I ABC Watermark I • 3575 Cahuenga Blvd

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I ABC Watermark I • 3575 Cahuenga Blvd WITH CASEY KASEM TO: AMERICAN TOP 40 SUBSCRIBERS FROM: ABC WATERMARK DATE: JUNE 30, 1986 RE: LOCAL COMMERICAL AVAILABILITY IN THIS WEEK'S AMERIC~N TOP 40 PROGRAM - #863-1 - FOR AIR JULY 5-6, 1986, THERE ARE AN ADDITIONAL TWO AND ONE HALF MINUTES OF COMMERCIAL AVAILABILITY. 30 SECONDS ARE LOCATED AT C-1 IN HOURS 2 AND 4. 30 SECONDS ARE LOCATED AT C-3 IN HOUR 2. 30 SECONDS ARE LOCATED AT C-5 IN HOURS 2 AND 4. I ABC Watermark I • 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. West o Suite 555 □ Los Angeles, CA 90068 □ 818/980-9490 FOR WEEK ENJ;>1N,.G: 7 /05/86 AME ICAN CYCLE NO. ~g_J PROGRAM L OF _13_ 01sc & HALF HOUR No. .!.A (Backed 413} 1 ABCWatennark I with •10P40• e PAGE NO. _=r__ _ 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Contempor111 y Radio Nelwoltl SCNIDULID ACTUAL ELEMENT RUNNING START TIMI TIMI TIME 00:00 ~~: "NOW, AMERICAN TOP 40 BROUGHT 'IO YOU IN PARI' BY HAWAIIAN 08:23 PUNCH, IT HITS YOU IN ALL THE RIGHT PLACES. BY GINGISS FORMALWEAR ••• OVER 200 STORES FRCM COAST 'IO COAST. AND BY PONTIAC, AMERICA'S ROAD CAR CCMPANY ••• PONTIAC, WE BUILD EXCITEMENT. " THEME AND OPENING OF PART I THEME: "THEME FRCM AMERICAN 'IOP 40" (MARKWATER/BMI) #40 HIGHER LOVE (B&PRS) Steve Wmdwodd #29 HYPERACTIVE (A&B) Robert Palm:r C-1 08:23 NETWORK SPOT: P&G "As the vbrld Turns" /Baby Ruth 30/30 (OUT CUE) Jingle ends cold with ••• " ••• tear into 'em, now. " 09:23 :60 :u:x;o: AMER1CAN TOP 40 / / 10:23 04:19 #38 TAKE IT EASY (A) Andy Taylor C-2 14:42 NETWORKSPOT: Pontiac/Maximum overdrive 30/30 (OUT CUE) Voice out cold with ••• " ••• theatres everywhere. " 15:42 LOCAL INSERT: Ka f<._Ct • q' llJ-v< :60 LOGO: ,t->.!,V~_!_l_~J 'lU.P 40 ' 16:42 11:02 #37 GREATEST'I.OVE OF ALL (A&B) Whitney Houston QL: ALBUMS BY RECORDING ACT'S WITH IDST WEEKS AT NUMBER ONE #36 YOU SHOUI.D BE MINE (THE WX> w::D SONG) (A&B) Jeffrey Osborne C-3 27:44 NETWORK SPOT: Diannnd Cooler :60 (OUT CUE) Jingle ends cold with •.• " ••. Tulare, california." /c.4./.V)_ .J h.//.,d;-se ;,..,, ... "le / I.Jc_c)lP'( 28:44 LOCAL INSERT: : 6( OVER FOR SIDE lB : 1( ?9:44 STATION I. D.: FOR WEEK EN Q.l~Q.: _71,,,.1/....::0=5:;.c./..:;8;.x6_.,..-____ AME ICAN CYCLE NO.___::ts~b:;.,:.j;..._ PROGRAM I OF _13_ ABCWatennark DISC & HALF HOUR NO. ] B (Backed with 3A) •10P40• I I e PAGE NO. _l__ 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Contemporary Radio Network SCNEDUL■D ACTUAL ELEMENT RUNNING START TIME TIME TIME 29:54 I.OGO: AMERICAN TOP 40 03:57 #35 PAPA DON'T PREACH (A) Madonna C-4 33:51 NETWORK SPOT: U.S. Anny/care Free 30/30 (OUT CUE) Voice out cold with ••. II ••• pure care Free. " _.J 34:51 LOCAL INSERT: m~k,,, IJ~.,,h, Ue"ik/11/1 IL.Jo :60 I 35:51 I.OGO: AMERICAN TOP 40 I 09:04 #34 Sa-1ETHING ABOUT YOU (A&B) Level 42 #33 ONE HIT (TO THE BODY) (PRS) The Rolling Stones C-5 44:55 NETWORK SPOT: Pontiac/Oscar .Mayer/Hawaiian Punch 30/30 (OUT CUE) Jingle ends cold with •.• :30 II •.• places •• ah .. ah ..• ahhhh ! 11 AMERICAN TOP 40 46:25 I.OGO: 11:01 #32 IF SHE KNEW WHAT SHE WANTS (B) Bangles LDD: THAT'S WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR (A&B) Dionne & Friends 57:18 THEME UP AND UNDER WITH TALK UNIT ENDING AT: 57:26 'T1f..TRMJ:j' 'ln! C.7!c;() C-6 57:50 LOCAL INSERT: 2:00 i W €Ch~ L~ 0~ 59:50 STATION I. D.: :10 Page 3 FORMAT AND COMMERCIAL CLOCK C-6 Hour ___r __ \ WITH CASEY KASEM \ Program 863-1 \ () \ ~ z \ •• 0 Sides ~and~ \ (j\ - 0 ~ I­ v, Chart Date __ ·, SEGMENT ' ' ~.,/ ' ', (11:01) (08:23) ··60 ', ' /J ' ' ' ' ' Local minutes 6 available --- SEGMENT "5• ·,r (09:04) (04:19) Network minutes 6 used ---- SEGMENT •3• (11:02) ABC j ABC Watermark j C-3 Contem~ra G Radio Netwo1 FOR WEEK ENDING: 7 /05/86 AME ICAN CYCLE NO 863 -PR_O..:...Gt...:R~A:..M----Tl ___O_F-:_- _,~3= DISC & HALF HOUR NO. 2A (Backed l.tzit.h 3B) PAGE NO. ___..4__ 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Contemporary Radio NetWOl1l 8CMEDULID ACTUAL ELEMENT RUNNING ST ART TIMI TIME TIME 00:00 THEME AND OPENING OF PARI'- II 09:02 #31 SECRET SEPARATION (A) The Fixx #30 VIENNA CALLING (A&GEMA) Falco C-1 09:02 NElWORK SPOT: Care Free :30 (OUT CUE) Voice out cold with ••• " ••• pure Care Free." 1 :30 09:32 LOCAL 1NsERT: fftFka, 41lea ~~Y} ; ~s 11~02 .LJ.JG(J: J: ;,!._V-: .., IC_ fi..J.'-J '~J:-' 4 U 08:15 #29 WE OON'T HAVE TO TAKE OUR CLOI'HES OFF (A&B) Jenna.ine Stewart #28 NOI'HIN' AT ALL (B) Heart C-2 19:17 NETWORKSPOT: Pontiac/Gingiss 30/30 (OUT CUE) Voice out cold with ••• " ••• one nearest you. " 20:17 LOCALINSE RT: Kt1 t2 C( , :60 21:17 ILGO: AMERICAN TOP 40 08:49 #27 DIGGING YOUR SCENE (A) The Blow M::mkeys #26 I CAN'T WAIT (B) Nu Shooz C-3 30:06 NETWORK SPOT: U.S.~ :30 (OUT CUE Voice out cold with ••• II • • • u • S • Arlny' • II i L; ;,tJ_ 30:36 !,t/(2~ ~ VI: lwi t 1:30 LOCAL INSERT: 32:06 STATION I. D.: v@=t ~ OVER FOR SIDE 2B :10 FOR WEEK EN,DJ.N,.G: __7.._./._.,0....,5..,,./.-8,.-6 _____ AME ICAN cvcLE No._ts_it>_,j_ PROG RAM...,.....l_--,- oF _13_ ABCWutennark O1sc & HALF HOUR No 2B (Backed with 3B) •TOP40• I I e PAGE NO. _ _.,_5 __ 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Contemporary Radio Network SCNEDULID ACTUAL ELEMENT RUNNING START TIME TIME TIME 32:16 AMERICAN TOP 40 08:14 #25 MODERN vn1AN (B) Billy Joel #24 DREAMS (A) Van Halen 40:30 C-4 NETWORK SPOT: Pontiac/P&G "As the W::>rld Turns" 30/30 (OUT CUE) Voice out cold with ••• II ••• CBS T.V. II 41:30 :60 42:30 LCX30: AMERICAN TOP 40/ - 04:24 #23 MOUNTAINS (A) Prince & the Revolution C-5 46:54 NETWORKSPOT: Irrpulse/Maximum OVerdrive/Alka Seltzer 30/30 (OUT CUE) Voice out cold with ••• :30 " •.. only as directed." 48:24 LCCAL INSERT: -~iJ v <)~ /J :30 48:54 LCX30: ~It.AN TOP 40 08:53 #22 MAD ABOUT YOU ( ) Belinda carlisle #21 LOVE TOUCH (THEME FRCM "LEGAL EAGLES") (A) Rod Stewart 57:39 THEME UP AND UNDER WITH TALK UNIT ENDING AT: 5 7: 4 7 THEME TO: 57:50 C-6 57:50 LOCAL INSERT: 2:00 59:50 STATION I. D.: :10 Page 6 FORMAT AND COMMERCIAL CLOCK Hour __1_ 1 ___ ...0 WITH CASEY KASEM Program 863-1 \ ~ tj \ y B ~ z \ 0 Sides 2A ·and 2B \ i= -- -- -~ •• C( \ O'I l­ o Cl) SEG\ENT \ SEGMENT Chart Date 1 ios/86 ' \ -- ', ·e· '~ ' ~0 '..l ', (08:53) \ . ' \ ·6, ' ' \ ~ ', \ "' ' ' Local lnpulse minutes available ---7 •5• (04:24) Network minutes used 5 SEG\ENT •3• (08:49) ABC ABC Watermark Contem~rary I I e C-3 • Radio Network 7/05/86 FOR WEEK ENDING: ---------.,,.­ AME ICAN CYCLE NO 863 PROGRAM l OF _13_ 1 ABCWatennark I 01sc & HALF HouR No. 3A <Backed w:i tb JB) e PAGE NO. ___.7____ _ 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC ContefflPONI, Radio NetWOl1l SCNEDUL■D ACTUAL ELEMENT RUNNING START TIMI TIMI TIME 00:00 THEME AND OPENING OF PARI' III 09:23 #20 LIVE TO TELL (A&B) Madonna 11 #19 GLORY OF LOVE (THEME FROM "THE KARA'IE KID PART 2 ) (A&B) Peter Cetera 09:23 C-1 NElWORKSPOT: Oscar Mayer/Gingiss 30/30 (OUT CUE) Voice out cold with ••• 11 11 ••• one nearest you. LOCAL INSERT: :60 11:23 LOGO: AMERIQAN TOP 40 'I 08:21 #18 OPPORTUNITIES (LE'T'S MAKE I.OrS OF MONEY) (A) Pet Shop Boys #17 I WANNA BE A COWBOY (A) Boys I:on't Cry C-2 19:44 NETWORK SPOT: Pontiac/Baby Ruth :30/30 (OUT CUE) Jingle ends cold with ••• " ••• tear into 'em, now. " 20:44 LOCAL INSERT: 9t ~V.<, of S''4~~ea :60 21:44 r..a:;o: AMERICAN TOP 40 -/ 04:20 #16 A DIFFERENT CORNER (A) George Michael C-3 26:04 NETWORK SPOT: Dr. Pepper /Maximum overdrive 30/3( (OUT CUE) Voice out cold with ••• " ... theatres eve:rywhere." 27:04 LOCALINSERT: t,,i,dy t..: be/} ty -/Y/oolw;,,_ t:Jc.;nr :6( 28:04 STATION I. D.: L..A'-c,_f1i.o./.> OVER FOR SIDE 3B : 1( 7/05/86 FOR WEEK E.t'.DlNG: AME ICAN CYCLE NO...... tl~lq"'-" .j"--_. PROGRAM l OF _13_ DISC & HALF HOUR NO. 3B (Backed with 2A) 1 ABCWatermark I •10P40• e PAGE NO. _..._.8._____ 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Contemporary Radio Netwol1c SCMEDUL■D ACTUAL ELEMENT RUNNING START TIME TIME TIME 28:14 IlXD: AMERICAN TOP 40 08:55 #15 WHEN THE HEART RULES THE MING (A&B&PRS) GTR CORRECTION: SHORTEST NUMBER ONE SONGTITLES #14 LIKE NO OI'BER NIGHT (A&B&PROC) .38 Special C-4 37:09 NETWORKSPOT: Pontiac/Dr.
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