Fugitive Dust Why Control Fugitive Dust? Sources of Fugitive Dust Besides causing the need for additional Significant sources of fugitive dust include cleaning of homes and vehicles, fugitive dust grain bins, quarries, haul roads and can cause low visibility on unpaved roads, construction sites. which can lead to accidents. In severe cases, In the example of an unpaved road, fugitive Division of Compliance it can interfere with plant growth by clogging dust is created when a vehicle travels down pores and reducing light interception. Dust Assistance the unpaved road. The larger and faster the particles are abrasive to mechanical vehicle, the more dust it will create. One way 300 Sower Boulevard, First Floor equipment and damaging to electronic of controlling this is with dust suppression, equipment, such as computers. Frankfort, KY 40601 such as water or gravel, at the end of unpaved What Is Fugitive Dust? Phone: 502-564-0323 Although generally not toxic, fugitive dust roads. can cause health problems, alone or in Fugitive dust is defined as dust that is not Email:
[email protected] emitted from definable point sources, such as combination with other air pollutants. dca.ky.gov industrial smokestacks. Sources include open Infants, the elderly and people with Dust from around the world! fields, roadways and storage piles. respiratory problems, such as asthma or bronchitis, are the most likely to be affected. Fugitive dust you create does not affect only The state regulation that provides for the In addition, not controlling fugitive dust at a those within close proximity to your location. control of fugitive emissions may be accessed worksite can create more hassle for the In a model of dust imports developed by at http://www.lrc.ky.gov/kar/ worksite foreman in response to complaints researchers from Harvard and NASA shows 401/063/010.htm.