Balkan Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt/Volume 4, Sayı/Number 2, Aralık/December 2015, ss. 137-157. REUNIFICATION OF MOSTAR: “IS THERE A HOPE?” Özkan ÜNAL “The future of the Federation lies in Mostar. If the international community can successfully unite Mostar, then the Federation will function.” (International Crisis Group) ABSTRACT In the last decade of 20th century, along with the dissolution process of Yugoslavia, constituent states of Federation have witnessed inter-ethnic conflicts. However, the most violent clashes took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992- 1995). This study intends to discuss the Bosniak-Croat conflict in Mostar in a specific way. Mostar -is located on the Neretva River in shoutern Bosnia and Herzegovina and -has a peculiar characteristic in terms of its population structure. During the conflicts in Herzegovina region, the city of Mostar was besieged firstly by Serbs then Croats. In the wake of these inter-ethnic conflicts, the city was divided into two parts. Today, the eastern side of Mostar is predominantly Bosniac, while the western side of the city is predominantly Croat. In this context, this study basically aims to dwell on; firstly reunification attempts that have been implemented by the international communities so far, and secondly the present situation in Mostar. KeyWords: Mostar, Ethnic Conflict, Divided Cities, Reunification of Mostar, Reunification Initiatives. MOSTAR’IN YENİDEN BİRLEŞMESİ: “BİR UMUT VAR MI?” ÖZET 20. yüzyılın son on yılında, Yugoslavya’nın dağılma süreciyle birlikte, Federasyon’u oluşturan devletler etnik gruplar arası çatışmalara sahne oldu. Ancak, en şiddetli çatışmalar Bosna Hersek’te meydana geldi (1992-1995). Bu çalışma Attache at Turkish Consulate General in Mostar, MA student at Social and Political Sciences, International University of Sarajevo, e-mail:
[email protected].