MLB Network Hits Home Run with Active Archive
CHALLENGE: When MLB Network launched on January 1, 2009, the MLB Network production team needed an IT Major League Baseball’s 24/7 Cable TV Network infrastructure capable of cap- turing and preserving high-definition video content for use in producing television programming. MLB Network Hits Home Run SOLUTION: with Active Archive Tape-based active archive In 2013, MLB Network recorded over hours of live video content per day. consisting of: 2,500 games, with as many as five This generates petabytes of informa- • Oracle SL8500 Tape Library different video feeds per game. MLB tion annually. Additionally, Major Network show content was also record- League Baseball looked to utilize the • 1,500 slots in the Tape Library, ed and catalogued. All of this content same IT infrastructure to digitize a vast expanded to 3,000 in 2010 translated into over 6.5 petabytes of historical videotape library represent- • LTO-4 Fujifilm Tape Media – stored content. In 2014, MLB Network ing the history of baseball, as well as Currently consuming over recorded as many as seven different capturing and logging all MLB Net- video feeds per game, and exceeded work original programing content. 8,000 tapes per year 2013’s storage consumption. • Front Porch DIVArchive The main objectives at the Starting with the 2009 season, MLB outset were to: management software Network needed every pitch of every 1. Within six months, design and imple- • Fujifilm Tape Environment game played to be captured and ment a data storage network capable catalogued, enabling the advanced Analysis (TEA) and Archive of recording, archiving and managing tagging of events along with other Verification Service (AVS) live, high-definition content.
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