
Appendix A Vectors and Vector Analysis

A.1 Vector

A.1.1. Let ai , i = 1, 2, 3 be the components of a vector a in the orthonormal ui of an Euclidean three-dimensional . Using Einstein’s convention, the analytical expression of a is a = ai ui . (A.1)

The analytical expression of the radius-vector is then

r = xi ui . (A.2)

A.1.2. Let a and b be two arbitrary vectors. Skipping addition and subtraction, one can define

1. The or of the two vectors:

 a · b = (ai ui ) · (bk uk ) = ai bi = ab cos(a, b), (A.3)

since ui · uk = δik. (A.4)

2. The vector product,orcross product of the two vectors:

 a × b =−b × a = ijka j bk ui , |a × b|=ab sin(a, b), (A.5)

as well as 1 u × u =  u , u =  u × u , (A.6) i j ijk k s 2 sij i j

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016 591 M. Chaichian et al., Electrodynamics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-17381-3 592 Appendix A: Vectors and Vector Analysis

where ⎧ ⎨ +1, if i, j, k are an even permutation of 1, 2, 3, = − , , , , , , ijk ⎩ 1 if i j k are an odd permutation of 1 2 3 (A.7) 0, if any two indices are equal,

is the Levi-Civita permutation symbol (see Sect. A.5).

One can easily verify the property      δil δim δin    ijklmn =  δ jl δ jm δ jn  . (A.8)   δkl δkm δkn

For i = l,(A.8) becomes

ijkimn = δ jmδkn − δ jnδkm, (A.9) while for i = l, j = m it becomes

ijkijn = 2δkn. (A.10)

Obviously, ijkijk = 3!=6. A.1.3. Let a, b, c be three arbitrary vectors. With these vectors one can define the following two types of product:

1. The mixed product a · (b × c) = ijkai b j ck , (A.11)

in particular, ui · (u j × uk ) = ijk. (A.12)

2. The double

a × (b × c) = (a · c)b − (a · b)c. (A.13)

A.2 Orthogonal Coordinate Transformations

The transformation from a three-dimensional orthogonal Euclidean coordinate sys- tem S(Oxyz) to another system S(Ox yz) can be accomplished by three main procedures:

i) translation of axes; ii) of axes; iii) mirror reflection. Appendix A: Vectors and Vector Analysis 593

The first two types of transformations do not change the orientation of the axes of S with respect to S (proper transformations), while under mirror reflection (i.e. x =−x, y = y, z = z) a right-handed transforms into a left-handed coordinate system (improper transformation). There are also possible combinations of these transformations, with the observation that a succession of two proper/improper transformations gives a proper transformation, while a proper transformation followed by an improper transformation leads to an improper trans- formation.  ,  , = , , Suppose that S and S have the same origin, and let ui ui i 1 2 3bethe orthonormal associated bases. Since

= =   , r xi ui xi u i (A.14) we have

 = , =  · , xi aikxk aik u i uk =  , =  · , , = , , , xi aki xk aki u k ui i k 1 2 3 (A.15) as well as

 u i = aikuk ,  ui = akiu k . (A.16)

The coefficients aik form the of the orthogonal transformation (A.15)1, and aki –thematrix of the inverse transformation (A.15)2. The invariance of the distance between two points,

2 = =   , r xi xi xk xk yields the condition

aikaim = δkm, i, k, m = 1, 2, 3. (A.17)

Using the rule of the product of , we find

det(aik) =±1. (A.18)

On the other hand,

det(aik) = ijka1i a2 j a3k , i, j, k = 1, 2, 3, (A.19) that is ijka1i a2 j a3k =±1, (A.20) 594 Appendix A: Vectors and Vector Analysis or ijkaliamjank =±lmn = lmn det(aik), l, m, n = 1, 2, 3. (A.21)

Here the sign “+” corresponds to the case when the frames have the same orientation, and “−” to the case when the orientations are different. Under a change of , we have

p + q = ui + qi ui =  +  =   +   =  + , pi amiu m qi amiu m pm u m qm u m p q · = = (  )(  ) =   =   =  · , p q pi qi ami pm asiqs δms pmqs psqs p q × = =    = (  × ) ( ), p q ijk p j qk ui ijkamjaskali pmqs u l p q det aik · ( × ) = =    p q r ijk pi q j rk ijkaliamjank pl qmrn    = p · (q × r ) det(aik). (A.22)

Consequently, the addition (subtraction) and dot product of two vectors do not change when changing the basis, while the cross product and the mixed product (of polar vectors) change sign when the bases have different orientations. We call scalars of the first kind or scalar invariants those quantities whose sign does not depend on the basis orientation (e.g., temperature, mass, mechanical work, electric charge, etc.), and scalars of the second kind or those quantities which change sign when the basis changes its orientation (e.g., magnetic flux, dΦ = B · dS, the moment of a force F with respect to an axis Δ, MΔ = uΔ · (r × F), etc.). We call polar vector or proper vector a vector which transforms to its negative under the inversion of its coordinate axes (electric field intensity, of a particle, of a scalar, etc.), and axial vector or a vector which is invariant under inversion of coordinate axes (magnetic induction, , etc).

A.3 Elements of Vector Analysis

A.3.1 Scalar and Vector Fields

If to each point P of a domain D of the E3 one can associate a value of a scalar ϕ(P),inD is defined a scalar field. If to each point P one can associate a vector quantity A(P),inD is defined a vector field. A scalar (or vector) field is called stationary if ϕ (or A) do not explicitly depend on . In the opposite case, the field is non-stationary. Appendix A: Vectors and Vector Analysis 595

A.3.2 Frequently Occurring

In classical/phenomenological electrodynamics one encounters three types of inte- grals:

1. Line  P2 a · ds P1

along a curve C, taken between the points P1 and P2, where a is a vector with its origin on the curve, and ds is a vector element of C. This integral is called circulation of the vector a along the curve C, between the points P1 and P2.If the curve C is closed, the circulation is denoted by  a · ds. C

2. Double integral    a · dS = a · dS = a · n dS, S S

where a is a vector with its origin on the S, dS is a vector surface element, and n is the of the external to dS. This integral is called the flux of the vector a through the surface S.IfS is a closed surface, the integral is denoted by  a · dS. S

3. Triple integral     a dτ = a dτ = a dr = a dV, V V V

where V is the of the three-dimensional domain D ⊂ E3, and a has its origin at some point of D.

A.3.3 First-Order Vector Differential Operators

The nabla or operator is defined as

∂ ∂ ∂ ∇= u1 + u2 + u3. (A.23) ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3 596 Appendix A: Vectors and Vector Analysis

By applying it in different ways to scalars and vectors, we obtain the gradient, diver- gence, and . 1. Gradient.1 Let ϕ(r) be a scalar field, with ϕ(r) a continuous function with continuous derivative in D ⊂ E3. The vector field

∂ϕ A = grad ϕ =∇ϕ = ui , i = 1, 2, 3(A.24) ∂xi

is the gradient of the scalar field ϕ(r). The vector field A defined by (A.24)is called conservative.

Equipotential surfaces. Consider the fixed surface

ϕ(x, y, z) = C(= const.). (A.25)

Then dϕ =∇ϕ · dr = 0 shows that at every point of the surface (A.25) the vector ∇ϕ is oriented along the normal to the surface. Giving values to C, one obtains a family of surfaces called equipotential surfaces,orlevel surfaces.

Field lines.LetA(r) be a stationary vector field, and C – a curve given by its parametric equations xi = xi (s), i = 1, 2, 3. If at every point the field A is tan- gent to the curve C, then the curve is a line of the vector field A. The differential equations of the field lines are obtained by projecting on axes the vector relation A × dr = 0, where dr is a vector element of the field line.

Directional derivative. Let us project the vector ∇ϕ unto the direction defined by the unit vector u. Since dr = u|dr|=u ds, where ds is a curve element in the direction u,wehave dϕ (∇ϕ) · u = (∇ϕ) = . (A.26) u ds

If, in particular, u is the unit vector n of the external normal to the surface (A.25), then dϕ ∇ϕ = ≥ 0, (A.27) n dn meaning that the gradient is oriented along the normal to the equipotential sur- faces, and points in the direction of the greatest rate of increase of the scalar field.

1As a matter of fact, gradient, ,andcurl are not bona fide first-order vector differential operators, but the results of the nabla operator (Hamilton’s operator) , in different ways, upon scalar and/or vector fields. Note that the Laplacian =∇·∇=∇2 and the d’Alembertian  = 1 ∂2 − v2 ∂t2 are true differential operators, but of the second order. Appendix A: Vectors and Vector Analysis 597

2. Divergence. Consider a continuously differentiable vector field A(r). The scalar- valued function

∂ Ai div A =∇·A = = ∂i Ai = Ai,i , i = 1, 2, 3 (A.28) ∂xi

is called the divergence of the vector field A(r). If the vector field A(r) satisfies the condition ∇·A = 0, (A.29)

then it is called source-free or solenoidal. The lines of such a field are closed curves (e.g. the magnetostatic field). 3. Curl. The curl (or rotor) of a vector field A(r) is another vector field B(r) defined as

B =∇×A = ui ijk∂ j Ak . (A.30)

If the field A(r) has the property

∇×A = 0, (A.31)

then it is called irrotational or curl-free (e.g. the velocity field of a fluid that moves in laminar flow regime).

A.3.4 Fundamental Theorems


Consider a spatial domain D bounded by the surface S, and a vector field A(r) of class C1 in D and C0 in D (the closure of the domain D, consisting of all the points of D and its boundary surface S). It can be shown that   A · n dS = ∇·A dτ, (A.32) S V which is the mathematical expression of the divergence theorem. It is also called the Green–Gauss–Ostrogradsky theorem, after Johann (1777– 1855), George Green (1793–1841), and Mikhail Ostrogradsky (1801–1862). Here n is the unit vector of the external normal to S. Let us now diminish the surface S, so that the volume V becomes smaller and smaller. In the limit, we have  1 ∇·A = lim A · n dS. (A.33) Δ → τ 0 Δτ S 598 Appendix A: Vectors and Vector Analysis

This formula can be considered as the definition of the divergence at a point. It is useful because it expresses divergence independently of any coordinate system (intrinsic relation). If at some point we have ∇·A > 0, we say that at that point there is a source;if∇·A < 0, that point is a sink ;if∇·A = 0, the point is a node.

A.3.4.2 Stokes Theorem

Let C be any closed curve in the three-dimensional Euclidean space, and let S be any surface bounded by C.IfA is a vector field of class C1 in C ∪ S, then    A · dl = (∇×A) · dS = (∇×A) · n dS. (A.34) C S

This is the Stokes theorem, named after George Stokes (1819–1903) (sometimes called the Stokes–Ampère theorem). If n is the unit vector of the external normal to S, then the circulation on C is given by the right-hand screw rule. In particular, if A =∇ϕ,wehave   A · dl = dϕ = 0. (A.35) C C

Contracting the surface S until it becomes an infinitesimal quantity, in the limit we may write  1 (∇×A)n = n · (∇×A) = lim A · dl, (A.36) Δ → S 0 ΔS C which is the intrinsic definition of curl A.

A.3.5 Some Consequences of the Divergence Theorem and Stokes Theorem

1 Let A(r) = ϕ(r) e, where ϕ(r) is a scalar field of class C in D ⊂ E3, and e is a constant vector. Formula (A.32) then yields   ϕ dS = ∇ϕ dτ, (A.37) S V while (A.34) leads to   ϕ dl = (n ×∇ϕ) dS. (A.38) C S Appendix A: Vectors and Vector Analysis 599

If in (A.32) we choose A = e × B, where B is a vector field of class C1 in D,the result is   n × B dS = ∇×B dτ. (A.39) S V

Consider, now, the vector field A of the form A = ψ∇ϕ, where ψ ∈ C1(D) and ϕ ∈ C2(D).Formula(A.32) leads to   ∂ϕ (∇ψ ·∇ϕ + ψΔϕ) dτ = ψ dS . (A.40) V S ∂n

Interchanging ϕ and ψ in (A.40), then subtracting the result from (A.40), we obtain    ∂ϕ ∂ψ (ψΔϕ − ϕΔψ) dτ = ψ − ϕ dS, (A.41) V S ∂n ∂n where (ϕ, ψ) ∈ C2(D) ∪ C1(D). Relations (A.40) and (A.41) are known as Green’s identities.

A.3.6 Useful Formulas

The nabla operator, ∇, is sometimes applied to products of (scalar or vector) func- tions, or can be found in successive operations (∇·∇ϕ, etc.). Here are some useful formulas, frequently encountered in electrodynamics:

∇(ϕψ) = ϕ∇ψ + ψ∇ϕ, (A.42) ∇·(ϕA) = ϕ∇·A + A ·∇ϕ, (A.43) ∇×(ϕA) = ϕ∇×A + (∇ϕ) × A, (A.44) ∇·(A × B) = B ·∇×A − A ·∇×B, (A.45) ∇(A · B) = A × (∇×B) + B × (∇×A) + (A ·∇)B + (B ·∇)A, (A.46) ∇×(A × B) = A∇·B − B∇·A + (B ·∇)A − (A ·∇)B, (A.47) ∇·(∇×A) = 0, (A.48) ∇×(∇ϕ) = 0, (A.49) 2 2 ∂ ∇·∇ϕ =∇ ϕ = Δϕ; Δ = = ∂i ∂i , (A.50) ∂xi ∂xi ∇×(∇×A) =∇(∇·A) − ΔA. (A.51) 600 Appendix A: Vectors and Vector Analysis

If r is the radius-vector of some point P ∈ E3 with respect to the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system Oxyz, then r ∇r = = u , |∇r|=1, r r ∇·r = 3, ∇× = ,  r 0 ∇ 1 =− r , 3 r r 1 Δ = 0, (A.52) r  r =0 1 Δ =−4πδ(r), r 1 Δ =−4πδ(r − r). |r − r|

If A is a constant vector, then (A.45)–(A.47) and (A.52) yield

∇·(A × r) = 0, (A.53) ∇(A · r) = A, (A.54) ∇×(A × r) = 2A. (A.55)

Given the fields ϕ(r) and A(r), with r =|r|, one can show that

 ∇ϕ = ϕ ur ,  ∇·A(r) = ur · A , (A.56)  ∇×A(r) = ur × A . where

dϕ dA r ϕ = , A = , u = . dr dr r r

A.4 Second-Order Cartesian

A system of three quantities Ai , i = 1, 2, 3 which transform according to (A.15) upon a , that is

 = , , = , , , Ai aik Ak i k 1 2 3 (A.57) Appendix A: Vectors and Vector Analysis 601 where aik satisfy the orthogonality condition (A.17), form a first-order orthogonal affine ,oranorthogonal affine vector. 2 Asystemof3 = 9 quantities Tik, i, k = 1, 2, 3 which transform like the product Ai Bk , that is according to the rule

 = , , , , = , , Tik aijakmTjm i j k m 1 2 3 (A.58) is a second-order orthogonal affine tensor.Ifin(A.58)weseti = k and use the orthogonality condition (A.17), we have

 = = = . Tii aijaimTjm δ jmTjm Tmm (A.59)

The sum Tii = T11 + T22 + T33 is called trace (Tr) or spur (Sp) of the tensor Tik. The relation (A.59) shows that the trace is invariant under the coordinate change (A.15). A tensor Tik is called symmetric if Tik = Tki, and antisymmetric if Tik =−Tki. ( 2) = ( + In an n-dimensional Euclidean space, En, a has Cn n n )/ 2 = ( − )/ 1 2 distinct components, and an has Cn n n 1 2 distinct components. Therefore, in E3 a symmetric tensor has 6 independent components, while an antisymmetric tensor has 3 distinct components. An antisymmetric tensor is characterized by Tii = 0 (no summation), i.e. the elements on the principal diagonal are zero. A tensor with the property Tik = 0 (i = k) is called diagonal. Such a tensor is, for example, the Kronecker symbol, also named the second-order symmetric unit tensor δik, i, k = 1, 2, 3. Its components do not change upon a change of coordinates. Indeed,  = = = . δik ailakmδlm ailakl δik

Given the antisymmetric tensor Aik, let us denote

A12 = A3,

A23 = A1,

A31 = A2, or, in a condensed form,

Aij = ijkAk , 1 A =  A , i, j, k = 1, 2, 3. (A.60) i 2 ijk jk

The ordered system of objects (quantities, numbers, etc.) Ai form a pseudovector, called the pseudovector associated with the antisymmetric tensor Aik. Such a situa- tion is encountered in the case of the cross product of two polar vectors. Taking into 602 Appendix A: Vectors and Vector Analysis account that any second-order tensor can be written as a sum of a symmetric and an antisymmetric tensor,

1 1 A = (A + A ) + (A − A ) , (A.61) ik 2 ik ki 2 ik ki we can write 1 c = (a × b) =  a b =  c , (A.62) i i ijk j k 2 ijk jk where c jk = a j bk − ak b j . (A.63)

Consequently, the vector associated with a second-order antisymmetric tensor is a = 1 pseudovector. The antisymmetric tensor Aik and the pseudovector Ai 2 ijkA jk are said to be dual to each other.

A.5 Cartesian Tensors of Higher Order

p An order-p tensor or tensor of type p in E3 is a system of 3 components which, under an orthogonal transformation of coordinates, transform according to

 T = a a ...a T ... , i ,...,i , j ,..., j = 1, 2, 3. (A.64) i1i2...i p i1 j1 i2 j2 i p jp j1 j2 jp 1 p 1 p

p An order-p in E3 is a system of 3 components which, under an orthogonal transformation of coordinates, transform according to

 T ∗ = [det(a )] a a ...a T ∗ , i ,...,i , j ,..., j = 1, 2, 3. i1i2...i p ik i1 j1 i2 j2 i p jp j1 j2... jp 1 p 1 p (A.65) In other words, under a proper orthogonal transformation, characterized by det(aik) = +1, transform like tensors, while under an improper orthogonal trans- formation, for which det(aik) =−1, there appears a change of sign. Comparing (A.65) and (A.21), we conclude that the Levi-Civita permutation symbol (A.7)isa pseudotensor. It is called the third-order totally antisymmetric unit pseudotensor.It will therefore transform according to the rule

 = ( ) . ijk [det aik ] aila jmaknlmn (A.66)

In view of (A.21), we then have

 = ( ) 2 = , ijk [det aik ] ijk ijk (A.67) which says that the components of ijk do not depend on the choice of orthonormal basis. Appendix B Tensors

B.1 n-Dimensional

An n-dimensional space Sn is a set of elements, called points, which are in biu- nivocal and bicontinuous correspondence with n real variables x1, x2,...,xn.The variables x1, x2,...,xn are called coordinates. To a set of values of the coordinates corresponds a single point and vice-versa. The number of coordinates defines the of the space. 1 n Let x ,...,x be another set of coordinates in Sn and consider the transformation

xν = h(xμ), μ, ν = 1, 2,...,n, (B.1) where h is a function mapping Sn to itself. If the Jacobian of the transformation (B.3) is different from zero, ∂(x1,...,xn) J = = 0, (B.2) ∂(x1,...,xn) then the transformation (B.1) is (at least locally) reversible, or biunivocal, and we also have xμ = h−1(xν ), μ, ν = 1, 2,...,n, (B.3)

1 n meaning that x ,...,x are also a system of coordinates in Sn. A transformation like (B.1)or(B.3)iscalledcoordinate transformation.The transformations (B.3) and (B.1) are inverse to each other. If the variables xμ are linear with respect to xν , then the transformation (B.1)iscalledlinear of affine.(An affine transformation is any transformation that preserves collinearity and ratios of distances.) If in Sn one defines the notion of distance between two points (called a metric), the space Sn is called .

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016 603 M. Chaichian et al., Electrodynamics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-17381-3 604 Appendix B: Tensors

Let f (x1,...,xn) be a function of coordinates. Under a coordinate transformation (B.1), the functional form of f is changed:

f (xμ) = f (h−1(xμ)) = ( f ◦ h−1)(xμ) = f (xμ), (B.4) with the notation f  = ( f ◦ h−1). A function which satisfies

f (x1,...,xn) = f (x1,...,xn), (B.5) is an invariant. Functions of coordinates describing physical quantities can have more compli- cated transformation properties under coordinate transformations. If the coordinate transformations form a continuous group, we say that those functions transform under a representation of that group. In that case, the system is covariant under the transformation of coordinates, i.e. the equations of characterizing the system keep their form upon a coordinate transformation. In that case, invariants are formed also from combinations of different representations of the group of transformations. In Chap. 7 there are many examples of Lorentz invariants formed by combinations of vectors and tensors.

B.2 Contravariant and Covariant Vectors

Differentiating relation (B.1), we have

∂xν dxν = dxμ = xν dxμ, μ, ν = 1, 2,...,n, (B.6) ∂xμ μ where we denoted ∂xν xν = , (B.7) μ ∂xμ and used Einstein’s summation convention over repeated indices. Asystemofn quantities (objects) A1,...,An which transform according to (B.6), i.e. ν = ν μ, A xμ A (B.8) form a first-order contravariant tensor, or a tensor of type (1, 0),orann-dimensional contravariant vector. The quantities Aμ, μ = 1, 2,...,n are the vector components in xμ coordinates, while Aμ are the components of the same vector in xμ coordinates. Observing that ∂xμ dxμ = dxν = xμdxν , (B.9) ∂xν ν Appendix B: Tensors 605 where ∂xμ xμ = , (B.10) ν ∂xν one can define the inverse (relative to (B.8)) transformation

μ = μ ν . A xν A (B.11)

Consider now the scalar function f (xμ), μ = 1, 2,...,n and take its partial deriv- atives with respect to xμ:

∂ f ∂ f ∂xν ∂ f = = xν , μ, ν = 1, 2,...,n. (B.12) ∂xμ ∂xν ∂xμ μ ∂xν

A set of n quantities Bμ, μ = 1, 2,...,n which transform according to (B.12), that is  = ν , Bμ xμ Bν (B.13) define a first-order covariant tensor, or a tensor of type (0, 1),orann-dimensional covariant vector. The inverse transformation is

= μ  . Bν xν Bμ (B.14)

μ = ν In the Euclidean space with Cartesian , xν xμ, hence there is no distinction between contravariant and covariant vectors. It can be easily shown that the contracted product of a contravariant and a covariant vector is an invariant. Indeed,

ν  = ν λ μ = λ μ = μ = μ. A Bν xμxν A Bλ δμ A Bλ A Bμ Aμ B (B.15)

Observation: In tensor analysis, covariance and contravariance describe how the quantitative description of certain geometrical or physical entities changes when passing from one coordinate system to another. To be coordinate system invariant, vectors like radius-vector, velocity, acceleration, their derivatives with respect to time, etc., must contra-vary with the change of basis to compensate. That is, the components must vary oppositely to the change of basis. For a dual vector (covector), like the gradient, to be coordinate system invariant, its components must co-vary with the change of basis, that is its components must vary by the same transformation as the basis. If, for example, vectors have units of distance (radius vector), the covectors have units of inverse of distance. This distinction becomes very important in . 606 Appendix B: Tensors

B.3 Second-Order Tensors

A set of n2 quantities T μν form a second-order contravariant tensor if, upon a coordinate change (B.1), they transform as the product Aμ Bν , that is according to

μν = μ ν λρ, T xλ xρ T μν = μ ν λρ. T xλ xρ T (B.16)

2 A set of n quantities Uμν form a second-order covariant tensor if, upon a coordinate change (B.1), they transform as the product Aμ Bν , that is according to

 = λ ρ , Uμν xμxνUλρ = λ ρ  . Uμν xμxνUλρ (B.17)

2 μ A set of n quantities Vν form a second-order if, upon a coordinate μ change (B.1), they transform as the product A Bν , that is according to

μ = μ ρ λ, Vν xλxν Vρ μ = μ ρ λ. Vν xλxν Vρ (B.18)

Such a tensor is the Kronecker symbol:

∂xμ ∂xλ ∂xμ δμ = xμxρδλ = xμxλ = = = δμ. (B.19) ν λ ν ρ λ ν ∂xλ ∂xν ∂xν ν

A contravariant index of a tensor can be lowered using the gμν , and a covariant index can be raised using the inverse metric tensor gμν .Onemusttake care of the order of the indices. If the mixed tensor is symmetric, indices are written on the same vertical line, one below the other. μν One can show that the contracted product T Aμ Bν μ, ν = 1, 2,...,n is an invariant. Indeed,

μν   = μ ν σ κ λρ = σ κ λρ = λρ . T Aμ Bν xλxρ xμxν T Aσ Bκ δλ δρ T Aσ Bκ T Aλ Bρ (B.20)

The covariant second-order tensor Tμν is symmetric if Tμν = Tνμ, and antisym- metric if Tμν =−Tνμ. These definitions are analogous for contravariant tensors. The property of (antisymmetry) is invariant under coordinate transformations. A second-order (contravariant or covariant) tensor can always be decomposed into a sum of symmetric and antisymmetric parts,

1 1 T = T + T + T − T = S + A , (B.21) μν 2 μν νμ 2 μν νμ μν μν where Sμν = Sνμ and Aμν =−Aνμ. Appendix B: Tensors 607

B.4 The Metric Tensor

Consider an m-dimensional Euclidean space Em and let y1,...,ym be the Cartesian coordinates of a point P. The squared distance between P and an infinitely closed point P is 2 ds = dyJ dyJ , J = 1, 2,...,m. (B.22)

1 n Take now in Em an embedded submanifold Rn (n < m) and let x ,...,x be the coordinates of a point in Rn. Obviously,

1 n yJ = yJ (x ,...,x ), J = 1, 2,...,m. (B.23)

The squared distance between two infinitely closed points in Rn is

∂y ∂y ds2 = J J dxμdxν = g dxμdxν , (B.24) ∂xμ ∂xν μν where we denoted ∂y ∂y g (x1,...,xn) = J J , J = 1, 2,...,m; μ, ν = 1, 2,...,n. (B.25) μν ∂xμ ∂xν

The bilinear form (B.24)ispositive definite and, according to (B.20), it is invariant under coordinate changes. Since dxμ and dxν are contravariant vectors, it results that gμν is a second-order covariant symmetric tensor, called the metric tensor.(The terms metric and are often used interchangeably.) Since ν dxμ = gμν dx , (B.26) we may write 2 μ ds = dxμdx .

But in this case relation (B.26) is also true for the components of any vector Aμ:

ν Aμ = gμν A , μ, ν = 1, 2,...,n. (B.27)

Relations (B.27) can be considered as a system of n algebraic equations with n unknowns A1,...,An. Solving the system by Cramer’s rule, we obtain

ν νλ A = g Aλ, ν, λ = 1, 2,...,n, (B.28) where Gνλ gνλ = (B.29) g 608 Appendix B: Tensors are the components of the contravariant metric tensor.HereGνλ is the algebraic complement of the element gνλ in the

g = det(gνλ).

Since Gνλ = Gλν ,wehavegνλ = gλν . Relation (B.27) also shows that

ν νλ Aμ = gμν A = gμν g Aλ, which yields νλ = λ. gμν g δμ (B.30)

Using the metric tensor, one can lower or raise the indices of any tensor. In an Euclid- ν μ ean space holds the relation gμν = δμν , so that Aμ = δμν A = A . Consequently, on such a there is no distinction between contravariant and covariant indices.

B.5 Higher Order Tensors

In an analogous way can be defined tensors of any variance. For example, the system ... of nα+β real quantities T j1 jβ form a tensor of order (α + β), or a type (α, β) k1...kα tensor, i.e. α- covariant and β-times contravariant, if its components transform according to  j1... jβ p p j jβ i1...iβ T = x 1 ...x α x 1 ...x T ... . (B.31) k1...kα k1 kα i1 iβ p1 pα

B.6 Tensor Operations

B.6.1 Addition

Two tensors can be added (subtracted) only if they have the same order and the same μ μ variance. For example, the tensors Uνλ and Vνλ can be added to give μ = μ + μ . Tνλ Uνλ Vνλ (B.32)

B.6.2 Multiplication

i ...i k1...kγ Let U 1 α and V ... be two tensors of arbitrary order and variance. Their product j1... jβ m1 mδ is defined by i1...iαk1...kγ i ...i k1...kγ T = U 1 α V ... , (B.33) j1... jβ m1...mδ j1... jβ m1 mδ Appendix B: Tensors 609 being a tensor of order (α + β + γ + δ), (α + γ)-times contravariant and (β + δ)- times covariant.

B.6.3 Contraction

Consider a mixed tensor (T ) of order p ≥ 2. The operation of contraction consists in setting equal one contravariant index and one covariant index, and summing over them. By one contraction, the order of the tensor reduces by two units. As an example, νλ = consider the tensor Tμ , and take ν μ. The result is

μλ = μ λ σ ρκ = σ λ ρκ = λ ρκ, Tμ xρ xκxμTσ δρ xκTσ xκTρ (B.34) which is the transformation of a contravariant vector. In general, by setting equal the first γ covariance indices with the first γ con- ... i + ...i travariance indices of the tensor T i1 iα , one obtains the tensor U γ 1 α , of type j1... jβ jγ+1... jβ (α − γ, β − γ).

B.6.4 Raising and Lowering Indices

μ Consider the tensor Tνλρ and perform the product

μ = , gμσ Tνλρ Tσνλρ (B.35) which is a covariant tensor. We call this operation index lowering (μ in our case). In the same manner, an index can be raised:

νσ μ = μσ. g Tνλρ Tλρ (B.36)

To lower (raise) n indices, this operation has to be accomplished n times. The operations of lowering and raising indices do not modify the order of a tensor, but only its variance.

B.6.5 Symmetric and Antisymmetric Tensors

Consider the tensor ... T i1 iα (α, β ≥ 2) (B.37) j1... jβ 610 Appendix B: Tensors on an n-dimensional Euclidean space. If its components do not change under a permutation of a group of indices, either of contravariance or of covariance, we call the tensor symmetric in that group of indices. Let us consider, for the beginning, a totally symmetric tensor of type (α, 0).Due to the symmetry, its number of free parameters is naturally lower than that of an arbitrary type (α, 0) tensor. Namely, the number of distinct components is given by the number of combinations with repetitions, into groups of α indices, formed with 1, 2,...,n. This number is given by

n(n + 1)...(n + α − 1) Cα = Cα = . (B.38) n n+α−1 α! An analogous formula is obtained for the number of free parameters of a totally symmetric tensor of type (0, α). If we consider the general tensor (B.37), symmetric in the first γ contravariance indices i1,...iγ, then the number of its distinct components is

γ α+β−γ = γ α+β−γ. Cn n Cn+γ−1n (B.39)

As an example, let us take the second-order symmetric tensor Tμν . According to (B.38), it has distinct n(n + 1)/2 components (6 components in three-dimensional space, 10 in a four-dimensional space, etc). If the tensor (B.37) changes its sign when permuting any two indices out of a group of indices, either of contravariance or of covariance, the tensor is called antisymmetric in that group of indices. Suppose that (T ) is antisymmetric in the first γ covariance indices, and denote by [ j1 ... jγ] the group of these indices. Then we have ...... i1 iα = (− )I i1 iα , T ...... 1 T  ...  ... (B.40) [ j1 jγ ] jγ+1 jβ ( j1 jγ ) jγ+1 jβ

 ...  ... where j1 jγ is an arbitrary permutation of indices j1 jγ, and I the number of inversions of indices needed in order to achieve the final ordering. In this category falls, for example, the Levi-Civita permutation symbol μνλρ. γ α+β−γ The number of distinct components of the tensor (B.40)isCn n , i.e.

n(n − 1)(n − 2)...(n − γ + 1) Cγnα+β−γ = nα+β−γ. (B.41) n γ!

For example, the second-order antisymmetric tensor Aμν has n(n − 1)/2 distinct components (3 in a three dimensional space, 6 in a four-dimensional space, etc.). Since Aμν =−Aνμ, it results that Aμμ = 0 (no summation). In general, if a pair of indices are equal in the group of antisymmetry indices, the corresponding tensor component is zero. μ = ( = ) A tensor with the property Tν 0 μ ν is called diagonal. Such a tensor is μ the Kronecker symbol δν . Appendix B: Tensors 611

Observation: The number of distinct components of a tensor diminishes if among components there are supplementary relations. For example, if the symmetric tensor Tμν in Euclid- ean three-dimensional space has zero trace, the number of distinct components is 6 − 1 = 5. In general, each independent relation between the components dimin- ishes the number of independent components by one.

B.7 Tensor Variance: An Intuitive Image

As we have seen, the variance of tensors can be of two types, covariance and con- travariance. Strictly speaking, one way of defining a co- or contravariant first-order tensor is the one presented in Sect. B.2; in the following, we wish to provide a more intuitive image about these concepts, and at the same time emphasize the necessity of introducing them. For an easier presentation, we shall refer in the following to a three-dimensional space. Between the simplest, Cartesian type of coordinate system and the most gen- eral coordinate system, there are two types of intermediate systems, namely: 1) orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systems (the coordinate axes are curvilinear, but at each point the tangent vectors to the axes form an orthogonal trihedron – see Fig. B.1c); 2) non-orthogonal rectilinear coordinate systems (the coordinate axes are straight lines, but they form angles different from π/2–seeFig.B.1d).

The orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systems are discussed in Appendix D, where it is shown that the principal effect of the curving of axes is the appearance of the Lamé coefficients. As we shall see, the non-orthogonality of the coordinate axes brings about the necessity of introducing the variance of tensors. To facilitate the graphical presentation, we shall use mainly two-dimensional spaces (the generalization to three is trivial). Let us then consider on the Euclidean a vector a, and express its components with respect to an orthogonal and a non-orthogonal coordinate system (Fig.B.2). In the first system (Fig. B.2a) we write

a1 = a · u1,

a2 = a · u2, (B.42) and if we denote a1 = a1u1, a2 = a2u2, then we have

a = a1 + a2, (B.43) 612 Appendix B: Tensors

Fig. B.1 Four types of coordinate system: (a) Cartesian (orthogonal rectilinear), (b) general curvi- linear, (c) orthogonal curvilinear, and (d) non-orthogonal rectilinear.

Fig. B.2 Two types of rectilinear/straight coordinate axes: (a) orthogonal and (b) non-orthogonal.

where u1 and u2 are the of the two axes, while a1 and a2 are the components of the vector a in this basis (in other words, the orthogonal projections of the vector a on the coordinate axes). Appendix B: Tensors 613

In the second system (Fig. B.2b), we notice that there are two possibilities of defining the components of the vector a:

1) by orthogonal projection on the axes, leading to the components denoted by a1 and a2; 2) by drawing parallels to the axes through the tip of the vector a, leading to the   components denoted by a1 and a2. Thus, in the first case we write

a1 = a · u1,

a2 = a · u2, (B.44) but, with the notation a1 = a1u1 and a2 = a2u2, a relation like (B.43) is not valid anymore, i.e. a = a1 + a2. (B.45)

In the second case, denoting

 =  , a1 a1u1  =  , a2 a2u2 (B.46) we find that a relation of the type (B.43) remains valid, i.e.

=  +  a a1 a2, (B.47) but we cannot write anymore a relation of the type (B.42), since in this case

 = · , a1 a u1  = · . a2 a u2 (B.48)

  In other words, the components a1 and a2 are not the scalar products of the vector a with the versors of the coordinate axes. If we wish to have simultaneously valid relations of the type (B.44) and (B.45), we have to introduce a new basis, called the dual basis. Let u, v, and w be three linearly independent vectors in E3. By definition, they form a basis. Then, any vector a in E3 can be written as

a = λu + μv + νw, (B.49) where λ, μ, and ν are three scalars, which are called the components of the vector a in the basis {u, v, w}. 614 Appendix B: Tensors

Let us introduce three more vectors, denoted by u∗, v∗, and w∗, satisfying the following conditions: ⎧ ⎧ ⎧ ⎨ u∗ · u = 1, ⎨ v∗ · u = 0, ⎨ w∗ · u = 0, ∗ · = ∗ · = ∗ · = ⎩ u v 0, ⎩ v v 1, ⎩ w v 0, (B.50) u∗ · w = 0, v∗ · w = 0, w∗ · w = 1.

For instance, the vectors u∗, v∗, and w∗ can be given by the relations

v × w u∗ = , (u, v, w) w × u v∗ = , (B.51) (u, v, w) u × v w∗ = , (u, v, w) where (u, v, w) = u · (v × w) is the mixed product of the vectors. From the definition, it follows that the vectors u∗, v∗, and w∗ are also linearly independent, and thus they form a basis in E3. Such vectors are called dual to the vectors u, v, and w, respectively, while their basis is called dual basis. Moreover, one can easily check that the dual of a dual vector is the original vector, i.e.

∗ u∗ = u, ∗ v∗ = v, (B.52) ∗ w∗ = w.

Taking the scalar product of the vector (B.49) with the vectors u∗, v∗, and w∗ of the dual basis and using (B.50), one can express the components of the vector in the original basis as

λ = a · u∗, μ = a · v∗, (B.53) ν = a · w∗.

Returning to our problems, we notice that, using the vectors of the dual basis, we can write i) for the components a1 and a2 defined by (B.44):

a = a1 + a2, where

∗ a = a u∗, with a = a · u = a · u∗ , 1 1 1 1 1 1 = ∗, = · = · ∗ ∗ . a2 a2u2 with a2 a u2 a u2 (B.54) Appendix B: Tensors 615

  ii) for the components a1 and a2 defined by (B.46):  = · ∗, a1 a u1  = · ∗, a2 a u2 (B.55) as well as =  +  ,  =  ,  =  . a a1 a2 with a1 a1u1 a2 a2u2

The customary notations are different from the above, namely,

 = 1 ∗ = 1 a1 a , u1 u ,  = 2 ∗ = 2. (B.56) a2 a , u2 u

Thus, the vector a has two sets of components: one with lower indices,

a1 = a · u1,

a2 = a · u2, (B.57) and another with upper indices,

a1 = a · u1, a2 = a · u2. (B.58)

The components with lower indices are called covariant, while the ones with upper indices – contravariant. The original basis is formed of covariant versors, while the dual basis is formed with contravariant versors. Moreover, in Fig.B.2b one notices that, if the angle between the axes becomes π/2 (the system becomes orthogonal), then the two types of components coincide. To conclude, in a non-orthogonal coordinate system, any vector has two sets of components: covariant components, by means of which one writes the vector in the dual, or contravariant, basis, and contravariant components, used to write the vector in the original, or covariant, basis. For example, in the case of a three-dimensional non-orthogonal frame, the radius vector of a point can be written as follows:

1) in dual (contravariant) basis, using the covariant components x1, x2, and x3:

1 2 3 r = x1u + x2u + x3u ;

2) in the original (covariant) basis, using the contravariant components x1, x2, and x3: 1 2 3 r = x u1 + x u2 + x u3. 616 Appendix B: Tensors


1 2 3 dr = dx1u + dx2u + dx3u , 1 2 3 dr = dx u1 + dx u2 + dx u3, therefore the metric of the space can be written in the following ways:

2 = | |2 = · ds ⎧dr dr dr 1 + 2 + 3 · 1 + 2 + 3 , ⎨ dx1u dx2u dx3u dx1u dx2u dx3u 1 + 2 + 3 · 1 + 2 + 3 , = dx u1 dx u2 dx u3 dx u1 dx u2 dx u3 ⎩ 1 2 3 1 2 3 dx1u + dx2u + dx3u · dx u1 + dx u2 + dx u3 .

With the new notations, relations (B.50) can be written in a condensed manner as

i · = i , u u j δ j (B.59) hence ⎧ i j i j ⎨ dxi u · dxj u = u · u dxi dxj , 2 | |2 i j i j ds = dr = dr · dr = dx ui · dx u j = ui · u j dx dx , (B.60) ⎩ i j i j dxi u · dx u j = u · u j dxi dx .

Usually, one denotes the scalar products of the contravariant and covariant versors by

i · j = ij, u u g ui · u j = gij, (B.61) leading to 2 ij i j i ds = g dxi dxj = gijdx dx = dxi dx . (B.62)

Thus, we have arrived at the fundamental metric tensor, with contravariant com- ij ponents, g , or covariant components, gij. Relations (B.61) provide an intuitive interpretation of the elements of the metric tensor. Finally, from the last equality in (B.62) it follows that

j dxi = gijdx , (B.63) which shows that the lowering of indices by means of the metric tensor appears ij i naturally. The equality g dxi dxj = dxi dx from (B.62) leads to

i ij dx = g dxj ,(B.64) i.e. the raising of indices. Appendix C Representations of

C.1 Euclidean-Complex Representation

Let x1 = x, x2 = y, x3 = z, x4 = ict be the coordinates of an in Minkowski space. The metric then is

− 2 = = μ ν = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 ds dxμdxμ gμν dx dx dx1 dx2 dx3 dx4 = dx2 + dy2 + dz2 − c2dt2, (C.1) which means gμν = δμν , (C.2) corresponding to a pseudo-Euclidean space. Such a representation of Minkowski space is called Euclidean-complex representation. The coordinates xμ, μ = 1, 2, 3, 4 of an event form a four-vector.Thespace components x1, x2, x3 are denoted by xi , i = 1, 2, 3, and the time component by x4. Under a change of coordinates the components of the (or radius) four-vector transform according to (see (A.57)):

 = , , = , , , . xμ aμν xν μ ν 1 2 3 4 (C.3)

  If xμ are the coordinates of the same event, but determined in the inertial frame S ,   moving along Ox ≡ O x axis, with velocity V with respect to S, then aμν are the elements of the matrix ⎛ ⎞ Γ V 00i c ⎜ 0100⎟ A = ⎜ ⎟ , (C.4) ⎝ 0010⎠ − V Γ i c 00

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016 617 M. Chaichian et al., Electrodynamics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-17381-3 618 Appendix C: Representations of Minkowski Space while (C.3) represents, in condensed form, the Lorentz transformation  V t = Γ t − x , c2 x = Γ (x − Vt) , y = y, (C.5) z = z.

A system of 4 quantities Aμ, μ = 0, 1, 2, 3 which transform like the coordinates, that is according to  = , , = , , , , Aμ aμν Aν μ ν 1 2 3 4 (C.6) form a four-vector. In Euclidean-complex representation the space components of a four-vector are real, and the time component is imaginary. A second-order four-tensor transforms as the product Aμ Bν , that is according to

 = , , , , = , , , . Tμν aμλaνρTλρ λ ρ μ ν 1 2 3 4 (C.7)

In the same way, one can define four-tensors of order three, four, etc. In the theory of relativity, a special role is played by the totally antisymmetric fourth-order unit pseudotensor μνλρ. It is defined as being +1, −1, 0, as the indices are even, odd, or repeated-index permutation of 1, 2, 3, 4. The quantities μνλρ form a pseudotensor (sometimes called axial tensor) because they exhibit a tensor behaviour under and Lorentz boosts, but are not invariant under inversions. It can be shown that      δμσ δμκ δμγ δμζ     δνσ δνκ δνξ δνζ  μνλρσκξζ =   . (C.8)  δλσ δλκ δλξ δλζ    δρσ δρκ δρξ δρζ

It then results

μνλρμνσκ = 2! (δλσδρκ − δλκδρσ),

μνλρμνλσ = 3! δρσ = 6 δρσ, (C.9)

μνλρμνλρ = 4!=24.

With the help of μνλρ one can define the dual of an antisymmetric tensor. If ˜ = 1 Aμν is an antisymmetric tensor, then Aμν and the pseudotensor Aμν 2 μνλρ Aλρ are called dual to each other. Similarly, the third-order antisymmetric pseudotensor Aμνλ = μνλρ Aρ and the four-vector Aρ are dual to each other. Appendix C: Representations of Minkowski Space 619

There are four possible types of that can be embedded in the four-space, which means that there exist four types of integrals: 1) , when the integration is performed along a curve. ˜ 2) Integral over a two-dimensional surface.InE3, as surface element, one uses dSi . This is the integration differential and it is the dual of the antisymmetric tensor dSik (see (A.60)): 1 dS˜ =  dS . i 2! ijk jk ˜ From the geometric point of view, dSi is a vector orthogonal to the surface ele- ment and having the same modulus as the elementary area.

In the four-dimensional space,

1 dS˜ =  dS , μ, ν, λ, ρ = 0, 1, 2, 3, (C.10) μν 2 μνλρ λρ

therefore the dual of the tensor dSμν is also a second-order tensor and, geometri- cally, represents a surface element equal to dSμν and orthogonal to it. 3) Integral over a three-dimensional hypersurface. In three dimensions, the is constructed as the mixed product of three arc elements corresponding to three coordinate directions which intersect at a point. In four-dimensions, as hypersurface element one defines the antisymmetric tensor dSμνλ, together with ˜ its dual dSμ:

1 dS˜ =  dS , μ 3! μνλρ νλρ ˜ dSμνλ = μνλρ dSρ. (C.11)

˜ Geometrically, the four-vector dSμ is orthogonal to the hypersurface element, and has the modulus equal to the “area” of this element. In particular, dS0 = dx dydz is the projection of the hypersurface element on the hyperplane x0 = const. 4) Integral over the four-dimensional hypervolume. The volume element in this case is

dΩ = dx0 dx1 dx2 dx3 = dSμ dxμ, (no summation over μ), (C.12)

where the hypersurface element is orthogonal to the arc element dxμ. Using these notions, one can generalize the divergence theorem and the Stokes the- orem in Minkowski space. In view of (C.12), we have   ∂ Aμ AμdSμ = dΩ, (C.13) ∂xμ 620 Appendix C: Representations of Minkowski Space which generalizes in four dimensions the divergence theorem. Formally, the integral extended over a hypersurface can be transformed into an integral over the four-domain enclosed by the hypersurface by substituting

∂ dSμ → dΩ , μ = 0, 1, 2, 3. (C.14) ∂xμ

In a similar way, an integral over a two-dimensional surface, of element dSμν = dxμ dxν , can be transformed according to    ∂ Aμ ∂ Aμ dSμν = dxμ dxν = Aμdxμ, (C.15) ∂xν ∂xν meaning that the circulation along a closed curve in four-dimensional space can be transformed into an integral over the two-dimensional surface bounded by the curve, by substituting ∂ dxμ → dSμν . (C.16) ∂xν

After some index manipulation in (C.15), one obtains    1 ∂ Aν ∂ Aμ Aμdxμ = − dSμν . (C.17) 2 ∂xμ ∂xν

One can also establish a formula connecting an integral over a two-dimensional surface, and the boundary three-dimensional surface. As an example, if Aμν is an antisymmetric tensor, we may write    ∂ A 1 ∂ A ∂ A μν dS = μν dS + νμ dS ∂x μ 2 ∂x μ ∂x ν ν   ν μ 1 ∂ Aμν ∂ Aμν = dSμ − dSν . 2 ∂xν ∂xμ

If one denotes  ˜ 1 ∂ ∂ dSμν → dSμ − dSν , (C.18) 2 ∂xν ∂xμ if follows that   ∂ Aμν ˜ dSμ = Aμν dSμν . (C.19) ∂xν Appendix C: Representations of Minkowski Space 621

C.2 Hyperbolic Representation

An event in Minkowski space can be also defined by the choice x0 = ct, x1 = x, x2 = y, x3 = z, in which case the metric

2 μ μ ν 2 2 2 2 2 ds = dxμ dx = gμν dx dx = c dt − dx − dy − dz (C.20) gives

g00 =+1,

g11 = g22 = g33 =−1, (C.21)

gμν (μ = ν) = 0.

A system of coordinates in a pseudo-Euclidean (e.g. Minkowski) space in which 2 = 2 2 =± the line element has the form: ds eμdxμ, where eμ 1, is a Galilean coor- dinate system. We have, therefore, above a Galilean coordinate system, while this representation of Minkowski space is called hyperbolic. Relations (C.21) show that in such a representation one makes distinction between contravariance and covariance indices. For example, in case of a four vector,

= 0 = 0, = ν ⇒ A0 g00 A A Aμ gμν A i i (C.22) Ai = gii A =−A (no summation) .

The square of a four-vector is

μ 0 i 0 0 i i A Aμ = A A0 + A Ai = A A − A A = invariant. (C.23)

In Minkowski space, the components of a contravariant four-vector transform accord- ingto(B.8), where the transformation matrix is ⎛ ⎞ Γ − V Γ c 00 ⎜ − V ΓΓ00⎟ (xν ) ≡ Λν = ⎜ c ⎟ . (C.24) μ μ ⎝ 0010⎠ 0001

If, for example, the relative motion of frames S and S takes place along Ox ≡ Ox- axis, then the contravariant components of Aμ transform according to  V A0 = Γ A0 − A1 ,  c V A1 = Γ − A0 + A1 , c A2 = A2, (C.25) A3 = A3, 622 Appendix C: Representations of Minkowski Space while the covariant components obey the rule   = Γ + V , A0 A0 A1  c V A = Γ A + A , 1 c 0 1  = , A2 A2 (C.26)  = . A3 A3

In view of (C.21) and (B.30), we can write

μν gμν = g , μ, ν = 0, 1, 2, 3. (C.27)

In Galilean coordinates, both the contravariant and covariant components of a four- vector are real. Let us have a look over the relations written in the previous section in Euclidean complex representation. At the beginning, we choose the contravariant Levi-Civita permutation symbol as 0123 =+1. (C.28)

It then follows that

σκυζ μνλρ μνλρ = gμσgνκgλυgρζ  =− , (C.29) because irrespective of the order of the four different indices, the product of the four metric tensor components is − 1. Then we have    μ μ μ μ   δσ δκ δυ δθ   ν ν ν ν  μνλρ =− δσ δκ δυ δθ  .  σκυθ  λ λ λ λ  (C.30)  δσ δκ δυ δθ   ρ ρ ρ ρ  δσ δκ δυ δθ

Summation over two, three, and four pairs of indices gives

μνλρ =− ! μν =− μ ν − μ ν ,  σκλρ 2 δσκ 2 δσ δκ δκ δσ μνλρ =− ! μ =− μ,  σνλρ 3 δσ 6 δσ (C.31) μνλρ  μνλρ =−4!=−24.

μν ˜μν = 1 μνλρ . If A is an antisymmetric tensor, its dual is the pseudotensor A 2  Aλρ ˜μν The product A Aμν is a . In the same way, we observe that the anti- μνλρ μ symmetric pseudotensor  Aρ and the four-vector A are dual to each other. ∂ The symbol of ∂xμ is a covariant four-vector, while the symbol ∂ is a contravariant four-vector. ∂xμ Appendix C: Representations of Minkowski Space 623

Consider now, as we already did in the Euclidean representation of Minkowski space, the four possible types of integrals and the relations between them: 1) Line integral, with the arc element dxμ. 2) Integral over a two-dimensional surface, with the surface element

1 dS˜μν = μνλρdS (C.32) 2 λρ which, geometrically, is an area element orthogonal (and quantitatively equal) to dSμν . 3) Integral over a three-dimensional hypersurface, of surface element

1 dS˜μ =− μνλρdS , 3! νλρ ρ dSμνλ = μνλρdS , (C.33)

such as ˜0 123 dS =−dS123 = dS , etc. (C.34)

The four-vector dS˜μ has its modulus equal to the area of the hypersurface element, being orthogonal to it. 4) Integral over a four-dimensional domain, the elementary hypervolume being

0 1 2 3 μ dΩ = dx dx dx dx = dx dSμ (no summation), (C.35)

μ where the line element dx and the hypersurface element dSμ are orthogonal. The divergence theorem in this representation is   ∂ Aμ AμdS = dΩ, (C.36) μ ∂xμ while the Stokes theorem takes the form    1 ∂ A ∂ A A dxμ = ν − μ dSμν . (C.37) μ 2 ∂xμ ∂xν

Finally, the generalization of (C.19) in the hyperbolic representation of Minkowski space is     1 ∂ Aμν ∂ Aμν ∂ Aμν Aμν dS˜ = dS − dS = dS . (C.38) μν 2 ∂xν μ ∂xμ ν ∂xν μ 624 Appendix C: Representations of Minkowski Space

C.3 Representation in General

One can represent the Minkowski space in the most general manner in a system of general curvilinear coordinates. These considerations are especially useful in the study of the gravitational field which, according to general relativity, manifests itself through the curvature of space-time. However, locally, the space-time is flat (of Minkowski type) and the coordinate systems are in their turn locally defined. In general curvilinear coordinates, the metric tensor gμν depends on the coordinates. Let us first express the law of transformation of the Levi-Civita symbol when one passes from the Galilean coordinates xμ to an arbitrary set of general curvilinear coordinates, xμ = xμ(xν ), μ, ν = 0, 1, 2, 3. According to the rule of transforma- tion, we have ∂xσ ∂xκ ∂xξ ∂xυ  =  , (C.39) μνλρ ∂xμ ∂xν ∂xλ ∂xρ σκξυ

μ  where σκξυ is defined in the Galilean coordinates x , and μνλρ in the curvilinear coordinates xμ. ν , , = , , , If Aμ μ ν 0 1 2 3 is an arbitrary second-order mixed tensor, it can be shown that σ κ ξ υ = , Aμ Aν Aλ Aρ σκξυ A μνλρ (C.40)

= ( ν ) where A det Aμ . Relation (C.40) is a generalization in four dimensions of (A.21). Then we may write  ∂xμ 1  = det  =  , μνλρ ∂xν μνλρ J μνλρ where ∂(x0, x1, x2, x3) J = (C.41) ∂(x0, x1, x2, x3) is the functional determinant of the transformation xμ → xμ. Using the transforma- tion rule, we have also ∂xλ ∂xρ g = η , μν ∂xμ ∂xν λρ where ηλρ = diag(1, −1, −1, −1) is the Minkowski metric tensor. If we take the = 1 ( ) = (  ) determinant of the above relation, we find g J 2 det ημν , where g det gμν . Since det(ημν ) =−1, we have 1 J = √ . (C.42) −g

We then define the antisymmetric unit tensor in curvilinear coordinates by √ δμνλρ = −gμνλρ. (C.43) Appendix C: Representations of Minkowski Space 625

The transformation rule of the contravariant components μνλρ is found in a similar way: ∂xμ ∂xν ∂xλ ∂xρ μνλρ = σκξυ = J μνλρ, ∂xσ ∂xκ ∂xξ ∂xυ that is 1 δμνλρ = √ μνλρ, (C.44) −g with μνλρ = δμνλρ.Inviewof(C.43) and (C.44), relation (C.29) yields

μνλρ δμνλρ = gδ . (C.45)

If g =−1, we find the Galilean formula (C.29). Let us now write the transformation rule of the four-dimensional elementary vol- ume. In Galilean coordinates, dΩ = dx0dx1dx2dx3 is an invariant. In the curvilinear μ Ω = Ω coordinates x the element of volume is d Jd . Since√ the four-volume must be an invariant, in the new coordinates xμ not dΩ,but −g dΩ has to be used as integration (hyper)volume element:

1 √ dΩ → dΩ = −g dΩ. (C.46) J √ Ω − If, as a result of integration√ over of the quantity gϕ, with ϕ a scalar, one obtains − an invariant, then gϕ√is called a scalar density. In√ the same way are defined the notions of vector density −g Aμ and −g T μν , respectively. The elementary three-dimensional surface is

√ 1 √ 1 −g dS =−  −g dSνλρ =− δ dSνλρ. (C.47) μ 3! μνλρ 3! μνλρ Similarly, the two-dimensional surface element is

√ 1 √ 1 −g dS˜ = −g dSλρ = δ dSλρ. (C.48) μν 2! μνλρ 2! μνλρ

C.4 Differential Operators in General Curvilinear Coordinates

In the fundamental equations of conservation involve the vector or tensor four-divergence operators, written in terms of the usual derivatives. On curved space-times the usual partial derivatives with respect to coordinates have to be replaced by covariant derivatives, as we have explained in Sect. 9.4.Herearethe most important differential operators, expressed in curvilinear coordinates. 626 Appendix C: Representations of Minkowski Space

As an auxiliary step, let us calculate the derivative √ ∂ √ 1 ∂g −g ∂g ( −g) =− √ = . (C.49) ∂xν 2 −g ∂xν 2g ∂xν

But        ···   ∂g00 ··· ∂g03   g ··· g   g00 g03   ∂xν ∂xν   00 03  ∂g ∂  . . .   . . .   . .. .  =  . .. .  =  . .. .  + ...+  . . .  ∂xν ∂xν        ···   ···   ∂g30 ··· ∂g33  g30 g33 g30 g33 ∂xν ∂xν ∂g ∂g ∂g = 0σ G0σ + ...+ 3σ G3σ = ρσ Gρσ, (C.50) ∂xν ∂xν ∂xν

ρσ where G is the algebraic complement of the element gρσ in the determinant g.By means of (B.30), we have also √ √ √ − ρσ − ∂ g G g ρσ −g = g , = g g , , ∂xν 2 g ρσ ν 2 ρσ ν which gives √ 1 ρσ 1 ∂ g g , = √ −g . (C.51) 2 ρσ ν −g ∂xν

On the other hand, if in  1 ∂g ∂g ∂g Γ μ = gμσ σλ + νσ − λν νλ 2 ∂xν ∂xλ ∂xσ we set μ = λ, one obtains  λ 1 σλ 1 σλ ∂gνσ ∂gλν Γ = g g , + g − . (C.52) νλ 2 σλ ν 2 ∂xλ ∂xσ

Since the metric tensor is symmetric, and the expression in parentheses is antisym- metric in the same indices (σ, λ), the last term vanishes. Relations (C.51) and (C.52) then yield 1 ∂ √ Γ λ = √ −g . (C.53) νλ −g ∂xν

This formula is of help in defining operators such as divergence, gradient, curl, and d’Alembertian in general curvilinear coordinates. Appendix C: Representations of Minkowski Space 627

C.4.1 Divergence

Consider the contravariant vector Aν , and take its

∇ ν ≡ ν = ν + Γ ν λ. μ A A;μ A,μ μλ A (C.54)

Setting now ν = μ and using (C.53), we find

1 ∂ √ Aμ = Aμ + Γ μ Aλ = Aμ + √ −g Aλ, ;μ ,μ μλ ,μ −g ∂xλ or, if one suitably changes the summation index in the last term,

1 ∂ √ Aμ = √ −g Aμ . (C.55) ;μ −g ∂xμ

This is the covariant four-divergence of Aμ. Let us now consider the contravariant tensor Aμλ, and take its covariant derivative:

μλ = μλ + Γ λ μσ + Γ μ σλ. A;ν A,ν σν A σν A (C.56)

Setting now λ = ν and using (C.53), we have

∇ μν ≡ μν = μν + Γ ν μσ + Γ μ σν ν A A;ν A,ν σν A σν A 1 ∂ √ = Aμν + √ −g Aμν + Γ μ Aσν. ,ν −g ∂xν σν

In the second term on the r.h.s. we made a convenient change of summation indices. Therefore 1 ∂ √ Aμν = √ −g Aμν + Γ μ Aσν, (C.57) ;ν −g ∂xν σν which is the covariant four-divergence of Aμν .IfAμν is antisymmetric, and recalling Γ μ that σν is symmetric in the lower indices, we are left with 1 ∂ √ Aμν = √ −g Aμν . (C.58) ;ν −g ∂xν

C.4.2 Gradient

Consider the scalar function Φ. Its covariant derivative reduces, obviously, to the usual derivative, which is a covariant vector:

Φ;ν = Φ,ν = Aν . (C.59) 628 Appendix C: Representations of Minkowski Space

The contravariant components of Aν are

∂Φ Aμ = gμν A = gμν . (C.60) ν ∂xν

Introducing (C.50)into(C.55), we obtain the d’Alembertian2 of Φ:  1 ∂ √ ∂Φ Aμ =  Φ = √ −ggμν . (C.61) ;μ −g ∂xμ ∂xν

This is the most straightforward method to write the d’Alembertian (or the Laplacian) in any coordinate system (see Appendix D).

C.4.3 Curl

Consider the covariant four-vector Aν and form the covariant antisymmetric four- tensor Fμν = Aν;μ − Aμ;ν .

But − = − Γ λ − − Γ λ = − . Aν;μ Aμ;ν Aν,μ μν Aλ Aμ,ν νμ Aλ Aν,μ Aμ,ν

Consequently, Fμν = Aν;μ − Aμ;ν = Aν,μ − Aμ,ν . (C.62)

The quantities (C.62) represent a four-dimensional curl, generalizing the notion of three-dimensional curl. One observes that the quantities (C.62) do not depend on the metric.

2This is also known as the Laplace–Beltrami operator. Rigorously speaking, the Laplace–Beltrami operator (C.61) is the generalization of the Laplacian to an elliptic operator defined on a Riemannian  = 1 ∂2 − Δ manifold, the “usual” d’Alembertian v2 ∂t2 being the particular form of the Laplace– Beltrami operator in Minkowski space. Appendix D Curvilinear Coordinates

D.1 Curvilinear Coordinates

Let r be the radius-vector of some point P and xi , i = 1, 2, 3 its Cartesian coordi- nates. Suppose that there exist three real independent parameters xi , so that

xi = xi (xk ), i, k = 1, 2, 3 . (D.1)

To be (at least locally) reversible, i.e. to have

xi = xi (xk ), i, k = 1, 2, 3 , (D.2) it is necessary that the determinant of the Jacobian matrix be nonvanishing,   ∂(x1, x2, x3) J = det = 0. (D.3) ∂(x1, x2, x3)

If we fix the values of two parameters, say x2 and x3, we obtain the curve x1 = variable. In the same way one can obtain the curves x2 = variable and x3 = variable. Thus, through each point of space pass three coordinate curves. The parameters xi are called curvilinear coordinates of the point P. If at the point P (or any other point) the vectors

∂r e = , i = 1, 2, 3, (D.4) i ∂xi tangent to the three coordinate curves, form a right orthogonal trihedron, then x1, x2, x3 form an orthogonal coordinate system.

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016 629 M. Chaichian et al., Electrodynamics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-17381-3 630 Appendix D: Curvilinear Coordinates

D.1.1 Element of

An elementary of the point P is written as

∂r dr = dxi = e dxi . (D.5) ∂xi i

Condition (D.3) shows that the three vectors e1, e2, e3 are linearly independent, therefore they form a basis. Indeed,  ∂r ∂r ∂r (e , e , e ) = , , = J 1 2 3 ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3 and the determinant of this matrix is non-zero. The squared arc element (the metric) is 2 i k i k ds = dr · dr = ei dx · ek dx = gik dx dx , (D.6) where gik is the covariant metric tensor. If we fix x2 and x3, we obtain the elementary arc length on the coordinate curve √ 1 2 1 2 1 x = variable: (d1s) = g11 dx , that is (d1s) = g11 dx . In a similar way, we find two more relations. Therefore √ (d s) = g dx1 , 1 √ 11 (d s) = g dx2 , (D.7) 2 √ 22 3 (d3s) = g33 dx .

The elementary arc length is then √ √ √ 1 2 3 ds = g11 dx u1 + g22 dx u2 + g33 dx u3, (D.8) where u1, u2, u3 are the unit vectors of the basis vectors e1, e2, e3.

D.1.2 Area Element

The area element constructed, for example, on the length elements d1s and d2s,is

∂r ∂r dS = d s × d s = × dx1 dx2, 3 1 2 ∂x1 ∂x2 1 2 |dS3| =|e1 × e2| dx dx . (D.9)

Thus, dS3 is orthogonal to the plane determined by e1 and e2 (but not necessarily pointing in the e3 direction). Appendix D: Curvilinear Coordinates 631

D.1.3 Volume Element

This quantity is found by taking the mixed product: √ 1 2 3 1 2 3 dτ = (d1s, d2s, d3s) = (e1, e2, e3) dx dx dx = g dx dx dx . (D.10)

D.2 First-Order Differential Operators in Curvilinear Coordinates

All formulas obtained in Appendix C for the operators divergence, gradient, and curl are, obviously, valid also in three dimensions. Omitting the “prime” superscript for coordinates, we re-write the specified formulas:

1 ∂ √ div A = √ g Ai , i = 1, 2, 3 , (D.11) g ∂xi Φ Φ ∂ i ik ∂ (grad Φ)i = ,(grad Φ) = g , (D.12) ∂xi  ∂xk 1 ∂ √ ∂Φ ΔΦ = √ ggik . (D.13) g ∂xi ∂xk

To express the curl-operator, we consider the antisymmetric tensor (see (C.62)):

Fik = Ak,i − Ai,k (D.14) and let Bi be its associated dual (see (C.43)):

1√ B = g F jk . (D.15) i 2 ijk Therefore, the covariant and contravariant components of curl A are

1√ (curl A) = g F jk, i 2 ijk 1 1 (curl A)i = √ ijkF . (D.16) 2 g jk 632 Appendix D: Curvilinear Coordinates

D.2.1 Differential Operators in Terms of Orthogonal Components

If the basis vectors e1, e2, e3 form an orthogonal trihedron, the curvilinear coor- dinates are called orthogonal. In such a coordinate system the metric tensor gik is diagonal: g , i = k (no summation), g = ii (D.17) ik 0 , i = k.

In curvilinear orthogonal coordinates one usually utilizes the orthogonal (or phys- ical) components, instead of contravariant and covariant components of vectors and tensors. To find the transformation relations between the contravariant (covariant) components of a vector A and its orthogonal components, we represent the vector in the basis {ek }k=1,2,3, then take the dot product by the unit vector of the coordinate curve on which the projection is made. Denoting by A(i) the orthogonal components, we then have √ √ k k k A(i) = A · ui = A ek · ui = A gkk uk · ui = A gkk δik √ √ √ i ii 1 1 = gii A = gii g Ai = gii Ai = √ Ai (no summation), gii gii or

i 1 A = √ A( ), g i √ ii Ai = gii A(i) . (D.18)

Using (D.18), we are now able to write the differential operators (D.11)–(D.16)in curvilinear orthogonal coordinates:      1 ∂ g ∂ g ∂ g div A = √ A( ) + A( ) + A( ) , 1 1 2 2 3 3 g ∂x g11 ∂x g22 ∂x g33 or, since g = g11 g22 g33,  1 ∂ √ ∂ √ div A = √ g g A( ) + g g A( ) g ∂x1 22 33 1 ∂x2 33 11 2  ∂ √ + g g A( ) . (D.19) ∂x3 11 22 3 Appendix D: Curvilinear Coordinates 633


∂Φ √ (grad Φ) = = g (grad Φ)( ) , i ∂xi ii i Φ i ii ∂ 1 ( Φ) = g = √ ( Φ)( ) , grad i grad i ∂x gii which are, in fact, one and the same relation,

1 ∂Φ ( Φ)( ) = √ . grad i i (D.20) gii ∂x

Similarly,    1 ∂ g g ∂Φ ∂ g g ∂Φ ΔΦ = √ 22 33 + 33 11 g ∂x1 g ∂x1 ∂x2 g ∂x2 11  22  ∂ g g ∂Φ + 11 22 . (D.21) 3 3 ∂x g33 ∂x


1 1 1 jk (curl A)(i) = √ (curl A)i = √ ijkF (no summation over i). (D.22) gii 2 gii

We shall present the detailed calculation of one component, the other two being obtained by cyclic permutations. For example,  √ √ 23 22 33 1 ∂ A3 ∂ A2 (curl A)( ) = g g F = g g g g F = √ − 1 22 33 22 33 23 g g ∂x2 ∂x3  22 33  1 ∂ √ ∂ √ = √ g A( ) − g A( ) . 2 33 3 3 22 2 g22g33 ∂x ∂x

The orthogonal components of curl A therefore are   1 ∂ √ ∂ √ (curl A)( ) = √ g A( ) − g A( ) , 1 g g ∂x2 33 3 ∂x3 22 2 22 33   1 ∂ √ ∂ √ (curl A)( ) = √ g A( ) − g A( ) , (D.23) 2 g g ∂x3 11 1 ∂x1 33 3 33 11   1 ∂ √ ∂ √ (curl A)( ) = √ g A( ) − g A( ) . 3 1 22 2 2 11 1 g11g22 ∂x ∂x 634 Appendix D: Curvilinear Coordinates

Observation: Sometimes one uses the notation √ g = h , √ 11 1 g = h , √ 22 2 g33 = h3.

The quantities hi , i = 1, 2, 3 are called Lamé’s coefficients.

D.2.2 Differential Operators in Spherical and Cylindrical Coordinates

D.2.3 Spherical Coordinates

In spherical coordinates, the metric of the Euclidean three-dimensional space reads

ds2 = dr2 + r 2 dθ2 + r 2 sin2 θ dϕ2. (D.24)

We choose x1 = r, x2 = θ, x3 = ϕ and obtain the components of the metric tensor:

1 g = = 1, 11 g11 1 g = = r 2, (D.25) 22 g22 1 g = = r 2 sin2 θ, 33 g33 which allow us to write the differential operators in spherical coordinates, as follows:  1 ∂ ∂ div A = r 2 sin θA + (r sin θA ) 2 r θ r sin θ ∂r ∂θ ∂ + rA , (D.26) ∂ϕ ϕ ∂Φ 1 ∂Φ 1 ∂Φ grad Φ = ur + uθ + uϕ , (D.27) ∂r r ∂θ r sin θ∂ϕ 1 ∂ ∂Φ 1 ∂ ∂Φ ΔΦ = r 2 + sin θ r 2 ∂r ∂r sin θ ∂θ ∂θ  1 ∂2Φ + , (D.28) sin θ ∂ϕ2 Appendix D: Curvilinear Coordinates 635   

1 ∂ ∂ Aθ 1 ∂ Ar curl A = Aϕ sin θ − ur + r sin θ ∂θ  ∂ϕ r sin θ ∂ϕ ∂ 1 ∂ ∂ A − rA sin θ u + (rA ) − r u , (D.29) ∂r ϕ θ r ∂r θ ∂θ ϕ where ur , uθ, uϕ are the unit vectors of the three reciprocally orthogonal directions r, θ, ϕ.

D.2.4 Cylindrical Coordinates

In cylindrical coordinates, the metric of the Euclidean three-dimensional space reads:

ds2 = dρ2 + ρ2dϕ2 + dz2. (D.30)

Choosing x1 = ρ, x2 = ϕ, x2 = z,wehave

1 g = = 1, 11 g11 1 g = = ρ2, (D.31) 22 g22 1 g = = 1. 33 g33

In view of (D.31), the differential operators in cylindrical coordinates are   1 ∂ ∂ A ∂ div A = ρ A + ϕ + (ρ A ) , (D.32) ρ ∂ρ ρ ∂ϕ ∂z z ∂Φ 1 ∂Φ ∂Φ grad Φ = u + u + k , (D.33) ∂ρ ρ ρ ∂ϕ ϕ ∂z    1 ∂ ∂Φ 1 ∂2Φ ∂2Φ ΔΦ = ρ + + ρ , (D.34) 2 2 ρ ∂ρ ∂ρ ρ ∂ϕ ∂z 1 ∂ Az ∂ Aϕ ∂ Aρ ∂ Az curl A = − uρ + − uϕ ρ ∂ϕ ∂z ∂z ∂ρ ∂ A 1 1 ∂ A + ϕ + A − ρ k , (D.35) ∂ρ ρ ϕ ρ ∂ϕ where uρ, uϕ, k are the unit vectors of the three reciprocally orthogonal directions ρ, ϕ, z. Appendix E Dirac’s δ-Function

E.1 Basic Facts

As we have seen in Sect. 1.2, the spatial density of an electric charge distribution consisting of a single point charge is zero everywhere, except for the location of the point charge, where it is infinite. This is an example of a distribution. A distribution is a mathematical expression that is well defined only when integrated with suitable test functions. While an analytic function g = g(x) is defined as a set of values of g corresponding to a set of values of x, a distribution is a functional characterized by the fact that to each function there corresponds a number. In the case of the delta function, it is a mathematical meaningful object only under an integral, as we shall soon see. The Dirac δ function3 can be defined by means of several bona fide functions tending to δ in the limit. Let, for example, δ(x, α) be a function depending on the variable x and a parameter α > 0, which obeys the conditions

0, for x = 0, lim δ(x, α) = α→0 ∞, for x = 0,  +∞ lim δ(x, α) dx = 1. (E.1) α→0 −∞

3The delta function appeared for the first time in 1822, in the work of Joseph Fourier (1768–1830) on the Analytical theory of heat. However, Fourier did not identify it specifically as an independent object. In 1930, Paul Dirac (1902–1984) introduced it as a convenient notation, in his book The Principles of Quantum . Its role in Dirac’s book was as a continuous analogue of the symbol, which gave it also the name of delta function. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016 637 M. Chaichian et al., Electrodynamics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-17381-3 638 Appendix E: Dirac’s δ-Function

Let us denote

δ(x) = lim δ(x, α), α→0  +∞  +∞ δ(x)dx = lim δ(x, α) dx = 1. (E.2) −∞ α→0 −∞

Remark that (E.2)2 is only a notation, because the operations of “limit” and “inte- gration” could be reversed only if δ(x, α) were uniformly convergent for x = 0 and α → 0. The same meaning is understood when writing

 +∞  +∞ f (x)δ(x)dx = lim f (x)δ(x, α)dx, (E.3) −∞ α→0 −∞ where f (x) is a smooth function with compact support. Such a function is called a test function of the δ distribution. Let [a, b] be a closed interval on the x-axis, and x0 a point on the axis. Then

0, x = x0 , δ(x − x0) = (E.4) ∞, x = x0 ,  b , ∈[ , ] , ( − ) = 1 x0 a b δ x x0 dx , ∈[/ , ] . (E.5) a 0 x0 a b

If we extend the domain of integration between −∞ and +∞, then

 +∞ δ(x − x0)dx = 1. (E.6) −∞

By definition,  +∞ f (x) δ(x − x0)dx = f (x0), (E.7) −∞ where f (x) is non-zero only for x ∈ (a, b).Forx0 = 0, we have

 +∞ δ[ f ]≡ f (x) δ(x)dx = f (0). (E.8) −∞

Relations (E.7) and (E.8) express the so-called sifting property of the δ function. In the above relations, f (x) is a test function and the δ distribution evaluates it at the point 0. The notation δ[ f ] emphasizes the fact that δ is a linear functional on the space of test functions, and as such it is defined by (E.8). Appendix E: Dirac’s δ-Function 639

E.1.1 Representations of the Dirac Delta Function

1) Let δ(x, α) be given by

1 α δ(x, α) = , α > 0. (E.9) π α2 + x2


1 α 0, x = 0 , lim δ(x, α) = lim = α→0 α→0 π α2 + x2 ∞ , x = 0 ,    +∞ 1 +∞ αdx 1 x ∞ δ(x, α)dx = = arctan  = 1. −∞ π −∞ α2 + x2 π α ∞

2) As a second representation, consider    1 , x ∈ − α , + α , δ(x, α) = α  2 2  (E.10) , ∈/ − α , + α . 0 x 2 2

We have   +∞ 1 +α/2 δ(x, α) f (x)dx = f (x)dx. −∞ α −α/2

The mean value theorem gives

 + α  + / 2 α 2 f (x)dx = f (ξ) dx = α f (ξ), − α − / 2 α 2   ∈ − α , + α where ξ 2 2 . Therefore

 +∞  +∞ lim δ(x, α)dx = δ(x)dx, α→0 −∞ −∞   → − α , + α because in the limit α 0 the closed interval 2 2 reduces to a point, namely the origin. This way, the definition (E.8) is verified. 3) Consider, as a third and last example,

1 − x2 δ(x, α) = √ e α2 , (E.11) α π which is a Gaussian-type distribution. Since

 +∞  +∞ 2 1 − x 1 −t2 √ e α2 dx = √ e dt = 1, α π −∞ π −∞ 640 Appendix E: Dirac’s δ-Function it follows that 1 − x2 lim √ e α2 = δ(x). α→0 α π

E.2 Properties of the Dirac Delta Function

◦ 1 Linearity. Let f1(x) and f2(x) be two test function, and a, b two constants. Then

 +∞  +∞  +∞ δ(x)[af1(x) + bf2(x)]dx = a δ(x) f1(x)dx + b δ(x) f2(x)dx. (E.12) −∞ −∞ −∞

This expresses the fact that δ function is a linear functional on the space of test functions. 2◦ Distributional derivative(s). If g(x) is a function with the property limx→±∞ g(x) = 0, then

 +∞  +∞  +∞  +∞   f (x) g (x)dx =[f g]−∞ − f (x) g(x)dx =− f (x) g(x)dx. (E.13) −∞ −∞ −∞

This property of functions is extended to the δ distribution, in order to define the distributional derivative δ. Thus, the distributional derivative of the δ function is another distribution, δ, acting on smooth test functions with compact support by

 +∞  +∞ δ[ f ]= f (x) δ(x)dx =− f (x) δ(x)dx =−f (0). (E.14) −∞ −∞

In general,  +∞   ( ) (n)( ) = (− )n (n)( ) . f x δ x dx 1 f x x=0 (E.15) −∞

3◦ Composition with a function. Consider y = y[x(t)]. Then   +∞ +∞ dt f (t) δ[x(t)]dt = f [t(x)] δ(x) dx. (E.16) −∞ −∞ dx

This relation is considered as definition of the distribution δ[x(t)], where x(t) is a function. 4◦ Symmetry. As an application, let us calculate

 +∞  −∞ f (x)δ(−x)dx =− f (−y) δ(y)dy −∞ +∞  +∞  +∞ = f (−y) δ(y)dy = f (0) = f (x)δ(x)dx, −∞ −∞ Appendix E: Dirac’s δ-Function 641

wherewehaveused(E.8) in writing the last equality. Since this relation holds for any suitable test function f (x), it follows that

δ(−x) = δ(x), (E.17)

which means that the delta function is even. 5◦ Scaling. Let us make a change of variable y = ax, where the constant a is either positive, or negative. If a > 0, we have      +∞ +∞ y dy 1 +∞ δ(x) f (x)δ(ax)dx = f δ(y) = f (0) = f (x) dx. −∞ −∞ a a a −∞ a

If a < 0, the use of property (E.17) yields δ(ax) = δ(−ax). The last relation then gives 1 δ(ax) = δ(x). (E.18) |a|

6◦ Three-dimensional version. In three dimensions, denoting r = (x, y, z), the delta function is defined by

( − ) = ( − ) ( − ) ( − ), δ r r0 δ x x0 δ y y0 δ z z0 0, r = r , δ(r − r ) = 0 (E.19) 0 ∞, r = r ,  0 1, P (x , y , z ) ∈ D , δ(r − r )dr = 0 0 0 0 (E.20) 0 0, P (x , y , z )/∈ D ,  D 0 0 0 0 ( ), ∈ , ( ) ( − ) = f r0 r0 D f r δ r r0 dr , ∈/ , (E.21) D 0 r0 D

or, if the domain of integration is extended over the whole space,

 +∞ f (r) δ(r − r0)dr = f (r0), (E.22) −∞

where dr = dx dydz. 7◦ Fourier expansion. Let f (r) ≡ f (x, y, z) be an arbitrary function of coordinates. Its Fourier transform is  1 F(k) = f (r)e−ik·rdr , (E.23) (2π)3/2

The inverse Fourier transform is  1 f (r) = F(k) eik·rdk , (E.24) (2π)3/2 642 Appendix E: Dirac’s δ-Function

with dk = dkx dky dkz. The last two relations then yield  1  f (r) = f (r) eik·(r−r )dr dk ( )3 2π    1  = f (r) eik·(r−r ) dk dr. (2π)3

Using (E.22), one then obtains  1  δ(r − r) = eik·(r−r )dk, (E.25) (2π)3

which is the Fourier expansion of the three-dimensional delta function. 8◦ Suppose that the continuously differentiable function ϕ(x) has n simple roots, i.e.  ϕ(xi ) = 0, ϕ (xi ) = 0, i = 1, 2,...,n.

Then we have   +∞ n ai f (x) δ[ϕ(x)]dx = f (x) δ[ϕ(x)]dx, −∞ i=1 ai−1

where a0 < x1 < a1 < x2 < a2 < ... < an−1 < xn < an.

By means of (E.18), we can write

  + ai xi    f (x ) f (x) δ ϕ(x) dx = f (x) δ ϕ(x )(x − x ) dx = i , [ ] i i | ( )| ai−1 xi − ϕ xi

that is   +∞ n ( ) +∞ n ( − ) ( ) ( ) = f xi = ( ) δ x xi , f x δ [ϕ x ] dx  f x  dx −∞ |ϕ (x )| −∞ |ϕ (x )| i=1 i i=1 i

which yields n δ(x − x ) δ [ϕ(x)] = i . (E.26) |ϕ(x )| i=1 i

In particular, if ϕ(x) = x2 − a2,wehave

1   δ(x2 − a2) = δ(x + a) + δ(x − a) . (E.27) 2|a| Appendix E: Dirac’s δ-Function 643

In Eq. (1.6)wewrote ρ(r) = q δ(r − r0).

We then can make the following interpretations: a) δ(x) is the linear charge density of a charge distribution formed by a single point charge of value +1 (Coulomb), situated at the origin of coordinates; b) δ(x − x0) is the linear density of an electric charge of value +1, situated at the point of coordinate x0; c) δ(r − r0) is the volume charge density of a distribution formed by a single point charge of value +1, situated at the point P0(r0). Appendix F Green’s Function

Numerous physical phenomena are described by equations of the type

Lf(r) = u(r), (F.1) where L is a linear differential operator, f (r) is an unknown function, and u(r) is a given function. The function u(r) is viewed as a source for the field (output) f (r). Let us write the source as a superposition of delta functions, i.e.  u(r) = δ(r − r)u(r)dr. (F.2)

The inhomogeneous differential equation (F.1) can be then written as  Lf(r) = LG(r − r)u(r)dr, with G(r − r) being any solution of the equation

LG(r, r) = δ(r − r), (F.3) and being called the Green function of the differential operator L. Clearly, the Green function is the impulse response of the inhomogeneous differential equation (F.1). By the principle of superposition, if G(r, r) is the solution of the differential equation with δ-function type of source, and the source u(r) is a superposition (F.2)ofδ functions, then the solution of Eq. (F.1) is a superposition of Green’s functions, i.e.  f (r) = G(r, r) u(r)dr. (F.4)

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016 645 M. Chaichian et al., Electrodynamics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-17381-3 646 Appendix F: Green’s Function

The electrodynamical phenomena encountered in the text are described by non- homogeneous second-order partial differential equations of the form

Lf(x) =−ρ(x), (F.5) where the operator L stands for the Laplacian Δ, or the d’Alembertian , etc., x is a variable (or a group of variables x1, x2,...), while the scalar function ρ(x) is called the source density.If f (x) is a vector function, then ρ(x) is also a vector function. Such equations are, for example, Eq. (4.198) of the electrodynamic potentials in variable regime, where the role of source density is played by the spatial density of electric charge, or the conduction current density, respectively. The solution of Eq. (F.5) can be formally written as

f (x) =−L−1 ρ(x). (F.6)

The inverse L−1 of the differential operator is another differential operator, with the property that L−1 L ρ(x) = ρ(x).

Using the Dirac delta function, we may write  ρ(x) = ρ(x) δ(x − x)dx. (F.7) D

Since the operator L acts on the variable x only, from (F.6) and (F.7) we find    f (x) =− ρ(x) L−1δ(x − x) dx. (F.8) D

According to (F.4), one can introduce Green’s function by the operation

 −1   G(x, x ) =−L δ(x − x ) + G0(x, x ), (F.9)

  where G0(x, x ) verifies the condition LG0(x, x ) = 0, that is    −1    LG(x, x ) =−L L δ(x − x ) + LG0(x, x ) =−δ(x − x ). (F.10)

In this case  f (x) = G(x, x)ρ(x)dx. (F.11) D

Equation(F.10) gives a method of finding the Green’s functions: one usually Fourier transforms the delta function according to (E.25), and (F.10) straightforwardly pro- vides the Fourier transform of the Green function. Appendix F: Green’s Function 647

Since the delta function is even, it then follows from (F.10) that the function G(x, x) is symmetric: G(x, x) = G(x, x).

From the physical point of view, this means that a source situated at the point P produces at the point P the same effect as that produced at P by a source situated at the point P. If we use as variables x, y, z, t, then Green’s function G(r, t; r, t) verifies the following equation(see (4.200)):

LG(r, t; r, t) =−δ(x − x)δ(y − y)δ(z − z)δ(t − t), (F.12) which means that the equation

Lf(r, t) =−ρ(r, t) (F.13) has the following solution  f (r, t) = G(r, t; r, t)ρ(r, t)drdt , (F.14) where dr = dxdydz. The problem of finding the solution of (F.13) therefore reduces to the determination of Green’s function for the studied case. We encountered such a situation in Sects. 4.9.1 and 8.6. Bibliography

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24. Fitzpatrick, R.: Maxwell’s Equations and the Principles of . Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Massachusetts (2008) 25. Fleich, D.: A Students Guide to Maxwell’s Equations. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2008) 26. Fock, V.A.: The Theory of Space. Time and . Macmillan, New York (1964) 27. French, A.P.: Special Relativity. Norton, New York (1968) 28. Fujimoto, M.: Physics of Classical Electromagnetism. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2007) 29. Good Jr., R.H., Nelson, T.J.: Classical Theory of Electric and Magnetic Fields. Academic Press, New York (1971) 30. Good Jr., R.H., Nelson, T.J.: Classical Theory of Electric and Magnetic Fields. Academic Press, New York (1971) 31. Greiner, W.: Classical Electrodynamics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1998) 32. Griffiths, J.B., Podolský, J.: Exact Space-Times in Einstein’s General Relativity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2009) 33. Griffiths, J.B., Podolský, J.: Exact Space-Times in Einstein’s General Relativity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2009) 34. Heald, M.A., Marion, J.B.: Classical Electromagnetic Radiation, 3rd edn. Saunders, Philadel- phia (1995) 35. Hehl, F.W., Obukhov, Yu.N.: Foundations of Classical Electrodynamics: Charge, , and Metric. Birkhäuser, Boston, MA (2003) 36. Hehl, F.W., Obukhov, YuN: Foundations of Classical Electrodynamics: Charge, Flux, and Metric. Birkhäuser, Boston, MA (2003) 37. Jackson, J.D.: Classical Electrodynamics, 3rd edn. Wiley, New York (1998) 38. Jauch, J.M., Rohrlich, F.: The Theory of Photons and Electrons. Springer, Berlin (1976) 39. Kacser, C.: Introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (1967) 40. Kilmister, C.W.: Special Theory of Relativity. Pergamon Press, Oxford (1970) 41. Kinoshita, T.: Quantum Electrodynamics. World Scientific, Singapore (1990) 42. Kompaneyets, A.S.: . Mir Publishers, Moscow (1961) 43. Kraus, J.D., Fleisch, D.A.: Electromagnetics with Applications, 5th edn. McGraw Hill, New York (1998) 44. Landau, L.D., Pitaevskii, L.P., Lifshitz, E.M.: Electrodynamics of Continuous Media. Course of Theoretical Physics, 2nd edn. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford (1984) 45. Lightman, A.P., Press, W.H., Price, R.H., Teukolski, S.A.: Problem Book in Relativity and Gravitation. Princeton University Press, Princeton (1975) 46. Lightman, A.P., Press, W.H., Price, R.H., Teukolski, S.A.: Problem Book in Relativity and Gravitation. Princeton University Press, Princeton (1975) 47. Lorraine, P., Corson, D.R.: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves. Freeman, New York (1970) 48. Lorentz, H.A., Einstein, A., Minkowski, H., Weyl, H.: The Principle of Relativity: A Collection of Original Memoirs on the Special and General Theory of Relativity. Dover, New York (1968) 49. Low, F.E.: Classical Theory: Electromagnetism and Gravitation. Wiley, New York (1997) 50. Maxwell, J.C.: Elementary Treatise on Electricity. Clarendon Press, Oxford (1888) 51. Maxwell, J.C.: Elementary Treatise on Electricity. Clarendon Press, Oxford (1888) 52. Melia, F.: Electrodynamics (Chicago Lectures in Physics). University of Chicago Press, Chicago (2001) 53. Melia, F.: Electrodynamics (Chicago Lectures in Physics). University of Chicago Press, Chicago (2001) 54. Mermin, N.D.: Space and Time in Relativity. McGraw-Hill, New York (1968) 55. Møller, C.: The Theory of Relativity. Oxford University Press, London (1952) 56. Nasar, S.A.: 2000 Solved Problems in Electromagnetics. McGraw-Hill, New York (1992) 57. Oppenheimer, J.R.: Lectures on Electrodynamics. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Philadelphia (1970) 58. Panofsky, W.K.H., Phillips, M.: Classical Electricity and Magnetism, 2nd edn. Dover Publica- tions, New York (2005) Bibliography 651

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A D Adams, Walter Sydney, 567 d’Alembert, Jean-Baptiste le Rond, 79 Airy, George Biddell, 338 Davy, Humphry, xvi Alfvén, Hannes Olof Gösta, 300 Democritus, xv Ampère, André-Marie, xvi, 84, 85, 115 Descartes, René, 185 Aristotle, xv Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice, 507, 637 Dirichlet, Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune, 16 Doppler, Christian Andreas, 338, 362 B Bargmann, Valentine, 505 Becquerel, Henri Antoine, 335 E Bekenstein, Jacob, 552 Eddington, Arthur, 566 Belinfante, Frederik Jozef, 478 Eichenwald, Alexander, 159 Bernal, John Desmond, 343 Einstein, Albert, xvii, 177, 335, 346, 360, 362, Biot, Jean-Baptiste, 84 377, 403, 404, 556 Bohr, Niels Henrik David, 261 Eötvös, Lórand, 513 Boltzmann, Ludwig Eduard, 177 Euler, Leonhard, 80 Bonch-Bruyevich, Alexey, 347 Bondi, Hermann, 557 Borgnis, Fritz Edward, 237 F Born, Max, 360 du Fay, Charles François, xv Bowditch, Nathaniel, 180 Faraday, Michael, xvi, 115, 117 Boyer, Robert H., 553 FitzGerald, George Francis, 344 Brace, DeWitt Bristol, 344 Fizeau, Armand Hippolyte Louis, 340 Bradley, James, 337, 364 Fock, Vladimir, 507 Busch, Hans, 166 Fourier, Jean-Baptiste Joseph, 637 Frank, Ilya Mikhailovich, 420 Franklin, Benjamin, xv C Fresnel, Augustin-Jean, 335 Cartan, Élie, 529 Friedmann, Alexander Alexandrovich, 554 Cavendish, Henry, 3, 564 Chapman, Sydney, 300 Cherenkov, Pavel Alekseyevich, 420 G Christoffel, Elwin Bruno, 511, 519 Gauss, Johann Carl Friedrich, x, 7, 597 Clausius, Rudolf, 57 Gilbert, William, xv Compton, Arthur Holly, 418 Goldstein, Herbert, 440 Comstock, Daniel Frost, 347 Gray, Stephen, xv Coulomb, Charles Augustin de, xvi, 3 Green, George, 597 Cowling, Thomas George, 300 Grossmann, Marcel, 511 Curie, Pierre, 102 Guericke, Otto von, xv

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016 653 M. Chaichian et al., Electrodynamics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-17381-3 654 Author Index

H Morley, Edward Williams, 340 Hafele, Joseph Carl, 360 Mössbauer, Rudolf, 568 Hawking, Stephen, 552 Mossotti, Ottaviano-Fabrizio, 57 Heaviside, Oliver, xvi, 420 Musschenbroeck, Pieter van, xv Henry, Joseph, 117 Herglotz, Gustav, 472 Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf, xvii, 144, 151, 335 N Hilbert, David, 537 Neumann, Franz, 117 Hubble, Edwin, 544 Neumann, John von, 16 Hulse, Russel, 576 Newcomb, Simon, 514 Newman, Ezra Ted, 553 Newton, Isaac, 335 I Noether, Amalie Emmy, 469 Ibn Sahl, 185 Nordström, Gunnar, 552 Ives, Herbert Eugene, 362

O J Ohm, Georg Simon, xvi, 82 Joule, James Prescott, xvi, 83 Ostrogradsky, Mikhail, 597

K P Keating, Richard E., 360 Palatini, Attilio, 539 Kerr, Roy Patrick, 553 Penrose, Roger, 552 Kramers, Hendrik Anthony, 219, 222 Petrus Peregrinus, xv Kronig, Ralph, 219, 222 Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig, 177, 335 Poincaré, Henri, xvii, 347 Poisson, Siméon Denis, xvi, 12, 564 L Pound, Robert Vivian, 567 Langevin, Paul, xvii, 359 Poynting, John Henry, 274 Laplace, Pierre-Simon de, xvi, 12 Proca, Alexandru, 507 Larmor, Sir Joseph, 149, 300 Laue, Max Theodor Felix von, 360 Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph, 514 R Lemaître, Georges, 544, 554, 557 Rankine, Alexander Oliver, 344 Lenz, Heinrich Friedrich Emil, 83 Rayleigh, John William Strutt, 3rd Baron, 226, Levi-Civita, Tullio, 511 261, 344 Liénard, Alfred-Marie, 250 Rebka, Glen Anderson, 567 Lindquist, Richard W., 553 Reissner, Hans Jacob, 552 Lissajous, Jules Antoine, 180 Ricci-Curbastro, Gregorio, 511 Lodge, Oliver Joseph, 226 Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard, 511 Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon, xvii, 120, 151, 155, Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad, 159, 335 214, 335, 344, 346, 347, 404 Robb, Alfred Arthur, 369 Lorenz, Ludvig Valentin, 139 Robertson, Howard Percy, 554 Rossi, Bruno Benedetto, 360 Rutherford, Ernest, 261 M Mach, Ernst Waldfried Josef Wenzel, 421 Maxwell, James Clerk, xvi, 3, 56, 115, 335 S Michel, Louis, 505 Savart, Félix, 84 Michelson, Albert Abraham, 340 Shapiro, Irwin Ira, 568 Miller, Dayton Clarence, 343 Sitter, Willem de, 347, 558 Mills, Robert, 143 Slipher, Vesto Melvin, 544 Minkowski, Hermann, 358, 377 Snellius, Willebrord, 185 Author Index 655

Soldner, Johann Georg von, 564 W Stilwell, G.R., 362 Walker, Arthur Geoffrey, 554 Stokes, George Gabriel, 335, 598 Weber, Wilhelm Eduard, 117 Weyl, Hermann, 143 Wheeler, John Archibald, 552 T Wiechert, Emil Johann, 250 Tamm, Igor Yevgenyevich, 420 Wigner, Eugene Paul, 392 Taylor, Joseph, 576 Wilson, Harold Albert, 159 Telegdi, Valentine, 505 Thales of Miletus, xv Thomson, Joseph John ”J.J.”, xvii, 120, 177, Y 226, 335 Yang, Chen-Ning, 143 Tolman, Richard Chace, 557 Yukawa, Hideki, 508 Trouton, Frederick Thomas, 344

Z V Zeeman, Pieter, 340 Vaidya, Prahalad Chunnilal, 551 Vasilescu-Karpen, Nicolae, 159 Vavilov, Sergey Ivanovich, 420 Ø Volta, Alessandro, 11 Ørsted, Hans Christian, x, 84 Subject Index

A B Aberration Bargmann–Michel–Telegdi (BMT) equation, angle, 337 505 astronomical, 337 Belinfante of light, 337, 364, 371, 424 energy-momentum tensor, 478 precession, 514 procedure, 479 stellar, 337 tensor, 478 Absolute Beltrami’s diffusion equation, 303 derivative, 523 Bernoulli equation differential, 526 relativistic hydrodynamics, 488 differential of a covariant four-vector, 523 relativistic magnetofluid , 490 future, 380 Bianchi identity past, 380 algebraic, 535 Absolutely remote events, 380 differential, 535 Advance of the perihelion, 563 first, 535 Alfvén second, 535 velocity, 306 Big Bang cosmology, 554, 559 wave, 307 Biot–Savart–Laplace law, 84 Ampère’s circuital law, 89 Birefringence, 202 Birkhoff’s theorem, 550 , 91 , 552, 553, 577 integral form, 91 binary, 576 Analogy between electrostatic and gravitational entropy, 552 phenomena, 513 , 552 Angular momentum Schwarzschild, 552, 584 flux density, 137 stable/unstable orbit around, 587 intrinsic, 478 Bohr magneton, 99 of the electromagnetic field, 137 Boltzmann’s equation, 299 tensor, 477 Borgnis Anomalous , 505 equation, 238 Antenna method, 237 full-wave, 270, 276, 280 Bound charges, 27 half-wave, 270, 276, 280 Bowditch curves, 180 Antipotentials, 143, 145 Brewster angle, 188 generalized, 158 Busch relation, 166 Applicability limit of classical electrodynamics, 296 Atomic clock, 360, 567 C Average power of dipole radiation, 261 Canonical Axial vector, 594 energy-momentum tensor, 473, 479

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016 657 M. Chaichian et al., Electrodynamics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-17381-3 658 Subject Index

tensor, 477 momentum (in electromagnetic processes), Cassini space probe, 571 136 Cauchy’s formula (contour integration), 219 Conservative field, 9, 596 Cauchy–Riemann conditions, 48 Constitutive relations, 28, 99, 119, 128, 130, Causality, 380 169, 197 Centre of mass covariant form, 458, 460 radius-vector, 410 , 78, 128, 129, 248, 477 relativistic law of motion, 410 differential form, 80 Centre of momentum frame (COM), 412 for electromagnetic energy, 132 Centre-fed thin linear antenna, 264 for entropy, 487 Charge for mass, 301 bound, 27, 120 for Noether currents, 471 , 81 in general curvilinear coordinates, 532 density, 4, 5 relativistically covariant form, 450 fictitious magnetic, 87 Contraction of two tensors, 609 free, 120 Contravariant metric tensor, 608 image, 34 Coordinate singularity, 550 linear distribution, 4 Coordinates point, 5 Boyer–Lindquist, 553 self-energy, 18 comoving, 557 spatial density, 27 curvilinear, 629 superficial density, 27 Eddington–Finkelstein, 551 superficial distribution, 4 Gullstrand–Painlevé, 551 volume distribution, 5 harmonic, 573 Cherenkov improper transformation, 593 cone, 425 in Sn, 603 counter, 425 inner/outer patch of Schwarzschild, 550 effect, 420 Kruskal–Szekeres, 551 radiation, 420 Novikov, 551 Christoffel connection, 524 null, 551 orthogonality condition, 593 of the first kind, 519 proper transformation, 593 of the second kind, 519 tortoise, 550 Clausius–Mossotti formula, 56 Cosmic Clebsch potentials, 317 dust, 557 Coefficient of magnetic , 301 scale factor, 554 Complex potential, 48 Cosmological Compton constant, 544, 556, 559 effect, 418 horizon, 559 scattering formula, 420 principle, 555 wavelength, 419 Coulomb Conductivity, 82 condition, 140 Conductors, 169 force, 5 Conformal gauge, 92 mapping, 47 law, xv, 3 transformation, 49 potential, 11 Connection coefficients, 519 screened potential, 508 Conservation law Coulomb (unit in SI), 3 angular momentum, 137 Covariant derivative electric charge, 81 of a contravariant four-vector, 524 energy (in electromagnetic processes), 131 of a contravariant tensor, 627 energy, momentum, and angular momentum of a contravariant vector, 627 of electromagnetic field and sources, 485 of a covariant four-vector, 523 Subject Index 659

Covariant four-divergence, 627 representations, 639 Critical frequency, 232 sifting property, 206, 638 Crystal test function, 638 biaxial, 202 Directional principal plane, 205 covariant derivative, 525 principal section, 205 derivative, 596 uniaxial, 202 Dirichlet boundary condition, 16 Curie temperature, 102 Dispersion Curl-free vector field, 597 anomal, 218 Curl of a vector field, 597 equation, 208, 216 Current density, 77 normal, 218 Current density four-vector, 532 phenomenon, 177 Curvature relations (Kramers–Kronig), 219 invariant, 536 Dispersive medium, 211 infinite, 551 Displacement current, 116 invariant, 537 Divergence of maximally symmetric spaces, 558 of a vector field, 597 of space-time, 511, 516, 541 theorem, 597 of space-time and , 522 Doppler effect, 338 tensor (Ricci), 536 anomalous, 425 tensor (Riemann), 533 longitudinal, 362 Curved manifold, 536 normal, 425 Cut-off frequency, 232 relativistic, 361, 370, 424 Cylindrical dipole, 52 transverse, 362, 424 Doppler shift, 338 Double layer D electrical, 21 d’Alembertian, 240 magnetic, 87 covariant form of the operator, 442 moment, 21, 88 operator, 441 power, 21, 88 Dark energy, 544, 545 Dual electromagnetic field tensor, 448 Deflection of light in strong gravitational fields, matrix form, 448 564 Diamagnetism, 100 Dielectric media, 53, 169 E Dipole Eddington–Finkelstein coordinates, 551 angular distribution, 270 Effective electric field, 155 cylindrical, 52 Eikonal, 224 electric, 277 Einstein’s electrostatic, 19, 22 equations (general relativity), 511, 537, electrostatic potential, 24 541, 544 magnetic, 84, 86, 254, 277 postulates, 344 magnetic moment, 86 static universe, 556 moment (electric), 19 tensor, 543 moment (magnetic), 96 Einstein–Cartan theory of gravitation, 530 orbital moment, 99 Einstein–Hilbert action, 537 oscillating, 253 Electric point-like, 19 capacity, 3 radiation, 257 charge conservation, 78, 81, 452 Dirac δ function, 5, 637 conductivity, 82 four-dimensional, 463 conductivity tensor, 320 Fourier representation, 206 current, 77 properties, 640 current density, 77 660 Subject Index

current intensity, 77 energy, 17 dipole moment, 19 flux, 7 dipole moment of a charge distribution, 24 intensity, 5, 6 dipole radiation, 257 potential, 9 displacement, 18, 28, 125 Electrostriction, 58 double layer, 21 eLISA, 576 images, 34 Energy induction, 125 dark, 544, 545 lenses, 167 electric dipole, 21 resistivity, 82 electron at rest, 296 stress tensor, 56 electrostatic field, 18 susceptibility, 29 equation in magnetofluid dynamics, 301 susceptibility tensor, 29 flux density of the field, 474 Electric field lines magnetic dipole, 87 differential equations, 7 magnetostatic field, 94 Electric field strength, 6 non-relativistic electron, 295 Electric pendulum, 3 of the electromagnetic field, 130 Electrodynamic potentials Energy-momentum quasi-stationary, 247 canonical tensor, 479, 544 retarded, 247 density tensor, 475 , 475, 544 (electrodynamic) potentials, 138 tensor of a perfect fluid, 545 energy conservation law, 131 tensor of the sources, 485 energy density, 132 tensor of vacuum, 545 energy flux, 136 vector, 475 field tensor, 439, 441 Equation(s) force, 134, 483 Bargmann–Michel–Telegdi (BMT), 505 force density, 134, 483 Beltrami’s diffusion, 303 induction, 117 covariant form of continuity, 451 matrix form of the field strength tensor, 442 Einstein’s, 537, 541 Maxwell’s stress tensor, 136 Fokker–Planck, 299 momentum, 134 Hamilton–Jacobi, 585 momentum flux, 136 Klein–Gordon, 508 radiation, 131 microscopic electromagnetic field, 120 waves, 169, 261 of continuity, 78, 132, 248 Electromagnetic field, 115, 120 of continuity in covariant form in the canonical , 479 presence of gravitation, 532 energy density, 480 of motion of a point charge in the presence energy-momentum tensor, 478 of gravitation, 532 matrix form of energy-momentum tensor, Proca, 508 481 Equipotential momentum density, 481 lines, 49 momentum density flux, 481 surface, 11, 596 symmetric energy-momentum tensor, 480 Euler’s formula, 244 Electromotive force, 117 Euler–Mascheroni constant, 271 Electron, 120 Event, 358, 377 classical radius, 295 horizon, 552 energy (non-relativistic), 295 Excitation four-tensors, 457 energy at rest, 296 Electrostatic dipole, 19 F multipoles, 22 Farad (unit in SI), 3 Electrostatic field, 3 Fermat principle, 224 Subject Index 661

Ferroelectric media, 29 Frequency filter, 232 Field Fresnel conservative, 9 ellipsoid, 199 electric, 5, 6 formula (law of ), 201 electrostatic, 5 formulas (for reflected and refracted irrotational, 10 waves), 187 lines, 6, 596 Friedmann model, 556 macroscopic electromagnetic, 120 Fundamental magnetostatic, 84 axioms of Maxwell’s phenomenological microscopic electromagnetic, 120 electrodynamics, 129 potential, 9 invariant of special relativity, 378 solenoidal, 91 system of equations of MFD, 302 source, 8 system of equations of relativistic MFD, -free, 10 488 First-order theorem of , 528 contravariant tensor, 604 covariant tensor, 605 orthogonal affine tensor, 601 G FitzGerald–Lorentz contraction, 357 Galilean coordinate system, 621 Fizeau experiment, 340 Galilei–Newton transformations, 345 Flux Gauge density of electromagnetic energy, 189 Coulomb, 92, 142 of the electrostatic field, 7 invariance, 92 of the magnetic field, 103 Lorenz, 247, 442 Fokker–Planck equation, 299 radiation, 142 Force-free fields, 313, 315 restricted transformation, 142 Four-current, 451 transformation of the vector potential, 92 Four-potential, 463 transformations, 142 Four-tensor transversal, 142 angular momentum, 410 transverse traceless (TT), 574 Four-vector, 387, 388 Gauss law acceleration, 397, 398 differential form, 8, 28 covariant momentum of the free particle, in dielectric media, 27 405 integral form, 7 current, 442 Geiger–Müller counter, 425 current density, 451 General energy-momentum, 406 liniar group, 393 force (force-power), 408 relativity, 511 force (space-like components), 463 , 517, 520 generalized momentum of a relativistic differential equations of, 517 particle, 440 null, 564 mass density, 484 Gradient of a scalar field, 596 polarization, 457 Gravitational position, 387 collapse, 552 potential of the electromagnetic field, 438 constant, 513, 537 velocity, 397 lensing, 566 wave, 423 potential (Newtonian), 514, 543 Fourier potentials, 517, 537 (direct) transform, 206 radius, 550 inverse transform, 206 redshift, 566 Free fall, 515, 520, 575 singularity, 551 Galileo’s law, 511 time dilation, 567, 568 Freezing-in of magnetic field lines, 304 Gravitational field 662 Subject Index

intensity, 513, 520 parameter, 555 weak, 541 Hulse–Taylor binary, 575 interferometer Hysteresis GEO600, 578 cycle, 102 KAGRA, 578 magnetic, 101 LIGO, 576, 578 VIRGO, 578 Gravitational waves, 571, 574 I direct detection, 577 Impedance of the free space, 269 indirect detection, 575 Improper polarization, 575 coordinates transformation, 593 strains, 576 Lorentz transformations, 393, 394, 447 Incidence angle, 185 classical, 511 Induction equation, 301 quantum, 552 Inspiral, 576 Green function, 15 Intensity advanced, 245, 465 of the electrostatic field, 5 causal, 244, 465 of the emitted radiation, 284 four-dimensional, 464 of the magnetic field, 85 method, 240, 463 Interferometer of a differential operator, 645 LIGO, 577 retarded, 242, 244, 465 Michelson–Morley, 341 Green’s identities, 599 Intervals Green–Gauss–Ostrogradsky theorem, 597 space-like, 379 Group time-like, 379 of waves, 209 Intrinsic velocity, 211 definition of curl, 598 Gyromagnetic ratio, 99, 505 definition of divergence, 598 derivative, 523 Invariant, 604 H fundamental of special relativity, 378 Hafele–Keating experiment, 360 Kretschmann, 551 Hamilton’s operator, 596 mass, 404 Hamilton–Jacobi equation proper time, 378 classical, 408 space-time interval, 378 covariant form, 441 Invariants of the electromagnetic field, 445 relativistic, 407 Inverse piezoelectricity, 58 Harmonic functions, 12 Irrotational vector field, 10, 597 Heaviside step function, 465 Ives–Stilwell experiment, 362 Helicity, 179 Hertz antipotential, 145 J retarded potential, 251 Joule heat, 131 vector, 143 Joule–Lenz law, 83 High-Z Supernova Search Team, 544 Jump conditions, 30, 129 Horizon for the normal components of electric field, cosmological, 559 31 event, 552, 559 for the normal components of magnetic future, 559 field, 103 past, 559 for the tangent components of electric field, Hubble’s 32 constant, 554 for the tangent components of magnetic law, 544, 554 field, 104 Subject Index 663

K algebra, 396 Kennedy–Thorndike experiment, 362 antichronous, 393 Klein–Gordon equation, 508 boosts, 347, 351 Kramers–Kronig dispersion relations, 219, 222 generators of the group, 396 Kretschmann invariant, 536, 551 group, 351, 392 Kronecker symbol, 601 improper, 393, 447 infinitesimal, 394 inhomogeneous group, 392 L matrix, 617 Laboratory frame, 411 of the electromagnetic field, 444 Lamé coefficients, 611, 634 orthochronous, 393 Λ-CDM model, 557 parameters of the group, 395 Laplace equation, 12 proper, 393 cylindrical coordinates, 45 Lorenz integral representation, 13 condition, 139 spherical coordinates, 41 covariant form of gauge condition, 442 Laplace force, 85, 92 gauge, 247 Laplace–Beltrami operator, 628 gauge potentials, 142 Larmor precession frequency, 319 Lowell Observatory, 556 Length contraction, 356, 383 Lenz rule, 118 Level (equipotential) surface, 596 M Levi-Civita Mach cone, 420 connection, 524 Magnetic fourth-order permutation symbol, 618 absolute permeability, 100 parallel transport, 522 absolute permeability tensor, 100 permutation symbol, 592, 602 anomalous moment, 505 Liénard–Wiechert potential(s), 250, 290 dipole, 84, 86, 96 four-dimensional, 507 dipole moment, 96, 97 Light double layer, 87 bending, 564 fictitious charge, 86 cone, 380 field intensity, 98 deflection, 564 flux, 117 LIGO, 576 flux density, 84 Collaboration, 578 hysteresis, 101 direct detection of gravitational waves, 577 induction, 84 interferometer, 577 lenses, 166 Limit angle, 185 moment, 96 Linear current density, 90 monopole, 253 Lines of force, 6, 49 multipolar moment tensor, 97 Lissajous figures, 180 permeability, 56 Local Hubble rate, 558 permeability of the vacuum, 85 Locally-geodesic coordinate system, 527 polarization vector, 97 Locally inertial coordinate system, 527 pressure, 305, 310 Longitudinal relative permeability, 100 magnetoacoustic waves, 306 sheet, 86, 87 mass, 403 stress tensor, 56 Lorentz susceptibility, 100 equations of the electromagnetic field for susceptibility tensor, 100 slowly moving media, 159 Magnetic charges, 87 oscillator model, 214 Magnetization Lorentzian derivative, 155 intensity, 97, 158 Lorentz transformations, 351, 618 permanent, 101 664 Subject Index

saturation, 102 connection, 528 Magnetoacoustic dispersion relation, 309 de Sitter, 558 Magnetofluid dynamics, 300 Einstein, 556 fundamental relativistic equations, 486 FLRW, 554 fundamental system of equations, 302 Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker, Magnetohydrodynamics, 299 554 Magnetohydrostatics, 309 indefinite, 378 Magnetostatic Kerr, 553 field, 84 Kerr–Newman, 553 Magnetostriction, 58 Lemaître–Tolman–Bondi (LTB), 557 Mass normal perturbation, 572 equivalence between inertial and of Minkowski space, 377 gravitational, 513 radiating/shining Schwarzschild, 551 gravitational, 512 Reissner–Nordström, 552 inertial, 512 Schwarzschild–de Sitter, 559 invariant, 404 space, 603 tensor, 403 tensor, 389, 516, 607, 630 Mass–energy relation, 404 three-dimensional tensor, 583 Material manifold, 152 trace-reversed perturbation, 574 Matter Vaidya, 551 dark, 545 Michelson–Morley ordinary (baryonic), 545 experiment, 341 Maupertuis principle, 399, 405 interferometer, 341 Maximally symmetric space, 558 Microscopic Maxwell current density, 125 condition equations, 119 electrodynamics, 120 covariant form of source equations, 454 electromagnetic field, 120 covariant form of source-free equations, Microwaves, 213, 232, 237 455 Minkowski equations, 115, 118 equations, 460 evolution equations, 119 metric, 516 relation, 177 metric tensor, 624 source equations, 119, 123, 151 Minkowski space, 377 source equations for media at rest, 156 Euclidean-complex representation, 381, source-free equations, 119, 123 617 stress tensor, 481 hyperbolic representation, 384, 621 Maxwell’s Momentum source equations in the presence of of the electromagnetic field, 134 gravitation, 531 Momentum density source-free equations in the presence of of the electromagnetic field, 176 gravitation, 531 of the system of fields, 474 Maxwell–Ampère equation, 116 Momentum flux density of the field, 474 Maxwell–Faraday equation, 118 Monopole, 252 Maxwell–Lorentz equations, 120 electric, 252 Maxwell–Minkowski equations, 457 electrostatic, 22 Method of electric images electrostatic potential, 24 conducting sphere, 40 magnetic, 95, 97, 253 orthogonal half-planes, 36 Mössbauer plane conductor, 35 effect, 567 two dielectric media, 38 rotor experiment, 362 Metric Multi-mode fibers (MMF), 239 anti de Sitter (AdS), 558 Multiple reflections, 188 compatibility of the connection, 528 Multipole Subject Index 665

electrostatic, 22 Levi-Civita, 522 magnetic, 94 Paramagnetism, 101 n-order, 22 Particles Muon’s lifetime, 360 non-relativistic (NR), 402 Mutual energy of interaction, 18 ultrarelativistic (UR), 402 Penetration depth, 193 Perihelion N advance of Mercury’s, 514, 560, 564 Nabla operator, 595 Permittivity, 29 n-dimensional absolute, 4 contravariant vector, 604 complex, 195 covariant vector, 605 relative, 4 space, 603 tensor, 198, 287 Neumann boundary condition, 16 vacuum, 3 Noether Phase velocity, 209 currents, 471 Physically infinitesimal domain, 121 theorem, 469 Piezoelectricity Normal metric perturbation, 572 inverse, 58 Null Pinch effect, 310 dust, 551 Planck fluid, 551 formula, 418 geodesic, 564 mission, 544 Plane of incidence, 188 O of oscillation, 178 Octupole of polarization, 178 electrostatic, 22 wave, 173 magnetic, 94 Plasma, 299 Ohm (unit in SI), 82 frequency, 217, 319 Ohm’s law, 82 covariant form, 462 Poincaré group, 392 differential form, 82 Point electric dipole, 19 for moving media, 159 Poisson equation, 12 integral form, 83 integral representation, 13 local generalized, 83 Polar vector, 594 Opaque medium, 217 Polarizability, 28, 56 Optical molecular, 57 axes, 202 Polarization, 26 fibers, 226 circular, 178 multi-mode, 239 density, 26 single-mode, 239 diaelectric, 29 Order-p direction, 178 pseudotensor, 602 elliptical, 178 tensor, 602 ferroelectric, 29 Orthogonal four-tensor, 457 affine vector, 601 four-vector, 457 coordinate system, 629 left, 178 Oscillating electric dipole, 253, 257, 258, 260 left-handed elliptic, 179 linear, 178 of the electromagnetic waves, 178 P paraelectric, 29 Palatini identity, 539 partial, 188 Parallel transport, 521 plane, 178 equation, 525 right, 178 666 Subject Index

right-handed elliptic, 179 time, 358 spontaneous, 28 vector, 594 Ponderomotive Pseudo-polarization, 158 force, 53 Pseudoscalar, 594 force density, 55 Pseudovector, 594 Postulates Pulsar, 575 Einstein’s, 344 of general relativity, 515 of special relativity, 344 Q Potential Quadrupolar electrostatic dipole, 24 momentum tensor, 280 electrostatic monopole, 24 radiative source, 279 electrostatic quadrupole, 25 Quadrupole gravitational, 543 angular distribution, 281 of electric polarization, 146 electric, 277 of magnetic polarization, 146 electric momentum, 281 Potential energy electrostatic, 22 of a continuous distribution, 26 electrostatic potential, 25 of dipole, 26 magnetic, 94 of quadrupole, 26 moment of a charge distribution, 24 Potential field, 9 potential energy, 26 Power density of electric current, 83 Poynting complex vector, 189 R theorem, 131, 483 Radar signal delay (gravitational), 568 vector, 131, 176 Radiating neutron star, 575 Precession of the perihelion of planets, 560 Radiative Present-day value of the Hubble parameter, 555 resistance, 274, 280 Principal total power, 271, 280 axes, 199 Rapidity, 369 permittivities, 198 Ray velocities, 201 curvature, 225 Principle extraordinary, 202 cosmological, 555 ordinary, 202 covariance, 515 surface, 226 equivalence, 515 vector, 226 of causality, 355 Rayleigh of classical relativity, 345 dispersion relation, 212, 218 of equivalence, 513 scattering law, 261 of least action, 439 Redshift, 556, 557 of Maupertuis, 399 relative, 567 of superposition, 9 Reflection Principles of special relativity, 344 angle, 185 Proca equations, 508 coefficient, 189, 190 Progressive wave, 172 internal, 185 Proper law, 185 coordinates transformation, 593 power, 190 duration, 378 probability, 191 energy, 401 total, 185, 217, 239 frame, 357 Refraction law, 185 frequency, 363 Refractive index, 177 length, 357 relative, 185 mass, 399 Regressive wave, 172 Subject Index 667

Relativistic radius, 550 interval, 377 singularities of the metric, 550 invariant, 378 solution, 550 kinetic energy, 401 Schwarzschild, Karl, 550 mass, 404 Screened Coulomb potential, 508 Relativistic hydrodynamics Second-order Bernoulli equation, 488 contravariant tensor, 606 Relativistic magnetofluid dynamics covariant tensor, 606 entropy conservation law, 487 mixed tensor, 606 equation of continuity, 487 orthogonal affine tensor, 601 equation of motion, 487 Self-energy of electric charge, 18 equation of state, 487 Semiconductors, 169 fundamental system of equations, 488 Serret–Frenet frame, 224 generalization of Bernoulli’s equation, 490 Sifting property of the δ function, 638 momentum conservation law, 487 Single-mode fibers (SMF), 239 Relativity Singularity of simultaneity, 353, 354 coordinate, 550 special theory of, 346 gravitational, 551 Resistivity, 82 of the , 550 Rest Skin energy, 401 depth, 194 mass, 399 effect, 194 Restricted gauge transformation, 142 Slipher, Vesto Melvin, 556 Ricci Snellius–Descartes law, 185 curvature tensor, 536 Solenoidal vector field, 91, 597 scalar, 536 Sound waves, 304 , 516, 533, 534 Source-free vector field, 597 properties, 534 Space probe Cassini, 571 Riemannian Space-time, 358 connection, 524 curved, 516 manifold, 517 pseudo-Euclidean, 379 space, 517 Special Relativity Röntgen current, 159 fundamental invariant, 378 Rotor of a vector field, 597 principles of, 344 Special relativity, 346 Special theory of relativity, 346 S Spectral distribution, 206 Scalar Spectrum, 206 curvature, 536 Speed limit in the Universe, 351 density, 625 Spin, 478 field, 594 gyromagnetic factor, 503 invariants, 594 matrix, 477 of the first kind, 594 Stable/unstable orbit around a black hole, 587 of the second kind, 594 Stokes–Ampère theorem, 598 Ricci, 536 Stokes theorem, 598 Scalar potential Strain (gravitational wave), 576 magnetic dipole, 86 Stress tensor, 302 magnetostatic field, 96 Substances Schwarzschild diamagnetic, 100 black hole, 552, 584 ferromagnetic, 101 coordinates, 550 paramagnetic, 100 inner/outer patch coordinates, 550 Supernova Cosmology Project, 544 metric, 550 Superposition principle, 9 668 Subject Index

Surface of normals, 225 Universe System of the centre of inertia - C-system, 413 accelerated expansion, 555 closed, 554 contracting, 556 T Einstein’s static, 556 Tensor flat, 554 density, 625 open, 554 of type (0, 1), 605 perfectly homogeneous, 557 of type (1, 0), 604 radius, 555 Test function of the δ distribution, 638 static, 556 Theory of gravitation Einstein–Cartan, 530 geometric, 511 V Newtonian, 512 Vacuum solutions of Einstein’s equations, 559 Three-dimensional metric tensor, 583 Vector Time dilation, 358, 359, 383 density, 625 gravitational, 567 field, 594 Torsion Vector potential, 48, 90 balance, 3 differential equation, 139 for a continuous distribution of magnetic tensor, 528 dipoles, 98 Torsion-free connection, 528 for magnetic multipoles, 94 Tortoise coordinates, 550 for oscillating electric dipole, 253, 257 Total angular momentum gauge transformation, 92 components, 478 Hertz’s, 144 Total reflection, 217 of a stationary current, 91 Trace-reversed metric perturbation, 574 Velocity of deformation tensor, 302 Transformation Viking Mars probe, 571 affine, 603 Virgo Collaboration, 577 biunivocal, 603 Viscous stress tensor, 302 coordinate, 603 Volt (unit in SI), 11 linear, 603 Vorticity-free field, 10 Lorentz, 347 group, 391 consequences, 353 W reversible, 603 Wave Transmission absorption, 217 coefficient, 189, 190 amplitude, 172 probability, 191 attenuated, 216 Transverse mass, 403, 404 damped, 196 Transverse traceless (TT) gauge, 574 elliptically polarized, 181, 182 Twin paradox, 359 evanescent, 216 front, 173 gravitational, 571, 577 U hybrid modes, 229 Unaccelerated motion in general relativity, 520 length, 172 Unit in SI linearly polarized, 181 ampere, 3, 78 longitudinal, 178 coulomb, 3 modulated, 211 farad, 3 monochromatic, 173 ohm, 82 number, 172 volt, 11 number complex, 195 weber, 117 packets, 209 Unit step function, 465 phase, 172 Subject Index 669

phase plane, 173 Y plane, 173 Yukawa potential, 508 sound, 304 spherical, 173 TE (Transverse Electric), 229, 231 Z TEM (Transverse ElectroMagnetic), 229 Zone TM (Transverse Magnetic), 229, 231 far (radiation), 251 transverse, 175, 178 intermediate (induction), 251 near (static), 251 vector, 173 vector surface, 225 Waveguide, 226 Æ circular, 234 Æther, xvi, 335, 347 rectangular, 228 completely dragged, 343 Weak gravitational field, 541 drag coefficient, 340 Weber (unit in SI), 117 dragging, 336 World partial drag, 340 line, 377 totally undragged, 340 point, 377, 517 wind, 341