Cyan Magenta Yellow Black K K Price `2.00 Pages : 12 M M Y Y C C JAMMU WEDNESDAy JULy 04, 2018 VOL. 33 | NO. 182 RNI No. 43798/86 REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17Glimpses of Email:
[email protected] WORLD NATIONAL SPORTS Trump admin misses Mob violence a crime, Kohli targeting 2019 WC to deadline for second time states under obligation to try different combinations on H4 notification prevent such incidents: SC against England PAGE 12 PAGE 12 PAGE 9 Major reshuffle in Civil Administration; Good governance and development Govt orders posting of 8 Deputy Commissioner's Jammu, July 03: Choudhary, our goal in Kashmir: PM Modi IAS(JK:2009), Deputy Jammu and Commissioner, Rajouri, New Delhi, Jul 3 (PTI) nal security, including country, Modi com - per cent in the affected Kashmir Government is transferred and post - Maoist violence and the mended the "brave" and states, with a concomi - on Tuesday ordered ma - ed as Deputy The Centre's goal in situation in the North "eternally vigilant" secu - tant reduction of 34 per jor reshuffle in Civil ad - Commissioner, Jammu and Kashmir is East. In Kashmir, our rity forces for ensuring cent in deaths in 2017 ministration. Bandipora, relieving "good governance, devel - goal is good governance, peace as well as prosperi - compared to 2013. Simrandeep Singh, Khurshid Ahmad Sanai, opment, responsibility development, responsi - ty for 125 crore Indians. Geographically as well, IAS(JK:2008), KAS, Additional Deputy and accountability", bility and accountabili - You can ascertain our se - the influence of Maoist Chairman, J&K Commissioner, Prime Minister ty, the prime minister curity situation from the violence has shrunk sub - Services Selection Bandipora of the addi - Narendra Modi has said.