Americanizing the Beautiful Game: the Rise of Mainstream American Soccer, 1960-2005 by PATRICK H. SALKELD a Thesis Submitted To
Americanizing the Beautiful Game: The Rise of Mainstream American Soccer, 1960-2005 By PATRICK H. SALKELD A thesis submitted to the graduate faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS IN HISTORY University of Central Oklahoma 2017 Acknowledgements ~ I completed this thesis with the help and support of numerous people. First, I would like to thank my thesis committee for their assistance. Dr. Katrina Lacher, my thesis committee chair, first inspired me to become a historian of sport. She encouraged me to pursue this project and constantly provided advice when the thesis evolved organically and in a different direction than I originally intended in addition to reading each draft and offering feedback. Dr. Patricia Loughlin assisted me with learning more about the history of the University of Central Oklahoma for the local aspect of the thesis. Her encouragement to keep persevering and optimistic attitude always provided much needed comfort during this crucial point in my graduate studies. Dr. Marc Goulding, the department’s resident theorist, opened my mind to postcolonial and nationalism theory. The information he taught in his Third World Rising course served as the basis for the “nativist/masculinist sport” theory I developed in chapter four. Thank you, Dr. Lacher, Dr. Loughlin, and Dr. Goulding, for all of your assistance and encouragement. I also need to thank the numerous archivists and organizations who helped me acquire the necessary resources to complete this thesis. Deborah Baker and Derek Lee of the Edmond Historical Society & Museum provided invaluable assistance. They graciously offered me a work-study position in 2014 as an undergraduate, taught me everything I know about the museum field, and allowed me to create an exhibit, “Kicking It! Edmond’s Soccer Legacy,” with the materials I found in the museum’s archives while researching for my thesis.
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