THE CORD WEEKLY STUDENTS: Need a Place to Live? We Can Help!!!

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THE CORD WEEKLY STUDENTS: Need a Place to Live? We Can Help!!! --Travel across canada with the trlankers page -9 Hotel with no pillows 1}1.1 Men-with-hats-and-sticks­ ahead. ~ on-their-feet crossing. No soup for 300 miles. ~ You just ran over a man =Iii liiill with sticks on his feet. Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario Thursday, July 11, 1985 Volume 26, Summer Special Issue 2 Clarification of Fund By Bruce Arculus promises to the students when the The Dining Hall expansion, cur­ donation WilS received. "Nothing rently the largest project underway, Wilfrid Laurier's Excellence in the was written down," she said. The was expected to cost $200,000 but Eighties fundraising campaign has WLUSU Operations Management plans unveiled at the May 15 Board topped the six million dollar mark, Board has now expressed an interest of Governors meeting listed a cost of and is just $200,000 shy of its $6.2 in negotiating an agreement that will . $150,000. million goal. include a timetable for the constnJc­ tion of the Arts Centre. When the campaign began in The enlarged faciliiies will provide 1982, organizers hoped to raise the more space for dishwashing and Peter Nosalik, Director of Student money within five years, but it is potwashing operations, and create Activities and student senator, almost certain that this goal will be an enclosed area for receiving and agrees with Franklin, but suggests reached before the close of 1985. refuse. The second floor of the expan­ that a better approach would be to This has been achieved without the sion will increase space available in make subsequent donations to the benefit of the provincial funding that the Paul Martin Centre. The possibil­ Fund more general in scope. "I was hoped for when the fund was ity of adding a small private execu­ would (rather) say that it's for the established. tive dining room in this area was also improvement of the school," he says. discussed. Although the fund includes provi­ sions for such improvements as the 21 library expansion (completed last fall), a new computer system, a computerized phone system, and renovations to the dining and athletic 0 FS delegation facilities, the main goal remains the construction of an Arts Centre. by Liz Jefferson ing. student housing, and input into The WLU Board of Governors educational planning. The question has yet to announce an expected Although Laurier has not yet of congruency between OFS and starting date for construchon of the become a full-lime member of the CFS was discussed. WLUSU's Ontario Federation of Students, new ftteilit~ h.,. •t-·:p<'lssibility tJf nn· Commissioner of University Af­ ing the proJect to coincide with the our students' union has become fairs, Melany Franklin, said that school's seventy-fifth anniversary actively involved with the organi­ the issue was contentious. "Al­ next summer has been mentioned. zation. Seven WLUSU members though they work toward the same $360,000 of the $6.2 million total attended the June plenaries in goals, the two organizations are will be donated by students by means Guelph which established OFS completely autonomous," she of a $7.50 per term per student con· priorities for the 1985-86 year. stated. tribuhon, which is refundable by At the conference, which ran Franklin also pointed out the dif­ request. Last year saw the first of six from June 1 0-16, the Wilfrid Laur­ ference between the services offer­ annual installments of $60,000. ier University Students' Union was ed by the two groups. Laurier has a Last year, about 300 of Laurier's recognized as a member of OFS. more immediate use for OFS 4500 students requested a refund. WLUSU President Matt Certos­ because education is controlled bv imo was elected to the position of the provincial government, and ~ The Wilfrid Laurier University member-at-large on the eight­ lobby group would have more Students' Union (WLUSU) specified member OFS executive. Bernard impact at the provincial level. "In­ when making the donation that the Drainville was introduced as the formation is the biggest part of money was to be used only for the new chairperson of the Federation. The OFS," said Franklin, mentioning construction of the Arts Centre, says executive body sets the theme for another important service provided photo by Jan Dollar former Business Director Andrew the upcoming year's action. by the provincial group. Reid, who headed up the campaign The position of chief delegate for CFS, being a national organiza­ We'll huff and we'll puff! urging students to vote against sup­ WLU, left vacant by Certosimo, tion, provides a valuable line of porting the Development Fund dur­ was taken over by Sheldon Free­ communication with the federal A $150,000 expansion to the Dining Hall, Paul Martin Centre, and man, who is currently on the kitchen facilities is currently underway. These bricks will keep out ing the referendum held in December government. They provide student the cold north wind and hide the garbage bins. of 1983. At the June 22 WLUSU Commission of U~rsity Affairs. services such as the travel agency Board meeting, President Matt Cer· He also occupies a seat on the cuts, student discounts, and will be tosimo discussed the donation standing Elections Committee for taking an active role in the events briefly, expressing fears that the OFS. planned for the International Year money was being used for other Other WLUSU members involv­ of the Youth. "The important thing Lounge has nautical flavour improvements around the school, ed in the standing OFS committees about CFS membership," says such as the Dining Hall expansion are Christy Snelgrove (student ser­ Franklin. "is that we'll be stronger ) (see accompanying photo). How­ vices). Jono Tice (student aid), in numbers. It is an opportunity to Grand opening! ever, these improvements have been Heather Knight (economic policy), deal with the federal government plannf'd for a number of years, and Peter Nosalik (global issues com­ more directly." mittee), and Melany Franklin by Liz Jefferson have always been included as part of Certosimo has proposed that service will not appear. the Development Plan. (women's issues). Laurier become a trial member of Student~ who have been watch­ Vice-President/Secretary Jeff The main points of proposed CFS. Prospective membersh1p wdl mg the alternative lounge develop Kaake has introduced the iounge Melany Franklin, Commissioner OFS action for 1985-86 concern cost WLUSU nothing for the first from a call)paign promise into real ­ concept based on an idea of of University Affairs for WLUSU, student aid, halting the rapid year, since Laurier was a foundmg itv can now contribute the1r own BACCHUS Director Vicki Krot7. claims that the university made no increase of costs, university fund- member of this organization. s~~:gestions in an ad hoc committee He said. "I think it's really Impor­ formed to study the operation of the tant for 'mocktails · to be part of the new lounge. lounge. but it'll still have that , It was decided bv the Wilfrid lounge atmosphere ... Kaake brought """ Laurier Universitv St.udents' Union the 1dea to the WLUSL: Board of Marathon meeting ·Are you Board of Directo~s that the loungt' Directors and has been n•spons1ble Inside The WLUSU Board of Directors an honest golfer? would operate at a deficit of $-7 · for implementmg 'it: he will also has approved a budget projecting you even know what an hon­ 8000 a year; the cost of food. non· chair tlw ad hoc committee. Do a $3000 operating surplus for est golfer is? Test your integrity. akoholi~· drinks and employees· BACCHUS interest 1985-86. rnstant teller not to he. See ... 11a~rs have forced WLUSU to WLUSU Pres1dent Matt Certo­ booming dei;IV full use of the loun!.(e. simo found tht• name for the nel\ page 1 page 11 I~ the meant1me, tht: room is lounge while at the CFS conference National Director Marc Cowin bemg pamted and the furmture 1s in Halifax. The HMCS Niobe was has multiplied membership during ... and a buoch of other stuff that Meet the Wankers make you want to rush due to arrive latt• in Julv. Games commissioned by Wilfrid Laurier in his cross-Canada campaign. Al­ will to page 10 to dip out your very wtll be available for use: but unhl 1910 and was also known as the cohOl awareness is a growing con­ Wank your way across Canada the ad hoc comm11tee has research­ cern at Canadian schools. with lgnatz, Wankette and Wee own subscription form to the Traveller's Rest. Kaake agreed Cord Weekly. ed possible ways to break even on that the new lounge will be ~ailed page3 Willie. 'page 9 operating costs. food and beverage by both names. 2 Thursday, July 11, 1985 THE CORD WEEKLY STUDENTS: Need a Place to live? We Can Help!!! • HOUSES for groups of 3, 4, 5 and MORE • APARTMENTS, All sizes and prices • ROOMS, Single, Double (100's to choose from) *SHARED ACCOMMODATION (Singles, Couples or Families) $5.00 OFF! ! SERVICE CHARGE WITH THIS COUPON ! J • Helping students of W.L.U. and U. of W. since 1979 • The largest collection of rental housing in the city by far • Six rental counsellors to assist in placing you quickly • All appointments can be arranged by us • GUARANTEED PLACEMENT! — — —^ THE ONE AND ONLY HOMELOCATORS Seven Days A Week -J WATERLOO-20 University Ave. E. King at University Ave. KITCHENER-876 King St. W. (Across from K-W Hospital) 742-3556 'A MOVE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION' THE CORD WEEKLYnewsThursday, July 11, 1985 3 Nineteen more consider joining Bacchus books Canadian campus chapters by Liz Jefferson Institute, Georgian College, to deal with the federal government valuable to have the job in a larger out of the same office but we have McGill, Brock and Mount St.
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