SO. Union Members Picket-BQT
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Eastern Illinois University The Keep January 1998 1-27-1998 Daily Eastern News: January 27, 1998 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: January 27, 1998" (1998). January. 11. This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1998 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in January by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The On INSIDE Dally the air Melting Spons network to televise the Panthers versus TUESDAY Eastern Illinois University Moorhead pot January 27, 1998 Charleston, Ill. 61920 State Vol. 83, No. 87 The DEN presents the upper 12 pages division wilmers of the cultural diversity PAGES , PAGE 12 · essay comest 4 5 "Tell the truth and don't be afraid" SO .Union members picket-BQT Clerical workers kept out of BOT meeting make presence known By JOE SANNER Staff writer Eastern clencal and technical workers Monday marched in circular-formation outside the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union in an ongoing effort to grasp the attention of Board of Truslees members. About 80 workers picketed in protest to show support of Eastern 's American Federation of State. County and Municipal Employees clerical/technical union 981, who have been fighting for a wage increase since June. IKUYA KURATA/Photo edttor Chants including "President (David) Joms, get a About 60 members of Eastern's American Federation of State. County and Municipal Employees clericallteclmical union 981 clue - This place works because we do" and "No Monday picket to appeal the Board of Trustees about the lack of progress in finalizing a fiscal year 1998 wage agreement parity, no peace" echoed throughout the Library outside the Martin Luther King Jr. University ifnion. Quad, while participants carried placards that read "We Want: Respect, Dignity, Fairness." Jean Liggett. office system specialist. said union workers simply wanl to be heard. BOT hears president search "We' re trying to get the Board and By LAUREN KRAFT administration and President Joens to just talk to and JUSTlN KMITCH us," Liggett said. Staff editors Dick Tipsword, a building service worker, also braved the weather to join the demonstration. The Board of Trustees Monday heard 'The university is trying to contract out pan of a presentauon from execuuve search firm our work, but they're nol negotjating in good faith Will Kiefer. one of two lions making a with us," Tipsword said. ''We're afraid they're bid 10 help find a new president for the going to do away with us and go with temporary university. manpower." Eastern's AFSCME clcricaJ/tecbnical unit 981 represents current pres- • BOT about 200 Eastern secretaries. information ident. David roundup technology and radio-television staff workers. Jorns. will STORY page 3 Representauves from the Eastern 's chapter of the reure in University Professionals of Illinois joined efforts June 1999 with AFSCME workers during the demonstration. and the BOT is responsible for selecting "Everybody on campus benefits from their hard the next university president. work," said Laurent Gosselin, president of Eastem·s Representatives from Witt Kiefer of chapter of the UPI. Chicago said they would like to find a "Faculty benefits in panicular and they should give their full effort to support clerical workers," new presidential candidate who would fit IKUYA KURATA/Photo editor Gosselin said. 'They work hard for low pay and we in with Easlern and Charleston's culwre. President David Jonis listens to a budget repon from Morgan Olsen, vice president should recognize that and support them. The representatives suggested finding a for business affairs, during a meeting of Eastern s Board of Trustees Monday member of the community who had morning in the University Ballroom of the Union. "It's time the administration make a good-faith moved away, but who would fit in if they effort co address their salary concerns," Gosselin process for executive positions. help in the identification of potential took over as Eastem's president. said Another presentation from Hendrick candidates for the position of president, The representatives also said the firm Clerical and technical unions protested after and Struggles of Washington, D.C. was and will talce the place of an on-campus failed contract negotiations a request to be placed works in a confidential manner with canceled because of scheduling conflicts. search committee. boards and institutions in the search The selected firm's duty will be to See BOT page 2 See PICKET page 2 Phone calls still being cUt short for Carman Hall students By HEATHER CYGAN are still some problems," said Bob Friday, he said. problem fixed with the installarion the problem was fixed ahead of Campus editor Wilczynski, the resident director Wilczynski said ICTC of a new switchboard Friday, bul schedule. for Carman Hall. representatives thought il had later employees discovered that At about 1:45 p.m. Monday, Almost one week after Carman Problems include residents' remedied the phone difficulties at 5 they also had to fix some additional Hopkins said a representative from Hall residents began experiencing phone conversations being cut-off p.m. Friday. However, the part its phone cards, said Clay Hopkins, ICTC called him to report that the intermittent phone problems, in mid-sentence and no sound on workers replaced did not fix all of Eastern 's telecommunications problem was solved. Ill inois Cons.olidated some of the phones, Wilczynski the problems and ICTC was still manager. Residents of Carman Hall were Telecommunications should now said. About a dozen complaints crying to figure out what repairs are Peter Barr, a spokesman for met with difficulties and have the problem under control. about faulty phone connections needed. ICTC, said he received a call at inconveniences as a result of the "From what I understand. there have been received since 5 p.m. ICTC thought it bad the 6:~ p.m. Thursday confinning that Su PHONE page 2 2 Tuesday, January 27, 1998 The Dally Eastern News ~===:.::=:=====::================================= ::::;:::::;~:::=:::=~~=============== The Daily Eastern Clinton denies allegations WASHINGTON (AP) "sounded preny categorical to me. relations." Mccurry replied testily. News Fighting to save his presidency, I don't see any weasel words.·· "I'm not going to dignify that ques President Clinton on Monday Lewinsky, 24, told a friend she tion." emphatically denied a sexual rela had an affair with Clinton but later The critical test will be on BLOTTER tionship with Monica Lewinsky denied the claim in an affidavit. Capitol Hill, -where Democrats and and sought to reassure wavering She spent several hours Monday Republicans alike are using grave Reporting campus and city crimes Tuesday and Friday Democrats that be will survive the with her attorneys, both at her tenns to discuss the mounting scan scandal. " I did not have sexual Watergate apartment and a local dal. relations with that woman." he law office. Lewinsky's lead attor Sen Daniel Patrick Moynihan, of Buchanan Avenue for pub said. ney. William Ginsburg. is trying to D-N.Y., called this a "crisis of the CIT Y: lie possession of alcohol. With his wife standing at his secure a pledge of immunity from regime" and warned that the presi according co a police report side. Clinton wagged his finger at Whitewater prosecutor Kenneth dency will crumble if Clinton had • Cohen Burnett, 19, of Philo. • Alyssa Serafin. 20, of I 060 TV cameras and declared: '"I've Starr. sex with Lewinsky. was cited at 11 :39 p.m. Friday Second SL., was cited at I never told anybody to lie. not a sin Warned by legal advisers that ··If it's so. it represents a disor in the 1400 block of Sixth a.m. Sunday in the 300 block gle time. Never." impeachment is not out of the der," Moynihan said. Street for driving under the of Buchanan Avenue for pos The dramatic White House question. the president again Clinton dispatched Vice influence. improper lane session of alcohol by a minor :.tatement marked the first com refused to publicly explain his rela President Al Gore to Capitol Hill to usage and illegal possession and minor frequenting a ments on the subject from Clinton tionship with Lewinsky. Aides no\\ tout his State of the Union address of alcohol by a minor. a licensed premises. according since Lewinsky told prosecutors say the president will wait weeks and rally Democrats. Behind police report stated. to a police report. she wm; willing Lo testify under the or even monihs to provide a full closed doors, the vice president • Joseph Szarka, 22. of • Joshua Scheiblein, 20, and protection of full immunicy that she accounting. unless Monday's effort pre-empted the questions of con Canada. was cited at I :47 a.m. Vincent Devall. 20. of 2403 had an affair with him - raising the fails to slow the political hemor cerned Democrats with his opening Thursday in th.e 900 block of Eighth St. were cited at 12:31 prospect of a high-stakes show rhaging. statement: '"h's important that Fourth Street for driving a.m. Friday in the 200 block down between the president and a Aides also promised to be ready Democrats support the president under the influence and dis of Pierce Avenue for posses former White House intern. to discredit Lewinsky if she and his agenda today. tomorro\\ obeying a stop sign. according sion of alcohol by a minor. There is no turning back now for turns against Clinton. The presi and in the future." to a police report. according to a police report. ChnLOn if Lewinsky changes her dent's fresh denial did not put the ln one of the controversy's rare • Richard Koos.