Regulation of Online Gambling in Sweden
Regulation of online gambling in Sweden Evaluating tax scenarios in order to define the best regulatory model for the re-regulation of online gambling 3UHSDUHGE\3Z&¶V*DPLQJ&HQWUHRI([FHOOHQFH November 2012 Disclaimer Regulation of online gambling in Sweden 1 This document has been prepared only for Branschföreningen för onlinespel and solely for the purpose and on the terms agreed with Branschföreningen för onlinespel. We accept no liability (including for negligence) to anyone else in connection with this document, and it may not be provided to anyone else without our consent. Any recipient of this (other than our client) is, with respect to personal data in the report, required to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998. This is the original version of our study, which was prepared in English. All possible care has been taken to ensure that the Swedish translation of this report is an accurate representation of the original. However, in all matters of interpretation of information, views or opinions, this original language version of our report takes precedence over the translation. Regulation of online gambling in Sweden 2 About the authors PwC is a major provider of consulting and advisory services to the public and private sectors covering: strategy, policy and economics, financial management, people, outsourcing and shared services, procurement, technology, governance, risk and controls and programme/project management. Our experience and credentials in the gambling sector range widely, spanning from evaluations of the socio-economic impact of casino developments, to numerous engagements where we have provided commercial, financial and operational due diligence services, as well as strategic advice and market reviews, to numerous types of gambling operators (casino, gaming machine, bingo and online gambling operators among others), financial institutions, and public bodies in various countries (including the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Eastern Europe, South Africa, Macau and the US).
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