The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers ) Issue 71 e--mmaaggazziinnee March 18, 2014 Malta PM Joseph Muscat congratulates Marie Louise Coleiro Preca after officially ‘President of the announcing her nomination for President Maltese ....with the Maltese ...for the Maltese’ Community news on four pages ... 18, 19, 20, 21 Manny Muscat aves Muscat, ups and le alta PM Joseph M Govt did a squad in ays new Labour Malt s hs than NP page 22 more in 12 mont Albania ... ge 10 and 14 in 25 years ... pa Shanghai Electric invests €320 million in Enemalta ... page 8 NP commit Ma s to vote rie Loui in favou nom se Coleir r of ination o Preca’ ... pages s 9 and 13 The Voice of the Maltese is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad, with emphasis on the Australian scene. This electronic style magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors (Australia) Lawrence Dimech:
[email protected] and (Malta) Joseph Cutajar:
[email protected]. 2 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 18, 2014 It’s time to unite once again! By Mariah Camilleri (S anctuary Lakes, Victoria) read the lead article about the Maltese programmes on SBS and the current review of both SBS and ABC with Igreat interest. As mentioned in the Voice’s article, the Maltese community shouldn’t wait until the horse has bolted, like we did with the last reschedule, hoping that management is going to be kind and generous with us! I applaud the community leaders who came together to fight for more programmes last year, but they should be put - ting their heads together right NOW, generating awareness and a discussion in the Maltese community; start an online petition; work on a plan and start lobbying..