Application No. 3/16/1291/OUT Committee Location: Land North
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Application 3/16/1291/OUT Committee No. Location: Land North and South of Edmondsham Road Verwood Proposal: All matters reserved except access, for 230 dwellings (inc. affordable housing) Public open space and SANG with associated access and landscaping Case Officer: Robert Brigden Last Comment 5 October 2016 Statutory Expiry Date: 19 October 2016 Date: RECOMMENDATION That planning permission is granted subject to the completion of a Section 106 legal agreement and the planning conditions listed at the end of this report. LEGAL AGREEMENT The following are Heads of Terms for a legal agreement, which should be completed prior to a planning consent being issued. Triggers and instalments in relation to the proposed financial contributions are to be agreed as part of the detailed negotiation of the legal agreement. It is recommended that authority to progress and complete the legal agreement be delegated to officers. ▪ Strategic Access Management and Monitoring (SAMM) Payment (heathland management): A sum of £57,750 to be paid by the applicant. ▪ Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG): Developer to provide the proposed SANG areas, in accordance with a scheme to be agreed in writing, with transfer of ownership to the Council. Total SANG maintenance, covering the on-site SANG and associated northern SANG (application 3/16/1295/COU): £1,214,112.25 to be paid by the applicant. ▪ Public Open Space: Developer to provide the proposed areas, in accordance with a scheme to be agreed in writing, with transfer of ownership to the Council. A total maintenance sum, of £286,814.80, is to be paid by the applicant. ▪ SANG and Public Open Space Construction Monitoring: A financial contribution of £10,000 is to be paid by the developer for officer time to ensure the areas to be transferred to the Council are constructed to an acceptable standard. ▪ Romford Bridge Copse SNCI Maintenance: A financial contribution of £10,000 to be paid by the developer. ▪ Local Area of Play: Developer to provide the proposed LAP, in accordance with a scheme to be agreed in writing by the Council. On completion of the LAP, to the Council’s satisfaction, ownership of the LAP is to be transferred to the Council with a financial contribution of £22,400 towards the cost of long-term maintenance to be paid by the applicant. ▪ Local Equipped Area for Play: A financial contribution of £335,401 to be paid by the developer to the Council to enable the Council to provide an enhanced off-site LEAP on land it controls, with £70,000 towards long-term maintenance to be paid by the applicant. ▪ Drainage Arrangements: To be provided by the applicant in accordance with a scheme to be agreed in writing by the Council. On completion, to the Council’s satisfaction, ownership of the relevant areas is to be transferred to the Council, with a sum of £172,000, for monitoring and maintenance, to be paid by the applicant to the Council. ▪ Education Contribution: A financial contribution of £1,352,480.50 to be paid by the applicant to the Education Authority. ▪ Affordable Housing: 80 units (34.8%) to constitute affordable housing (comprising 29% shared ownership units and 71% of the units to be available for affordable rent, and 14% of the units capable of being adapted to Lifetime Homes standards), based on the unit mix discussed later in this report. ▪ Access to Neighbouring Land: A clause to ensure that the Bargate land, which is the adjacent 1.8ha of land located to the south-west is capable of being connected to the site. Should reasonable endeavours between the two landowners fail to result in agreement, the adjoining landowner will be able to seek a binding decision from an independent valuer. The following would be secured through the completion of a highway agreement: ▪ Highway Works: Eastworth Road Bellmouth adjustments; pedestrian crossing; and cycle/footpaths on the northern side of Edmondsham Road. A financial contribution of £100,000 is to be paid by the applicant towards the required highway works. REPORT 1 SITE 1.1 The site comprises approximately 12 hectares of mainly open, agricultural land, forming two separate parcels, located in the northwest of Verwood. The larger of the two plots is located on the south-western side of Edmondsham Road, whilst the smaller parcel is located on the north-eastern side of the same highway. Most of the site forms part of the North Western Verwood New Neighbourhood in the Development Plan, is located within 5km of protected heathland, and is designated as an Area of Great Landscape Value. The site is located alongside part of the northern extent of Verwood’s existing built form, which mainly comprises residential development immediately to the south and east. Verwood’s retail centre is located several hundred metres to the south-east of the site. The South-Western Section 1.2 The larger portion forms a broadly rectangular area of land at its north-eastern end, bordering Edmondsham Road, but includes a projection at its south- western end, which terminates in close proximity to Station Road. The majority of this projection is not located within the area allocated for residential development, and is designated as Green Belt. A further area located outside of the allocation is located in the site’s north-eastern corner, alongside Eastworth Road. The bulk of this area slopes down gently in a north-westerly direction, and is enclosed along its north-western boundary, and to the south- west, by mature trees, along with hedgerows around other parts of the perimeter. 1.3 The site’s north-western boundary mainly runs alongside agricultural land located within the Green Belt, and in close proximity to two residential properties. Along this boundary, within the site, is a long strip of open grassland running between Edmondsham Road to the north-east and Station Road to the south-west. This open land runs through the projection at the south-western end of the site, containing part of the woodland known as Romford Bridge Copse, which is designated in the Development Plan as a Site of Nature Conservation Importance. 1.4 The site’s north-eastern boundary runs alongside Edmondsham Road. At its northern end, the south-eastern boundary adjoins The Old Granary, which is a residential property owned by the applicant; Eastworth Road, beyond which are residential properties; and a public play area. At its southern end, the south-eastern boundary forms part of the southern projection and runs alongside Romford Bridge Copse. The south-western boundary mainly lies adjacent to land also forming part of the New Neighbourhood allocation, but which is in separate ownership. This land was the subject of a separate planning application for up to 40 residential units (3/16/0102/OUT) but was refused. An appeal against that decision has been lodged with the Planning Inspectorate. The North-Eastern Section 1.5 The smaller portion of the site forms a broadly rectangular area of land that slopes down gently in a southerly direction. The site’s north-western boundary runs alongside a public footpath, beyond which are residential properties located at Eastworth Farm and open fields located in the Green Belt. The north-eastern boundary adjoins open land, which is the subject of an associated planning application for a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) (3/16/1295/COU). The south-eastern boundary runs alongside residential properties and land associated with Trinity First School, whilst the south-western boundary adjoins Edmondsham Road. 2 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 2.1 This outline planning application seeks approval for access arrangements only, associated with a scheme for 230 residential units. All other matters, including the layout, appearance, landscaping, and scale, are reserved. The submitted information does however provide some indicative details in relation to the reserved matters, including an indication of the proposed layout, building heights, parking arrangement, and landscaping. 2.2 The proposal was screened in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011 (as amended) prior to the submission of this application, with the Council’s opinion being issued on 25th August 2015. It was concluded that an Environmental Impact Assessment would not be required in this case. On receipt of the application under consideration, officers concluded that no changes had occurred, or new information had come to light, which would alter this conclusion. 2.3 The application is supported by the following technical documents: - Planning, Design, and Access Statement - Flood Risk Assessment - Transport Assessment - Ecological Appraisal - Biodiversity Mitigation Plan - Arboricultural Assessment - Landscape Visual Appraisal - Landscape Masterplan Report - Sustainability Statement - Consultation Statement - Archaeology Assessment South-Western Section 2.3 The submitted drawings show residential development, comprising around 187 units (64 flats and 123 houses) located at the north-eastern end of this part of the site. The indicative details show a range of unit types including detached and attached houses, and 7 blocks of flats. The proposal would include private gardens, garages, allocated and unallocated parking spaces relating the houses and flats, along with visitor parking located at various points along the internal road layout. The indicative details show a range of building heights in this part of the site, ranging from 1.5 to 3 storeys with the tallest structures being located more centrally within the development. 2.4 Vehicular access to most of the development would be taken through the north-eastern boundary from Edmondsham Road. A small section of the site, located in the north-eastern corner, and outside the Development Plan allocation, would take its vehicular access from Eastworth Road. The indicative layout plans show that three houses would be accessed in this way. They also show a potential access into the adjoining, allocated land, which is in separate ownership.