JFS: Food Chemistry and Toxicology

Headspace Evaluation of and Dimethyl Trisulfide in Aqueous Solutions of Soy-protein Isolates W.L. BOATRIGHT AND Q. LEI

ABSTRACT: Volatile compounds from 2 samples of aqueous soy-protein isolates (SPI) (7%) were analyzed using both static and dynamic headspace methods. Based on dynamic headspace analyses, the most powerful odorants were (1) dimethyl trisulfide, (2) methanethiol, (3) hexanal, (4) an unidentified charred, sweaty feet-like odor, (5) 2-pentyl furan, (6) 2,3-butadione, and (7) an unknown burnt-like odor. The most powerful odorants by static headspace analyses were (1) dimethyl trisulfide, (2) hexanal, (3) methanethiol, and (4) 2-pentyl furan. Using deuterium labeled DMTS as an internal standard, DMTS was quantified at 60.1 and 45.5 ppb in the SPIs. This corresponds to odor values of 6014 and 4554, respectively. Using a cool, on-column technique, direct injection of concentrated-headspace

volatiles and solvent-recovered volatiles with an internal standard of d6-DMTS detected both methanethiol and DMTS at similar levels as with the traditional injection methods. Food Chemistry and Toxicology Key Words: soybean-protein isolate, headspace volatiles, olfactory analysis, dimethyl trisulfide, methanethiol

Introduction the primary odorants from aqueous solutions of the same 2 SPI HILE SOYBEANS PROVIDE A HIGH-QUALITY PROTEIN, AND samples using direct injection of both dynamic and static head- Wthere are increasing reports of health benefits from con- space volatiles. suming soy-protein products (FDA 1999), the demand for soy- beans in human foods has not been large. In 1971, less than 1% Results and Discussion of the U.S. soybean crop was used as a protein source for human HE ADDITION OF THE CRYOFOCUSING AND MS NO-VENT COM- foods (Wolf and Cowan 1971), and today this value is about the Tponents to our GCO/MS system allowed us to inject up to 25 same (United Soybean Board 1999). This is largely due to the un- mLs of headspace gas without contaminating our MS detector. desirable flavor and odor associated with soy products (Kinsella The olfactory results from the concentrated headspace volatiles 1979; McLeod and Ames 1988; Wilson and others 1990; Freese are presented in Fig. 1. Compounds that were detected at the 1999). lowest headspace volumes represent the most powerful odor- Takahashi and others (1979) and Maheshwari and others ants. The most powerful odorant with this method was DMTS, (1997) treated aqueous extracts of soy flour with aldehyde oxi- detected at 1-mL headspace from both samples. This correlates dase, reducing selected aldehydes and the beany odor of these well with our previous findings using the absorbent and solvent extracts. Kobayashi and others (1995) analyzed solvent extracts methods to recover the concentrated headspace volatiles of raw-unheated soy milk by gas chromatography/olfaction (GCO), GC/mass spectrometry (MS), and aroma extract dilution analysis. They concluded that the main contributors to the odor of raw soy milk (in order with the strongest 1st) were trans,trans- 2,4-nonadienal, trans,trans-2,4-decadienal, hexanal, 2-pentyl fu- ran, 1-octen-3-one, trans-2-nonenal, an unidentified compound with a Kovat’s indices (Van Den Dool and Kratz 1963) of 1561 on DB-Wax, and trans,cis-2,4-nonadienal. In our previous investigation (Boatright and Lei 1999), gas chromatography/olfactometry (GCO) was used to identify major odorants from the headspace of aqueous solutions of soy-pro- tein isolates (SPI). Volatile compounds in the headspace were concentrated under vacuum and recovered from a liquid-nitro- gen trap by both solvent extraction and by using an absorbent method. From aroma extract dilution analyses, the most power- ful odorants (strongest and most volatile 1st) were (1) dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS), (2) trans,trans-2,4-decadienal, (3) an uniden- tified burnt soy sauce-like odor, (4) 2-pentyl pyridine, (5) trans,trans-2,4-nonadienal, (6) hexanal, (7) an unidentified charred, sweaty feet-like odor, (8) acetophenone, and (9) 1- octen-3-one. This was the 1st reported occurrence of dimethyl trisulfide in soy-protein isolates. Dimethyl trisulfide was among the odorants previously identified from hydrolyzed vegetable Fig. 1—Lowest headspace volume from concentrated SPI volatiles protein (Aaslyng and others 1998). Our objective was to evaluate required to perceive odorants

© 2000 Institute of Food Technologists Vol. 65, No. 5, 2000—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE 819 - A 6

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132 to 126 using METHANETHIOL m/z to demonstrate the



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enax-absorbent methods. This is an excellent example of enax-absorbent methods. -DMTS produced very similar ratios of t component of unheated-SPI and the 1 HIS 6 To further investigate the possibility that any of these com- To DMTS in the aqueous SPI was quantified by incorporating DMTS in the aqueous d This is very strong evidence that none of the major odorants found in this study were chromatographic artifacts. the cool, on-column method (1:1.79), compared to using the typi- the cool, on-column method (1:1.79), compared cal solvent-injection port (1:1.76) with a temperature of 210 relative importance of compounds that contribute to the odor of aqueous solutions of soy-protein products using either static or dynamic headspace analyses with GCO/MS techniques. In order to confirm the relative contribution of each odorant, we hope to combine the major odorants and re-create the characteristic odor While accurately quantifying the major odorants of aqueous SPI. will provide a useful starting point, the complex and varied inter- action between odorants, soy proteins, and other compounds of or aqueous in pure water, these concentrations will require SPI solution of other proteins, to be significantly altered to obtain a comparable odor profile. Also, synergistic effects and the contri- butions from other minor odorants may make a significant con- tribution to the overall odor profile of aqueous solutions of soy- protein products. DMTS into the slurry just prior to distillation. The DMTS content of DMTS into the slurry just prior to distillation. 2.18) and 45.54 ppb (s.e. 60.14 ppb (s.e. 970 SPI was the ProFam value in water of an odor threshold With 500E. 3.38) in the Supro 0.01 ppb (Whitfield to odor val- and Last 1991), this corresponds of 6014 and 4554, re- ues (level in SPI divided by odor threshold) reportedThis is the highest odor value of any com- spectively. was higher flavor value 2-pentyl pyridine’s pound found in SPI. its published taste (Boatright and Crum 1997), but this is because published odor thresh- threshold is about 50 times lower than its 500E contained less DMTS than the ProFam While the Supro old. to detect DMTS by the 970, the amount of headspace required Supro 500E sample. static headspace method was less with the between DMTS This may be due to differences in the interaction of these samples. and other components in the aqueous mixture the elevated temper- pounds could be an artifact resulting from ature of the GC injector (130 ses and 210 system. Maintaining a cool, on-column injector on our GCO/MS the injector and oven at 35 headspace volatiles directly onto the column provided similar ol- headspace volatiles directly onto the column temperature. Inject- factory results as using the higher injection an internal standard ing solvent-recovered volatiles containing of T ples. The PTI sample required less headspace to detect DMTS to detect headspace less required The PTI sample ples. and methanethiol method, headspace the static by and hexanal sample re- methods. The ADM static and dynamic by both the an unidenti- 2-pentyl furan and headspace to detect quired less method. Both headspace odorant by the dynamic fied burnt-like in each odorants being detected in the same methods resulted again 2-pentyl headspace method, the static With sample. SPI method ap- odorant. The AEDA confirmed as a major furan was the importance of 2-pentyl furan. pears to greatly underestimate difference occurred. Because the differ- It is not clear why this the methods of recovering the concen- ence occurred between distillation (solvent and absorbent in con- trated volatiles after it may relate to the physical char- trast to headspace methods), furan in water compared to the other vola- acteristics of 2-pentyl the difference could be due to degra- tile compounds, or perhaps and in both the chloroform extraction dation of 2-pentyl furan the use several different methods to evaluate why it is prudent to from complex-organic material. the occurrence of compounds —Vol. 65, No. 5, 2000 —Vol. butadione was not detected - M). Using the same oven-tempera- ␮ C for 37 to 41 min, but not in the unheated SPI. C for 37 to 41 min, but Њ JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE M in contrast to 0.25 ␮ Sensory results from directly injecting the concentrated head- Sensory results from Results from the injection of static headspace volatiles with Results from the injection of static headspace 820 Fig. 2—Lowest static headspace volume from SPI volatiles required to perceive odorants space volatiles provided several differences from our previous space volatiles provided analyses (AEDA) (Boatright and Lei 1999) aroma extract dilution samples. 2,3 using the same 2 SPI (Boatright and Lei 1999) where DMTS was also found to be the found to was also where DMTS Lei 1999) and (Boatright detected not odorant, powerful odorant. Another powerful most in 0.5 methanethiol, detected methods, was by the 2 previous not detected Methanethiol was from the 2 samples. and 3 mLs volatile than it is much more method because with the solvent result- concentrating the solvent and the process of chloroform, not detected It was likely of methanethiol. ed in the evaporation is relatively methanethiol method because using the absorbent The discovery absorbent. Tenax onto the polar and not absorbed interesting because it is a likely of methanethiol is particularly of DMTS (Chin and Lindsay 1994; substrate for the synthesis 1996). Qvist and von Sydow (1974) previ- Nedjma and Hoffmann of methanethiol in the concentrated ously reported the presence from aqueous slurries of SPI that had been headspace volatiles heated at 121 using the AEDA because it co-eluted with the solvent. The it co-eluted with the solvent. using the AEDA because is clearly not rep- strength of 2-pentyl furan as a potent odorant compounds detect- resented by the AEDA analyses. Also, several 2,4-nonadienal, ed by AEDA (2-pentyl pyridine, acetophenone, in the direct headspace and 2,4-decadienal) are not represented capillary column injection. This is due to the use of a larger-bore thicker stationary phase (0.53 mm in contrast to 0.25 mm) with a (1.2 cryofocusing are shown in Fig. 2. Injecting 25 mLs of headspace cryofocusing are shown in Fig. 2. Injecting Again, olfactometry. only 4 compounds to be detected by allowed determined by the min- DMTS was the most powerful odorant as and 5 mls) in the 2 sam- imal headspace required to detect (1.25 required 10 ples. Hexanal required 2.5 and 5 mLs, methanethiol 25 mLs in the 2 sam- and 20 mLs, and 2-pentyl furan required ture programming, the later eluting compound eluted too late to ture programming, the later eluting compound olfactometry. be detected by Headspace Evaluation of Methanethiol . . . Methanethiol of Evaluation Headspace

Food Chemistry and Toxicology Materials and Methods Quantifying dimethyl trisulfide in SPI The procedure for concentrating volatiles was repeated Protein products with the incorporation of d6-dimethyl trisulfide into the SPI SPI samples were designated as Pro Fam 970 (from the Ar- slurry prior to distillation. Labeled DMTS was added at a level cher Daniels Midland Co. (ADM), Decatur, Ill., U.S.A.) and Su- corresponding to 60 parts per billion (ppb) of the SPI (dry ba- pro 500E (from Protein Technologies International (PTI), St. sis). The volatile compounds were extracted from the aqueous Louis, Mo., U.S.A.). distillate (about 7 mL) twice with 2 mL of Spectranalyzed chlo- roform (Fisher Scientific). The combined chloroform phases Chemicals were dried over anhydrous Na2SO4 and concentrated to 100 uL Hexanal, dimethyl trisulfide, methanethiol, and 2,3-buta- under a flow of dry nitrogen. Samples were stored in a freezer dione, were obtained from Sigma Aldrich Chemical Co. (St. at Ϫ15 ЊC. Louis, Mo., U.S.A.). Bedoukian Research, Inc. (Danbury, Conn., U.S.A.) donated 2-pentyl furan. Deuterium-labeled Gas chromatography, olfactometry, and mass dimethyl trisulfide was prepared by the methods of Milligan spectroscopy and others (1963) using iodomethane-d3 (Isotec Inc., Miamis- GCO/MS were accomplished on a Hewlett Packard Model burg, Ohio, U.S.A.) in place of the unlabeled iodomethane. 5890 Series II GC with a 5971A mass spectrometer and an MS- The concentration of d6-dimethyl trisulfide was determined Novent system (SGE Intl., Ringwood, Australia). During injec- by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) with the tion of up to 25 mLs of headspace gas, the helium purge corresponding unlabeled compound used as an internal stan- through the MS-Novent system prevented contamination of dard. The standard curve was prepared with mixtures contain- the mass spectrometer. Analytes were cryo-focused on an indi- ing known amounts of the labeled and unlabeled compound rect liquid-nitrogen trap (SGE Intl.) at the beginning of the col- in the appropriate range. The ratio of the relative abundances umn maintained at -60 ºC during the injection process. The Food Chemistry and Toxicology of the m/z 126 for the unlabeled DMTS and m/z 132 for the la- column was a EC-Wax capillary column (30 m ϫ 0.53 mm i.d.) beled DMTS were plotted against the weight ratio of the la- with 1.2 ␮m film thickness (Alltech Associates, Inc., Deerfield, beled compounds over the sum of the labeled and unlabeled Ill., U.S.A.). The helium flow-rate through the columns was compounds as described by Guth and Grosch (1990). about 3 mL/min with 2 mL/min emerging from the sniff port (SGE Intl.). The column temperature was held at 40 ЊC for 5 Dynamic and static headspace analyses min, then increased at 3 ºC/min to 165 ЊC, then to 220 ЊC at 20 Volatile compounds from the headspace of aqueous solu- ЊC/min. The electron-ionization detector was set to detect in tions of SPI were concentrated by the method of Forss and oth- the mass range of 35 to 250 m/z. The injection-port tempera- ers (1967). SPI (25 g) and 500 mL of water from a Barnstead ture was maintained at 130 ЊC for headspace analyses and at Nanopure 4-Module System (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, Pa., 210 ЊC for solvent injections. All determinations were per- U.S.A.) were placed in a 2-L flask and distilled for 2.5 h while formed in duplicate. Minimum reported headspace volumes stirring at 24 ЊC under 711-mm Hg vacuum. Volatile com- necessary to detected odorants by olfaction required confor- pounds were collected from the liquid-nitrogen trap by plac- mation by both investigators. Identification of compounds ing a septum over the trap outlet and bringing it to 25 ЊC. Vari- were by (1) comparison of mass spectra to a spectral database ous volumes of headspace gas were withdrawn using a syringe (NIST98) (ChemSW, Inc., Fairfield, Calif., U.S.A.); (2) compari- equipped with an inert-gas sampling valve. son to retention times of authentic standards; and (3) compar- For static headspace analyses, SPI (25 g) and 500 mL of wa- ison of olfactory response to authentic standards. Cool, on-col- ter from a Barnstead Nanopure 4-Module System (Fisher Sci- umn injections were accomplished by installing an on-column entific) were placed in a 2-L flask sealed with a septum and injection sleeve on the Hewlett Packard GCO/MS system. In- stirred. After 1 h, various volumes of the unconcentrated jections were made with a 12.5-cm needle directly onto the col- headspace were withdrawn using a syringe equipped with an umn. The injection port and oven were maintained at 35 ЊC inert-gas sampling valve. during the injection with cryofocusing.

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