Meeting held on Tuesday 10th June 2014 in Kincraig Community Hall

Chairman: Mr Dave Brown

Present: Mr J Usher Smith, Mrs C Hayes, Mr D Kinear, Mr A Reid-Evans & Mr A Cairns.

In Attendance: Cllr D Fallows (from 8.30pm), Mrs S Libeks, Mr K Rogers & Mrs M Thompson (NHS ), & Mrs L Davies (Scottish Health Council).

1. Welcome and Apologies The chairman welcomed all present. Apologies were received from Mr J Forbes-Leith, Mrs L Dudgeon, Mr J Anderson & P.C. S Dawson.

2. Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 13th May 2014. The Minutes were proposed for adoption by Mrs Hayes and seconded by Mr Reid-Evans. The chairman asked that the AGM minutes be also perused whilst the meeting was fresh in our minds.

3. Matters Arising The chairman apologised to the meeting for the late submission of last months minutes.

4. Business

4.1 Proposed New Hospital: Mr Rogers & Mrs Thompson briefed us on the 3 proposals from a steering group to improve or replace St Vincents & Ian Charles Hospitals with a new one in , details of which have been delivered to all local addresses. Community views were being earnestly canvassed to forstall complaints in the future. The facility would relieve some of Raigmore's workload, including consultants clinics & chemotherapy, but surgery and scanners etc. would remain there. The hospital would have the resillience to cope with seasonal fluctuations in demand now and in the future, and about 23 beds, as now, to cope with all except a major epidemic. Four sites in Aviemore are under consideration, with negotiations at an early stage.

4.2 Planning. Weekly Lists: 1) New porch at Ballintean Steading, Glenfeshie. 2) Rear extention at Inveruglass Cottage, Inveruglass. 3) New house at Hall, . No concerns about any of these, Mr Reid-Evans declared an interest in 1 & 3.

4.2 Land Reform Group: Scottish Government proposal to encourage community ownership of private estates using public funds. Mr Kinnear disputed the wisdom of this and wondered what was meant by 'the public interest'? He will produce a paper for our further consideration.

4.3 Scottish Rural Parliament: A number of meeting are being held throughout in preparation for the inaugural session in Oban in November. Thought to be a needless and expensive tier of government with no teeth.

4.4 Gazebo Hire: After some discussion it was decided to seek a donation from users towards CC projects of £35 per tent for community events and £50 for private use. A 'bend it, mend it' policy would apply to all users.

4.5 Kincraig Village Fun Day: The CC is supportive of the Hall Boards efforts, and will co-operate with them as required to help ensure a successful event.

4.6 Spey Bridge at Ruthven: An assessment of the bridge is presently underway with a report due at the end of the month when a decision will be made as to it's future. It was reported that heavy vehicles including mini-busses were still using the bridge and possibly compromising it's use in the future. Chairman to alert THC to encourage lawful use only.

4.7 Drainage in Insh: Mr Usher Smith reported the carraigeway through Insh being flooded again after heavy rain, and Dunachton Road also carrying water onto and down The Brae. THC to be informed.

5. Reports and Correspondence

5.1 Treasurer’s Report; The treasurer reported a trading balance of £6259.95, a defecit of £443.72 pending the receipt of THC annual allowance. Cheque signaturies to be amended. Vice chairman to approach new Community Challenge Fund to support hire of Portaloo. 5.2 Police Report: Stats only received this month, nothing of note. 5.3 C.C. Newsletter: This is circulated by THC to C.C's in the Nairn, B&S area. 5.4 AOCC Meeting: Attended by Chairman, broadband rollout ongoing, B&S due in late 2015. Fibre to cabinet does not mean existing roadside switchgear boxes as thought. 5.5 Communications Training: Mr Reid-Evans to attend on 18th June in Kincraig Hall. 5.6 Insh Polling Station: Request by THC to close in future & merge with . More Information sought about numbers using it. Post meeting enquiry revealed an average use by 73 voters from a roll of 195, and thought to be better use of resources if Kincraig were chosen instead with optional postal voting. 5.7 Boundary Commission Review of Councillor Numbers: THC is expected to lose eight local councillors, but Cllr. Fallows thought these would be from more urban areas, and B&S were likely to retain four due to the large area covered.

6. Any Other Council Business

6.1 Mr Anderson reported perceived erosion at the Insh Church launch site, and it was agreed to alert the church wardens and support them in any action they thought necessary.

7. Date of next Meeting and AGM Tuesday 8th July 2014

Community Council Meetings are ‘open’ meetings - all residents are welcome to attend. Copies of the minutes are held on file at the Badenoch Library in Kingussie and also on line at http://www.kincraigstores.co.uk