Complimentary michiana THE COMPLETE RESOURCE MAGAZINE& FOR YOUR HOME JULY 2013 Furniture Al Fresco Find Your Inner Barista Flying The Stars and Stripes One Room, Many Functions OPEN HOUSE August 6-10, 2013 $200-$500 off every Stove on Display! Free Refreshments & Drinks, Big Green Egg Grilling Demos, Over 150 Stoves on Display. Grand Door Prize Green Egg w/Cart Valued at $1149 Open House Hours: Tue-Fri 9am-6 pm, Sat 8am-2pm. Equinox Heats up to 3,500 sq. ft. 120,000 BTUs 24 Years of Quality and Comfort 2570 Beech Rd., Bremen, IN 46506 855-IAMCOZY • 855-426-2699 cell 574-209-2570 e-mail:
[email protected] • Complimentary michiana & T H E CO M P L E T E RE S O U R C E MA G A Z INE FO R YO U R HO M E J U L Y 20 1 3 July 2013 Furniture Al Fresco contents Find Your Inner Barista VOLUME 10 NO. 3 Flying The Stars and Stripes One Room, Many Functions 4 Around Michiana 5 Find Your Inner Barista with an at-home coffee bar. 8 cover photo: One Room, Many Functions How your rooms can multi-task. 10 Page 5 Ask the Pro Garage doors and electric gates – the ‘other’ entryways. 11 Furniture Al Fresco Outdoor furniture should be comfortable and reflect personal style. 14 Organized Kitchens Fun and functional. editor’s note... Summertime living is easy if you adopt some of the ideas con- 16 tained in this issue of Michiana House & Home.