner kicks, while BG had like this and hold it is just really conference games of the season OSU, who made it to the none. good for all of us. I'm really this weekend against Mankato. NCAA final four last year, has a Lisy, one of two juniors on the proud of this team today." 1-5-1 record overall this year and team, sparked the Falcon defense Lisy also credited the bench is 1-2-1 in the CCHA. This past with 13 saves. She continuously for yelling encouragement dur- Scoring leaders weekend the Buckeyes dropped came out in the box to break up ing the game. Northern Michigan's Buddy Eagle scoring chances. "It's everyone," Lisy said. "It's Smith jumped two places in the a 6-3 decision against Niagara. "She played tremendous," a quality team. We're all togeth- CCHA scoring race this week- MSU remains the top-rated Piccirillo said. "You have to like er. We're all one unit. It's just a end. The senior forward has an team in the CCHA with fifth what she did and this is one of great win for us." overall total of four goals and place in the U.S. College Hockey those shutouts that she earned. BG had been looking for a eight assists in the eight games Online poll. Lake Superior We did some work with our "big win" ever since the win at NMU has played this season. comes to town Saturday, defense in staying tight with our Toledo on Sept. 17. It couldn't Michigan freshman forward The Spartans are joined at the marking. We did a tremendous Mike Comrie is tied for second have come at a better time. Now, top by the Northern Michigan job all day. We started the season the Falcons have earned the right with Notre Dame's Ben Simon at Wildcats. NMU beat Michigan 6- off 3-0 and now we go 3-0 in this to the Mid-American Conference 11 points each. season (postseason) and we're Semifinals, to be played at the Miami's Alex Kim and Mark 1 Saturday. raassrr MAC champions." site of the highest remaining Shalawylo and Notre Dame's The Wildcats will host the After Combs' goal, Lisy made seed. Ohio was the top seed Brian Urick all have 10 points. Bowling Green Falcons for a pair some tough saves, including a entering the tournament. In CCHA play, Simon, Urick of games.

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' ! r* Wednesday, November 4, 1998 The BG News Page 11

--llJenna- Pi Phi* Julie'Pi Phi PI PHI LIL'JESSICA PI PHI Lii Skye Lil Skye Lil Skye Carnat«ons are wine Tontght"s the night you will see Some dues wsrs hes and some were true CITY EVENTS Angles A Arrows. Wine A Silver Blue Arrows are Gotd What a great Big/Lit pair we will soon be Picking the right ones is si up to you I live to the house AI Love You' together we'll build a friendship to hold Meet me at the house tonight I cant wait for the day to end. The BG New!I Be at the house at quarter til ten, Throughout the years A when college is past Cause E verythmgs gonna be alright) YouII have not only a big, Our Big/Li) pair will finally meet then Homemade Benefit. our Bigltl Bond Love, Big? but also a friend Get exerted! Get pumped! Classified Aloha. Magi 12, El Racko will forever last. in see you at the house at ten But most ol all, prepare to be stumped) Junior Electric. Uptown tonight. I love you Lil!" Love. BIG? I love you Lil'Jessica1 Ads Pi Phi U Karen Pi Phi l8andover Love Big?? Love. Big"? You are my sunshine. PIPHILILJESSICAPIPHI Alpha Phi Alpha Phi My onty sunshine, 372-6977 LH'Tnoa Li" Kami You make me happy when skies are grey Roses are red. Tonight you will finally find out PI Phi-Amber Whlte-PI Phi TV K Newt wlU noe kmnna|ly accept «dv« LOST & FOUND Excited Yet' ihM dDcrVniflMr, or enctwtsr diKnmiuiK* ■furui Violets are blue. who your B»g will be You think you know who your Big may be. Tonight's the Night MIJ MdmSati or |rmp i Which dues are lies A which ones are true? swing concert A dance Accepting Applications VIEW INTERVCWS ARE LIMITED, ON A I've been a mystery tor quite a while... Love. Big?? I hope you're excited and anxious » see FIRST COME. FIRST SERVE BASIS AND But hold on tight, and keep thai smile' Would you like to spend your spring break Join one of the nations LARGEST and most Exactly who your big will be! WILL BE HELD NOV. 19-20. You and I are a perfect pair. In lo learn about poverty and Be at the house by 9:45 tonight With Many Memories and times lo sharel PI Phi-LII Angle-PI Phi RESPECTED leadership honor societies. Homemade Benefit. racism first hind, and also earn 3 hours Pick up application in 405 Student Services You'll find our if your guesses are right! The time is now. The time is right... Lir Angle I love you academic credit. For information call Bill Aloha. Magi 12. El Racko, So here I go with one lasl clus. Must be senior or junior in top 35% ol class I love you little"! I can't wait to see you tonight" Thompson al 352-7534 or email Junior Electric. Uptown tonight. You sre single and carefree. 18 and over. Love, Big? * tho m p@ bg ne t bgsu edu. Soul ol Africa Exhibit' PI BETA PHI LIL'ANTOINETTE PI BETA PHI (Just liks ms)! Come see the Soul ol Africa Exhibit 'Indian Clothing Sale' See you tonight when you Today'From i0am-4pmin at the Toledo Museum ol Ar t on INTRAMURAL ENTRIES DUE BY 3 PM IN know It la me. the Student Union Foyerl Nov. 14th! We will be departing 130 PERRY FIELD HOUSE: NOV. 9 - M. W from BG at 9.30am Thecostisonfy Sponsored by UAO. 11 LAUfV N WANTED SWIMMING. NOV. 11 - M. W 3-PLAYER PI Phi - Ul Llndsey • PI Phi $8 tor students and $9 lor the 1.2.3. BASKETBALL; NOV 19 - M. W TRACK A Come to the house snd communityi Transportation is included' - Lil Kathenne - FIELD. Wait and see what good friends well be' you will see what an awesome 2 subleasere needed for spring semester. 2 Sign- up in the UAO office Roses are red, JAMES CARRIE IS NOT W/ THE CAR- Big/Lil pair we will be. Dont give up bdrm.. 1 1/2 bath furn. apt. $520/mo. Contact through Nov lOthl Violets are blue, OUSEL ANYMORE FOR HAIR APPTS. CALL now. here's one more clue: My I know who you are, Greg or Ken at 353-2355. Wondering what to do w/ your lamtly when 353-6377 OR 308-0437. WILL BE OPENING friends call me "Beast" would you? You'll soon know me tool 2-3 sublease!s needed k>r spnng semester. they come to BG for Parents/Family Week- OWN BUSINESS SHORTLY. See you tonight! PI PHI' PI PHI * PI PHI Call 352-8136. end? Just wait Ml tonight- KAKAKAKAKA WeB. stop wondering! And start doing by order- Congratulations Sommer Subleaser needed for spnng semester. Will get Your guessing will end The brothers of Kappa Alpha would PI PHI - MINDY CLEVELAND - PI PHI ing your tickets for the Manhattan Transfer Echterfing, Jamie Grove. own room. $250/mo . elec. Call 352 3i 16 When you search for your ,BIG' like to recognize Jon Mundort as Halos, Arrows, Angels too Carnations wine Parents/Family Weekend. Concert, on Sat.. Cindy GokJhardl in Completing You'l find a special friendlll their Brother of the Weekl and silver blue. The time is here, it's been fun, SUBLEASER NEEDED Spring semester tor Nov. 7. at 8 pm in Anderson Arena Simply call your Emerging Leaders weekend' I LOVE YOU Little Kathenne Great job with Big/Lil' night' Way to go" but big/iil hung is almost done. spaoous t bedroom apt. $340/mo. plus utili- 372-2343 10 reserve your seats for this live See you at the house tonight! Love, Big?? swing concert A dance. LOVE YOUR BIG KAKAKAKAKA PI PHI'PI PHI'PI PHI ties. Call 353-6389

Family/Parents' RPS, Inc. is hiring part-time package Weekend '98 handlers to load and unload trucks. •Year-Round Position 0 •5 Shifts to Choose From JpO'icHOUR •3-5 Hrs., 5 Days per Week •Tuition Assistance •Paid Training TO •Advancement Opportunities •Weekly Pay •No Union Dues 00 •Starting at $8.50-$9.00 HOUR $9 •$.50 Raise after 90 Days •Great Work-Out

We will be interviewing on campus Friday, November 6th

Sign up Now! at Career Services, 360 Students Services Building 372-2356

The Manhattan Transfer 8:00 p.m. Saturday Anderson Arena Tickets $21 and $18 An FDX Company Available irt the Office of Student Activities 650 S. Reynolds Road 330 Student Union Toledo, OH 43615 372-2343 (1 mile north of Airport Hwy) Sponsored by The Office of Student Activities 1-800-582-3577 EEO/AA

...•. mmm—mm page 12 The BG News Wednesday, November 4, 1998

Immediately worship pianist • $50 per service ORDER Hondas $100-$500 HELPWANTED Community of Christ Lutheran Church. ENTRY Police Impounds 352-5101. Seeeonal Hondas. Chevys. Jeeps & Sport J6.75-J7 25 Local Goodwill store looking to hire FT and PT Utilities MUST SELLM Head Cashier with prior cashier experience Hickory Farms is now hiring ful and pan-time 1-600-522-2730x4558 tt Need Holiday Cash it seasonal Order Entry personnel 10 input orders and supervisory experience preferred; FT Professional Company staging Market into our order processing system Positions are Household Sorter; and PT person to do light ^DIDYOU^ research inlerviewers lo conducl compuier- open now through December on day, evening Ibanez 7 string electric guitar. Mini condition aided telephone interviews. $5 50/hour duly janitorial and loading/unloading trucks and third shift, during the week and on week- $1200 or best offer with case. Call Chad @ Day/mofn shifts available No selling invohrad. Competitive wages, thorough training and 3730242. ends. S.75 per hour shift differential on third Gan BUS. & MKT experience Apply at 13330 benefits available. Stop in today and see Lisa KNOW? shift. Must have basic computer and typing Macintosh Power PC 7100/66 w/ extended Bishop Rd. in BG Questions cal (419) at 1058 N. Main St . Bowling Green. OH EC€. skills. Positions are also open lor customer key board 6 mouse, modem, CD-ROM drive 352-8115 en. 209 Local manufacturer has immediate openings service and clerical personnel. Attendance in- (no monitor) 250 Mb HO. 56 Mb RAM. some L«Ti for dependable, hard workng individuals. Ap centives, generous employee discount, and software. $400 OBO. hoo- Si 500 weekly potential mailing our circulars ply between 8am-3pm. 20584 Long Judson professional supervision. Apply in person at manntgH>gne( 372-8403. For into 01203-319-2802 Rd.Weslon.OH. our corporate offices Mon-Fn from 9:00am-7:00pm SATURDAYS 1000am to Oak ohma cabinet. MAKE EASY MONEY! GO ON SPRING Amish oak glider, Antique AmenCorps position available at Wood County 2:00pm Hickory Farms. 1505 Holland Rd . BREAK FOR FREEI USA Spring Break offers rocking chars 354-2122, Mary. Juvenile Court working in Community Ser- Maumee. OH 43537 EOE. vice/flee otuilon Dept Employee needs to Cancun. Bahamas, Jamaica and Ftonda pack- UN11700 service hours in one year beginning ages and is currently accepting applications lor January 4, 1S99 to quality. May serve as in- campus sales representatives. Call Pi time computer consultant needed. General temship/co-op in some degree programs. 1-888-SPRING-BREAK. FOR RENT Receive approx. $350 00 Biweekly salary plus working knowledge ol mtrco computers, net- The average Novell Services in partnership with UPS. Seek- work experience helpful. Respond to PO Box *4795 school scholarahip. Will be as flexible as ing college student tor recruiter position. PT poeaMa tor school schedule, but most work 182. BG OH 43402 American (Approx. Shrs/day) Hourly wage plus incen- "99-00 SY ♦ 2nd sem Lease 99' hours are weekdays 8 30 am-4 30 pm. Preler tive, call (419) 842-0111 tor an appt. Houses and Apis Jc/Sr in related Held. Call Jennifer at 3523554 Listing Avail. 316 E. Merry JT3 family ext.315if interested. NUMERIC DATA ENTRY PROCESSORS Can mail listings SPRING BREAK-PUN NOW) FT 1000am to early evening Please can 353-0325 produces ATTENTION STUDENTS- PT late afternoon lo early evening hrs. Cancun, Jamaica, Mazadan. MOLTEN CORP. Mon-Fn. occasional Sat Previous banking and A S Padre. Free Moali & Free about 10 lbs. 438 N ENTERPRISE ST. numeric 10 key or calculator experience help Partes. Campus tales reps i bdrm furnished api. avaJ m Dec. Landlord Now hiring tor fall semester wanted. Earn free trips ♦ cash ful. Interested applicants should apply in per- pays etecAwater/sewer. washer & dryer. ^T of trash every 4 Part Time son. Sky Technology Resources. Inc. Opera Close to campus. Ample parking. CaH Leu than one block from Campus tons Cr. 1851 N. Research. BG (175 to exit 1.800.SURFS UP 353-1731. O week or about O toYHR STARTING PAY 181). Sky Tech values a diverse workforce and 3 shifts available: is in principle as well as practice, an Equal Op- i bedroom apt. avail, for rent. Starting spring A shift: 7O0am-i0:00am portunity Employer. • Student with car needed lor raking leaves. semester. $325/mo. utilities included. Call /^ 25 lbs. per ^ 8 shift 10:15am-115pm Please call 686-4J527. immediately for details 354-0316. C shift: 1:30pm-430pm pereon Possibility of working 21/2 hrs NURSING ASSISTANTS Tutor needed for 6U1 grader; Mon. thru Thurs. 1 female subleaser needed for spring semes- and getting paid for 31 BLAKELY CARE CENTER IS TAKING AP- 8-7:30 pm. in our Tontogany home (10 mm. ter. Fox Run Apts. on S. Mercer. Call Jen C -' & 354-8802 or 354-8703 PLICATIONS FOR THE DAY SHIFT WE ARE (rom DO). Please call Barb 823-3033 353*449. LOOKING FOR HIGHLY MOTIVATED. RE- (local ..-fl-Opm. 2 bdrm. furnished apts. Attention: FUN 8 MONEY SPONSIBLE, DEDICATED NURSING ASSIS- <•■> Sponsored by the C-> Well educaled, experienced part or (uli time 352-7454 New office seeks people TANTS. IF YOU FILL THESE REQUIRE baby-siner wanted in our P'burg home (a Center for w/great image 4 attitude! MENTS. COME JON OUR TEAM THE norvsmoking environment) tor 2 preschool age 82.000/monlh potential PT/FT BENEFITS INCLUDE: 2 bedroom apt for renL Start Jan. 1st, '99 Environmental children. Must have reliable transportation and (4191842-0551 •$7.00 AN HOUR FOR STATE TESTED Rent negotiable 352-6627. excellent references. 874-0605. Programs and •18.75 AN HOUR FOR TEST READY 2-4 subieasers needed tor spring semester. •0.75 PER HOUR ATTENDANCE BONUS your Campus Babysitter tor 11 mo. A 3 yr. old m my home. $50S"no.. water included. 840 Sixth St.. Apt. •ONE WEEK VACATION AFTER ONE YEAR a g-noon. two days per week and some Fridays FOR SALE B. Call 354-7167 or R E. Mgmt. Recycling and Saturdays. Must be 18. non-smoking, and EMPLOY. •MEDICAL INSURANCE/PRESCRIPTION Program have experience caring tor young children. 217 South College- 1.5 blocks from Hanna ♦a References required 823-1547 CARDAVAl. Hall, 3 BR House, tenants pay all uol.. sec. •7 PAID HOLIDAYS AAAA+I Ea/ty Spring Break Specials" Baha- dep . $525/mo. Available immediately. 1 BLAKELY CARE CENTER has a part-time re- •RATIO OF 7 RESIDENTS TO ONE NURSE mas Party Cruise 8 Days $279! Includes Most For more Information or to sign a lease, 1 t»a>1 Miller, 1996LmDfl lief cook position available 1-7:30pm shift, and ADE Meals Awesome Beaches, Nightlife! Departs contact Arbor Enterprise* at 354-2854. #% in the Environment a part-time dietary aide position open PLEASE APPLY AT BLAKELY CARE from Florida! spnngbreakiravel com Locally owned and managed. 4-7:30pm shift. Must be willing to rotate week- CENTER. 600 STERLING ORIVE, NORTH I 800^78-6386. ends. Hourly attendance bonus. 90 day wage BALTIMORE. OHO OR CALL 419-257-2421 AAAA.' Early Specials! Cancun A Jamaica! 7 Female subleaser needed for summer 6 follow- increase, and annual wage increase offered ECO Please apply in person 8am-2pm. Blakery Care nights Air & hotel From $3991 Includes Free ing year. Kingswood apts. $l62/mo. plus uoli- food. Drinks. Parties! ties. Call Amy 372-5S64. &&€>&&& Center. 600 Sterling Dr., North Baltimore. OH 1 •800-678-6366. 45872 Graduate student needed lo sublease apt. now AAAA.I Early Specials! Panama City! Room FOODSERVICE JOB-partnme. 20 hours per RETAIL--Management positions available at or spnng semester. Great, i bdrm.. very new. week (3-7pm, Monday-Friday). Duties include: with kitchen $1291 Includes 7 Free Parties! clean and spacfous, central air, off street park- local Goodwill store. Retail expenence with su- Daytona $149 New Hotspot-Soutn Beach completing preparation ol evening meal, serv- ing, on site laundry No pets. $350vmo. Call pervisory experience a must. We offer competi- $1291 Cocoa Beach $149' spnngbreaK- A stroke can ing meals to children: cleaning dining room and Rachd icoHoct) fc?1 -816-796-2927. tive wages and benefit options. Must be able to iravol com 1-800-678-6386. kitchen areas; and prepanng evening snack. work flexible hours, including nights, week- Homemade Benefit. Salary S7.45/hr. Send resume lo Children's ends, and holidays. Send resume to Goodwill AAAA+I Spring Break Travel was i ot 6 smaH Aloha. Magi 12, El Racko. Resource Center. PO Box 738. Bowling Green, Industries of Northwest Ohio. Inc . P.O. Box businesses in the US recognized by the Coun- Junior Electric. Uptown tonight OH 43402 or contact Lisa at 352-7588 WORK 336, Toledo. OH. 43697. ATTN: Rebecca He- cil of Better Business Bureaus lor outstanding 18 and over. 1 STUOY ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS ONLY. ton EOE. ethics in the marketplace spnngbreaK- 1-800-678-6386 FREE CD HOLDERS, T-SHJRTS Spring Break '99-Sell tripe, earn cash, 8 go Nice 3 bdrm house. Now or spring semester m PREPAID PHONE CARDS freed! Student Travel Services is now hiring Electric Guitar & Portable Amp tor sale: Please call 353-4370. life forever EARN $1000 PART-TIME campus reps/group organizers Lowest rales Ana Pro II FuHerton. P-gnose port. Amp; case, ONCAMPUS JUST CALL cable: BRAND NEW. Worth $300. Best offer: Subleaser needed. Haven House Apartments to Jamaica, Mexico. 8 Florida. Call Close to campus. Call Jeremy 352-1476. 1 800-932 0528 X 64 1 800-648-4849 caH 353-7588.

Faring cooks, good wages Flexible hrs. Imme- diate openings. Apply at Quarter's Bar 8 Gnfl «rt °? Woodland Mall. Homemade Benefit. VER Help Wanted Aloha. Magi 12. El Racko. Junior Electric. Uptown tonight WORK MSs^mmWm^ 18 and over. LUNCH STEAKHGTJ2E CUSTOMER AGAIN! SALflN APPRECIATION DAY! Management Inc. BOWLING GREEN NEW NEW NEW \nw OUTBACK 112 MERCER & WOOSTER HaUskApn, IJ*3Mnm.A>»iJM. ». I9W. STE AKHOUSE® 1082 FairvKw-umque floor dmsu. cjrporu 354-6500 354-6500 Rents 350-9CO/mo«ulili Cal JM-3M0 Is Now Hiring: THANK YOU! ^T ^V THANK YOUI Cooks, Servers & THAHK YOU! r STOP IKl\ THANK YOU! Hosts/Hostesses /CfEfcCA IMBJF Management Inc. V Top wages IUE.PM Rd-IMnalE»mnea Apts.1. very Call: spacious, laundry on site rent starts at V Flexible Hours MO'mo -elec Avafi Jsa. Jl». If V Paid Vacations Cat III mi \f Health/Dental til TUT Insurance V Employee Stock or apply in person at: Management Inc. Option Plan 218 E. Per Rd.-Stadiet Apts.1. are just a few of the great 5630 laundry on site, mils included in the rent-Avail Jtn Ms 1999 Rent starts at 230/mo benefits waiting for you! ( ill 35J-M0O Airport Highway Apply in person No substitutions Round pizzas only Limit 4 pizzas VaUd at IMs Lime Caesars location only. Toledo Cartyout only. Sorry no rain checks. Mon. - Fri. 2-4 /rfEfcCA 401 W. Dussel Road Management Inc. Maumee, OH 43537 SPECIAL EVENTS MEMBERSHIPS For complete lisiings-tlrssct itsniag Jan. 1999 r Spring/Fall! 1999-2000) stop by our 0 JJuat a law minute* from BQI PERSONAL SAFETY & office a I04S N Main St or call 353-5800 Tri-Teen Memberships • 1-475W to Duaael-turn right) SELF DEFENSE CLINIC Tri-Teen Memberships available Wednesday, November 18 for teenagers that are 15, 16 & 17 .. 6:00 - 10:00pm FALL 1999 Leasing SRC years old with a parent who is a •syt* Dance Room Recreational Sports Member, with Starts Monday Nov. 2 Goal: To familiarize the participants an extra fee of $50 per semester. HI with techniques and habtta to provide For more information, please stop by for their personal safety. Fall 1999 Lists Now Available the SRC Main Office Mon. - Fri., • 808 & 81 8 N. Enterprise Call the Main Office to register. 8:00 am - 5:00 pm or call 372-2711. New Frazee (451 & 424) Ave. Apartments For more information, contact Cat Cramp • Frazee Ave. Apartments at 372-7481, or stop by the SRC. VARSITY SWIM TEAM • Columbia Court Apartments • East Merry Ave. Apartments INTRAMURALS Swimming fc giving • Field Manor Apartments • Mercer Manor Apartments Intramural Entries Due Men & Women vs. Eastern Michigan • Swimming (M & W) - Nov. 9 Friday, Nov. 6 • 6:00 pm • Rdge Manor Apartments Cooper Pool • Campbell Hill Apartments • 3-Player Basketball (M & W) - Nov. 11 • Plus Many Other Locations • Track & Field (M & W) - Nov. 19 FITWELL CENTER GREENBRIAR, INC. Entries due by 3 pm in 130 Perry Field House. Cholesterol with Glucose 352-0717 Get Involved in Intramurals! Intramural Advisory Board applications Screening for spring 1999 are being accepted November 4,1998 through November 16. Stop by the IM 12:30 - 4:00 pm HI Office for an application and to sign up for an interview. Interviews are limited, on a Foyer of the Student Union first come, first serve basis and will be held November 19 & 20 Students can stop by for FREE GREENBRIAR, INC. Hours: screening. Faculty/Staff can stop by 224 E. Wooster ■Monday - Friday V a.m. - 5 p.m. for a screening for $5.00. Bowling Green, OH 43402 Saturday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Hi November is Come in today to pick National Diabetes Month

up your Fall Listings www 1